The Mind Bank PDF
The Mind Bank PDF
The Mind Bank PDF
Alan Gordon
Congratulations. Your life is about to change dramatically. New thoughts and ideas are
about to flow. You will experience an increased level of energy and enthusiasm. You will
take on new projects and challenges. You will soon understand more about the
functioning of Mind than most people in the history of the world have ever known.
Heres a promise:
You will soon flow differently in the world, and the world will flow differently toward you.
We are going to take a mystical approach and carefully study the mind - the different
parts of the mind, how the mind really works, and the power of the mind to create new
circumstances and realities for you.
In fact, the power of mind is unlimited - it has no limitations other than the
limitations you choose to impose on it. And you will soon understand WHY this is
In our first book, The Triple Vantage Point, we found that everything is energy of one
form or another. Mind is a special and unique form of energy. It is not part of the
physical world, yet it controls the physical world. Many great thinkers throughout history
have discovered what we are about to discover, and left us with great insights into what
they found.
I can hear you say it... "So what?" So what if I understand how the mind works? So
what if thoughts can change reality? What good does that do for me? Even if I know
how the mind works, things still don't change in my world.
That is the beauty of the Mind Bank. We are going to get practical. In the first part of
the book we explore the nature of mind and how it operates. Then we introduce a
simple six step process which you will repeat several times a day to deposit great
thoughts into the mind, and make those thoughts a reality.
You will learn how to put the unlimited power of Mind to work for you in your everyday
life. If you work consistently and diligently, I guarantee you will see results. You will
measure results not in years or even months, but in weeks, days and even hours. Your
own experience will be proof of what you know.
Youre going to learn the power of possibility statements not goals. Goals work for
some people sometimes. Possibility statements work for everyone all the time. By
understanding how the Mind works, you will understand why possibility statements are
much more effective than goals.
In the same way you deposit cash into a bank account, you deposit thoughts into your
Mind Bank. You will see your balance grow as you make more and more deposits, and
you will realize the results for yourself.
Through a carefully administered thought management program you will choose the
thoughts you wish to think, and deposit those thoughts one by one into your Mind Bank.
You will learn the skills and six simple steps you can follow to continue to create mental
wealth for the rest of your life. As long as you can form a clear and concise thought
about what you want, you can make that thought a reality. This book will show you how.
You will come to understand the true meaning of this message, a signpost left for us
from one of the world's great thinkers more than 2,300 years ago:
We are what we think.
All that we are arises from our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make our world.
~ The Buddha
Table of Contents
The Subconscious Mind has a Two-Way Connection with the Limbic Brain
Possibility Statements
Creating Love
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Two methods to create change, Action and Thought, and how combining them
together will accelerate change.
How your Conscious mind operates, and the need to control it.
How to supervise your mind, provide it with clear instructions, and turn the
Subconscious from a blocking force into an unstoppable force.
A six step process you can use every day for the rest of your life to effectively
organize and track your thoughts to create whatever changes you desire.
Your ability to choose your attitude and approach to life, and to influence and even
determine your results.
There is no limit in this world, except for the limits we have imposed on ourselves.
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If you eat a lot of food and dont exercise you will get fat (doing nothing is an action)
If you increase your exercise level and eat a more healthy diet you will lose weight.
Even if you dont lose weight you will feel healthier. You will gain some beneficial result
from your action.
If you want to write a novel, you have to sit down in front of your computer and start
If you spend all your money, you will have nothing left at the end of the month. If you
save a certain amount each week, your bank balance will grow.
If you are angry and critical of your children, they will withdraw emotionally. If you
consistently show your children love and boost their confidence, they will be loving
toward you and will communicate to you at a deeper level.
For more information
Actions create results. New results depend on taking new actions. Better results depend
on taking better actions. Changing your actions creates new results. You can come up
with thousands of your own examples.
Cause and Effect. The same actions over and over will give you deeper results either
positive or negative - repetitive positive actions give you more positive results, and
repetitive negative actions give you deeper negative results. Ineffective actions will give
you poor results. Improved actions will give you improved results.
If you dont like where youre at, change your actions.
Positive Examples:
You devote more time to studying, your grades improve. You make more phone calls,
you make more sales. You go to more events, you meet more people. You deposit
money in the bank and make good investments, your assets grow. You read the news,
you become more informed. You commit yourself to your job, you get more satisfaction
from your work you might even get a raise or get promoted. You listen to people
compassionately, they embrace you emotionally. You exercise every day, your fitness
level improves.
Negative Examples:
You eat the wrong foods, you get fat. You stop exercising, you gain weight. You blow off
your homework assignments, your grades drop. You slack off at work, you get a
warning. You watch TV all day, you become a boring and lazy person. You yell and hurt
people, they move away from you emotionally.
The Greek philosopher Aristotle was a keen observer of human nature and how people
lived their lives. He made the following observation 2,500 years ago which is as true
today as it was then.
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence then, is not a single act, but a habit.
~ Aristotle
Aristotle applied his observation to excellence, but we can replace the word excellence
with any other character trait, good or bad. Fitness is not a single act, but a habit. Charity
is not a single act, but a habit. Patience, success, honesty - all good character traits
are not a single act, but a habit. Obesity is not a single act, its a habit. Laziness, greed,
anger, addiction are not a single act, but a habit.
Aristotle was certainly correct. Our character is defined by what we repeatedly do. Not
what we do one time, but what we do time and time again. Whether good or bad, what
we repeatedly do defines who we are.
Who we are today, for better or worse, is a direct result of our actions. Not a single
action, but a million actions over time.
Repeated action creates change. It changes our character, and it changes our
There is no change in character or experiences without a change in action.
Attraction will bring changes to your experiences and your results. Even if you dont get
what you expected, your very actions of persistence and commitment will have already
made you into something better.
There are no accidents in my philosophy. Every effect must have
its cause. The past is the cause of the present, and the present
will be the cause of the future. All these are links in the endless
chain stretching from the finite to the infinite.
~Abraham Lincoln
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Read on and discover how Mind operates, how your mind operates, and how you can
harness and direct this infinite creative force.
Know Thyself. Ponder the great mysteries of life, spend time to understand who you
are, what you are, what you possess, how to make the most of the gifts you have been
given, and how to best live a life worth living.
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The limbic system is where long term memories of emotional experiences, both pleasant
and traumatic, are stored. The limbic system is where musical memory is stored. So if
you hear a song that you havent heard or thought about since you were a child, the
notes and the words are perfectly stored and you remember the song like it was
yesterday, even though you may not have heard it for 20, 30, or even 50 years. When
you have a song stuck in your head, its coming from the limbic part of your brain.
Just because this part of the brain is unconscious, does not mean its not extremely
important. The Unconscious mind affects you all day, prompting you to take action,
make decisions, like or dislike an experience or a person, feel confident or insecure, feel
attraction or avoidance and you dont know why it affects you unconsciously, without
being aware that it is even happening.
Advertisers speak directly to your Unconscious mind all the time. I can give you a
hundred reasons why you should like this car some people will be swayed by the
argument, others will still not like the car. But if I put attractive people to stand next to
the car you like the car and youre not even aware that you like the car and you
dont know why you like the car. Advertisers bypass logic and speak directly to the
limbic brain, to the Unconscious mind because they know that your Unconscious mind
directly influences your emotions, your behavior and your decisions all the time, and you
dont even know it.
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Unlike our Unconscious mind which operates under the surface, we are very aware of
our Conscious mind because it fills every moment of our waking lives with an internal
dialog and analysis. Your Conscious mind is constantly chattering.
Your thought tornado is spinning so fast that it just keeps going and going on its own
momentum. The vast majority of people dont even think. They go wherever the next
thought takes them, and say whatever comes into their head. We move through our day
in the midst of a tornado of constant thoughts.
Consider this statement: I wish I could stop eating so much. Its a contradiction. I eat
too much, but I also wish that I could stop eating so much.
Who is the I that is wishing?
Who is the I that cant stop eating?
Its the tornado of thoughts that cant stop eating. The slightest image in the mind of ice
cream, for example, creates a continuing desire to eat it. The mental image of the ice
cream keeps returning to your mind. Your thought tornado keeps spinning and spinning
until you finally get up, go to the freezer and get yourself the ice cream.
But you are not the tornado of thoughts. You can actually stop those thoughts from
spinning. You have the ability to recognize that these thoughts are not you at all, they
are literally a separate creation, a constantly moving storm of mental energy.
By stopping your thoughts and observing the thought tornado, you will see that you
have, for the majority of your life, been spinning with no conscious control.
When you observe the thought tornado you can see:
That is the person who cant stop eating.
That is the person who gets into arguments.
That is the person who drives like a madman cutting in and out of traffic.
That is the person who cant get off the couch and exercise.
That is the person who procrastinates and cant get anything done.
That is the person who worries about everything.
That is the person who is unhappy (or fill in the blank with any other word).
The thought tornado is not you. It is literally a separate entity that is thinking for you. You
can briefly stop the thought tornado and keep your mind focused for short periods of
time, but the moment you release conscious control, it will spin again.
While your mind spins uncontrolled, you are also driven by instinct and strong emotions
from the Unconscious mind. In the life of an animal there is nothing other than instinct
and emotion. All of their daily activities are driven by their instinctive need for shelter,
food, social positioning, procreation and a constant lookout for fearful situations.
Unfortunately, some people never consciously take control of their thoughts. They have
nothing other than a spinning thought tornado, driven by their unconscious instincts, and
reacting to whatever circumstance is in front of them at the time.
There is Hope!
Up until this moment you may have never given your Conscious mind any guidance,
never given it instructions, never even understood that you are consumed by a swirling
tornado of thought, instinct and emotions which controls your life. But you can be in
control, if you choose to be in control.
Unique among all animals, man has the power to make conscious choices to rise above
this first level of unconscious instinct and emotional existence. Man has the unique
capacity of Creative Imagination. He can use his imagination to not only choose
priorities and goals, he can use his imagination to improve his personality and character.
You can imagine a future and then create that future. You can choose your goals and
priorities, and then achieve them. You can choose your values and your character, and
then become them. Even if you have never once before had a thought 'on purpose', you
have the ability to think on purpose now.
You can choose the thoughts you deposit into your Mind. You can place positive
thoughts into your Thought Tornado, then it will spin on those positives. You can
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These large, dense thought forms are based on the sum total of all your conscious
thoughts and unconscious experiences, and are therefore true and undeniable.
These heavy subconscious boulders define who you are both positive and negative.
You literally are who you think you are. Everything you experience in life confirms
your self-image, and adds to the massive, solid boulders of your self-image.
Your self-image defines what you believe you can do, and what you believe you cant
do. It defines what you believe other people think about you. It defines what you think
you are worth. All your actions and responses in life are based on your self-beliefs.
Each new thought and experience entering the Subconscious tends to gravitate to one
of these massive boulders. If anyone suggests to you, or you suggest to yourself that
you are different, unfortunately, that one single new thought is no match for the heavy
subconscious boulders of your self-image and the beliefs which you have formed over a
These large boulders are your life anchors, and tend to hold your life (all different areas
of your life) in place both positive and negative.
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But the Subconscious mind operates in the other direction as well. The Subconscious
mind returns a constant stream of subconscious thoughts to the limbic brain.
This two-way connection can be illustrated with an easy to understand example.
Imagine that you are this person:
You are shy and deathly afraid of socializing. You have been invited to a big party on
Saturday night. Through a lifetime of thoughts and experiences, your self-image says
that you dont go to parties bad, avoid, terrible. Well as the day draws closer your
Subconscious works harder and harder to get you to not attend that party. Im just not
going to go. Im going to tell them I have something else to do that night. Ill just tell
them I had to pick up a friend at the airport. The impulses come stronger and stronger
as the day and the hour draws closer. If you cant find a way to bail out, your
Subconscious mind has the ability to work with the limbic brain to actually make you sick
so you really have a legitimate excuse.
The Subconscious mind insists, demands, compels, ensures that whatever is
programmed into the Subconscious (whatever the Subconscious believes to be true) will
happen. The Subconscious mind is a Goal Achieving Mechanism. Without you even
knowing, your Subconscious mind is constantly influencing everything you do, say, think
and feel. You are completely unaware that this incredibly strong force is influencing and
controlling you.
The Subconscious mind is the connecting point between body and mind. It is constantly
accepting input from your words, thoughts, emotions and experiences, and is constantly
providing thoughts and impulses back to your limbic brain and in turn to your glandular
system which transforms your emotions to physical sensations. Back and forth, back
and forth between body and mind, between mind and body.
From Subconscious to Unconscious your actions and results will always be consistent
with what you subconsciously believe to be true.
Goals focus on external results, but ignore the persons belief system.
The Subconscious doesnt know positive or negative. It only knows the accumulation of
your thoughts and experiences, and whatever it believes, that is exactly what will
Like small waves lapping at the edge of a lake, the Subconscious returns thoughts back
to your Unconscious mind. 24 hours a day, every day, non-stop, your Subconscious
mind is pumping thoughts back to you just below the level of conscious awareness.
New thought, new thought, new thought, new thought continuously non-stop. Thought,
thought, thought, thought comes pulsing out of the Subconscious each thought just
below your conscious awareness.
As the situation warrants, those thoughts and impulses are either very subtle and
completely unnoticeable, or as in the case of the painfully shy man, they can become
massive and intense.
This is a good thing. Its not a bad thing. This is the way your mind works. Your
Subconscious is working 24 hours a day and gives you back ideas, impulses, solutions.
It helps you figure out what to do, and the advice it gives you is consistent with your selfimage, consistent with what you believe.
What the Subconscious mind believes to be true, it makes true.
And the Subconscious achieves all this with the energy of mind. It converts thoughts
(firmly held subconscious beliefs) into mental impulses and then into physical action. It
works through you from Subconscious to Unconscious to turn thoughts (firmly held
subconscious beliefs) into reality. Thoughts become real.
The thoughts in your Subconscious are always in balance with your experiences and
your reality. Your reality is always in correspondence with your Subconscious selfbeliefs.
Thoughts (mental energy) create physical reality, and your Subconscious beliefs hold
your reality in place. Your reality is not allowed to stray too far from your Subconscious
beliefs. Like the man who is deathly afraid of socializing, as the party draws nearer, the
Subconscious pushes more and more intensely to keep the reality in line with its selfbelief.
The Subconscious mind does not differentiate between positive and negative. It does
not judge whether the self-belief is helpful or harmful. It does whatever you have
programmed it to do. It is constantly achieving the self-belief.
But dont think of this as negative. It works in the positive direction just as well. For
example, a man may believe that he is very wealthy and has a strong self-belief that he
is wealthy. If there are unfortunate circumstances, extreme circumstances if
everything in his life starts falling apart, his business goes bankrupt, the stock market
crashes, his house burns down, his Subconscious bends everything back to wealth. The
Subconscious cannot allow the self-belief to be violated.
Whatever you see around you, whatever your circumstances, is the result of your selfbelief. You are what you think you are.
Without you even knowing, your Subconscious mind is constantly influencing everything
you do, say, think and feel. 100% of the time it will achieve exactly what you believe to
be true.
This is how your Subconscious mind is connected to your Unconscious mind your
limbic brain. This is how your Subconscious mind affects you, bends you, through
whatever means necessary, to hold your reality in place.
We are what we think.
All that we are arises from our thoughts.
With our thoughts, we make our world.
~ The Buddha
As if the Subconscious mind wasnt powerful enough, now we will learn what lies on the
other side of the Subconscious, and why Mind is truly the most powerful force in the
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Just like the Subconscious mind impels the Unconscious mind (the
limbic brain) to bend reality in order to hold your self-beliefs in place,
the Subconscious mind impels the Superconscious mind to bend
reality to make your self-beliefs happen.
The Subconscious transfers thoughts from your Conscious mind to the Superconscious,
but unfortunately the Subconscious also filters and blocks your thoughts. Each
conscious thought you have is mixed with all the contents of your Subconscious thoughts, experiences, beliefs, emotions - and the end result (your self-image, what you
believe to be true) is presented to the Superconscious for creation.
No matter what new thoughts you deposit into the Subconscious, they will tend to slow
down in the thick murky unknown of the Subconscious and merge with the giant
boulders, so that the Subconscious ends up presenting essentially the same thoughts to
the Superconscious with very little variation. Your new thoughts have very little impact
on the lifetime of deeply held Subconscious beliefs.
We are now going to learn how to use all this knowledge to our advantage, how to turn
the Subconscious mind from an anchor which is holding us in place, into a tool, a rocket
ship, which propels us toward our dreams.
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If you repeat this process diligently over time, you find that your limiting self-beliefs
actually begin to disappear. You find yourself saying that all things are possible.
Because the truth is, all things are possible its just a matter of what you believe.
With absolute certainty, you can completely transform your self-beliefs by repeating the
exercise of clearing your Subconscious of all negative and unwanted beliefs.
You Must Deposit Clear and Focused Thoughts into the Mind Bank
Each one of us chooses for ourselves what we will draw from the infinite
Superconscious. We have the ability to direct creation via our Conscious mind, but our
skill in focusing our thoughts, in psychology, in communicating, in limitless belief, in
creating clear purpose, and our skill in working with others toward a shared belief all go
to determine what is formed in the Superconscious and is brought into fulfillment in the
physical world.
As an example, Person A faces the Superconscious of infinite potential and carves out a
small new change. Person B carves out a bigger potential, and Person C creates a huge
potential. Person C has a bigger perspective, and is simply more skilled at forming
bigger, clearer, more focused thoughts. Person A, B or C could have carved out any
possibility, but they each begin with different perspectives and different skill levels. Start
the process from where you are right now, and step up the ladder at your own pace. But
please realize, there are no rules you can create anything.
What is created depends on the kind and quality of consciousness you are able to
project through your thoughts, ideals and conceptualizations. It also requires that you
clear limiting and conflicting thoughts, emotions and beliefs from your Subconscious.
You must cleanse your Subconscious mind of all negative and limiting thoughts and
beliefs. When the Subconscious mind is cleared of conflicting beliefs, and the Conscious
mind makes a precise and logical case for its thought becoming reality (a logical case
which is not subconsciously contradicted), then the thought can be sent purely and
accurately through the Subconscious to the Superconscious. And once the thought is
received by the Superconscious, it is now a probability.
A lot of people find this step, stating what you want, creating clear possibility statements,
is the most difficult part. Heres a tip. Ask the question, if I could have anything in the
world, what would I want? Then work your way down until it snaps into your head I
can do that. That is possible. And theres your possibility statement.
Our Conscious mind, distracted and imperfect as it might be, is the only tool we have to
change our thinking and thereby change our experience. In each session we use the
Conscious mind to clear the Subconscious of negative doubts, false and limiting beliefs,
worry, stress and fear. Mentally eliminate the subconscious anchors holding you down in
life and reach for new and higher points to climb and achieve. From a higher vantage
point you can speak more and more directly to the Superconscious and continually
create a new future.
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Possibility Statements
Lets say youre out of shape and havent run in 10 years, and you get out of breath just
walking to the Stop sign at the end of the block. Somebody suggests that you set some
goals, and that you should make those goals big and worth achieving. So you set a goal
that in six months youre going to run a marathon. You cant slow jog to the Stop sign
today, but in six months your goal is to run a marathon. Just commit to your goal and
work hard.
Your Subconscious does not buy into this. Even you doubt your own words. This isnt
really possible.
If you set a goal which you subconsciously know you wont achieve, and you dont
believe it to be true your Subconscious will block that goal. The goal must be in
alignment with your subconscious beliefs.
Goals work for some people. Some people are spurred into action, and goal setting
motivates them to achieve. Goals work for some people some of the time.
Our method is different. We say, look I cant run a marathon thats not possible. But
what is possible? Is it possible that I can walk twice around the block every day this
week? Thats possible. After a week, it might be possible that I can walk a mile every
day, so I can adjust next week. After I do that for a couple of days or weeks, its
possible that I can walk ten miles a week.
Its important to begin with what is possible today. Whats the difference between a goal
and a possibility? A goal is a target. If that target is aligned with your Subconscious
belief, you may achieve it. If that target conflicts with your Subconscious belief, you
have no chance of achieving it unless you change your subconscious beliefs.
But a possibility is automatically aligned with your Subconscious beliefs. If you didnt
believe it, you wouldnt say its possible.
Example: My goal is to run a marathon in six months. Thats a throw-away statement.
Youre not going to run a marathon in six months if you cant even jog to the end of the
Now if we change the goal into a possibility statement watch what happens.
Example: Its possible that I can run a marathon in six months. As soon as the words
come out of your mouth you realize that its not possible. So you have to change your
possibility statement.
Its possible that I can run three miles in under 30 minutes by Friday. Again, that
doesnt sound right, so you change your possibility statement again.
Its possible that I can walk twice around the block every day this week. OK that
sounds reasonable. Thats possible.
Is running a marathon in six months possible? Yes, for a lot of people it would be
possible, but right now considering what lousy shape youre in it might not be possible
for you. If you dont believe its possible, then its not going to happen for you. It doesnt
matter how many times you repeat it. If it does not align with your Subconscious selfbeliefs, its not going to happen.
So we dont set goals because goals may or may not align with our belief system. We
make possibility statements because they are instantly accepted by the Subconscious
mind. If I can say its possible and feel that its possible, then it is possible.
Possibility statements work for everyone, every time because by definition, they are
aligned with your beliefs.
Trust me. What is possible for you today is just a small fraction of what will be possible
for you in a few months. As you continually go through the mental exercise of clearing
your Subconscious boulders and limiting self-beliefs, you will find yourself imposing
fewer limitations on yourself, you will find yourself contradicting people who say you
cant, and your possibilities will reach continually higher.
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You can choose a high end goal (lose 10 pounds) or a specific healthy habit (walk 2
miles five times a week), or some of them, or all of them or whatever other possibility
statements that are meaningful for you.
If you only want to focus on health, or only want to focus on financial, or only want to
focus on work thats fine. You will create the changes that you decide to focus on. As
Aristotle said, We are what we repeatedly do. Focus on the areas where you believe It
is possible to make progress.
Dont worry about being perfect. Write the thoughts which feel important to you at that
moment. You will have many chances to work and refine your thoughts in each area.
This book will record your progress.
Create a thought that has meaning to you. For example, in the area of Health, some
people reading this book are critically ill while others are professional athletes. The
thoughts you deposit should be meaningful to you and represent the possibilities you
want to create in your life.
The topic of Relationships can relate to love, or parenting, or social activities, or work
related relationships, etc. Again, focus on whatever is meaningful to you and the
possibilities you want to create in your life.
Financial relates to money and how you go about getting it, saving it, investing it,
spending it. Again, everyone reading this book is in a different financial situation, so the
possibility statements you create should be meaningful to you and should reflect the
changes you want to create in your life.
The topic of Learning could relate to school if thats relevant to you, or it could relate to
work knowledge, or just learning about something youre interested in. You should
always be learning and adding to your knowledge and wisdom.
Work / Career relates to whatever is appropriate in your situation, so again the thoughts
you create should be meaningful to you and the possibilities you want to create in your
Spiritual relates to either your religious activities or seeking a deeper understanding in
your spiritual quest. Create possibility statements that will lift you higher in a spiritual
Character Development relates to a positive character trait you would like to build.
At the end of the exercise you will be asked to complete the statement:
What I really want is
Go for it. Think big. Imagine the one thing that will give you the most happiness and
fulfillment, and reach for that. In this one statement forget what you believe is possible.
If anything was possible, then this is the one thing you would want.
Once you have recorded all your possibility statements, you will be asked to write them a
second time, and verbalize them while you write.
Finally, you will be asked to create actions that you will take in the next 24 hours. These
actions should be aligned with your possibility statements steps that will help you turn
the possibilities into reality. When you establish a short term goal your Subconscious
will communicate to you and prompt you to action.
When youre done with the session follow the instructions on repetition and next steps.
Close the book and come back in 24 hours. You have deposited your possibility
statements into the Subconscious, you have deposited your most amazing What I Really
Want statement into your Subconscious, and you have commanded the Subconscious
with a few 24 hour commitments to action. Its time to close the book and allow your
Subconscious to do what it was designed to do.
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It is your false limitations, your subconscious anchors, which define your limits. You can
choose your own limitations, and you can also choose no limitation. The truth is that in
the Superconscious ANY and EVERY possibility exists. There is no limitation in Gods
Our duty as men and women, is to proceed with our lives as if limits
to our ability did not exist. We are collaborators in creation.
~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
When you have purified your Subconscious, removed all pre-conceived doubts, and
cleared all negativity and limiting self-image, then every thought you form is possible and
when written and spoken with conviction immediately becomes a probability in the
Infinite Mind. Not a certainty, but a probability. There may be a lot more work and
consistent effort required on your part, but that probability can happen.
It is possible.
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Step 1:
Open your mind to infinite possibility
The Superconscious (the Mind of God) is a fabric of infinite potential. Within the
Superconscious exists every and all potential possibility waiting to be realized.
Conscious thought is the organizing force which creates and draws specific possibilities
from a field of infinite possibilities. Your thought forms carve out one specific reality from
a field of all possible realities.
If it can be consciously conceived, regardless of the size or scope, it at that moment
exists as a probability. If held with strong and consistent will, belief, and supporting
action, it has a probability of manifesting regardless of what it might be. Whatever is
conceptualized in the Conscious mind instantly exists in the Superconscious mind as an
existing fact and with the appropriate focus of consciousness and action will gain
strength and proceed toward physical reality.
Your Subconscious serves as the critical connecting link to the Superconscious. Every
thought you have is placed into the Subconscious and transferred to the Superconscious
where it takes form and begins the process of becoming reality.
Unfortunately, the Subconscious mind also serves as a filter. Your Subconscious mind
is like a large lake. Under the surface, the water is murky and thick and there are giant
boulders on the bottom of the lake which represent your accumulated limiting beliefs and
self-perceptions. Your new thoughts slow down, and lose their strength by merging with
other limiting thoughts before they get through to the Superconscious.
Step 2:
Purify the Subconscious
Begin by removing the boulders at the bottom - all the anchors of limiting self-beliefs
which weigh your life down and prevent you from making changes to your experience.
Start with the big boulders and move those out, the strongly held negative beliefs about
yourself dissolve them, remove them. Then work on moving the mid-size and even the
smaller ones. Clear everything out.
Once you have cleared out all the obstacles at the bottom of the lake, purify the water in
the lake until it becomes clearer. Remove all anger, worry, stress, greed, jealousy,
prejudices, unhappiness, fear and doubt until the water becomes clearer. Remove all
limitations, remove all negative self-perceptions and false beliefs, until finally your
Subconscious mind is crystal clear.
Your Subconscious is clear, healthy and incredibly powerful ready to accept your very
next thought and transfer it straight to the Superconscious. With a pure Subconscious,
each one of your conscious thoughts is transferred directly to the Superconscious where
they immediately take form as a probability. There is no longer any resistance between
your thoughts and the Superconscious. The Subconscious will not only transfer your
thoughts directly to the Superconscious, but it will also operate on these thoughts and
feed thoughts and impulses back to your limbic brain which will give you new ideas, spur
you to action, and bend your reality to make these possibility statements happen.
Now its time to deposit each Possibility Statement into the Subconscious.
Step 3:
Create Your Possibility Statements
Date: _______
Write down your Possibility Statements and deposit them into the Subconscious:
Health: It is possible that ____________________________________________
Relationships: It is possible that _______________________________________
Financial: It is possible that __________________________________________
Learning: It is possible that __________________________________________
Work / Career: It is possible that ______________________________________
Spiritual: It is possible that ___________________________________________
Character Development : It is possible that _______________________________
What I really want is ________________________________________________
Step 4:
Write Your Possibility Statements Again, This Time Speaking Them as Well
Health: It is possible that ____________________________________________
Relationships: It is possible that _______________________________________
Financial: It is possible that __________________________________________
Learning: It is possible that __________________________________________
Work / Career: It is possible that ______________________________________
Spiritual: It is possible that ___________________________________________
Character Development : It is possible that _______________________________
What I really want is ________________________________________________
Step 5:
Create Commands to Your Subconscious
Commands to combine personal action with your possibility statements. In the next 24
hours I will
Step 6:
Follow-Up Instructions
Review and Repeat this session for four more days, preferably at night before you
prepare to go to sleep.
Each night when you come back, repeat all six steps, but you can write your possibility
statements and your 24 hour commands on a separate piece of paper. Your statements
should stay the same, but your 24 hour commands can be changed each night as
appropriate. No more than 15 minutes each night.
Before you come back to this session for the next few nights, it is ok to re-read this book
again to reinforce a deeper understanding of the principles of Conscious, Subconscious
and Superconscious Mind.
Proceed to the next section only after you have reviewed and rewritten at least four more
times for a total of five nights on this session.
Quickly review what you have written one last time, then close the book.
Back to Contents
Back to Contents
You have probably already had some ideas about your next possibility statements. The
next session is the same format, but were adding some additional repetition in the
follow-up instructions.
Back to Contents
The mystical process can be summed up in the first three of the Seven Hermetic
Principles Mentalism, Correspondence, and Vibration.
The ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.
~ The First Hermetic Principle / Mentalism
As above, so below; as below, so above.
~ The Second Hermetic Principle / Correspondence
Nothing rests; everything vibrates.
~ The Third Hermetic Principle / Vibration
Matter is vibrationally aligned with Mind. Mind controls matter. Your mental attitude
controls your circumstances. Your subconscious anchors hold your reality in place. Your
Subconscious thoughts, whatever they are, will impress directly onto the
Superconscious and instantly become a probability.
Without an organized method to form your thoughts, you are just thinking random
thoughts and reacting to circumstances. Furthermore, if you do not clear your
Subconscious, it will continue to work on its own hidden agenda regardless of your
conscious thoughts. If you use this method to create possibility statements, then
organize and repeat your thoughts, they have a higher and higher probability of taking
hold in the material world and becoming part of your reality.
As we said in our original promise:
You will soon flow differently in the world, and the world will flow differently toward you.
Back to Contents
Step 1:
Open your mind to infinite possibility
The Superconscious (the Mind of God) is a fabric of infinite potential. Within the
Superconscious exists every and all potential possibility waiting to be realized.
Conscious thought is the organizing force which creates and draws specific possibilities
from a field of infinite possibilities. Your thought forms carve out one specific reality from
a field of all possible realities.
If it can be consciously conceived, regardless of the size or scope, it at that moment
exists as a probability. If held with strong and consistent will, belief, and supporting
action, it has a probability of manifesting regardless of what it might be. Whatever is
conceptualized in the Conscious mind instantly exists in the Superconscious mind as an
existing fact and with the appropriate focus of consciousness and action will gain
strength and proceed toward physical reality.
Your Subconscious serves as the critical connecting link to the Superconscious. Every
thought you have is placed into the Subconscious and transferred to the Superconscious
where it takes form and begins the process of becoming reality.
Unfortunately, the Subconscious mind also serves as a filter. Your Subconscious mind
is like a large lake. Under the surface, the water is murky and thick and there are giant
boulders on the bottom of the lake which represent your accumulated limiting beliefs and
self-perceptions. Your new thoughts slow down, and lose their strength by merging with
other limiting thoughts before they get through to the Superconscious.
Step 2:
Purify the Subconscious
Begin by removing the boulders at the bottom - all the anchors of limiting self-beliefs
which weigh your life down and prevent you from making changes to your experience.
Start with the big boulders and move those out, the strongly held negative beliefs about
yourself dissolve them, remove them. Then work on moving the mid-size and even the
smaller ones. Clear everything out.
Once you have cleared out all the obstacles at the bottom of the lake, purify the water in
the lake until it becomes clearer. Remove all anger, worry, stress, greed, jealousy,
prejudices, unhappiness, fear and doubt until the water becomes clearer. Remove all
limitations, remove all negative self-perceptions and false beliefs, until finally your
Subconscious mind is crystal clear.
Your Subconscious is clear, healthy and incredibly powerful ready to accept your very
next thought and transfer it straight to the Superconscious. With a pure Subconscious,
each one of your conscious thoughts is transferred directly to the Superconscious where
they immediately take form as a probability. There is no longer any resistance between
your thoughts and the Superconscious. The Subconscious will not only transfer your
thoughts directly to the Superconscious, but it will also operate on these thoughts and
feed thoughts and impulses back to your limbic brain which will give you new ideas, spur
you to action, and bend your reality to make these possibility statements happen.
Now its time to deposit each Possibility Statement into the Subconscious.
Step 3:
Create Your Possibility Statements
Date: _______
Write down your Possibility Statements and deposit them into the Subconscious:
Health: It is possible that ____________________________________________
Relationships: It is possible that _______________________________________
Financial: It is possible that __________________________________________
Learning: It is possible that __________________________________________
Work / Career: It is possible that ______________________________________
Spiritual: It is possible that ___________________________________________
Character Development : It is possible that _______________________________
What I really want is ________________________________________________
Step 4:
Write Your Possibility Statements Again, This Time Speaking Them as Well
Health: It is possible that ____________________________________________
Relationships: It is possible that _______________________________________
Financial: It is possible that __________________________________________
Learning: It is possible that __________________________________________
Work / Career: It is possible that ______________________________________
Spiritual: It is possible that ___________________________________________
Character Development : It is possible that _______________________________
What I really want is ________________________________________________
Step 5:
Create Commands to Your Subconscious
Commands to combine personal action with your possibility statements. In the next 24
hours I will
Step 6:
Follow-Up Instructions
Review and Repeat this session three more times, preferably at night before you
prepare to go to sleep.
During the next few days you are going to repeat as often as possible. Whenever and as
often as you remember when you wake up, while driving, during the day, at work, when
youre reading a book, clear your subconscious, repeat your possibility statements, and
repeat your 24 hour actions. Its best to do it from memory, but if you have to carry a
piece of paper with you thats ok too.
Before you come back to this session for the next few nights, it is ok to re-read the
previous Information Modules to gain a deeper understanding of the principles of
Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious Mind.
Quickly review what you have written one last time, then close the book.
Back to Contents
Back to Contents
Persistence means consistency and commitment. Here is an example from nature.
A mother robin intuitively knows when it is time to start building her nest. She finds a
sheltered location on a branch and begins the process. She sees a nearby leaf or piece
of straw, flies down, flies back up to her site and places it there. She flies back down and
hops around until she finds a perfect little twig, flies back up to her branch and weaves it
in with the pieces before. She continues this effort for several days, perhaps making
more than a thousand trips flying back and forth using anything and everything that she
finds. Finally the nest is finished, she sheds a few of her own feathers to make the nest
soft for her babies, and she lays her eggs.
Back to Contents
Creating Love
God clearly loves his creation by providing it with life force and the warmth of the sun
and the bounty of a beautiful planet, but human love is not a first premise. While lots of
people are loved, the truth is that not everyone is loved. Love does not exist for us
unless someone creates it. Centuries ago many people lived cruel and brutal existences.
We think of ourselves as a modern society, but even today in our own country and
throughout the world many people are living brutal existences and dying from abuse,
neglect, starvation or war. Even in perfectly normal families, many people simply dont
know how to love or how to express their love.
All the love that exists in your life has been created by people. For some people,
creating love is easy, for others it does not come naturally. Some people have to learn
how to love.
If you are loved its a blessing, and if you give love to others, you are creating blessings
in their lives.
Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with
all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And
the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.
On these two commandments hang all the law.
~Matthew 22:36-39
Here are a few ways people create love.
Giving with Kindness Creates Love
A lot of people are very generous, but many of those generous people give with some
limitation or judgment or criticism. This is the last time Im or You can have this, but
you better or Here you go, but you need to learn to do this yourself
The key to giving is to give with kindness. That is love.
Gentle Affection Creates Love
Affection is generally reserved for a husband or wife or child, but when you are gentle in
your affections it makes people feel loved.
Genuine Concern Creates Love
This is really about listening to others and being genuinely interested and concerned
with what they are saying. It also means taking the time to listen completely without
interrupting or judging or trying to solve their problems. Just being listened to and cared
about is a blessing. Take a sincere interest in other people. That is love.
Mutual Admiration Creates Love
Showing respect and admiration for another persons character or work or talent or effort
is a great way to build up another persons confidence. When they return those feelings,
it is love.
Can you identify other ways to create love?
Dont hold your love back. Learn to give it generously, even if it is not returned.
Teach this triple truth to all:
A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the
things which renew humanity.
~ The Buddha
Are the people you know getting love from you? Are you creating love in your life? This
is something you can control and increase.
Lets build possibility statements right now. If you deposit thoughts of love into your
Subconscious, thoughts and ideas of love will come pulsing back to you, and those
thoughts will be transmitted directly to the Superconscious and new circumstances and
experiences will come back to you.
Build five possibility statements to generate love.
And now five actions you will take in the next 24 hours.
Back to Contents
But Aladdin tricks the evil Jaffar into making his third wish. Great and wondrous Sultan,
despite all your powers there is still one more powerful than you. The evil Sultan is
puzzled, Who can be more powerful than I? Aladdin answers The genie still has
more power than you. This fact infuriates the evil Sultan and he quickly issues his final
command, Make me the most powerful genie of all time! Again, the genie reluctantly
obeys the command and the evil Sultan instantly grows in size and is swelled with an
influx of Infinite Cosmic Power. The greatest secrets of the universe are revealed to his
greedy eyes. However, as this infinite power begins surging through his body, shackles
are instantly formed around his wrists and becoming a vaporous cloud, the evil genie
descends into his own lamp the prison of his own making.
Aladdin has saved the day and regains the lamp. The true Sultan is restored and the
princess Jasmine, of course, is head over heels in love with Aladdin. The Sultan
commands their marriage. But the genie reminds Aladdin that he has still not made his
third wish. Everyone is anxious to know what Aladdins final wish will be. The genie
offers Aladdin a dazzling array of choices that would give him incomparable wealth and
power. What would you command from a genie so powerful?
After careful thought Aladdin announces his third wish. The crowd gasps in amazement,
but after a few moments they smile in admiration of Aladdin. Aladdins final wish was to
free the genie from his eternal bondage. Aladdin understood that the power to manifest
his dreams lay within and by releasing the genie he renounced his dependence on
material forces. He and the princess Jasmine would create their own future.
Of course, the genie represents the Infinite Mind or the Mind of God which instantly
responds to every thought. But unlike the genie of Aladdins lamp, God does not limit us
to merely three wishes. By methodically creating focused thoughts and supporting those
thoughts with our own actions and efforts, we can continuously alter our lives, change
our character, change our material reality, and create all that we desire.
Back to Contents
Step 1:
Open your mind to infinite possibility
The Superconscious (the Mind of God) is a fabric of infinite potential. Within the
Superconscious exists every and all potential possibility waiting to be realized.
Conscious thought is the organizing force which creates and draws specific possibilities
from a field of infinite possibilities. Your thought forms carve out one specific reality from
a field of all possible realities.
If it can be consciously conceived, regardless of the size or scope, it at that moment
exists as a probability. If held with strong and consistent will, belief, and supporting
action, it has a probability of manifesting regardless of what it might be. Whatever is
conceptualized in the Conscious mind instantly exists in the Superconscious mind as an
existing fact and with the appropriate focus of consciousness and action will gain
strength and proceed toward physical reality.
Your Subconscious serves as the critical connecting link to the Superconscious. Every
thought you have is placed into the Subconscious and transferred to the Superconscious
where it takes form and begins the process of becoming reality.
Unfortunately, the Subconscious mind also serves as a filter. Your Subconscious mind
is like a large lake. Under the surface, the water is murky and thick and there are giant
boulders on the bottom of the lake which represent your accumulated limiting beliefs and
self-perceptions. Your new thoughts slow down, and lose their strength by merging with
other limiting thoughts before they get through to the Superconscious.
Step 2:
Purify the Subconscious
Begin by removing the boulders at the bottom - all the anchors of limiting self-beliefs
which weigh your life down and prevent you from making changes to your experience.
Start with the big boulders and move those out, the strongly held negative beliefs about
yourself dissolve them, remove them. Then work on moving the mid-size and even the
smaller ones. Clear everything out.
Once you have cleared out all the obstacles at the bottom of the lake, purify the water in
the lake until it becomes clearer. Remove all anger, worry, stress, greed, jealousy,
prejudices, unhappiness, fear and doubt until the water becomes clearer. Remove all
limitations, remove all negative self-perceptions and false beliefs, until finally your
Subconscious mind is crystal clear.
Your Subconscious is clear, healthy and incredibly powerful ready to accept your very
next thought and transfer it straight to the Superconscious. With a pure Subconscious,
each one of your conscious thoughts is transferred directly to the Superconscious where
they immediately take form as a probability. There is no longer any resistance between
your thoughts and the Superconscious. The Subconscious will not only transfer your
thoughts directly to the Superconscious, but it will also operate on these thoughts and
feed thoughts and impulses back to your limbic brain which will give you new ideas, spur
you to action, and bend your reality to make these possibility statements happen.
Now its time to deposit each Possibility Statement into the Subconscious.
Step 3:
Create Your Possibility Statements
Date: _______
Write down your Possibility Statements and deposit them into the Subconscious:
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
What I really want is ________________________________________________
Step 4:
Write Your Possibility Statements Again, This Time Speaking Them as Well
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
What I really want is ________________________________________________
Step 5:
Create Commands to Your Subconscious
Commands to combine personal action with your possibility statements. In the next 24
hours I will
Step 6:
Follow-Up Instructions
Review and Repeat this session three more times, preferably at night before you
prepare to go to sleep.
During the next few days you are going to repeat as often as possible. Whenever and as
often as you remember when you wake up, while driving, during the day, at work, when
youre reading a book, clear your subconscious, repeat your possibility statements, and
repeat your 24 hour actions. Its best to do it from memory, but if you have to carry a
piece of paper with you thats ok too.
Before you come back to this session for the next few nights, it is ok to re-read the
previous Information Modules to gain a deeper understanding of the principles of
Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious Mind.
Quickly review what you have written one last time, then close the book.
Back to Contents
If you are a religious person, then you should find nothing here to contradict your
religious beliefs, nor to replace your morning and evening prayers, nor to replace the first
and most important commandment shared by Judaism, Christianity and Islam:
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with
all thy MIND.
~ Matthew 22:36
(emphasis on MIND added)
Back to Contents
He who experiences the unity of life sees his own Self in all beings, and all beings
in his own Self
~ The Buddha
If you enter a race as a team and the rule says that the whole team has to cross the
finish line together, it wouldnt make any sense for you to sprint to the finish line and look
back to watch your teammates struggling. You would go back to help them, and cross
the finish line together. But in todays world we dont go back and help, we sprint as far
ahead of everyone as we can.
If the truth is that we are all connected, then if we go forward on our own (or just helping
our loved ones and leaving everyone else to fend for themselves), then were not really
moving forward at all. We are the most advanced society in the world, but we believe
that looking out for our own interests is our first and only priority. Our human race is
never going to improve if we dont recognize our connectedness. For all the
technological advances and capabilities, for all the access to pictures, videos, news,
opinions and information we have in fact become more isolated than ever before and
therefore less caring than ever before.
Life is sacred - that is to say, it is the supreme value, to which all other values are
~ Albert Einstein
Beyond the visible lies the invisible truth that we are all connected. We are one human
body, one human mind, one human soul, one human race moving forward in time. Each
of us is on our own journey, but we are journeying together.
We are all connected.
For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I
was a stranger and you invited me in, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick
and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to me.
Then the righteous shall answer Him, when were you hungry and we gave thee
food? Or thirsty and gave thee drink? When did we see you as a stranger and
invite thee in? Or naked and clothe thee? When did we see thee sick and in prison
and visit thee?
And the King shall answer and say unto them. Verily I say inasmuch as ye have
done this for one of the least of my brethren, then ye have done it for me.
~ Matthew 25:35
Division by race, by country, by religion, by language, by political party, by income, by
education these are false distinctions. We divide ourselves, when we should be uniting
We must admit the vanity of our false distinctions among men and learn to find our
own advancement in the search for the advancement of others.
~ Robert F. Kennedy
Division is at the root of all humanitys problems, while connecting is the only solution to
humanitys problems.
We are all connected, and until the least of us is cared for we cannot move forward.
There are hundreds of references in the Old and New Testament encouraging us to care
for the less fortunate.
you want. However, if you believe that you are separate then you are blocking yourself
on a personal level from the most fundamental truth, and blocking yourself from the
opportunity to grow spiritually. If we all continue to believe that we are separate then we
are perpetuating selfishness and greed and selfishness and greed has not been going
so well for humanity. Selfishness and greed has to change.
This is a personally liberating truth. You must clearly see your common connections and
change your core values and morals to reflect this truth. Judge each thought and action,
not by the benefit it brings to you personally, but by the effect it has on humanity. Every
one of your thoughts and actions affects not only your own future, but the future of the
entire human race. If we work together, we can multiply that impact.
We cant wait for our government to set humanity straight. We cant wait for television
stations to create positive programming. We cant wait for them to change the world for
us. We cant wait.
Racism, greed, corruption, abuse, division, neglect, bullying, fighting, violence, terrorism,
war all this is obviously self-desctructive because were only hurting ourselves because
were all connected. We just dont see it. The fact that other people engage in these
activities and do not understand our spiritual connection or recognize this higher truth is
a shame, but it is not a valid excuse for us to act in our own selfish interests. We must
expand our horizon to love and embrace all souls, all life.
A human being is part of the whole called by us universe, a part limited in time and
space. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something
separate from the rest. A kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion
is a prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few
persons nearest to us. We must free ourselves from the prison by widening our
circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its
beauty. The true value of a human being is determined by the measure and the
sense in which they have obtained liberation from the self. We shall require a
substantially new manner of thinking if humanity is to survive.
~ Albert Einstein
Back to Contents
Step 1:
Open your mind to infinite possibility
The Superconscious (the Mind of God) is a fabric of infinite potential. Within the
Superconscious exists every and all potential possibility waiting to be realized.
Conscious thought is the organizing force which creates and draws specific possibilities
from a field of infinite possibilities. Your thought forms carve out one specific reality from
a field of all possible realities.
If it can be consciously conceived, regardless of the size or scope, it at that moment
exists as a probability. If held with strong and consistent will, belief, and supporting
action, it has a probability of manifesting regardless of what it might be. Whatever is
conceptualized in the Conscious mind instantly exists in the Superconscious mind as an
existing fact and with the appropriate focus of consciousness and action will gain
strength and proceed toward physical reality.
Your Subconscious serves as the critical connecting link to the Superconscious. Every
thought you have is placed into the Subconscious and transferred to the Superconscious
where it takes form and begins the process of becoming reality.
Unfortunately, the Subconscious mind also serves as a filter. Your Subconscious mind
is like a large lake. Under the surface, the water is murky and thick and there are giant
boulders on the bottom of the lake which represent your accumulated limiting beliefs and
self-perceptions. Your new thoughts slow down, and lose their strength by merging with
other limiting thoughts before they get through to the Superconscious.
Step 2:
Purify the Subconscious
Begin by removing the boulders at the bottom - all the anchors of limiting self-beliefs
which weigh your life down and prevent you from making changes to your experience.
Start with the big boulders and move those out, the strongly held negative beliefs about
yourself dissolve them, remove them. Then work on moving the mid-size and even the
smaller ones. Clear everything out.
Once you have cleared out all the obstacles at the bottom of the lake, purify the water in
the lake until it becomes clearer. Remove all anger, worry, stress, greed, jealousy,
prejudices, unhappiness, fear and doubt until the water becomes clearer. Remove all
limitations, remove all negative self-perceptions and false beliefs, until finally your
Subconscious mind is crystal clear.
Your Subconscious is clear, healthy and incredibly powerful ready to accept your very
next thought and transfer it straight to the Superconscious. With a pure Subconscious,
each one of your conscious thoughts is transferred directly to the Superconscious where
they immediately take form as a probability. There is no longer any resistance between
your thoughts and the Superconscious. The Subconscious will not only transfer your
thoughts directly to the Superconscious, but it will also operate on these thoughts and
feed thoughts and impulses back to your limbic brain which will give you new ideas, spur
you to action, and bend your reality to make these possibility statements happen.
Now its time to deposit each Possibility Statement into the Subconscious.
Step 3:
Create Your Possibility Statements
Date: _______
Write down your Possibility Statements and deposit them into the Subconscious:
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
What I really want is ________________________________________________
Step 4:
Write Your Possibility Statements Again, This Time Speaking Them as Well
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
It is possible that ___________________________________________________
What I really want is ________________________________________________
Step 5:
Create Commands to Your Subconscious
Commands to combine personal action with your possibility statements. In the next 24
hours I will
Step 6:
Follow-Up Instructions
Review and Repeat this session three more times, preferably at night before you
prepare to go to sleep.
During the next few days you are going to repeat as often as possible. Whenever and as
often as you remember when you wake up, while driving, during the day, at work, when
youre reading a book, clear your subconscious, repeat your possibility statements, and
repeat your 24 hour actions. Its best to do it from memory, but if you have to carry a
piece of paper with you thats ok too.
Before you come back to this session for the next few nights, it is ok to re-read the
previous Information Modules to gain a deeper understanding of the principles of
Conscious, Subconscious and Superconscious Mind.
Quickly review what you have written one last time, then close the book.