5 Fifth Lesson Plan
5 Fifth Lesson Plan
5 Fifth Lesson Plan
Subas Bk Math
Class/Grade: 2 E Time length: 30
Lesson: 5
Getting know the mass
Unit Overview
Main Idea (Claim) Summative Assessment
Knowing the mass
Biblical Framework
Dear children, let us not love with words or
speech but with actions and in truth. 1 john
The Bible teaches us to be honest whatever we
do. For example, if you become a seller
someday you should be honest. Some of the
shellers do not be honest because they make
less weight from the original weight.
The Bible encourages you not make less weight
from the original but you could give the object
little more.
5. Writing the object and vocabulary words on the white board for the class
Asking the students which object is on the top and which object is on the
bottom. If the eraser is on the bottom and pencil on the top in the scale. It
means pencil is lighter than eraser. Telling students that the size of object
does not always determine mass.
Balance scale
Heavy- difficult to move and lift the object and need energy more
Light- easily can move and lift the object and not need energy more