An Enhanced Fall Detection System With GSM and GPS Technology
An Enhanced Fall Detection System With GSM and GPS Technology
An Enhanced Fall Detection System With GSM and GPS Technology
Abstract Fall-related accident and injury are a standout among the most widely recognized motivations to reason for death and hospitalization
among elderly. Falls among older people become a major problem facing hospitals and nursing homes. An enhanced fall detection system is
proposed for elderly person monitoring that is based on-body sensor. Various fall-detection solutions have been previously proposed to create a
reliable surveillance system for elderly people with high requirements on accuracy. In this paper, an enhanced fall detection system is proposed
for elderly person monitoring that is based on smart sensors worn on the body and operating through long distance as well as consumer home
networks. The principle behind this work is the detection of changes in the motion and position using the sensor which tracks the acceleration
changes in three orthogonal directions. By using MEM's accelerometer sensor is used for determining exact angle of an elderly person with the
help of signal magnitude vector (SMV). When the fall is detected the GPS locates the exact fall location and GSM modem is used to transmit the
message to the mobile phone of caretakers/relatives of the fallen subjects at that time also send their latitude and longitude value by using GPS.
This alert message helps to provide immediate assistance and treatment.
Keywords- Fall Detection System, Elderly Monitoring, GPS, GSM, Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Pulse rate sensor, ARM.
IJRITCC | July 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 7 345 - 348
was developed and combines both impact and posture three axes is compared with the given threshold value. When
detection capability [4]. M. R. Sie et al. proposed a string the tilt exceeds given threshold value, the corresponding
matching based algorithm is applied to recognize all possible location of the fall will be transmitted or send to the
fall events from the acceleration values sensed by the receiver's mobile phone through GSM module. The output
smartphone. This paper is based on application is also message includes also send the information about the change
implemented on this system android-based platform [5]. in axis, latitude and longitude values with the location of the
Mihail Dumitrache et al. This article presents a fall detection fall by using GPS.
a system based on a tri-axial accelerometer, which also
provides GPS (Global Positioning System) localization and
GSM (Global A system for Mobile Communications)
wireless communication. This way, in case a fall is detected,
family, social care assistants and/or medical personnel are
quickly alerted and can easily occur, acknowledging the
patient's exact location. Also, this paper presents an
algorithm which is used in this paper for fall detection,
which can be easily implemented in a microcontroller [6].
Amrit k. et al the author has proposed an improved fall
detection system is proposed for elderly person monitoring
that is based on smart sensors worn on the body and running
through consumer home networks. With treble thresholds,
accidental falls can be detected in the home healthcare
conditions [7]. S. Abbate et al. has presented a smart phone
based fall detection system with consideration of the
acceleration signal this signal are produced by fall-like
activities of daily lives in human life.
The authors have presented a novel approach for
improving the fall detection accuracy which is based on the Figure 1. Block Diagram of the System
idea of identifying specific movement patterns into the
acceleration data [8]. Woon-Sung Baek et al. proposed a new
fall detection system using one sensor node which can be IV. HARDWARE DESCRIPTION
worn as a necklace to provide both the agreeable wearing This paper used designed model is based on ARM 9
and low computation overhead. The proposed necklace- controller board LPC2929 all sensor interfaced to ARM9
shaped sensor node includes a tri-axial accelerometer and
controller by using ADC with signal conditioning circuit.
gyroscope sensors to classify the behavior and posture of the
The unexpected human person fall is detected by the 3-axis
detection subject [9].
MEMS accelerometer. The variation in the acceleration in
III. SYSTEM DESIGN any of the three axes is examined and sent to microcontroller
which examines and the same digital data is sent to the
The system design based on ARM9 controller is used fall
detection system for an elderly person, a various sensor used mobile phones of the care taker/ relatives of the fallen person
in this system such as accelerometer sensor, temperature using GSM. The location of the human fall is determined
sensor, pulse rate sensor, and gyroscope this all the sensor using GPS. Through LED one can examine the fall.
analog output is an interface to controller by using analog to
digital converter and signal conditioning circuit. As shown in A. ARM 9 controller (LPC2929)
Figure 1. By gathering all the information from sensors the ARM 9 controller used in this system i.e. ARM9 LPC2929,
fall detected at various levels such as caregiver level, relative ARM is proposed to smooth the progress of developing and
level, and ambulance level. And all the output of this sensor debugging of various designs encompassing of High-speed
showed in PC through RS232 serial communication in visual 32-bit Microcontrollers. ARM controller performing more
basic software. The GSM modem is interfaced to a controller millions of instruction per second, by stripping out unneeded
by using RS232 interface. GSM is used for transmitting and instructions and optimizing pathways hence power is
receive the message as per level by setting a specific
reduced. The user can easily engage in development in this
threshold. In advanced, this system is used GPS which is
platform, or use it as a reference to application development.
interfaced by using RS232. This GPS module is used for
track the exact location of fallen subject. The memory of ARM 9 controller is 768K flash program
The designed system required +5V power supply by memory.
using a voltage regulator. In this paper system designed
based on all (SMD) surface mount device. Because by using B. MEMS Accelerometer
this SMD components overall PCB made by very less size as It is a small, thin, low power complete 3-axis accelerometer
compared to other due to used by SMD component. Power with signal conditioned as shown in the Figure 2. This sensor
is required for operating the ARM controller. Any measures acceleration with a minimum fall scale range of
adjustment in the axis from its typical pre-set position is 3g. It can also measure the static acceleration of gravity in
distinguished by the sensor. GPS module will be constantly tilt-sensing applications as well as dynamic acceleration
transmitting area of the individual wearing the sensor. The resulting from motion, shock or vibration. Using this sensor
output of the three-axis accelerometer sensor that is tilt in all set specific threshold by moving or tilt sensor if sensor move
IJRITCC | July 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 7 345 - 348
and over the set threshold and then fall is detected and send E. GPS Module L10-M29
the message to a caretaker. This system used GPS module L10 brings the high
performance of the MTK positioning engine to the industrial
model. The L10 supports 210 PRN channels. With 66 search
channels and 22 concurrent tracking channels, it acquires and
tracks satellites in the smallest time even at indoor signal
level. This ready, stand-alone receiver combines an
expanded array of features with adjustable connectivity
options. Their ease of integration results in fast time-to-
market in a wide range of automotive, consumer and
industrial applications.
Figure 2. MEMS Sensor
A gyroscope is a device used primarily for travel and
measurement of angular velocity Gyroscopes are available
that can measure rotational velocity in 1, 2, or 3 directions as
shown in Figure 3. This 3 axis is raw, pitch, roll of the body.
3-axis gyroscopes are often performed with a 3-axis
accelerometer to provide a full 6 degree-of-freedom (DoF)
motion tracking system.
The following table 1 shown results of system
Figure 3. Gyroscope-61 sensor
Sr. Parameter Threshold Action
D. GSM wireless modem 1. MEMS M > 90 Send SMS to
Accelerometer caretaker with
A GSM modem used in this system is a wireless modem that GPS location
works with a GSM wireless network. GSM modem is used 2. Gyroscope G > 200 Send SMS to
in this system for sending a message to the particular mobile caretaker with
number. A wireless modem functions like a dial-up modem. GPS location
3. Temperature T >= 40 Send SMS to
GSM modem requires a SIM card from a wireless express in sensor caretaker with
order to operate. As mentioned in earlier sections of this GPS location
SMS tutorial, computers use AT commands to control 4. Heart Beat H > 72 Send SMS to
modems. Both GSM modems and dial-up modems continue caretaker and
Hospital with
a common set of standard AT commands.
GPS location
1. It gives immediate information to the belonging one.
2. Easy to monitor in the case of emergency.
3. Reduce the energy consumption to prolong the network,
speed up and extend the communication coverage to
increase the freedom for enhance patient quality of life.
4. It reduced the death percentages in accidents.
5. GSM used to communicate the nearest hospital and
6. Message to the hospital means immediate aid can be
provided without any human intimation
Figure 4. GSM module
The system based on Advanced RISC Machine.
Hence, concluding to this project is a wearable sensor system
IJRITCC | July 2016, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 4 Issue: 7 345 - 348
could capture the every movement of the human body under
the condition of low lost and activities daily life condition.
Using of this project user can live independent no need to
depend on another person always with the user. Finally, we
can identify the person or user by this paper using GPS
Technology. The proposed system confirmed that body worn
accelerometer used for fall detection. By combine GPS and
GSM with this body smart sensor can help to communicate
the outputs and track a location of impact elderly people.
The author wishes to thanks, Prof. S. N. Kulkarni for helpful
discussion during his visit in Department for discussion.
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IJRITCC | July 2016, Available @