www.tradersworld.com | Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Issue #59
Feb/Mar/Apr 2015 Issue #59
World Cup Trading Championships 03
World Cup Advisor 04
World Cup Advisor 05
Mikula Forecasting Service 07
Sacred Science 12
Sacred Science 17
AlgoTrades 18
AlgoTrades 21
Sacred Science 22
Trading on Target 27
Sacred Science 28
OddsTraderApps.com 33
StormChaser Techologies 35
Jaywiz Financial 41
Traders World Magazine 42
Dan Zangers Chart Pattern 44
Traders World Expo 48
NeverLossTrading 75
Amazon Kindle Books 106
Traders World Magazine 111
Larry Jacobs - Winner of the World Cup Trading Championship for stocks in 2001. BS, MS in Business and
author of 6 trading books.
Office - 2508 W. Grayrock Dr., Springfield, MO 65810
Contact Information - 417-882-9697,800-288-4266, publisher@
Copyright 2015 Hallikers, Inc. All rights reserved. Information in this publication must not be reproduced in any form without written permission from the
publisher. Traders World (ISSN 1045-7690) is published quarterly - 4 issues,
(may run late due to content creation) for $15.96 per year by Hallikers, Inc., 2508
W. Grayrock Dr., Springfield, MO 65810. Created in the U.S.A. is prepared from
information believed to be reliable but not guaranteed us without further verification
and does not purport to be complete. Futures and options trading are speculative and
involves risk of loss. Opinions expressed are subject to revision without further notification. We are not offering to buy or sell securities or commodities discussed. Hallikers Inc., one or more of its officers, and/or authors may have a position in the securities
or commodities discussed herein. Any article that shows hypothetical or stimulated
performance results have certain inherent limitations, unlike an actual performance
record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have
not already been executed, the results may have under - or over compensated for the
impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading
programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designated with the benefits of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to
achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. The names of products and services
presented in this magazine are used only in editorial fashion and to the benefit of the
trademark owner with no intention of infringing on trademark rights. Products and
services in the Traders World Catalog are subject to availability and prices are subject
to change without notice.
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www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Feb/Mar/Apr 2015 Issue #59
The Path of Least Resistance Deciphering The
Hidden Secrets Behind Ganns Most Powerful Tools
by Daniel T. Ferrera 08
Forecasting Soybeans & Corn One Year in Advance
by Daniele Prandelli 13
Misconceptions between Day Trading vs. Swing
by Chris Vermeulen 19
Pattern Recognition: Old Patterns Affect Trading
by Adrienne Toghraie 23
OT Trend Bars
by George Krum 29
Forex Trading: Maximizing the Gains but Dont
Forget about Minimizing the Risk
by Samuel Bassey, MBA 34
Trading Social Media Sentiment Cycles
by Lars von Thienen 36
How To Generate Consistent Profits In Any Market
by Steve Wheeler 45
Staying Put Some thoughts
by Al McWhirr 49
Until There is a Reversal Signal, Trade with the
by Jaime Johnson 54
Action Steps for Your Trading Success
by Thomas Barmann 58
The PaTh
of LeasT ResisTance
Deciphering The Hidden Secrets Behind
Ganns Most Powerful Tools
By Daniel T. Ferrera
Over his 50 year trading and advising career,
W.D. Gann developed approximately 40 different
trading tools, calculators and/or mechanical
trading tool.
simply be wrong!
of possibility:
period of time.
for all.
make a trade.
one did.
Daniel T. Ferrera
800-756-6141 or 951-659-8181
Details about my new course can be found at
the following link:
US TOLL FREE: 800-756-6141
Chart #1
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
prices in April.
The general up movement should work till May, where a downtrend could start. May is a very
important month, in case of a High we can bet for a downtrend (and at the moment this is my
favourite path), but if May turns out to be a Low after a descent in the first months of the year,
then it is possible that a new uptrend will start exactly from May. In this case we are going to see
a boring May and June, but during the summer the uptrend should start.
But Im telling you, this is not my favourite path, only if May is a Low then we have to work with
this forecast. At the moment my forecast is projecting May as a High, and then descent. Over the
year we will work with the prices to be able to trade it properly.
If the descent works from May as expected, we should see an intermediate Low between the
end of July and the beginning of August. I dont exclude also a little Low around June the 8th.
Anyway, we should see lower levels during the summer. Then new down push around mid-August
or from the last days of the month/beginning of September, down toward October, where a Low
is expected during the first 10 days.
Actually October should be a change in trend, above all during the first 10 days. At the moment,
during autumn 2013, we are seeing a boring phase on grains, a flat market that is not helping us
to make profits. Im afraid that we are going to see something similar during the last 3 months
of 2014, above all if we will see a descent during the summer toward October. In December, pay
attention at the last days of the year, a descent is expected.
Chart #2
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
This is exactly what I wrote in November 2013 about the 2014 Soybeans Forecast. Mainly I
forecasted the beginning of a new uptrend in February, a High in May and a descent during the
summer with a Low in October. Now, you have your eyes to judge on your own: See Chart #2.
I feel justified to say that my 2014 Soybeans Forecast has been excellent, if not perfect. This,
in my opinion, is a proper forecast, the like of which I have looked for over all these years.
We can also see how the 2014 PFS Corn Forecast worked out. Usually Soybeans and Corn work
quite similarly, and for this reason I had a similar forecast. Here is the 2014 Corn Forecast with a
few words I wrote in the Annual Bulletin to explain what I was expecting from Corn:
My favourite path is a general up movement till April or May (possible up and down in the first
months of the year, at the moment I would like to see a brief weak phase till February and then
up), then we should see a descent. The descent should start in May, but if we see a Low in May,
it is possible that we are going to see another brief up acceleration till June, and then downtrend
toward the last days of July/first days of August. Im expecting a Low around the last 5 days of
July or around the first 5 days of August, then up push toward the last days of August or the first
15 days of September and then down again toward lower levels in October or November.
Also in this case, with Corn, we can see how the forecast has been followed: See Chart #4.
Even though you can see how excellent the forecast was, I always warm my customers that
we dont only depend on the forecast, but we always have to wait for confirmations, using precise
strategies based on Key Price Support Levels. I use a system of Ganns Planetary Longitude Lines
to define these Key price levels, though I have found that they must be adjusted for todays
markets in order to work properly. This is very important, probably the most important thing that
many trades miss, because you have to know that there is rarely a perfect forecast that works in
every situation (in spite of what many people hope for, and so die poor).
Be wise and trade with discipline and patience. I can teach people how to make forecasts, but
I cannot teach discipline and patience, you have to find these two virtues inside of yourself. I like
Chart #3
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
to share my forecasts to help document my work, but I also like to be honest because in the past
I have had many troubles in trading just only a forecast, so, please avoid my same mistakes.
Once you have a good forecast, always be prepared for different scenario to surprise you. A
bad forecast is not a good reason to have a bad loss. The purpose of trading is always to make big
money when we are right and lose little money when we are wrong. For this reason in my Annual
PFS Forecast Bulletin, I always send subscribers ongoing updates every two or three months
discussing the actual situation, checking if anything has changed and giving some important Key
Price Levels that we can work with to create an intelligent trading strategy.
2014 was a great forecasting year, and my 2015 forecast is going well so far, and the market
is respecting what I predicted. If this article has raised your interest, you can find out more about
my Annual PFS Bulletin for both the stock market and the grain markets, where you can see a
detailed review of all of my past Forecast Bulletins at http://www.sacredscience.com/Prandelli/
PFS-Forecast-Bulletin.htm. Here you can also subscribe the 2015 Annual PFS Bulletin, as it is not
too late to be of value for the rest of the year!
If you are interested in my work and my Services, please visit my blog at http://iaminborsa-eng.
blogspot.co.uk/ or at www.iaminborsa.com, where you can contact me or subscribe as many
professionals have done whatever reports fit your markets. At the moment we cover the S&P500,
Corn, Soybeans, Crude Oil, Gold, S&P/ASX200, four US Stocks and three Forex markets.
Chart #4
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Each Bulletin includes a PFS TIME Forecasting Model giving the swing turning points & push impulses
for the year, combined with specific Key Price Levels determined by his proprietary Planetary Longitude
Lines. Subscription includes ongoing updates of analysis and Key Price Levels thru the year! $195.00
Sitting at your desk all day long, waiting for your newsletters or
strategy to trigger a trade, taking expensive trading courses,
stressing about your positions, trying to beat the index and pros
or worst yet, hoping your advisor doesn't nearly lose half of your
nest egg in the next bear market
Playing with your kids or grand kids, taking your luxury car for
detailing, planning a getaway to Hawaii with the family, finish
watching season five of The Good Wife, reviewing your
investments quarterly knowing fail safes are in place and that
your account can grow during both a rising and falling stock
Sheldon Krasner
Boca Raton, Florida
Yours sincerely,
Chris Vermeulen
Say goodbye to the grind of do-it-yourself investing or worrying about how your investments will weather
the next nancial downturn. Learn more about our professionally designed and managed auto-trade system
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between Day Trading
vs. Swing Trading
By Chris Vermeulen
Traders tend to be gamblers at heart. They
like the action and excitement that trading
brings as they set out on the quest for big
and fast returns. Having been in the trading
industry myself for 16 years I get asked the
same question all the time which is:
you are taking the numbers are big. You could advantage of the market to make some extra
be placing 1,000 5,000 trades a year. No quick cash.
matter how you look at it that is a lot of trading
I will admit that day trading taught me to
and the commission fees add up quickly and
be an extremely accurate and patient trader.
cut into your profits in a big way.
My day trading skills allow me to zoom in on
Every time you enter a trade your money is my swing trading opportunities and enter and
at risk and the brutal truth is that most of the exit positions for maximum gains using the
traders you are trading against will be better intraday charts.
I think day trading carries a higher level of
than. This means that they are likely going to
be pulling money out of youre trading account risk then swing trading. I do not recommend
more often than not, or at least until you have trying to become a full-time day trader if
the experience and skills to out manoeuvre you are a newbie/novice/not profitable swing
trader. If you want to get involved in learning
the market.
In short, telling your friends and to day trade I recommend learning from
acquaintances that you are a day trader is a professional, live paper trading, and not
pretty cool and definitely gets the attention of counting on it to generate income for the first
others. But the reality is that after just a few year.
months day trading full-time quickly begins to
feel like a job that demands a lot from you, Day Trading VS Swing Trading
is financial stressful, and emotional stressful. Conclusion:
The common misconception is that day
This can wreak havoc on your health and
trading is what you need to do to make the
family if not handled properly.
most money: the more trades you make
the more money you make. But that line of
My Answer: Is day trading better
thinking could not be further from the truth.
than swing trading?
Day trading is great but trading hundreds
I day traded for several years and while
I was day trading I also dabbled with swing of times a year putting your money at risk
trades. After few of years I realized that the hundreds of times of year only to make the
profits generated from my swing trading same or less money as you would swing
accounted for nearly half of my annual trading trading just doesnt make sense to me. So if
income. This was an eye opening statistic you are new to trading be very cautious when
because my swing trades where simple to entering the world of day trading its not as
trade and manage compared to that of day good as you may think. If you like high risk,
trading. I quickly started focusing more on high trading costs, and a lot of intense work,
swing trading and not worrying about finding then it may be just what you are looking for,
but its not for me.
day trades every day.
Now several years later almost all my trades
are swing trades. I look to place anywhere Chris Vermeulen
between 35 to 65 trades year with my swing www.AlgoTrades.net
trading strategy and because I always have
my trading platform running on my screen if I
see a great day trading opportunity I take full
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
The Square
Quantitative Analysis of
Financial Price Structure
Pattern Recognition:
Old Patterns
Affect Trading
By Adrienne Toghraie, Traders Success Coach
Trading disturbs comfortable life patterns
for many traders because it requires them
to think like an entrepreneur, deal with high
levels of risk, manage their life on an insecure
income, and accomplish this surrounded by
friends and family who do not consider trading
to be a real job. These demands challenge
the traditions, beliefs, and early environment
which form the patterns and behaviors we
choose for our lives.
These patterns feel comfortable because
Family ties
Social interests
Breaking Patterns
Since your patterns are not only longstanding, but deeply rooted in your emotions
and identity, changing them can be very
difficult. First, you must identify the source
of the pattern. Is it:
Trading on Target
Free Newsletter
Visit TradingOnTarget.com
to receive a free newsletter
on Discipline for Traders
Adrienne Toghraie, Traders Success Coach, writes
articles that are dedicated to those of you who have mere
minutes a day to absord helpful ideas and creative solutions
to nagging problems about discipline in trading.
Visit TradingOnTarget.com to receive a free newsletter
on Discipline for Traders
OT Trend Bars
By George Krum
During the years traders have developed
different charting techniques in order to
isolate noise/random price moves from
the underlying true trend of a security. The
Japanese have come up with Renko, Kagi
and Line break charts, while Point and Figure
charts originated from the West.
Although these types of charts excel at
visually displaying the underlying trend and
support and resistance levels, they lack the
element of time, and suffer from several other
problems. These problems can be summarized
as follows:
Chart #1
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Chart #2
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Chart #3
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Chart #4
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
The Fractal Module scans for repeating patterns in the
market. Price/Time patterns are matched based on
Time/Price criteria and Fractals can be detected on
multiple timeframes. Once a match is found for the first 34 vectors, the pattern is often continued. Patterns are
searched in 3-4 months worth of intraday data.
Parameters can be specified to filter the "fit" of the fractal.
Chart #1
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Chart #2
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
of social interaction.
Chart #3
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
cycle analysis.
A first step to take before we can use our cycle
Chart #4
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Chart #5
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
TradersWorld Magazine
Premium Subscription
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
How To Generate
Consistent Profits In
Any Market
By Steve Wheeler
Founder and CEO of NaviTrader.com (www.navitrader.com)
Professional Trader and System Designer
Let me start by introducing myself.
I am
and stock
and a
based on the
Positive Expectancy
To develop a plan that had a probability of
You will
winning trade X
11:00 AM Eastern
( .7 x
200) - ( .3 x
Chart #1
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
- Account Size
invest in the
For purposes of
A Risk Management calculation example
for the e-mini would be as follows:
Entry price = 1438.25
Initial Stop level =
The use
An even
1436.25 = 8 ticks on
Risk Management
risk management.
Risk management is
Like any profession, you need to be prepared
to take on the markets in a structured and
methodical manner.
An advantage of having a
May 25th - June 26th - 2015
800 987 6269
Skype navitrader.steve
Staying Put
Some thoughts
By Al McWhirr
Chart A
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Chart B
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
not only since the July 2014 high, but from the
July 2011 high (not shown in chart). While the
Jan. 26 low is slightly below strong support,
there has only been one up day, hardly a
reversal signal. It may not be a bad idea to
look for a short position in a lower degree
time frame for a potential continuation of the
strong bear trend.
I am not saying to ignore support and
resistance areas. It is good to keep aware of
them. But trying to pick tops and bottoms is
a tricky business and can be an expensive
business. Trade with the trend until there has
been some type of reversal signal.
0.5% on Stocks
30% on Options
Protection examples):
5% on Future
5% on Forex
Risk Handling
Data Source
Exits at Entry
Take Profit
Compound Interest
Constant Feedback
Take Coaching
12 Action
Your Trading
Journal Trades
Set up your Business
your Plan
Have a Calendar
The Market Guides
Sound Computer
Trading Environment
Time Frames
Control Emotions
Probability Mindset
The big danger in the table above is in your mindset: I already know this.
Knowing does not mean that you are doing it. Take a chance:
The rate of you making a change will make a change to your trading account.
The choice is yours: Doing it all on your own or relying on a readymade concept that will be
tailored to your wants and needs: NeverLossTrading.
1. Trading System
Fact-1: You are in need for a trading system with positive expectations that allows you to find
trade setups with a probability for success above 63%, else you will most likely be up for either
trading water or making losses. By our investigation, only activity based trading systems allow
for such an attainment rate:
Prediction Based
Activity Based
Conclusions: D follows A, B, C
Individual or Program Based
Assumptions to be Applied to
Individual Trade Setups
53% - 55%
53% - 57%
Decision Base
Probability of the Trade Setup (past performance) x Reward / (Risk x Probability of Failing)
At this point, note the Golden Rule of Trading Success:
The factor of this calculation shall be above 1.5-points.
Example-1: Probability for success of the trade setup (from history): 65%, with a risk of $1 and
a reward of $1. The calculated factor comes to 1.94; thus, it is above 1.5 and tells you that you
found a trade setup where the odds are in your favor according to the Golden Rule.
Example-2: Probability for the trade setup at 58%, with a risk of $1 and a reward of $1. The
calculated factor comes to 1.38 and is below 1.5, telling you that the odds of the trade setup are
NOT in your favor.
Trading without considering the odd ratio is a key reason why private investors fail to achieve
their financial goals. They mostly follow:
Moving average based indicators: MACD, Bollinger Bands, RSI, CCI
Candle setups: Doji, Harami, Hangman
Long-term patterns: Head and Shoulder, Cup and Handle
Those trading systems are either random or produce a probability for success between 53% 57%, which is quickly leaving the odds ration below the factor of 1.5.
To follow the constant price change of the financial markets, you need to be able to work with
trading concepts and assets, allowing you to make money to the up- and downside in any
In average markets, prices drop with three times the speed in which they climb. Hence, having
clear cut strategies on hand to participate in such down moves is a key imperative.
Going long in an asset is not tied to specific rules and regulations, however, when you want to short stocks,
you need to be aware of minimum account holdings of $25,000 (SEC regulation), up-tick rule and obligations to
pay dividends. If you trade from an IRA account, you cannot short stocks; hence you are in need of meaningful
option strategies for trades to the downside.
There are various option strategies; however, we propose, you make it as simple as possible and
you trade with limited risk and upside-opportunities.
If you simply buy call and put, options, it provides you an investment instrument with
outstanding leverage and with limited risk:
Buying Call options to trade to the upside. The value of the option increases with the share price
increase by the Delta of the option.
Buying Put options to trade to the downside. The value of the option increases with the share
price decrease by the Delta of the option.
The most an option buyer can lose is the premium paid.
However, as easy as it sounds, option trading is the hardest way to make money and you need
to learn many details to be a successful option trader. NeverLossTrading is a premier education
institution where you can learn this; check out their mentorship programs.
Why do we say this?
When you get the direction wrong on an option trade, you quickly lose 50% of your premium
invested. In consequence, you need to make at least a 30% return on winning trades to make a
positive result when winning two out of three trades.
In addition, be careful with non-directional trades, the odds of such trade setups might not be in
your favor from the get go:
The typical Iron-Condor gives you 20-cents of premium per dollar spread. If you consider an
average commission of 6-cents at trade initiation and 3-cents, in case you have to close one leg
of the trade by a strong price move into your price bracket, this gives you 14-cents net profit
potential and 83-cents of risk. Hence, your breakeven point requires you to find trade setups
with accuracy above 83% to start making money. In summary: Not what you want to trade.
The example of point-2 already explained some of the minimum requirements to accept a trade
and here are more reasons:
You need to give the price a certain wiggle room to come to target. If you work with very tight
stops, you will be stopped-out frequently. Imagine a stock trade requires a $1 price band to
move in your desired direction; however, you only give it 10-cents to keep your risk at bay.
What will most likely happen?
Example-1: In eight out of 10 trades you will be stopped out and if you win two, the final result
calculates as: - 8 x $0.1 + 2 x $1 = $1.20
In the example above, we show a positive result; however, the string of small losses can easily
drag out and thus, reduce or take the profit potential away.
Example-2: If you take 10 trades with a high probability system, winning two out of three,
it gives you about seven winners and three losers. Trading dollar for dollar, we calculate: -3
x $1 + 7 x $1 = $4. This represents a three time higher result with more predictability than
In general, the following rules help you to find the right price expansion room and targets: Day
Trading Stocks: Trade for a minimum return of 0.5% on cash per trade.
Swing Trading Stocks: Trade for an average 1.8% return.
Long-Term investing: Trade for an average return of 3.5%.
Option Trading: Independent from the time frame, strive for a minimum 30% return.
Futures and Forex Trading: Strive for an average return on margin of 5%.
4. Trade Frequency
Find a trade frequency that suits your personal circumstances and trade frequently: If you are
a long-term investor, plan for a minimum of three trades a month and work with weekly charts.
A swing trader shall work with daily charts and minimum three trades per week. Day trading is
best accomplished with three trades per day on reference time-frames. Here is an example for
stock traders, who know at the opening what to trade and do this dailyclick to read on.
5. Risk Handling
With the help of the red NLT Double Decker Line, you define your initial risk at trade setup and
you can use it if you want to trail the stop on a trend trade.
The risk you take in relation to the opportunity to strive for shall define your position size. This
way, you are hitting for the fences when you have a favorable opportunity and you go base by
base at higher risk setups. To help you evaluating such situations, excel based concepts are of
great help: You can either develop them on your own or use one like in the following example:
against Double Decker Direction
Lime or Yellow
Lot Equation
Account Size
Assumed Active Positions to Hold
Average Lot Size (calculated):
2-Lots; however, on lower returns of REGN equates to:
Investment Amount:
Trade Reward at 96 Shares
Trade Risk at 96 Shares
200,000 Input
10 Input
20,000 Calculated
39,950 Calculated
464 1.2%
398 1.0%
Stock Symbol
Put or Call Option
Time to Expiration (days)
Delta (enter positive values)
Price for the Option
Bid/Ask Spread
Enough Time
max 1/2-Lot
10,000 Input
5 Input
2,000 Calculated
2 Contracts
1,400 Calculated
267 19.1%
869 62.1%
Aside from trade by trade decisions, never allow a single trade to produce a higher than 5%
loss of your account value. To do so, define for every trade a price threshold where the original
assumption of the trades is no more valid. If the necessary price threshold requires a higher
risk, do not accept the trade. When the maximum risk price is reached, either exit your trade or
apply methods of protection and capital preservation. We teach those in our mentorships.
Constant trading and compounding interest has a much higher probability to build your desired
returns than betting on single trade wonders. To accomplish this goal, you need a data source,
which provides you with instruments ready to trade on a consistent basis: Either, you develop
this on your own or you purchase a market proven trade alert service.
Unfortunately, long-term investors have a big disadvantage over day traders or swing traders
by trading for less return and accepting a higher risk. Check our WebPage post and feature
presentation: Learn to Trade it is Never too Late
Here is an overview table, how you can stay engaged on a 24-hour schedule, where you pick
and choose the individual elements and time frames:
Futures Trading
Display NLT Day Trading Alert Focus
Reference with the DAX 30-Minute
Check for red highlighted News
9:30 a.m.
9:40 a.m.
Pre-Market Movers Alert.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
12:00 a.m.
1 p.m.
3 p.m.
3: 30 p.m.
Watch list scan.
Check on closing out option
so they arise.
Check open positions on the monitor.
your orders.
Single chart on screen.
on a 10-minute chart.
Have focus futures from the NLT HF
It is a challenge for every trader to constantly scan the markets for opportunities:
A) From the about 40,000 stocks traded in the US, which ones show an institutional initiated price
B) Do all stocks provide favorable trade conditions, given their volume, share of institutional holding,
bid/ask spread, holding options or not, their P/E ratio or P/C ratio?
C) Which Futures or Forex contracts indicate the desired trade setup and how to trade them best?
New traders at times limit themselves by only trading a couple of assets, but what to do if those do
not show a price move? You might miss participating in a chance that arise in gold or crude oil.
Many questions that you have to answer on your own or you decide to rely on a subscription
service or trading-system-inherent-market-scanners, which help you to find those opportunities.
Many questions that you have to answer on your own or you decide to rely on a subscription
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
7. Constant Improvement
Strive for constant improvement: Journal your trades; check and balance, which situations
worked and which not, take feedback from a coach, adjust and improve your trading.
Who likes administration?
However, for you, to turn yourself into the trader you want to be, you need to seek out for
feedback. Again, you can try to replicate this on your own or you decide to take the advice from
a coach, who is familiar with your trading system and can give you the final hints to get you over
the hump.
Document your trades, best with screen shots from the trade setup at entry and exit.
With the help of this document, check your initial assumptions in respect to:
Entry: Did you pick a trade situation which was according to the rules of your system?
Exit: Did you stay in the trade until it concluded at the specifically set target?
Stop: Did you work with the stop level you decided that is needed for giving the asset price the
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
If you wanted to learn how to make money golfing, do you think working on your swing on your
own would get you to where you wanted to be? Hence, find a coach, who gives you constant
feedback on your trades, until you get them right on Entries, Exits, and Stops.
8. Trading Business
Treat trading as a business: Set your trading or investing up, so you are treated and taxed as
a business. Work for yourself and make your money work for you without getting distracted by
other life circumstances. Have the technical capabilities (computer, broker, charting, data lines) in
place, which are required for participating in the markets you want to be present in.
This article does not find space to document all details, hence find them nicely summarized in a
Kindle book: A $2.99 investment and available at AMAZONclick for the link.
9. Have a Plan
As you treat trading a business, you are now brining it all together and you produce a business
plan: A formal statement of a set of business goals compromised by a financial plan and action
plan. It shall contain:
Mostly, this is not the case and so we are sharing the action steps and start out with the
Financial Plan; based on the money, we then produce the required action plan.
How much money do you want to make trading/investing?
As much as possible is not the right answer:
To establish and follow a business plan, what, when, and how questions is a good place to start:
Decision-3: Use an evaluation model to consider the associated risk per trade and the expected
probability for success. With that, you can calculate the odds ratio, which helps you to define the
position size of a trade.
Decision-4: Which instruments do you want to trade: Stocks, Options, Futures or FOREX?
Associated with the choice of the trading instruments and time-frame is the need to calculate:
A) Meaningful minimum price moves to aim for and the financial implications of those decisions.
As a private investor, never aim for a stock or option price move below 17-cents. If you trade below this minimum expected price move, commissions, slippage and some trade imperfections require you to find trade setups with a probability for success above 75% to reach breakeven.
B) Maximum risk to accept per trade. There is no 100% system and you need to learn to be your
own risk manager, with clear rules of how much maximum drawdown, you allow for a trade when
the worst case happens. This then defines your position sizing and instrument choice.
Trading time table and action: When and how do you find assets with favorable price action and
trade signals? You want to trade where money moves and staying just with one instrument or
asset class is not a good choice; hence, rely back to what was explained in point-6.
Decision-4: Consider different market conditions in your business plan to determine if you take
rather position trades or short term trades: You can always trade short-term; however, position
trading at specific market conditions is more risky.
The best for you to categorize financial market conditions is to look at the VIX:
VIX is a trademarked ticker symbol for the Chicago Board Options Exchange Market Volatility
Index, a popular measure of the implied volatility of S&P 500 index options. Often referred to as
the fear index or the fear gauge, it represents one measure of the markets expectation of stock
market volatility over the next 30-day-period.
Condition-A characterizes an average or increased volatility, at VIX-levels above 15 and below
30. The stage, we call Condition-A, allows for excellent positioning trading as a swing trader or
long-term investor.
Condition-L: In a low volatility market environment, we see the VIX below 15: Financial
instruments produce smaller-, often in-range price moves. As a result, you can expect less
attainable trade targets and lower associated risks. The displayed state of the stock market is in
Condition-L and longer-term position trades are harder to administer, expecting that highs and
lows of a tight price range are constantly tested. As a consequence, changing strategies from
position trading to trading lower time frames is a meaningful course of action to catch intra-day
price actions to the up- and downside. The consequence of changing trading time frames means
that you are trading for smaller price moves. For attaining the same financial trade returns, you
need to increase your trading frequency as shown under decision-2.
Condition-V: Volatile market environments, where VIX ranges above 30, show an increased
risk for price moves towards the range borders, where stops might get easily challenged. As a
consequence, like in Condition-L, trading shorter-term frames is a good choice to make.
Putting it all together, let us produce a one-sheet business plan, considering a full time trader
with a $100,000 trading budget, 99% invested (no margin applied), who uses various assets and
trading time frames:
Stocks: Daily, 4-hour, 1-hour chart.
Options: Daily, 4-hour chart.
Futures: 10-minute chart.
The model used, considers commissions and calculates the risk and reward, expecting a 66%
win rate. In the model, we filtered out option or stock constellations, which will not produce
positive results. One example would be: Trading for a 5-cent option price gain at a 1:1 reward
to risk setup. When you consider commissions, you can expect a 2-cent net return. In a case of
a loss, 7-cents will be drawn. Such trade setup would require an above 80% trade accuracy to
produce income, which cannot be achieved by winning two out of three trades.
On the right side of the table, you can see how different the potential reward and risk per trade
is in relation to the trading time frame and frequency.
Investing $30,000 into a stock trade with expected six turns per month, on a rate of two winners
and one loser, produces an average expected return of $1.056 per month. If you turn $3,000
invested into options, the expected dollar-return is about the same; however, every option trade
carries a 2.4-times higher risk, even though only 10% of the investment money used for stocks
was associated.
For day trading Futures, we decided for a 10-minute time frame and associated three trades per
day and with a two out of three win-rate, which results in an expected $2,000 return on $10,000
invested (total margin). In this case, the risk per trade is $189.
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Every trader has a different risk tolerance and return expectation. Balancing reward, risk and the
resulting outcome, such model helps you to decide, where you want to put your trading focus
and how you can make the best use out of your money to invest. The choice is yours, either
build it on your own or trust a trading system, which delivers the model to you:
Business Plan NeverLossTrading Style (click this link for a more detailed view)
The above table auto-develops your action plan and gives you the key considerations to strive
for a constant income and wealth from the markets.
To participate in up- and downside price moves, trading strategies, which allow you to do so
from any account, are key to be a successful trader or private investor.
The whole concept is ready for you to be started. Schedule your personal consulting hour, where
we help you to find the system and mentorship which suits you best.
Let us know when it is a good day and time for getting together:
contact@NeverLossTrading.com or Call: +1 866 455 4520
Prepare for trading or investing: - Those who fail to prepare, prepare to fail It is essential
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
to know the key events for the instruments you are trading: Earnings announcements, news
announcements, economic news on a worldwide basis influence the volatility of the intruments
you are trading: Click for an overview.
When you are invested in an asset at a focal news event, you are accepting a higher risk. To
reduce your risk, either exit your trade prior to a news event or find a form of protection.
Why that?
News events can trigger excessive volatility, which potentially is taking your stops, even so the
market goes in your desired direction after:
Let the market guide you - put your desire to trade or invest away and allow yourself flexibility
by not trading when there is no market movement and increased trading, when the markets
Build yourself the mind and inner constitution by controlling your emotions and desires so you
can make conscious decisions, which allow you to apply your trading principles.
As a trader, you constantly deal with the emotions of fear and excitement. To graphically display
this happening, we developed a price cycle study, which records individual sine wave patterns
around a zero line that can be related to supply/demand and emotions.
In a period of excitement, prices move up until they halter and it comes either to ambiguity
(sideways moves) or an opposite price move. At this point, the fear of losing takes over and lets
traders leave positions.
How does this work on falling prices?
After prices fell and start to settle, on a slight reversal, excitement kicks in and the expectation
that prices will rise again takes over, but when this expectation does not hold true, fear takes
over again and prices continue in their pattern of dropping.
During those alternating price patterns, we observe that humans act usually 5-times faster
under the element of fear than we act under the element of excitement, triggering the following:
A) Leaving positions early at the first sign of ambiguity without harvesting the desired and
planned result.
B) Entering late when an opportunity occurs by waiting for additional confirmation.
At trade initiation, you need to give the price move the required wiggle room. When our
emotions take over and you cut profits short, by entering late and exiting early, you produce a
pattern of smaller wins, which then get wiped out by a potential bigger loss.
As Consequence:
Follow your system and your clear cut rules manifested in your trading plan. Walk away and only
control your trade when your stop or adjustment level is reached.
Trade only when the market allows you: At a confirmed signal.
Produce a repetitive behavior pattern by repeating what worked and give up what did not.
Develop a probability-based mind that understands that the outcome of a trade is only a set
of probabilities, where you can do everything right, and still be wrong; however, by following a
high probability trading system, applying all the steps mentioned in this documentation, you can
stack the odds in your favor.
Mental preparation is often neglected in trading and we hope the examples we gave you,
demonstrate the importance of this action step: If your mind does not work, you can make the
best trading system fail.
You learn several mind preparation exercises in our mentorships. In case those are not good
enough, we refer you to fellow business associates, who can help you in that matter.
12. Education
Educate yourself: - An investment in knowledge always pays the highest interest Be trained
at what you trade and add new skills, new understanding, new visions and strategies that allow
you to stay and move with the markets, giving you the flexibility to trade or invest in various
instruments and asset categories.
As an education institution, we are here for you and support you, developing yourself into the
trader you want to be.
This 12-step process is a guidance to master, being a consistent trader. Without following a
roadmap, you most likely get lost. The choice is yours: Build an activity-based trading system,
establish market scanners, follow a business plan with the right mindset and education or rely
on a premier education institution: We are in business since 2008 and teach individually, install
our software for you and adopt our concepts to your specific wants and needs, guiding you for
months after the initial training to assure the new methods and concept stick with you.
Schedule a free consulting hour: Call +1 866 455 4520 or contact@NeverLossTrading.com
Good trading,
This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold with
the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering legal, financial advice, accounting, or other professional service.
If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional person should be sought. Following
the rules of the SEC (Security Exchange Commission), we advise all readers that it should not be assumed that present or future
performance of applying NeverLossTrading (a division of Nobel Living, LLC) would be profitable or equal the performance of our
examples. The reader should recognize that the risk of trading securities, stocks, options, futures can be substantial. Customers must consider all
relevant risk factors, including their own personal financial situation before trading. In our teaching of NeverLossTrading, in our books, newsletters,
webinars and our involvement in the Investment Clubs, neither NOBEL Living, LLC, the parent company of NeverLossTrading, nor any of the
speakers, staff or members act as stockbrokers, broker dealers, or registered investment advisers. We worked out trading concepts we use on a daily
basis and share them through education with our readers, members and clients.
Tr a d i n g E d u c a t i o n
Individual Training
Tailored to You
Real-time charts installed.
No need to change brokers.
Spot and Follow
Institutional Money Moves
Algorithmic trading with human interaction.
20-hours of training.
Six months of coaching.
Receive constant updates on
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Photo sharp documentation.
Individual session recordings.
Day Trading
Swing Trading
Long-Term Investing
6 Essential
Ingredients for
Winning at Stock
Index Day Trading
By: Mohan www.boomerangtrader.com
Greetings traders.
My name is Mohan and I have been trading
the futures markets now for over 25 years. It
is a high risk business like all trading and will
require your full application of skill in the areas
of research, practice and live in the trenches
trading to gain good success. The rewards can
be tremendous if you apply yourself fully to
learning the key ingredients described in this
I am also the developer of the well known
Boomerang Day Trader software for use on
NinjaTrader. Boomerang Day Trader is the first
software in the history of the futures markets
to offer a 90% winning trades Guarantee on
the softwares signals (mini NQ market and
That is the very first step in successful
futures day trading to find a very solid
and reliable method of trading. Boomerang
Day Trader is valuable in this way as it does
Chart #1
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Chart #2
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
You can see on the chart below how after
a strong, early rally as measured from the top
of the rally prices pulled back and bounced off
of the Key fibonacci numbers as shown by the
50% center dot/dashed white line and the key
38.2% light blue line and 61.8% dark blue
This can be a very valuable road map when
you are live trading intraday.
See Chart #3.
To learn more about these basic Fibonacci
retracements check out the link below that I
have provided.
h t t p : / / w w w. i n v e s t o p e d i a . c o m / t e r m s / f /
Chart #3
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Chart #1
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Chart #2
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Chart #3
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
I bought the HP 67 calculator on the Internet. I then wrote the Research Programs for the
calculator. (See Diagram 1) I have found the 45 angle in the Research Program I wrote gives me
a 90 rotation. Four rotations equal 360. The calculator carries the decimal at 13 places for
accuracy. (See Diagram 2) Next I apply the data from the negative square root function in the
Research Program. I have made a blue diagonal line and applied the data horizontally into it.
You are looking at red horizontal dotted lines 63.82, 35.97, 15.91, 3.96 and -1. The low 16.09,
as seen on the calculator, is adjusted from 15.8 vertically down numbers. (See diagram 3) I feel
15.8 to 16.09 is a very small variation. Look at the weekly dates at the bottom of the chart. The
data from the weekly charts starts in 1980.
The calculator research program works just fine on small individual stocks as well. See the next
chart as an example. I discuss this chart titled Pre-Top, Pre-Bottom in detail in my last article in
Traders World in the September/October/November 2014 issue.
The following chart of Texas instrument is showing two vertical lines. The first one from the
Black peak top shows a pre-low on the stock chart below and the next one from the Red top
shows a pre-high top on the stock chart below. Youre looking at my calculator research math.
You can see the math from the calculator is displayed. The simplicity of this is Low to High; this
is what people want to trade. I do keep track of the SARs. This makes a very nice chart layout.
Hal is more of an advanced chart. This is Halliburton on one large continuous run going from
High to Low. If you are looking at a Red vertical line, that is a pre-High or a Pre-top. If you are
looking at the vertical yellow lines, that is a pre-bottom. The last three yellow vertical lines on
the chart are showing you the low taking place and demonstrating the math from the calculator
research program.
I have included a photo of the programs I have written in the HP programming language. I am
now making a user manual for the HP Research Program.
This is the HP calculator I use. The user manual for the HP calculator is free. When you receive
your calculator there is instructions with it. You are expected to know how to copy and paste in
the use of your computer. There are two Gann wheels furnished one big and one small. The use
will be demonstrated.
Now with this set up you can do the math and see where you are on the Gann wheel. The bigger
the problem the bigger the wheel used.
Now I will show the program for Label A and Label B. On the right side, find the numbers look
for the position on the keyboard and it will tell you what the program is doing.
About Gilbert
For those that want to know more about me, I am a Christian and my writing will reflect it. What
I am trying to do now is beyond the scope of the Traders World Magazine. In church I received
the gifts and received the Graphics Math that I use in the stock market at the same time. I have
seen my Guardian Angel. I have written a number of articles and stories that do not appear in
the Traders World Magazine. I am 72 years old. Not knowing when this will be my last article for
the magazine.
Gilbert Steele
By Gilbert Steele 12/29/2014
Warnings do not use this program for trading the Stock Market. This Program by Gilbert Steele is
used for Research
A trading computer is not the same thing as office computer and definitely not a notebook
computer. The motherboard must have a much higher capacity than a regular computer.
Choosing the right computer for trading can make a world of difference in trading.
The trading computer must be first off dependable and have the power to support the needs
receiving quotes without any delay and the power to enter orders without any delay. A
trading computer has a large amount of data to upload, download and transfer every day.
Trying to just use a standard motherboard would detriment each days trading and could
easily compound to a large amount of lost dollars over time.
The Sonata Trading computer has the best and highest quality parts in the industry for
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
The Sonata has the Fractal Design Define R5 - which is the next evolution in computer cases.
It is packed with intelligently designed enthusiast-oriented features delivering a silent case.
The Define R5 case reaches the highest level of silent computing through strategically placed
dense sound-absorbing material, ModuVent fan vent covers and finely tuned Dynamic
Series fans.
A trader is best served using a rugged military grade motherboard. Why would a trader have
anything else. It does not make sense when your understand the advantages. This is by far
the best possible recommendation available to traders for many reasons.
The Sonata uses the famous Asus Sabertooth Z97 Mark 2 motherboard. It is military
grade with advanced cooling. It is designed for the new LGA1150 Socket for the New 4th
Generation Intel i7 processors. Using the Intel Z97 Express Chipset. It has the TUF Ice
cooling commander, Thermal Radar 2 customized fan turning and complete system cooling.
The motherboard has military grade TUF Components systematically tested for stability. It
has strong ESP Protection for extended component lifespan.
The Thermal Radar 2 - in the motherboard lets you control fans on its Asus graphics
cards as well as case fans. Multiple onboard sensors and the bundled thermistor cables let
you monitor graphic card temperatures and other key components in real time, so you can
adjust manually or optimize automatically with just one click.
Total Cooling Commander the motherboard has a brand new microchip that delivers
precise temperature monitoring and fan controls.
TUF Components The motherboard has components certified for tough duty like trading.
It has TUF 10-K Ti-Caps, TUF New Alloy Choke and TUF Mosfets. The motherboards undergo
extreme temperature variations test - so you know the motherboard can be trusted in all
5 Years Warranty Each TUF motherboard is built with components certified for military
use and undergoes serious burn-in tests including 7,000 hours of compatibility checks with
over 1,000 devices. TUF is forged solid for your confidence and that is why every board is
covered by a 5-year warranty.
Electrostatic discharge - can happen and it can do heady damage to a motherboard.
This motherboard has guards that are tested to 2X higher than industry standards ensuring
electrostatic discharges are properly grounded from all onboard connectively and that
means greater component longevity. The means keyboard, mouse, USB, audio and LAN
ports are protected.
Most Intuitive UEFI Bios contains the smoothest mouse controlled BIOS.
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
EZ Mode
Fan Profile:
Detailed CPU and case fan information for instant cooling!
SATA Information:
Displays SATA port details for you to easily recognize devices!
Fast Clock Adjustment:
Use mouse controls to change the time and date!
Improve your DRAM performance with a click!
Advanced Mode
Press Enter to create shortcuts to favorite settings, or select an existing shortcut and press
F4 to go straight there!
Quick Notes:
Make notes and capture BIOS-related ideas, quickly and conveniently!
Last Modified Log:
Track last change and save preferred profiles onto a USB drive!
SATA Port Renaming:
Rename SATA ports for easy identification!
TUF Speed - If trading is in your blood, this motherboard needs to be on your desktop!
Exclusive USB 3.0 Boost technology drives data transfer at speeds that are up to 170%
faster than standard. For you, that means slicker workflow every hour of every day. You get
the exclusive Turbo LAN technology, which automatically optimizes your internet connection
for the fastest and smoothest possible file transfers, excellent for getting quotes on-time and
execution of trading. TUF Z97 even helps with your multiple-monitor setup with stability.
TUF Audio Design - makes short work of optimizing audio settings for the way you want to
listen, perfect for trading chat rooms. Onboard physical shielding, professional engineered
design and premium components result in sound output that has exceptional clarity and
The Sonata used the Asus GT640 silent - which works the TUF motherboard. No fans
and has direct contact heatpipes that lowers temperature by 16% with zero noise. Pumps up
graphics performance delivering a 15% performance boost and 2.5 longer lifespan and 35C
cooler operation.
DirectCU Silent cooling design - utilizes direct contact copper heatpipes and a large
heatsink surface to speed up heat dissipation without any noise produced - achieving16%
cooler performance than conventional passive cards.
Outputs to up to four monitors per card and the Sonata can hold two of these cards
supporting up to 8 monitors. Other configurations are availble supporting even more
The Sonata uses the ultra-quiet Corsair power supplies using an ultra-quiet 120mm
fan delivers excellent airflow at an exceptionally low noise level by varying fan speed in
response to temperature. 80Plus Bronze certified to deliver 80% efficiency or higher at
normal load conditions. 0.99 Active Power Factor Correction provides clean and reliable
power. Universal AC input from 90~264V. No more hassle of flipping that tiny red switch to
select the voltage input. A dedicated single +12V rail offers maximum compatibility with the
latest components. Over-voltage and over-power protection, under-voltage protection, and
short circuit protection provide maximum safety to your critical system components.
Intel Core i7-4790K Processor (8M Cache, up to 4.40 GHz). Outstanding levels of
performance and flexibility, 4-Core, 4GHz Performance. New Unlocked 4th Gen Intel Core
Processors deliver 4 cores of up to 4 GHz base frequency, providing blazing-fast computing
performance for the most demanding users. This CPU is perfect for traders. Multi-tasking
compute performance with 4 cores and up to 8 threads to rock the latest games and rip
through multimedia creation. Robust Overclocking Capabilities and Fully unlocked processor
cores with independent base clock tuning improves ability to achieve high core, graphics and
memory frequencies without impacting other system components
Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO - CPU Cooler with 120mm PWM Fan - Excellent all-around
cooling performance that provides fin optimizations with perfect balance between high and
low speed operation. Four (4) Direct Contact Heat pipes with Cooler Master's patented CDC
(Continuous Direct Contact) Technology create a perfect, sleek surface for heat conduction.
Wide-range PWM fan with unique wave-shaped blade design for excellent airflow.
Samsung 850 EVO 250GB 2.5-Inch SATA III Internal SSD - The world's first 3D
Vertical NAND (V-NAND) SSD- the Samsung SSD 850 EVO. Designed with state-of-the-art
SSD advancements including 3D V-NAND technology. As the next generation beyond the
bestselling 840 EVO, youll get the 850 EVOs new 3 dimensional chip design that enables
superior performance, greater reliability and superior energy efficiency so you can work and
play faster and longer than ever before. Samsungs innovative 3D V-NAND flash memory
architecture breaks through density, performance, and endurance limitations of todays
conventional planar NAND architecture. Samsung 3D V-NAND stacks 32 cell layers vertically
resulting in higher density and better performance utilizing a smaller footprint.
Super Thin Bezel Monitors - We recommend and sell only the ASUS VN248H 178
Wide Viewing Angle IPS Technology monitors for the Sonata. The ASUS VN248H features
Advanced High-Performance In-Plane Switching (AH-IPS) display technology for superior
color accuracy, a brighter image from increased backlight transmission and lower power
consumption. The exclusive Splendid Video Intelligence Technology optimizes video
performance and image fidelity by enhancing color, brightness, contrast, and sharpness.
Six preset video modes (Scenery, Theater, Game, Night View, sRGB and Standard) can be
selected via hotkey. With 80,000,000:1 ASUS Smart Contrast Ratio (ASCR) and 300cd/m2
brightness, the VN248H enhances display contrast and sharpness by adjusting backlight
luminance to achieve the deepest black tones and brightest whites, resulting in extra-clear
visuals that truly come to life. VN248H comes with rich connectivity including dual HDMI/
MHL and D-sub so that you will easily connect to Full HD Blu-ray Disc players and myriad HD
playback devices like DVD players and set-top boxes. Youll find limitless entertainment and
multimedia enjoyment with the built-in stereo speakers.
Experience a Multi-screen Solution with a Super Narrow Frame - The ASUS VN series
features compact dimensions - this 23.8in. display has a super narrow bezel of just 1cm,
bringing a broader and better vision without compromising style or comfort. Its pedestal
boasts a sleek, concentric-circle design and the rear bezel comes with a textured finish that
is scratch-proof. The VN248H is also VESA wall-mount compatible, and has the capabilities
to turn into a stunning multi-screen solution.
Multiple VN248 Displays are capable of creating a stunning video wall with their super
narrow frames
The Sonata is available immediately from Traders World. You can configure the computer
online. It takes approximately 5-7 days for the computer to be built and it undergoes a an
48-hour burn-in for before it is shipped. It is shipped in a double box for safety to insure it
wont be damaged in shipping.
The pricing of the computer is significantly lower than competitors even though it contains
components much higher and any competitor. The computer is quite popular and customer
rave about the computer as to its speed, reliability and quietiness. It cant really be beat
anywhere as attested by a large number of testimonials on the site. Signup on the site for
updates, discounts and promos from time to time.
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
Through the
past few
years many
have been
trying to link
with trading
signals in
the markets.
Possibly the
secret to
with me.
the markets.
Astrology today is not looked upon fondly in
Who was W.D. Gann? If you are a trader then
Having this information prior to the market opening, allows traders to have multiple choices
for entry:
- Enter a short using the e-Mini Dow Jones futures contract
- Enter multiple binary options where the risk is defined and paid on entry
- Enter trades on both the futures and binary options
Trading the futures contracts, a stop would typically be placed above the high of the price
bar at Point A or 18,000. Entry would be at 17973 and the risk would be a minimum of 27
points per contract ($135 per contract and a margin requirement of $500 per contract). Since
the red line at the bottom of the chart indicates that price will go to 17860, a profit limit order
could be set for this level. Of course, as experienced traders know, if the market opens fast
and furious, as it typically does, the stop can be jumped and a larger loss could be incurred.
Now lets look at the potential on the binary options. First, the Nadex Binary Option is a
simple true or false statement. If you believe the option statement will be true at expiration,
you buy the binary option. If you believe the option statement will be false at expiration, you
sell the binary option. The maximum payout is $100, if you are correct.
Although a trader could enter At the money, meaning where price is currently trading
(17984), a better scenario is to enter an Out of the Money, in anticipation that price will go
down to a lower level. The chosen Out of the Money options that were available were:
Two Hour Expiration at 10 am New York Time
Total Risk $24.50 per contract (100 75.50), no margin requirement
Daily Expiration binary option (4:15 pm New York Time)
Total Risk $21.75 per contract (100 78.25), no margin requirement
Now, lets fast forward and see what happens at the opening of the US market at 9:30 am
New York Time. The market opens and goes down to the red line as indicated prior to the
opening (17860).
Trading the binary options, the exits were at the following prices:
Daily Expiration Exit:
Mini Dow
Future Contract
2 Hour
As the table above shows, although the mini Dow Future contract yields a higher dollar
profit, it also requires a higher margin amount (and risk). The out of the money binary option
yields a lower dollar amount but a much higher return on investment plus offers a lower risk
opportunity. Since the binary options offers the higher return on investment, a more prudent
approach to trading, especially for beginning traders or those with smaller accounts, is to
simply compound the binary option contracts for a higher dollar yield (in other words, instead
of trading one two hour expiration contract for a profit of $53.25, trade ten contracts for a
profit of $532.50, while only risking $245).
For more information contact Gail Mercer gm@tradershelpdesk.com
profitable benchmark that can be replicated in your live account. Perhaps the best way to
find a successful trading method is to listen to many expert traders to understand what
they have done to be successful. The best way to do that is to listen to the Traders World
Online Expos presentations. This book duplicates what these experts have said in their
presentations, which explains what they have done to find their own trading method.
If you have a trading method that gives you a predictable profit, then that type of objectivity
contributes to your trading edge. The problem with most traders is that being inconsistent
will never allow them to have an edge. After you find your trading method that you feel
comfortable with, you must have the following:
An overall plan to:
1) Set your rule set and plan and then stick with it in all of your trading.
2) To give you a trading plan for every day.
The trade plan then should:
1) Have an exact entry price
2) Have a stop price
3) Have a way to add positions
4) Tell you where to take profits
5) Have a way to protect your profits
By reviewing all the methods given in this book by the expert traders, it will give, you the
preliminary steps that you need to find your footing in finding your own trading method.
Reading this book and by seeing the actual recorded presentations on the Traders World
Online Expo site can act as a reference tool for selecting your method of trading, investment
strategies and tactics.
It took many of these expert traders in this book 15 30 years to finally come up and find
the answers to find their trading method to make consistent profit. Finding your trading
method could be then much easier when you read this book and incorporate the techniques
that best fit your personality and style from these traders. This book will enable you to that
fastest way to do that.
So if you want help to find your own trading method to be successful in the markets then
buy and read this book.
Learn the Secrets of Successful Trading (Traders World Online Expo Books) [Kindle
Trade the Markets with and Edge (Traders World Online Expo Books)
This is an important book discussing the use of different strategies methods
about trading.
It was written by over 30 expert traders. The book was designed to help you
develop your own trading edge in the markets to put you above others who
dont have an edge and just trade by the seat of their pants. 90% of traders
actually lose in the markets and the main reason is simply that they dont
have an edge.
All of the writers in this book are very experienced and knowledgeable of different ways. Each
of them has their own expertise in trading the markets. What sets these traders apart from
other traders? Many think that beating the markets has something to do with discovering and
using some secret formula.
The traders in this book have the right attitude and many employ a combination of fundamental
analysis, technical analysis principles and formulas in their best trading strategies. This gives
them a trading edge over other traders. If you want to be successful at trading, you too must
have your edge. One needs to find successful trading strategies and implement them in their
own trading method.
The purpose of this book is to present to you the best trading strategies of these traders so
that you might be able to select those that fit you best and then implement them into your
own trading style. I wish to express my appreciation to all the writers in this book who made
the book possible. They have spent many hours of their time and hard work in writing their
section of the book and the putting together their video presentation for the online expo.
Guide to Successful Online Trading - Secrets from the Pros
This is one of the finest trading books youll ever see about trading. The
reason is that it comes from a group of expert pro traders with multiple years
of experience.
Trading as you know is extremely difficult. It is estimated that 90% of
traders lose money in the markets. To help you overcome this statistic, the
pro traders in this book give you their ideas on trading with some of the
best trading methods ever developed through their long time experience.
By reading about these trading methods and implementing them in the markets you will then
have a chance to then join the ranks of the 10% of the successful traders.
The traders in this book have through experience the right attitude and employ a combination
www.tradersworld.com Feb/Mar/Apr 2015
of technical analysis principles and strategies to be successful. You can develop these also.
Trading is one of the best ways to make money. Apply the trading methods in this book and
treat it as a business. The purpose of this book is to help you be successful in trading.
From this book you will get all the strategies, Indicators and trading methods that you need
to make big profits in the markets.
This book gives you:
1) Audio/Visual Links to presentations from pro traders
2) The best strategies that the professional traders are using now
3) The broad perspective you need in todays difficult markets
4) The Exact tools that you need to make profitable trading decisions
5) The finest trading education