Convert DD - MM.SS To Decimal Degrees Minutes/Seconds Coledata's GPS Distance Calculator (Between 2 Waypoints) Result
Convert DD - MM.SS To Decimal Degrees Minutes/Seconds Coledata's GPS Distance Calculator (Between 2 Waypoints) Result
Convert DD - MM.SS To Decimal Degrees Minutes/Seconds Coledata's GPS Distance Calculator (Between 2 Waypoints) Result
SS to Decimal
Degrees Minutes/Seconds Coledata's GPS Distance calculator (be
24 16.488
Result: 24.2748
Waypoint 2 (in decimal degre
Waypoint 1 (in decimal degrees)
Start Destination Latitude 1 (N) Longitude 1 (W) Latitude 2 (N)
Newport Beach Entrance Punta Eugena 33.5888 117.8780 27.0000
Punta Eugena Cabot San Lucas 27.0000 115.3000 24.2748
Cabot San Lucas Sth of Maruata 24.2748 110.5236 18.0000
Sth of Maruata Off Isla Jicarita 18.0000 103.5000 7.1167
Off Isla Jicarita Off Punta Mala 7.1167 81.5000 7.1170
Off Punta Mala Approx Canal Entry 7.1170 79.8333 8.9166
1. The distance between two waypoints is calculated using the
2. Distance = acos(sin(lat1)*sin(lat2)+cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(lo
where all lat and longs are expressed in radians
3. 1 Nautical mile = 1.852 km (for sea and air navigation)
4. Angle (in degrees) from Waypoint 1 to Waypoint 2 measured
5. Angle between two waypoints = mod(atan2(sin(lon1-lon2)*cos
sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*cos(lon1-lon2)), 2*pi)
where all lat and longs are expressed in radians
PS Distance calculator (between 2 waypoints)
point 2 (in decimal degrees) Distance between wp1 and wp2 Bearing *1 Cum NM Cum kms
Longitude 2 (W) nautical miles kilometer miles (ST)
115.3000 417.23 772.71 480.00 109 417.23 772.71
110.5236 305.72 566.19 351.00 149 722.95 1338.90
103.5000 544.05 1007.59 626.00 138 1267.00 2346.48
81.5000 1254.65 2323.61 1443.00 -177 2521.65 4670.09
79.8333 99.23 183.78 114.00 -180 2620.88 4853.87
79.6850 108.33 200.64 124.00 -95 2729.21 5054.50