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Bone Biology
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1995;77:1256-1275.
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Publisher Information The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
20 Pickering Street, Needham, MA 02492-3157
Bone Biology
Knowledgeable treatment of diseases, deformities, decades, but this appearance is deceptive. Bone is con-
and injuries of the musculoskeletal system requires an stantly changing in response to mechanical and hor-
understanding of the complex, constantly changing na- monal signals. Recent advances in the understanding
tune of bone. Current orthopaedic practice relies on the of how bone responds to these signals have formed
ability of surgeons to drill, cut, ream, and realign bone; the foundation for new methods of stimulating or sup-
to fix one piece to another with screws, plates, wires, or pressing the formation of bone and of changing the
rods; and to obtain union between bone and plastic or organization of bone to treat musculoskeletal disorders.
metal implants. The success of many of these proce- Advances in the treatment of injuries, diseases, and de-
dunes is often attributed to the technical skill of the formities of the musculoskeletal system will increasingly
surgeon or to the design of an implant or instrument, rely on an understanding of the structure of bone; its
but it is actually the remarkable properties of bone that constituent parts; its blood supply, cells, and matrix; the
make these operations successful. Failure to consider mechanisms of the formation of bone: and the control
these properties can compromise the most technically of bone-cell function.
expert omthopaedic treatment, whereas understanding
them well can help to solve the most complicated clini- Structure of Bone
Longitudinal section of a human phalanx. showing the central marrow space and the distribution of cortical and cancellous hone in a typical
tubular (long) boric. hit. metaphyses contain nR)st of the cancellous hone. The cortical hone decreases in thickness from the mid-part of the
diaphsis to the metaphvses. where the plates of cancellous hone are arranged to support the suhchondral hone. Large long hones. such as the
femur. tibia. trid humerus. have the same structural pattern. (Reprinted. with pernhission. from: Buckwalter, J. A.. and Cooper. R. R.: Bone
structure and function. In Instructional (ourse Lectures, The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Vol. 36. p. 29. Park Ridge. Illinois,
1he American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 1987.)
cancellous hone. surrounded by a relatively thin layer of cancellous hone usually has a higher mate of metabolic
cortical hone, and the diaphyses of long hones consist activity and remodeling and appears to respond more
primarily of thick cortical hone. rapidly to changes in mechanical loads than does corti-
Although cortical and cancellous hone have the cal hone. This difference can he observed on radio-
same composition and material properties. differences graphs of the long hones of an immobilized limb. A
in distribution and arrangement are responsible for decrease in the density of the cancellous bone, caused
the differences in the mechanical properties of spe- by resorption of tnabeculae. usually can he seen before
cific hones and parts of hones.4. In long bones. there is a visible increase in the porosity of the cortical
the thick. dense. tubular cortical hone of the diaphysis bone. caused by the formation of resorption cavities.
Internal !
system ;-.
cells and reticular I
% :
Osteocyte inlacuna -
FIG. 2
Diagram of the structure of cortical bone, showing the types of cortical lamellar hone: the internal circumferential system. interstitial system,
osteonal lamellae, and outer circumferential system. The diagram also shows the intraosseous vascular system that serves the osteocytes and
connects the periosteal and medullary blood vessels. The haversian canals run primarily longitudinally through the cortex. while the Volkmann
canals create oblique connections between the haversian canals. Cement lines separate each osteon from the surrounding hone. Periosteum
covers the external surface of the bone and consists of two layers: an osteogenic (inner) cellular layer and a fibrous (outer) layer. (Reprinted,
with permission, from: Kessel. R. G.. and Kardon. R. H.: Tissues and Organs: a Text-Atlas of Scanning Microscop. p. 25. New York. W. H.
Freeman, 1979.)
Fiu. 3
Light micrograph of a transverse section of an osteon. Note the central canal of the osteon and the dark elliptical or lens-shaped osteocyte
cell bodies. Each osteocyte sends fine. thread-like cell processes through the matrix to come into contact with cell processes from other
osteocytes. The osteon forms a distinct structural and functional unit within the cortex. Few. if any. cell processes penetrate the cement line that
marks the boundary of the osteon (x 950). (Reprinted. with permission. from: Buckwalter. J. A.. and Cooper. R. R.: Bone structure and
function. In Instructional Course Lectures, The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Vol. 36. p. 3 1 . Park Ridge, Illinois, The American
Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 1987.)
teocytes of woven bone vary in size, orientation, and healing fracture requires the eventual replacement of
distribution, while those of lamellam bone are relatively the woven bone of the fracture callus with mature la-
uniform in size with their principal axis oriented parallel mellar bone..
to that of other cells and to the collagen fibnils of the
Forms ofLamellar Bone
matrix. The mineralization of woven bone follows an
irregular pattern; mineral deposits vary in size and in Theme are four general forms of lamellar bone: the
their relationship to collagen fibmils. This pattern of mm- trabeculam lamellae of cancellous bone, the inner and
emalization, combined with the frequent patchwork for- outer circumferential lamellae of cortical bone, the in-
mation of woven bone, creates an irregular radiographic terstitial lamellae of cortical bone, and the lamellae of
appearance. In contrast, the collagen fibmils of lamellar osteons.7 (Fig. 2). Each lamella consists of highly on-
bone vary less in diameter and lie in tightly organized ented. densely packed collagen fibmils. The fibmils and
parallel sheets, forming distinct lamellae four to twelve adjacent lamellae run in different directions, similar to
micrometers thick with almost uniform distribution of the alternating directions of the wood grain in plywood.
mineral within the matmix2..#{176}3...
This organization gives The collagen fibmils frequently interconnect not only
cortical lamellar bone a homogeneous radiographic ap- within but also between lamellae, thereby increasing the
peamance that is distinctly different from that of woven strength of the bone.
bone. Osteons form the bulk of the diaphyseal cortex of
Because of its irregular collagen-fibmil orientation, the mature human skeleton.7277. (Fig. 3). They consist
relatively high cell and water content, and irregular of irregularly branching and anastomosing, longitudi-
pattern of mineralization, woven bone is more flexible, nally running cylinders that spiral around the diaphy-
more easily deformed, and weaker than lamellar bone.. sis25; they are formed from concentric lamellae of bone
The almost random alignment of the collagen fibnils surrounding central canals2.. The central canals of os-
makes the mechanical properties of woven bone similar teons, referred to as havemsian canals, contain blood yes-
regardless of the orientation of the applied forces - sels, lymphatic vessels. and occasionally nerves (Fig. 4).
that is, it behaves isotmopically when loaded. In contrast, Canaliculi containing the cell processes of osteocytes
lamellam bone behaves anisotropically: its mechanical extend in a radial pattern from the central canal like the
properties differ depending on the orientation of the spokes of a wheel.7 (Fig. 5). These canaliculi connect
applied forces. For these reasons, restoration of normal the central canal to osteocytes and pass from osteocyte
mechanical properties to bone tissue at the site of a to osteocyte. Since the diffusion of nutrients through
FIG. 4
Electron micrograph showing the central canal of an osteon. The peripheral darkly stained mineralized hone matrix surrounds the canal. An
undifferentiated cell (u) and a blood vessel lie within the canal. L = lumen of the blood vessel (x 45(X)). (Reprinted. with permission. from:
Buckwalter. J. A., and Cooper. R. R.: Bone structure and function. In Instructional Course Lectures. The American Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons. Vol. 36, p. 32. Park Ridge. Illinois. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 1987.)
mineralized bone matrix is limited, the cells depend pni- vascular canals. referred to as Volkmann canals5 (Fig.
manly on the canaliculi for the delivery of their meta- 2). This elaborate network of intmaosseous canals not
bolic requirements. The longitudinal orientation of the only runs through the length of the hone but also con-
osteons (Fig. 2) may explain why diaphyseal cortical nects the pemiosteal surface with the endosteal surface,
bone is stronger in both tension and compression when thereby creating potential channels of communication
it is loaded parallel rather than perpendicular to its extending from the marrow to the periosteum. Within
long axis. osteons and the other three forms of lamellam hone (in-
Cement lines define the outer boundary of each terstitial lamellae and inner and outer circumferential
osteon.7.5. These thin layers of organic matrix. the lamellae). osteocyte lacunae and canaliculi-containing
composition of which is similar to that of osteoid, mark osteocyte cell processes create an even larger surface
sites where the resorption of bone stopped and new- area. Taken together. the surface area of the vascular
bone formation began. They separate rather than bind canals and osteocyte lacunae and canaliculi is roughly
or cement adjacent matrix lamellae. Although they ap- 100 times larger than the combined pemiosteal and end-
pear as lines on histological sections. they actually cover osteal surface area of mature cortical bone.
the entire outer surface of the osteon and therefore The network of canals and lacunae within bone
might more accurately be considered as sheaths or la- forms an extensive extravascular space where ions and
mellae. In general. the cell processes of canaliculi and fluid can flow freely. directly adjacent to the mineralized
the collagen fibnils of osteons do not cross cement lines, matrix7. and deformation of hone by applied loads
so each osteon is left isolated from adjacent ones. For causes fluid and ion flows that generate electrical poten-
this reason, cracks in the bone matrix tend to follow tials455.. Evidence that hone cells respond to elec-
cement lines rather than to cross osteons54. This deflec- trical signals34. suggests that the electrical potentials
tion of crack propagation may prevent fatigue cracks generated by loading of the hone have a mole in regulat-
from extending rapidly across a bone, allowing the bone ing bone-cell function.
cells to repair the cracks before a complete fracture
A complex internal network of canals. lacunae, and The pemiosteum has received relatively little atten-
canaliculi forms one of the most remarkable structural tion from investigators interested in hone biology. yet it
features of mature lamellam cortical bone. Throughout has considerable mechanical and biological importance.
even the most dense cortical bone. osteonal central ca- It covers the external surfaces of hones except in the
nals branch and anastomose and join obliquely oriented regions immediately around on within synovial joints,
FIG. 5
Scanning electron micrograph of an osteon. The grooves in the bone matrix forming concentric circles around the central canal separate
adjacent lamellae. Lacunae, the spaces occupied by osteocytes in living cells, appear as depressions or holes in the matrix. The canaliculi that
contain osteocyte cell processes in living cells appear as fine grooves radiating from the central canal (x 1050). Note the canaliculi that open
into the central canal. (Reprinted, with permission, from: Kessel, R. G., and Kardon, R. H.: Tissues and Organs: a Text-Atlas of Scanning
Microscopy, p. 28. New York, W. H. Freeman, 1979.)
such as the femoral neck, and at the sites of tendon, hg- lam cambium layer in children readily forms new bone.
ament, and intemosseous membrane insertions. In most This capacity is demonstrated when the diaphysis of a
regions, the pemiosteum can be easily stripped from the bone in a child is destroyed by osteomyelitis or trauma
bone, but near the articulam surfaces and at the site of and, under favorable conditions, the remaining penios-
muscle, tendon, and intmaosseous membrane insertions, teum forms a new diaphysis (an involucmum)32 (Figs. 6-A
the pemiosteum joins with the insertion so firmly that and 6-B). With increasing age, the pemiosteum becomes
sharp dissection is frequently needed to separate it as a thinner and its osteogenic capacity decreases. At skele-
distinct layer. The peniosteum contributes an important tal maturity, the cambium layer has almost completely
part of the blood supply to the bone. Pemiosteal cells disappeared, and the more superficial fibrous layer thins
can resorb and form bone in response to local or sys- and becomes less cellular.. Despite these changes, pen-
temic stimuli and may have important moles in bone osteal cells continue to form new bone throughout life,
metabolism. as demonstrated by the increasing diameter of the di-
The periosteum consists of two layers: an outer layer aphysis of long bones with increasing age.
that is dense and fibrous and an inner layer that is looser
and more vascular and cellular..7. The inner layer con- Blood Supply to the Bone
tains cells that are capable of becoming osteoblasts and Mature bones have an elaborate vascular system
thus is referred to as the cambium or osteogenic layer. that supplies the cells of the marrow, bone tissue, and
The cells of this layer can also form hyaline cartilage peniosteum. Even within dense cortical bone tissue, the
under appropriate circumstances, and they help to form organization of vascular canals ensures that no cell
extmaosseous callus during fracture-healing.. During lies more than 300 micrometers from a blood yes-
bone growth, they secrete the organic matrix that en- sel3#{176}72.5.77.#{176}#{176}.
(Fig. 2). Disruptions of the blood
larges the diameter of the bone. The outer, fibrous layer supply to the bone due to disease, injury, or operative
has fewer cells and more collagen. It continues into the procedures can cause necrosis and impair healing. Thus,
joint capsule and thereby connects one bone to the next. effective treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and good
In addition, some tendons and ligaments insert pnimar- operative planning require an understanding of the
ily into this layer of the periosteum727. blood supply to the involved bones. This is particularly
The pemiosteum changes with age.. The thick cellu- important in such regions as the talus, scaphoid, tibial
diaphysis. femomal head, and othen epiphyses. where peniosteal amtenies . I Nutrient
#{149} arteries pass
trauma on an operation can easily disrupt the blood through the diaphysis and branch proximally and dis-
supply. The rate of blood flow varies among bones.3, and tally within the medullary cavity. Proximal and distal
the anatomy of the blood supply for each bone has some branches of the nutrient arteries join multiple fine
unique characteristics. Despite these differences. all long branches from the peniosteal and metaphyseal arteries
bones have the same general pattern of blood vessels, to form the medullary arterial system. Under normal
consisting of two circulatory systems: the pemiosteal- circumstances, this niedullary vascular system supplies
diaphyseal-metaphyseal system and the epiphyseal- most of the peniosteum-covered hone: therefore, the
physeal system. These two systems form anastomoses of primary direction of blood flow through the cortex is
variable extent on and within the pemiosteum and across centrifugal4. This pattern changes where dense fas-
the physes. cial structures, such as tendons. ligaments. or micros-
seous membranes, insert into the hone. In these areas,
Periosteal-Diap/iyseal-Metaphyseal Blood Supply
peniosteal vessels usually supply the outer third of the
The diaphyses and metaphyses of long hones have cortex.
three sources of blood supply: nutrient arteries, am- The periosteum also has an elaborate vascular sys-
tenies that penetrate the epiphysis and metaphysis, and tem2.o. A vascular plexus lies over the sum-
Fiu. 6-A
Figs. 6-A and 6-B: Radiographs of the leg of an eleven-year-old child. The leg was caught in the blades of a mowing machine.
Fig. 6-A: Immediately after the injury. there was segmental loss of the tibia. The soft tissues were also severely damaged. leaving onl a few
shreds of periosteum. The wound was debrided. and closure of the remnants of the tihial periosteal sleeve was attempted.
Fig. 6-B: Eighteen months after the injury. there was regeneration of an imperfect hut functional tihial diaphvsis.
face of the outer, fibrous layer and anastomoses with the vascular connections between the muscle and the
the vessels in skeletal muscle and with the network of pemiosteum remain intact.. (Figs. 6-A and 6-B). Thus,
vessels in the cambium layer of the peniosteum. In chil- disruption of the vascular connections between the pen-
dren. the vessels of the cambium layer form a well de- osteum and muscle may adversely influence both the
veloped vascular plexus and also penetrate bone to collateral blood supply to the muscle and the ability of
join with the intmaosseous vessels. With increasing age, the peniosteum to form new bone. While subpemiosteal
the number of periosteal vessels diminishes, and their dissection preserves these vascular connections, it can
contribution to the osseous blood supply may decline.. also be harmful because the bone is deprived of its usual
Nonetheless, the periosteal vascular network remains route of venous drainage and its collateral arterial sup-
an important part of osseous circulation throughout ply when the pemiosteum is stripped from it.22.
life. The anastomosis between the medullamy vascular
Under certain circumstances, the peniosteal vessels system and the pemiosteal system. including the arteries
may also he an important source of blood supply to penetrating the metaphysis, gives the diaphysis and
skeletal muscle2. When the blood supply to a muscle metaphysis a dual blood supply577.5.2. This may be
has been decreased or interrupted by damage to its nu- important after bone or soft-tissue injuries or after
trient artery or by a crush injury, separation of the mus- operative procedures.. 2.1 .122#{149} Limited circumferential
dc from the underlying pemiosteum further increases stripping of the pemiosteum does not decrease blood
the probability of necrosis of the muscle.2. If the flow in the middle layers of diaphyseal cortical bone.
nutrient artery to a muscle is severed but the muscle- Similarly, reaming of the medullamy canal and thereby
pemiosteal vascular connections are left intact, blood destruction of the medullamy vascular system also does
flow to the muscle does not markedly decrease.2. not substantially decrease blood flow in these layers.
Therefone, crush injuries of muscle are less likely to These observations as well as the complex anatomy
cause ischemic damage if the muscle-pemiosteal vascular of the vascular supply to cortical bone (Fig. 2) suggest
connections remain intact. The blood supply to the that the diaphysis can receive a major portion of its
outer. fibrous layer and the inner, cambium layer of blood supply from either the periosteal or the medul-
the pemiosteum depends on vascular connections with lary system and that either system can provide venous
skeletal muscle. This concept is supported by the obser- drainage ... .122
vation that pemiosteum can survive and form bone This dual circulatory system explains why diaphyseal
after it has been stripped from the bone. as long as and metaphyseal bone can remain viable and fractures
Transmission electron micrograph showing an osteoblast becoming an osteocyte. The cell has surrounded itself with matrix that has become
mineralized on one side of the cell (M) and partially mineralized (P) on the other. Cell processes extend from the cell into the mineralized
matrix (x 7(8)0). (Reprinted. with permission. from: Buckwalter. J. A.. and Cooper. R. R.: Bone structure and function. In Instructional Course
Lectures, The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Vol. 36, p. 39. Park Ridge. Illinois. The American Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons. 1987.)
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Transmission electron micrograph showing an osteocyte surrounded by matrix that was demineralized during preparation of the specimens.
Note the lens-shaped body of the cell and the large number of cell processes extending into the matrix surrounding the cell (x 6000).
can heal after either medullary reaming or peniosteal metaphysis2474.3 4.11. During skeletal growth, few if any
stripping. It also explains, in part, why segmental frac- blood vessels cross the cartilaginous portion of the phy-
tures that disrupt the medullany vascular supply in a limb sis, leaving the epiphysis and the epiphyseal pole of
that also has extensive soft-tissue injury or peniosteal the physis dependent on blood vessels that penetrate
stripping may result in delayed union or non-union and the epiphysis. After closure of the physis, vascular chan-
why it is best to avoid operative procedures that may nels penetrate the physeal scar, but their functional im-
damage both the medullary and the periosteal blood portance remains uncertain2431411.. In particular, they
supply. may not be sufficient to supply the entire epiphysis af-
ten damage to the penetrating epiphyseal arteries. This
Epiphyseal-Physeal Blood Supply arrangement appears to be at least partially mesponsi-
The bilOd supply to most epiphyses is more precar- ble for the frequency of necrosis of the capital femoral
ious than the supply to the penimteum, diaphysis, or epiphysis, the epiphysis of the second metatarsal, and
---. -.
FIG. 9
Light micrograph of osteocytes. showing their cell processes. The cell processes extend radially from the cell bodies and form complex
branching patterns (x 2500).
the epiphysis of the humeral capitellum. The capital hiferate and differentiate into osteoblasts. For exam-
femoral epiphysis is especially vulnerable to loss of its ple. after a fracture. a sequence of events (including
blood supply since its penetrating vessels must pass the release of a variety of growth factors) stimulates
along the femomal neck, where they are easily injured by migration, proliferation, and differentiation of these
dislocation of the hip. fracture of the femoral neck, or undifferentiated cells into the osteoblasts responsible
operative dissection. for fracture-healing..
To carry out the diverse functions of the formation Osteoblasts line the surfaces of bone and pack
of bone, resorption of bone. mineral homeostasis, and tightly against adjacent osteoblasts.72..7.3. When ac-
repair of bone, hone cells assume specialized forms dis- live, they have a mounded, oval, polyhedral form and an
tinguished by morphology. function. and characteristic osteoid seam separates them from mineralized matrix.
location. They originate from two cell lines: a mesenchy- When synthesizing new matrix, they contain abundant
mal stem-cell line and a hematopoietic stem-cell line. endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi membranes, and mito-
The mesenchymal stem-cell line consists of undifferen- chondnia. The surface of the cell applied to the newly
tiated cells or preosteoblasts, osteoblasts, bone-lining formed organic matrix contains primarily endoplasmic
cells, and osteocytes. The hematopoietic stem-cell line reticulum while the nucleus lies in the pole of the cell
consists of circulating or marrow monocytes, preosteo- opposite the endoplasmic reticulum. The cytoplasmic
clasts, and osteoclasts. processes of osteoblasts extend through the osteoid ma-
tnix to come into contact with osteocytes within the
Undifferentiated Mesenchymal Cells mineralized matrix (Fig. 7). These specialized cell con-
Undifferentiated mesenchymal cells that have the tacts may help to coordinate the activities of these two
potential to become osteoblasts (also referred to as pre- types of cells.
osteoblasts) reside in the hone canals. endosteum, pen- The most apparent function of osteoblasts is the
osteum, and mamrow.7.4477.77. (Fig. 4). They may synthesis and secretion of the organic matrix of bone,
also enter the bone by migrating from surrounding tis- but these cells may also have a mole in controlling dcc-
sues or from the blood. Vascular pemicytes provide an- trolyte fluxes between the extracellulam fluid and the
other source of preosteoblasts4... Undifferentiated cells osseous fluid and they may influence the mineraliza-
have an irregular form. a single nucleus. minimum cyto- lion of bone matrix through the synthesis of organic
plasm, and few organelles (Fig. 4). They remain in their matrix components of bone and the production of
undifferentiated state until they are stimulated to pro- matrix vesicles...7. In addition. systemic hormones, in-
FIG. 10-A
Figs. 10-A and 10-B: Transmission electron micrographs of dense. mineralized cortical hone. showing canaliculi containing osteocyte cell
processes in densely mineralized hone matrix.
Fig. 10-A: Multiple canaliculi extending throughout the matrix (x 5000).
FIG. 10-B
Higher-magnification micrograph showing two osteocyte cell processes making contact at a distance from the cell bodies (x 16,001)).
cluding parathyroid hormone and local cytokines. may their synthetic activity. and assume the flatter form of
stimulate osteoblasts to release mediators that activate bone-lining cells: they may surround themselves with
osteoclasts.. matrix and become osteocytes (Fig. 7): or they may dis-
Active osteoblasts may follow one of three courses. appear from the site of bone formation.7. In adults,
They may remain on the surface of the bone. decrease many more osteoblasts appear at the site of bone for-
mation, including the site of bone-remodeling and that tend throughout the mineralized bone matrix to come
of fracture-healing, than survive as osteocytes or bone- into contact with cytoplasmic processes from other cells
lining cells after the completion of the bone formation. (Figs. 10-A and 10-B). The total surface area of the bone
Therefore, a large number of osteoblasts must be me- matrix that is covered by osteocyte cell bodies and their
moved by some as yet unknown mechanism7. cell processes exceeds the combined area covered by
pemiosteal and endosteal cells by roughly two orders of
Bone-Lining Cells
Bone-lining cells lie directly against the bone matrix The large. complex network of cells covering the
and have an elongated or flattened form and cytoplas- internal and external surfaces of bone may be extremely
mic extensions that penetrate the bone matrix to come sensitive to stresses on the bone and also may be able
into contact with the cytoplasmic extensions of osteo- to control the movement of ions in and out of the mm-
cytes77. They are sometimes referred to as resting os- eralized matrix. In particular. this arrangement may be
teoblasts or surface osteocytes. Both lining cells and critical in allowing the cell-mediated exchange of mm-
osteocytes have less cytoplasm and fewer organelles emal to take place between the fluid in the bone and the
than do active osteoblasts. When exposed to parathymoid blood. The interconnections between osteocytes. osteo-
hormone, lining cells contract and secrete enzymes that blasts, and bone-lining cells may allow this cell network
remove the thin layer of osteoid that covers the miner- to sense deformation of bone and streaming potentials
alized matrix7. These actions appear to be the first steps occurring therein and to coordinate the formation and
in permitting osteoclasts to attach to the surface of the resorption of bone and the flow of mineral ions between
bone and to begin resorption of bone. Through these the bone matrix and the extravascular fluid spaces of
actions and possibly others, lining cells may have a mole the bone.
in attracting osteoclasts to specific sites and in stimulat-
ing them to resorb bone. Osteoclasts
, -.
,, 1
FIG. 11
Scanning electron micrograph showing two osteoclasts that have created resorption cavities. Note the irregular shapes of the cells (x 5500).
(Reprinted, with permission. from: Kessel, R. G., and Kardon, R. H.: Tissues and Organs: a Text-Atlas of Scanning Microscopy, p. 31. New York.
W. H. Freeman, 1979.)
Fi;. 12-A
Figs. 12-A. 12-B. and 12-C: Transmission electron micrographs of osteoclasts. (Reprinted. with permission. from: Buckwalter, J. A.. and
Cooper. R. R.: Bone structure and function. In Instructional Course Lectures. The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Vol. 36. pp.
42-44. Park Ridge.Illinois.The American Academy ofOrthopaedic Surgeons. 1987.)
Fig. 12-A: The osteoclast has applied itself to the surface of the mineralized hone matrix. Note the multiple nuclei. the large number of
mitochondria (oval or ellipsoidal membrane-bound organelles that serve as the cells principal source of energy) (arrow). and the formation
of a ruffled cell border in the region of resorption (x 6000).
L._\;;.:4A-- c
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F .
FIG. 12-B
An osteoclast brush border. Note the complex folding of the cell membrane and the direct application of the brush border to the
mineralized matrix (x 8500).
occasionally can be found on the surface of endosteal, they lead osteonal cutting cones that tunnel through
havemsian, and peniosteal hone. On cancellous or pen- the bone, creating resorption cavities (Fig. I 1).
osteal surfaces, they create a characteristic depression When osteoclasts are active, mitochondnia fill much
referred to as a Howship lacuna. In dense cortical bone, of their cytoplasm to supply the great amount of energy
Fiu. 12-C
High-magnification micrograph of the brush border applied to the mineralized matrix (x 12.000).
that is required to resorb bone (Figs. 12-A, 12-B, and divide into mononuclear cells that can be reactivated to
12-C). Perhaps their most distinctive feature is the com- form new osteoclasts.
plex folding of the cytoplasmic membrane where it is Osteopetrosis demonstrates the adverse effects of
applied to the site of resorption of the bone matrix (Figs. inadequate or ineffective osteoclast function23. In this
12-A, 12-B, and 12-C). This muffled or brush border ap- disorder, the bone is extremely dense, hard, and white.
pears to play a critical part in the degradation of the A mixture of calcified cartilage, bone, and fibrous tissue
matrix. A region of cytoplasm that is free of organelles, occupies most of the marrow, leaving little normal mar-
referred to as the clear zone, surrounds the brush bom- mow space. Loss of normal marrow elements, as a result
den. The clear zone may allow the brush border to move of failure of the osteoclasts to resorb calcified cartilage
along the surface of the bone matrix or help the cell to and bone, may lead to severe anemia, infection, and
bind to the matrix and seal off a region for resorption. death. Although a number of abnormalities may con-
A region containing membrane-bound vesicles and vac- tribute to this condition, the principal defect is that the
uoles lies within the cell, deep to the ruffled border. osteoclasts fail to resorb calcified cartilage and bone.
These structures may be invaginations or infoldings of This observation and those concerning the origin of os-
the brush border and may contain fragments of de- teoclasts have led to the successful treatment of human
graded bone matrix. and animal forms of osteopetmosis by transplantation of
Osteoclasts have an extremely efficient method for bone marrow containing monocytes that differentiate
destroying bone matrix.7. They first bind themselves into bone-mesorbing cells and remove excessive bone
to the surface of the bone, creating a sealed space be- and calcified cartilage23.
tween the cell and the bone matrix. Endosomes contain-
Bone Matrix
ing membrane-bound proton pumps move to the region
of the cell nearest the bone and insert into the cell Bone matrix has such great durability and stability
membrane, the brush border forms, and the pumps that it can remain essentially unchanged and retain
transport protons into the sealed space, decreasing the much of its strength for centuries after death#{176}.Exami-
pH from approximately 7 to approximately 4.. The acid nation of lamellar bone shows that the matrix usually
pH solubihizes the bone mineral. To degrade the remain- makes up more than 90 per cent of the volume of the
ing organic matrix, the cell secretes acid proteases... In tissue, with the remainder made up mostly of cells, cell
addition, the osteoclast may phagocytize some matrix processes, and blood vessels (Fig. 3). Bone matrix is a
fragments and degrade them within cytoplasmi. vacu- comp site material consisting of an organic and an in-
oles. At least in areas of cancellous bone, an osteoclast ongar i. component... The inorganic component con
may move from one site of resorption to another. Once tributes approximately 65 per cent of the wet weight of
an osteoclast has completed its mesomptive activity, it may the bone. The organic component usually contributes a
little more than 20 per cent of the wet weight, and water tors.20223..73...7... It is not certain whether all of
contributes approximately 10 per cent4.. The organic these proteins are synthesized by bone cells or whether
component, primarily collagen, gives bone its form and they are synthesized by cells outside of the bone and
contributes to its ability to resist tension, while the in- then incorporated into the bone matrix. However, their
organic, or mineral, component primarily resists corn- presence within bone and their potential to affect the
pression. Bones that have been demineralized or have activity of bone cells strongly suggest that they have an
had their organic matrix removed readily demonstrate important role in controlling bone-cell function.
the different contributions of the two matrix cornpo-
nents. Either of these procedures leaves the bone with Inorganic Matrix
its original form and size but greatly alters its mechani- The inorganic matrix, or mineral phase, of bone per-
cal properties. Deminerahized bone, hike a tendon or forms two essential functions: it serves as an ion meser-
ligament, is flexible, pliable, and resistant to fracture. A voir, and it gives bone most of its stiffness and strength3..
deminerahized long bone such as the fibula can be bent Approximately 99 per cent of the body calcium, approx-
or even tied in a knot without fracturing. In contrast, imately 85 per cent of the phosphorus, and between 40
removal of the organic matrix makes bone rigid and and 60 per cent of the total body sodium and magne-
brittle; even slight deformation fractures it, and a sharp sium are associated with the bone mineral crystals, the
blow shatters it. major source of these ions to and from the extracellular
fluid.. By serving as a reservoir for these ions, the mom-
Organic Matrix
ganic matrix of bone helps to maintain their extracellu-
The organic matrix of bone resembles the matrix of lam fluid concentrations within the manges necessary for
dense fibrous tissues such as tendons, ligaments, and critical physiological functions, including nerve conduc-
joint capsules. Collagens, predominantly type I along tion and muscle contraction as well as most of the im-
with small amounts of types V and XII, make up approx- portant biochemical reactions. In addition, the mock-like
imatehy 90 per cent of the organic matrix. The other 10 calcium-phosphate crystals within the organic matrix of
per cent consists of non-collagenous glycoproteins and bone create a rigid material with the mechanical prop-
bone-specific pmoteoglycans#{176}. Type-I collagen is distin- erties necessary to withstand the forces imposed by nor-
guished from other collagens by its unique amino-acid mah activity.
content, the relatively large diameter of its fibnils, and Recent studies....#{176}of the bone mineral crystals
its presence in tissues subjected to large tensile loads, have shown that they are not pure hydroxyapatite
including tendon and ligament. (Ca,0[P04][OH2I,). Instead, they contain both carbonate
Heritable abnormalities of type-I collagen lead to a ions and acid phosphate groups (HP042). The acid
heterogeneous group of conditions recognized as osteo- phosphate groups in bone crystals have been shown to
genesis impemfecta.5. Thus far, all kindreds of patients be unique to these biological crystals and are not the
who have osteogenesis imperfecta have been shown same acid phosphate groups found in other calcium
to have collagen defects due to amino acid substitu- crystals, such as brushite (CaHPO422H2O). In addi-
tions, but different kindreds may have different substi- tion, unlike pure. hydmoxyapatite. bone crystals do not
tutions7.5237. Patients who have these abnormalities contain OH groups. Therefore, bone mineral crystals
of bone type-I collagen have increased fragility of bone should be classified as apatite rather than hydmoxy-
associated with either a decreased amount of normal apatite. Large numbers of the carbonate and acid
type-I collagen or an abnormality of the structure of the phosphate groups are very labile and probably play
type-I collagen. important roles in the interaction of the crystals with
Bone also contains a variety of non-collagenous the surrounding extracellular fluid and with the organic
proteins that may influence the organization of the components of the matrix.
matrix, the mineralization of the bone, and the behav- Bone mineral crystals undergo important changes in
ion of the bone cells. These proteins include osteocalcin, composition, especially in the concentrations of carbon-
osteonectin, bone sialoprotein, bone phosphoproteins, ate and acid phosphate groups as a function of the age
and small pmoteoglycans.2233553255M.5717..#{176} il.124#{149} The spe- of the crystal. Thus, the biological functions of the cmys-
cific functions of these molecules remain uncertain, tals, including their role as ion reservoirs and their ef-
but at least some of them may influence minerahiza- fects on cell functio&, and possibly their contributions
tion..453. For example, phosphoprotein complexes may to the mechanical properties of bone, depend not only
help to initiate calcification.. Bone matrix also contains on the amount of mineral present but also on the age of
growth factors that can influence the function of bone the mineral crystals. Recent advances in phosphomus-31
cells. Growth factors that have been identified in bone nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging
include the transforming growth factor-n family, insulin- have made it possible to detect the kind and concentma-
hike growth factor-i insulin-like
, growth factor-2, bone tion of acid phosphate groups in intact bone and to
morphogenic proteins, platelet-derived growth factors, obtain simultaneous three-dimensional images of the
interleukin-1, interleukin-6, and colony-stimulating fac- bone mineral in selected regions of bone. In the future,
FIG. 13
Electron micrograph showing a very early stage of mineralization. The deposition of mineral occurs in a highly ordered fashion with an axial
repeating pattern of approximately 700 angstroms. Individual, plate-like crystals appear as dense lines when viewed on edge ( 1 ). Because the
crystals are quite thin, when viewed lying flat they appear as less dense outlines (2). (Reprinted. with permission. from: Glimcher. M. J.. and
Krane. S. M.: The organization and structure of bone. and the mechanism of calcification. In Treatise on Collagen. edited by B. S. Gould. Vol. 2.
New York, Academic Press, 1968.)
these techniques will make it possible to assess the local tnix vesicles, extmacelluhar membrane-bound structures
structure and metabolism of bone in metabolic bone formed from the osteoblast plasma membrane2.... Al-
diseases and during fracture-healing. though it has been suggested that mitochondnia and
matrix vesicles may influence mineralization directly
or indirectly by concentrating and releasing calcium
Mineralization of bone, the formation of solid cal- phosphate2..2, their exact mole has not been established
cium phosphate from soluble calcium and phosphate clearly..
in the organic matrix of bone, does not occur as a result Mineralization usually proceeds quite rapidly once
of a chemical reaction: it represents a phase trans- it begins; 60 per cent or more of the ultimate mm-
formation, a process exemplified by the formation of eral forms within hours. After this initial phase. mineral
ice from water... Solid calcium phosphate in bone first continues to accumulate over a prolonged time, grad-
appears as a poorly crystalline apatit&..2. With time, ually increasing the density of the bone. Although the
the crystalhinity of the apatite increases, but it never changes in the composition of the organic matrix that
approaches the highly crystalline state of naturally oc- occur during mineralization remain poorly understood,
cunning geological hydroxyapatite or synthetic hydmoxy- it is clear that, as mineralization proceeds, the water and
apatite made by the precipitation of calcium phosphate probably the non-collagenous protein concentrations
in vitro... decrease as the mineral concentration increases, but the
Mineralization of bone collagen fibnihs occurs in an collagen concentration and organization remain mela-
organized fashion3...2 (Fig. 13); mineral first appears tively unchanged. Changes in specific non-collagenous
in specific hole zone regions of the collagen fibnils. Un- matrix components during mineralization may be im-
mineralized regions of the fibmils initially separate the portant in controlling the process, but these possible
mineralized hole zone regions. Progressive minemahiza- effects have not been well defined.
lion of the matrix occurs as mineral appears in an in- With increasing mineralization and organization of
creasing number of hole zone regions within collagen the matrix, maturation of bone crystals, and replace-
fibmils and as the growth of the crystals extends to in- ment of woven bone by hamellar bone, the stiffness of
dude the zone of the collagen fibnils between hole bone increases.. These matumational changes in bone
zones so that mineral deposits eventually occupy all matrix help to explain why the bones of children often
of the available space within the fibrihs (Fig. 14). Dun- differ from those of adults with regard to patterns
ing the mineralization of bone, granules of calcium of fmacture7...... When subjected to excessive force,
phosphate appear in osteoblast mitochondnia and ma- normal adult bone usually breaks rather than deforms.
Electron micrograph of undecalcified, unstained, well mineralized bone. Note the regular axial repeating pattern (approximately 700
angstroms) of mineral densities along the longitudinal axes of the collagen fibrils. In some areas. dense crystals obscure the collagen fibrils.
(Reprinted. with permission. from: Glimcher, M. J.. and Krane, S. M.: The organization and structure of bone, and the mechanism of
calcification. In Treatise on Collagen, edited by B. S. Gould. Vol. 2. New York. Academic Press. 1968.)
In contrast, the bones of children may bow or buckle matures and the mineralization of the bone increases
rather than break. Bowing, or plastic deformation, of the and the mineral phase matures, these fracture patterns
bones of children is most commonly seen when an injury become less common.
deforms the ulna, the radius, or the fibuha beyond its The abnormal mechanical properties of bone in pa-
ability to resume its original shape. In torus fractures in tients who have osteomalacia or rickets.2 illustrate the
children, a compression load buckles the bone, usually importance of mineralization for normal skeletal func-
in the metaphysis, rather than breaking it. Children also tion. In these patients, osteoblasts synthesize and secrete
sustain greenstick fractures in which a bending force osteoid but the osteoid fails to mineralize. As the pro-
fractures the cortex and ruptures the peniosteum on the portion of the unmineralized matrix increases relative
side of the bone loaded in tension but leaves the cortex to the mineralized matrix, the bone weakens and skele-
and peniosteum intact on the opposite side. As a child tal deformities or pathological fractures may develop.
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