Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that affects many organs but primarily the lungs. Lung disease in cystic fibrosis begins early in life and is characterized by inflammation, impaired mucus clearance, and chronic infections in the airways. This leads to progressive lung function decline and periodic acute worsening of respiratory symptoms known as pulmonary exacerbations. Pulmonary exacerbations negatively impact patients' quality of life and healthcare costs. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation established guidelines to define key questions about treating pulmonary exacerbations and make evidence-based treatment recommendations to help clinicians.
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that affects many organs but primarily the lungs. Lung disease in cystic fibrosis begins early in life and is characterized by inflammation, impaired mucus clearance, and chronic infections in the airways. This leads to progressive lung function decline and periodic acute worsening of respiratory symptoms known as pulmonary exacerbations. Pulmonary exacerbations negatively impact patients' quality of life and healthcare costs. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation established guidelines to define key questions about treating pulmonary exacerbations and make evidence-based treatment recommendations to help clinicians.
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that affects many organs but primarily the lungs. Lung disease in cystic fibrosis begins early in life and is characterized by inflammation, impaired mucus clearance, and chronic infections in the airways. This leads to progressive lung function decline and periodic acute worsening of respiratory symptoms known as pulmonary exacerbations. Pulmonary exacerbations negatively impact patients' quality of life and healthcare costs. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation established guidelines to define key questions about treating pulmonary exacerbations and make evidence-based treatment recommendations to help clinicians.
Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disease that affects many organs but primarily the lungs. Lung disease in cystic fibrosis begins early in life and is characterized by inflammation, impaired mucus clearance, and chronic infections in the airways. This leads to progressive lung function decline and periodic acute worsening of respiratory symptoms known as pulmonary exacerbations. Pulmonary exacerbations negatively impact patients' quality of life and healthcare costs. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation established guidelines to define key questions about treating pulmonary exacerbations and make evidence-based treatment recommendations to help clinicians.
The natural history of cystic fibrosis lung disease is one of
chronic progression with intermittent episodes of acute worsening of symptoms frequently called acute pulmonary exacerbations These exacerbations typically warrant medical intervention. It is important that appropriate therapies are recommended on the basis of available evidence of efficacy and safety. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation therefore established a committee to define the key questions related to pulmonary exacerbations, review the clinical evidence using an evidence-based methodology, and provide recommendations to clinicians. It is hoped that these guidelines will be helpful to clinicians in the treatment of individuals with cystic fibrosis.
Riwayat alami penyakit fibrosis paru cystic adalah salah satu
kronis perkembangan dengan episode intermiten akut memburuknya Gejala yang sering disebut paru akut eksaserbasi ini eksaserbasi biasanya menjamin intervensi medis. Itu penting bahwa terapi yang tepat direkomendasikan atas dasar tersedia bukti efikasi dan keamanan. Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Oleh karena itu membentuk komite untuk menentukan pertanyaan kunci terkait dengan eksaserbasi paru, meninjau bukti klinis menggunakan metodologi berbasis bukti, dan memberikan rekomendasi untuk dokter. Diharapkan panduan ini akan membantu untuk dokter dalam pengobatan individu dengan fibrosis kistik.
Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a complex genetic disease affecting
many organs, although 85% of the mortality is a result of lung disease (1). CF lung disease begins early in life with inflammation and impaired mucociliary clearance and consequent chronic infection of the airways (2). There is progressive decline of lung function with episodes of acute worsening of respiratory symptoms, often referred to as pulmonary exacerbations. Although a generally applicable prospective definition of a pulmonary exacerbation has not been developed, clinical features of an exacerbation may include increased cough, increased sputum production, shortness of breath, chest pain, loss of appetite, loss of weight, and lung function decline (3). Pulmonary exacerbations have an adverse impact on patients qualityof life and a major impact on the overall cost of care (4).Identifying optimal treatment methods for these events couldproduce significant improvements in quality and length
Cystic fibrosis (CF) adalah penyakit genetik kompleks yang
mempengaruhi banyak organ, meskipun 85% dari kematian adalah akibat dari penyakit paru-paru (1). Penyakit CF paru-paru dimulai sejak awal kehidupan dengan peradangan dan gangguan pembersihan mukosiliar dan infeksi kronis akibat dari saluran udara (2). Ada penurunan progresif dari paru-paru fungsi dengan episode akut memburuk pernafasan gejala, sering disebut sebagai '' eksaserbasi paru. '' Meskipun calon definisi umum yang berlaku dari paru a eksaserbasi belum dikembangkan, fitur klinis eksaserbasi dapat mencakup peningkatan batuk, peningkatan produksi sputum, sesak napas, nyeri dada, kehilangan nafsu makan, kehilangan berat badan, dan fungsi paru-paru menurun (3). Paru eksaserbasi berdampak buruk pada kualitas pasien ' hidup dan dampak yang besar pada biaya keseluruhan perawatan (4).Mengidentifikasi metode pengobatan yang optimal untuk peristiwa ini bias menghasilkan perbaikan yang signifikan dalam kualitas dan panjang hidup