Unbiasedness: Sudheesh Kumar Kattumannil University of Hyderabad

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Sudheesh Kumar Kattumannil

University of Hyderabad

1 Introduction

Assume that the data X = (X1 , ..., Xn ) comes from a probability distribution f (x|), with
unknown. Once the data is available our task is to find (estimate) the value of . That is we
need to construct good estimators for or its function g(). Then an important questions in
this point, How to measure/evaluate the closeness of the estimator we obtained? How to find
the best possible value? What is the best? We shall try to answer this questions by introducing
some properties of the estimator. This include unbiasedness, consistency and efficiency.

2 Unbiasedness

After finding point estimator we are interested to develop criteria to compare different point
estimators. One such measure is the mean square error (MSE) of an estimator. MSE of an
estimator T of is defined as
M SE(T ) = E(T )2 .

The MSE is a function of and has the interpretation in terms of variance and bias

M SE(T ) = V ar(T ) + (BT ())2 ,

where BT () is the bias given by BT () = E(T ) . Hence one may interested to minimize both
the bias (inaccuracy) and variance (precision) of an estimator. When bias is is equal to zero
we say that the estimator is unbiased. Then MSE become variance and we need to minimize
the variance. Next we are dealing with unbiased estimator and our task is then to find the
minimum variance unbiased estimator

Definition 1 A statistic T (X) is said to be an unbiased estimator of g(), a function of the

parameter , if
E(T (X)) = g() for all .

As mentioned above, Any estimator that not unbiased is called biased. Clearly the bias is the
difference Bias() = E(T (X)) g().

When used repeatedly, an unbiased estimator in the long run will estimate the right value on
the average.

Example 1 Let X1 , ..., Xn be a random sample from N (, 2 ), then show that Show X is
Pn 2
unbiased for and S 2 = n1 2
k=1 (Xk = X) is unbiased for , and compute their MSEs.

Show the estimator S 2 = n1 nk=1 (Xk = X)

2 is biased for 2 , but it has a smaller MSE than

S 2.
Note that unbiased estimators of g() may not exist.

Example 2 Let X be a distributed according to the binomial distribution B(n, p) and suppose
that g(p) = 1/p. Then, unbiasedness of an estimator T (x) of g() should satisfy

X n k
T (k) p (1 p)(nk) for all 0 < p < 1.

It can be seen that as p 0, the left side tends to T (0) and the right side to . Hence no such
T (x) exist.
If there exists an unbiased estimator of g, the estimand g will be called U-estimable.

Although unbiasedness is an attractive condition, after an unbiased estimator has been found,
its performance should be investigated. That is, we need to find an estimator that has smaller
variance among all unbiased estimator.

Definition 2 An unbiased estimator T (x) of g() is the uniform minimum variance unbiased
(UMVU) estimator of g() if

V ar(T (X) V ar(T (X)) for all .

where T (x) is any other unbiased estimator of g(). The estimator T (x) is locally minimum
variance unbiased (LMVU) at = 0 if V ar(T (X)) V ar(T (X)) for any other unbiased
estimator T (x).

How To Find The Best Unbiased Estimator? There are different way in finding UMVU esti-
mator. The relationship of unbiased estimators of g() with unbiased estimators of zero can
be helpful in characterizing and determining UMVU estimators when they exist. The following
theorem is in that direction.

Theorem 1 Let X have distribution {f (x), , let T (x) be an unbiased estimator of g(),
and let U denote the set of all unbiased estimators of zero. Then, a necessary and sufficient
condition for T to be a UMVU estimator of its expectation g() is that

E(T U ) = 0 for all UU and all .

The proof was discussed in the class.

Theorem 2 Let X be distributed according to a distribution {f (x), , suppose that T (x) is

a complete sufficient statistic for the same family, then for every U-estimable function g() has
one and only one unbiased estimator that is a function of T . Moreover it uniformly minimizes
the variance; therefore, this estimator in particular is UMVU.

Proof: If T1 and T2 are two unbiased estimators of g(), their difference f (T ) = T1 T2 satisfies

E(f (T )) = 0 f or all ,

and hence by the completeness of T , T1 = T1 a.e., hence the uniqueness. Now by Lehman-
Sheffe theorem (will discuss later), T is UMVU estimator for .
Next we will discuss the method for deriving UMVU estimators
If T is a complete sufficient statistic, the UMVU estimator of any U-estimable function g() is
uniquely determined by the set of equations

E(f (T )) = g() f or all

Example 3 Suppose that T has the binomial distribution b(p, n) and that g(p) = p(1 p).
Then, the above equation will becomes

X k
T (k)pk (1 p)nk = p(1 p) f or all 0 < p < 1.

If = p/q so that p = /(1+) and (1p) = 1/(1+), and the above equation can be rewritten
n   n1  
X n n2
X n2
T (k)k = (1 + ) = ()k 0 < < .
k k=0
k 1

Comparing coefficient on the left and right sides leads to

t(n t)
T (t) = .
n(n 1)

The following theorem will help us to find UMVU estimator.

Theorem 3 (Rao-Blackwell Theorem) Let {F , } be a family of probability distributions

and h be any statistics in U , where U is the all unbiased estimate of with E(h2 < . Let T be
a sufficient statistics for {F , }. Then the conditional expectation E (h|T ) is independent

of and is unbiased estimators of . Moreover

E(E (h|T ) )2 = E (h )2 f or all .

The equality holds if and only if E (h|T ) = h.

Theorem 4 (Lehmann-Sheffe Theorem) If T is a complete sufficient statistics and there exist

an unbiased estimator h of , then there exist a unique UMVU estimator of , which is given
by E(h|T ).

Proof: If h1 , h2 U , then E (h1 |T ) and E (h2 |T ) are both unbiased and

E(E (h1 |T ) E (h2 |T )) = 0 f or all .

Since T is a complete sufficient statistics, we have

E (h1 |T ) = E (h2 |T ).

Hence by Theorem 3 E(h|T ) is the UMVU estimator.

Example 4 Suppose that X1 , ..., Xn are iid according to the uniform distribution U (0, ) and
that g() = /2. Then, T = X(n) , the largest of the Xs, is a complete sufficient statistic. Since
E(X1 ) = /2 and T = X(n) is a complete sufficient statistic, by Lehmann-Sheffe the UMVU
estimator of /2 is t = E[X1 |X(n)]. Hence we have to evaluate E[X1 |X(n)].
If X(n) = t , then X1 = t with probability 1/n, and X is uniformly distributed on (0, t) with
the remaining probability (n 1)/n. Hence

1 n1t n+1t
E[X1 |t] = t+ = .
n n 2 n 2

Thus, [(n + 1)/n]T /2 and [(n + 1)/n]T are the UMVU estimators of /2 and , respectively.
Now we prove a theorem which was already discussed in connection with sufficiency.

Theorem 5 A complete sufficient statistic is minimal sufficient.

Proof: Let T be a complete sufficient statistics for the family {F } and S be any sufficient
statistics for which E(h(X)) is finite. Denote h(T ) = E(S|T ), then by Lehmann-Sheffe Theorem
h is UMVU estimator of E(S). Consider any other sufficient statistics T1 . Then we show that
h(T ) is a function of T1 . Suppose that h(T ) is not a function of T1 , then the function defined
by h1 (T1 ) = E(h(T )|T1 ) is unbiased for E(S). And by Rao-Blackwell theorem,

V (h1 (T1 )) V (h(T )),

which is contradiction to the fact that h(T ) is UMVU estimator for . Hence h(T ) is not a
function of T1 . Since h and T1 be arbitrary, T must be a function of every sufficient statistic,
hence the proof.
Remark: In view of Lehmann-Sheffe theorem once we have a complete sufficient statistics T
which is unbiased for , then T will be UMVU for .

3 Lower bound to the Variance

In this section, we will discuss the attainment of a lower bound to the variance of an unbiased
estimator. As a prerequisite we shall discuss about Fisher Information.

Definition 3 Information(Fisher information) that X contains about the parameter denoted

by I() is defined as
d 2
I() = E logp(X, ) ,
where s(X, ) = d
logp(X, ) is called the score or score function for X.

Clearly I() is the average of the square of relative rate at which the density f changes at x. It
is plausible that the greater this expectation is at a given value 0 , the easier it is to distinguish
0 from neighboring values , and, therefore, the more accurately can be estimated at = 0 .

Remark: If X1 , ..., Xn is a random sample with the pdf f (x|). Then the score for the entire
sample X1 , , Xn is
sn (X, ) = s(Xk , ).

And the Fisher information for the entire sample X1 , ..., Xn is

In () = I().

It is important to realize that I() depends on the particular parametrization chosen. In fact,
if = h() and h is differentiable, the information that X contains about is

I() = I(h())(h ())2 .

The proof of the alternative expressions of I() given below will discuss in the class.

I() = E( logp (X))

I() = E( logh (X))2
I() = E( logr (X))2 ,

where h(x) = f (x)/(1 F (x)) and r(x) = f (x)/F (x), the hazard rate and reversed hazard rate
of X respectively.

Theorem 6 Suppose that the distribution of X belongs to exponential family given by

h i
f (x|) = h(x)exp T (x)s() c() ,

and let g() = E(T ), then T (x) satisfies

I(g()) = .
V (T )

And for any differentiable function h(), we have

h s0 () i2
I(h()) = V (T ).
h0 ()

Example 5 Let X Gamma(, ), where we assume that is known. The density is given
1 x 1
f (x) =
x1 e = e( )x log() h(x),

where h(x) = x1 /. We know that E(T ) = and V (T ) = 2 and the information in X

(using the Theorem 6) about is I() = 1/ 2 .
If we are instead interested in the information in X about , then we can reparameterize
the density using () = / and T (x) = x/. And using

I() = I(h())(h ())2 ,

we have, quite generally, that I[ch()] = c2
I[h()], so the information in X about is I() =
/ 2 .
Remark: Suppose that X is the whole data and T = T (X) is some statistic. Then, IX ()
IT () for all . The two information measures match with each other for all if and
only if T is a sufficient statistic for .

Theorem 7 (Cramer-Rao Lower bound) Let X1 , ..., Xn be a sample with the joint pdf f (x|).
Suppose T (X) is an estimator satisfying (i) E (T (X)) = g() for any ; and (ii) V ar (T (X)) <
. If the following equation (interchangeability)

d d
h(x)f (x|)dx = h(x) f (x|)dx
d d

holds for h(x) = 1 and h(x) = T (x). Then

(g ())2
V (T (X)) .

Theorem 8 (Cramer-Rao Lower bound iid case) Let X1 , ..., Xn be a iid with common pdf
f (x|). Suppose T (X) is an estimator satisfying all the conditions stated in Theorem 7, then

(g ())2
V (T (X)) .

Theorem 9 Let X1 , ..., Xn be a iid with common pdf f (x|). Suppose that all the conditions
stated in the Theorem 7 is satisfied, then the equality hold if and only if

k()(T (x) g()) = log f ,

for some function k().

Another popular lower bound to the variance of an unbiased estimator is provided by the
Chapman- Robbins inequality and it has better performance than the Cramer-rao inequality in
the non-regular case as the later fails in that case. Next we discuss about it.

Theorem 10 (Chapman-Robbins Inequality) Let E(T (X)) = g(), with E(T (X))2 < .
If 6= , assume that f and f are distinct and further assume that there exist 6= such that
{f (x) > 0} {f (x) > 0}. Then

(g() g())2
V (T (X)) sup .
V (f (X)/f (X))

The following example verifies the Theorem 10.

Example 6 Let X be distributed according to U (0, ). Clearly the regularity condition of

Cramer-Rao inequality does not hold in this case. We illustrate that the variance of the UMVU
estimator for is greater that the bound provided by Chapman-Robbins inequality. Let g() =
. If < , then {f (x) > 0} {f (x) > 0}. Consider

2 1
E(f (X)/f (X)) = ( )2 = .

2 1
E(f (X)/f (X)) = ( ) = 1.


V (f (X)/f (X)) = .

Thus by Chapmann-Robbins inequality

( )2 2
V (T (X)) sup = sup ( ) = ,
;< ( ) ;< 4

for any unbiased estimator T (X) of . Clearly 2X is unbiased for . Also it is UMVU estimator
for as X is complete sufficient statistics. Consider

V (2X) = 4V (X) = ,

which is greater than 4
, the bound provided by Chapmann-Robbins inequality.


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