CH21 Relining and Rebasing The Removable Partial Denture
CH21 Relining and Rebasing The Removable Partial Denture
CH21 Relining and Rebasing The Removable Partial Denture
ifferentiation between relining and rebasing halO tissue conditioning material5, with an activated acrylic
D been di5cu55ed previously in resin used as an impression material, or with a mouth-
Chapter 1. Briefly, relining is the resurfacing of the temperature wax:
tissue surface of a denture base with new In deciding between a closed-mouth and an open-
material to make it fit the underlying tisSUQS mouth impression method for relining, one must first
more accurately, whereas rebasing is the replacement of consider the reasons for doing so and the objectives to be
the entire denture base with new material while obtained. Again, it is necessary to differentiate between
preserving the occlusal relationship. The artificial teeth the two basic types of partial dentures, one being the all
may need to be replaced in a rebase procedure. tooth-supported restoration and the other the tooth- and
Relining removable restorations is 11 common tissue-supported restoration.
occurrence in many dental practices; however, rebasing Before relining or rebasing is undertaken, the oral
is not indicated as often. tissues must be returned to an acceptable state of health.
In either situation a new impreSSion regis_ tration is For murt: information refer to the Chapter 16 discussion
necessary and uses the existing denture base as an about conditioning abused and irritated tissues.
impression tray for either a dosed-mouth or an open-
mouth impression procedure. One of several types of
impression materials may be used. The impression may
be made with a metallic oxide impression paste, with
one of the rubber-base or silicone impression materials, 'From An impression made while the mouth is closed and
with one of the with the patient's muscular activity molding the borders.
In Zwemer TJ, ed: Boucher's clinical dental terminology,
ed 3, St Louis, 1982, Mosby.
452 McCracken's removable partial prosthodontics
c D
Fig. 21-1 Because of potential for occlusal distortion, alternative procedure for relining _hould be
considered. Metal reline jig may be used effectively to preserve vertical and occ1wml rdalion;:!hip_
of partial denture. Procedure firBt requircB that suitable impression be "ccompli"hQd, following
guidelines discu""ed in text. A, Stone cast 1S made to record impression portion and also to contact
but not entrap, sufficient parts of framework to ensure stable cast base. I}, Cast is then affixed to
upper or lower member of reline jib' C, OcclUBaJ BurfaceB are isolMp.1 in blackout and stone
opposing cast is poured and secured to other member of jig. V, When stone has thoroughly set, jig is
separated, partial denture i" removed from cast and
ti"sue surface(,,) and border" are relieved
denture flange. Then wax may bc rcmovcd from the acrylic resin is then used to attach the teeth. If an
denture base and teeth and the tissuebea.rinlJ tmrfa.ce autopolymerizing material is used it can be conveniently
coated with a bondino aocnt. Those areas on the stone sprinkled on by a buccal approach. The buccal surface of
matrix, intimate to the new acrylic resin to be added, the denture base adjacent Lo Lhe Leeth _hould be
should be painted with a tinfoil substitute or an air _li15htly overfilled BO the cuned :shape nmy be re_tored
barrier coating material if a visible light-cured (VLC) to thiB portion of the base during finishing and polishing
material is to be used. The new teeth are placed in the procedures. Occlusal discrepancies caused by this
stone matrix, and the matrix is accurately attached to the procedure should be corrected on the articulator by new
denture base with sticky wax or a hot glue gun. VLC jaw relation records if the denture has a distal extension
material or an autopolymerizing base.
Chapter Relining and rebasing the removable partial denture 457
E f
FiS' :1:1-1, c:ont'd. E, A1.1.toFolymorizins acrylic rQsin is mixQd to thick, runny consistency and
carefully placed into base and into any deep llrell1\ of Cll1\t. F, Framework io replaced on Ci1ot, and
membcm of jig Qre realigned. and. tisht...nQd to complete closure, covered with warm water, and
placQd in a pmssure pot at 20 psi for 15 minutes G, Re'<toration is finished and polished. Became of
secure positioning of base to cast this mf'thod virtually ensures that no changes will occur in occlusal
vertical dimension or in occlusal relationship.
A second method i1\ to remove the original teeth and adjuBtment in the mouth and should exhibit the occlusal
replace them '-\lith a hard inlay '-\laX occlusion rim vn harmony that is possible by this method.
which a functional ret;iBtmtion of occlusal pathways is
then established (see Chapter 17). Either the original
teeth or new teeth may then be arranged to occlude with
the templ:at._ thus obtained and subsequently attached SJ:,LF- A:):)J:,sSMBNT
to the denture base with processed VLC material or AIDS
alltopolymerizing acrylic resin. If the latter is used, the
need for flasking may be eliminated by securing the 1. What is the difference between relining and
teeth to a stone matrix while the acrylic resin attachment rebaBin15 an acrylic reBin denture base?
is applied with a brush technique. Regardless of the 2. On occasion, tissue changes beneath toothsupported
method used for reattaching the teeth, the occlusion thus denture bases require correction of the bases to
established should require little reestablish intimate contact of the base and residual
ridge. List three indications that would lead one to
believe that intimate contact must be restored.
458 McCracken's removable partial prosthodontics
3. In any relining procedure, it is necessary to relieve 9. There is little difference in relining a distal extension
the borders and tissue surface of the denture base denture base and making a secondary impression
before making an impression. Why b thb required? with a tray attached to the framework. Describe the
4. Tooth-supported removable partial denture bases procedures, both clinical and laboratory, that must
may often be relined with a colormatching, be performed in relining a distal extension base.
autopolymerizing, or VLC acrylic resin as a 10. After completion of the reline procedure and
chairside procedure. Describe such a procedure, and finishing of the restoration, occlusal dbcrepancil's
include preparation of the invariably occur. ThI'Y must bl' cor
bases as well as the precautions that must be rected before the patient IS given possessIOn of the
observed for patient comfort. restoration. How are occlusal discrepancies for a relined
5. When relining a tooth-supported base, why should the distal extension denture corrected?
anatomic or functional form of the ridge be used? 11. Should the same adjustment procedures of the
6. Suppose that rests are not correctly seated in their denture ba_e to re_idual ridge be undertaken for a
prepared _eat_ when a chair_ide reline procedure is relined base as was performed for initial placement
accomplished. What mu_t be done? of a new denture? Why or why not?
7. Suppose a Class III, modification I, type of 12. Dues adjustment of the denture base to the basal
removable restoration must be relined: the seat precede or follow correction of occlusal
edentulous areas of the residual ridge are from discrepancies? Why?
canine to third molar on each side, and some 13. Suppose that after relining a distal extension denture
support of the _ases by the residual ridges is base one finds occlusal contacts of opposing
desired. What procedure should be undertaken to posterior artificial teeth are minimal or nonexistent
acceptably reline the restoration? Include What then?14. Before relining or reba"ing i"
impression procedure, impression material, undertaken, the oral tissues should be returned to a
processing, and correction of any occlusal state of health. True or falsl'? Rationalizl' your
discrepancies encountered. answer.
8. There are two indications of the need for relining a
distal extension removable partial denture. State
the"e two indications.