Interpreting Bravo PH Studies
Interpreting Bravo PH Studies
Interpreting Bravo PH Studies
A 3-Step Process
Interpreting Bravo pH Studies
A 3-Step Process
STEP 1 Assess
Assess the pH Tracing
The pH tracing is a graphical representation of the data that has been
collected during the pH test. To assess the pH tracing, review the patient
history, visually inspect the data (diary and artifacts), and develop a
preliminary diagnosis.
STEP 2 Affirm
Affirm Preliminary Diagnosis
The Reflux Tables and DeMeester Scores are used to affirm the preliminary
diagnosis. Examine each 24-hour period separately, using the worst day
for diagnosis, since the number of acid reflux episodes can vary from day
to day.
STEP 3 Associate
Associate Symptoms
Symptom correlation is an important component of an accurate diagnosis.
Evaluate the SAP & SI Tables to determine whether the symptoms are
associated with reflux events.
Detailed Example and Notes
STEP 1 Assess the pH Tracing
The pH tracing is a graphical representation of the data that have been collected during the pH test. To assess the pH
tracing, review the patient history, visually inspect the data (diary and artifacts), and develop a preliminary diagnosis.
A. Review the Patient History and Reason for the Bravo pH Test
B. Verify Diary Entry
The software uses all of the diary information in calculations. If this information has not been entered... STOP!
Do not interpret study until the entire diary (Meals, Supine & Symptoms) has been entered.
Verify that the Meal and Supine times have been entered.
Verify that the symptoms have been entered (indicated by a line and identified above the tracing).
Note any artifacts (indicated by gray sections above graph corresponding with gaps in pH line). These will not be
used in calculations.
Verfiy that capsule did not detach during study. If detachment occurred, enter it as an Ignore event in the diary
see Example of Early Detachment on page 13.
Reflux Tables
Reflux Tables compile the data that have been
collected during the test, much of which is used
in the other pH report measurements. The
important parameter from the tables is Total
Fraction Time pH < 4 (%), examined for each 24-
hour period separately, using the worst day for
1. Total number of reflux events
2. Total number of reflux events > 5 minutes Worst Day
3. Duration of longest reflux episode
4. Time pH < 4 (min)
5. Total Fraction Time (%) that pH < 4 is the
single parameter which has been shown to
best correlate with endoscopic damage.1
Normal is < 4.4% on the worst day.
DeMeester Score-Day 2
Total score - 69.1 , DeMeester normals less than 14.72 (95th percentile)
DeMeester Score
The DeMeester Score is a method of adding
weights to six common pH measurement para-
meters and presenting esophageal acid exposure
data as a cumulative score. The score is then
compared to data from normal individuals. The
DeMeester Score takes into account and weights
these six parameters:
1. Total percent time pH < 4.0
2. Percent time pH < 4.0 in the upright period
3. Percent time pH < 4.0 in the recumbent period Worst Day
4. The total number of reflux episodes
5. The total number of reflux episodes longer > 5
6. The duration of the longest reflux episode
DeMeester Normal = < 14.72 Examine each
24-hour period separately, using the worst day
for diagnosis, since the number of acid reflux DeMeester Score-Day 2
Total score - 69.1 , DeMeester normals less than 14.72 (95th percentile)
episodes can vary from day to day.
Detailed Example and Notes
STEP 3 Associate Symptoms
Symptom association is an important component of an accurate diagnosis. Evaluate the SAP & SI Tables to determine
whether the symptoms are associated with reflux events.
SAP > 95% indicates that there is a < 5% probability that the observed symptom-to-reflux associations occurred
by chance.
B. Review SI Calculations
The SI provides data on the strength of the association between symptoms and reflux events.
SI > 50% is significant and indicates that > 50% of the observed symptoms were associated with reflux.
Normal Case
Interpretation: Negative Bravo with Post-prandial Reflux
Female patient with history of sore throat and hoarseness
ENT evaluation positive for laryngitis
Patient was unresponsive to PPI qid
Patient had low probability for GERD
Normal Case
STEP 2 Affirm Preliminary Diagnosis
Fraction Time pH < 4 is < 4.4% on both days
DeMeester Score is normal (< 14.72) on both days
Worst Day
DeMeester Score-Day 1
Total score - 5.1 , DeMeester normals less than 14.72 (95th percentile)
Abnormal Daytime Case
Interpretation: Positive Bravo with Upright Reflux
Female patient with complaints of heartburn and regurgitation
Long Period of
Post-prandial Acid Reflux
Abnormal Daytime Case
STEP 2 Affirm Preliminary Diagnosis
Fraction Time pH < 4 is > 4.4% on both days
DeMeester Score is > normal (14.72) on both days
Worst Day
DeMeester Score-Day 1
Total score - 47.7 , DeMeester normals less than 14.72 (95th percentile)
Further studies were done to check patient for delayed gastric emptying; studies were positive
Patient had no history of diabetes
After Bravo study, patient began a dopamine antagonist and PPIs were stopped; improvement
was noted
Reflux was secondary to delayed gastric emptying
Abnormal Nighttime Case
Interpretation: Positive Bravo pH Monitoring with Supine Reflux
Patient with a history of 4 cm hiatal hernia
Noted low LES pressure on esophageal manometry
EGD positive for esophagitis
Testing was done as pre-operative evaluation prior to surgery for reflux
Reflux occurs often at night (and often during the day as well)
Tracing shows symptom associations
Short Artifact
Heartburn Associated
with Acid Reflux
Abnormal Nighttime Case
STEP 2 Affirm Preliminary Diagnosis
Fraction Time pH < 4 is > 4.4% on both days
DeMeester Score is > normal (14.72) on both days
Worst Day
DeMeester Score-Day 1
Total score - 78.8 , DeMeester normals less than 14.72 (95th percentile)
Abnormal Combination Case
Heartburn Associated
with Acid Reflux
Abnormal Combination Case
STEP 2 Affirm Preliminary Diagnosis
Fraction Time pH < 4 is > 4.4% on both days
DeMeester Score is > normal (14.72) on both days
Worst Day
DeMeester Score-Day 2
Total score - 69.1, DeMeester normals less than 14.72 (95th percentile)
Example of Early Detachment
Additional Physician Notes
This study is an example of early detachment of the capsule prior to completion of 48 hours of recording
The capsule remains in the stomach, as evidenced by pH levels of approximately 2.0
There is an atypical blip with pH > 4 after the detachment; however, capsule detachment is still evident
due to long period with pH < 2 followed by a sharp rise to pH ~7
Capsule leaves the stomach and enters the duodenum at approximately 00:00 (as evidenced by pH ~ 7.0;
indicating that capsule is reading alkaline pH which suggests bile is now being detected)
REMEMBER: You MUST create an Ignore diary event from the point of capsule detachment to the end
of the recording. Otherwise, the pH data captured during this period will be included in the softwares
There may still be enough data to provide an interpretation, depending on the amount of time data was
captured before the detachment. (In this case, the capsule detached after 30+ hours.)
You MUST create an Ignore diary event from the point of capsule detachment
to the end of the recording. Otherwise, the pH data captured during this period
will be included in the softwares calculation.
Americas Europe, South Africa Asia Pacific
Risks include: premature detachment, discomfort, failure to detach, tears in the mucosa,
bleeding, and perforation. Endoscopic or transnasal placement may present additional
risks. Medical, endoscopic, or surgical intervention may be necessary to address any
of these complications, should they occur. Please consult the User Manual or refer to for detailed information.
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