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48 PDF
Calibrating Gann’s
Planetary Lines
WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM January/February 2011 1
Letter From The Editor
Issue#48 has Editor-in-Chief
many excellent Larry Jacobs - Winner of 2001 World Cup Championship of
articles in it. Stock Trading
2508 W. Grayrock Dr., Springfield, MO 65810
Contact Information
Email: publisher@tradersworld.com
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• A friend
rom the time we are born, most • A trading buddy
of us learn that we must be • A teacher
accountable for our actions. First it
is to our families and then later to • A coach
our teachers, preachers, coaches,
and society. Since traders are already What would a person need to help you
conditioned to be accountable, they should be more accountable?
make use of this tool in reaching for trading • A clearly defined set of rules from you
• Your commitment to telling the truth to
Sweeping it under the carpet
• An accounting of the trades you took
Traders like to think that they only need to
• Why you think the trades you took were
be accountable to themselves in order to
good opportunities
get the best out of their trading. But it has
• The risk/reward ratios before the trade
been my experience that most traders fail
• The money management procedure
miserably at this task. So why are traders
you followed
not able to do this?
• Whether or not you followed your rules
• The lessons you learned
They do not want to:
• And at the four month periodical review,
• Be wrong
the changes you would make and why
• Admit that they are changing their rules
• Face up to the fact that they do not
have good rules Reward or punishment
• Realize that they need psychological There should be a clearly defined
• Ten percent of every good trade will go
into a rewards account for you
• A food or entertainment treat
• Time with a special friend
• Any - my favorite, a massage
When you make yourself accountable
in trading to someone else, you activate
that part of you that has already been
programmed for accountability. In doing
this you will be more accountable to
ADRIENNE TOGHRAIE, a Trader’s Coach,
is an internationally recognized authority
in the field of human development for
Click to the financial community. Her 11 books on
Lessons to assist you in overcoming your self-imposed
A success model to direct your mind towards the information you
want and need to become a master trader
A success model to deal with time management and getting things
Lessons of professional traders
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Learn NLP for eliminating self-sabotage in trading
n the past few years, trading courses
have proliferated for almost any
type of trading. Some have taken
advantage of new technologies to
deliver their educational material,
others have been little more than Power
Point presentations with voice over. The
Dynamic Trading Multimedia E-Learning
Workshop takes advantage of E-learning
techniques to deliver a comprehensive
learning experience unlike most other self-
study trading courses.
Robert Miner has been educating
traders since the mid-1980’s. He was one
of the presenters at our first conferences
in 1989 sponsored by Gann-Elliott Trader the trading conferences for over 20 years
Magazine, the predecessor to Traders World beginning with the Computrac conferences
Magazine. At that conference over twenty over 20 years ago and more.
years ago, he presented his W. D. Gann Miner calls his latest self-study
Home Study Trading Course which was the workshop the culmination of over twenty
first independent study course for traders years of real world trading experience
that we are aware of. So, Miner does have and trading education. He has taken
a long and successful history producing advantage of contemporary, self-study
educational materials for traders. learning techniques with the Dynamic
Miner’s credentials include publishing Trading Multimedia E-Learning Workshop.
an advisory service since the mid-1980’s, Following the introduction sections where
writing two of the best selling trading Miner discusses trading as a business,
books of all time (Dynamic Trading and trading verses forecasting and more,
High Probability Trading Strategies), he begins to focus on each of the three
winning first place in the Robbins World primary areas of technical analysis that
Cup Championship of Futures Trading, are a part of a complete trading plan
being named Guru of the Year by the Super he teaches including pattern, price and
Traders Almanac, speaking at many of indicator strategies.
Dynamic Trading
E-Learning Workshop
Act now for your $400 Traders World discount (through January only)
WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM January/February 2011 13
Catching Significant Trends
Equals Big Profits!
By Bennett McDowell, President, TradersCoach.com
Most money in trading is made from a market consolidation is one where the
catching a significant trend. Most money competition between buyers and sellers
lost in trading occurs by missing or being unite to form a compact mass. A trader’s
on the wrong side of trends. So the definition of a market consolidation is one
real question is “How do we protect and where prices have remained range bound
preserve our trading capital as we position within a narrow price channel.
ourselves to catch the next profitable Is market consolidation an area
trend? where little or no new information has
Significant trends are known to emerge come into the market to cause a greater
from market consolidations and it is disagreement of value or perceived value
during these consolidations that traders which would move prices? And do trends
experience “whip-sawing” leading to occur because the value or perceived
psychological trauma that can cause havoc value is changing so much that the price
with a trader’s life, which can cause the must change to represent the new value?
trader to miss the trend altogether! Answering yes to these questions leads to
It is said that markets trend the conclusion that market consolidations
approximately 35% of the time, meaning are areas where no new value perceptions
that 65% of the time they are trend-less. are being generated. Thus, prices remain
Consolidations are known to occur before “tight” or range bound.
many significant market trends and to be
a profitable trader you must learn how to The Nature or Psychology Of
exploit these trends while not losing your Market Consolidations
money when the market is trend-less. Consolidations by their very nature can not
last too long since they become increasingly
Consolidations: A Textbook unstable with time. Most traders view
Definition consolidations as a stabilization of price,
Let’s define a market consolidation. A but consolidations actually become
dictionary definition of a market is “the increasing unstable with time. In fact the
world of commercial activity where goods longer a market remains consolidated, the
and services are bought and sold; without more unstable it becomes.
competition there would be no market”. Market consolidations have their own
A dictionary definition of a consolidation cycles. During their initial formation
is “something that has consolidated into traders are undecided as to value and the
a compact mass; combining into a solid price oscillates. If this condition continues,
mass; an occurrence that results in things traders’ perceptions of this asset’s value
being united”. Reading these two text remain the same until new information
book definitions leads one to believe that enters the market to change perceptions.
trader to unnecessary risk, and possibly destroy their account. A few
essential money management techniques can make a big difference
to the bottom line. In A Trader’s Money Management System, author
Bennett McDowell introduces readers to the most important elements
of money management in trading. Topics covered throughout this
a trading system; how to calculate the best trade size on every trade;
how to analyze profit/loss results and identify weaknesses in a
strategy; plus much more. Along the way, McDowell also addresses
rading is hard work normally, technical analysis. In 1983, he was the first
but in these tumultuous times of person in the world to introduce strategy
algorithmic trading, hedge fund backtesting in commercially available
dominance, and global, macro trading software for personal computers.
forces driving markets, traders need Market Technologies has continued
a sharp edge to compete successfully to increase VantagePoint’s predictive
and come out on the winning side. accuracy over the past two decades by
VantagePoint Intermarket Analysis refining its application of neural networks
Software from Market Technologies gives to global intermarket data, while adding
individual traders that needed edge. more leading indicators, expanding the
To be clear, VantagePoint does not markets covered, and generally improving
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automated trading system. Instead, friendliness. Even newcomers to trading
VantagePoint uses proprietary, patent- can easily benefit from its forecasting
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networks applied to global intermarket the hood.”
analysis to analyze how related markets
influence each other. These technologies Product Overview
produce unique predictive, technical VantagePoint software provides leading
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accurate trend forecasts. four major categories: forex, futures,
In the trading world, the trend is truly stocks, and exchange-traded funds
your friend, and having a tool that can (ETFs). The forex category includes
identify trends – particularly impending the eight major currency pairs and 13
changes in trend direction -- reliably and important cross rate pairs. The futures
consistently is a big step toward trading category covers all of the major financial
success. and commodity markets.
VantagePoint has been serving traders In prior versions, VantagePoint
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introduced trading software that utilized of 12 popular U.S. Stock Sectors. The
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Market pros Dr. Chris Kacher and Gil Morales provide stock set-ups and ETF recommenda-
tions in real-time via email so you can immediately act on their alerts (for both beginning
and advanced investors):
• Dr. Chris Kacher used his timing model to help generate a long term return
of +18,241.2% in the stock market as verified by KPMG.
• Dr. Kacher and Gil Morales wrote the book, “Trade Like An O’Neil Disciple:
How We Made 18,000% in the Stock Market”.
• 2010 market timing results: +83.8% (unaudited results using 3x ETF TYH).
• 2009 market timing results: +118.3% (unaudited results using 3x ETF TYH).
Watch for Gil Morales and Chris Kacher on Traders World Online Expos
Here’s How —
hrough the autumn and winter of We can see here that Gann is drawing
1948, W. D. Gann hand charted the trendlines and price level lines based
May 1949 Soybean futures contract upon planetary longitude on this famous
traded on the Chicago Board of Trade. Unlike chart, and these lines perfectly define the
much of Gann’s work, this chart survived trend as well as the top in the Soybean
and is publicly available from numerous market. Gann never spoke or wrote in
sources. Many analysts have commented any detail about this technique, and the
on this chart and a number of them have few references we have to it appear only
cited Gann’s use of planetary longitude. on some of his most complex and messy
I have reproduced it here with certain charts, having to be deciphered and
planetary lines highlighted, as defined by reverse engineered by the astute Gann
the color key below, showing exactly what analyst in order to determine what he was
each of these lines represents. actually doing.
Many people have experimented
W. D. Gann’s 1949 May Soybean Chart – with using this technique, and a number
Planetary Lines Colored of software programs have functions
Red Line = Mars Longitude – Blue Line = which produce variations on this
Jupiter Longitude application. However, often after years
Green Line Jupiter 255° Horizontal – of experimentation, researchers are still
Dashed Blue = Jupiter 270° Horizontal unable to discover the true potential of
Figure 1
WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM January/February 2011 25
Richard Scott spent 8 years doing this research, by hand, watching the markets day after day, studying each change,
and then tracking down every influence and lead that he could find which would demonstrate to him the cause behind
market movements. He compiled 110 years of Dow Jones Industrial Average data, and, with his ephemeris in hand,
tracked down every instance of every influence. This course presents the results of that labor, summarized,
simplified, and clearly explained so that any trader can begin tracking and trading planetary influences in the markets
in a matter of weeks rather than years.
It further teaches how to determine the ongoing energetic background environment that the market is traveling
through at all times. This environment is defined by the summation of the underlying planetary energies at any time.
Any projection you have from any system can now be cross-checked with the Planetary Energy Background, and you
can affirm whether a turn will likely be a top or a bottom, or a trend will go up or down. This is very simple to
understand and to apply to your future charts, giving you an ongoing read on the energetic forces behind the market!
The Time Projection Technique presented in this course develops a new type of planetary time projection,
through the projecting of pairs or groups of planetary relationships into the future. The result of these
combinations is the projection of highly accurate future turning points with a false signal ratio of only 2
out of 10, or better. The time projections are highly accurate, generally occurring within a day of the actual
signal, even from points 30 years in the past. Specics of the projections can dene major turns, vs.
intermediate turns, vs. minor turns, and some combinations give very accurate projections of polarity,
whether a turn will be a bottom or a top. Using overlapping projections of multiple planetary
congurations serve as conrmations of important turning points, ltering out errors to less than even one
false signal in ten. The course also presents a detailed introduction to astrology, two different systems to
project price, and a means to mathematically determine the SPEED of the market. There are numerous
trading examples given for long, intermediate and intraday trading. See our website for more details!
Figure 2
WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM January/February 2011 27
This new course unravels the correct application of WD
Gann’s Planetary Longitude Lines. Gann used these
lines on his famous May Soybeans chart, but most
people have never been able to figure out how to apply EXPLAINS MISSING CALIBRATION FACTOR
them as effectively as Gann did. Until now!
This new course explains why most analysts have failed
here! There is a missing conversion factor or calibration
rate which must be used to adjust the planetary
relationships to the scale and vibration of the market at
any particular price level. This book CRACKS the
conversion factor and makes Planetary Lines one of the
most valuable tools you’ll have in your toolbox.
Simple to apply with the proper software, which is easily
available, this powerful technique will give an added
dimensional perspective to market action. These lines
call both price and time, and are one of the easiest but
most powerful of all Gann tools. Once you know them,
you will NEVER stop using these lines to trade from!
Figure 3
WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM January/February 2011 29
We are extremely happy to announce the release of a new and
deep Trading Course. Behind The Veil presents powerful FORECASTING RECORDS
trading techniques based upon the deepest scientific and In August of 2009, Dr. Goulden produced 7
metaphysical principles. It unveils many mysterious and difficult forecasts in 7 different markets. His results were
theories and applications similar in approach to those of W.D. impressive, 7 out of 7, yielding 3,161 points in 7
Gann and shows a trader how to use these principles to days, with 7 trades, in 7 different markets!
successfully forecast and trade the markets. DON’T MISS THIS Wouldn’t you like to forecast like this?
Dr. Goulden, a Cambridge educated scholar, penetrated many of T-Notes 20-22 August. Result - a pivot low on 21
the hidden techniques used by Gann, and has developed August, followed by a rally of 241 points to 2 Sept.
numerous new and original trading applications based upon Soybeans 17-20 August. Result - a pivot low on 17
similar principles, leading him to the forecasting results in seen August, followed by a 710 point rally in 6 days.
here. Gold 17- 20 August. Result - a pivot low on 17 August,
The techniques developed by Dr. Goulden will teach traders how followed by a 780 point rally to 8 Sept.
to identify future pivot points following which profitable market Platinum - 23/4 August. Result - a pivot high on 24
moves ensue. All of the timing tools needed to forecast these August, followed by a 607 point drop in 7 days.
pivot points and the geometric tools used to identify price entry
and exit points, and to determine the nature of the ensuing trend
NY Cocoa 21-24 August. Result - a pivot high on 25
August, followed by a 257 point drop in 4 days.
are demonstrated in the Course. Based upon a deep level of
metaphysical and cosmological insight, these techniques are NY Cotton 21- 24 August. Result - a pivot low on 26
easily applicable, clearly presented and shown through numerous August, followed by a 426 point rally in 7 days.
chart examples in multiple markets, including stocks, German Bund 21-24 August. Result - a spike low on
commodities & Forex, in all time frames, monthly to minute. 24 August, followed by a 140 point rally in 7 days.
o matter what trading technique
or methodology you employ,
ultimately, there are only three
zones you can enter a market:
near the bottom, near the top or near the
middle. If you enter a market near the
bottom of its range, you could be called a
Bottom-fisher (if you bought) or a Trend-
follower (if you sold). If you entered near
the top of the range, you can be called a
Trend-follower (if you bought) or a Top-
picker (if you sold). When you enter after
a market’s high or low, on a pull-back
toward the center of its range, you might the three phases of market activity
be called a Bargain hunter (which breaks – Bottoming/Topping, Accumulation/
down into two categories - an Accumulator, Distribution, and Trending (up or down) –
if you bought, or a Distributor, if you sold). and the best trading strategies for each,
Despite the incredible universe of including Elliott Wave/NEoWave and other
market systems available to the financial techniques. At the end, I provide specific
industry, ALL trading techniques fall into trading recommendations for today’s
only one of three categories (i.e., Top/ difficult trading environment.
Bottom-fishing, Trend-following or Bargain
hunting). By definition, a market will Bottoming/Topping phase of
spend about 1/3 of its time in each portion market activity
of a market’s 3 ranges; so, each approach A major market top or bottom is rare, which
to trading works about 1/3 the time. As means it holds for a long time. Therefore,
a result, if you do what most do (i.e., you can’t have a major top or bottom
stick to one trading style) you will make every week. Recognizing a market top
money about 1/3 the time and lose money or bottom can be difficult, yet extremely
the other two-thirds. If you want to trade profitable if you’re right. Unfortunately,
successfully 3/3’s of the time, you must this phase of market activity is one of the
understand all three phases of market most dangerous times to trade, because
activity, learn to determine which phase is it can produce repetitive losses if you
unfolding, then adjust your trading style to continually guess incorrectly. For example,
fit that environment. in an expanding environment, a market
In this article – second in my “Stock can be in a topping phase, yet make minor
Market Predictions” series – I outline new highs over and over without changing
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Chart 2.png
WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM January/February 2011 37
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certify, endorse, approve, disapprove or recommend, 2011 39
any trading
Time Factor
in Points
of Force by Oleksandr Salivon
oint of Force is an trend will finally reverse?
area on the chart, Here we find importance
where strong of Time Factor. If time for
price levels and the move elapsed – price
significant time will start moving in the 2010 price movement was
periods intersect. There is opposite direction from the weak, i.e. price slid to the
a great number of tools, nearest significant level. new low and than returned
which help to identify higher that low, while if
levels, where price can Price methods in it remained below - this
meet resistance or support. action would be an indication of a
Congestions of price levels Today we will work with strong structure. Only this
are much stronger than a November Wheat chart and would tell us that Wheat
single level, but there are reveal reasons for the price price is about to change
always few congestions. soar in July. First we find medium-term trend for at
How do you know where the out that in January-June least few months rebound.
To find where the final
bottom might take place -
add 50% of the previous
range (Figure 1).
ince the advent of electronic
trading, day trading has become
the most sought after and the
most elusive of trading regimens.
There are thousands of systems and
methods that try to capture consistency
of market action only to find that markets
display a wide array of personalities
that defy coincidental meeting points While there is not enough space in this
designated as “the buy” or “the sell” within brief article to cover the many aspects of
the system or method. this large body of work there are some
This article will attempt to shed some concepts that I would like to share with
light on organizing short term trading as the readers in hopes of adding clarity to
it is viewed from the standpoint of “Novy what it is that traders do irrespective of
Principles of Market Flow.” the design of the method or system that
Leonard Novy
Your Personal
Trading Seminar Simple
by Jack Winkleman
oger Babson was at the New York to do something to prevent the losses. It
stock exchange on March 14, 1907, put him on the path, which resulted in the
at the request of a friend. The founding of Babson Business Statistics,
market had started a drop from a high Babson Business College and the Gravity
of 111 on March 6, 1907 on the way to a Research Foundation.
low point of 60. Much of the drop occurred Prior to Babson graduating from M.I T.
on March 14. “On that day I actually saw in 1898 he sat in Professor Swains Civil
men’s hair turn gray.” Roger wrote in his Engineering class. To make the class more
autobiography. interesting, Professor Swain used stock
It motivated him to do market charts to illustrate the application
a study of stock exchange of Isaac Newton’s laws – particularly of the
transactions and what law of action and reaction. Babson used the
he referred to as foolish exercises learned in the class to develop
investments. He came to his method of analyzing the stock market
the conclusion that the cost and investing, subsequently making his
to even thrifty investors was one and a half fortune as a financial advisor and investor.
billion dollars a year at that time. At that Roger Babson, himself said that
point he made a life changing decision, his interest in gravity started with the
Figure 1
Figure 2
Statistical Organization, later evolved that are useful for a technical trader to
into Business Statistics Organization and achieve and surpass such a goal.
then Babson’s Reports, until eventually Roger read several books and kept
it thrived as Babson-United Investment Brenner’s Prophecies of future ups
Reports. Probably due to the Internet and and downs in prices as one of his prize
free stock data, it closed its doors in 2001. possessions. He found that a particular
Babson, in his autobiography titled the quote from the book was important to
last chapter “How $2,000 can become remember.
$831,543 without borrowing a penny”. As “There is a time in the price of certain
the reader will later in this article, there products and commodities, Which if taken
are powerful techniques that he developed by men at the advance, But if taken on the
Figure 4
For more information on the course content and on Jaime Johnson visit
50 WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM January/February 2011
Figure 5
decline leads to bankruptcy and ruin.” chart called the Babson chart.
It was Brenner’s book and a book As can be seen in the Babson Chart,
by Henry Hall, How money is made in a normal line is drawn through the chart,
securities investments, that Roger Babson Times above this line were thought of as
brought with him to an important meeting times of prosperity and times below it were
with his old friend, Professor Swain. It was times of recession or depression. Babson
Professor Swain that originally introduced utilized the charts to forecasts not only
him to the idea of applying Newton’s third the times of prosperity but the degree and
law of motion to investing. length of the periods.
It was Professor Swain that worked with Babson wrote in his autobiography,”Our
Roger Babson to come up with a composite contribution to the analyzing and
Figure 6
Figure 8
Figure 10
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Full Screen
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WWW.TRADERSWORLD.COM January/February 2011
Minimizing Financial Risk
in a Changing Investment
Environment By Steve Selengut
the hindsightful, but popular and generally
ost investors incorrectly think accepted, calendar year assessment
of “risk” as the possibility that mechanisms. Brainwashing again.
the market value of a financial The amount, cause, frequency, range,
asset might fall below the and duration of market value change will
amount that he or she has invested in the always vary in an “I-don’t-care-who-you-
asset. OMG, how could this be happening! listen-to” unpredictably certain way --- the
Think about it. The harboring of these certainty being that the change in market
misconceptions (that lower market price values of investment assets is inevitable,
= loss or bad and/or that higher market unpredictable, and essential to long term
price = profit or good) is the greatest investment success.
risk creator of all. It invariably causes Without these natural changes, there
inappropriate actions within the large would be no hope of gain, no chance of
mass of individuals who are uninitiated in buying low and selling higher. No risk, no
the ways of the investment gods. profits, and no excitement--- boring!
Risk is the reality of financial assets The first steps in risk minimization
and financial markets: the current value are cerebral, and involve developing
of all securities will change, from “real” an understanding of the fundamental
property through time-restrained futures economic purpose of the two basic classes
speculations. Anything that is “marketable” of investment securities.
is subject to changes in market value. It is From the investors’ perspective: (a)
as the gods intended, and portfolios can equity securities are expected to produce
be designed so that it just doesn’t matter growth in the form of realized capital gains,
quite so much as you’ve been brainwashed and (b) income securities are expected
into thinking. to produce spendable (or reinvestable)
What is abnormal is the hype surrounding income. But it isn’t real growth until it’s
market value changes and the hysteria realized, or real income until it’s received.
for 2011
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here is no doubt Elliott Wave is one THE HARMONIC WAVE
of those techniques that traders STRUCTURE
either love or hate. For some Given that I believe quite strongly in the use
it’s almost a status symbol to be of natural order ratios in both retracements
able to count waves. Others find it just and wave projections I have spent a great
too hard. I have looked over some online deal of time working out which waves were
Elliott Wave forums on an occasional basis related. It was through this process that I
just to have a look at how people discuss thought I noticed a “Special Wave A” move
their wave counts. It’s not an infrequent that Robert Prechter noted in 1986, a
comment I see when some state “I like diagonal triangle wave development which is
Elliott Wave but it’s like something isn’t normally associated with an extended Wave
quite right.” Others tend to not adhere 5 was occasionally seen in a Wave A position.
too strictly to the rules and just observe See Figure 1: Prechter’s Special Wave A
for 5-wave moves. Looking at leading developing in five sets of three-waves
Elliotticians’ analyses their counts rarely However, what I was facing was a five-
any adhered to any relationships… wave move that developed in a similar
If you are one of these Elliotticians that manner to a diagonal triangle, in which
have had these doubts when counting waves Waves (i), (iii) and (v) all developed in
I have news for you… You’re absolutely three waves and not five… This implied that
right. R.N. Elliott made a misjudgment in any individual five-wave move could only
the impulsive wave structure. I am 100% develop in a Wave A position or in a Wave C
certain of that. position. In the next higher degree this ABC
sequence actually formed one section of a
Figure 1 Figure 2
Figure 5
Ian Copsey
he Position Manager cash prices to help you
is a new software gauge market sentiment.
program now in beta It allows you to view
testing that we have been CSI’s Seasonal Index data
reviewing. It is not currently projected forward. See
available to the public yet. Figure 1 and 2.
The program is designed For spread trading
around the comprehensive the program also shows
data series offered by CSI correlation ranks between
data. CSI monitors some proposed market pairs
80,000 world stocks and and Z-scores (signal line
1000 world futures. It offers values that measure the
charting from this bank of dispersion between pairs
data using updates via the of markets) from the CSI’s
Unfair Advantage® and unique Market Correlation
delayed intraday updates Studies. See Figure 3.
from third party internet Position Manager uses
sites. a space-age directional
Position Manager keeps filter logic, developed by
track of your positions for Projectory Filter LLC, to help
virtually any exchange hold onto profits. It gives
traded investment. It turning points for timing
gives you your entry, exit, market entry and exit with
last price and cumulative expert on-line reversal
profits. It also gives USDA assistance. See Figure 4.
Commercial Interest, and Notice this is a normal bar
Figure 2 Table Display Items
coupon code
“tradersworld 10”
Charting and analysis
(new customers only) is provided through
CSI’s flagship product known as
Unfair Advantage® (UA)
Figure 4 Charts
.M. Gartley was a technical analyst are basically the same thing and how to
who published his book “Profits use the Quadrilateral to calculate price
in the Stock Market” in 1935. He extensions.
is best known for his Gartley Patterns in He also explains why the Gartley
the markets. Ross Beck is the author of Pattern is the most powerful pattern in the
the new book – Gartley Patterns. He is financial market and he convinces you of
the recognized authority on the subject of that. You’ll see the Gartley patterns in your
Gartley Patterns. chart trading and how easy they are to
In this book Mr. recognize. You have actually been trading
Beck explains Gartley and you did not know it.
how to utilize In the chapter titled, The Gartley Pattern
the methods of Revealed, the author goes into great detail
H.M. Gartley with many illustrations. He feels that it is
to capture the very important that the trader be patient
maximum profits until the desired move is developed, all
in the financial conditions laid down are present, watch for
markets. the minor reaction, which tests the market
The book and have the courage to get out with a fair
is divided into profit or protect the profit with stops.
three parts In the next section the author compares
1) The first part examines how to the Gartley methods with traditional
identify and profit from the pattern pattern methods such as double bottoms,
formations in the markets. head and shoulders. He explains one of
2) The second part explains the how the best opportunities in trading with
the Gartley patterns are much superior several chart illustrations. He details the
to classical chart patterns and even Elliott exact Fibonacci ratios to use in the Gartly
Wave Theory. pattern and how it fits into the Gann box.
3) The third part shows how to apply Finanally now that you know the
Gartley pattern filters to improve the Gartley pattern he explains entry and
profitability in entry and exit points. exit strategies and how they depend on
Mr. Beck basically describes how to setup your particular style. He gives several
your charts so to make sure the basics types of entries such as Fibonacci, 1-Bar
are covered. He explains the different Reversal, Candlestick, and the Technical
types of charts, computer oscillators and Indicator Entry method. He explains his
indicators and where to get your data. He exit strategies such as the 3-bar trailing
clearly explains exactly how Gartley and stop and how to trade multiple contracts,
Elliott Wave are related. How the AB = CD scaling in and out, calculating targets, etc.
label and the Elliott Wave ABC correction Then he goes into several case studies
ince early-2007, I have discussed Commodities did see another surge
the 17-Year Cycle and its impact from late-2008/early-2009 into the
on everything from earthquakes & present (though late-2010 into early-2011
volcanoes to stock market crashes & real pinpoints diverse cycle highs in many of
estate debacles to currency meltdowns & these markets, including Gold & Silver).
commodity cycles. Many of the projections Major earthquakes did strike targeted
made in 2007 have already reached areas like Chile and/or South America
fruition… (as they did 17 years ago… and 17 years
The Stock Market did drop 35--50% in before that… and 17 years before that…
1-2 years (similar to what it did 34 years and 17 years before that… all the way back
prior… and 34 years before that… and 34 to before the mid-1800’s).
years before that… and 34 years before However, there are some markets that
that). have a similar 17-Year Cycle… but on a
Real estate did turn out to be a bubble delayed basis.
that is still losing air. In these cases, the initial 17-Year Cycle
chart 1
chart 2
chart 3
chart 4
Phase II
The point of this is that late-2010/
early-2011 is a momentous period, when
an important shift could take place in many You need to know when it is favorable
for you to proceed aggressively or is it
markets. Some of these ‘shifts’ should time to proceed slowly and cautiously!
only last for 3-6 months. However, others
- like that in interest rates - should last for It is the desire of Traders World Magazine that the
magic of astrology should become available to as
many years to come.
many people as possible as inexpensively as pos-
See Chart 4
sible. Traders World will have a professional astrol-
Looking ahead a little farther, June 2011 is ogy report done for you. The professional report is
one of the most critical - and potentially decisive approximately 30 - 50 pages beautifully present-
- interest rate cycles of the next 2-3 years. It is ed in columns with beautiful fonts covering both
your personal and professional life. You can use
the culmination of many diverse cycles and could
the professional part of the report to develop your
help corroborate the outlook for a new paradigm talents, so you will be better able to attain your
in the financial markets. The accompanying desired growth in your profession. Problems can
chart from August 2010 (also a ‘yield’ chart that is be avoided and transformed into positives through
the inverse of the Bonds & Notes futures charts) insight and wise action. The report is in a pdf
document and is $19.95 and is emailed to you. To
gives a small taste of the cycles that come into
receive the report enter your order. We will send
play at that time. More specific and detailed you back an email with the following questions be-
analysis and trading strategies will be available low to do your astrological report.
in our publications. IT
We need from you to do the report:
(1) birthdate, (2) time of birth, (3) If you don’t
Eric S. Hadik is President of INSIIDE Track know the time of birth then we need if you were
Trading and can be e-mailed at INSIIDE@ born in the morning, afternoon, evening, night,
(4) city of birth, (5) state or providence of birth
aol.com. Their website is at www.
and finally (6) country of birth
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I would recommend 23 or
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Today you can do what the Master the original price.
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