Audiovisual Translation of Slang Words and Phrases and Their Types of Equivalence in 50/50 Movie

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Audiovisual Translation of Slang Words and Phrases and Their Types of Equivalence in 50/50 Movie

Audiovisual Translation of Slang Words and Phrases and Their Types of

Equivalence in 50/50 Movie

English Language and Literature
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

The study aims to identify the types of slang, subtitling strategies applied,
and the types of equivalence discovered in the movie subtitle. There are
three different theoretical frameworks employed in this study in order to
analyze the data, those are the classification of types of slang based on the
lexical meaning proposed by Finnegan et al. (1992) and the word-formation
process proposed by Yule (1996), the subtitling strategies as proposed by
Gottlieb (1992 in Ghaemi and Benyamin, 2010); and the types of
equivalence by Kade (1968 in Pym, 2010). Descriptive Qualitative approach
was employed as the research design in this study. There are 370 slang
words and phrases as the collected data which were taken from 50/50 movie
subtitle. The result revealed that out of 12 classifications of types of slang,
there were 8 types identified, and Synonymy (55.14%) was the most
frequent type of slang applied in the movie subtitle. Similar to the types of
slang, there are 7 out of 10 subtitling strategies applied in the movie subtitle,
and the most-used strategy applied in the movie subtitle was Transfer
(43.43%). Furthermore, in types of equivalence, there are 3 out of 4 types
with the most frequent type applied in the movie subtitle was One to Several
equivalence (95.9%). In addition, in the combination of three analyses,
Synonymy-Transfer-One to Several equivalence was mostly appeared
simultaneously in the movie subtitle which has 73 occurrences. Therefore, it
can be concluded that types of slang, subtitling strategies, and types of
equivalence are correlated to each other. It happened because the subtitling
strategies as the strategies which were used to translate the slang words and
phrases resulted in the translated version of the slang that were classified
into types of equivalence.

Keywords: Slang words and phrases, Types of Slang, Subtitling Strategies, and
Types of Equivalence.

Passage2015, 3(2), 93-97

INTRODUCTION culture, because the slang expression is

Recently, there are many studies shaped by source-language culture and
conducted in audiovisual translation. It it causes the translators to choose a
is because audiovisual translation has suitable equivalent to use it in the
become one of the most interesting target text; (2) censorship causes the
topics to discuss in translation studies translators to extremely alter the text
(Janecova, 2012). One of the into target language.
interesting topics in audiovisual Therefore, there are some specific
translation which is related to linguistic ways perceived suitable to overcome
studies is translating slang. It has been the difficulties in translating slang as
increasingly popular from year to year. mentioned above. One of them is to
Now, it can be easily found in many determine the slang items by
media, like movie. Since slang in one identifying the types of slang first.
country is different to the others, it is They types of slang could be classified
necessary to bridge the meaning of based on their lexical semantics
slang in one country to another within (Finnegan et al., 1992) and the word
a movie by the translation process to formation process (Yule, 1996).
make the audiences understand the Additionally, to translate slang of one
meaning of the slang delivered in the language to another, subtitling mode
movie. needs to be taken. Hence, Gottlieb’s
Translating slang in media like (1992 in Ghaemi and Benyamin, 2010)
movies is more challenging because theory on ten subtitling strategies is
there are several problems commonly suitable to use in translating the slang
faced by the translators when in movie subtitle. Furthermore, to
translating slang in movies as it examine the equivalent of the
declared by Rittmayer (2009). Those translated text, it is necessary to
problems are (1) translating slang identify the equivalence of the slang
expression from source language into translation. Equivalence is defined and
the target language is not always classified by many scholars with their
equivalent or it has more than one own terms. According to Pym (2010),
equivalent in the target-language equivalence is the relation between the

Audiovisual Translation of Slang Words and Phrases and Their Types of Equivalence in 50/50 Movie

source text and its translation. used in the movie which are found and
Regarding to answer the third research applied in 50/50 movie.
question of study, four types of
equivalence proposed by Kade (1968 THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
in Pym, 2010) seems suitable to be Audiovisual Translation
employed due to his equivalence The definition of audiovisual
theory focuses on the level of word and translation could be revealed as
phrases. transferring meaning in the audiovisual
There were many studies on media from one language to another. It
translating slang that have been is in line with Chiaro (2013) who
conducted that were considered related defines audiovisual translation as
to the present study. For example, the transferring verbal components from
studies conducted by Ghaemi and one language to another which are
Benyamin (2010), Kusumah (2014) contained in audiovisual works and
that concerned on the subtitling products. There are number of modes
strategies used in interlingual subtitling type of audiovisual translation.
of movies. The other studies from However, according to Chiaro (2013),
Barzegar (2008), Eriksen (2010), only dubbing and subtitling are the
Nugraha’s (2013) were also focused on main modes for screen translation
the subtitling strategies used in movies products.
subtitles, but the data were specific on
slang and colloquial expressions. Subtitling
Moreover, Blonskytė and Petronienė’s Since the main focus of the study is to
(2013) study also focused on slang discover slang words and phrases
translation, but in a novel. found in movie subtitle, only subtitling
The present study focuses on the theory which is discussed in this sub-
types of slang based on the lexical chapter.
meaning and word formation process According to Cintas (2003 in Ghaemi
and also to discover the subtitling & Benyamin 2010) subtitling is the
strategies and types of equivalence concept that has undergone the greatest
growth and most commonly used in

Passage2015, 3(2), 93-97

translation among the other audiovisual 3. Transfer means to the strategy

translation modes. It is because of translating the source text
subtitling is the most economical and accurately and completely.
quickest method to implement. In 4. Imitation is used to maintain
addition, Gottlieb (2001 in Chiaro, the same forms, commonly
2013) defines that subtitling is used for names of people and
translating verbal message in different places.
language in filmic media in one or 5. Transcription is used in those
more lines of written text presented on cases where a term is unusual
the screen in sync with the original even in the source text, such as
messages. the use of third language or
nonsense language.
Subtitling Strategies 6. Dislocation is used when the
There are ten subtitling strategies as original dialogue employs some
proposed by Gottlieb (1992 in Ghaemi kind of special effects.
& Benyamin, 2020). Below are the ten 7. Condensation is typically
subtitling strategies. strategies used to shorten the
1. Expansion is used when the text in the least obtrusive way
original text needs an possible.
explanation because of some 8. Decimation is an extreme form
cultural nuance are not of condensation for possibly
retrievable in the target reason of discourse speed, even
language. potentially important elements
2. Paraphrase is used in cases are omitted.
where the phraseology of the 9. Deletion is total elimination of
original cannot be parts of a text.
reconstructed in the same 10. Resignation is a strategy that is
syntactic way in the target used when no translation
language. solution can be found and
meaning is inevitably lost.

Audiovisual Translation of Slang Words and Phrases and Their Types of Equivalence in 50/50 Movie

Slang • Classification of slang based on the

As a phenomenon of language, slang is lexical semantics.
considered as non-standard variety of According to Finnegan et al. (1992),
language that is commonly used to there are some types of lexical
denote certain informal or faddish semantics, such as synonymy,
usage of nearly anyone in the speech metonymy, hyponymy, metaphor.
community (Southerland & Katamba, Furthermore, some scholars believe
1997). In addition, Mattiello (2005) that slang could be classified into
also states that speakers use specific several types of slang, such as
slang because they want to create their metonymy, synonymy, euphemism,
own identity with the aspects such as metaphor (Mattiello, 2008). The
social status, age, education, etc. present study employs Yule’s (1996)
theory on the lexical semantics and the
Types of Slang word formation process, which are as
Since slang is defined as an ever- follow:
changing language (Eble, 1996 in Arua 1. Synonymy is defined as the
& Alimi, 2009), especially in cases of meaning of two words or more
its lexical formation, meaning and are very closely related, which
function, Mattiello (2008) claims that are often intersubstitutable in
slang could be classified based on the sentences.
slang formations which are frequently 2. Antonymy happens when two
produced by recognizing the rules of words have opposite meanings.
their word-formation and their 3. Hypnonymy is defined as the
semantic, the slang words are complex meaning of one word is
and far from the standard language. included in the meaning of
Thus, slang words and phrases found another word.
in 50/50 movie subtitle are classified 4. Metonymy is defined as the
based on the lexical semantics relatedness of meaning which
(Finnegan et al., 1992) and the word are found in polysemy is
formation process (Yule, 1996). essentially based on similarity.

Passage2015, 3(2), 93-97

5. Metaphor, according to another word of a different type

Finnegan et al. (1992), (usually a verb).
metaphor is a kind of analogy 5. Conversion means the function
that compares something to of a word is changed, such as
something else that is different noun becomes adjective, noun
to the literal meaning. becomes verb.
6. Acronyms is defined as some
• Classification of slang based on the new words are formed from the
lexical semantics. initial letters of a set of the
There are some classifications of word other words.
formation process that form slang, as 7. Derivation is where a word is
stated by Mattiello (2008), those are added by suffix.
reduplication, acronyms, initialisms,
blends, clippings, elliptic rhyming Translating Slang
slang, back-formation, derivation, etc. In translating slang, some obstacles are
In addition, Yule (1996) also proposed frequently encountered by the
classifications of word-formation translators. As stated by Rittmayer
which are as follow. (2009) that there are two common
1. Compounding is producing a problems encountered by translators.
single word by joining two First, slang expression in source text
separate words. and the target text is not always
2. Blending is producing a single equivalent or even has more than one
new term by combining two equivalent that causes the translators
separate words. have to choose one of them that might
3. Clipping is process of reducing have slightly different connotations.
the element of word, like more Second, censorship is the main
than one syllable is reduced to problem in translating slang. It might
shorter the word. happen because of either they
4. Backformation is defined as themselves or they are being imposed
process of reducing a word one by somebody.
type (usually a noun) to form

Audiovisual Translation of Slang Words and Phrases and Their Types of Equivalence in 50/50 Movie

Beside the censorship, it is also found the reader without having any addition
that slang tends to be neutralized. It is or omission.
in line with Mailhac (2000 in Eriksen,
2010, p.33) who says that “there is [a] Equivalence in Translation
tendency for film translations of slang Translation is really related to
to ‘tone down and neutralise’ ST slang equivalence. It is supported by Pym
expressions in the TT, weakening the (2007) who says that talking about
tone of the original source text”. translation is talking about any kind of
Even though there are some slang equivalence. It could be assumed that
words neutralized, it is believed by equivalence really influences the
some scholars that neutralizing the translation. In addition, Pym (2010)
slang words is one of solution in also states that equivalence is when
translating slang (Ulvydienė & one text is translated into the target
Abramovaitė, 2012). Concerning the text, it should have the same value (in
issueof translating slang, Newmark, any level, such as at word level of
Mattielo, Drodze and Vogule (in form, function and meaning).
Ulvydienė & Abramovaitė, 2012) There are several types of
claim that there are three optional equivalence proposed by scholars, but
strategies to translate slang such as this study employs Kade’s (1968 in
stylistic compensation, literal Pym, 2010) four types of equivalence
translation, and stylistic softening. at level of words and phrases, since the
These techniques are believed could main data of this study are in the form
maintain slang in the target text. of words and phrases. Below are four
Similar to the techniques above, types of equivalence at the level of
transfer strategy in subtitiling can also words and phrases:
maintain slang in the target text. It is in 1. One-to-one: an item of source
line with Newmark (1988) who argues language corresponds to an
that transfer strategy is used to deliver item of target language.
the whole message from the subtitle to 2. One-to-several or several-to-
the reader/spectator or from the text to one: where an item in one
language corresponds to several

Passage2015, 3(2), 93-97

in another language or some The data were gathered from 50/50

items in one language movie, both the dialogues in English
correspond to only one item in and the subtitle in bahasa Indonesia. In
another language. analyzing the data, the classification of
3. One-to-part: it is only partial types of slang based on the lexical
equivalent that are available, semantics (Finnegan et al., 1992) and
resulting in “approximate the word formation process (Yule,
equivalence”. 1996) was employed in order to answer
4. One-to-none: in target the first research question. Then,
language, there is no equivalent subtitling strategies (Gottlieb, 1992 in
available. Ghaemi & Benyamin, 2010) was also
employed to identify the subtitling
METHODOLOGY strategies applied in the movie subtitle.
This study employed descriptive The last, to answer the third research
qualitative research approach in order question, types of equivalence (Kade,
to analyze the data because the data is 1968 in Pym, 2010) was also
slang words and phrases, considered as employed. It is used to identify the
a social phenomenon, and they are in types of equivalence in the movie
the form of text. Quantitative data subtitle. The data findings of each
analysis was also employed in this analysis were shown by the
study in order to support the percentages. Then they were
descriptive qualitative research interpreted in general. Lastly,
approach to show the number or conclusions and suggestions were
percentage of the data findings. made based on the data findings of the
According to Babbie (2010), study.
quantitative method deals with
number, focusing on logic, numbers, FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION
and unchanging static data. The There are three analyses investigated in
percentages are based on the the study (1) the types of slang found
classifications of each analysis. in the movie dialogues, (2) the
subtitling strategies applied in the

Audiovisual Translation of Slang Words and Phrases and Their Types of Equivalence in 50/50 Movie

movie subtitle, (3) the types of also be described as a man’s genital or

equivalence found in the movie a fool man in offensive way
subtitle. (Cambridge Dictionary, 2008; Spears,
Based on the data findings, there 2000). However, in the context above,
are 370 slang words and phrases found the word ‘dick’ means someone’s
in 50/50 movie. From twelve genital organ or ‘penis’.
classifications of types of slang base on In the second analysis, there are
the lexical semantics and the word seven out of ten subtitling strategies
formation process, there were eight applied in the movie subtitle, those are
types of slang matched to the transfer which has 129 cases (43.43%),
characteristics of slang words and paraphrase has 81 cases (27.27%),
phrases found in the movie. Those are condensation has 68 cases (22.9%),
synonymy that occurred 204 times expansion has 10 cases (3.37%),
(55.14%), blending occurred 103 times deletion and imitation are similar, each
(27.84%), metaphor appeared 36 times of them has 2 cases (0.67%). In this
(9.73%), compounding occurred 12 analysis, transfer is the most applicable
times (3.24%), conversion and clipping strategy. One of the examples of
have similar occurrences. Each of them transfer strategy is as follows.
occurred 6 times (1.62%). The last was ST:
acronyms which appeared twice Kyle: Why? You don’t wanna be late?
(0.27%). In this analysis, it is clearly TT:
seen that synonymy is the most Kyle: Kenapa? Kau tak ingin
frequent type of slang appeared in the terlambat?
movie. Below is the example of As can be seen in the example
synonymy. above, the language structures of the
Alan: Your dick becomes a constant of translated texts are mostly similar to
disappointment. (70) the source texts. That is why the
The word ‘dick’ is categorized as examples above are included in
synonymy because it has some similar transfer strategy. It is because transfer
meaning to the other words, such as strategy is used to translate a source
‘cock’, ‘balls’. The word ‘dick’ could text accurately and completely without

Passage2015, 3(2), 93-97

adding or omitting any word (Ghaemi 2001). However, in the context above,
& Benyamin, 2010). ‘buddy’ is corresponded as ‘sobat’.
Furthermore, in the last analysis, of Furthermore, according to Kamus
four types of equivalence, there were Besar Bahasa Indonesia (2011), ‘sobat’
three types identified in the movie means ‘sahabat baik’, or ‘teman baik’.
subtitle, those are one-to-several or That is why the word ‘buddy’ is
several-to-one equivalence, one-to-one counted as one-to-several equivalence
equivalence and one-to-none since it corresponds to more than one
equivalence. One-to-several word in the target text.
equivalence occurred 304 times Beside those three types of
(95.9%), several-to-one equivalence equivalence, there are some slang
occurred 4 times (1.26%), one-to-one words and phrases which cannot be
occurred 7 times (2.21%), and one-to- corresponded in the target text and
none equivalence occurred twice cannot be classified into any types of
(0.63%). In this analysis, one-to- equivalence since they are omitted by
several equivalence is the most certain strategies, such as condensation
frequent type of equivalence appeared decimation, and deletion. Below is the
in the movie subtitle. Below is the example of condensation strategy that
example of one-to-several equivalence. omits a slang word.
Kyle: They’re for him. He’s my buddy. Kyle: … but it’s good to see you, dude.
He’s really really sick. TT:
TT: Kyle: … tapi senang sekali bertemu
Kyle: Itu semua untuknya. Dia denganmu lagi.
sobatku. Dia sakit parah. The word ‘dude’ in this strategy is
From the example above, the omitted but the meaning does not
phrase ‘my buddy’ is translated as change. It causes no translation for that
‘sobatku’ in the target text. The word word in the target text. Thus, this word
‘buddy’ is a friend (Cambridge cannot be classified into any types of
dictionary, 2008), and in Dictionary of equivalence. However, not all slang
Slang, ‘buddy’ means ‘teman’ (Luthan, words and phrases found in one

Audiovisual Translation of Slang Words and Phrases and Their Types of Equivalence in 50/50 Movie

dialogue that have no types of only focuses on the level of words and
equivalence. It is just for the slang phrases.
words and phrases which are omitted Furthermore, from the three
in the target text. For example: analyses of the study, it can be seen
ST: that synonymy, transfer, and one-to-
Kyle: … it’s gonna be good, it’s gonna several equivalence in each analysis
be fine. are the most frequent types and
TT: strategy found and applied in the
Kyle: …semua akan baik-baik saja. movie. They are also the most frequent
The example above is categorized analyses which appeared
as decimation strategy since it omits simultaneously in the data findings that
some words and even one sentence in appear 73 times. It indicates that
one dialogue. The first phrase ‘it’s synonymy-transfer-one to several
gonna be good’ is not translated or equivalence were interrelated each
omitted in the target text, including the other, particularly synonymy and one
word ‘gonna’ as slang. Thus, the word to several equivalence. By seeing the
‘gonna’ in the first phrase cannot be definition, the definition of synonymy
classified into any types of equivalence is close to of one to several
since it does not have translation in the equivalence. Synonymy, according to
target text. However, in the second Finnegan et al. (1992) is the meaning
phrase, the word ‘gonna’ is translated of one word is nearly similar to the
as ‘akan’ in the target text which meaning of the other words. Moreover,
results in one-to-several equivalence. one to several equivalence is defined as
Simply to say, one slang word is one word in one language corresponds
omitted, one type of equivalence is to more than one word in target
lost, although the dialogue is still language (Pym, 2010). Thus, slang
translated into the target text. It words and phrases contained in the
happens because the data of the study subtitle found in 50/50 movie by nature
is slang words and phrases, which have more than one meaning in the
employed types of equivalence that target language, depending on the

Passage2015, 3(2), 93-97

The slang words and phrases that strategies as the guideline to translate
were categorized as synonymy them. In addition, the types of
maintained and translated by using equivalence emphasize that the slang
transfer strategy, so they were not words and phrases that have been
necessary to be omitted or eliminated translated by using the strategies have
because this strategy translates the equal value or so-called equivalent in
meaning completely and accurately. It the target text.
is supported by Newmark (1988) who
claims that the cultural words (slang) CONCLUSIONS
are frequently transferred in order to After the data were analyzed, the result
attract the reader/spectator, to give revealed that there were 370 slang
local colour and a sense of intimacy words found in the movie subtitle.
between the text and the Based on the analysis of type of
reader/spectator. Thus, the translation slang, there were eight out of twelve
of the slang words and phrases which classifications matched the slang words
were included as synonymy resulted in and phrases found in the movie
form of subtitles that were categorized subtitles. Those are synonymy,
as one to several equivalence, because blending, metaphor, compounding,
both synonymy and one to several conversion, clipping, derivation,
equivalence refer to the words or acronyms. However, the most applied
phrases that have more than one type was synonymy that appeared 204
meaning both in the source text and the times.
target text. In the analysis of subtitling
Therefore, this study reveals that strategy, there were seven out of ten
the types of slang, the subtitling subtitling strategies applied in the
strategies, and the types of equivalence movie subtitle; transfer, paraphrase,
are interconnected to each other. It is condensation, expansion, decimation,
evidently shown that the slang words deletion, imitation. However, the most
and phrases classified based on the frequent strategy applied in the movie
classifications of types of slang could subtitle was 129 times.
be translated by using subtitling

Audiovisual Translation of Slang Words and Phrases and Their Types of Equivalence in 50/50 Movie

Furthermore, out of three types of of other words. Thus, slang words and
equivalence identified in the movie phrases contained in the subtitle found
(which were one to several or several in 50/50 movie by nature have more
to one, one to one and one to none), the than one meaning in the target
most frequent type appeared was one language, depending on the context.
to several equivalence. It has 304 The slang words and phrases that
cases. were categorized as synonymy
Based on the three analyses that maintained and translated by using
have been conducted in this study, it transfer strategy, so they were not
was identified that synonymy-transfer- necessary to be omitted or eliminated
one to several equivalence were the because this strategy translated the
most frequent analyses appeared meaning completely and accurately. It
simultaneously in the study which is supported by Newmark (1988) who
appeared 73 times. Moreover, in each claims that the cultural words (slang)
analysis, they also have the highest are frequently transferred in order to
frequency. In the classifications of attract the reader/spectator, to give
types of slang, synonymy was the most local colour and a sense of intimacy
frequent type, in term of subtitling between the text and the
strategies, transfer was the most reader/spectator. Thus, the translation
frequent strategy and one to several of the slang words and phrases which
was the most type of equivalence were included as synonymy resulted in
applied and identified in the movie form of subtitles that were categorized
subtitle. It could be proven that as one to several equivalence, because
synonymy-transfer-one to several both synonymy and one to several
equivalence were interrelated to each equivalence refer to the words or
other, particularly synonymy and one phrases that have more than one
to several equivalence. Based on the meaning both in the source text and the
definition, the definition synonymy target text.
and one to several equivalence is close In conclusion, it is believed the
to of one to several equivalence. Their types of slang, subtitling strategies, and
meanings are similar to the meanings types of equivalence are interconnected

Passage2015, 3(2), 93-97

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