Design of Photovoltaic System Using Buck-Boost Converter Based On MPPT With PID Controller

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Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 6(5): 314-322, 2019 http://www.hrpub.

DOI: 10.13189/ujeee.2019.060502

Design of Photovoltaic System Using Buck-Boost

Converter based on MPPT with PID Controller
Osama Elbaksawi1,2

Department of Electrical Engineering , College of Engineering, Jouf University, Sakaka, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Department of Electrical Engineering , Faculty of Engineering, Port-said University, Egypt.

Received September 15, 2019; Revised October 30, 2019; Accepted November 10, 2019

Copyright©2019 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract Different models of the PV system tracks the maximum available output power of PV array
containing many techniques of DC-DC converter are and make PV system more efficient. The MPPT algorithm
applied in this paper such as, buck converter, boost adopt criteria dv/dt =0 at maximum points to extract the
converter and buck- boost converter which are inserted to maximum power. Many different techniques are
be close the power between PV array and load by varying implemented based on MPPT, which are different in their
its duty cycle, it is named maximum power point tracking efficiency, speed response, implementation, cost and
(MPPT). This paper introduces four different techniques popularity [3,5,6]. Different algorithms like conductance
of the DC-DC converter controlled by MPPT. The first are applied to the MPP tracking to control the duty cycle of
configuration is proposed as composing PV module the converter [7].
connected to buck-boost converter controlled via
incremental conductance MPPT algorithm, the system
includes PID controller to reduce the error of output 2. Equivalent Circuit of PV Module
voltage. The second model is as the first without PID
controller. The last two systems consisting of boost The equivalent circuit of PV general model composes
converter with MPPT control and with PWM technique. photon current source in parallel with a diode and shunt
All studied methods are pretended by using resistance, all in series with a series resistor. The
Matlab/Simulink. equivalent circuit is shown as in Figure. 1 [4,8,9].
Keywords PV system, DC-DC Converter, PID
Controller, MPPT Algorithm

1. Introduction
Renewable energy sources are the most widely studied
electric power sources like wind turbine and photovoltaic
cells which are the most popular renewable sources. The
photovoltaic model gains a great attention in the last
decades as it has not a moving part and produces less
pollution to environment. The output characteristic of PV Figure. 1. The equivalent circuit of PV module
array depends on parameters radiation intensity and 𝑉𝑃𝑉 +𝐼𝑃𝑉 𝑅𝑠
temperature [1,2]. Increasing the temperature is decreasing 𝐼𝑃𝑉 = 𝑁𝑝 𝐼𝑃ℎ − 𝑁𝑝 𝐼𝑜 �𝑒 𝑁𝑠 𝑉𝑡ℎ
− 1� − (1)
the power generated by PV module at MPP. While, an
increase in radiation intensity can cause increasing in the Iph: light generated current, Is: panel saturation current,
generated power in the maximum power point of PV Ns: number of cells connected in series, Np : number of
module [3,4]. cells connected parallel, T: cell working temperature , A:
The PV cells operate with maximum output power and ideal factor, Rp: shunt resistance and Rs: series resistance.
Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 6(5): 314-322, 2019 315

3. DC-DC Converter Based on MPPT than the input voltage. The ON and OFF of the switch is
controlled by the PWM signal [10,11,14].
DC-DC converter was a vital part of alternative and
renewable energy conversion, portable devices, and much 3.4. PV System Buck-Boost Converter with MPPT
industrial process. It is essentially used to achieve a
regular DC voltage from DC source with may be the Buck-Boost converter is collection of a buck and boost
rectifier output or a battery or a solar cell and fed to converter. It is a combination of the buck converter case
DC-DC converter [10]. and a boost converter case in cascade. The ratio for the
output to input voltage is equal to a product of ratios in
3.1. Perturb and Observe (P&O) MPPT Algorithm buck converter and the boost converter. [11,12,15]. The
block diagram presenting the technique of the PV system
The P &O method is most used in MPPT because of its buck-boost converter with MPPT technique is shown in
simple technique and it requires only few parameters. It Figure 3.
perturbs the terminal voltage of PV array and compares the
generated output power of PV with the last cycle of
perturbation. When generated power of PV and voltage is
increased or decreased, a perturbation step size, the system
is oscillating toward the MPP and this oscillation is
minimized and the step size perturbation is reducing and it
slows down the MPP tracking system. This MPPT
algorithm is introduced to provide gate pulses to the
MOSFET switch used in the boost converter [10,11,12].

3.2. PV System Boost Converter with PWM

The block diagram is introducing the technique of the
feed forward control is shown in Figure. 2. It composes of a
Solar panel, boost converter, MPPT and a lighting load.
The current – voltage characteristics of this panel is tested Figure. 3. The block diagram of PV system with DC-DC Converter
initially before connecting it to the load [11,13].
3.5. Incremental Conductance Algorithm for MPPT
The output power of the solar PV module changes with
varies in direction of the sun, change in solar insulations
level and vary in temperature. There is a single MPP in the
PV characteristics of the PV module for normal operating
condition. It is desired the PV module to operate around to
this point, i.e., output of the PV module reaches near to
MPP. The process of operating PV module at this condition
is named as maximum power point tracking (MPPT).
Figure. 2. Block diagram of PV system PWM control technique Maximization of PV power is improved from the
utilization of the solar PV module [8,15].
3.3. PV System Boost Converter with MPPT The most common algorithms are the P& O and the IC
method. The conductance method presents the advantage
A DC-DC boost converter is used to convert the input dc of giving high efficiency under varying atmospheric
voltage value to the different dc voltage value at the output. conditions, so it is introduced in the model. This method is
The circuit diagram of the boost converter. It consists of an depended on the slop of the PV array power curve is zero at
electronic switch which is controlled by PWM signal. The the MPP, and is increasing on the left of the MPP and is
inductor is storing energy from the panel until TON period decreasing on the right side of MPP.
when the electronic switch is switched on. Meanwhile, The algorithm of this technique starts by obtaining
when diode is in the reverse biased it isolates the output values of I(k) and V(k) and using former values stored at
from the circuit and the load current supplies from the the end of the cycle, I(k-I) and V (k-I), then the voltage
capacitor. When the electronic switch is switched off, the variable is zero and the current variable equals zero so the
inductor is discharging and the current flows through the PV is operating on the MPP [10, 16].
diode.. The output voltage composes of the discharged When the PV array is not operating at the MPP; thus the
voltage and instant panel voltage; hence it is always higher varying in the atmospheric Conditions is detected using (dI
316 Design of Photovoltaic System Using Buck-Boost Converter based on MPPT with PID Controller

≠0). In this case, the control is depending on dI is positive Since,

or negative, if the incremental change in current is positive, dp d(IV) dI
the voltage is increased, otherwise is decreased. While the = =I+V (4)
dv dv dV
voltage variable is unequal zero, and is comparing dI/dV
with I/V.
The configuration of MPPT controller is composed of
the inputs for MPPT controller are voltage, current of the (5)
PV module to control the duty cycle of the DC-DC
Therefore, the problem of the maximized output power
can be solved effectively using the duty cycle of DC-DC
converter as a control variable with perturbation and
observation (P&O) as the following control law [10,11,12]:
D𝑘 = D𝑘−1 + 𝐶1 (2)

Dk and Dk-1 are duty cycle values in K and K-1 intervals,

respectively. ∆Pk-1/∆Dk-1is the power slope of PV in step
K-1 and C1 is the step change [13,14,17,18,19].

4. The Proposed Model with PID

The output power from PV module is fed to DC-DC
converter by using Incremental Conductance (IC)
algorithm MPPT with PID controller to obtain the point of
maximum power as shown in Figure. 4. The proposed
model depends on the slope of the derivative of the current
to the voltage to reach MPP from measurements of the voltage,
V, and the current, I, and the algorithm determines the
photovoltaic output power and its derivative as in terms of the
voltage. The difference between actual voltage signal and
generated voltage signal are compared and fed to PID
controller to reduce error and generate the duty cycle to
operate DC-DC converter.

Figure. 5. The flowchart of IC algorithm

5. Analysis Results
The proposed PV module is simulated by
Matlab/Simulink as shown in Figure. 6 and compared with
Figure. 4. The block diagram of proposed PV system
three others model. The specification of the PV array and
optimized ratings are illustrated in Table 1. Figure.7.a and
The flow chart of the proposed model of MPPT method Figure.7.b show the characteristics curve of PV module
is implemented in Figure, 5. The operation of this and PV which it used array. The output voltages, current
algorithm can be given by the following mathematical and power for the proposed model PV system usage
equations, [16,17,18] buck-boost converter based on MPPT with PID controller
are shown in Figure. (8.a, 9.a, 10.a), the PV system usage
buck-boost converter based on MPPT controller is shown
in Figure. (8.b, 9.b, 10.b), while the PV system usage boost
(3) converter based on MPPT are shown in Figure. (8.c, 9.c,
10.c) and PV system usage boost converter based on PWM
are shown in Figure. (8.d, 9.d, 10.d)
Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 6(5): 314-322, 2019 317

It is illustrated from Figure. 8.a to Figure. 8.d which are While, from Figure. 10.a to Figure. 10.d are presented
shown the wave form of output and input voltage for the the output and input power and it is concentrated of wave
proposed technique are the best wave because it has a low form from 0.8 sec to 0.805 sec to show the ripple in the
harmonics and has a high value of the output voltage when each wave for each technique, thus the wave form of the
is comparing with the other three techniques. proposed model has a low ripple with less oscillation value
Also, from Figure. 9.a to Figure. 9.d which are shown the about 1.7 watt and the best wave compared with the other
wave form of output ant input current of all four techniques.
techniques ant it clears the wave of the proposed model The comparison simulation results such as output power
has no ripple and output current is not excesses the range (Po), ripple in output power (∆Po), output voltage (Vo) are
of PV array maximum current. in Table 2.

Figure 6. Simulink model of proposed control model

Table 1. Specification of PV array and ratings

Electrical specifications of PV array

Module type First Solar FS - 272
Ns 3
Np 3
Maximum power(W) 680
Voltage at max. power (V) 37.3
Current at max. power (A) 8.31
Open circuit voltage (V) 45.22
Short circuit current (A) 8.9
Cell temperature, in deg.C. 25
Sun irradiance, in W/m2 1000
318 Design of Photovoltaic System Using Buck-Boost Converter based on MPPT with PID Controller

Figure 7a. PV module characteristics

Figure 7b. PV array characteristics

Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 6(5): 314-322, 2019 319

Figure 8a. Vo & Vin for PV system boost converter PWM Figure 8d. Vo&Vin for PV system buck-boost converter PID- MPPT

Figure 9a. Io & Iin for PV system boost converter with PWM
Figure 8b. Vo&Vin for PV system boost converter MPPT

Figure 8c. Vo&Vin for PV system buck-boost converter with MPPT

Figure 9b. Io&Iin for PV system boost converter with MPPT
320 Design of Photovoltaic System Using Buck-Boost Converter based on MPPT with PID Controller

Figure 10b. Po for PV system boost converter with MPPT

Figure 9c. Po for PV system buck-boost converter with MPPT

Figure 10c. Io&Iin for PV system buck-boost converter with MPPT

Figure 9d. Po for PV system buck-boost converter with PID-MPPT

Figure 10d. Po for PV system buck-boost converter with PID – MPPT

Figure 10a. Po for PV system buck-boost converter with PWM
Universal Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering 6(5): 314-322, 2019 321

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