Perancangan Produk Kimia - Tk20 Report Assignment 2

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Report Assignment 2


MARCH 2016

To make concept to our product, health and safety of fuel gas animation
video, we must studied existing concept and choose our concept. The most
important thing is we have reached our objectives, to educate the public about the
using of fuel gas properly and safely, as well as to reduce the number of accidents
due to the bad habits and wrong use of fuel gas. The choice of the method will
depend on many considerations that we take, which are the level of difficulty,
available times, and the most powerful and comprehensive way to make our video
After that, we find that the new concept to our HSE video is flat animation
and few unique and funny characters. Also we limited all concepts and choose 2D
animation for our video because it is feasible to make because the process will
spend less time than 3D animation, also for the duration and object or target of
this video animation, we think that 2D animation is attractive and interest enough.
Then for the citizens, 2D animation will be good enough to watch. It performance
which is interest will get much fan and spread faster.
Then, we study and search the specification from our chosen concept to
build our video framework, plot, and to make our planning and design to our
video. We look and research many variables that developed our video with our
chosen concept, such as characters, duration, language, content, and language. All
of those variables should be prepared carefully and selected correctly to create
good, attractive and informative results and reach our aim, with deliberate our
considerations that state in first paragraph.
In our planning, to create the animation video about safety aspects
regarding the usage of fuel gass, we must first create a fixed plan so that we wont
get lost in our progress to create the animation video. This planning can be done
by creating a flowchart containing each and every step we need to do and
accomplish in the future. The Concept Stage must be done thoroughly before
doing the Production Stage, in order to minimize the case where new concept
suddenly appears and interchange with the already existing concept, and thus
interfering with the production stage which will lower the time efficiency.

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................... ii
LIST OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................... iii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. iv
CHAPTER I PRODUCT SPECIFICATION ..................................................... 1
1.1 Background .............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Character ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 The Importance of Character ................................................................. 2
1.2.2 The Types of Character on Animation Video ........................................ 3
1.2.3 The Character on The Fuel gas Video.................................................... 5
1.3 Duration ....................................................................................................... 5
1.3.1 The Ideal Explainer Video Length ......................................................... 5
1.3.2 The Duration of The Fuel gas Video...................................................... 6
1.4 Language ...................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Content and Narration ............................................................................... 7
1.5.1 Types of Fuel Gas .................................................................................. 7
1.5.2 Fuel Gas Accidents and its Causes......................................................... 8
1.5.3 Fire Triangle ........................................................................................... 8
1.5.4 Government Regulation about Fuel Gas Usage ..................................... 8
1.5.5 How to Use LPG and CNG Properly ..................................................... 8
1.5.6 Leakage Prevention ................................................................................ 9
1.5.7 Fuel Gas Maintanance ............................................................................ 9
1.5.8 Notes for Viewer .................................................................................... 9
CHAPTER II CONCEPT GENERATION ...................................................... 10
2.1 Existing Concept........................................................................................ 10
2.1.1 Groups of Film ..................................................................................... 10
2.1.2 Type of Animation Video .................................................................... 13
2.2 New Concept .............................................................................................. 15
2.3 Concept Screening ..................................................................................... 16
2.4 Selected Concept Description ................................................................... 16
CHAPTER III PRODUCT PLANNING .......................................................... 17
3.1 Concept Stage ............................................................................................ 17
3.1.1 Observation of the Publics Needs ....................................................... 18
3.1.2 Literature and Reference Search .......................................................... 19
3.1.3 Concept Building and Information Filtering ........................................ 19
3.1.4 Basic Animation Concepts Determination ........................................... 19
3.2 Production Stage ....................................................................................... 20
3.2.1 Determining Software .......................................................................... 20
3.2.2 Scenario Writing and Storyboard Creation .......................................... 21
3.2.3 Layout Design ...................................................................................... 22
3.2.4 Main Dubbing and Timing ................................................................... 22
3.2.5 Key Animation Creation and Compositioning ..................................... 22
CHAPTER IV CONCLUSION .......................................................................... 23
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 25

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Figure 1.1. Example of the Living Object Character ............................................. 4
Figure 1.2. The Example of Inanimate Object Character ...................................... 4
Figure 1.3. Gas Cylinder Animation ...................................................................... 5
Figure 2.1. Groups of Film....................10
Figure 2.2. Laskar Pelangi (2008). Example of Non-animated Film ................... 11
Figure 2.3. Toy Story (1999). One of the Most Successful Animated Film in
History ................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 2.4. The Avengers (2012). Example of Successful Combination of
Animation and Non-animation Film ..................................................................... 12
Figure 2.5. Types of Animation Video ................................................................ 13
Figure 2.6. Indonesian 2D Animation Video in
............................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2.7. Cars (2006). Smooth Graph 3D Animation ....................................... 14
Figure 2.8. Shaun the Sheep, One of the Most Popular Stop Motion Animation 15
Figure 3.1. Concept Stages........18
Figure 3.2. Production Stage ................................................................................ 20

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1.1 Background
After the first assignment explain about the technical of fuel gas combustion
and causes of accidents because of it, then in this chapter will explain about the
specifications, concept and technical manufacturing of our product, HSE of fuel
gas animation video. In the preparation of the specifications, concept and
technical products we made, there are considerations that we take, which are the
level of difficulty each type of video, available times to complete the video, and
the most powerful and comprehensive way to make sure the video can be entered
and easily understood by the public.
Those considerations need to be seen because we make HSE of fuel gas
video animation for the public with the aim to educate the public about the using
of fuel gas properly and safely, as well as to reduce the number of accidents due to
the bad habits and wrong use of fuel gas. In addition, the duration of available
time for us to make these videos, we also need to develop a concept,
specifications and technical making of our video precisely so that the results can
obtained maximum and can be completed on time.
1.2 Character
Character animation is generally defined as the art of making a particular
character move in a two- or three-dimensional context. It is a process central to
the concept of animation. Character Animation is also the process of bringing a
character to life. This process transcends any number of media, from 2D hand
drawn images to clay animation to puppetry to computer graphics. Simply moving
a character does not qualify as Character Animation. In other words, the animated
character needs to move in such a way that convinces the viewer that it is alive.
The idea of character animation has evolved through various types of
animation techniques. Many associate early character animation with Walt Disney
Studios, where cartoon artists created particular characters and presented them
with particular traits and characteristics on screen. This requires combining a lot
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of technical drawing or animation with some top-level ideas about how the
character moves, "thinks," behaves and otherwise appears consistently on screen.
As primitive cartoon animation gave way to modern three-dimensional
animation, character animation has evolved along with it. Todays character
animation involves elements like character rigging and the creation of objectoriented frameworks for creating character sequences. At the same time, processes
like voice dubbing by celebrities and advanced character profiles are doing the
conceptual work of building that characters persona and background. One
example is the early CGI Toy Story movies, where the careful creation of
specialized on-screen characters has sold lots of merchandise and driven the films
to legacy blockbuster status.
1.2.1 The Importance of Character
Many online businesses have been using characters in their animated
marketing videos. Actually theyve been using them so much that cartoon
animation is one of the most popular explainer video styles. These are the five
main reasons why animated characters are so important in explainer video
production. Storytelling
Stories, fables and tales of all kinds have been used to teach, explain new
things and communicate for thousands of years. And in all of them, theres a key
element that connects these stories: the use of characters. Characters are the ones
that make stories unfold: things happen to them and they act in consequence.
Storytelling (and therefore the characters) makes an animated video fun
and entertaining to watch, driving enough time for you to explain your idea and
lead people to recall your video and your brand.
Its proven that an animated video embedded on a website boosts visit
time by 2 minutes on average. This helps the site rank higher on search engines
(Google, Yahoo!, Bing) by considering it as of interest and helps increase sales by
20% on average. Audience Identification
Heres another great thing about animated characters: by making video
fully custom, you can design your characters to make them look like your target

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audience and even replicate well-known places to them in the backgrounds, such
as offices, coffee stores or entire city landscapes. By making your animated
characters resemble your audience, theyll immediately identify with the video.
Also, they can relate better with the character from the video and they will have a
unique bond with it. Empathy and Emotions
As we have said before, characters have been used for centuries to
generate identification and grow empathy and emotions. A well-animated
character can make you laugh, cry, blush your cheeks and much more. Its natural
to feel empathy with other peoples feelings, but in order to get that with your
video, your characters must be really well animated: they must look alive. If they
cant be lively, the desired effect is missed. Humor
Animated characters allow you to add some humor to your animation
videos; this makes them more fun and memorable (as a great story does).
Ridiculous scenarios, impossible or crazy metaphors, can help you to explain the
most complex concepts, giving the audience a good laugh at the same time and
making them enjoy the explanation even more. Conversions
With the use of characters in an animated video, you get to explain your
product or service in a few seconds and tell a wonderful story with lots of
humor. It will reduce the effort we need to do and easily give people the important
points we need to deliver to the viewer.
1.2.2 The Types of Character on Animation Video Living Object
Characters from living things are usually in the form of humans and
animals. This character type is generally not necessary to add other organs that
describes that character's "life", such as the ears, mouth, eyes, hands, and feet. The
viewer can directly assume this type of character is able to think and communicate
with each other's way, so they can directly bring the storyline of the video.

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Figure 1.1. Example of the Living Object Character
(Source: Inanimate Object

The definition of an inanimate object is any object that does not display
life. These fall into two group categories. The first are objects that do not move
by themselves; things that have to be dropped, pushed, pulled or propelled by a
character. The second are inanimate objects that are able to move; motorbikes,
ship, aircraft, machines, engines, etc.
In animation, there are many examples of previously inanimate objects
that do display life. Cars, gas boilers, yoghurt pots, toilet cleaners, gherkins, and
so on. They have all been given the breath of life by sticking a couple of eye, a
mouth, some arms, and some legs on them, and animating them displaying
emotion. Once it has been living up, the inanimate object can be the characters
that bring the storyline.

Figure 1.2. The Example of Inanimate Object Character

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1.2.3 The Character on The Fuel gas Video

The main character that will be displayed on the health and safety of fuel
gas animation video are the characters from an inanimate object. This is because
the contents of the videos mostly describe or tell the inanimate object like LPG
and CNG. Inanimate object that will be "life" are in the form of LPG gas cylinders
and CNG gas cylinders, and the accessories that support them. The other reasons
for selecting the character of inanimate objects is the basic form that is easy to
made and simple to apply.

Figure 1.3. Gas Cylinder Animation

While, the side character that will be displayed on this video is a human as
the operator of other inanimate objects. The human characters only as a
supporting character to clarify a step or process that will be shown on the
1.3 Duration
1.3.1 The Ideal Explainer Video Length
The length of the explainer video depends on goals. The main problem is
to explain something, but without boring the viewer. Generally a 90-second video
is OK, but sometimes it might not be the best choice. Again, it all depends on the
goals. Maybe a 30-second video is a great idea if the explanation isnt so complex
to describe; or perhaps really need a 2-minute video because it cant explain your
products new features in a shorter time.

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These are some tips in other to learn the ideal video length
30-second videos are OK if:

Your product or service is really easy to explain.

Your leading need is to create brand awareness.

You primary marketing objective is to be shared on social media.

90-second videos are OK most of the time, because:

Theyre perfect in order to explain any idea without boring anyone.

You have also plenty of time to tell a compelling story.

Viewers still watch the video all the way through.

Over-90-second videos are OK if:

Your product or service is more complex than average ones.

Your product or service has state-of-the-art features and you need extra
time to explain how they work.

You choose the whiteboard animation technique (because whiteboard

videos -like the one below- are traditionally longer).

You choose the whiteboard animation technique (because whiteboard

videos -like the one below- are traditionally longer).
Remember that an animated marketing video is made to explain a product

or service. Its not plain TV advertising, so dont make it too short. Dont be
excessive though, if your video runs over 3 minutes youd better start chopping
off a few seconds, because people dont usually stay that long to watch an
animated video, no matter how awesome your product or service is.
1.3.2 The Duration of The Fuel gas Video
The duration of the animation video of fuel gas usage that will be made is
about 3 until 6 minutes. It's because the video that we will made is the
socialization video. It mostly contains the explanations about how to use fuel gas
properly and safely, so it takes a longer time to deliver.
This video duration is no more than 6 minutes because of who is our
viewer. The viewer will be the general public who need the simple explanation. If
the video take too long time, it will make the viewer being bored. The long
duration of the video will also increase the burden in production, because it would

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require a large enough memory for storage and need hardware as well as software
that powerful enough to make it.
1.4 Language
Language is a key staple for a human life, because of the language, a
person can interact with each other. The function of language is to express
thoughts and ideas. Language also serves to express feelings so it have social roles
to interact with others.
In the animated video creation, the use of language is very important to do,
so the messages that contained in the video can be delivered. Language selection
cann't be separated from the viewers of video. In making the health and safety of
fuel gas animation video, the desired target viewer is the general public, especially
housewives and the user of fuel gas transportation in Indonesia, So that the choice
of language must be considered.
The language that will be used in this animation video is a polite
Indonesian daily language but not rigid. The language used to attract the attention
of the viewer and not be boring. The form of sentence that used is an informative
and persuasive sentence, so that the viewer is expected to increase their
knowledge and start to applying the instruction that delivered on the video.
1.5 Content and Narration
After evaluating character, duration, language and also information about
fuel gas that we wrote in assignment 1, we can filter and specify the content of the
video into some important points that we think the viewer should know and aware
about. The content cant be too complicated since we target our viewer to be
housewives and the user of fuel gas transportation in Indonesia. The points will be
lists in order of appearance in the video.
1.5.1 Types of Fuel Gas
In this point, the narration will explain about fuel gas in general, which is a
substance that can chemically react with oxygen and produce heat energy. Fuel
gas most important elements are carbon and hydrogen, and sometimes a small
amount of sulfur. Then, fuel gas will be divided into two types that is most
common in viewers everyday life, which is Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) and
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). LPG main elements are contains of propane and

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butane, whereas CNG contains of methane and ethane. There will be a brief
explanation about the physical of these gases and why they are dangerous. Also,
there will be an explanation of where viewer commonly use these fuel gases,
which are for cooking and transportation.
1.5.2 Fuel Gas Accidents and its Causes
There will be several common accidents shown in the video, and the
causes of the accidents. From the accidents, viewer can see how dangerous it is if
the fuel gases did not use properly and why those accidents could happen. It will
increase their awareness of how dangerous fuel gases are and they will continue
watching the video to know how to prevent and overcome it.
1.5.3 Fire Triangle
In order to understand how accidents happen, the viewer needs to know
first a little bit about fire. There are three things must be present at the same time
in order to produce fire, which are oxygen to sustain combustion, heat to raise the
material to its ignition temperature and fuel or combustion material. From those
three things, usually called the fire triangle, there will be chemical reaction that is
exothermic and will cause fire. After the viewer know about these things, they
will understand more about how fire can happen and they will avoid those three
things listed in the fire triangle.
1.5.4 Government Regulation about Fuel Gas Usage
This point will be brief, since the viewer doesnt need to know a lot about
the exact regulation. The most important thing is that they follow the regulation
and implement it in the real life. In the video, there are only few lists of
regulations and the important points that the viewer needs to know.
1.5.5 How to Use LPG and CNG Properly
There will be four classifications in this point. There will be guide on how
to use LPG for cooking, LPG for transportation, CNG for cooking and CNG for
transportation. Each classification will demonstrate on how to use LPG and CNG
properly to avoid accidents like how to install and change the gas, what to do with
the regulator and where should they put it.

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1.5.6 Leakage Prevention

This point will explain more about the components in the LPG and CNG
tank. On how each component should be examine before using to prevent any
leakage that may occur. Tank, regulator, hose, placement and all factors will be
explained here in a very simple way so that everyone can understand.
1.5.7 Fuel Gas Maintanance
It is not only suppliers responsibility to keep the tank safe, but also the
consumer. So in this point there will be an explanation about how important it is
for a fuel gas tank maintenance. Also, there will be steps on how viewer could do
the maintenance regularly.
1.5.8 Notes for Viewer
This is just a note saying the importance of following the steps given by
the government. Because in the end, it is for their safety.

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2.1 Existing Concept

A film, also called a movie, is a series of still images which when shown
on screen creates moving images illusion. A film is created by photographing
actual scenes with a motion picture camera, by photographing drawings/miniature
models using traditional animation techniques, by computer animation (CGI, etc.),
or by a combination of some or all of these techniques. This sub-chapter will
explain about existing concept of video or film that has been aired widely.
2.1.1 Groups of Film
Apart from genres, with terms of cast form, basically film or video divided
by three large groups, such as non-animated (real), animated, and combination of


Groups of Film


Figure 2.1. Groups of Film

(Source: Non-animated film

Non-animated film, also called real film is a film which is created by
photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera. In the other words, the
non-animated film has a base in an original characters (real humans, animals,
etc.), not an artificial or man-made model. This kind of film mostly has a more
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realistic story, plot, and effects than other type, because of full use of the real
characters. Their scenario story and plot also often based on a real life story
around us.

Figure 2.2. Laskar Pelangi (2008). Example of Non-animated Film

(Source: Animation film

The second is animation film. Animation film is the film that created by
photographing drawings/miniature models using traditional animation techniques
or by computer animation (CGI, etc.). Usually this film genre has a sub-genre that
almost same as the main genre of non-animated films, has a various storyline, and
sometimes should impress some jokes. Also, animated films are often dramatized
the effect and the plot, or more unrealistic than non-animated film. The animation
is rooted in the world of drawings, which is illustrated graphic design or visual
communication design.

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Figure 2.3. Toy Story (1999). One of the Most Successful Animated Film in
(Source: Combination of animation and non-animation film

And the third is combination of animation and non-animation film. This
film type combines the motion picture camera, photographing drawings, and
computer animation. For the characters, this type using animated characters beside
the real characters, in a real life background usually. This combination has been
used widely by many films nowadays. The combination is created to expand more
the plot and storyline, and offered more varied plot and interesting storyline that
can developed from it. With the base of non-animated film, his type actually
appears to enrich it.

Figure 2.4. The Avengers (2012). Example of Successful Combination of
Animation and Non-animation Film

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2.1.2 Type of Animation Video

Now lets focus on an animated video. While the character is a person,
animal or other tangible object that is poured in the form of 2D and 3D images. so
that the character animation can be interpreted as containing an image object as if
alive, is caused by a collection of images that change irregularly and alternately
displayed. Objects in the pictures can be text, shapes, colors and special effects.
Technical type animation creation divided by three, that is 2D, 3D, and stop
motion animation.

2D Anima5on

Anima5on video/

3D Anima5on
Stop mo5on Anima5on

Figure 2.5. Types of Animation Video

(Source: 2D Animation
2D animation is the kind of animation that visually flat, or called flat
animation. There are two kinds of 2D, which are manual and computer. The first
one, manual animation technique or commonly referred as cell animation is oldest
technique. This animation technique allows animators to create an image on a
layered celluloid (transparent) sheet. Now, animators are no longer making the
traditional animation. 2D animation computer techniques or CGI (computer
generated imagery) are technically an animation that created with the help of
computer (software), but still rely on the ability to draw the pages. So, the huge
difference between traditional 2D animation and computer is the medium used to
make the animation.

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Figure 2.6. Indonesian 2D Animation Video in

(Source: 3D Animation
3D animation known as the three-dimensional nature of this type has a
depth/space on the object. At first sight we would easily recognize the animated
film with this kind of three-dimensional because of its smooth, more realistic
lighting, and also its room impression is more visible. All that can be done
because it is assisted with today's computer technology that already advanced in
this type of animation which can be animated object that seen from all
angles/sides. As well as the real doll, but the object is created digitally using
special software.

Figure 2.7. Cars (2006). Smooth Graph 3D Animation

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15 Stop Motion Animation

Stop motion animation is an animation technique that combines
photography with animation technology. media used can be varied, for example,
dolls, paper, drawings on paper, drawing on the board, wax, etc. All the objects
that can be used as animated objects that will be photographed every movement.
With this technique we can create animations without the need to have the ability
to draw. Just prepare a doll, toy or robot, and then we must move them little by
little while we photographed every of their movement. And of course it required a
high level of diligence and patience.

Figure 2.8. Shaun the Sheep, One of the Most Popular Stop Motion Animation

2.2 New Concept

New concept that we find is few unique and funny character. This concept
will be entertain and tutoring at once, also the way explain hazard of fuel gas that
not drab to viewers. As we know, that animation video of explosion or fire caused
by fuel gas accident is so scary to watched. Those video containing mechanism of
explosion step by step with the charcter is human like a real occurance. It will
raise fear for viewers and finally viewers will not watch it anymore because it is

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not attractive. Although, its good from image quality aspect because they used
3D animation and give knowledge deeply about hazard of fuel gas.
Other new concept that we have is Indonesian language. All of animation
video used English. We think that our product will more liked by viewers while
target of this video viewers is Indonesian citizen that less understood English.
2.3 Concept Screening
Since we focused on an animated video, we have three candidate left, that
is 2D animation, 3D animation, and stop motion animation. 2D Animation is
possible to made by us because the proccess will spend less time than 3D
animation. For citizen, 2D animation will be good enough for watched. It
performance which is interest will get much more viewers and spread faster. 3D
animation has more good specification from image aspect, etc but we have to
study more and its complexity will take longer time. Last candidate is stop motion
animation. Stop motion animation need very much images for the making
proccess, more than 2D and 3D animation. We dont choose this animation video
because duration of making images spend much time and combining proccess
between photography and animation require us to understand how to combine it.
Study to understand combining proccess need more time.
2.4 Selected Concept Description
We choose 2D Animation because for the duration and object or target of
this video animation, we think that 2D animation is attractive and interest enough.
Beside that, production proccess this animation which is easier than 3D and stop
motion animation, 2D animation also is not lost on image and sound quality. We
used Indonesian language so that Indonesian citizen as viewers can understand
easily. So, it can attract more viewer espescially for kid beacause its design as
funny animation, also teenager because it is not boring, and elderly because it will
more easily to understood.

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To create the animation video about safety aspects regarding the usage of
fuel gass, we must first create a fixed plan so that we wont get lost in our
progress to create the animation video. This planning can be done by creating a
flowchart containing each and every step we need to do and accomplish in the
future. These steps must be done accordingly and cannot be skipped, to ensure
that everything goes effectively and efficiently. Mainly, the plan can be divided
into 2 steps, which are the Concept Stage and the Production Stage. The
concept stage must be done thoroughly before doing the production stage, in order
to minimize the case where new concept suddenly appears and interchange with
the already existing concept, and thus interfering with the production stage which
will lower the time efficiency. Each of the stages will be explaned below along
with the steps on how to do it.
3.1 Concept Stage
In this stage, we will discuss about any ideas that need to be constructed
and expanded, so that it can finally be shown in the animation video. The purpose
of this stage is to direct our efforts in the production stage towards a
predetermined goal, making it more focused. Thus, any unnecessary effort and
trial can be minimized and we can manage the time given in a more efficient way.
It can be said that the concept stage will form the backbone of the animation video
itself. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly decide all concepts and ideas in this
stage, so that sudden change of one or more concepts wont happen in the
production stage. The concept stage can be divided further into some steps, which
is shown in the Figure 3.1 below.

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Figure 3.1. Concept Stages

3.1.1 Observation of the Publics Needs
In this step, we will discuss about the publics needs which can be fulfilled
by the production of our animation video. This step has been determined from the
start, by which we found out that the publics needs is to know that fuel gass are
actually safe to use as long as they pay attention to the safety aspects of fuel gass.
Recently, a fraction of Indonesian people are still reluctant to use fuel gass for
their everyday chores because of what the news say about accidents regarding fuel
gass explosion. Therefore, our goal is to give the proper knowledge about safety
aspects regarding fuel gass usage to the public, hoping that they can rely on fuel
gass more and change their fuel from gasoline to fuel gass. Starting from this goal,
we can discuss further about the fundamentals of our animation video content.

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3.1.2 Literature and Reference Search

After determining out goal, we can broaden our knowledge further while
focusing to the primary goal. We achieve this point by searching for any relevant
information as many as possible. In this case, the information that might be
relevant to the content of our animation video creation consists of basic
knowledge about combustion, basic physical & chemical properties about fuel
gass and their relevance to combustion reaction, standard safety & hazard
regulation regarding fuel gass usage.
3.1.3 Concept Building and Information Filtering
In this step, we will filter all of the information which had been gathered,
and match them accordingly with our original goal definition. We will use only
the information which has the most relevancies with our predetermined goal. In
our case, the original goal of our animation video project is to publicize the safety
aspects regarding fuel gas usage in everyday lives. Therefore, when we are
considering the large variety of Indonesian people in terms of intelligence and
understanding, it is not quite relevant for us to give information that is too
scientific to the public (e.g. the combustion reaction details, detailed physical
information regarding the fuel gas, etc.). But instead, we decided to give more
practical information which the public can implement to their daily lives directly,
such as the installation of ventilation in the kitchen to ensure the escape of gases
in case of gas leak from LPG unit, things that should be done to ensure safety
when using the LPG (e.g. not installing the unit while smoking, not placing the
LPG unit near the stove, etc.). This way, we can utilize our time better in
explaining the essential information in our animation video and public can
understand things that they should and shouldnt do when dealing with fuel gas.
3.1.4 Basic Animation Concepts Determination
Finally, after filtering the information which had been obtained, we can
proceed to discuss and decide the main points of which we will need to focus at,
especially when continuing to the production stage. These points will consist of
constrictions and limitations which will give us a go or no-go criteria in the
animation creation.

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3.2 Production Stage

In this stage, we will discuss about more technical matters regarding the
animation creation as well as the creation process itself. For this animation video,
we decided to create a modified flowchart which is based of the Japanese
animation creation flowchart in creating animation video. The reason of this
modification is because of the limited manpower, the short duration, and the type
of animation which has been decided to introduce simple-designed characters.
Based on the references that we obtained regarding the animation creation, we
decide our modified production plan which is shown on the flowchart below.

Figure 3. 2. Production Stage

3.2.1 Determining Software

For the first step, we decide which software we will use to create the
animation project. This step is very important, because we will need to learn

Universitas Indonesia


quickly about the software which we will be using soon. The criteria which we
decided in determining the software is the ability to create animated projects as
well as good video rendering features. An easy-to-understand interface will also
be a good thing to demand.
For this animation project, we have decided to use Adobe After Effects
CS5 as the basic software for our animation video project. Adobe After Effects
CS5 is one of the multimedia software created by Adobe Corporation which has
the purpose to assist its users in creating compositions and editing short movie
projects. Actually, Adobe has developed another application which can serve
similar purposes, which is named Adobe Flash Professional CS5. But we decided
to use Adobe After Effects because the original purpose of Adobe Flash
Professional is to assist in creating an interactive project which can be opened in a
PC. This point is different from what we want in our goal, which is to provide an
animation video for the public to watch. So, the creation of an interactive project
is a little bit irrelevant. Therefore, is it decided that we will use Adobe After
Effects CS5 for our project. Other software such as Adobe Photoshop or Manga
Studio may be used to assist in drawing the objects needed for the animation
3.2.2 Scenario Writing and Storyboard Creation
In this step, we will write a detailed scenario about the animation content
which we will create later. This step will also give specific details about the
characters appearing in the animation as well as their physical features and roles.
We must also keep our eyes to the original goal, so that no characters are being
created in vain. Because our target consists of Indonesian people in general, the
characters must be made simple and not over-detailed, while still being able to
catch the publics eyes. After the characters, we will create the scene in which the
characters play each of their parts in the animation. This part must be thought
carefully, so that in the animation, all of the information intended to be exposed
can be caught by the public eye clearly with least miscommunication. This part
will also decide how many scenes need to be created in the animation. The other
important factor to consider is the total time of the animation itself. The total time
must not be too long so that people wont get bored when they are watching the

Universitas Indonesia


animation. But the time must be long enough to make sure that all the information
can be explained thoroughly to all the viewers.
For this animation video, we have decided to set a narrator as the leading
character. The purpose of this setting is to guide the viewers throughout the
animation easier. This way, we can save time explaining all the contents of the
animation rather than making an on-screen character guide the viewers throughout
a setting, which can take up more time while not explaining enough information.
Then, we will use some on-screen characters in form of dead object
personification and humans with little detail, in order to give the viewers eyes
less burden when watching the animation.
3.2.3 Layout Design
In this step, we will construct the main layout for each scenes and cuts. A
layout consists of the background and the characters playing in it. From this
layout, we can proceed into key animation step for the characters as well as line
construction for the narrator. Because our animation is in form of flat animation,
the background design consists of flat colors only. For some scenes, the
background can contain some static objects such as buildings, roads, or factories.
The other factor which must be considered is the transition between cuts, which
must be created in a simple but attractive way. Because this is a flat animation, the
scenes usually only take up short time, so many layouts must be made for each
3.2.4 Main Dubbing and Timing
In this step, we will do a dubbing session for the narrator in order to get a
good grasp of timing when creating the key animation. The lines for the narrator
must already be finished by the time the dubbing session commences. We will
assign one person with a good voice, and record his/her voice when reading the
lines which has been prepared. After that, we will do the detailed timing according
to the narrators voice.
3.2.5 Key Animation Creation and Compositioning
In this step, we will create the frame-to-frame animation of the characters
for each scene and cuts. This step can be assisted with the software we chose
earlier, so that we might not need to draw every frame ourselves. After the key

Universitas Indonesia


animation and the background have been finished, the next step is to unite them
all in one place, and see them animated. We can also add effects in order to add
more detail to the scenes.
3.2.6 Post-Production
The post-production step consists of some sub steps which includes
applying background music and video rendering. Final touches of editing can also
be done in this step.

Universitas Indonesia


It is necessary to make a socialization about how to use fuel gas properly

and safely for the general public. The socialization should be simple, easy to
understand and attractive. During this globalization also, video animations are the
most suitable media since it is easily aired in the television, internet and social
media. By socializing the use of fuel gas properly and safely through video
animation, is expected to increase public enthusiasm towards the use of fuel gas
and reduce cases of accidents that occur due to the use of that fuel gas.
The main character that will be displayed on the health and safety of fuel
gas animation video are the characters from an inanimate object. Inanimate object
that will be "life" are in the form of LPG gas cylinders and CNG gas cylinders,
and the accessories that support them. While, the side character that will be
displayed on this video is a human as the operator of other inanimate objects. The
human characters only as a supporting character to clarify a step or process that
will be shown on the storyline.
The duration of the animation video of fuel gas usage that will be made is
about 3 until 6 minutes. It's because the video that we will made is the
socialization video. It mostly contains the explanations about how to use fuel gas
properly and safely, so it takes a longer time to deliver. The language that will be
used in this animation video is a polite Indonesian daily language but not rigid.
The language used to attract the attention of the viewer and not be boring. The
form of sentence that used is an informative and persuasive sentence, so that the
viewer is expected to increase their knowledge and start to applying the
instruction that delivered on the video.
The content of the video will consists of eight points, which are the types of
fuel gas, fuel gas accidents and its causes, explanation about fire triangle,
government regulation about fuel gas usage, how to use LPG and CNG properly,
explanation about leakage prevention, fuel gas maintanance, and notes for viewer.

Universitas Indonesia


Finally, the product planning is divided into two stages which are concept
stage and production stage. The concept stage is about the observation of publics
needs, literature and references research, concept building and information
filtering, basic animation concept determination and will be continue to the
production stage. The production stage is about determining the software used for
making the video, scenario writing and storyboard creation, layout design, main
dubbing and timing, key animation creation and compositing, and post-production
until the video has completed.

Universitas Indonesia







[Accessed on March 12th 2016]






on March 12th 2016]





[Accessed on March 12th 2016.]









March 12th 2016]

Mendez, Juan Jose. 2014. Which Is The Ideal Explainer Video Length?. [Online]: [Accessed March 12th 2016]
Mendez, Juan Jose. 2015. Explainer Video Production: The Importance of


[Online]: [Accessed March 12th 2016]

Roberts Steve. 2012. Character Animation Fundamental: Developing Skills for
2D and 3D Character Animation. United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis.







[Accessed March 13th 2016]






[Accessed March 12 2016]

Universitas Indonesia

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