Carbon Nanomaterials

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Materials Today  Volume 16, Numbers 7/8  July/August 2013 RESEARCH


Carbon nanomaterials for high-

performance supercapacitors
Tao Chen and Liming Dai*
Center of Advanced Science and Engineering for Carbon (Case4Carbon), Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, Case Western Reserve
University, 10900 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA

Owing to their high energy density and power density, supercapacitors exhibit great potential as high-
performance energy sources for advanced technologies. Recently, carbon nanomaterials (especially,
carbon nanotubes and graphene) have been widely investigated as effective electrodes in
supercapacitors due to their high specific surface area, excellent electrical and mechanical properties.
This article summarizes the recent progresses on the development of high-performance supercapacitors
based on carbon nanomaterials and provides various rational concepts for materials engineering to
improve the device performance for a large variety of potential applications, ranging from consumer
electronics through wearable optoelectronics to hybrid electric vehicles.

Introduction harmful emissions, and reducing the reliance on petroleum sources.

Global energy consumption, along with CO2 emission, has been The world market for supercapacitors has been growing steadily and
accelerating at an alarming rate due to rapid global economic rapidly [1]. To improve the performance of state-of-the-art super-
expansion, an increase in the world population, and an ever- capacitors to meet the stringent requirements for the applications
increasing human reliance on energy-consuming appliances. It mentioned above, and many other advanced applications not dis-
has been estimated that the world will need to double its energy cussed (e.g. portable, transparent and wearable electronics), new
supply by 2050 (see the World Energy Council Website at electrode materials with superior properties over those of current The rapid increase in global energy con- activated carbon electrodes are needed and new device structures
sumption and the environmental impact of traditional energy (e.g. all-solid state supercapacitors [6,7], optically transparent [8,9],
resources pose serious challenges to human health, energy secur- mechanically flexible and stretchable [1012], and even fiber-
ity, and the environment; and reveal a growing need to develop shaped [1315] supercapacitors) are highly desirable.
new types of clean and sustainable energy conversion and storage Nanotechnology has opened up new frontiers by offering
systems, such as batteries and supercapacitors for electric vehicles unique enabling technologies and new materials for energy sto-
with low exhaust emissions. rage. In particular, graphitic carbon nanomaterials (e.g. carbon
Supercapacitors, also called as ultracapacitors, are electrochemi- nanotubes, graphene sheets) have been playing a more and more
cal energy storage devices that combine the high energy-storage- important role in the development of high-performance super-
capability of conventional batteries with the high power-delivery- capacitors [4,5]. The aim of this article is to summarize recent
capability of conventional capacitors [14]. Being able to achieve progress in the development of supercapacitors (especially elec-
higher power and longer cycle life than conventional dielectric trical double layer capacitors) based on carbon nanomaterials and
capacitors and batteries, supercapacitors have been developed to to provide various rational concepts for materials engineering to
provide power pulses for a large variety of applications, ranging from improve device performance.
consumer electronics through hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) to
industrial electric utilities [5]. Therefore, supercapacitors play Supercapacitors
an important role in achieving better fuel economy, decreasing A typical supercapacitor consists of three essential components,
namely the electrodes, the electrolyte, and the separator. The
*Corresponding author:. Dai, L. ( overall performance of supercapacitors is determined by the

272 1369-7021/06/$ - see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Materials Today  Volume 16, Numbers 7/8  July/August 2013 RESEARCH

physical properties of both the electrode and the electrolyte (a purely electrostatic process) at the electrode-electrolyte inter-
materials. Nevertheless, the electrode is one of the most important face with no charge transfer across the electrodes, suggesting a
components for charge storage/delivery, and plays a crucial role in non-faradic process. By contrast, pseudo-capacitance arises from
determining the energy and power densities of a supercapacitor. reversible redox reaction(s) between the electrolyte and active
The electrochemical performance of a supercapaictor can be char- species on the surface of electrodes. Although pseudo-capacitance
acterized by cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic chargedis- higher than EDLC capacitance can be achieved, supercapacitors
charge measurements [14]. The capacitance (C) is determined based on pseudo-capacitance often suffer from the poor electrical
from the constant current discharge curves according to Eqn 1: conductivity of the electroactive species, and hence demonstrate
I low power density and cycling stability. Therefore, the combina-
C (1) tion of both EDLC and pseudo-capacitance presents an effective

means to improve the overall capacitance of a supercapacitor.
where I is the discharge current and dV/dt is calculated from the
Since both EDLC and pseudocapacitance are surface phenom-
slope of the discharge curve. Then, the specific capacitance (CSP)
ena, high-surface-area mesoporous carbon and activated carbons
for one electrode in a supercapacitor can be calculated using the
(specific surface area: 10002000 m2 g1) have been widely used as
following equation:
electrode materials in both academic and commercial supercapa-
4C citors [1619]. Taking a specific surface area of 1000 m2 g1 for
CSP F g1 (2)
m carbon as an example, its ideal attainable capacitance could be
where C is the measured capacitance for the two-electrode cell and 200500 F g1. However, the practically obtained values are of
m is the total mass of the active materials in both electrodes. The only a few tens of F g1. Activated carbons have a wide pore size
mass can also be replaced by volume or area of the electrodes distribution, consisting of micropores (<2 nm), mesopores (2
depending on the nature of the targeted applications. The stored 50 nm), and macropores (>50 nm) [17,18], with most of the sur-
energy (E) and the power density (P) in a supercapacitor can then face area of activated carbons being on the scale of micropores [20].
be calculated from Eqns 3 and 4, respectively: Pores of this size are often poorly or non-accessible for electrolyte
ions (especially for organic electrolytes), and thus are incapable of
CV 2
E (3) supporting an electrical double layer. By contrast, mesopores
contribute the most to the capacitance in an electrical double-
layer capacitor [2123]. However, recent experimental and theo-
P (4) retical studies have demonstrated that charge storage in pores 0.5
2 nm in size (smaller than the size of solvated electrolyte ions)
where C (F g1) is the total capacitance of the cell, V is the cell increased with decreasing pore size due to the closer approach of
voltage, and RS is the equivalent series resistance. the ion center to the electrode surface in the smaller pores [18,24
The principle of energy storage in a supercapacitor can be either 26]. Pores less than 0.5 nm wide are too small for double layer
(i) electrostatic charge accumulation at the electrode/electrolyte formation [26]. Currently available activated carbon materials
interface (electrical double layer capacitance, EDLC), as schema- have a high surface area but unfortunately a low mesoporosity,
tically shown in Fig. 1, or (ii) charge transfer, via reversible (Far- and hence a limited capacitance due to a low electrolyte accessi-
adaic) redox reaction(s), to redox materials (e.g. conductive bility [20]. This translates to the limited energy density of the
polymers, metal oxide nanoparticles) on the surface of electrode resultant supercapacitors (Eqn 3). The low electrolyte accessibility
(pseudo-capacitance). In practical supercapacitors, the two storage of activated carbons, coupled with their poor electrical conduc-
mechanisms often work simultaneously [16]. Different charge tivity, produces a high internal resistance and hence a low power
transfer processes involved in the EDLC and pseudo-capacitance density for the capacitors (Eqn 4) [20]. Consequently, a limited
[(Figure_1)TD$IG][4,5,16]. In EDLC, the energy is stored through ion adsorption energy density (45 Wh kg1) and a limited power density

Schematic illustration of the charging/discharging process in a supercapacitor.

RESEARCH Materials Today  Volume 16, Numbers 7/8  July/August 2013

(12 kW kg1) have been obtained for currently available super- including its high aspect ratio (the ratio of lateral size to thickness),
capacitors based on the activated carbon electrodes [20]. Clearly, large surface (2630 m2 g1) [3840], excellent carrier mobility
therefore, new materials are needed to overcome the drawbacks of (15,000 cm2 V1 s1 for both electrons and holes) [41], and good
activated carbon electrode materials to improve the performances mechanical properties [42], graphene is an attractive candidate for
for supercapacitors. many potential applications where CNTs have been exploited.
Owing to their large surface area, high mesoporosity and elec- Superior to CNTs, one-atom-thick graphene sheets with a 2D
trolyte accessibility, and good electrical properties, carbon nano- planar geometry could offer additional advantages as more effec-
materials, especially graphene and carbon nanotubes (CNTs), are tive electrode materials in supercapacitors [43]. Furthermore, the
very promising candidates to replace activated carbons as the availability of many rational strategies for materials engineering
electrode materials in high-performance supercapacitors [27,28]. and rich chemistries for controlled functionalization of both CNTs

Graphene, a single-atom-thick layer of sp2 carbon atoms densely and graphene should facilitate materials engineering for the devel-
packed into a two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb lattice, can be opment of various high-performance supercapacitors based on
viewed as the basic building block for carbon materials of all other carbon nanomaterials, as described below.
dimensionalities, such as 0D fullerene, 1D nanotubes, and 3D
graphite (Fig. 2) [27]. For instance, a carbon nanotube (CNT) High-performance supercapacitors by controlling the
may be conceptually viewed as a graphene sheet that is rolled orientation and tip structure of carbon nanotubes
into a nanoscale tube form as a single-walled carbon nanotube As mentioned above, CNTs with a high aspect ratio, large specific
(SWNT), or as a multiwalled carbon nanotube (MWNT) with surface area [30,31] and high electrical conductivity have been
additional graphene coaxial tubes around the SWNT core [29]. widely used as the active electrode in supercapacitors [28,3237].
CNTs with a high aspect ratio, large specific surface area (SWNT For instance, a supercapacitor of a specific capacitance of 102 F g1
>1600 m2 g1, MWNT >430 m2 g1) [30,31] as well as good with a power density >8 kW kg1 and an energy density of
mechanical and electrical (5000 S cm1) properties have been 1 Wh kg1 has been fabricated from electrodes based on free-
widely used as the active electrodes in supercapacitors [28,3237]. standing mats of entangled MWNTs in H2SO4 electrolyte [31].
[(Figure_2)TD$IG]Having many similarities to CNTs in structure and properties, More recently, a higher specific capacitance of 180 F g1 has been

The mother of all graphitic forms. Graphene is a 2D building block for carbon materials of all other dimensionalities. It can be wrapped up into 0D
buckyballs, rolled into 1D nanotubes or stacked into 3D graphite [27]. Reprinted from Ref. [27] with permission. Copyright 2007, Nature Publishing Group.

Materials Today  Volume 16, Numbers 7/8  July/August 2013 RESEARCH

achieved when a random SWNT network (Fig. 3a) was used as the connected directly onto a common electrode to allow them to
electrode in a KOH electrolyte [32]. In this particular case, the effectively participate in the charging/discharging process
maximum power density and energy density approached (Fig. 3d). Moreover, the top end-caps of the VA-CNTs can be
20 kW kg1 and 10 Wh kg1, respectively. This value of power properly opened (e.g. by plasma etching [44,46]) (Fig. 3eg) to
density is higher than those attainable by activated carbon-based allow the electrolyte access to the otherwise inaccessible inner
commercial capacitors, but the energy density still needs to be cavity of the VA-CNTs for charge storage. Indeed, recent research
improved. The randomly entangled or bundled structure could has demonstrated the improved rate capability of VA-CNTs over
have significantly reduced the CNT specific area with a concomi- randomly entangled CNTs [35,4449], along with enhanced
tant decrease in the electrochemical energy-storage performance energy density (148 Wh kg1) and power density (315 kW kg1)
[35,44,45]. [5055]. Specifically, a high capacitance has been obtained in 1 M

Compared to their randomly entangled counterparts, vertically- H2SO4 for a VA-CNT array electrode (365 F g1) prepared by tem-
aligned CNT arrays (VA-CNTs) have been demonstrated to be plate-assisted CVD [56] and in ionic liquid electrolytes [57] for an
advantageous for supercapacitor applications. Unlike the irregular VA-CNT electrode (440 F g1) prepared by a template-free CVD
pore structures of random CNTs (Fig. 3a), the vertically-aligned approach (Fig. 3eh) [44,49]. To further optimize the performance
structure and the well-defined tube-spacing in a VA-CNT array of VA-CNT supercapacitors, conductive polymer (e.g. polyaniline
(Fig. 3b,c) can provide a more electrolyte-accessible surface. The [58] and polypyrrole [59]) and metal oxide (e.g. MnO2 [60], TiO2
aligned structures should also provide improved charge storage/ [61] and RuO2 [62]) can be deposited onto the surface of CNTs to
delivery properties as each of the constituent aligned tubes can be introduce pseudocapacitance.


Typical structures of random, VA-CNTs and the schematic illumination of VA-CNT based supercapacitors. (a) SEM image of the as -grown randomly entangled
SWNTs [32]. Reprinted from Ref. [32] with permission. Copyright 2001, John Wiley and Sons. (b,c) SEM images of the as-grown forest (b) after having been
solidified with a droplet of liquid (c) [35]. Reprinted from Ref. [35] with permission. Copyright 2006, Nature Publishing Group. (d) SEM image of a plasma-
etched VA-CNT electrode (scale bar: 100 mm). (e) Higher magnification view of the electrode (scale bar: 100 nm). TEM images of the CNTs before (f ) and after
(g) plasma etching (scale bar: 20 nm) (h) Schematic of an electrochemical capacitor based on plasma-etched VA-CNT electrodes and ionic liquid electrolyte.
[44]. Reprinted from Ref. [44] with permission. Copyright 2009, Elsevier.

RESEARCH Materials Today  Volume 16, Numbers 7/8  July/August 2013

High-performance supercapacitors by controlling the 2 times higher than that of the activated carbon counterpart),
edge-structure and pp stacking of graphene sheets and excellent stability during bending from 08 to 1808 have also
Supercapacitors based on CNT electrodes do not exhibit the been developed by using a standard LightScribe DVD optical drive
expected performance (e.g. specific capacitance below 500 F g1) to directly reduce graphene oxide films to graphene electrodes
due to the high contact resistance between the CNT electrode and (Fig. 4ac) [71]. The performance can be further enhanced by using
current collector and its inefficient interaction with the electrolyte. a conductive polymer [72,73] or metal oxide [74,75] coating to
Besides, it is difficult, if not impossible, to scale up the production of introduce pseudocapacitance.
VA-CNTs for the commercialization of supercapacitors [63]. The Recent work on the EFG with various edge groups (e.g. H,
recent availability of solution-processable graphene oxide (GO) by COOH and SO3H) by effective and eco-friendly ball milling of
exfoliation of graphite powder via solution oxidation [64] and edge- graphite (Fig. 4d) provides an effective means for the development

functionalized graphene (EFG) sheets via ball milling [65,66] has of functionalized graphene materials with tailor-made chemical
allowed for the large-scale production of graphene materials at a structures and electronic properties attractive for multifunctional
relatively low cost for various device applications through solution applications [65], including large-area transparent and conducting
processing [67]. Due to its large surface area, high carrier transport electrodes for electronics and metal-free catalysts for oxygen
mobility and excellent thermal/mechanical stability, graphene has reduction reaction in fuel cells [66]. Although EFGs have hardly
recently been studied as an alternative carbon based electrode in been exploited for energy-storage application, the use of EFGs,
supercapacitors [68]. Theoretically, the double-layer capacitance having abundant active sites at the edge and perfect conjugation
value of a graphene electrode can reach up to 550 F g1, the highest (conductivity) on its basal plane, as the electrode materials could
value of intrinsic capacitance among all carbon-based electrodes lead to high-performance supercapacitors with a high rate cap-
[69,70]. Using chemically reduced graphene oxide electrodes, a ability. Through controllable self-assembling, EFGs should also
supercapacitor with specific capacitances of 135 and 99 F g1 in facilitate the formation of hierarchically structured electrodes in
aqueous and organic electrolytes, respectively, has been fabricated supercapacitors for specific applications.
[39], as was a supercapacitor with ultrahigh specific energy
density (85.6 Wh kg1 at room temperature and 136 Wh kg1 at High-performance supercapacitors based on 3D
80 8C) [70]. Recently, supercapacitors with high specific capacitance pillared graphene-carbon nanotube networks
(276 F g1), power density (20 W cm3, 20 times higher than that of Although graphene sheets with a large surface area are ideal
the activated carbon counterpart), energy density (1.36 mWh cm3, electrode materials for energy storage, a large portion of the surface

Structure and electrochemical properties of an all-solid-state supercapacitor based on laser-scribed graphene (LSG) and the synthetic route to edge-
functionalized graphene. (a) Schematic diagram of the supercapacitor based on LSG. Inset is a photograph showing the flexibility of the device. (b) A
comparison between performances of LSG-EC using gelled versus aqueous electrolytes. (c) Flexibility of the LSG-based supercapacitor: currentvoltage
measurements were collected at a scan rate of 1000 mV s1 [71]. Reprinted from Ref. [71] with permission. Copyright 2012, AAAS. (d) Syntheses and
proposed structures of edge-carboxylated graphene (ECG) and heat-treated (decarboxylated) ECG (H-ECG) [65]. Reprinted from Ref. [65] with permission.
Copyright 2012, the National Academy of Sciences.

Materials Today  Volume 16, Numbers 7/8  July/August 2013 RESEARCH

area associated with individual graphene sheets in the graphene for not only a fast ion diffusion but also efficient electron transport
electrode is inaccessible due to restacking via the strong pp [80]. However, it is difficult to control the porosity and pore
interaction. Therefore, it is crucial to physically separate 2D gra- distribution within the multilayered CNT/graphene hybrid film
phene sheets to preserve their high surface area, for example by as each of the constituent CNT and graphene layers is randomly
template-assisted construction of 3D graphene foams (Fig. 5a,b) assembled, and hence it is infeasible to further improve the device
with a porous structure and large surface area [7679]. In addition, performance. To address this issue, 3D pillared VA-CNT/graphene
a solution layer-by-layer self-assembling approach to prepare mul- architectures with alternating VA-CNT and graphene layers,
tilayered hybrid carbon films of alternating poly(ethyleneimine)- whose porous structure and pore distribution can be easily con-
modified graphene sheets and acid-oxidized MWNT layers was trolled by tuning the length and packing density of VA-CNTs, have
developed to construct supercapacitors with a relatively high been produced [8183] and investigated as ideal electrode materi-

specific capacitance of 120 F g1 (higher than those of verti- als for advanced supercapacitors [8488]. By intercalated growth of
cally-aligned [35] and random CNT electrodes [32]) and rate cap- VA-CNTs into thermally-expanded highly ordered pyrolytic gra-
ability since the well-defined interlayers of CNT networks allowed phite (HOPG), a 3D pillared VA-CNT/graphene architecture was

Structure of graphene foam, 3D pillared VA-CNT/graphene architecture and the electrochemical properties of its composite with Ni(OH)2. (a) Photograph of a
17 cm  22 cm free-standing graphene foam. (b) SEM image of a graphene foam [76]. Reprinted from Ref. [76] with permission. Copyright 2011, Nature
Publishing Group. (c) Schematic diagram of a 3D pillared VA-CNT/graphene nanostructure. (d) Typical SEM images of the 3D pillared VA-CNT/graphene
architectures. (e) Galvanostatic charge and discharge curves for the Ni(OH)2-coated VA-CNT/graphene electrode at a current density of 21.5 A/g. (f )
Dependency of the specific capacitance versus cycle number for the Ni(OH)2-coated VA-CNT/graphene electrode at a galvanostatic charge and discharge
current density of 21.5 A g1 [89]. Reprinted from Ref. [89] with permission. Copyright 2009, American Chemical Society.

RESEARCH Materials Today  Volume 16, Numbers 7/8  July/August 2013

created (Fig. 5c,d) [89], which showed a specific capacitance of High-performance supercapacitors with novel
about 110 F g1 in an electrical double layer supercapacitor. The structures
resulting 3D pillared structure hybridized with nickel hydroxide As discussed above, significant progress has been achieved with
coating showed a high specific capacitance (1065 F g1, Fig. 5e) conventional supercapacitors based on liquid electrolytes. How-
with a remarkable rate capability and excellent long-term electro- ever, they cannot satisfy the requirements for certain specific
chemical stability only 4% capacity loss after 20,000 charge applications, including portable, transparent and wearable elec-
discharge cycles (Fig. 5f) [89]. tronics. In this regard, recent work on the development of light-
The value of 1065 F g1 is about 10 times that of the high- weight, flexible, stretchable (Fig. 6ac) [1012] and/or transparent
surface-area activated carbons (<100 F g1) [90] and within the (Fig. 6d,e) [8,9] supercapacitors with novel structures (e.g. all-solid
range of 9531335 F g1 for graphene-supported single-crystalline [6,7], fiber-shaped [1315]; Fig. 6fh) has attracted a great deal of

nickel hydroxide hexagonal nanoplates [91]. In the 3D hierarch- attention. Highly-stretchable supercapacitors based on buckled
ical structure, VA-CNTs can act as not only mechanical supports SWNT macrofilm electrodes have also been developed by coating
for the graphene layers but also good conductive paths for elec- a thin SWNT film onto a pre-strained elastomeric substrate (poly-
trons and ions, and hence the high capacitance and excellent rate dimethylsiloxane, PDMS) and followed by relaxation of the pre-
capability. strained substrate (Fig. 6a) [11]. Even when these supercapacitors

Supercapacitors with novel structures and their electrochemical performances: (a) Schematical illustration of the fabrication steps of a buckled SWNT
macrofilm on an elastomeric PDMS substrate for stretchable supercapacitor. (b) Cyclic voltammograms of the stretchable supercapacitors measured at scan
rates of 100 mV s1. (c) Long chargedischarge cycling at a constant current density of 1 A g1 demonstrates the stability of the stretchable supercapacitor
under 0 and 30% applied tensile strain [10]. Reprinted from Ref. [10] with permission. Copyright 2009, John Wiley and Sons. (d,e) Optical pictures
demonstrating transparent (d) and flexible (e) natures of the supercapacitors [8]. Reprinted from Ref. [8] with permission. Copyright 2012, Nature Publishing
Group. (f ) Schematically illustration of a fiber-based supercapacitor. (g) Low-resolution SEM image of a Kevlar fiber covered with ZnO nanowire arrays. (Inset)
A close-up view (scale bar: 10 mm). (h) Higher-magnification SEM image of the plastic wire, showing arrays of NWs [13]. Reprinted from Ref. [13] with
permission. Copyright 2012, John Wiley and Sons.

Materials Today  Volume 16, Numbers 7/8  July/August 2013 RESEARCH

Structures and properties of integrated self-powering devices in planar and fiber forms. (a,b) Schematic and circuit illustrations of a PSC during the charging
(a) and discharging (b) process. (c,d) The voltage and current profiles versus time for the charging (c) and discharging (d) process of a PSC [95]. Reprinted
from Ref. [95] with permission. Copyright 2011, The Royal Society of Chemistry. (e) Photograph of a typical integrated wire-shaped device consisting of
photoelectric conversion (PC) and energy storage (ES). (f ) SEM image of the end PC part. (g) SEM image of the end ES part. (h) A typical photocharging
discharging curve of the integrated energy wire. The discharging current is 0.1 mA [98]. Reprinted from Ref. [98] with permission. Copyright 2012, John Wiley
and Sons.

were stretched up to 30% stains, their electrochemical properties an aligned CNT fiber and modified titanium wire as the two
and stabilities remained almost unchanged with respect to the electrodes, for simultaneous energy conversion and storage [98].
pristine state (Fig. 6b,c). By extension, stretchable electrodes based The supercapacitor in this integrated device can be rapidly charged
on graphene or aligned CNT films should be potential candidates to a voltage (Fig. 7h) close to the open-circuit voltage of the DSSC
for stretchable supercapacitors with a high efficiency [92,93], upon light irradiation. The entire energy conversion and storage
which can be used as the energy source for stretchable electronics. efficiency up to 1.5% was obtained by multiplying the energy
On the other hand, supercapacitors with high optical transparency conversion efficiency of the solar cell part and the energy storage
(Fig. 6d,e) are useful for personal electronics and energy windows efficiency of the storage part. We anticipate considerable technical
as power sources; they are also crucial components for many other challenges ahead but also believe many more developments will be
power-integrated devices (e.g. self-powered light-emitting diodes, made over the next few years to advance the fiber-shaped inte-
vide infra). Recently, supercapacitors in a fiber form (Fig. 6fh) grated self-powering systems for wearable electronic applications.
have been demonstrated to show many unique advantages,
including being lightweight, wearable and flexible, for use as Concluding remarks
power sources by integrating them into clothing, bags and other With global energy consumption and CO2 emissions increasing
textiles [1315]. Specific capacitance as high as 38 mF cm2 has exponentially, it is crucial to develop clean and renewable energy
been achieved for a fiber-shaped supercapacitor based on the CNT/ systems and advanced energy storage devices. Nanotechnology
PANI composite fiber electrodes [15]. has opened up new frontiers in materials science and engineering
to meet this challenge by creating new materials and technologies
Integrated self-powering systems for efficient energy conversion and storage. Of particular interest,
Self-powering systems with integrated energy conversion (e.g. carbon nanomaterials (e.g. CNTs and graphene) have been shown
solar cells) and storage (e.g. supercapacitors) devices have recently to be attractive for advanced energy storage applications. Recent
attracted more and more attention [9496]. Using an SWNT net- research and development clearly indicate that high-performance
work as the integration platform (Fig. 7a,b), for instance, a prin- supercapacitors can be prepared by using electrodes based on
table all-solid integrated device consisting of a polymer solar cell vertically-aligned CNTs with opened tips, graphene sheets with
(PSC) and a supercapacitor has been developed [95]. The super- tunable through-thickness pp stacking interactions and/or edge
capacitor charged when the integrated device was under an illu- functionalities, and 3D pillared graphene-carbon nanotube net-
mination of 100 mW cm1, whereas discharging took place once works. Their performance can be further enhanced by coating with
the light source was switched off and the device was connected to a conductive polymers and/or metal oxide to introduce pseudoca-
resistor as a load (Fig. 7a,b). Fig. 7c,d shows the voltage and current pacitance. However, it is still challenging to further improve the
profiles versus time of the integrated system during the charging performance of supercapacitors based on carbon nanomaterials.
and discharging process, respectively, with a capacitance of On one hand, the aggregation of CNTs and/or graphene materials
28 F g1 [95]. Integrated devices containing an energy conversion tends to result in a loss of surface area, and hence inferior device
unit and a supercapacitor in a single wire have also been devised performance. Carbon nanomaterials with various 3D architectures
for wearable electronics [97,98]. Specifically, Fig. 7eg shows an (such as CNT arrays, graphene foams, and 3D pillared VA-CNT/
integrated self-powering energy wire, consisting of a wire-shaped graphene networks), along with the 2D graphene sheet transferred
dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) and a supercapacitor both based on onto a crumpled structure [99,100], have been developed to

RESEARCH Materials Today  Volume 16, Numbers 7/8  July/August 2013

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