HR Analytics and Innovations in Workforce Planning
HR Analytics and Innovations in Workforce Planning
HR Analytics and Innovations in Workforce Planning
Innovations in
Workforce Planning
HR Analytics and
Innovations in
Workforce Planning
Dr. Tony Miller
This book sets out new approaches, formulas, and software needed to enable any HR function or organization to forecast trends and to use existing retrospective data to their organizations advantage; which, in short, is
to maximize efficiency and productivity.
You will encounter the new formulas to use and new approaches that
will add value. You will find out that most of the existing 52 formulas
available dont work in todays environment. There is new software that
will enable you to do forecasts with certainty and you can use a new
mathematical model to rightsize any organization.
Are you using an outdated organizational model? Do you have processes that dont work any more? These are areas which are major inhibitors to productivity and can be significantly improved.
Most important of all is that this book will help you to create immense added value in any organization.
Efficiency, forecasting, HR Analytics, manpower, organizational design,
productivity, profitability, rightsizing, value added, workforce planning.
Acknowledgments .................................................................................. xi
Introduction ....................................................................................... xiii
Chapter 1 Manpower Planning vs Old Workforce Planning ............. 1
Chapter 2 Strategy and New Workforce Planning Role
ontheStrategic Map ........................................................ 9
Chapter 3 Organizational Design andSupervisory Ratios ............... 29
Chapter 4 Productivity.....................................................................43
Chapter 5 Trends and Correlations ................................................. 61
Chapter 6 Use of Predictive Techniques .......................................... 71
Chapter 7 Formulas and Unit Costs ............................................... 83
Chapter 8 The New Productivity Dashboard .................................. 89
Chapter 9 Workflow Management/Business Process
Re-engineering ............................................................... 95
APPENDIX 1 ................................................................................... 109
APPENDIX 2 ................................................................................... 111
APPENDIX 3 ................................................................................... 113
How to Rightsize any Organizationthe Mathematics Involved .......... 121
Bibliography ...................................................................................... 127
Index ................................................................................................ 129
To the 1000-plus HR professionals worldwide who have shared their
frustrations with me about the inability to measure HR activities and who
unwittingly contributed to creating the need for me to write this book.
HR softwarespecific to HR Analyticsis not complicated but is
vital. Much of the effective software you need for creating value has been
developed and fully supports many of the examples used in this book.
Duncan Williamson has worked tirelessly to evolve cheap and effective
programs that all run in Excel.
To the many organizations that took part in the work done survey
so that poor performers could be categorized and their lost performance
measured and costed. This vital study is the foundation to differentiation
and is essential when rightsizing your organization.
The purpose of this book is to aid existing personnel in the old-style manpower/planning department to transition into a position where they can
add extra value. This is a practical book, not strictly an AZ, is based on
methodologies and processes that work in todays fast-moving and demanding environment.
If youre an academic, you will be so disappointed as many of the pillars of calculus you would expect to see are not here. This is not a treatise
about mathematical reference, rather a workbook for practitioners in HR
and efficiency management. Most of the applications are focused in the
private sector where all results need to contribute to the bottom line.
However, I see little if any difference if they were applied in the Public
Reading this book will provide you with the knowledge and skills to
be able to do predictive workforce planning, supported with formulas and
some free downloadable softwareand software advice.
CEOs and CFOs would benefit from understanding what value a
modern Workforce Planning section could offer to any organization.
The results are often so significant, I truly believe any New Workforce
Temporary/permanent/shift/day work/hour.
Date of promotion.
Reason for promotion.
Grade/salary promoted from and to.
Skill/education level.
Occupation and level in the organization promoted
from and to.
Length of service.
Number of employees absent.
Days lost.
Occupation and level in the organization.
Age and Sex.
1.4 HR Analytics/workforce
planningWhere Does It Fit in HR?
Workforce Planning is not just a new term for Manpower Planning. It is
a completely different way of getting the best from the human resource.
It works at a strategic level, whereas old Manpower planning functioned
mainly at a tactical level.
Workforce management is also referred to as human resource planning, just to complicate things. In the diagram, you will see where work
(HRP) fits into the overall work of a new HR function. The activities
Strategic Planning
& Execution
Using the Tony Miller
10 Input Model
Training and
Human Capital
Grievance /
Disciplinary /
Procedures /
Pay, Bonus,
Planning &
Succession /
Emergency /
Workforce planning works best at a strategic level. When you see the
full range of functions in new workforce management, it is clear that its
new focus is very much strategic and its prime customers are the chief
executive and the main board.
1.4.1 The Three Critical Levels
Business plan
The next level is that of tactical, involving the necessary actions to execute
the 1- to 3-year business plan. Workforce management can do a good job
here although it is at the strategic level where it will excel.
The final level is really day-to-day management of people. Workforce
management is very weak in this area as this really isnt anything to do with
planning, rather correcting other peoples mistakes or compensating for
their bad planning. Line managers are notorious for causing havoc in this
area, normally with trying to cover up their inability to make longer-term
plans. Examples of this are normally recruitment issues where increased
workloads or expanding business plans require extra personnel. Normally
left too late, it then becomes an urgent issue to resolvecausing panic,
and often very unsatisfactory implementation.
The role of workforce management is therefore best executed at the
strategic level, contributing significantly to the building of the strategic
plan and providing management at the most senior level with predictive
information (covered later).
absenteeism, 54, 56
actions, framework organizational, 17
age, 24, 5, 61, 66, 74, 101
ageing workforce BMW, 74
allowances, 1314, 55, 84
analysis, cohort, 645
apple, 334, 84
appraisal, 28, 43, 47, 49, 51, 60, 66,
71, 73, 78, 856
appraisal cost, 856
assessment center, 7980
assessment center process,
Asymmetrical Organizations,
302,33, 40
average employees, 62, 85
average performers, 38, 767, 87
average worker, 52
Efficiency Dashboard, 61
efficient organizations, running, 32
elapsed time, 1024, 106
factory work, 35
Financial services company, 89
FORCES & MILLER organizational
maturity model, 12
forecasting, predictive, 61, 71, 758
forecasts, organizational stability, 5
formulas, 1, 2, 42, 546, 61, 636,
75, 77, 838, 92, 101,
cohort analysis, 64
correlation, 61, 66
training ROI, 867, 92
using, 42, 56, 64, 75
functions, training development, 78
improvement, projected
productivity, 13
index, labor turnover, 623
indicators, key performance, 89
innovations, organizational, 34
interpersonal skills, 78, 80
job retention, 14
Ken Carring, 74
key competencies, 44, 45, 50
key indicators, 55, 75
key positions, 79, 80, 81
KPIs, 8990
Kressinger, Ray, 37
Talented workers, 52
TE, processing time, 85, 86
team, empowered, 39
team leaders, 23, 257, 31, 457
Team Productivity Model, 3940
techniques, predictive, 62, 7182
Timekeeping, 35
timekeeping, strict, 35
timelines, strategic, 9
training budget, 14, 86
Training costs, 58
total, 59
training day cost, 100
training in-house, 60
training ROI, 867, 92
Trainings TASK, 589
turnover, 5, 13, 14, 37, 613, 65,
734, 78, 91, 97
turnover trends, 62
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