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Friction Welding And Its Applications In Todays World

Mehmet UZKUT
Celal Bayar niversitesi, Turgutlu MYO, Makine Blm, Turgutlu, Manisa, Turkey
Bekir Sadk NL
Celal Bayar niversitesi, Turgutlu MYO, Makine Blm, Turgutlu, Manisa, Turkey
Selim Sarper YILMAZ
Celal Bayar niversitesi, Turgutlu MYO, Makine Blm, Turgutlu, Manisa, Turkey
Mustafa AKDA
Gediz niversitesi, zmir, Turkey

Abstract :By developing technology of today, the necessity of using different materials by
joining came out. The most suitable method in joining two different alloyed steel is to weld.
The fact that the properties of welding zone are naturally different from the properties of
steels in different alloyed at post welding process has came up and these differences occur
some important problems. Among many kinds of welding methods, using the melting welding
methods has also increased the number of these problems. However, in the connecting zone,
many different zones come out by depending on composition and properties of the connecting
materials. Deposite remain of the melting welding methods, welding faults of porosity and
inside tightens of cooling are the important disadvantages of these methods and they
decreases the strength of welding. For this reason, solid state welding methods are more
suitable due to these melting welding faults. The most important and applicability of these
methods are friction welding. For these reasons, in this study importance and application areas
of friction welding were explained.

1. Introduction
The ideas of using heat obtained by friction in welding and forming of materials are not new. Friction welding
obtained by frictional heat is a commercial process, which has found several applications in different parts of the
world with the advancement in technology. First, simple devices having lathe machine type and metal rods have
been used in butt welding trials. However, these studies can onl be regarded as preliminary technical trials with
little practical importance. The firts trial of friction welding goes back to the 15th century and the first patent was
granted to J.H. Bevington, who then was a machinist. Bevington first applied friction welding in elding of metal
pipes. Friction welding which was first applied to cutting tools in metal processing industry has found several
applications. W. Richter patented the friction welding process in 1924 (in England) and 1929 (in Germany) and
H.Klopstock patented the same proces in the USSR (1924). H. Klopstock and A.R. Neelands obtained a patent
for friction welding of cylindrical parts. Studies on welding of plastic materials were carried out in the 1940s in
the USA and Germany [1, 2]. A Russian machinist named A. J. Chdikov has realized scientific studies and
suggested the use of this welding method as a commercial process. He has successfully done a welding process
between two metal rods and patented this process in 1956. Vill and his colleagues have further investigated the
process with a number of studies. Researchers of American Machine and Foundry Corporation named Holland
and Cheng have worked on thermal and parametrical analysis of friction welding [3]. By the way, the first
studies of fricton welding in England were carried out by the Welding Institute in 1961. By modifying the
friction welding, the Caterpillar Tractor Co. in the USA developed the method of inertia welding in 1962. After
this study, conventional friction welding has been regarded as the Russian type process and inertia welding as
the Caterpillar type process. With these advances, applications of friction welding have found several
applications throughout the world. Friction welding is one of the most widely used welding methods in the
industry after electron beam welding [4].
This study addresses friction welding, its significance and types, welding capability, welding parameters and
their applications.


2. Friction Welding
All welding methods can be investigated in one of the two main categories; melt and pressure welding. Friction
welding is a type of pressurized welding method. Friction welding is a solid state process, where no electric or
other power sources are used, mechanical energy produced by friction in the interface of parts to be welded are
utilized. Using heat efficiently in the welding region is only possible by efficiently distributing heat on surfaces,
to which welding will be applied. During the welding process, surfaces are under pressure and this period called
the heating phase continues until plastic forming temperature is achieved. The temperature in the welding region
for steels is between 900 and 1300 oC. Heated metal at the interface accumulates by incerasing pressure after
heating phase. Thus, a type of thermomechanical treatment occurs in the welding region and this region has
stable particle structure. Metals and alloys, which cannot be welded by other welding methods, can be welded
using friction welding. In order to obtain welding connection between parts, untreated surfaces need to be
contacted to one another. This contact is efficient because friction corrects contacting problems. The melting
process does not normaly occur on contacted surfaces. Even though, a small amount of melting may occur,
accumulation caused by post-welding process makes it invisible. Figure 1 gives the stages of friction welding.
One of the parts is stationary while the other one rotates (Figure 11). When the roational speed rises to a certain
value, axial pressure is applied and locational heating occurs in parts at the interface. Then, rotation is stopped,
heated material at the interface accumulates (Figure 13) [5, 6]. The stages of friction welding during the welding
process are given in Figure 2 [7].

Figure 1. The schematic stages of friction welding [7].


Figure 2. Actual look of friction welding process [11].

Applications of friction welding are generally used in the welding of pipes and circular rods. The basic
movement in this kind of application is the rotational movement causing friction [8]. Figure 3 shows
conventional friction welding methods in joining of certain size rods and pipes.


Figure 3. Applications of friction welding [9, 10].

Figure 3-a shows the most simple and used application. In this application, the axes of parts to be welded are the
same and rotate around other axes. Under the rotational pressure, friction forces occur on cotact surfaces. Figure
3.b suits best to the small size samples requiring higher rotational speed. It is used in applications where higher
relative rotational speeds are required. Figure 3.c is for the applications where parts being very long are
efficiently joined. Even though it could not find widespread applications, Figure 3.d is mainly used in welding of
pipes rotating under radial forces [9, 10].
It needs to be known that a high quality welding connection can only occur in parts having claen and smooth
surfaces. Several inclusions, oxides formed on the surface, films absorbed by the surface are always present and
negatively affects bond formation and welding quality. These problems are removed from welding connections
by wearing off surfaces during friction [8].
In friction welding, orbital movement as well as rotational movement, linear vibration movement and angular
vibration movement can be applied. Orbital movement is fr the welding of non-cylindrical parts. Application
shown in Figure 4 is between a stable part and a part rotating circularly [5].

Figure 4. Friction welding including orbital movement [5].

One of the parts in figure 5 moves forward and backward in linear vibration movement. This method has firs
been suggested by Vill. In angular vibration movement, one of the parts makes an orbital movement under
applied pressure [3].

Figure 5. Friction welding including linear rotation movement [3].


2. 1. Types of Friction Welding

Friction welding can be applied by using one of the two methods depending on the source of mechanical energy.
With current advances, a combined welding method including both of the methods aforementioned has been
developed. These are continuous driven friction welding, flywheel driven friction welding and a combination of
the two [1, 5].
2.1.1. Continuously Induced Friction Welding
A inducement driven group provides the necessary energy for rotation. Mechanical energy is converted to heat
by applying pressure from rotating part to non-rotating part. This method is generally mentioned in the literature
for friction welding. One of the parts is connected to the engine inducement unit and rotates at a constant
velocity; a constant axial force is applied to parts. Working parts interact with each other during welding or until
axial shortening occurs. Then, braking system stops the process. Pressure applied during welding is increased
and stays at a certain value until weld cools down. The essential welding parameters are rpm, friction force on
the surface, the length of friction period, forging force and forging time [1, 5].
A schematic of continuous inducement friction welding machine is given in Figure 6 and process parameters in
Figure 7.

Figure 6. A schematic of continuous inducement friction welding machine [1, 5].

(1.Inducement engine, 2. Brake 3 a. Spindle of rotating working part, 3 b. Spindle of stationary working part, 4 a.
Rotating working part, 4 b. Stationary working part, 5. Accumulation cylinder)

Figure 7. Process Parameters versus time in friction welding [1, 5].


2.1.1. Flywheel Induced Friction Welding

In this welding method, flywheel induced system constantly rotates and is joined to flywheel shaft system to
achieve a certain speed. After reaching a certain speed, engine flywheel is separated from shaft flywheel. Shaft
flywheel having a low moment of inertia stops without braking. Therefore, this welding method is known as
welding of inertia in the literature. One of the parts is connected to the flywheel and accelerates at a certain speed
and thus mechanical energy is stored in the flywheel. Then, the two parts are contacted and a certain welding
pressure is applied. Parts under this pressure interact with each other and energy stored in the flywheel is spent
for friction. The speed of flywheel decreases as welding region heats up. In some circumstances, pressure is
increased before flywheel completely stop and the effect continues for some time. Flywheel induced friction
welding has better seam, narrower ITAB region, better serial production, lower power need and more simple
apparatus than continuous induced friction welding. The essential welding parameters are rpm, forging force on
the surface, the mass of flywheel, and forging time [1, 5].
A schematic of flywheel induced friction welding machine is given in Figure 8 and process parameters in Figure

Figure 8. A schematic of flywheel induced friction welding machine [1, 5].

(1.Inducement engine, 2. Changeable Flywhell, 3 a. Spindle of rotating working part, 3 b. Spindle of stationary
working part, 4 a. Rotating working part, 4 b. Stationary working part, 5. Accumulation cylinder)

Figure 9. Process Parameters versus time in flywheel induced friction welding [1, 5].


2.1.3. Combined (Hybrid) Friction Welding

This method is a combination of aforementioned the two methods of friction welding. It has advantages in
joining parts with high capacity. This method is also sometimes termed as flywheel induced friction welding.
The essential welding parameters are rpm, friction force on the surface, the length of friction time, and forging
time on the surface, forging time and time of brake [1, 5]. Process parameters for the combined friction welding
is given in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Process Parameters versus time in combined friction welding [1, 5].
The process of welding includes friction and accumulation stages as given in Figures 7, 9, and 10. Moment
curves are essential to understanding of process parameters in all the welding methods studied. Dry friction
between parts exists in the beginning of process and moment curve stabilizes after reaching the maxima.
Naked surface interactions increase due to disintegration of oxide layers among contacted surfaces and strong
atomic bonding occurs as a result of these interactions. These bonds are forced to be broken due to friction.
However, strong adhesion forces occur, moment increases and temperature reaches to the desired level. Velocity
decreases quickly due to braking and moment becomes zero [1, 5].
2.2. Expected Properties of Friction Welding Machine
Friction welding machines are generally similar to lathe and drill. The first friction welding machines are
modified forms of these machine tools. The schematic of friction welding machine is given in Figure 6 or Figure
8. As can be seen from the figures, a friction melding machine has the main body, joining parts, rotate and
accumulate mechanisms, brake system, power supply, control unit and control panel. Fricton welding machines
are all-mechanized machines. Joining and releasing of parts, turning of capaklar produced due to accumulation
after welding are automatically accomplished. The main functions in friction welding are joining, compressing
and releasing of parts, rotation and friction under pressure, braking, accumulation and meticulous adjustments of
required processing times.
Sample joining apparatus needs to have a certain rigidity, must resist increased moments, must eliminate
vibrations and leaks. Especially, possible vibrations during welding process need to be taken into account while
designing the friction welding machine. In addition to vibrations, other radial and axial forces have to be
accounted for. Therefore, joining apparatus has to have a design which will counter compressing forces. For this
process, V type two chaps or special chaps are used [6].

All stopping apparatus used to hold friction equipment must be highly dependable. A slight deformation in parts
to be joined may result in a low quality welding and may also damage brake system. Brake systems
automatically centerd are used in most of the applications. Friction welding machines have certain particle size
and material limitations. For example, a machine having 120KN compressed force and 15KW electric engine
can be used in the welding of stells with cross-sectional areas of 130-800mm2. All machines can be adjusted to
meet certain specifications and can automatically be controlled. This process is sometimes done by just manually
turning off the switch or protectors [11].
2.3. The Suitability of Friction Welding and Friction Welding Capability of Materials
Knowledge on material properties and applicability of metallic materials and material combinations for friction
welding is not completely clear. Experimental studies and practical applications have been giben to address this
problem. Preliminary trilas have been carried out in order to determine optimum parameters of welding, the
applicability of welding process for every new material or material combinations. The results of these studies are
not concrete since they are experimental. They can be modified or redefines as new facts come out [12, 13].
The citeria needed for other welding methods are not valid for friction welding because friction welding is
applied to materials which can not be processed with other welding methods [10].
The strength of a material and its deformation capacity under heat are the two parameters needed for the test of
suitability of a material to welding. The strength of material has to be high enough to resist axial pressure and
torque, which may occur due to excessive deformation. Morover, the material to be joined needs to exhibit
enough heat treatment deformation behavior for the quality of joining process [12].
Materials and their combinations can be categorized into two groups depending upon the characteristics of
materials to be joined. The first group of materials are the ones showing the same type of heating behavior and
the second group includes materials having different hor material strength and melting temperatures. The direct
welding process is applied to the first group of materials. But, preliminary trials are carried out for the second
group of materials before applying welding process [10].
Several iron based and non-iron materials can be joined using the friction welding. In addition, friction welding
can be used in joining of metals exhibiting different thermal and mechanical properties. Most of the time, these
materials can not be processed using conventional welding methods. Friction welding method is more preferred
than any other conventional welding method because metals can be joined at temperatures lower than their
melting point and welding time is a lot shorter. Friction welding of metals having different thermal amd
mechanical properties causes asymmetrical deformations. A higher welding strength is generally achieved for
the materials giving symmetrical deformations. To achive this, Vill suggested a 15 to 25% increase in ductile
parts during the welding process [11].
Any material not having good friction properties but forgable with friction welding can easily be welded. Alloy
elements supplying dry oiling prevent the joining section from reaching welding temperature.
Ferrous based material from soft steel to high alloyed steels can be processed using friction welding. Steels with
lower strength can be more easily joined with a large parameter range. High alloyed steels, on the other hand,
requires critical processing parameter range and higer axial forces. Heat-treated stainless steels can be welded in
a more sensitive parameter range just as in high alloyed steels. For high alloyed steels, higher forces on the
surface and long friction time are needed due to their lower deformation capability. Especially for air watered
steels, a suitable ITAB region is required to minimize cooling rate of welding region. Since crack formation is
very fast in high strength materials, joined surfaces have to be rid of crack effects [11].
Sintered materials, Al, Cu, Ti, tr, Mg alloys, heat resistant Ni and Co alloys and refractory materials such as Ta
and Mo alloys can successfully be joined by friction welding [13].
- Austentistics steels due to their higher ductility and heat deformation capability need lower friction time and
- Higher stregh alloys due to their lower heat conductivity and higher heat strength capability need higher
friction time and lower friction pressure,


- Cu, Al, Ti and their alloys are subjected to friction welding at higher rpm and lower friction pressures.
A successful friction welding can not be achived in some metals and alloys due to their inherent metallurgical
These are as follows:
- All pig iron due to its friction temperature limitation caused by free graphite,
- bronze and grass having Pb concentration of more than 0.3% and automat steels having S or Pb concentrations
more than 0.13%,
-highly anisotropic materials due to their high fractureability in the transtition region
-materials having graphite, Mn, S and free Pb in their structure [10, 13].
2.4. Preparation of Materials for Friction Welding and the Design
Parts to be processed using griction welding method have different design considerations from those processed
with conventional welding methods. Paint, oil and other impurities do not pose a problem in friction welding.
Though not preferred, surfaces cut by oxygen can be welded. Moreover, additional layer on the surface such as
corrosion layer does not affect welding process. However, thick oxide layers, pin sand needles on the surfaces,
deep cuts and holes habe to be avoided. A poor heat distribution may occur if too many indent and bulge are
present. Bulges behave as bracket beam when surface roughness is very high. Inner layers occur and addition
layers occur even with deformation because root (base) structure is cold. Deformation in welding region must
remove these structures. In addition, surface pre-teratment of different metals and alloys is significant. A special
form of a material on surfaces to be weld is not needed as in the case of traditional welding processes. However,
spherical or conical mouth may be necessary in high diameter parts to assit in friction. Mininum axial loss is
required in parts to be welded. The tolerance of welding depens on not only defects in working parts but also the
welding machine itself [12, 14]. The tolerance value for lenth is given as 0.203 mm. Begg and Humpreys have
reported 0.2mm axial KACIKLIK tolerance and 0.001 rad angular tolerance [15].
Basic design of friction welding includes rod-rod, pipe-pipe, pipe-sheet, rod-sheet and pipe-disc combinations.
Based on friction welding theory, at least one of the parts has to be able to rotate. Mixed type parts and difficult
to be forged parts can be joined using more than one friction welding machine. The angular range in friction
welding is given to be between 30 and 45 or 45 anf 600. D. L. Kuruzar suggested an angle more than 30. In
some of the designs, welding joints are specifically designed to account for problems in removing metal parts
after welding [14].
2.5. Parameters of Friction Welding
Apart from traditional welding methods, several welding parameters can be controlled in friction welding. These
parameters include diameter of experimental rod, rpm of the part, rpm of parts in to lathe, friction contact time,
forging delay time, forging time, time of increased friction pressure, friction pressure. Moreover, other
parameters such as geometry of parts and material properties are also significant. The rpm of rotating parts,
friction time, friction pressure, forging pressure and time are the parameters needed to be take into account while
optimizing the welding process. A successful welding process can occur if parameters are optimized [8].
The lower rpm of roating parts causes enormous moments and nonuniform heating results in. On the other hand,
lower rpm values minimize formation of intermetallic compounds. With higher rpm of rotating parts, ITAB
widens, and power supply is not affected. To prevent overheating in the welding region, friction pressure and
friction time have to be carefully controlled.
Pressure values applied in welding is very significant bcause it controls temperature gradient and affects
rotoational torque as well as power.
Friction and forging pressure are directly related to geometry and material properties of parts to be welded and
have a wide range.
Over applied pressure values increase power needs accordingly. Due to increased energy input, higher pressures
decrease the width of ITAB, accelerate metal displacement ratio and reduces welding time resulting in heat band
on the boundary. The variable of pressure can be controlled by the temperature in welding region and decrease in


axial length. Optimum pressure must be applied to materials in order to get uniform deformations throughout
Friction pressure has to be high enough to allow the removal of oxides, to get uniform heating throughout and to
interrupt the affinity between surfaces and the air. The application of forging pressure especially during friction
process improves welding properties.
Forging pressure depends on the heat yield stress of the material. It should neither be high enough to cause
welding accumulation nor is it low enough to cause under welding. Forging pressure in some materials are
determined depending on the lower strength material. The diffusion of macro particles from surfaces to surfaces
occur during forging. Bonds continuously form and break down during friction at interface locations. In the
beginning of forging maximum bonding have to occur on the surface because permanent bonds are these lastly
formed bonds. Parts need to interact with each other under pressure and this pressure should not be reduced until
welding heat cools down. [11].
Friction and forging times are directly related to material properties. The friction time should allow plastic
deformation to occur or remove possible residuals and particles. For a high quality welding joint, minimum
friction time needs to be exceeded. Lower friction times as well as nonuniform heating result in nonjoined areas
at the interface and inadequate plastic deformation. This brings the problem of low quality weld. Higher friction
times, on the other hand, causes rough structure and wide ITAB region formation. This is especially important to
the welding of different materials because poor mechanical properties may be obtained due to formation of
undesirable substances. Moreover, overheating and material loss are also possible [13].
2.6. Applications of Friction Welding
This method is especially useful for the serial production. Relatively high overhead cost is balanced with higher
production rate and lower labor requirement. Process has several dimensions and hardware could easily be
adjusted. Thus, the method also becomes useful for the production of relatively smaller parts. With these
advantages, friction welding has found widespread application in the industry. Friction welding can generally be
applied in the following industries with listed applications:
-Machine production and spare part industry: cogwheels, piston rods, hydraulic cylinders, radial pomp pistons,
shaft with worm screw , crankshafts, drill bits, valves.
-Automative industry : valves, clack valve, drive shafts, gear levers, axle fasteners, break spindles, transmission
mechanisms, preheat rooms, pipe spindles, banjo axles.
- Aviation and space industry: repulsion jets, combustion chambers, spindles, turbines, rotors, pipes, fittings,
- Work set industry: Spiral drills, milling cutters , borers, reamers, cutting tools.
- Electrical, electronics, and chemical industry: receiver camera for gas analysis, segregation columns
forchromatograph, Electrical connectors, continuous solder top, swing contacts, pipe fittings [16].


2.7. Some Examples of Applications of Friction Welding

Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 1: Low temp interface heat cycle by spinning one component against another stationary component.
Phase 2: Solid forging cycle showing displaced plastic state material when final axial forging force is applied.
Phase 3: Plastic state flashing is removed easily, even for hardenable materials that would otherwise require
grinding [17].

Electrical connectors

Air bag canisters

Airbag component

Gear levers

Stanley tools

Drill bits

Engine valves


Pump shafts

Piston rods

Drive shafts

Track roller

Bent axle

API drill pipe

Truck banjo axle

Gear cluster



Large piston rod

Hydraulic cylinders

2.8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Friction Welding
Friction welding has better technical and economical properties than conventional welding methods. Friction
weldinfg is generally compared to electrical resistance welding. However it can also be compared to other
welding methods such as electron beam welding and electrical arc welding. [11].

One of the main advantages of friction welding is lower energy requirement.

The process has unusual high yield and lower energy requirement and power supply. Moreover, power
requirement of friction welding is about one tenth of electrical resistance welding (Figure 11). Friction welding
causes triphase in the engine and the power factor is Cos = 0.80-0.85. However, electrical resistance welding is
one phase process and the power factor is Cos = 0.40- 0.60.

Figure 11. The power requirement during welding for different welding methods (1. Friction welding 2.
Electrical resistance welding).


3. Results
- Cooling time is very short because the amount of heated metal during friction welding is very small. The
timeframe ranges from several seconds to several minutes. This allows us to achieve friction welding at very
high speeds (only comparable to electrical resistance welding).
- Heat in friction welding occurs in welding region and is distributed to the surfaces of parts to be welded.
However, heat loss is very high in other conventional welding methods because heating is applied to the all
material in a nondiscrimating manner.
- Material loss during friction and forging is minimum making the friction welding a viable economic alternative.
- Surface preparation is minimum and the process does not produce vast amount of waste and a high quality
seam is obtained.
- Friction welding can be considered a serial method since the process is very fast.
- The control of parameters affecting welding quality is very easy and is easily accomplished.
- Friction welding system can also bea automated easily.
- Since friction welding is a solid state welding method, no slack and waste are present.
- The efficiency of the process is very high because several parameters including axial load, speed of rotation
and YIGMA amount can easily be controlled.
-The disadvantages include geometrical limitations of parts, excessive material accumulation and the need for its
removal, and higher capital cost.
Table 1 lists the comparison of several welding methods in terms of material and process variables.





Material to be welded
Crossectional area
Welding geometry
Preparation of parts
Accretion of Weld Materials
Additive ofMaterials
Compatibility Cross Section to
Welded Joint
Process Control
Accounting Rate of Return
Table 1. Comparison of Different Welding Methods (13)

Electrical Arc
Magnetic Active

4. References
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