Contract Service Cancellation Form F 2
Contract Service Cancellation Form F 2
Contract Service Cancellation Form F 2
Agent to complete
Agent name Account no. Order no. Case no.
Completed form to be sent to
Fixed Services Email address: Contact no. 10210 Mobile Services Email address: Contact no. 081 180
Fax no. 088 031 363 3505
Supporting documentation
Proof of account holders identification or duly authorised persons identification (copy of SA ID or passport)
Copy of receipt for CPA cancellations with a device return
Copy of death certificate (if applicable)
1. Customer details
Title Surname First names
ID no./Passport no. Your Telkom account no.
Call centre service Call quality Slow internet No longer need service/product Loss of income
Store service Cannot make or receive calls Intermittent/no service No coverage at new location Insolvency/bankruptcy
Billing issues Dropped calls No network coverage Immigration Reduce expenses/too expensive
Intermittent/no service Too many faults & downtime Faulty/stolen device
Better value/deal from
another provider
No network coverage Deceased
Other, details:
5. Agreement
I, the undersigned, declare, agree and confirm that:
1. Cancellation is limited to the above mentioned number(s)
2. I hereby indemnify all parties that may act on the information provided and against any claims that may result from its use
3. I have read, understand and agree to be bound by Telkoms standard terms and conditions for the Provision of Electronic Communication Services and Products, as well as Telkoms
mobile subscriber terms and conditions (both available at
4. A customer may terminate an agreement/service at any other time (i.e. prior to expiry of the term) by giving Telkom twenty (20) business days written notice
5. The twenty days are calculated from the day on which Telkom receives the notice
6. In the case of services rented in terms of a contractual agreement, the rental obligations are governed by the conditions of the relevant agreement and penalties, if applicable, will apply
7. Im duly authorised to sign on behalf of the account holder
8. The information provided on this form is true and correct
Full name Signature Date