Secret Billionaire Intuition

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The key takeaways are that intuition is real, entrepreneurs rely on it for success, and remote viewing can help improve one's intuitive skills.

The book is about how intuition plays a key role in the success of entrepreneurs and billionaires, and how remote viewing can help develop and strengthen one's intuition.

Remote viewing is a technique developed by the US military to enhance psychic abilities, and it can help solve problems by tapping into intuition. The book suggests using remote viewing exercises to improve intuitive skills.


Secret Billionaire Intuition

What Entrepreneurs Know that MBAs Dont.

By Stacey Tallitsch

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch 2015 Stacey Tallitsch. All
rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced in any written, electronic, recording, or

photocopying without written permission of the publisher or author. The exception
would be in the case of brief quotations embodied in the critical articles or reviews
and pages where permission is specifically granted by the publisher or author.

Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information
contained herein, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors
or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of
information contained within.
The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

Foreword....................................................................................................................................................... 3
Intuition Is A Real Thing. ............................................................................................................................... 4
What Entrepreneurs Know that MBAs Dont ............................................................................................... 9
Real Intuition vs Learned Intuition.............................................................................................................. 12
What is Remote Viewing? ........................................................................................................................... 16
P90x Your Intuitive Skill............................................................................................................................... 22
My Story ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
About the Author ........................................................................................................................................ 30

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch


There are a lot of writers and journalist who tackle the subject of the self-made
Billionaire Class. The amount of ink alone on Warren Buffet, the Oracle of
Omaha could drown a small town.

Theyre either being asked for advice on investing, or being analyzed about their
investing. Rarely does anyone in the media ask them what they consider to be the
secret sauce to their success.

The reason?

The self-made Billionaire Class almost always segues into the conceptual swamp
of intuition. Follow up questions to that really havent been invented yet.

Theres a whole list of euphemisms theyll use to keep the ball rolling in an
interview, like eye for business, eye for opportunity, business instinct, or vision,
but theyre talking about the same thingintuition.

The self-made Billionaire Class knew something no one else possibly could,
listened to it, and then acted upon it. They probably didnt even know what that
was, or where it came from, just trusted from pass experience when to listen to
their Spidey-sense.

One would think that if the most successful people in the world were, literally,
telling you how to be like them, you would at least look deeper at the subject.

In this eBook were going to tackle the idea of that intuition, and even give you the
opportunity to improve your own. Using a formula developed over 40 years, and
millions of tax dollars, for the United States military, CIA and FBI.


The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

Intuition Is A Real Thing.

This is not an eBook on habits. You know the ones, [insert #] Habits to
Success or The [insert #] Habits of [Happy, Successful, Millionaires, Billionaire]

There are thousands of those books out already. Enough to reach the moon, Im
sure. No, this eBook is about what is already inside you, unrealized and dormant, if
only used in cases of emergency or involuntarily with spasms.

Im referring to your intuition, or gut.

Its a real thing. Though, if you ask 10 people, youll get 20 answers as to what it
really is, or where it comes from. If you dont know, youre not alone. Science
doesnt even know what consciousness is, but acknowledges that its real.

The most successful self-made

billionaires in the world have been
trying to tell us for decades the real
secret to their success is intuition.
The problem has been theyve been
telling us what the secret was, but
not how to use it, or recognize it.
The exception has been Billionaire Oprah Winfrey. Shes gone to extreme lengths
to explain intuition, your gut, your little voice, etc. However, what comes quite
naturally to her, doesnt always translate to everyone, try as they might to

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

So, let us take some of the mystery out of intuition right now.

Everything in the Universe consists of only two things. Energy (E=mc2) and
Information. When scientists like Stephan Hawking refer to anything in the
Universe, they use the word information. Not matter, not energy, but
information. Especially when it comes to describing what happens inside black

If you imbue the information of lead into energy, that energy becomes lead.
Likewise, if you imbue energy with the information of gold it becomes gold.
Without information, energy is static without form or function.

What science has learned is the information of the universe is stored at the
quantum level in what is called the Higgs Field, Quantum Field or Unified Field.
The name is still being settled on. However, this field not only penetrates all
matter, it also gives matter its mass.

But, theyre also trying to square the circle that the Universe itself doesnt really
exist until we look at it. Meaning, every particle in the universe exists in a wave
(occupying all possible positions simultaneously) until its measured, then it snaps
down to only one possibility. The very act of a consciousness looking at the
Universe is what makes it actually manifest, completing the cycle of information

The variable of consciousness sends most scientists screaming out of the room
because they dont know how to quantify it. And because of that, Physicists dont
even know for sure that every electron in the Universe isnt the same damn
electron existing everywhere at the same time.

The fetish science has taken up is where does this information come from?
Theyve tried to explain this with theories like the Multi-verse theory, or the
Holographic Universe or variations of the two.

While interesting, Im not going to explain those things to you here. Its little more
than cerebral masturbation, and not very helpful for the practical application of
using your intuition anyway.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

The short of it is all the information of the universe is permeating the universe at
all times, with what is called quantum entanglement, or what Einstein called
Spooky actions at a distance.

Think of it as Wi-Fi that transmits information to every sub-atomic particle in

the Universe, which forms the building blocks for everything, great and small.

Well, lucky for us, this quantum Wi-Fi information stream is being picked up by
our quantum computers, our brain, which is in fact a quantum processor. We are
receiving information about everything in the universe at all times.

However, our processor only runs on 23 watts of power, not even enough to power
a light bulb for a romantic evening. So, our brain has learned how to prioritize

During a normal day, your brain receives about 45 gigs worth of information every
single second. Yet, it can only process about 64k. And, in that 64k, its processing
your movements, what your eyes are seeing, what youre hearing and keeping
track of the relative position of your body and its position to the world around you.
Its keeping track of the time cycles and managing all the biological needs like
food and water.

Your brain is working its little heart out, just to keep you alive and mobile, not to
mention all the superfluous thoughts youre contemplating during your morning

Its working so hard, it cheats to conserve power. Over 80% of what you think
youre seeing in the world around you is actually a cache file from a previous
view. Your brain recognizes a familiar pattern, and uses old images instead of
having to process the new visual information over again. To your brain, there is no
difference between a memory and a live event, except a live event requires power
to process.

That pattern recognition is what Magicians use in their illusions to trick you into
seeing what they want you to see. Children havent had the opportunity to build a
large cache file, so the visual information they receive is streaming live, the bane
of Magicians. Children see and hear all.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

That cache file is also the reason you lose your car keys and spend precious
moments looking for them in the morning. Only to discover they were right in
front of you the whole time. You had to mentally hit refresh on your visual
cortex to see what your brain was cheating on showing you.

Chances are, you were also thinking about something else, like the work in store
for you when you get to your job. You burned up precious processing power, and
your brain conserved energy by showing an old cache file of the dining table
without your keys on it, when its where you put them the night before without

Your brain is a master of energy and information management. Most of that is

done without you even noticing. However, because youre receiving about 45 gigs
of information every second and your brain can only handle 64k, it is editing out A
LOT of information. Some is stored for later use, while most is purged and never

To prove that point, right now and at all times, the tip of your nose is within your
field of vision. Yet, youll go days, if not months, without ever seeing it (without a
mirror.) Your brain edits out what it considers unnecessary information to conserve
processing power.

And, now that Ive brought it to your attention, youre paying attention to the tip of
your nose.

The massive editing is also why youre so damn tired at the end of the day, even if
youve done very little physical work. Your brain needs to power down and heal
from its massive editing work-load.

Buried deep in that data stream of 45 gigs a second, the information of anything
you want to know about a person, place, thing or event anywhere in space/time is
available to you.

And this is where the process of intuition comes into play. If the information you
receive to your brain is deemed important on any level, youll have a quick thought
or impression of that data for about 3 seconds. This usually comes as an insight, or
epiphany or even a concern with a loved one.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

If you do not physically act upon that thought within that 3 second window, your
brain will purge it by second six. For your intuition, mental notes dont exist
without direct action. You must physically write the note.

Fortunately, you dont have to be very articulate. If you make a unique mark, or
squiggle, its enough to brand that intuitive data set into your long term memory
and bring you back to what it was, days or weeks later when you look at your note.
This is all a matter of information management between the right and left
hemispheres of your brain.

While its true that I just gave one of those classic habits tips, I want to reiterate
that this isnt that kind of book. The habits writers often use the tricks that
successful people have created to pay attention to their intuition. However, what
theyre doing is the equivalent of writing about how to golf like a pro by telling
you to wear spiffy white shorts.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

What Entrepreneurs Know that MBAs Dont

There are a lot of millionaire MBAs, but very few billionaire MBAs. The reason
for that is, colleges and universities teach business students how to be successful
mid-level to upper-level managers. They dont teach how to be successful CEOs,
and they definitely dont teach how to be successful Presidents of the United

Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, make up the lions share of the self-made
Billionaire Class.


They learned the hard way the value of listening to their intuition, through trial and
error, through massive failure and ultimately massive success. Its also why the
most successful self-made billionaires are college dropouts; they didnt want to
ruin their life by getting a degree. Have you ever wondered why A students,
always work for C students?

Intuition is the reason Entrepreneurs are the

innovators. Theyre always looking to the future,
always visualizing what can be, and
understanding that getting there will require a
new way of thinking. It is their responsibility
alone to figure it out and bring it into
Each successful Entrepreneur has, through trial and error, developed their own
system of listening to their intuition. Thats why there are so many habits books
available. The self-made Billionaire Class have their own OCD ticks on when to
pay attention to their Spidey-sense, and theyre all different.

So much so, the idea of the Eccentric Billionaire is a tired clich.

The problem, even for the self-made Billionaire Class, is they still cannot control
what information comes to them through intuition, only knowing when to pay
attention and when to act upon it, which is half the battle. However, they have as

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

much control over the information they get, as you do over the weather by listening
to an Emergency Weather Broadcast.

Innovative companies, whose founders fall within this category, have spent
millions of dollars trying to pry creative innovation out their employees by
building exotic, and sometimes quite bazaar, areas in their buildings to get their
employees to unplug and really innovate.

This is done to get their employees to stop thinking and start listening through
cognitive disruption. And it works, sometimes, but can take hours if not days to
kick in. The problem with cognitive disruption is its also what makes hypnosis
possible. Most of the time, these employees just end up staring off into space,
while trying to emulate the process that allowed Archimedes and Newton to
discover the secrets of the Universe.

These Entrepreneurs know what worked for them and try and foster that same
intuition within their own corporate culture. Which is fantastic, but at the end of

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

the day, a lot of money, time and effort is spent trying to break free that which is
natural and ever present.

What I find ironic is that Google, of all companies, misses the mark on what makes
intuition work.

Have you ever typed in a search term into Google and come up with a million hits,
none of which is what you were looking for? Then rephrase the search question
andBOOM, what you want is in the top three links?

Intuition works the exact same way as the Google algorithm. But, instead of your
browser connecting to the internet, your quantum computer is connected to the
quantum field.

Its all about asking the right question, in the right way.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

Real Intuition vs Learned Intuition

As Ive said before, science doesnt know what consciousness is, where it comes
from, or even what its made of, outside the idea of an informational matrix. The
attempts to understand it is a billion dollar R&D project by the United States
government, Google, and several others. It is the cutting edge of science in the
realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the idea of a machine being alive.

The concept of intuition really opens up a giant can of worms in the whole

Like I said before, science has come to terms with the concept that intuition
really does exist, but most are not ready for the full implications that may lay bare
with existence of Psychic phenomenon or paranormal perceptions. In which, the
idea of intuition actually implies with its precognition of information not yet

So, the comfy blanky that science, or general psychology, has wrapped itself in is
the idea of learned intuition the act of subconscious learning and problem
solving that manifests in seemingly similar outcomes while being unaware of the
learned experience or subconscious resolution.

Which in a word is Bullshit.

Theyre attempting to stretch the known function of the brains pattern recognition
ability and give it special processing powers at the subconscious level. Which at
face value, doesnt sound all that terrible, except those intuitive insights are almost
always wrong for most people.

There are exceptions these psychologists point to as proof, like a tennis coach who
can tell if a player will double-fault in mid-serve before theyve even touched the
ball, or knowing if someone is going to suddenly change lanes in traffic without
signaling. The simple pattern recognition of picking up on cues at the subconscious
level to know something by way of expert level experience previously acquired.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

If this was in fact learned intuition then so is muscle memory or any motor
skill that doesnt require conscious thought, like playing the piano, or typing on a

Now there is an ever growing branch of psychology, called Transpersonal

Psychology that tackles the subject of intuition quite well. In it, theyve actually
measured the life-cycle of intuitive thought to about 3 to 4 seconds.

It happens really fast.

After about 6 seconds, the intuitive data is either purged, or it is interesting enough
to be picked up by the pattern recognition centers of the brain, and then bastardized
into a previous life experience.

That process is called Analytical OverLay or AOL. It is the creative minds need
to jump to conclusions based off previous experience, taking the lazy way out and
saving itself from processing new information from scratch.

That in fact does happen, but the intuitive data is always wrong because the brain
is simply guessing.

Ill give you an example.

Lets say the intuitive data youre getting is vague, but you recognize that what you
perceive is a man-made structure. Its made of metal, there are people inside who
have a heightened sense of patriotism, and its surrounded by water and theres a
long cylindrical metal tube, and flames are coming out.

What did you perceive that to be in your mind?

A battleship, or a military craft?

Youd be wrong if thats what you saw. I intentionally dragged out the description
to go beyond that 6 second information barrier and allowed your creative mind to
pick up the ball.

The actual data was this.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

AOLs are very common and your brain has a lot of experience doing this for you.
Its there as an evolutionary tool to help you recognize the world around you
quickly so you know that the eyes staring at you in the bush are there to eat you or

Unfortunately, in todays world, that same processing power is more often than
not, being used against you. Its done with a technique called Neural Linguistic
Programing or NLP. And its one step above hypnotism. In fact, many NLP
experts are licensed hypnotherapists.

Marketers use NLP in almost everything they try and sell. People respond to
commands to buy when a precise pitch in the voice is reached. Or, when they use
a specific color on their product labeling (think McDonalds and Yellow cab). And
then theres the NLP trap that trumps them all, really shiny shit.

How many of you actually started to sweat when you saw your brand new shiny
iPhone for the first time?

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

Its not your fault. Youre hard wired to recognize this stuff. Its the bastards that
use it against you to sell their crap, who are at fault. They know full well what
theyre doing.

Learned Intuition isnt really a thing. Its just pattern recognition under a new

Real Intuition is a thing, a tool, or skill that can be developed and enhanced to
levels you have not known. Everybody has it, most rarely use it and a select few
rely on it for almost every decision.

The technique for developing your intuition was actually invented during the cold
war by the United States military in what the media called the psychic spy
program. However the military and the Stanford Institute Scientists who created it,
called it Remote Viewing.

The military discovered, by accident, that if you continually reset that 3 second
intuition data stream before it reaches 5 seconds, you can get real hard data about a
person, place, thing or event anywhere in space/time. Meaning you could
specifically target something and get high-level accurate information on anything
that does exist, has existed or will exist anywhere in the universe.

Using nothing but the natural intuition everyone is born with.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

What is Remote Viewing?

Ok, let me first say, I really hate the word psychic. It comes with so much
bullshit baggage and people associate it with the word omnipresent like those
who claim to be psychic should know all things at all times. If youre so psychic,
then why havent you Like psychics are Genies.

Everyone is psychic because everyone has intuition. Regardless of how vacuous

a person may be, theyre still sporting a quantum computer between their ears. So,
understand that I will be using the word psychic its in the context of what the
military was doing, but also, its in the very general sense of the word. That being

The history of Remote Viewing goes back over 40 years to the early 70s. In that
time, its actually been the most scrutinized study of human intuition by top
scientists in the United States with millions of tax dollars spent.

Remote Viewing is a phrase coined by the military that used to be described as

precognition, or the idea of consciousness preceding events in the timeline. The
reason the phrase was changed was that they discovered consciousness isnt bound
by time/space. People, places and things could be viewed into the most remote
locations far beyond the human experience. Precognition didnt really hit the
mark anymore.

For the military, it all started with a rumor that the USSR was developing a psychic
espionage unit and conducting dark Frankenstein-esq experiments on humans, on
par with Nazi camp sadist Dr. Mengele, trying to unlock psychic powers.

So, being the cold war and still doing a victory lap in winning the Space Race to
the moon, it was decided that United States couldnt lose the psychic race either.

Turns out at the time, the rumor was completely untrue. It was started, some say,
by the spoon bending psychic Uri Geller, who was looking to defect to the United

I dont know if thats true or not, but he was one of the very first subjects of the
military programs study. Which does smack of the previous endeavor Operation

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

Paper Clip where the United States smuggled in Nazi Scientists and spies to
create NASA, the CIA and provide cold war intelligence on the Soviets.

However, after the United States military started its psychic program, then of
course, the USSR did start one of their own too, followed by China. Today, only
Russia and China have active psychic programs.

In the beginning, the military didnt have the goal of creating psychics. They
believed it was a unique trait in a select handful of people. The militarys goal was
to enlist the best naturals and repurpose them for military priorities.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

What the Stanford Institute scientists who studied these psychics learned, by
mapping their mental processes, was that anyone could be taught to do the same
thing, most of the time, even better.

Thus, the paint-by-numbers method of tapping into the unconscious mind and
turbo-charging a persons intuitive skill was born, as the Remote Viewing

What they quickly discovered was there were still limitations to what data could be
obtained. One of which was the time parameter.

Clearly, Remote Viewers could provide information on future events, but when
exactly was unknown. The Universe doesnt measure time like humans do. Even
saying something would happen tomorrow causes confusion. When does
tomorrow really start? Are we talking GST, or East coast time, or star date

In 1986, Remote Viewers had described an event in the future of an attack where a
plane would be used to crash into one of two very tall buildings. Without any
reference to when and where, it was thrown into the pile of well, thats

Because the Remote Viewers consciousness drops out of time, their perspective is
the same for events 2 hours from now, or 200 years from now, likewise when
looking the past.

That same year, one of the CIAs top assets in the fight with the Soviet Union in
Afghanistan, turned against us to start his own movement. His name was Osama
Bin Laden.

Remote Viewing utilizes the process of blind targeting to gather information. For
the military, this is perfect for getting intelligence without having to worry about
operational security from the Remote Viewers. The Remote Viewers have no
context as to what theyre seeing at the target, only describing what they see, hear,
smell and taste at the site.

What the military would do is take a spy plane photo, or a satellite image and put
and X over the area they wanted intel on, then put it in an envelope. The

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

coordinates of that x were given to the Remote Viewer as the cue of the session.
Those numbers were the only information provided to the Remote Viewer, who
would then describe what was perceived at the site.

There were times that the Remote Viewer fell flat on their face, but other
timesthe scientists had a grading system based on the amount of martinis theyd
drink afterwards. Damn, looks like an 8 martini night tonight!

The disadvantage at the time with this system is that it was only one-way.
Meaning, if given GPS coordinates of a target, the Remote Viewer would nail it
almost every time. But, they couldnt go the other way, by locating a site and
providing GPS coordinates, as would be useful in finding a downed aircraft, or
finding a soviet sub. They could hit the desired site, but they couldnt tell you
where it was with any accuracy.

Today, Remote Viewing is light years ahead of where it was in the early days of
the program. While the time parameter is still a problem, the GPS location problem
is not. Remote Viewers now can give exact GPS coordinates down to about 80 feet
in the margin of error.

Some use that to locate lost gold or treasure. Some use it under contract with
mineral and mining companies. Others, like myself, use it to help locate missing
kids. Its an incredibly powerful tool that can provide a shortcut at moments when
time is of the essences.

What its not, however, is meditation, or chanting, or summoning spirits, demons

or anything that sexy. To watch someone do a Remote Viewing session is as
exciting as watching someone do a math problem. The results? Now thats what
blows peoples socks off.

You quickly learn, there is no such thing as a secret.

Some of the misconceptions of Remote Viewing are that you actually travel to the
location your viewing, like some describe in out-of-body experience. This is
incorrect. One, no more travels to a location with Remote Viewing than someone
watching online porn travels to the movie set.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

The raw information imbedded in the Unified Field about the target site is shared
with your brain in a download dump, not too different than a *.zip file on your
computer. The experience is not that different than trying to describe a dream
within seconds of waking up. What seemed so real begins to fade and only the
most important aspects remain until, they too, fade.

Another misconception about the targeting of pictures is that you Remote View the
picture itself. If that were true, the session would be quite boring indeed. All youd
get is a description of a thin piece of flexible material chemically treated with
images of [whatever] on it.

Nopictures are used like the

icons on your computer desktop.
They are just pointers to a specific
place, at a specific time (the
moment the picture was taken).
What Remote Viewers perceive is
everything at that site, things that
the camera cannot detect, or even
within the field of view (behind the

If people are at the site, what they

are feeling. What the air smells
like. The sounds being created or
the impression of how the site
makes the Remote Viewer feel
(awe, fear or even disgust).

While time travel is not possible with Remote Viewing, raw information about
what you would experience, if you could, is very possible.

What would you do with this kind of power?

Would you go to the moment of the JFK assassination? Find out who was on the
grassy knoll?

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

Would you experience what it was like to walk on the moon?

Would you visit during moment of the Gettysburg Address?

Or would you walk on the face of Mars?

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

P90x Your Intuitive Skill

As you can imagine, Remote Viewing could be a powerful tool in the world of
business. The very act of divining the future is a Trillion dollar industry. Typically
its done today by crunching numbers of past events, trying to obtain a magic
formula predicting future outcomes. Its the life-blood of Wall Street, despite the
disclaimer all brokers tell their clients to not expect future earnings off past results.
Everyone is betting on future results, up or down.

Unfortunately, Remote Viewing isnt very helpful to the day trader, whos trading
several times in an hour. The typical Remote Viewing session can last anywhere
from 30 minutes, to an hour, by itself. Its not quick enough to predict the next
stock bump, or dump. Long term investing however, its the perfect tool.

The best results are found in horse races and sports betting. There are some
Remote Viewers who make a good living in Vegas, doing nothing more than sports
betting. Others use it when they need emergency cash or need some extra spending

Personally, I go to Vegas several times a year for seed money in investments Ive
predicted are the good ones, through Remote Viewing.

What Ive discovered however, is that Remote Viewing actually acts as physical
fitness for the brain. It doesnt make you smarter, but it does bring your normal
intuitive ability up to about 11 on the volume dial, even though Im not running
an active Remote Viewing session.

I discovered this, quite literally, by accident. Meaning, I was in a head-on collision.

I had been busy doing RV session, after session, looking for a little girl that had
gone missing. I was busy on that project for days, trying to get as much
information, with a location, to the authorities as quickly as possible.

Anyway, I had to run to the ATM at 2am for some cash. My wife was going on a
business trip. And, I was thinking about everything else under the sun except what
was happening on the road in front of me.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

As a small pickup was heading my way, I got a quick flash of the entire accident,
with the other driver going through his windshield, and into mine. This happened
about 6 seconds before the small pickup, made a sharp turn into my lane just as we
approached each other. However, just before he made his turn into my lane, I
locked up the brakes, which would have seemed insane to everyone else because
there didnt appear to be a reason for it.

Just as my truck was coming to full stop, he made his sharp right-angled turn into
my lane, but instead of hitting square nose to nose, like my vision, I had stopped
short and he clipped my passenger headlight and peeled the passenger side back
like a can of tuna.

He proceeded into the ditch where his little truck rolled an additional 14 times. I
counted in my rear view mirror. He was going over 90 miles an hour at the
moment of impact without ever tapping his breaks. His little truck was crushed,
with debris thrown everywhere, in the trees, in the ditch and along the road. I
didnt see how anyone could survive that, but he did. Hopped right out, wasnt
even wearing a seat belt. Which I understand is common if youre drunk, which he

He had dropped a cigarette at the moment he made the sharp turn into my lane and
tried to catch it as it fell.

If I had not been doing Remote Viewing, and able to recognize when my intuition
was speaking, I would have ignored it and possibly cost me my life, and most
certainly the guys life who hit me. My truck was bigger than his.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

I knew it so instinctually, I reacted instinctually.

Ever since then, the same pattern of intuitional recognition has occurred. This was
something no ever told me was the side-effect of learning the Remote Viewing

Once you learn how your intuition really speaks to you, youll recognize it every
time. Kind of like knowing when a movie reel splice is coming, when you see the
10 second warning cigarette burn dot flash in the upper right hand corner of the
screen. Once you see it, youll see it in every movie you ever watch in the theater.

Theres no denying that what you can do with Remote Viewing is quite powerful
and cool. The disadvantage is that it takes A LOT of work and concentration to run
a session, not to mention it absorbs a big chunk of time for its run time.

However, if one views the Remote Viewing session like they do going to the gym,
it doesnt seem like so much of a time suck. But instead of building muscles,
youre working out your intuitive ability; you see results on par with the P90x
work out for your intuition. The error rate for snap decisions goes way down.

In the world of business this is the secret sauce of the self-made Billionaire Class.
The ability to know, (without any additional information) if a decision is the right
one to make, frees up time and effort and allows you to run your business

For Entrepreneurs, a strong intuition is the difference between success and failure.
Largely because there is no track record for new and innovative technologies
that can either change the world, or land in the dust bin.

How many personal decisions did you make wrong in the past that could have
saved you time and money, if you just knew what was the better path.

Do I go with VHS or Beta? Do I go with Apples iPod, or Microsofts Zune? Xbox

or PlayStation?

Do I work for this company for more money, or that company for better benefits?

The list could go on and on.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

Personally, the real value in learning the Remote Viewing process has been in the
side-effect of a turbo charged intuitive skill. I use that more often in my daily life
and leave the tough decisions for the Remote Viewing sessions.

If youd like to learn Remote Viewing, this would be my shameless plug. I have an
online course you can take on Udemy. Also, because you bought this eBook, you
can use a special coupon that gives you 94% off the regular price.

Its in the About the Author section in the back.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

My Story

In speaking with my editor for this ebook, she said that I should really write about
my personal story with Remote Viewing. I thought it to be gauche, and not very
useful to the idea that people should follow their own intuition and not emulate
anyones habits. However, Ive also learned to listen to the advice of those I
trust, so with reservation, Ill tell you...

Discovering the side-effect of the turbo charged intuitive ability was a real
epiphany for me. It came at a time when I needed it most.

I had always had an above average intuition, ever since I was a kid. However, it
was completely uncontrolled and more of an annoyance than anything else. I
would get information, or visions or even Deja vu of meaningless crap.

Conversations with my sister, ahead of the actual conversation, that had no bearing
on anything. Or a trailer to a movie months before it was aired, and usually a
movie I didnt want to see. My intuition was really all over the map.

The exception had always been in Technology. I could see very early on, where it
was going and what tech was going to be the most successful. So, I went into
Information Technology as a career. I helped build huge networks for Fortune 500
companies, helped build many (now defunct) DotComs, worked as a contractor for
the Federal Government and ultimately after 20 years in IT, walked away from it

After the 2008 Great Recession, many of the big contracts dried up. The
government was no longer dipping into the private sector for its needs, and the
private sector put a blanket freeze on new expenditures.

By 2009, I was unemployed and with nothing to do, I began to focus on Remote
Viewing, which I had learned 10 years before from Major Ed Dames (ret), who
headed up the old Top Secret Military program in the 1980s.

I went out to California and studied under Dames again to perfect this skill and get
the latest techniques for improving my accuracy. Six months after returning from

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

my one-on-one training, I was in the head-on collision that I walked away from
without a scratch.

It was then that I decided to open up my own Remote Viewing firm Corporate- and do for businesses with Remote Viewing that I used to do with
computers. After all, Information Technology is Information Technology.

It took me a little bit to get my sea legs, as I had to invent a business model, then
convince businesses that this was not crystal ball gazing. And in the beginning, I
picked up the occasional contract.

To keep my skills strong and improving, I did a lot of pro bono work. I began
doing searches for missing kids with the Arizona non-profit the FindMe group.
Its a group of volunteer search and rescue professionals and retired professionals
from all branches of the government. FBI, NSA, police and fire. They began to use
volunteer psychics to help in locating people and then go out to those locations
with tech and boots on the ground.

My firm is one of those volunteers, and its done without glory or credit to the
media or even within the group itself. There are no super-stars, only members of
the team.

Meanwhile, the lifestyle that I had grown accustom was falling apart. I was treating
my Remote Viewing firm like I would computer consulting. Relying on a customer
base to pay the bills and ironically not taking my own advice when it came to
forecasting the future. I had learned and lived in a business model for 20 years that
no longer worked.

I was losing my house for the second time in 5 years, (first time was during
Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans). But, this time it was to the collapse of the
housing bubble.

I was really sweating bullets and getting very little sleep.

Then one morning, I decided that I would be my firms best customer. In less than
6 months, I went from no money, no car, no job, and $250k in debt with a house in
foreclosure, to 2 cars, zero debt and bought a new house 3x the size, paying cash
(free and clear).

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

It was a change in perspective that I should have made years before. But, the social
norms of what is expected kept me from doing what was right for me, in the
absurd attempt to fit into a type of person others could envy.

Once I lost the desire to show others my accomplishments, or my toys, the sky
opened up and allowed me to leverage my skills to get what I really needed.

Now I have revenue streams that happen whether I get up and work that day or not.
And its more than anything I ever made working as a computer consultant.

None of which could have happened if I didnt first learn how to listen to my
intuition with the Remote Viewing protocols. Then purge myself of what
expectations others had for me and let my intuition be my north star.

It sounds so simple, so hippie-dippy. But, after I did this, I noticed something too.
The self-made Billionaire Class, the really famous ones, all said the same damn

My whole life I wanted to be at the top of the techno-rich-and-famous, always

locked out because I was trying to emulate the habits of those I was in envy. The
secret they were always talking about never made any sense.

Clearly, if I just did what they did, the result would be the same.


Their intuition provided them with the opportunities that made them the self-made
Billionaires we know. Only my intuition could do that for me.

It was after I realized this, for the first time, the idea of being a self-made
billionaire was within my reach, if I wanted it.

Then came why would I want that?

What would I do with that much money? The old reasons of making other people
envious had zero appeal anymore. Why cant I just do the things that makes me

Turns out, I can. And, I do only the things that make me happy, not what society
tells me will make me happy. I do all of this without the stress of what if.

The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

My story isnt a rags-to-riches story that seems to be the template for those
wanting to sell you some weird online marketing scheme.

No, this is to illustrate a problems-to-no-problems (almost anyway) story.

Everyone seems to believe that all their problems will go away once they get rich.

Thats a lie. One I told myself and one that I whole heartedly believed to be true.

The more money you get only changes the type of problems you have, but wont
reduce them.

Remote Viewing and Intuition are the ultimate problem solvers.

Do I still have problems? Yes, of course, life happens. I still get pissed in heavy
traffic, I hate to fly anywhere, my cars get flat tires and Im trying to quit smoking.

Do I have the problems I used to have? Not by a long shot. You could almost set
your watch to the problems that plagued my life. The stress by itself was putting
me in an early grave.

Being rich wont solve money problems, if anything, those problems will only get
worse because you have more money to feed the problem. You must first fix the
problem, and only then, will you feel rich.

Remote Viewing and my intuition have done

that for me. It also worked for Oprah, Bill
Gates, Tim Cook, Steve Jobs, JK Rowling,
Mark Cuban, Elon Musk and many, many
moreby their own admission.

So, if you are one of those people addicted

to following the habits of the rich and
famous, the only one that counts is
listening to your own intuition. And, the
only habit that requires courage.

Winston Churchill once said, Courage is the greatest of all virtues, its the one
that make all the rest possible.
The Secret Billionaire Intuition by Stacey Tallitsch

About the Author

Stacey Tallitsch is the CEO of Corporate- a Professional Remote Viewing firm
based in Louisiana. Trained as a professional Remote
Viewer for 15 years by Major Ed Dames (ret) who
headed up the "Psychic Spy" program developed by
the United States Military in the 1970's known as
"Project Star Gate," later under the FBI as the "Icarus
Project." Dames took this technology into the private
sector where it has both advanced and flourished.
After targeting under the supervision of Dames, Stacey has taken this skill to work
with retired FBI agents to locate missing children in the FindMe group. He has
targeted the stock market for Fortune 500 companies and provided disaster
remediation for man-made catastrophes. He has successfully predicted the outcome
of elections, the rise of Pope Francis, many sporting events and paradigm shifts
like the "Arab Spring."

If youd like to learn Remote Viewing from Stacey, heres a special offer.

Remote Viewing Basics Turn Intuition into Super Psychic

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