This Paper Has Been Mechanically Scanned. Some Errors May Have Been Inadvertently Introduced
This Paper Has Been Mechanically Scanned. Some Errors May Have Been Inadvertently Introduced
This Paper Has Been Mechanically Scanned. Some Errors May Have Been Inadvertently Introduced
errors may have been inadvertently introduced.
Lawrence C. Liao
University of California, Berkeley
The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are
responsible for the facts and the accuracy of the data presented herein.
The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of
the State of California. This report does not constitute a standard,
specification, or regulation.
April 1998
ISSN 1055-1417
Lawrence C. Liao
1. The system shall provide better performance than off-line methods. This is
obviously the primary criterion, but it has not been always recognized as
such explicitly in past efforts.
2. Needs development of new concepts and not merely the extension of
existing concepts. As demonstrated by the experiments reviewed in this
report, effective responsiveness is not achieved by just implementing 08-
line methods at an increased frequency. New methods have to be
3. Be truly demand-responsive, i.e., adapt to actual trafSic conditions and
not to historical or predicted values that may be far offfrom the actual.
4. Not be arbitrarily restricted to control periods of any length, but can be
updated at any time, at any location.
5. Is not encumbered by a network model structure that requires extensive
centralized computer capability, but is decentralized in its decision-
making and uses only those data that are directly pertinent to the
decisions it has to reach.
6. Obviates the conventional notions of oftset, split, and cycle time, which
are inherent in all existing signal optimization methods.
7. The pattern of any individual signal should consist of a continuously
varying, demand-responsive, sequence of ON (effective green) and OFF
(effective red) times that are only subjected to appropriate lower and
upper bounds.
OPAC-2 is a simplification of OPAC-1. In OPAC-2, a control period is divided into
stages. The length of a stage is roughly equal to a typical cycle length. Each stage is
further divided into intervals of five seconds. The number of signal phase changes is
limited to be at least one and no more than three at each stage. For every switching
sequence, a delay function is defined for each approach. It is the sum of the initial queue
length plus the difference of arrival and departure of each interval in the stage. Given the
initial queue length on each approach and the arrivals in each interval, the control problem
for each stage now becomes finding the optimal switching sequence which minimizes total
vehicular delay. The optimization procedure used for solving this problem is an optimal
sequential constrained search method. The optimal switching policies are calculated
independently for each stage, in a forward sequential manner for the entire process.
Therefore, this approach is geared for incorporation in an on-line system.
Although OPAC-2 can be used in an on-line system, it still requires future arrival
information for the entire stage. This information is difficult to obtain with accuracy in
practice. To reduce these requirements the rolling horizon concept is utilized. The
resulting version is called ROPAC. The implementation of the rolling horizon concept will
be discussed in subsequent section. In ROPAC, the required near future traffic information
can be obtained from detectors. However, it is important that the detectors be place well
upstream (10-15 seconds travel time) of the intersection to procure accurate traffic flow
The real-time traffic control system that utilizes ROPAC as the signal timing optimization
algorithm is called the Real-Time OPAC Traffic Signal Control System (OPAC-RT).
There are two versions of OPAC-RT. Version 1.0 uses the ROPAC algorithm as is and is
applied to two-phase operation. After two field tests of Version 1.0 several enhancements
were made. The improved Version 2.0 is designed to control the signal timing at an
isolated intersection controlled by a dual-ring, eight-phase controller. Only the through
phases are actually controlled by the system. Other phases are treated as parts of the
intergreen period.
A network version of OPAC will be included in the prototype of the Real-Time Traffic
Adaptive Control System (RT-TRACS) project (1996). Coordination of the distributed
RT-OPAC modules is provided by a multi-level hierarchy consisting of offset and virtual-
cycle optimization facilities at the upper levels. Consequently, the system is capable of
providing real-time, traffic-adaptive control for signal networks that combines the
advantages of distributed cycle-free optimization at the local level with system-wide
coordination at the network level.
How does it work? -- Implementation
Optimization procedure
The optimization procedure in OPAC is based on a pseudo-Dynamic Programming
method which has the following features:
1 . A control period is divided into stages. The stage length should be in the range of 50
to 100 seconds comparable to a cycle time for a fixed-time traffic signal. Each stage is
divided into a number of 5-second intervals.
2 . During each stage, at least one and no more than three signal changes are allowed.
3. A performance index is calculated for each approach for every switching sequence
during a stage. It is the sum of the initial queue length plus the difference of arrival and
departure of each interval in the stage. The objective function is the sum of the
performance indices on all approaches.
4. An optimal sequential constrained search method is used to calculate the optimal
switching sequence. The objective function is evaluated sequentially for all feasible
switching sequences. At each iteration, current objective function value is compared
with the one stored earlier. Whichever is smaller will be saved in storage. The
corresponding switching points and the terminal queue-lengths will also be stored. At
the end of the search, the values in storage is the optimal solution.
the rest (k-r) intervals, the tail of the stage, flow data is estimated from a model or from
the date collected during previous projection horizons. Those traffic information is used to
derive the optimal switching sequence for the entire stage, but only the policy for the head
section is implemented. The projection horizon then rolls forward by r units to create a
new stage and the whole process repeats itself (see Figure I). The length of the head
portion, r, is chosen to be the free-flow travel time from the detectors to the stop bar. The
detectors should be placed about 400 to 600 feet upstream from the stop bars so that the
value of r will be 2 or 3. There should be one such detector in each lane
Three forms of the tail models are developed and tested. For the fixed model, a constant
value equal to the average flow for the control period is used for each interval in the tail
portion ofthe stage. For the static model, difyerent values for each interval in the stage are.
used. The values are based on average value for that interval within the cyclic pattern ot
arrivals over the control period. For the dynamic model, each interval in the stage contains
the value derived from the actual arrivals during the previous stage exponentially
smoothed against the corresponding interval in previous stages. Simulation test results
indicate that the fixed model gives better performance. Therefore, the fixed model is
chosen to be the tail model.