Magnets (Pigeons Compasses) Worksheet
Magnets (Pigeons Compasses) Worksheet
Magnets (Pigeons Compasses) Worksheet
Maps are usually drawn with true north at the top. True
north is the direction that points towards the North Pole. A
compass needle does not point in the same direction as north
on the map. It points to the north magnetic pole. We say
that the compass points to magnetic north. The angle
between magnetic north and true north is called the
magnetic variation.
The North Pole and the north magnetic
pole are not in the same place.
The north
magnetic pole
moves around.
It moves by about
15 km every year.
Orienteering is a sport in which runners have to find their way from point to point as fast as
possible. Orienteers use special maps which are printed with magnetic north at the top.