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Home/office security is top priority of all concerned. Today there

are plenty of home/office security products to ensure your familys security
completely. Home/office security is the most significant one for every
home/office owner either in an individual house or an apartment. For that
different security systems are available. Those are smart cards, RFIDs, Ibutton, password and biometrics etc.
Access control is the ability to permit or deny the use
of a particular resource by a particular entity. Access control system can be used
in managing physical resources (such as a movie theater, to which only ticket
holders should be admitted), logical resources (a bank account, with a limited
number of people authorized to make a withdrawal), or digital resources, for
these kinds of things.
The main idea of designing digital locking system is to
provide many modern security features than mechanical lock; here key pad is
used to enter the password. If that password matches to the password that was
already stored in flash of the controller then the dc motor is activated and the
door will be opened. If it does not matched then the buzzer is activated.
Applications are entrance doors, car doors, bank lockers etc. International Journal
of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 153 No2, November 2016 13 Literature
Survey on Door Lock Security Systems Pradnya R. Nehete Dept. of ETC, Godavari College
of Engineering, Jalgaon, India 425001 J. P. Chaudhari, PhD CHARUSAT Space Research
and Technology Center, Charotar University of Science and Tech., Changa,Gujarat, India S.
R. Pachpande Dept. of ETC, J T Mahajan COE Faizpur, Maharashtra K. P. Rane, PhD Dept.
of ETC, Godavari College of engineering Jalgaon, India - 425001 ABSTRACT Today people
are facing more problems about security in all over world, nowadays security is the most
essential issue everywhere in the world; so security of everything gains higher and higher
importance in recent years. Here in this paper, trying to reproduce the comprehensive
literature study related to the various door locks and gate security systems that are necessary
in the fields such as home, industries and vehicle security where possibilities of incursion are
increasing day by day. In past days, the research is gone on various door lock security

systems like traditional security systems which provide indications using alarm. Due to the
advancement in recent techniques, some door lock security systems are based on
microcontroller, GSM, GPS, many sensors, software like MATLAB, PROTEUS, biometrics
like face recognition, Iris scanner, RFID, Smart Card and password etc. Each system has their
own advantages and disadvantages. In most of systems, SMS technique is used for
communication so the system will become cost effective, more reliable and it will take less
time to deliver message. As security becomes major problem nowadays, the security
monitoring systems today needs to make use of the latest technology. In some papers, the
authors have presented door lock security monitoring system based on embedded and Zigbee
and sometimes the lock is protected by automatic password hence it could not easily hack by
hackers. Also the enhanced security systems are available based on android platform, wireless
techniques and embedded systems. A lot of modification takes places in various Door lock
security from the last few years, in next coming years many changes will takes place.
Keywords Door Lock Security, GSM, RFID, SMS, Sensors, Camera, Alarm, Biometrics, WI
FI, Password. 1. INTRODUCTION Security represents protection of our life and assets.
Ensuring safety of peoples and their valuable things is very important for the prevention of
illegal handling. Hence, mainly focusing on door lock security or gate security is very
important to avoid the further problems in monitored area [2]. Even with the use of
mechanical locks, the crime, robberies get happened due to the fact that such locks were
easily broken. So, there is a need to invent other kind of locks which cannot be easily broken.
So, many authors present different kinds of digital door locks, automatic password based
door locks, software based door locks etc. which have been widely used in houses and
offices. The prevention of unauthorized entry into buildings through the main doors is done
by using ordinary, electronically operated locks, digital codes and biometrics technique like
the finger print technology or some are based on thumb printing only. Nowadays, advanced
automatic door security systems are available with the use of palmtop recognition systems
face recognition systems, face detection systems, wireless sensors, PIR sensors, RFID
techniques, smart cameras and many more that helps people to make their home or
organizations secure from long distance. Hence, people need not to be worry about the home
security though they are away from home. Doors are to keep people out. They are being made
of metals not simply wood any longer. The security sectors are experiencing variousness as it
has never seen before. So, demand is to audit the authenticity of currently available systems
and need is to research for the creation of more reliable and good systems which operate
smartly with no more efforts. The important thing is to provide higher security. 2.

LITERATURE SURVEY Door lock security systems are classified based on technology used
as 1) Password based, 2) Biometric based, 3) GSM based, 4) smart card based, 5) RFID
based, 5) Door phone based, 6) Bluetooth based, 7) Social networking sites based, 8) OTP
based, 9) Motion detector based, 10) VB based, 11) Combined system. 2.1 Password Based
Systems The programmable electronic code lock device [1] is programmed in such a way that
it will operates only with the correct entry of predefined digits. It is also called an integrated
combinational type lock. The programmable code lock is shown in Fig 1 as below. Fig 1:
Programmable Electronic Code Lock International Journal of Computer Applications (0975
8887) Volume 153 No2, November 2016 14 Electronics safe is its example. Based on the
programmable electronic code lock, the reprogrammable digital door locks [2] were invented
in that the password can change any time as it stored in PROM. For operating the device,
GSM/CDMA module can be used. When any person calls up from his phone, the call will be
received by the system. And the door will opens only if the call is from specified user. Fig 2:
Password Protected Door Locking System based on Cell Phone A cellphone controlled
password protected door lock system [3] is as shown in Fig 2 which was proposed to open the
door with the help of cell phone device by entering a specific code. The user can make a call
to a systems number. This call is responsible for opening or closing of the entry with the use
of correct password. In latest password based system, a more advanced system [4] develops
which communicates the owner of the office or house, when any unauthorized person tries to
open the code, by giving correct code as well. While closing the door of office/home, the
owner has to press the 0 key available on the hex keypad and leave the system. The system
developed by Annie P. Oommen et. al. [5] allows for changing the password. To open the
lock, the entered password must matches with the changed one. In some systems the security
dial-up enables through the GSM modem [6], when the unauthorized person enters an invalid
password then the controller informs to the owner through GSM modem. Latest security
system [7] is designed where the locking security system can be enhanced with the help of
RF and GSM wireless technology by using a 4 digit password which provides the
authentication. 2.2 Biometric Based System The palmtop recognition is the next step for
fingerprint recognition. It [8] operates on the image of palmtop. Firstly system takes an image
of the palmtop then it works on that image by partitioning it and process is required. At the
end, verify the right person. Hence, it reduces the chances of error in other human recognition
methods and clarifies the problems which were faced in the fingerprint recognition. The
biometric technique is very useful in bank lockers. Except fingerprint recognition the vein
detector and iris scanner gives best and accurate result so, in the bank security system [9],

microcontroller continuously monitors the Vein Detector and Iris Scanner through keypad
authenticated codes. During night the wireless motion detector will be active, if any variation
occurs in its output, it will be sensed by the controller and alert sounds will be given by it.
Recently, the fast based principal component analysis approach is proposed in which the
modification of principal component analysis approach for the face recognition and face
detection process is done [10]. The image is captured by the web camera and it gets matched
with the image stored in the database. New advanced door lock security systems are available
based on the pattern of the human iris for providing a high level of security. And to make the
system more efficient n reliable the simulation is done in MATLAB [11]. 2.3 GSM Based
Systems In many door lock security systems, GSM is used for communication purpose. The
purpose of a work cultivated by utilization of a circuits like a GSM module which gets
activated by a controller [12] for sending SMS in emergency to proprietor and for sending
corresponding services of security at the time of break in. For detecting obstacles, the system
requires various sensors. It gathers data from the sensors and settles on a choice. With the
help of GSM module, sends SMS to a respective number. A recently created model for
security of door [13] easily controlled like remote control operations by a GSM hand set acts
as the transmitter and the other GSM phone set with the DTMF associated with the motor
attached to door with the use of DTMF decoder, a stepper motor and microcontroller unit.
Nowadays people want to be secure though they are away from home so, the work proposed
by Jayashri Bangali et. al. [14]. When the owner is not at his home, security of home and
important things is the big issue in front of all. Two frameworks were created which depends
on GSM based technology. For detection of the gate-crashes, it takes place by capturing
image through web camera. When peoples are not at their homes, the system sends
notification in terms of SMS to the crisis number. A novel administrator based system [15]
can login without any stretch to the system and can see guests record and listen their recorded
messages and also automatically lock the door using mobile communication technology. 2.4
Smart Card Based System A model entryway security framework [16] is intended to permit
an authorized person for getting a safe (without need of any key) entryway where valid card
of smart RFID is necessary for ensuring the pass of the door. Total control activity is
performed by the microcontroller. 2.5 RFID Based Systems These types of security systems
used for digital door lock [17] are utilizing inactive RFID tags (passive). With the help of
this, it ensures that only valid person can get entry. Such systems are working in real time
basic for opening the door in which user have to place the tag in contact with RFID detector,
then the entryway gets opens and in the central server the registration data is stored with

necessary data of the users. Attendance and person tracking is possible by using such type of
system. RFID Based Gate Access Security System which points out authorized peoples and
permits just them was effectively created by K.Srinivasa et. al. [18]. This system ought to
have the capacity to minimize the trained or specialized human error during secured door
access. Latest RFID based door lock security system are based on arduino platform [19] with
audio acknowledgement at the point when card put close to the RFID module, it peruses
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 153 No2, November
2016 15 the card data and it matches with the data stored in the program memory and shows
authorize/unauthorized entry. Arduino is also used by many other applications for example A
specific Arduino ATMEL processor can be used for sensing and recognition of person [20],
another example like ECG Parameter Identification and Monitoring [21] as they have open
source platform. 2.6 Door Phone Based System The earlier system, a specific system in
which identification of a visitant is done for the most part by direct communication with the
set of the housing estate concerned [22]. A dialling up to the sets over the handsfree telephone
is created by the framework at the entryway. Visitors enter inside through the gate by
controlling the gate with the help of the telephone set. The latest system is based on video
door phone surveillance which is used to identify the visitors, developed by Chau-Huang Wei
et. al. [23]. The work utilized a novel powerline communication chip for build up a digital
networked video door phone. Moreover, they exchanged audio and visual information and
upgraded the passageway guarding capacities. 2.7 Bluetooth Based Systems Bluetooth based
system is a bit like sarvy house innovations that utilizes Bluetooth function available in smart
devices [24]. The framework using Bluetooth turns out to be more simple and productive for
proper utilization. Such systems are generally based on Arduino platform. The hardware of
such framework is the combo of android smart phone and Bluetooth module. Arduino
microcontroller here is acting as a controller and solenoid can be acting as output of locking
system. 2.8 Social Networking Sites Based Systems A specific work [25], the digitalization
and safety perspectives were accomplished by utilizing the phone device and web camera.
The model can empower a pin to close and open a door from allotted region using SMS from
a (social networking site) like Facebook, Whatsapp etc. Fig 3: Digital Door Lock model
based on Internet of Things Recently, a new digital door lock system [26] get designed which
detects the unknown physical contact of a visitant then immediately informs to the owner
through the smart phone as shown in Fig 3. At the moment, if wrong password gets detected
more than the specified times, the system catches the picture of the unknown visitant and
sends it to the owner through smart device. In this manner, increases the strength of the

security function. With help of latest advanced technology, demonstration of an intelligent

door system using Internet of Things is given by S. Nazeem Basha et. al. [27]. The system
provides notification of intrusion by sending out email notification to the owner. It logs all the
intrusion data into Google spread sheet of owners Google drive account. ADXL345
accelerometer detects the change in motion of the door and raspberry pi reads the sensor
intrusion data and to communicate to the Amazon Web Services Internet of Things (AWS
IoT) console. Similar to the Ardiuno, Raspberry Pi module used mostly as It is an
inexpensive computer that uses Linux-based operating system [28]. It is also having open
source platform for using devices like GPIO, HDMI, 10/100 Ethernet and USB port etc. It is
also having slots for SD cards in which Linux raspberry package can be stored [29]. It has
large scope in research and development in the field of automatic door lock systems 2.9 OTP
Based Systems The proposed method in latest work does not need administrators help to
access the facility if the user knows OTP technique and has a registered mobile phone [30].
Likewise the OTP is generated and sent to the proprietors mobile phone whenever user
requests to access facility. Then the OTP should enter through keypad on the door [31], the
door will open. In case if the mobile is not available or off then the option to open the door is
to answer the security question ask by system. 2.10 Motion Detector Based System The
Motion Detector System [32] working is based on the principle of amount of light falling on
the photodiode. At the point when the laser light is falling constantly on the photodiode, its
reading is 255 in decimals. But when its hindered by deterrent, the voltage falls less than 50
in decimals. This flames the alarm and gives notification to the owner about the break in. And
automatic lock can be activated. 2.11 VB Based System Electronic eye [33] represents the
model for capturing the door images with the help of microcontroller to ensure the safety for
offices and houses. In this system, the image gets captured when the door is opened and these
images are displayed by using VB application on computing system. 2.12 Combined System
The locker security system is as shown in Fig 4 in view of RFID, FINGERPRINT,
PASSWORD and GSM technology [34] containing door locking frameworks which can be
without much of a stretch, initiated, authenticated and validated by the authorized person. It
unlocks the locker door in real time manner. International Journal of Computer Applications
(0975 8887) Volume 153 No2, November 2016 16 Fig 4: Locker Security System 3.
SUMMARY Recently proposed door lock systems based on Biometrics Techniques and
Password Based Systems are studied and their problems are enlisted in Table 1. As per the
requirements, authors developed the systems. And as per our knowledge, not a single system
is suitable for all types of applications. Day by day technologies are developing and

techniques of robbery are also developing. So, need is to develop a new smart and
unbreakable technique in further studies. Table 1. Recently Proposed Different Door Lock
Security Systems using Various Techniques with Their Problems Sr. No. Biometrics
Techniques Specific Techniques Ref. Problems 1 Face Recognition [10] Need to improve
reliability and robustness. 2 Palmtop Recognition [8] High resolution scanner is needed. 3
Face Recognition with GSM Technology and E-Mail Facility [11], [15] 2D recognition is
affect by changing in lighting, the person hairs, and if the person wear glassless. Net
connectivity problems due to abnormal weather. 4 Iris scanner, Vein Detection, Unique Code
[9] More memory required to store the data. Sr. No. Password Based Systems Specific
Techniques Ref. Problems 1 Digital Code Lock [5], [6], [1] Cant change the password,
during power failure system will gets off. 2 One Time Password [30], [31] Timeout in few
seconds and multiple uses means multiple lockouts. 4. CONCLUSION In todays
technologically advanced world, autonomous systems are gaining rapid popularity so the
advancement in latest technology is continuously and rapidly made on different latest
automatic door lock security systems. The need for an advanced door lock security systems
using new technologies is increases day by day as security become a very important or
serious issue for everybody. Due to the recent trends in various methods of security for home,
buildings, companies vehicles etc, there is no need to worry about this security any longer,
as automatic security systems are here to deal with it. This paper tries to focus all recent door
lock security systems in a comprehensive way. 5. REFERENCES [1] Oke Alice O., Adigun
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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 153 No2, November
2016 13 Literature Survey on Door Lock Security Systems Pradnya R. Nehete Dept. of ETC,
Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon, India 425001 J. P. Chaudhari, PhD CHARUSAT
Space Research and Technology Center, Charotar University of Science and Tech.,
Changa,Gujarat, India S. R. Pachpande Dept. of ETC, J T Mahajan COE Faizpur,
Maharashtra K. P. Rane, PhD Dept. of ETC, Godavari College of engineering Jalgaon, India 425001 ABSTRACT Today people are facing more problems about security in all over world,
nowadays security is the most essential issue everywhere in the world; so security of
everything gains higher and higher importance in recent years. Here in this paper, trying to
reproduce the comprehensive literature study related to the various door locks and gate
security systems that are necessary in the fields such as home, industries and vehicle security
where possibilities of incursion are increasing day by day. In past days, the research is gone
on various door lock security systems like traditional security systems which provide
indications using alarm. Due to the advancement in recent techniques, some door lock

security systems are based on microcontroller, GSM, GPS, many sensors, software like
MATLAB, PROTEUS, biometrics like face recognition, Iris scanner, RFID, Smart Card and
password etc. Each system has their own advantages and disadvantages. In most of systems,
SMS technique is used for communication so the system will become cost effective, more
reliable and it will take less time to deliver message. As security becomes major problem
nowadays, the security monitoring systems today needs to make use of the latest technology.
In some papers, the authors have presented door lock security monitoring system based on
embedded and Zigbee and sometimes the lock is protected by automatic password hence it
could not easily hack by hackers. Also the enhanced security systems are available based on
android platform, wireless techniques and embedded systems. A lot of modification takes
places in various Door lock security from the last few years, in next coming years many
changes will takes place. Keywords Door Lock Security, GSM, RFID, SMS, Sensors,
Camera, Alarm, Biometrics, WI FI, Password. 1. INTRODUCTION Security represents
protection of our life and assets. Ensuring safety of peoples and their valuable things is very
important for the prevention of illegal handling. Hence, mainly focusing on door lock
security or gate security is very important to avoid the further problems in monitored area [2].
Even with the use of mechanical locks, the crime, robberies get happened due to the fact that
such locks were easily broken. So, there is a need to invent other kind of locks which cannot
be easily broken. So, many authors present different kinds of digital door locks, automatic
password based door locks, software based door locks etc. which have been widely used in
houses and offices. The prevention of unauthorized entry into buildings through the main
doors is done by using ordinary, electronically operated locks, digital codes and biometrics
technique like the finger print technology or some are based on thumb printing only.
Nowadays, advanced automatic door security systems are available with the use of palmtop
recognition systems face recognition systems, face detection systems, wireless sensors, PIR
sensors, RFID techniques, smart cameras and many more that helps people to make their
home or organizations secure from long distance. Hence, people need not to be worry about
the home security though they are away from home. Doors are to keep people out. They are
being made of metals not simply wood any longer. The security sectors are experiencing
variousness as it has never seen before. So, demand is to audit the authenticity of currently
available systems and need is to research for the creation of more reliable and good systems
which operate smartly with no more efforts. The important thing is to provide higher security.
2. LITERATURE SURVEY Door lock security systems are classified based on technology
used as 1) Password based, 2) Biometric based, 3) GSM based, 4) smart card based, 5) RFID
based, 5) Door phone based, 6) Bluetooth based, 7) Social networking sites based, 8) OTP
based, 9) Motion detector based, 10) VB based, 11) Combined system. 2.1 Password Based
Systems The programmable electronic code lock device [1] is programmed in such a way that
it will operates only with the correct entry of predefined digits. It is also called an integrated
combinational type lock. The programmable code lock is shown in Fig 1 as below. Fig 1:
Programmable Electronic Code Lock International Journal of Computer Applications (0975
8887) Volume 153 No2, November 2016 14 Electronics safe is its example. Based on the
programmable electronic code lock, the reprogrammable digital door locks [2] were invented
in that the password can change any time as it stored in PROM. For operating the device,
GSM/CDMA module can be used. When any person calls up from his phone, the call will be
received by the system. And the door will opens only if the call is from specified user. Fig 2:
Password Protected Door Locking System based on Cell Phone A cellphone controlled
password protected door lock system [3] is as shown in Fig 2 which was proposed to open the
door with the help of cell phone device by entering a specific code. The user can make a call
to a systems number. This call is responsible for opening or closing of the entry with the use
of correct password. In latest password based system, a more advanced system [4] develops

which communicates the owner of the office or house, when any unauthorized person tries to
open the code, by giving correct code as well. While closing the door of office/home, the
owner has to press the 0 key available on the hex keypad and leave the system. The system
developed by Annie P. Oommen et. al. [5] allows for changing the password. To open the
lock, the entered password must matches with the changed one. In some systems the security
dial-up enables through the GSM modem [6], when the unauthorized person enters an invalid
password then the controller informs to the owner through GSM modem. Latest security
system [7] is designed where the locking security system can be enhanced with the help of
RF and GSM wireless technology by using a 4 digit password which provides the
authentication. 2.2 Biometric Based System The palmtop recognition is the next step for
fingerprint recognition. It [8] operates on the image of palmtop. Firstly system takes an image
of the palmtop then it works on that image by partitioning it and process is required. At the
end, verify the right person. Hence, it reduces the chances of error in other human recognition
methods and clarifies the problems which were faced in the fingerprint recognition. The
biometric technique is very useful in bank lockers. Except fingerprint recognition the vein
detector and iris scanner gives best and accurate result so, in the bank security system [9],
microcontroller continuously monitors the Vein Detector and Iris Scanner through keypad
authenticated codes. During night the wireless motion detector will be active, if any variation
occurs in its output, it will be sensed by the controller and alert sounds will be given by it.
Recently, the fast based principal component analysis approach is proposed in which the
modification of principal component analysis approach for the face recognition and face
detection process is done [10]. The image is captured by the web camera and it gets matched
with the image stored in the database. New advanced door lock security systems are available
based on the pattern of the human iris for providing a high level of security. And to make the
system more efficient n reliable the simulation is done in MATLAB [11]. 2.3 GSM Based
Systems In many door lock security systems, GSM is used for communication purpose. The
purpose of a work cultivated by utilization of a circuits like a GSM module which gets
activated by a controller [12] for sending SMS in emergency to proprietor and for sending
corresponding services of security at the time of break in. For detecting obstacles, the system
requires various sensors. It gathers data from the sensors and settles on a choice. With the
help of GSM module, sends SMS to a respective number. A recently created model for
security of door [13] easily controlled like remote control operations by a GSM hand set acts
as the transmitter and the other GSM phone set with the DTMF associated with the motor
attached to door with the use of DTMF decoder, a stepper motor and microcontroller unit.
Nowadays people want to be secure though they are away from home so, the work proposed
by Jayashri Bangali et. al. [14]. When the owner is not at his home, security of home and
important things is the big issue in front of all. Two frameworks were created which depends
on GSM based technology. For detection of the gate-crashes, it takes place by capturing
image through web camera. When peoples are not at their homes, the system sends
notification in terms of SMS to the crisis number. A novel administrator based system [15]
can login without any stretch to the system and can see guests record and listen their recorded
messages and also automatically lock the door using mobile communication technology. 2.4
Smart Card Based System A model entryway security framework [16] is intended to permit
an authorized person for getting a safe (without need of any key) entryway where valid card
of smart RFID is necessary for ensuring the pass of the door. Total control activity is
performed by the microcontroller. 2.5 RFID Based Systems These types of security systems
used for digital door lock [17] are utilizing inactive RFID tags (passive). With the help of
this, it ensures that only valid person can get entry. Such systems are working in real time
basic for opening the door in which user have to place the tag in contact with RFID detector,
then the entryway gets opens and in the central server the registration data is stored with

necessary data of the users. Attendance and person tracking is possible by using such type of
system. RFID Based Gate Access Security System which points out authorized peoples and
permits just them was effectively created by K.Srinivasa et. al. [18]. This system ought to
have the capacity to minimize the trained or specialized human error during secured door
access. Latest RFID based door lock security system are based on arduino platform [19] with
audio acknowledgement at the point when card put close to the RFID module, it peruses
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 153 No2, November
2016 15 the card data and it matches with the data stored in the program memory and shows
authorize/unauthorized entry. Arduino is also used by many other applications for example A
specific Arduino ATMEL processor can be used for sensing and recognition of person [20],
another example like ECG Parameter Identification and Monitoring [21] as they have open
source platform. 2.6 Door Phone Based System The earlier system, a specific system in
which identification of a visitant is done for the most part by direct communication with the
set of the housing estate concerned [22]. A dialling up to the sets over the handsfree telephone
is created by the framework at the entryway. Visitors enter inside through the gate by
controlling the gate with the help of the telephone set. The latest system is based on video
door phone surveillance which is used to identify the visitors, developed by Chau-Huang Wei
et. al. [23]. The work utilized a novel powerline communication chip for build up a digital
networked video door phone. Moreover, they exchanged audio and visual information and
upgraded the passageway guarding capacities. 2.7 Bluetooth Based Systems Bluetooth based
system is a bit like sarvy house innovations that utilizes Bluetooth function available in smart
devices [24]. The framework using Bluetooth turns out to be more simple and productive for
proper utilization. Such systems are generally based on Arduino platform. The hardware of
such framework is the combo of android smart phone and Bluetooth module. Arduino
microcontroller here is acting as a controller and solenoid can be acting as output of locking
system. 2.8 Social Networking Sites Based Systems A specific work [25], the digitalization
and safety perspectives were accomplished by utilizing the phone device and web camera.
The model can empower a pin to close and open a door from allotted region using SMS from
a (social networking site) like Facebook, Whatsapp etc. Fig 3: Digital Door Lock model
based on Internet of Things Recently, a new digital door lock system [26] get designed which
detects the unknown physical contact of a visitant then immediately informs to the owner
through the smart phone as shown in Fig 3. At the moment, if wrong password gets detected
more than the specified times, the system catches the picture of the unknown visitant and
sends it to the owner through smart device. In this manner, increases the strength of the
security function. With help of latest advanced technology, demonstration of an intelligent
door system using Internet of Things is given by S. Nazeem Basha et. al. [27]. The system
provides notification of intrusion by sending out email notification to the owner. It logs all the
intrusion data into Google spread sheet of owners Google drive account. ADXL345
accelerometer detects the change in motion of the door and raspberry pi reads the sensor
intrusion data and to communicate to the Amazon Web Services Internet of Things (AWS
IoT) console. Similar to the Ardiuno, Raspberry Pi module used mostly as It is an
inexpensive computer that uses Linux-based operating system [28]. It is also having open
source platform for using devices like GPIO, HDMI, 10/100 Ethernet and USB port etc. It is
also having slots for SD cards in which Linux raspberry package can be stored [29]. It has
large scope in research and development in the field of automatic door lock systems 2.9 OTP
Based Systems The proposed method in latest work does not need administrators help to
access the facility if the user knows OTP technique and has a registered mobile phone [30].
Likewise the OTP is generated and sent to the proprietors mobile phone whenever user
requests to access facility. Then the OTP should enter through keypad on the door [31], the
door will open. In case if the mobile is not available or off then the option to open the door is

to answer the security question ask by system. 2.10 Motion Detector Based System The
Motion Detector System [32] working is based on the principle of amount of light falling on
the photodiode. At the point when the laser light is falling constantly on the photodiode, its
reading is 255 in decimals. But when its hindered by deterrent, the voltage falls less than 50
in decimals. This flames the alarm and gives notification to the owner about the break in. And
automatic lock can be activated. 2.11 VB Based System Electronic eye [33] represents the
model for capturing the door images with the help of microcontroller to ensure the safety for
offices and houses. In this system, the image gets captured when the door is opened and these
images are displayed by using VB application on computing system. 2.12 Combined System
The locker security system is as shown in Fig 4 in view of RFID, FINGERPRINT,
PASSWORD and GSM technology [34] containing door locking frameworks which can be
without much of a stretch, initiated, authenticated and validated by the authorized person. It
unlocks the locker door in real time manner. International Journal of Computer Applications
(0975 8887) Volume 153 No2, November 2016 16 Fig 4: Locker Security System 3.
SUMMARY Recently proposed door lock systems based on Biometrics Techniques and
Password Based Systems are studied and their problems are enlisted in Table 1. As per the
requirements, authors developed the systems. And as per our knowledge, not a single system
is suitable for all types of applications. Day by day technologies are developing and
techniques of robbery are also developing. So, need is to develop a new smart and
unbreakable technique in further studies. Table 1. Recently Proposed Different Door Lock
Security Systems using Various Techniques with Their Problems Sr. No. Biometrics
Techniques Specific Techniques Ref. Problems 1 Face Recognition [10] Need to improve
reliability and robustness. 2 Palmtop Recognition [8] High resolution scanner is needed. 3
Face Recognition with GSM Technology and E-Mail Facility [11], [15] 2D recognition is
affect by changing in lighting, the person hairs, and if the person wear glassless. Net
connectivity problems due to abnormal weather. 4 Iris scanner, Vein Detection, Unique Code
[9] More memory required to store the data. Sr. No. Password Based Systems Specific
Techniques Ref. Problems 1 Digital Code Lock [5], [6], [1] Cant change the password,
during power failure system will gets off. 2 One Time Password [30], [31] Timeout in few
seconds and multiple uses means multiple lockouts. 4. CONCLUSION In todays
technologically advanced world, autonomous systems are gaining rapid popularity so the
advancement in latest technology is continuously and rapidly made on different latest
automatic door lock security systems. The need for an advanced door lock security systems
using new technologies is increases day by day as security become a very important or
serious issue for everybody. Due to the recent trends in various methods of security for home,
buildings, companies vehicles etc, there is no need to worry about this security any longer,
as automatic security systems are here to deal with it. This paper tries to focus all recent door
lock security systems in a comprehensive way. 5. REFERENCES [1] Oke Alice O., Adigun
Adebisi A., Falohun Adeleye S., and Alamu F. O. , DEVELOPMENT OF A
Journal of Computer and Information Technology (ISSN: 2279 0764) Volume 02 Issue 01,
January 2013 . [2] Mohammad Amanullah MICROCONTROLLER BASED
KEYPAD & GSM/CDMA TECHNOLOGY, IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering (IOSR - JEEE), Volume 4, Issue 6 (Mar. - Apr. 2013). [3] Ashish Jadhav, Mahesh
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication

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