MTE 1 Unit-1
MTE 1 Unit-1
MTE 1 Unit-1
Types of Functions
Even and Odd Functions
Monotone Functions
Periodic Functions
1.8 Summary
1.9 Solutions and Answers
This is the first unit of the course on Calculus. We thought it would be a good idea to
acquaint you with some basic results about the real number system and functions, before you
actually start your study of Calculus. Perhaps, you are already familiar with these results.
But, a quick look through the pages will help you in refreshing your memory, and you will
be ready to tackle the course.
In the next three sections of this unit, we shall present some results about the real number
system. You will find a number of examples of various types of functions in Sections 5 to 7.
You should also study the graphs of these functions carefully. It is very important to be able
to visualise a given function. In fact, try to draw a graph whenever you encounter a new
function. We shall svstematically study the tracing of curves in Unit 9.
After reading this unit you should be able to:
recall the basic properties of real numbers,
derive other properties with the help of the basic ones,
identify various types of bounded and unbounded intervals,
define a function and examine whether a given function is one-oneJonto,
investigate whether a given function has an inverse or not,
define the scalar multiple, absolute value, sum, difference, product, quotient of the
given functions,
determine whether a given function is even, odd, monotonic or periodic.
Elements of Differential
Remark 1: The fact that the above eleven properties are satisfied is often expressed by
saying that the real numbers form afield with respect to the usual addition and
multiplication operations.
In addition to the above mentioned properties, we can also define an order relation on R
with of which we can compare any two real numbers. We write x > y to mean that x
is greater than y. 'The order relation '>' has the following properties:
we take any sub-set of R instead of a single real number x. Do yo11 think that, given a set
#& I
h S
s t j ~
Now we can reword our earlier questions as follows : Is it possible to find an upper bound
for a given set ?
Let us consider the set Z-= 1-1, - 2, - 3, - 4,
Now, each x E Z-is negative. Or, in other words, x < 0 for all x E Z . Yb you see, itr this
case we are able to find an upper bound, namely zero, for our set Z-
On the other hand, if we consider the set of natural numvers, N = { 1,2,3 &..f,obvimsly we
will not be able to find an upper bound. Thus N is not bounded aborc.
Yett wiN,ef course, realise that if u is an upper bound for a set S then u + 1, u + 2, u + 3,
....,(in fact, w r , where r is any positive number) are all uppr$naqds nf S. For example, we
have seen that 0 is an upper bound for Z-. Check that 1,2,3,4.R. .. . are dl upper bounds
of Z,
From among all the upper bounds of a set S, which is bounded above, we can choose an
upper bound u such that u is less than or equal to every upper bound of S. We call this u the
least upper bound or the supremum of S. For example, consider the set
R : x 2 1 4 )= { X E R : - 2 < x < 2 )
We shall say that a set S c R is bounded if it has both an upper bound and a lower bound.
Based on this discussion you will be able to solve the following ekercise.
Zero is unique.
Addition is cancellative.
Unity is unique.
Ifx.lf=xforallxinR,then I f = 1.
Multiplication is cancellative.
Definition 2: If x and y are any two real numbers, the result of subtraction of y from x is
10 If x and y are non zero numbers such that x-' = y-I, then x = y.
11 I f a i b a n d c > O , t h e n a c < b c .
12 a is positive if and only if -a is negative.
13 I f a < b a n d c < d , . t h e n a + c < b + d .
14 Ifa>bandc<O,thenac<bc.
17 Ifb>0,thena2<b2*-b<a<b.
You are,also familiar with the following subsets of R:
The set N of natural numbers. Note that it is the smallest subset of R possessing the
following properties:
i) EN
ii) k~ N * k + l c N
2) The set Z of integers. It is the smallest subset of R possessing the following properties:
i) Z x N
ii) If x, y E Z, then x - y E Z.
3) The set Q of rational numbers. We observe that it is the smallest subset of R possessing
the following properties:
i) Q 2 Z
ii) If x, y E Q and y + O, then xy-' E Q.
You must have also studied the following properties of these sets.
1) k E N if and only if k is a positive integer, that is, k E Z and k > 0.
2) The operations of addition and multiplication on N satisfy A 1, A2, A5, M1, M2, M3, M5
and D. They do not, however, satisfy A3, A4 and M4.
3) The operations on Q satisfy A 1 to A5, M1 to M5 and 0 1 to 04. Therefore Q is an
ordered field. But C is not satisfied, that is, Q is not order- complete.
.,; ,.
We list here some more properties of these sets which you will find useful in your study of
4) Archimedean Property :If a and b are any real numbers and if b > 0, then there is a
positive integer n such that nb > a.
5) If a is any real number, there is a positive integer n such that n > a (Archimedean
property applied to a and 1).
6) A real number s is the supremum of a set S c R if and only if the following conditions
are satisfied.
i) s 2 x for all x in S.
ii) For each E > 0, there is a y in S sucn chat y > s - E.
is; :
g-.i 1
, I..
b .!
7) Every nonempty set of real numbers that is bounded below, has an infimum.
The exercise below can now be done easily.
' i.;,
L . .
E2) a) Show that the set of positive real nurpbers is bounded below. What is its infimum?
b) Write the characterisation of the infimum of a subset of R, wlich corresponds to 6)
above. Give an example.
k*, ,
J ;;
Elements of Differential
Ixl =
a) By the law of trichotomy (01) applied to the real numbers x and 0, exactly one of the
following holds:
i) x > 0, ii) x = 0, or iii) x < 0.
max (- x, x ) = x and hence I x I = max (-x, x )
x + y 2 r ) or i i ) x + y c O .
Ix+yl =x+ySlxl+lyl.
Let x + y < 0. Then -(x + y) > 0, that i$,
(-X) + (-y) > 0 and we can use the resfflt of (i)
Thus, I x + y I = I (-x) + (-y) 1 5 I-x I + I -y I, by i) .
Thuswefindthatforallx,y~R, I x + y I S l x I + I y I .
e) By writing x = (x - y) + y and applying the triangle inequality to the numbers x - y @y, we have
... (2)
-(\XI-ly I)<lx-y I.
From (1) and (2) we find that I x I - I y I and its negative - (I x I - I y I) are both less than or at
themostequaltolx-yI.Therefore,max { I x I - I y I , - ( 1 x 1 - I y I ) ] S I x - y l .
But the left hand side of the above inequality is simply 1 I x I - I y I I. Therefore, we habe
1 1 x 1 - l y l ls l x - y l
That is, I x - y I 2 I I x I - I y I I for all x, y
Now you should be able to prove some easy consequences of this theorem. The following
exercise will also give you some practice in manipulating absolute values. This practice will
come in handy when you study Unit 2.
.e) and f) can b extended to any number of reds. Now if a E R and 6 > 0,then
I x 3 I < 6 3 x - a / 6, or - (X- a) < S according as x - a 2 0, or x - a < 0, reqdively.
Elements of DifTerential
Consider a straight line L (see Fig. l(a)). Mark a point 0 on it. The point 0 divides the
straight line into two parts. We shall use the part to the left of 0 for representing%egative
real numbers and the part to the right of 0 for representing positive real numbers. We
choose a point A on L which is to the right of 0.We shall represent the number 0 by 0 and
1 by A. OA can now serve as a unit. To each positive real number x we can associate exactly
one point P lying to the right of 0 on L, so that OP = I x I units (= x units). A ?ega$ve real
number y will be represented by a point Q lying to the left of 0 on the straight line L, so that
OQ = I y I units. (= -y units, since y is negative). We thus find that to each real number we
can associate a point on the line. Also, each point S on the line represents a unique real
number z, such that I z I = 0s. Further, z i~'~ositive
if S is to the right of 0 , and is negative if
S is to the left of 0.
This representation of real numbers by points on a-straight line is often very useful. Because
of this one-to-one correspondence between real numbers and the points of a straight line, we
often call a real number " a point of R". Similarly L is called a "number line". Note that the
absolute value or the modulus of any number x is nothing but its distance from the point 0
on the number line. In the same way, I x - y I denotes the distance between the two numbers
x and y (see Fig. l(b)).
b)DtPtrncebehveenxandy IsIx-y (
Now let us consider the set of all real numbers which lie between two given real numbers a
and b. Actually, there will be four different sets satisfying this loose condition.
These are:
ii) [ a , ~ = ( x : a I x I b )
iii) la, b] = { x : a < x lb)
Apart from the four types of intervals listed above, there are a few more types. These are:
]a, m [ = {x : a < x )
[a, m [ = {x : a I x )
As you can see easily, none of these sets are bounded. For instance, ]a, -[ is bounded below.
but is ndt bounded above. I- -, b] is bounded above, but is not bounded below. Note that
does not denote a real number, it merely indicates that an interval extends without limit.
(open interval)
We note further that if S is any interval (bounded or unbounded) and if c and d are two
elements of S, fhen all numbers lying ktwe'en c and d are also elements of S.
E 4) State whether the followink arei true or false.
a) 0 E 11,81,
C) 1~ [1,21
b) -1 E I--,2[
d) 5 E I % +
Now let us move over to functions. Here we shall present some basic facts about functions
which will help you refresh your knowledge. We shall look at various examples of functions
and shall also define inverse functions. Let us start with th6tMinitkm of a f t m c h .
Elements of Differential
ExampW 3 Every natural number can be written as a product of some prime numbers,
Consider the rule f(x) = a prime factor of x, which connects elements of N. Here since
6 = 2 x 3, f(6) has two values: f(6) =.2 and f(6) = 3. This rule does not associate a unique
number with 6 and hence does not give a function from N to N.
Thus, you see, to describe a. function completely we have to specify the following three
a) the domain
b) the co-domain and
C) the rule which associates a unique member of the co-domain to each member of the
The rule which defines a function need not always be in the form of a formula. But it should
clearly specify (perhaps by actual listing) the correspondence between X and Y.
Iff: X + Y ,then y = f(x) is called the image of x under f o r the f-image of x. The set of
f-images of all members of X, i.e. (f(x) : x E X ) is called the range off and is denoted by
f(X). It is easy to see that f(X)G Y.
Remark 3 a) Throughout this course we shall consider functions whose domain and codomain are both subsets of R. Such functions are often called real functions or real-valued
functions of a real variable. We shall, however, simply use the word 'function' to mean a
real function.
b) The variable x used in describing a function is often called a dummy variable because it
can be replaced by any other letter. Thus, for example, the rule f(x) = -x, x E N can as well
be written in the form f(t) = -t, t E N or as f(u) = - u, u E N. The variable x (or t or u) is
also called an independent variable, and f(x) is dependent on this independent ~ariable.
Graph of a function A convenient and useful method for studying a function is to study it
through its graph. To draw the graph of a function f :X + Y, we choose a system of
coordinate axes in the plane. For each x E X, the ordered pair (x, f(x)) determines a point '.I
the plane (see Fig. 2). The set of all the points obtained byconsidering all possible values of
x (remember that the domain off is X) is the graph off. The role that the graph of a function
plays in the study of the function will become clear as we proceed further. In the meantime
let us consider some more examples of functions and their graphs.
Fig. 2
Itistheliney= 1.
In general, the graph of a constant function f : x + c is a straight line which is parallel to the
x-axis at a distance of I c I units from it.
2 The identity function: Another simple hut important example of a function is a function
which sends every element of the domain to itself.
Let X be any non-empty set, and let f be the function on X defined by setting
f(x) = x *X E X I
The graph of this function is shown in Fig. 5. It consists of two rays, both starting at the
origin and making angles n/4 and 3d4, respectively, with the positive direction of the
E 6) Given below are the graphs of four functions depending on the notion of absolute
value. The functions are x + - I x I, x + I x I + 1, x + I x + I I, x + I x - 1 I, though not
necessarily in this order. (The domain in each case is R). Can you identify them3
4 The Exponential Function: If a is a positive real number other than 1,.we can define a
function f as-:
'4. L
This function is known as the exponential function. A special case of this function, where
a=e, is often found useful. Fig. 6 shows the graph of the function f : R + R'such that
f(x) = ex.This function is also cdled the natural exponential hnction. Its -is
the set
R+of positive real numbers.
5 The Natural Logarithmic Function: This function is defined on the set'R+of positive
real numbers f: R+ + R such that f(x) = In (x). The range of this function is R. Its graph is
shown in Fig. 7.
6 The Greatest Integer Function: Take a real number x. Either it is an integer, say n (so
that x = n) or it is not an integer. If it is not an integer, we can find (by the Archimedean
property df real numbeisj an integer n, such that n < x < n + 1. Therefore, for each reid
number x we can find an integer n such that n S x < n + 1. Further, for a given real number
x, we can find only one such integer n. We say that n is the greatest integer not exceeding x,
and denote it by [XI.For example, [3] = 3 and [3.5] = 3,[-3.5]= - 4. Let us consider the
function defined on R hv setting f(x) = [XI.
~lcmcntsof Mfferentlsl
Notice that the graph consiits of infinitely many line segments of unit length, all parallel to
the x - axis.
This function is called the greatest integer function. The graph of the function is as shown
in Fig. 8, (It resembles the step? of an infinite staircase).
a) Polynomial Functions f(x) = aoxn+ a,xn-I+ --------- + anwhere ao, a I , ------------, a,, are
given real numbers (constants) and n is a positive integer.
b) Rational Functions f (x) = g (x)/k(x), where g (x) and k (x) are polynomial functions
of degree n and in. This is defined for all real x, for which k(x) # 0.
C) Trigonometric or Circular G c t i o n s f(x) = sin x, f(x) = cos x, f(x) = tan x,
f(x) = cot X, f(x) = sec x, f(x) = cosec x.
(ex - e-x
d) Hyperbolic Functions f(x) = coshx =.~(e" + e-" ) , f(x) = sinhx =
shall study these in detail in Unit 5.
* 2x,
We have considered two functions here. While one of them, namely g, sends distinct
members of the domain to distinct members of the co-domain, the other, namely h, does not
always do so. We give a special name to functions like g above.
Remark 4 The condition "the images of distinct members of X are distinct members of Y
in the above definition can be replaced by either of the following equivalent conditions:
f(x) # f(y)
a) For every pair of members x, y of X, x # y
b) For every pair of members x,y of X, f(x) = f(y) x = y.
We have observed earlier that for a function EX + Y,
f(X)E Y. This opens two possibilities:
i) f (X) = Y, or ii) f(X) 9 Y, that is, f(X) is a proper subset of Y.
The function h. : x + x2 + x E R falls in the second category. Since the square of any real
number is always non-negative, h(R) = R+u { O ) , the set of non-negative real numbers.
Thus h(R) $
On the other hand, the function g : x + 2x + 3 belongs to the first category. Given any
y E R (co-domain) if we take x = (112)~- 312, we find that g(x) = y. This shows that every
member of the co-domain is a g-image of some member of the domain and thus, is in the
range g(R). From this we get that g(R) = R. The following definition characterises this
property of the function.
I 'Li
Thus, h is not an onto function, whereas g is an onto function. Functions which are both one-
4 :I
Consider a function f:X-+ Y which is both one-one and onto. Since f is an onto function,
each y E Y is the image of some x E X. Also, since f is one-one, y cannot be the image of
two distinct members of X. Thus, we find that to each y E Y there corresponds a unique
x E X such that f(x) = y. Consequently, f sets up a one-to-one correspondence between the
members of X and Y. It is this one-to-one correspondence between members of X and Y
which makes a one-one and onto function so special, as we shall.soon see.
Consider the functiorrf : N -+ E defined by f(x) = 2x, where E is the set of even natural
numbers. We can see that f is one-one as well as onto. In fact, to each y E E there exists
y/2 E N, such that f(y12) = y. The correspondence y -+ y/2 defines a function, say g, from E
to N such that g(y) = y/2.
The function g so defined is called an inverse off. Since, to each y E E there corresponds, a
unique x E N such that f(x) = y, only one such function g can be defined corresponding to a
given function f. For this reason g is called the inverse off.
As you will notice, the function g is also one-one and onto and therefore it will also have an
inverse. You must have already guessed that the inverse of g is the function f.
From this discussion we have the following:
Iff is a one-one and onto function from X to Y, then there exists a unique function
g : Y-+X such that for each y E Y, g(y) = x e y =f(x). The function g so defined is called
the inverse off. Further, if g is the inverse off, thtn f is the inverse of g, and the two
functions f and g are said to be the inverses of each other. The inverse of a function f i,
usually denoted by f-'. .
To find the inverse of a given function f, we proceed as follows:
Solve the equation f(x) = y for x. The resulting expression for x (in terms of y) defines the
inverse function.
Thus, if f(x) = + 2, we solve --X + 2 = y for x.
This gives us x = (5(y - 2))'. Hence f-' is the function defined by f-'(y) = (5(y - 2 ) f
There is an interesting relation between the graphs of a pair of inverse functions because of
which, if the graph of one of them is known, the graph of the other can be obtained easily.
Let f : X -+ Y be a one-one and onto function, and let g : Y-+ X be the inverse off. A point
(p, q) lies on the graph o f f 9 q.= f(p) 6 p = g(q) (q, p) lies on the graph of g. Now the
points (p, q) and (q, p) are reflections of each other with respect to (w.r.t.) the line y = x.
'Therefore, we can say that the graphs o f f and g are reflections of each other w.r.t. the line
y = X.
Therefore, it follows that, if the'graph of one of the functions f and g is given, that of the
Other can be obtained by reflecting it w.r.t. the line y = x. As an illustration, the graphs of the
functions y = x3 and y = x1I3are given in Fig.9.
Do you agree that these two functions are inverses of each other? If the sheet of paper on
which the graphs have been drawn is folded along the liie y = x, the two graphs will exactly
Ekments d Differential
E 7) Compare the graphs of In x and ex given in Figs. 6 and 7 and verify that they are
inverses of each other.
If a given function is not one-one op its domain, we can choose a subset bf the domain on
which it is one-one, and then define if8 inverse functioil. For example. consider the function
f : x + sin x.
Since we know that sin (x + 2n) = sip x, obviously this function is not one-one on R.But d
we resmct it to the interval [ -n/2,7/2], we find that it is me-one. Thus if f(x) = sin x
+X E [-42, W2], then we can define
fA'(x) = sin-' (x) = y if siny = x.
Similarly, we can define cos-' and tan-' functions as Inverse of cosine ahd 'angent functions
if we reiitiict the domains to [0, n] and]-d2, n/2[, respectively.
Here I f(x) I = f(x). Therefore, the graphs off and I f l are reflections of each other w.r.t. the
x-axis for those values of x for which f(x)< 0.
Fig. 10
Elements of Differential
As an example, consider the graph in Fig. 10(a). The portion of the graph below the x-axis
(that is, the portion for which f(x) c 0 ) has been shown by a dotted line.
To !raw the graph of I f I we retain the undotted portion in Fig. 10(a) ai it is, and replace the
dotted portiori by its reflection w.r.t. the x-axis (see Fig. lob)).
Remark 5 In case g(x) = 0 for some x E D, we can consider the set, say D',of all those
values of x for which g(x) # 0, and define f/g on D* by setting (f/g)(x) = f(x)/g(x) +jx
+ l/x,
whenever x # 0.
All the operations defined on functions till now, were simihr 10 the corresponding
operations on real numbers. In the next subsection we are going to introduce an operation
which has no parallel in R. Composite functions play a very important role in calculus. You
will realise this as you read this course further.
h(x) = g(f(x))
To obtain h(x), we first take the f-image, f(X), of an element x of X. This f(x) E Y, which is
the domain of g. We then take the g-image of f(x), that is, g(f(x)), which is an element of Z.
This scheme has been shown in Fig. 11.
8 I
-- - - -,g
Fig. 11
The function h, defined above, is called the composite off and g and is written as gof. Note
the'order. We fkst find the f-image.and then its g-image. Try to distinguish it from fog,
which will be defined only when Z is a subset of X.
E R and g :.x + 8x + I +x ER. g f i' s a .
function from R to itself, defined by (gof)(x) = g(f(x)) = g(x2)= 8x2+I+ x E R. fog is a
function from R to itself defined by (fog)(x) = f(g(x)) = f(8x + 1) = ( 8 ~ + 1 )Thus
~ . gof and fog
are both defined, but are different from each other.
R and
Now let us try to find the composites fog and gof of the functions:
f : x + 2 x + 3 + x ~ ~ , a n d ~ : x + ( 1 / 2 ) ~ - 3 f 2 $ xR~
f(x)) = g(2x+3) .
Similarly, fog(x) = f(g(x)) = f(xl2 - 312) =2(x/2 - 312) + 3 ='x. Thus, we see that gof(x) = x
and fog(x) = x for all x E R. Or, in other words, gof and fog are the identity function on R.
Wh% we have observed here is true for any two functions f and g which are inverses of each
other. Thus, iff : X -2Y and g :Y + X are inverses of each other, then @and fog are
identity functions. Since the domain of gof is X and that of fog is Y, we can write this as :
gof = ix, fog = i,.
This fact is often used to test whether two given functions are inverses of each other.
This is an example of an even function. Let's take a look at the graph (Fig 12) of this
function. We find that the graph (a parabola) is symmetrical about the y-axis. If we fold the
'paper along the y-axis, we shall see that the parts of the graph on both sides of the y-axis
completely coincide with.each other.. Such functions are called even functions. Thus, a
function f, defined on R is even, if, for each x E R, f(-x) = f(x).
The graph of an even function is symmetric with respect to the y-axis. We also note that if
Fig. 12
the graph of a function is symmetric with respect to the y-axis, the function must be an even
function. Thus, if we are required to draw the graph of an even function, we can use this
property to our advantage. We only need to draw that part of the graph which lies to the
right of the y-axis and then just take its reflection w.r.t. the y-axis to obtain the part of the
graph which lies to the left of the y-axis.
Elements of Differential
E 12) Given below are two examples of even functions, alongwith their graphs. Try to
convince yourself, by calculations as well as by looking at the graphs, that both the functions
are, indeed, even functions.
-5 -i - i o
3 X
Now let us consider the function f defined by setting f(x) = x3 +x E R. We observe that
f(-x) =
= -x3 = -f(x) +X E R. If we consider another function g given by g(x) = sin x
we shall be able to note again that g(-x) = sin(-x) = -sinx = -g(x).
The functions f and g above are similar in one respect: the image of -x is the negative dY the
image of x. Such functions are called odd functions. Thus, a function f defined on R is said
to be an odd function if f(-x) = -f(x) +x E R.
If (x, f(x)') is a point on the graph of an odd function f, then (-x, -f(x)) is also a point on it.
This can be expressed by saying that the graph of an odd function is symmetric with respect
to the origin. In other words, if you turn the graph of an odd function through 180"about the
origin you will find that you get the original graph again. Conversely, if the graph of a
function is symmetric with respect to the origin, the function must be an odd function. The
above facts are often useful while handling odd functions.
E 13) We are giving below two functions alongwith their graphs. By calculations as well as
by looking at the graphs, find out whether each is even or 6dd.
a) The identity function on R:
b) The function g defined on
the set cf non-zero real
numbers by sejting
g(x) = ltx, x f '0.
-4 -3 -2 -1
While many of the functions that yoti will come across in this course wil! turn out to be
eithereven or odd, there will be many more which will be neither even nor odd. consider,
for ex'ampie, the function
= i2-2x + 1. IS f(x) = f(-x) +x E R?
Here f(- x) = (-x
The answer is 'no'. Therefore, f is not hn even function. Is f(x) = -f(-x) +x E R? Again,
the answer is 'no'. Therefore f is not an odd function. The same conclusion io'uld have been
drawn by considering the graph o f f which is given in Fig.13. '
You will observe that the graph is symmetric neither with respect to the y-axis, nor with
respect to the origin.
Now there should be no difficulty in solving the exercise below.
Fig. 13
E 14) Which of the following functions are even, which are odd, and which are neither
even nor odd?
x+x2+1 +XE R
x + x 3 - - I , + x ~R
+X , E R
x + x 1x1 + X E R
e) f ( x ) =
0, if x is rational
1, if x is irrational
Note that whenever x, > x,, we get x,D > xI3,that is, g(x2) > g(x,).
In other words, 9s x increases, g(x) also increases. This fact can also be seen rrom the graph
of g shown in Fig. 14.
Fig. 14
Let us find out how h(x) behaves as x increases. In this case we see that if x, > x,, then
h(x,) 2 h(x,). (You can verify this by choosing any values for x, and x?). Equivalently, we
ean say that h(x) increases (or does not decrease) as x increases. The same can be seen from
the graph of h in Fig.! 5.
Functions like g and h above are called increasing or non-decreasing functions. Thus, a
function f defined on a domain D is said to be increasing (or non-decreasing) if, for every
pair of elements x, x2 E D, x, > x, a f(x2) 2 f(x,). Further, we say that f is strictly
increas?ng if x, > x, f(x2)> f(x,) (strict inequality).
Elements of Differential
We have seen that, of the two decreasing functions f, and f,, f, is strictly decreasing, while f,
is not strictly decreasing. A function f defined on a domain D is said to be a monotone
function if it is either increasing or decreasing on D.
All the four functions (g, h, f,, f,) discussed above are monotone functions. The phrases P
'monotonically increasing' and 'monotonically decreasing' are often used for 'increasing'
and 'decreltsing', respectively.
While many functions are monotone, there are many others which are not monotone.
Consider, for example, the function
f : x + x2 (XE R).
You have, seen the graph o f f in Fig 12. This function is neither increasing nor decreasing.
If we find that a given function is not monotone, we can still determine some subsets of the
domain on which the function is increasing or decreasing. For example, the function
f(x) = x2 is strictly decreasing in ]--, 01 and is $.rictly increasing in [O,-[.
E 15) Given below are the graphs of some functions. Classify them as non-decreasing.
strictly decreasing, neither increasing nor decreasing:
Fig. 18
You must have come across patterns similar to the ones shown iR Fig. 18 on the borders of
sarees, wall papers etc. In each of these pattems~adesign keeps on repeating itself. A
similar situation dwurs in the graphs of periodic functionstLook at the graphs in Fig. 19.
In each of the figures shown b b v e the graph consists of a certain pattern repeated infinitel;
many times. Both these graphs represent periodic functions. To understand the situation, let
us examine these graphs closdly.
Consider the graph in Fig. 19kilj. The portion of the graph lying between x = -1 and x = 1 is
the graph of the function x + I x I on the domain -1 I x I 1.
This portion is being repeated both to the left as well as to the right, by translating (pushing)
the graph through two units along the x-axis. That is to say, if x is any point of [-I, I], then
the ordinates at x, x f 2, x f4, x f 6, .... are all equal. The graph therefore represents the
function f defined by
f(x) = I x I, if -1 I x I1 andf(x + 2) =f(x).
The graph in Fig.l9(b) is the graph of the sine function, x -+ sin x, w x E R. You will notice
that the portion of the graph between 0 and 2n-is r eated both to the right and tb the left.
You know already that sin (x + 2n) = sin x, +x E . We now give aprecise meaning to the
term "a periodic function".
Elements of Differential
E 16) a) What are the periods of the functions given in Fig. 19(a) and (b)?
Fig. 20
The given function is therelore periodic, the numbers 1,2, 3,4 being all periods. The
smallest of these, namely 1, is the period.
Thus the given function is periodic and has the period 1.
Remark 6 Monotonicity and periodicity are two properties of functions which cannot
coexist. A monotone function can never be periodic, and a periodic function can never be
In general, it may not be easy to decide whether a given function is periodic or not. But
sometimes it can be done in a straight forwarp manner. Suppose we want to find whether the
function f : x + x2 f f - xE R i s periodic or not. We start by assuming that it is periodic with
period p.
Then we must have p > 0 and f(x + p) = f(x) +x
* 2 x p + p 2 = o . +tx
* p(2x + p) =.o
ff- x
R and,
E 17) Examine whether the following functions are periodic or not. Write the periods of
the periodic functions.
a) x + cos x
C) x + sin 2x
f) x + sin x + sin 2x
e) x + cos (2x + 5 )
E 18) The graphs of three functions are given below: classify the functions as periodic and
E ~ d
E 19) Is the sum of two periodic functions also periodic?Give reasons for your answer.
In this unit we have
1 briefly revised the basic properties of real numbers,
2 defined the absolute value of a real number x as
defined a function and discussed various types of functions along with their graphs:
one-one, onto, even, odd, monotone, periodic.
defined composite of functions and discussed the existence of the inverse of a function.
E 2) a) A real number p is positive if p > 0. Hence 0 is a lower bound for the set P of
positive real numbers. Thus the set P is bounded below. Its infimum is 0.
b) A real number,r is the infimum of a set S C R if and only if the following
conditions are satisfied:
i) r -5x for all x E S.
ii) For each E > 0, there is y E S such that y c r + E
The set Pin a) above has infimum 0, since
i) 0 c p for all p E P and
ii) foreachea.0 there is el2 E Psuch that ~ / <2 O + E = E
E3) a) I x I = m a x { x , - x ) . H e n c e x = O = , I x I = O a n d
Ixl=O+max. (x,-x) = O = , x = O .
b) There are three cases 1) x 2 0, y 2 0
2) x and y have opposite signs
We take 2). Suppose x > 0, y c 0, then,
1x1 =max ( x . - x ) = x , I y I = m a x ( y , - y ] = - y .
E 4) a) False
b) True
c) True
d) False
E 8) b) is one-one
E 9) a) is onto
Hence f is one-one.
IfyE X,putx=-