Day 2 Electrostatics

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tcs 9-l
, Problems in Electrical
t00I Solu,e-d

ApplyKCL at node 'a':

0 l rl l .
V. + A - 12
*Y "
^" 2 4 'il I
6 = 0 .5 V"+ 0. 25V "+ 0. 5 1 -3
/rr \
s =o 75va.o.u[;J
9=0.75V"+0.25V" G0u10tt's
V" =9V
First law of electrostatics:Likechargesrepeleachotherand unlike
r= V "=9
22 Secondlaw of electrostatics:Theforceof attractionor repulsionbetween
chargesis direcilyproportional
to the productof two chargesand inversely
UseNodalnodemethod; proportional
to the squareof the distancebetweenthem.

wlrore: F =force (newton)

Qr,Qz = charge in each body (coulomb)
E" = absolute pegnittivity
= 8.834 x 10''' farad per meter
Ir = relative permiftivityor dielectric constant
= 1(one), forfree space
d = distance betveen the two bodies(meter)
Ap p l yKCL at node' a' :
k = constantin Sl units equal to 9 x 10'
l r 4 =lr + 41
4 =1 ,+ 31 I l ,,r,.tr)cgsuni ts:F = dyn.;O = stat coulor nb;
d = cent im et er and
k = 1.Alsot her ear e
'. . ri ,' rtatcoulombin a 1 coulombof charqe.
t=Y +3 f1 2 -vl "
4 [4)
0.5v 5
V 10volts I lr',.trostatic potential - the electricpotentialresultingfrom the locationof charged
i Dthe vi ci ni ty

wtr,.r,. V = electrostaticpotential(volt)at a distanceof d (meter)from a charge

body of charge Q (coulomb)
94 l00l Solved Problems in Electrical R ,R Electrostatics 95

wtrr.r. D = electricflux density(coulombper square meter)

]ttll ttTttstil V = electricflux (coulomb)
Electric field intesity - the force per unit chargethat will act at a point in the field on A = area perpendicularto electricflux (squaremeter)
a very small test charge placedat that location.

Test charge
a QA t np.rcitanceis a measureof how well a capacitorcan store electricalcharges.
" {*E"ef

.:. capacitor (old name is Condenser) - any deviceon which electricchargescan

lrc storedso as to consistsof two conducting
plates separatedby a layer of an insulatingmediumcalleddielectric.
where: E = electricintensity(newtonper coulomb)
d = distancein metersof lhe test charge(1 C) to the charge(+Q)body ,:' r arad (F) - unit of capacitancewhen one coulombof charge given to its plates
rirrsesits potentialdifferenceby one volt. Named after the Britishphysicistand
,:lremistwho discoveredelectromagnetic induction,Michael Faraday(1791-
* Electric field outclde an isolated sphere in free space tl ]67).
G_ E

E = electricfieldintensity(voltper meter)at a distancer (meter)fromthe wtrr,r C = capacitanceof a chargecapacitor(farad)

centerof an isolatedchargedspherelocatedin free space. Q = charge stored (coulomb)
E = voltage across the capacitor (volt)
Q = totalcharge(coulomb) whichis distributeduniformlyon the sphere

(lapacitance of a two parallel-platecapacitor with a uniform dielectric

Electric field intensity created by an isolated, charged long cylindrical wirr
in free space medi um

where. E = electricfield(voltper meter)
A = chargeperunitof length(coulombpermeter)distributed uniformly .liA
overthe surfaceof the isolatedcylinder o=;il
r = distancein metersfromthe centerof thecylinderto the pointat which
the electricfieldintensityis evaluated
wt' r,r C = capacitance(farad)
A = area of each plate (squaremeter)
RIIIIH$IIY d = thicknessof dielectricmaterial(meter)
k = IoIr = dielectricconstant
Eo= absolutepermittivity
!r = relativepermittivityof the dielectric
Ot ;
th t tttl I S:llrnd t'robln*t i" EIW Electrostatics 97

Capacitance of an "n" parallel-platecapacitor having the same type of

dielectricmaterialand thickness of dielectric


,l Capacitance of a coaxial cable (hrad per meter)

wlrere. n = numberof plates


Capacitance of an "n" parallel-plate capacitor with different dielectric

materialand thickness of insulation

dt d2 d3

@ f2

yii Capacitanceof a two wire line (parallel-cylinder

capacitor)with opposite
t{ xh r:harges(faradper meter)
Irt 2rz Zrs

* Capacitance of a two parallel-plate capacitor with a medium partly air.


{'F t

Capacitance of an isolated spnere



O'*4nl$tEr 3

* Capacitance of a concentric spherical capacitor

C, ,'
r1r2 rH++-#i4
g2 -gi
c*4nz^D.'rz-11 c1 Q1 =,O1 = Q,z = Qg Er =Er +E, +E3
98 100 I *tlved l'rohlems in Elec'lricul l:ngineering lty ll.
Electrostatics 99

I or series-parallel
connections, usethe basicprinciples
l[Utst0tilll0nl]rl [onG[P[G|I0ns
U01T[GI lt stnl[s
G0llllIGTHl s*iesandparallelconnections
to simpli[,the circuit.


-'; W = energy stored(joule)
C = capacitance (farad)
E = voltage across (volt)
GTPTGITORS Q = charge accumulated(coulomb)

Elastance is the reciprocalof capacitance.
.r,:l rlri::11:::i:::
i: ff. r
]:.. ,: . :r:

,G1't-Ct +Qp *'S: ,Oi *Qr +Q9 +Q3 E r. & * E r -E a

where: S = elastance(reciprocalfarador daraf)
where: Qt = total charge accumulated(coulomb)
Ct = total capacitance (farad)
Er = supplyvoltage(volt)

G[[nGr ilr0nrrtrr||RGrPAG|I0ns rilPmilul

Q, A r= #
1 Or=#
I00l Solved Problems in Electrical
Test4 I0I

Problen u9: EE Board October a996

Two spheres separated from each other by 10 m have charges of 0.001
coulomband 0.003 coulomb respectively.In betweenthe two spheres is a point of
zero electricfield. What is the distancefrom the 0.001 coulombsphere?

A 6.34 m
B 7.78 m
C 2.24m
Probtem trss EE Board llarch r99e D 3.66 m
Three equal positive charges of 10 statcoulomb each are located at
the vertices
of- a.nequilateraltriangleof 2 cm leg. what is the magnituoeortnelorce Probtem t2o:
acting on
each charge? Calculatethe magnitudeof the electricfield at a point that is 30 cm from a point
chargeQ= -3.2x104 C.
A. 12.5dynes
B, 25 dynes
C. 43.3 dynes A 3.2 x 106 N/C
D. 50 dynes ts 3.0x 1os N/c
Probtem ar6: EE Board October t99Z c. 2.8x 1OoN/C
Two point charges 10 cm apart exert a force of 1 x 10 raised D 2.4x 1os N/C
to the (-3) grams
on each other. lf the chargesare the same value,what is the value
oi eictr ctra-rgein
stat coulomb? Probtem rtr: EE Board October tgga
Two metallicplatesseparatedby 1 cm are connected acrossa 12Y battery.A
A. 8.90 stat coulomb
certainplasticmaterialis insertedcompletely
fillingthe spacebetweenthe plates
B, 9.90 stat coulomb
andthe chargeon eachplateobservedto double.Whatis the dielectricconstantof
C. 6.90 stat coulomb lhe plasticmaterial?
D. 7.90stat coulomb
A 0.5
Probtem tr1: EEBoatdAprit t99Z ts2
Twoelectronsin a vacuumexperience
a forceof 2 x 1O-isN. Howfar apartare c4
theelectrons? t)6

A. 0.48x 10-7m Problem l22.EE Board October rggr

Calculate betweentwo parallelplates
the capacitance eachof whichib tOOcm2
B. 2.84x10'12m irnd2 mmapartin air.
C. 3.39x 10-7m
n ppF
D. 5.05x 10-12
m tr 0.515ppF
(i 0.452ppF
Problem tt8: t) 0.502ppF
chargesof 2 c anda s c are 10 metersapart.A thirdpointcharge
6 ^ lwo.poinr
is pracedbetweenthem.At what distancet o, ir.,Js b ;ilJ;r.t of
rhe 6 c Probtern 4233
chargeis placed,in sucha waythatit willstayin equilibrium
? -
A capacitorhas two parallelmetalplatesmeasuring0.45m squareeach.The
rlrstancebetweenthe platesis 1 cm in free air. lf a dielectricmaterialwhose
A. 6.125m
B. is 4 and 5 mm thick is placedin the upperplate,leavingan air gap
5.365m l)()tweenthe boftom plate and the dielectric,what is the capacitanceof the
C. 6.025m ,.;rpacitor?
D. 5.256m
102 I00l Solved Problems in Electrical
Test4 103
A. 207 pltF
B. 254 pltF Problem r2ts EE Boatd october rggT
C. 193 ppF A 20 pF capacitor is charged by a 12-y baftery. what is the stored energy
in the
D. 287 ppF r.rrpacitor?

Problern A 1.07x 10-3J

lr 2.88x 10-2J
.. , capacitoris composedoJtwo pratesseparared by a 3-mm insuration (; 2.88x 1O-3J
constantis 4. An additionalpieceof '6-mminsllationis inserteo
the plates. What is the dierectricconstantof the additionar u lt 1.44x 10{ J
capacitance insurationif
of the capacitor
decreases to harfas muchof its originai'vaiuez Problern t29t EE Board October 1994
4.5 A parallel plate capacitor with air between its plate is charged until the potential
8.8 rlrlferenceV appears acro.sgit. Another capacitor having hird rubber
c.6 r.orrstant= 3) betweenits plates but othenrviseidentical,is ilso charged loietectric
to the same
D.7 ;xrtentialdifference.lf the energy of the first capacitoris w, that of thi second is

Problenr rl5: A 9W
A parallel-platecapacitorhas an equivarentcapacitance g50 rr{
- . plate is 6 cm' of pF. The area
each and the thicknessof the dierectricis 0.02 cm. rf 3
as thedierectric the materiarus (; W
has g,
a constantof howmanysection"arom"ruln p-"Ltr"tz
t) 3w
4 .4
8 .5 Problem tllos
c.7 A capacitorwhoseplatesis 20 cm x 3.0 cm and is separatedby a 1.0-mmair
D.6 is connected
11,r1r acrossa 12-ybattery.Determinethe charge on each
aftera longtime.
lrlirte ""currl"ted
Problenr 1263 EE goad october tgg4
A parallelpratecap_acitoris-madeof 350 prates,separatedby paraffinedpapel A 5.3x 10-12
0.0010cm thick(k = 2.5).Theeffectivesizeit-tne prate
is rd ovlo'#. what is the B 7.Zx10-sC
capacitanceof this capacitor?
(; 8.1x 1O-11
A. 35 pF
B. 1 5 pF r) 6.4x 10-10
c. 140 pF -
D. 70 pF ProblemrstsEEBoardOctobertggo ,
The resultof capacitance
Cr = 6 microfarads
and Cz connectedin seriesis 3
CapacitorCz,in microfarads
Pnoblen !2TsE;EBoad October rgg7
A capacitoris chargedwith 0.23watt-slconaof
----' energyat a vortageof 4g vorts. A3
Whatis its capacitancel
lt 4
A. 180 pF
l) 6
B. 240 pF
c. 200 pF
Probtern 1323
D. 220 pF
The equivalentcapacitance of two capacitorsin seriesis 0.03 pF and when
, rrrrrrctd
in parallel,0.16 pF. lf the capacitorwith the smallercapacitanceis
witha capacitorwhosecapacitance is doubleas muchwhatwiilbe the new
seriescapacitance of the combination.
104 1001 Solved Problems in Electrical ft.R Test4 105

A. 0.048uF ?rrblem ll73

B. 0.055pF A 40 pF capacitor is charged to store 0.2 J of energy. An unchargeb60 pF
C. 0.0421tF r,rt,,r(rlor is connected in parallelwith the first one through a perfectlyconducting
D. 0.050uF brrrt'. What is the energy lost due to the work done by the charges in spreadingout
lvnr llrc two capacitors?
Problern r3lt:
A o0B J
Threecapacitorsof 16, 15 and 12 pF, respectively
are connectedin o 12J
Whatis the maximum voltagethatcanbe supplied
to the combination
if the ori OJ
dropacrossanyof thethreecapacitors
mustnotto exceed100V. o o12 J
A. 260V
B. 245V ?rotrlem I't8:
c. 255V t ,ur capacitorsA, B, C and D are @nnected across a 150-V DC source.The
D. 250V r.lurrlr.r;accumulatedin A, B and C are equal to 2000, 750 and 1500 pC,
rrtr1,r.r.tively.lf the total capacitanceof the combinationis known to be 35 pF, how
Probtem tt4s rrrrrrlr r.lrargeis the accumulatedin capacitorD?
Three capacitorsof 20, 10 and 15 pF respectivelyare connectedin
A 1200pC
acrossa,100-Vsupply.Findthevoltageacrossthe 10 pF capacitor.
F lt)00pC
A. 54.52V t l t50pC
B. 46.15V It 1400uC
c. 38.25V
D. 42.38V ?roblem r39s EE Eoard Occober r99l
n condenser of 1 microfarad capacitance is charged to 100 volts and then
Probtern t3i: rltrr,rrrecled ftom the power supply.A second but unchargedcapacitorof 3
Three condensersof 6, 10 and 15 pF are connectedin series across a 200 ilrrrr()l.rradis then connected across the first capacitor. The voltage across the
supply.lf the condensersare disconnected,how much energycan the cha ;rnr,rlk:l combinationis
condensers provideif connected
A (il; 2/3 volts
A. 0.052J ll 41)volts
( .,1ivolts
B. 0.060J
c. 0.076J lr tl 0vol ts
D. 0.068J
Prohtern t4os EEBoerd Gobcr 1994
Problen r:16: ttrree capacitorsA, B and C are charged as follows:A = 10 pF, 100 V; B = 15
Two capacitorswith capacitance of 6 pF and 4 pF are connectedin r,l l',0 V and C = 25 pF, 200 V. They are connectedin parallelwith terminalsof like
acrossa 100V dc source.lf the supplyvoltageis cut-offandthetwocapacitors
are together.What is the voltageacrossthe combination?
connected in parallel, what will be the final charge accumulated in the 4
capacitor? n I50V
lt l :)0 v
A. 96 pC r l t| 5 V
B. 192pC Ir 1 t i 5V
C. 126pC
l'r'oblem t4tt
D. 88 pC '100pF capacitoris charged from a 200-V supply. The charged capacitoris
llrr | ,;onr'rectedacross three uncharged capacitors connected in parallel. The
,lr.rr,;,,5on these capacitorsafter a long time become4000, 5000 and 6000 pC.
'.,'lv,'the voltageacrossthe combination.
106 I00l SolvedProblemsin Electrical Test4 107

A. 64V
B. 50V
c. 76V
D. 80V
115.C 122.A 129. D 136. B 143.A
116. B 123. D ',t30.D 137. B 14/..B e?- 30 - Topnot cher
Probtern t42r
1't7.C 124.B 131.D 138.B
Two capacitorsof 200 and 800 nF, respectivelyare connectedin parallel.'l e}- eh - Passer
118.A 125. B 132.A 139. C
combinationis thenconnectedin serieswithanothertwo capacitorsof c and 600 140.D
119.D 126.A 133.C 15- e0 - Condit ional
connectedin parallel.lf the total capacitanceof the set-upis 500 nF, determine 141.B
120.B 127.C 134.B
capacitanceC. 121.B 128. D 135.A 142.C 0- 1t l - Failed
A. 650 nF
B. 550nF
C. 400 nF
D. 500nF

Probtern t43r EE Board April rggz

A coaxialcablehas a 10-mmdiameterinsideconductorand a metallic
with an insidediameler of 20 mm. lf the insulatingmedium has a dielectriccons
k = 2, and a permiftivityof 1.113 x 10-10,whal is the capacitancebetween
conduclorand the shieldper km?

A. 0.1605pF/km
B. 0.8036pF/km
C. 0.0803pF/km
D. 0.0403pF/km Bariamin kar*lin,anArnerican publicoffrcial, wasthefirstto
a writeranda scientist
usehe tenns'po6itive'and"negative" dnrges.Franklin wasoneoftheseventeen dildren.
Pnoblem t44s EE Board October 1994 Hequitsdroolat theageof tento bcomea printer.Hislifeb thedassicstoryof a self-
A lead-sheathcablefor underground servicehas a copperconductor(dian mademu adie'vittg wealhandhmethrough handrcrk, determinationandintelligence.
=0.350 inch) sunoundedby O.2Ginchwall of rubber insulation.Assuming Hevasthefirstto demonsfate thatlightning andproveit whenheflewa
is dectdcity
dielectricconstantof 4.3 for rubber,calculatethe capacitanceof the cablepei kitein 1752.Hepi<Jted a daywtrena slormis aboutto heak.At thetop of thekite,he
length. fastened a stiffwirepotlingW. At fie otherendof $e sting,hetieda metallic keyso it
hungdoseto a lq@r jat, lt startedto rain.Themcistened stringbeganto conduct
A. 1.01pF/mile lt rryas
electricity. fortunatefor Fnnklinthattherewasno lightning. Ihe stormahed of the
B. 0.504pFlmile stormgavehimenough to prove,wiftouta doubtthatelctricityandlightning
dectricity were
c. 0.76pFlmile the sarne.Sparkiumpedfromthe keyto thejar untiltheju wascompletely filledwith
D. O.252pFlmile 'electricffuid".
As a publicofficial,he phyeda maiorrule in the American Ret'olution. He had
negotiated Frendsupprt for tlrecolonists, signedtheTreatyof Puisandhadhelpeddraft
oneofhistory's majordocuments, the"ConstiMion oftheunitedStates ofAmerica",
Hisnumerous and pracicalinnolations
sciantiflc indudethe lightningrod, bifocal
spectades, anda store.
I0E 100I Solved Problems in Electrical byR .R Solutions to Test4 109

,,J*:= (9 x 10e)(1.6 x 10-1e
2 x 10- 15

o =1osratc'r;irrtc =3.33
x1o-ec d - 3.39x 10-7m
( 9 x1oex3.33x
F , = !g -
2. 5x 10- aN
Q.O2)2 E '1- ,2
k Q2Q3

Fz (10- x)2 x2
(2X6) _ (5X6)
= 2.5x1o< kg-m, looog,. 1oocm
sec' 1kg 1m (10- x)2 x2
g-cT ( x )'30
Fz=Fs = 25 = 25dynes | =-
sec' \10-x./ 12
Usingcgsunitsto solvefor Fzor Fs x=1.581(10-x)
x = 6.125m
F. =F- = ket _ 1(10)2 Et =Ez
' Jd 2e )2 Test charge
kQ1_ kQ2
Fz= Fs= 25 dynes
x2 (10-x)2
Referto thevectordiagram 0.001 0.003
F, = Fz0 + F 160 = 2SzO + 25z6C, x' (10-x)'
= 25+ 12.5+j 21.65= 37.5+ j21.65 /

= 433230 I I =o.ggg
\ 1 0 -x l
I F,| = 43.3dynes x = 0 . 5 7 7 (1 0 -x )
x = 3.658 m
F - 0.981dyne (9xloe)(3x106)
. F .*_t -d2
d2 ---------------->l
I E = 3x105N /C
d:10 cm I d d
"=1Fo,_ re.rsoflqf
^_ r ={---i-
Q= C E 9i e
Qz = 2Qr
Q = 9.9 stat C
C 2E 2= 2C 1E 1
N,rtc: 5inceit reguires6.25,x1018, C z = 2C t
electronsor protonsto havea chargeo( or
' ' ';rlirrnb, thus the ch4rge
of one electronor proton m ust be1.6x 1o-1s zrt ,^
c =r "^' dr .4
C z = 2C t
I I0 l00l Solved Problems in Electrical Solutions to Test 4 I l1

E = rotA1n-ry
n= *1
Note, Supplyvoltage,areaof platesanddistances betweenplatesin both (850x 1o-12Xo.ooo2)
conditionsareconstant.Alsb in the 6rstcondition,the dielectricisair,thus E,r= n= +1
xro'"lta{o (#ll
/,]=t )' n=5
d 0.002
= 0. 4427x 1O ' 1F
2 (8.854
x 1o-1'X2.5X15
x 30)(#k)
C = 0.443 ppF *--4--- a_ 1n_11= (350- 0
d 0.00001

. _

= 286.87

(. t,)
x 10r2F
C=287 p1rF
8.854x 10-12(0.45

4 \
x 0.45)

) {'F C = 34.76 pF
C = 35pF

w =1ce2
c =ry =2(o':!;3)
E' 48'
dt C=200pF

@" ,,=T4 f?

roA @ * =I"r'=
(20x 106X12)2

alllf, W ='1.44x 10-3J
Ert 2rz 2rt
nceof a capacitoris{irectly proportionalto the
E dielectricconstantofthe dielectricmaterialbeinguse{.
^ C,= V d1 d2
"z 2. With voltageconstant,the energystoredis{irectly proportionalto
2C, =9., i+++<-> the capacitance ofthe capacitor.

r) roA I totrlA
'ld , . d r l = w=k' c
lt -r ur2 I w 2 _c2 _E t2
\ "r1 ./
W Cl E,1
t .) 2
| l- 4 W .= W rE ,z-(W X 3)
' Er'r 'l
I o.oos ooool- ooo3
W' = 3 w
Erz= 8
Where,k and k' respectively
I 12 1001 Solved Problems in Electrical Engt Solutions to Test4 I13

Nr,tc:ID a seriescircuft,the smallest

in the combinationshallalways
(8.854x to'12\(\eo)(s)f 1t )' rrry the highervoltage.
"" '\100cm/
c=roE,A-' =s3.124x1o-12F
d 0.001 r 1 1
- = -:-* - + - 1 = - 1 +- 1 + - 1 = 0.2125
Q = CE= (53.124x1042'11121=
6.37x 10-10C cr c1 c2 ca 16 15 12
Q=6.4xlo-1oC C ' = 4.705pF
Q3 = C 3E 3= (2x 10- 6X100)= 0. 0012C
111 Ct =6 c2
ct c1 c2
Slncein series,Q, = q, = q. =er
111 L________Y______J
- Q, o.oo12
5 = 6 *c , E, =-
C, --3 '
Cr 4.705x 10-6
Cz = 6P F
Et 255.04volts
c1 C2 li I Another
cr cl c2 eeQ

c.' =+9- =o.o3

I r_________Y___-__
C. , + C, c"o c1 c2 16 15 Ct :16
C t:0' 03
Cz=15 Cs:12
Ct = Cr + Cr = 9 .1 6 C"q=7.742PF
Cz = 0. 16- C r + O C1 \____T_J

UsingVDT: Et =100
SubstituteEq.2to Eq.1:
_J !_ E,C*
0. 03( C1+ C r)= 6 ,' 6 t - r"=

= c r(0 .1 6- c r)
0. 03( 0. 16)
E .(C * + C .) 100(7.7a2+12)
C"q 7.742
Er = 255volts
Using thequadratic
0.16r {0.16' - 4(1X0.0048)0.16r 0.08
-------;-- 111111' t,
* + = * + =0'21666
'22 c;= c, c, ca 20 10 15
c.,(*)= 0.12pF 1
C ,= = 4. 615uF
cz =0.16-0.12=0.04pF ' 0.21666
Q1 = C 1E 1= (4.615X100) = a61. 5r r C
cz'= 2(0.04\= 0.08pF
11111 Sincein series,Q, = Qz = Qe = Q,
ct' cl cr' o.12 0.08 -E^ =-
Q, 461.5
Ct'= 0.048PF 'C, 10
E, = 46'15Y

I 14 1001 Solved Problems in Electical

Solutionsto Test4 115
tS Another solution. Ces
--- + - C I:2 0 c3 :15 cz :10 Qr = 240 +240 = 480 pC
ceq c1 ca 20 15
UsingCDT :
C"q= 8'5714PF L-----Y_-----J (480X4)
n Q,Cz
E2 ' C r+ C , 6+ 4
Us ingV DT : Qz = 192P C
_ E1C"q 100(9.5714) 0: r 00
' C* + C, 8 .5 7 ' 1 4 + 1 O
Ez = 46' 15v olt s
2l c J
1 111111 o =J2wc= Jze:Xcox1o)=o.oo4
Cz :10 C: =15 C t = C r + C 2 = 40+ 60 =100pF
cr c l c2 ca 610 15
Cr = 3P F
Qt = CtEt = (3)(200)= 600 pC
E,: 200 * ={ g) _ ( o. oo4) =o.o'J
Sincein series,Qr = Qz = Qs = Qt 2l c J 2( 10 0x 10)

Ct = Cr + C2 + C. = 6 + 1 0 + 1 5 = 3 1 p F = 012J
Sincein parallel,Q, = Q,,+ Q, + Q.
. ,T"T "T "
Q1= C 1E ,= (35X 150)
Qt = 5250pG
* =tfsil=
2[ c' 2(31x 10-6)
w = 0.052J
Q,--Q,+ Qz+ Q:
1 1 111 Sincein parallel,
= -+-
cr c 1c 264 Qr = Qr + Qr + Qr + Q.
Q,: Qt + Q, + Qt+ Q'
Qa = Qt-(Qr+ Qt+ Q.)
Q = 2. 4P F
Qt = CrEt= (2.4X100)=240 pC Q4 = 5250- (2000+750+ 1500)
Qa= 1000pC
Ct ' = Cr + C, = 614 = 1 0 p F
Sincein parallel,Q1= Q1+ Q2
o, =crEr=(1x1oo)=1oopc
Qt' (2)(240)
E.,= - = 48 vorts Sincein parallel,C, = C.,+ C2 Et
' cr ' 10 #Ct : l Cz:3
C r = C r + C r= 1+ 3= 4pF
Q2 = CrE,'= (4X48)
_ Q, 100
Q z = 192P C -Icr4

Et = 25 volts
l16 1001 Solved Problems in Electrical Engineering by R. Rojas Jr. Solutions to Test4 I17

Q t = Q r + Q , +Q.
= Cr E r+ CzE 2+ C 3 E3
Q, = 10(100) + 15(150) + 25(2OO) c2
@.=tr q
C1 Cj
Qt = 8250 pC ,,=+=lomm
Ct = Cr + Cr + C . = ' 1 0 + 1 5 + 2 5 ,t=T=cl Tl l l l

Ct = 50P F
_ Q, 8250 2r(8.854x 1O- 12X2)
c _
F- j

'ct50 = 1. 605x 10- 10F/ m

Et = 165volts " 159
c=1.605x10-10 *1xlo6PF rlooom
Qr =crEr =1oox106(200) m 1F 1km
Qt = 0'02C C = 0.1605pF/km

Df ^ = 2nLnE.
lltl (, t
L^+ -
Et Ll Ca -r.

rF \- 2 rF Lr ln-=-
Q, l Q' lQ' Qo
rz = Ir +t =0.175+0.2
Q,: Q,+ Qz+ Qt+ Qt rz = 0.375inch
= 0.02- (0.004+ 0.005+ 0.006)
2r(8.854x 10"')(+.g)=
Qr = 0.005C 3.138x 1O{oF/m
, 0.375
Q1 0.005 tn-
t-r . = - 0.175
' C, 100x 1 0 -o .-tr
. x-x-m S280fi
Er = 50 volts C = 3.138x 10-10
m 1F 3.281ft 1mi
C = 0.5049pF/km
C" =Gr *C2=200+800 C1
C" = 1000

ct c" cb
500 1000 C+600

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