The Grignard Reagent
The Grignard Reagent
The Grignard Reagent
was named after Victor Grignard (1871-1935; Nobel Prize, CHsMgBr THF 3.5
shared with Paul Sabatier, 1912) and is probably the single
most important organometal reagent used in the laboratory CzHsMgBr Et20 482
synthesis of organic compounds in this century. Indeed a
case can he made for the proposition that the remarkable C2HsMgBr THF 5.09
versatility of the Grignard reagent and its ease of prepara-
C2HsMgCI THF 5.52
tion delayed the interest in organo-transition metal chemis-
try for decades. l'heavai~abili;~ of pure magnesium required
for the laboratory preparation of the Grignard reagent was
no doubt enhanced hy the commercial interest in magne-
sium, principally for use as an incendiary. The "Elektron"
was a 10-lb incendiary bomb developed by the Germans in comes from 'H NMR variable temperature studies @a). At
1918 and consisted of almost pure magnesium. room temperature only a single methyl signal is observed,
The successful preparation of the Grignard reagent in hut a t about -100 'C two methyl signals appear, indicating
good yield requires an ether solvent, usually diethyl ether or that the rapid equilibrium a t room temperature is frozen out
tetrahvdrofuran (or less commonly EtzN), whose solubiliz- a t the low temperature.
ing prbperties arise from complcx~tionot the ether oxygen There are several dimeric structures that can be written
at the maanesium center. Although practically all Grignard for the Grignard reagent inEtzO when X = F, CI, Br, or I and
reactions can be rationalized on t h e basis o f the strGture in T H F where X = F. Of these, the symmetrical, 3, and
RMgX, it was realized for many years that such a represen- unsymmetrical, 4, dimers are the most probable. However,
tation is a gross oversimplification and that the formation of the dimeric structure that best explains (66) the intermedi-
the reagent and its structure and reactions are very complex ate responsible for the Schlenk equilihrium is the alkyl
(2). bridging dimer, 5.
pendent experiments and the extent of isomerization RMgX
R'MgX during Grignard formation can be determined
experimentally as well.
single crystal Mg in excess CH3Br) with PhzCO proceeds
exclusivelyvia the polar mechanism, while tert-butylmagne-
sium chloride reacts with P h E O in EtzO by single electron
transfer. Interestingly, when 0.05 M FeC13 is added to the
Extensive experiments have been performed with 6-bro- CH3MgBr reaction the mechanism is converted from the
mo-l-hexene, 8. When the Grignard reagent is prepared polar pathway to the single electron transfer mechanism (see
from this halide, two RMgX compounds are isolated: below) with production of the pinacol.
The rate of isomerization R- .R' of the putative intermedi-
ate cyclohexenyl radical is known (14) to be about lo5 s-',
and preparation of the Grignard reagent from 8 leads to
about 95% of 9 and 5%of 10. When a log-log plot of the ratio
of R'MgXIRMgX to the rate constant for the rearrangement
is constructed using this point and two others similarly ob-
tained, a straight line with a slope of 0.5 can be used to
connect these points (16). This relationship is to be expected
from a diffusion theory model (15).Hence it was proposed
that in Grignard formation the radical R. is formed first,
diffuses into solution, has time to moreor less rearranee. and
both b a n d .R' return to thesurfare toreact with ~ g ~ , , a n d
form HMgX and R'MgX. This is the process of pathway c, e,
d, Figure I . The presently available evidence indicates that
RMgX R X+ ac4
RR' MgX, + Figure 3. Free radical catalysis of the Grlgnard reaction.
Thus with CuXz the reaction may he written: CuClz
Ph. + Solvent - C,H,
2RMgX RzCu 2MgXz followed by reductive elimina-
tion: RzCu R-R +
Cu. This represents an overall two elec-
tron reduction of the metal, but this explanation of the
The generation of the free radical occurs in the first step. coupling has received relatively littlesupport,and it is much
The mechanism of this initiation can be viewed as exactly more likely the product arises through the radical mecha-
analogous to the one electron transfer pathway in the benzo- nism shown in the catalytic cycle with CoCl?.
phenone reaction with methylmagnesium bromide shown
earlier: Acknowledgment
Discussions with E. C. Ashby, H. M. Walhorsky, and J. L.
Belletire were very helpful.