The document contains a table with 100 rows and 8 columns of Russian words translated to English. The table includes nouns for people, objects, places, animals, and more. It also includes verbs and adjectives. The words cover a wide range of common vocabulary for basic communication in Russian.
The document contains a table with 100 rows and 8 columns of Russian words translated to English. The table includes nouns for people, objects, places, animals, and more. It also includes verbs and adjectives. The words cover a wide range of common vocabulary for basic communication in Russian.
The document contains a table with 100 rows and 8 columns of Russian words translated to English. The table includes nouns for people, objects, places, animals, and more. It also includes verbs and adjectives. The words cover a wide range of common vocabulary for basic communication in Russian.
The document contains a table with 100 rows and 8 columns of Russian words translated to English. The table includes nouns for people, objects, places, animals, and more. It also includes verbs and adjectives. The words cover a wide range of common vocabulary for basic communication in Russian.
The document provides Russian words and their English translations across multiple pages. It covers topics like family members, objects, actions, colors, and more. The software mentioned at the bottom is for languages like Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese.
Some of the Russian words and their English translations provided include: mother - matuwka, father - otec, child - rebenok, eye - glaz, hand - ruka, love - l ́bov+, fear - boqzn+, wall - stenka.
The topics covered based on the words listed include: family relations, body parts, objects, actions, emotions, places.
nevelikij 1 small 1 dolgij 2 long 2
krupnyj 3 large 3 pravyj 4 right 4 davniwnij 5 old 5 mladoj 6 young 6 belyj 7 white 7 hernyj 8 black 8 noven+kij 9 new 9 prowlyj 10 last 10 baba (F) 11 woman 11 tablica (F) 12 table 12 ruka (F) 13 hand 13 pora (F) 14 time 14 ve+ (F) 15 thing 15 golova (F) 16 head 16 devica (F) 17 girl 17 noh+ (F) 18 night 18 dverca (F) 19 door 19 matuwka (F) 20 mother 20 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H skazat+ 21 to say 21 imet+ 22 to have 22 delat+ 23 to make 23 znat+ 24 to know 24 brat+ 25 to take 25 pribyvat+ 26 to arrive 26 dumat+ 27 to think 27 sprawivat+ 28 to ask 28 pokidat+ 29 to leave 29 davat+ 30 to give 30 den+ (M) 31 day 31 muhina (M) 32 man 32 glaz (M) 33 eye 33 stol (M) 34 table 34 rebenok (M) 35 child 35 predmet (M) 36 thing 36 otec (M) 37 father 37 has (M) 38 hour 38 god (M) 39 year 39 mir (M) 40 world 40 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H krasnyj 41 red 41 net 42 no 42 uverennyj 43 sure 43 povywennyj 44 high 44 sytyj 45 full 45 poniennyj 46 low 46 drugoj 47 other 47 blizkij 48 near 48 soderatel+ny49 empty 49 xorowo 50 well 50 molniq (F) 51 lightning 51 komnata (F) 52 room 52 kvitanciq (F) 53 receipt 53 lbov+ (F) 54 love 54 koza (F) 55 goat 55 boqzn+ (F) 56 fear 56 stenka (F) 57 wall 57 fizionomiq (F) 58 face 58 storona (F) 59 side 59 stopa (F) 60 foot 60 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H huvstvovat+ 61 to feel 61 slywat+ 62 to hear 62 sledovat+ 63 to follow 63 oidat+ 64 to expect 64 nahinat+ 65 to begin 65 padat+ 66 to fall 66 iskat+ 67 to seek 67 zabyvat+ 68 to forget 68 hitat+ 69 to read 69 spat+ 70 to sleep 70 veher (M) 71 evening 71 dom (M) 72 house 72 golos (M) 73 voice 73 moment (M) 74 moment 74 vozdux (M) 75 air 75 wokolad (M) 76 chocolate 76 kozel (M) 77 goat 77 matras (M) 78 mattress 78 lik (M) 79 face 79 bok (M) 80 side 80 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H sinij 81 blue 81 shastlivyj 82 happy 82 neimuij 83 poor 83 tuhnyj 84 fat 84 zelenyj 85 green 85 seryj 86 grey 86 zaboristyj 87 strong 87 istinnyj 88 TRUE 88 razumitel+ny 89 clear 89 pozdnij 90 late 90 svin+q (F) 91 pig 91 voda (F) 92 water 92 postel+ (F) 93 bed 93 ulica (F) 94 street 94 zemlq (F) 95 earth 95 lowad+ (F) 96 horse 96 kniga (F) 97 book 97 ideq (F) 98 idea 98 povest+ (F) 99 story 99 riqtel+nica ( 100 friend 100 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H probovat+ 101 to try 101 pisat+ 102 to write 102 rewat+ 103 to decide 103 predlagat+ 104 to offer 104 poxodit+ 105 to resemble 105 plakat+ 106 to weep 106 sigat+ 107 to burn 107 videt+ 108 to see 108 vybrat+ 109 to choose 109 obnaruivat+ 110 to discover 110 korpus (M) 111 body 111 kon+ (M) 112 horse 112 volos (M) 113 hair 113 vagon (M) 114 car 114 sapog (M) 115 boot 115 rasskaz (M) 116 story 116 syn (M) 117 son 117 priqtel+ (M) 118 friend 118 rod (M) 119 family 119 fakt (M) 120 fact 120 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H luhwij 121 best 121 xorowij 122 good 122 malyj 123 little 123 dalekij 124 far 124 otkrytyj 125 open 125 zatrudnennyj 126 difficult 126 nikogda 127 never 127 tverdyj 128 hard 128 gruznyj 129 heavy 129 odin 130 one 130 sem+q (F) 131 family 131 utka (F) 132 duck 132 byl+ (F) 133 fact 133 bol+ (F) 134 pain 134 doh+ (F) 135 daughter 135 paluba (F) 136 deck 136 provinnost+ (F 137 fault 137 sestra (F) 138 sister 138 ten+ (F) 139 shadow 139 doroga (F) 140 road 140 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H rezat+ 141 to cut 141 poluhat+ 142 to receive 142 obitat+ 143 to dwell 143 ishezat+ 144 to disappear 144 otkazyvat+ 145 to refuse 145 prodat+ 146 to sell 146 stradat+ 147 to suffer 147 vewat+ 148 to hang 148 spasat+ 149 to save 149 zapreat+ 150 to forbid 150 lekar+ (M) 151 doctor 151 mal+hik (M) 152 boy 152 bazar (M) 153 market 153 vozrast (M) 154 age 154 zavtrak (M) 155 breakfast 155 konec (M) 156 end 156 stakan (M) 157 glass 157 gorod (M) 158 town 158 wum (M) 159 noise 159 sosed (M) 160 neighbor 160 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H eltyj 161 yellow 161 levyj 162 left 162 gotovyj 163 ready 163 164 dear 164 nezatejlivyj 165 simple 165 vol+gotnyj 166 free 166 netverdyj 167 soft 167 pomewannyj 168 mad 168 toe 169 also 169 ili 170 or 170 sobaka (F) 171 dog 171 tiwina (F) 172 silence 172 babohka (F) 173 butterfly 173 nedelq (F) 174 week 174 brov+ (F) 175 eyebrow 175 rabota (F) 176 work 176 bukva (F) 177 letter 177 noga (F) 178 leg 178 elka (F) 179 fir 179 prihina (F) 180 reason 180 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H voobraat+ 181 to imagine 181 prqtat+ 182 to hide 182 prodolat+ 183 to continue 183 kusat+ 184 to bite 184 prixodit+ 185 to come 185 ubivat+ 186 to kill 186 radovat+ 187 to gladden 187 rekomendovat+ 188 to recommend 188 prinimat+ 189 to accept 189 letat+ 190 to fly 190 les (M) 191 forest 191 uksus (M) 192 vinegar 192 pes (M) 193 dog 193 ogon+ (M) 194 fire 194 kover (M) 195 carpet 195 nos (M) 196 nose 196 kamen+ (M) 197 stone 197 priznak (M) 198 sign 198 rassudok (M) 199 reason 199 tolk (M) 200 sense 200 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H suxoj 201 dry 201 grqznyj 202 dirty 202 buryj 203 brown 203 ohen+ 204 very 204 analogihnyj 205 similar 205 vysokij 206 tall 206 svetovoj 207 light 207 xolodnyj 208 cold 208 gorqhij 209 hot 209 210 short 210 potrebnost+ (F) 211 need 211 gazeta (F) 212 newspaper 212 igra (F) 213 game 213 spina (F) 214 back 214 babuwka (F) 215 grandmother 215 vojna (F) 216 war 216 duma (F) 217 thought 217 kolenka (F) 218 knee 218 pravda (F) 219 truth 219 gibel+ (F) 220 death 220 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H xotet+ 221 to want 221 priznavat+ 222 to recognize 222 posylat+ 223 to send 223 utverdat+ 224 to contend 224 dywat+ 225 to breathe 225 vzvewivat+ 226 to weigh 226 odalivat+ 227 to lend 227 razgovarivat+ 228 to talk 228 tancevat+ 229 to dance 229 razrewat+ 230 to permit 230 zad (M) 231 back 231 metod (M) 232 method 232 brat (M) 233 brother 233 sadik (M) 234 garden 234 led (M) 235 ice 235 tualet (M) 236 dress 236 xleb (M) 237 bread 237 vopros (M) 238 question 238 qik (M) 239 box 239 wans (M) 240 chance 240 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H strannyj 241 strange 241 podlonyj 242 FALSE 242 bol+noj 243 sick 243 tak 244 so 244 legkij 245 easy 245 pehal+nyj 246 sad 246 evnimatel+ny 247 careless 247 vanyj 248 important 248 ser+eznyj 249 serious 249 svqtoj 250 holy 250 zima (F) 251 winter 251 korobka (F) 252 box 252 lqguwka (F) 253 frog 253 govqdina (F) 254 beef 254 trassa (F) 255 route 255 kontora (F) 256 office 256 kuxnq (F) 257 kitchen 257 lampa (F) 258 light 258 bol+nica (F) 259 hospital 259 port+era (F) 260 curtain 260 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H derat+ 261 to keep 261 govorit+ 262 to speak 262 zarabatyvat+ 263 to earn 263 vyravnivat+ 264 to level 264 soprovodat+ 265 to accompany 265 obedat+ 266 to dine 266 zaivat+ 267 to heal 267 zaprawivat+ 268 to inquire 268 predotvraat+ 269 to prevent 269 podslaivat+ 270 to sweeten 270 oko (N) 271 eye 271 vremq (N) 272 time 272 ditq (N) 273 child 273 vino (N) 274 wine 274 pomeenie (N) 275 room 275 slovehko (N) 276 word 276 utro (N) 277 morning 277 mestehko (N) 278 place 278 opasenie (N) 279 fear 279 lihiko (N) 280 face 280 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H dubovatyj 281 stupid 281 slepoj 282 blind 282 da 283 yes 283 dikij 284 wild 284 vozmonyj 285 possible nedostatohnyj 285 286 scarce 286 negromkij 287 quiet 287 ordinarnyj 288 ordinary 288 lbopytnyj 289 curious 289 mirnyj 290 peaceful 290 marwrut (M) 291 route 291 korol+ (M) 292 king 292 prazdnik (M) 293 holiday 293 ofis (M) 294 office 294 rot (M) 295 mouth 295 ogonek (M) 296 light 296 zub (M) 297 tooth 297 gospital+ (M) 298 hospital 298 dod+ (M) 299 rain 299 zanaves (M) 300 curtain 300 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H nakazyvat+ 301 to punish 301 obsudat+ 302 to discuss 302 verit+ 303 to believe 303 snabat+ 304 to furnish 304 sluwat+ 305 to listen 305 pozvolqt+ 306 to allow 306 razlihat+ 307 to differ 307 zaiat+ 308 to defend 308 immigrirovat+ 309 to immigrate 309 poricat+ 310 to disapprove 310 loe (N) 311 bed 311 more (N) 312 sea 312 pobere+e (N) 313 shore 313 telo (N) 314 body 314 serdce (N) 315 heart 315 ponqtie (N) 316 idea 316 skazanie (N) 317 story 317 solnce (N) 318 sun 318 semejstvo (N) 319 family 319 dovol+stvie (N 320 pleasure 320 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H kadodnevnyj 321 daily 321 ogromnyj 322 enormous 322 lbqij 323 loving 323 mudryj 324 wise 324 glubokij 325 deep 325 bezobraznyj 326 ugly 326 sposobnyj 327 capable 327 nogohislennyj 328 numerous 328 tonen+kij 329 thin 329 takoj 330 such 330 lestnica (F) 331 staircase 331 muzyka (F) 332 music 332 lampohka (F) 333 lamp 333 cifra (F) 334 number 334 cerkov+ (F) 335 church 335 minuta (F) 336 minute 336 reka (F) 337 river 337 druba (F) 338 friendship 338 tumannost+ (F) 339 fog 339 otvaga (F) 340 courage 340 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H ispravlqt+ 341 to mend 341 izbegat+ 342 to avoid 342 nadleat+ 343 to require 343 ignorirovat+ 344 to ignore 344 zamanivat+ 345 to allure 345 zaverwat+ 346 to complete 346 razvivat+ 347 to develop 347 otricat+ 348 to deny 348 ispytyvat+ 349 to undergo 349 vyzyvat+ 350 to provoke 350 okno (N) 351 window 351 imq (N) 352 name 352 steklo (N) 353 glass 353 mylo (N) 354 soap 354 moloko (N) 355 milk 355 somnenie (N) 356 doubt 356 bezmolvie (N) 357 silence 357 qihko (N) 358 egg 358 elezo (N) 359 iron 359 360 shoulder 360 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H 361 useful 361 xrabryj 362 brave 362 vniz 363 down 363 kommunal+nyj 364 public 364 presnyj 365 bland 365 strawnyj 366 terrible 366 mnogohislenny367 small 367 tragiheskij 368 tragic 368 ruestvennyj 369 friendly 369 dlinnyj 370 long 370 telefon (M) 371 telephone 371 veter (M) 372 wind 372 palec (M) 373 finger 373 obraz (M) 374 image 374 stul+hik (M) 375 chair 375 ugolok (M) 376 corner 376 svetil+nik (M 377 lamp 377 nomer (M) 378 number 378 deduwka (M) 379 grandfather 379 tuman (M) 380 fog 380 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H sobirat+ 381 to assemble 381 obqzyvat+ 382 to oblige 382 razruwat+ 383 to demolish 383 proat+ 384 to forgive 384 sosat+ 385 to suck 385 soobat+ 386 to announce 386 priglawat+ 387 to invite 387 suestvovat+ 388 to exist 388 zakryvat+ 389 to shut 389 nastaivat+ 390 to insist 390 pis+mo (N) 391 letter 391 derevo (N) 392 tree 392 znamenie (N) 393 sign 393 huvstvo (N) 394 sense 394 mgnovenie (N) 395 instant 395 bratiwka (N) 396 brother 396 koleno (N) 397 knee 397 plat+e (N) 398 dress 398 nebo (N) 399 sky 399 bedro (N) 400 hip 400 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H upnogabaritny401 large 401 davnij 402 old 402 bezvestnyj 403 unknown 403 pohemu 404 why 404 uzkij 405 narrow 405 nyj 406 young 406 neobxodimyj 407 necessary 407 bez 408 without 408 priplsnutyj 409 flat 409 voronoj 410 black 410 wkola (F) 411 school 411 dama (F) 412 lady 412 pereprava (F) 413 passage 413 nadeda (F) 414 hope 414 glotka (F) 415 throat 415 mawina (F) 416 machine 416 sluba (F) 417 service 417 vanna (F) 418 bath 418 ivopis+ (F) 419 painting 419 stranica (F) 420 page 420 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H rasskazyvat+ 421 to tell 421 zasluivat+ 422 to deserve 422 opisyvat+ 423 to describe 423 predpolagat+ 424 to suppose 424 rivetstvovat+ 425 to hail 425 osnovyvat+ 426 to establish 426 karat+ 427 to chasten 427 poseat+ 428 to attend 428 razgruat+ 429 to unload 429 predupredat+ 430 to warn 430 izobraenie (N 431 image 431 zoloto (N) 432 gold 432 muestvo (N) 433 courage 433 uhilie (N) 434 school 434 proxodenie (N 435 passage 435 upovanie (N) 436 hope 436 gorlo (N) 437 throat 437 bsluivanie ( 438 service 438 439 marriage 439 elanie (N) 440 desire 440 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H novyj 441 new 441 rqdovoj 442 common 442 poslednij 443 last 443 opasnyj 444 dangerous 444 enstvennyj 445 feminine 445 ryij 446 red 446 mokryj 447 wet 447 ivotrepeui 448 actual 448 ue 449 already 449 general+nyj 450 general 450 proxod (M) 451 passage 451 list (M) 452 leaf 452 servis (M) 453 service 453 otvet (M) 454 reply 454 paket (M) 455 parcel 455 ta (M) 456 floor 456 obed (M) 457 dinner 457 son (M) 458 sleep 458 bawmak (M) 459 shoe 459 iwak (M) 460 donkey 460 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H klast+ 461 to put 461 prospat+ 462 to oversleep 462 propuskat+ 463 to omit 463 otmehat+ 464 to specify 464 vruhat+ 465 to deliver 465 polagat+ 466 to consider 466 sovetovat+ 467 to suggest 467 regulirovat+ 468 to regulate 468 naxodit+ 469 to find 469 srezat+ 470 to shear 470 padenie (N) 471 fall 471 rodenie (N) 472 birth 472 shast+e (N) 473 happiness issledovanie (N 473 474 study 474 kofe (N) 475 coffee 475 qbloko (N) 476 apple 476 videnie (N) 477 sight 477 portmone (N) 478 purse 478 uxo (N) 479 ear 479 poseenie (N) 480 visit 480 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H nizkij 481 low 481 482 pale 482 prohij 483 other 483 podvinyj 484 lively 484 soverwennyj 485 perfect 485 mertvyj 486 dead 486 pustoj 487 empty 487 zdes+ 488 here 488 proslavlennyj 489 famous 489 riznatel+nyj 490 grateful 490 mera (F) 491 measure 491 enit+ba (F) 492 marriage 492 tuflq (F) 493 shoe 493 razvilka (F) 494 fork 494 nteresovannost 495 interest 495 vaxta (F) 496 watch 496 svinina (F) 497 pork 497 dyra (F) 498 hole 498 osen+ (F) 499 fall 499 tetuwka (F) 500 aunt 500 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H riskovat+ 501 to risk 501 predprinimat+ 502 to undertake 502 perestavat+ 503 to quit 503 pugat+ 504 to frighten 504 svqzyvat+ 505 to bind 505 odevat+ 506 to clothe 506 obnarodovat+ 507 to publish 507 podraat+ 508 to imitate 508 snimat+ 509 to uncover 509 uluhwat+ 510 to improve 510 sudno (N) 511 ship 511 postuplenie (N 512 arrival 512 leto (N) 513 summer 513 it+e (N) 514 life 514 pravilo (N) 515 rule 515 snovidenie (N) 516 dream 516 obaqnie (N) 517 charm 517 pitanie (N) 518 food 518 kazatel+stvo 519 proof 519 zdorov+e (N) 520 health 520 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H goluboj 521 blue 521 logihnyj 522 logical 522 bednyj 523 poor 523 edinstvennyj 524 unique 524 pqtidesqtyj 525 fiftieth 525 eltorotyj 526 green 526 inoj 527 different 527 sivyj 528 grey 528 sil+nyj 529 strong 529 ldskij 530 human 530 haj (M) 531 tea 531 mu (M) 532 husband 532 interes (M) 533 interest 533 bekon (M) 534 bacon 534 wlqpnik (M) 535 hat 535 pidak (M) 536 coat 536 wlejf (M) 537 train 537 dqdq (M) 538 uncle 538 agnec (M) 539 lamb 539 torgovec (M) 540 merchant 540 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H zanimat+ 541 to borrow 541 liwat+ 542 to deprive 542 prikazyvat+ 543 to bid 543 prazdnovat+ 544 to celebrate 544 dostigat+ 545 to obtain 545 razvqzyvat+ 546 to untie 546 usilivat+ 547 to increase 547 vladet+ 548 to own 548 ukazyvat+ 549 to indicate 549 zaviset+ 550 to depend 550 maslo (N) 551 butter 551 zerkalo (N) 552 mirror 552 prikazanie (N) 553 order 553 vran+e (N) 554 lie 554 podspor+e (N) 555 help 555 znakomstvo (N) 556 acquaintance 556 ovariestvo ( 557 company 557 svidanie (N) 558 date 558 dvienie (N) 559 movement 559 zanqtie (N) 560 occupation 560 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H gordelivyj 561 proud 561 qvstvennyj 562 clear 562 vnimatel+nyj 563 attentive 563 rannij 564 early 564 nailuhwij 565 best 565 pohti 566 almost 566 blagoj 567 good 567 rozovyj 568 pink 568 malen+kij 569 little 569 otmennyj 570 excellent 570 wlqpa (F) 571 hat 571 volna (F) 572 wave 572 wlpka (F) 573 boat 573 krywa (F) 574 roof 574 skorost+ (F) 575 speed 575 masterskaq (F) 576 shop 576 derevqwka (F) 577 wood 577 hast+ (F) 578 part 578 koa (F) 579 skin 579 pehka (F) 580 stove 580 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H priobretat+ 581 to acquire 581 osvqtit+ 582 to sanctify 582 navredit+ 583 to harm 583 osstanavlivat 584 to restore 584 pronzat+ 585 to pierce 585 vyhislqt+ 586 to calculate 586 uspokaivat+ 587 to assuage 587 vklhat+ 588 to include 588 okruat+ 589 to enclose 589 issledovat+ 590 to investigate 590 pomelo (N) 591 broom 591 staranie (N) 592 effort 592 nahalo (N) 593 beginning 593 rostranstvo (N 594 space 594 skopie (N) 595 crowd 595 dyxanie (N) 596 breath 596 selenie (N) 597 village 597 plavanie (N) 598 voyage 598 vezenie (N) 599 luck 599 serebro (N) 600 silver 600 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H redkostnyj 601 rare 601 trudnitel+ny 602 difficult 602 teper+ 603 now 603 malosil+nyj 604 weak 604 estkij 605 hard 605 tqelyj 606 heavy 606 histyj 607 pure 607 vos+midesqtyj 608 eightieth 608 temnyj 609 dark 609 nezyblemyj 610 firm 610 erebenok (M) 611 colt 611 telec (M) 612 calf 612 soldat (M) 613 soldier 613 oficiant (M) 614 waiter 614 kabinet (M) 615 study 615 gus+ (M) 616 goose 616 pricel (M) 617 sight 617 mesqc (M) 618 month 618 kowelek (M) 619 purse 619 lenh (M) 620 lunch 620 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H bezglavlivat+ 621 to behead 621 l+stit+ 622 to flatter 622 presledovat+ 623 to pursue 623 zaderivat+ 624 to detain 624 nabldat+ 625 to observe 625 razvertyvat+ 626 to unfold 626 osadat+ 627 to besiege 627 nasledovat+ 628 to inherit 628 privqzyvat+ 629 to fasten 629 sozdavat+ 630 to create 630 pole (N) 631 field 631 obxodenie (N) 632 manner 632 mqso (N) 633 flesh 633 rasstoqnie (N) 634 distance 634 kopyto (N) 635 hoof 635 otplytie (N) 636 departure 636 poelanie (N) 637 wish 637 udivlenie (N) 638 surprise 638 prividenie (N) 639 ghost 639 zaverenie (N) 640 assurance 640 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H dorogoj 641 dear 641 ezamyslovaty 642 simple 642 lbeznyj 643 polite 643 fiziheskij 644 physical 644 ejstvitel+nyj645 real 645 besplatnyj 646 free 646 hetkij 647 precise 647 krasivyj 648 beautiful 648 dvorqnskij 649 noble 649 mqgkij 650 soft 650 koroleva (F) 651 queen 651 guba (F) 652 lip 652 grebenka (F) 653 comb 653 uhitel+nica (F 654 teacher 654 poduwka (F) 655 pillow 655 burq (F) 656 storm 656 pogoda (F) 657 weather 657 slezinka (F) 658 tear 658 bka (F) 659 skirt 659 kuzina (F) 660 cousin 660 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H nanimat+ 661 to employ 661 udovletvorqt+ 662 to satisfy 662 pogruat+ 663 to submerge 663 pristupit+ 664 to proceed 664 ubedat+ 665 to convince 665 preryvat+ 666 to interrupt 666 ublait+ 667 to gratify 667 ezinficirovat 668 to disinfect 668 otdyxat+ 669 to relax 669 podshityvat+ 670 to reckon 670 privol+e (N) 671 freedom 671 672 hill 672 uvaenie (N) 673 respect 673 nowestvo (N) 674 youth 674 umaswestvie (N 675 madness 675 sokrovie (N) 676 treasure 676 masterstvo (N) 677 skill 677 kolebanie (N) 678 hesitation 678 providenie (N) 679 fate 679 begstvo (N) 680 escape 680 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H znatnyj 681 noble 681 poloumnyj 682 mad 682 devqnostyj 683 ninetieth 683 dorogostoqij 684 expensive 684 hestnyj 685 honest 685 utomitel+nyj 686 tedious 686 vradebnyj 687 hostile 687 dostatohno 688 enough 688 poxabnyj 689 dirty 689 pervooherednoj 690 immediate 690 greben+ (M) 691 comb 691 krolik (M) 692 rabbit 692 qzyk (M) 693 tongue 693 aroplan (M) 694 airplane 694 plq (M) 695 beach 695 pedagog (M) 696 teacher 696 gost+ (M) 697 guest 697 wtorm (M) 698 storm 698 medved+ (M) 699 bear 699 kolos (M) 700 ear 700 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H xvatat+ 701 to grab 701 it+ 702 to live 702 peredelyvat+ 703 to alter 703 privlekat+ 704 to attract 704 podderivat+ 705 to sustain 705 prinadleat+ 706 to belong 706 oharovyvat+ 707 to enthral 707 ogorhat+ 708 to disappoint 708 otpuskat+ 709 to dismiss 709 sguat+ 710 to thicken 710 hrevo (N) 711 belly priblienie (N 711 712 approach 712 zvuhanie (N) 713 sound 713 otvetvlenie (N 714 branch 714 pari (N) 715 bet 715 zlovonie (N) 716 stench 716 bremq (N) 717 burden 717 podozrenie (N) 718 suspicion 718 ivotnoe (N) 719 animal 719 stremq (N) 720 stirrup 720 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H korihnevyj 721 brown 721 oprqtnyj 722 neat 722 bogatyj 723 rich 723 oranevyj 724 orange 724 spokojnyj 725 calm 725 sxoij 726 similar 726 tretij 727 third 727 zanqtoj 728 busy 728 vysotnyj 729 tall 729 svetlyj 730 light 730 ulybka (F) 731 smile 731 inostranka (F) 732 foreigner 732 biblioteka (F) 733 library 733 porqditel+nic 734 manager 734 izn+ (F) 735 life 735 sorohka (F) 736 shirt 736 mehta (F) 737 dream 737 kowka (F) 738 cat 738 baqtel+nost+ ( 739 charm 739 pia (F) 740 food 740 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H posvqat+ 741 to devote 741 xvastat+ 742 to boast 742 blagogovet+ 743 to revere 743 umolqt+ 744 to plead 744 zavoevyvat+ 745 to conquer 745 naverstat+ 746 to overtake 746 osveat+ 747 to refresh 747 unihtoat+ 748 to destroy 748 zaigat+ 749 to kindle 749 sokraat+ 750 to shorten 750 obuhenie (N) 751 training 751 zatrudnenie (N 752 difficulty 752 plutovstvo (N) 753 trickery 753 oblako (N) 754 cloud 754 asstrojstvo (N 755 disorder 755 sudilie (N) 756 trial 756 vojsko (N) 757 army 757 deqnie (N) 758 deed 758 zaglavie (N) 759 title 759 otvraenie (N) 760 disgust 760 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H hudesnyj 761 wonderful 761 vpalyj 762 hollow 762 arkij 763 hot 763 kratkij 764 short 764 smirennyj 765 humble 765 idkij 766 liquid 766 pervyj 767 first 767 lilovyj 768 violet 768 purpurovyj 769 purple 769 neprivyhnyj 770 strange 770 limon (M) 771 lemon 771 vizit (M) 772 visit 772 korabl+ (M) 773 ship 773 galstuk (M) 774 necktie 774 kuzen (M) 775 cousin 775 inostranec (M) 776 foreigner 776 cirl+nik (M) 777 barber 777 uspex (M) 778 success 778 nomerok (M) 779 ticket 779 meneder (M) 780 manager 780 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H poniat+ 781 to lessen 781 opoznavat+ 782 to identify 782 predavat+ 783 to betray 783 napominat+ 784 to remind 784 vybirat+ 785 to choose 785 uasnut+ 786 to terrify 786 razdosadovat+ 787 to vex 787 prebyvat+ 788 to dwell 788 razmqghat+ 789 to soften 789 nadzirat+ 790 to oversee 790 zaiskivanie (N 791 flattery 791 kahestvo (N) 792 quality 792 zabolevanie (N 793 illness 793 brevno (N) 794 log 794 obesedovanie (N 795 conversation 795 vosstanie (N) 796 uprising 796 udal+stvo (N) 797 boldness 797 miloserdie (N) 798 mercy 798 vnimanie (N) 799 attention 799 edupredenie 800 warning 800 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H hasto 801 often 801 sokrovennyj 802 secret 802 lonyj 803 FALSE 803 tremitel+nyj 804 swift 804 sokruwennyj 805 sad 805 ravnopravnyj 806 equal 806 neothetlivyj 807 vague 807 neostoronyj 808 careless 808 kislyj 809 sour 809 milovidnyj 810 pretty 810 karta (F) 811 map 811 krov+ (F) 812 blood 812 granka (F) 813 proof 813 avariq (F) 814 accident 814 qrost+ (F) 815 rage 815 duwa (F) 816 soul 816 tr+ma (F) 817 prison 817 oherednost+ (F) 818 order 818 priroda (F) 819 nature 819 ptihka (F) 820 bird 820 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H terqt+ 821 to lose 821 smewivat+ 822 to mingle 822 prezirat+ 823 to despise 823 pogibat+ 824 to perish 824 toptat+ 825 to trample 825 oboat+ 826 to adore 826 pixat+ 827 to shove 827 razdraat+ 828 to exasperate 828 prekraat+ 829 to cease 829 zaveat+ 830 to bequeath 830 porodenie (N) 831 outcome 831 pomewatel+stv 832 insanity 832 krylo (N) 833 wing 833 wosse (N) 834 highway 834 detie (N) 835 child 835 otsutstvie (N) 836 absence 836 beshest+e (N) 837 disgrace 837 slovo (N) 838 word 838 mesto (N) 839 place 839 blagozvuhie (N 840 harmony 840 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H revnivyj 841 jealous 841 tainstvennyj 842 mysterious 842 nesposobnyj 843 unable 843 lektriheskij 844 electric 844 ravnomernyj 845 even 845 bujnyj 846 wild 846 laskatel+nyj 847 tender 847 nikudywnyj 848 useless 848 neredkij 849 ordinary 849 neprohnyj 850 fragile 850 priezd (M) 851 arrival 851 byt (M) 852 life 852 vkus (M) 853 taste 853 kursant (M) 854 student 854 kot (M) 855 cat 855 zakon (M) 856 law 856 brelok (M) 857 charm 857 mqsnik (M) 858 butcher 858 voditel+ (M) 859 driver 859 besporqdok (M) 860 disorder 860 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H izobilovat+ 861 to abound 861 rasputyvat+ 862 to disentangle 862 poertovovat+ 863 to endow 863 osudat+ 864 to condemn 864 predpohitat+ 865 to prefer 865 zakoldovat+ 866 to bewitch 866 umen+wat+ 867 to diminish 867 nosit+ 868 to carry 868 rashlenqt+ 869 to dismember 869 verbovat+ 870 to recruit 870 pregrewenie (N 871 sin 871 zaveanie (N) 872 will 872 lico (N) 873 face 873 veslo (N) 874 paddle 874 stoletie (N) 875 century 875 otmenie (N) 876 revenge 876 iskanie (N) 877 search 877 tvoprinoweni 878 sacrifice 878 zvanie (N) 879 rank 879 predloenie (N 880 offer 880 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H boznatel+ny 881 curious 881 zloj 882 wicked 882 tsutstvuij 883 absent 883 mirolbivyj 884 peaceful 884 milyj 885 nice 885 eednevnyj 886 daily 886 monotonnyj 887 monotonous 887 brosovyj 888 cheap 888 premudryj 889 wise 889 normal+nyj 890 normal 890 privyhka (F) 891 habit 891 eka (F) 892 cheek 892 enina (F) 893 woman 893 pomo+ (F) 894 help 894 kukuruza (F) 895 corn 895 kowelka (F) 896 basket 896 med+ (F) 897 copper 897 devohka (F) 898 girl 898 kukuwka (F) 899 cuckoo 899 ressora (F) 900 spring 900 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H prodlevat+ 901 to prolong 901 xranit+ 902 to keep 902 rydat+ 903 to sob 903 pehalit+ 904 to sadden 904 tandartizovat 905 to standardize 905 annulirovat+ 906 to nullify 906 zvuhat+ 907 to resound 907 sverkat+ 908 to glitter 908 razmatyvat+ 909 to uncoil 909 vyputyvat+ 910 to extricate 910 primirenie (N) 911 reconciliation 911 uvlanenie (N 912 dampness 912 logovo (N) 913 lair 913 okowko (N) 914 window 914 bessilie (N) 915 weakness 915 nazvanie (N) 916 name 916 podobie (N) 917 likeness 917 vozvraenie (N 918 return 918 prezrenie (N) 919 contempt 919 obespehenie (N) 920 guarantee 920 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H uglublennyj 921 deep 921 muskoj 922 masculine 922 kriklivyj 923 loud 923 urodlivyj 924 ugly 924 specifiheskij 925 particular 925 neplotnyj 926 thin 926 zaderevenelyj 927 stiff 927 poleznyj 928 useful 928 nerovnyj 929 rough 929 publihnyj 930 public 930 eludok (M) 931 stomach 931 helovek (M) 932 man 932 gara (M) 933 garage 933 pirog (M) 934 piece 934 kusok (M) 935 piece 935 glazok (M) 936 eye 936 biznes (M) 937 business 937 slon (M) 938 elephant 938 saxar (M) 939 sugar 939 batwka (M) 940 father 940 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H ugovarivat+ 941 to coax 941 uporstvovat+ 942 to persist 942 proseqt+ 943 to sift 943 minirovat+ 944 to mine 944 mebilirovat+ 945 to furnish 945 nedoocenivat+ 946 to underrate 946 snarqat+ 947 to equip 947 leleqt+ 948 to cherish 948 prolivat+ 949 to spill 949 talogizirovat 950 to catalogue 950 dostoinstvo (N 951 merit 951 molhanie (N) 952 silence 952 utomlenie (N) 953 fatigue 953 prisutstvie (N 954 presence 954 qjco (N) 955 egg 955 tupoumie (N) 956 stupidity 956 redatel+stvo ( 957 betrayal 957 hado (N) 958 offspring 958 pleho (N) 959 shoulder 959 povredenie (N 960 damage 960 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H oguestvenny 961 powerful 961 sveij 962 fresh 962 bystro 963 quickly 963 uasnyj 964 terrible 964 nebol+woj 965 small 965 sleduij 966 next 966 tragihnyj 967 tragic 967 asil+stvennyj 968 violent 968 drueskij 969 friendly 969 odozritel+nyj 970 suspicious 970 dver+ (F) 971 door 971 korova (F) 972 cow 972 tarelohka (F) 973 plate 973 mama (F) 974 mother 974 rota (F) 975 company 975 raspiska (F) 976 receipt 976 bumaga (F) 977 paper 977 osa (F) 978 wasp 978 girq (F) 979 weight 979 stena (F) 980 wall 980 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H iskupat+ 981 to atone 981 vynudat+ 982 to compel 982 obuhat+ 983 to instruct 983 redaktirovat+ 984 to edit 984 podtverdat+ 985 to confirm 985 tivodejstvova 986 to counteract 986 peresekat+ 987 to cross 987 voskrewat+ 988 to resurrect 988 propovedovat+ 989 to preach 989 yzdoravlivat 990 to recover 990 naznahenie (N) 991 purpose 991 sluwanie (N) 992 hearing 992 olovo (N) 993 tin 993 iskopaemoe (N) 994 fossil 994 opekunstvo (N) 995 guardianship 995 kol+co (N) 996 ring 996 zapqst+e (N) 997 wrist 997 razumenie (N) 998 understanding 998 soslovie (N) 999 estate 999 zlato (N) 1000 gold 1000 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H dvojnoj 1001 double 1001 dusmotritel+n 1002 prudent 1002 bol+woj 1003 large 1003 dostojnyj 1004 worthy 1004 nevidannyj 1005 extraordinary 1005 sobstvennyj 1006 personal 1006 preklonnyj 1007 old 1007 neizvedannyj 1008 unknown 1008 naivnyj 1009 naive 1009 bolevoj 1010 painful 1010 krik (M) 1011 cry 1011 porqdok (M) 1012 order 1012 pustynnik (M)1013 hermit 1013 nosok (M) 1014 sock 1014 park (M) 1015 park 1015 mig (M) 1016 moment 1016 volk (M) 1017 wolf 1017 gospodin (M) 1018 master 1018 korob (M) 1019 basket 1019 sok (M) 1020 juice 1020 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H obespehivat+ 1021 to provide 1021 vovlekat+ 1022 to involve 1022 osvobodat+ 1023 to liberate 1023 darovat+ 1024 to confer 1024 vysmeivat+ 1025 to satirize 1025 vyrezat+ 1026 to carve 1026 propadat+ 1027 to vanish 1027 smahivat+ 1028 to moisten 1028 razryvat+ 1029 to rend 1029 kivat+ 1030 to nod 1030 doverie (N) 1031 confidence 1031 ukazanie (N) 1032 direction 1032 verovanie (N) 1033 belief 1033 gorlywko (N) 1034 throat 1034 pravo (N) 1035 right 1035 upranenie (N) 1036 exercise 1036 sluenie (N) 1037 service 1037 zazemlenie (N) 1038 ground 1038 priskorbie (N) 1039 regret 1039 tomlenie (N) 1040 anguish 1040 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H rodivyj 1041 foolish 1041 uzen+kij 1042 narrow 1042 moloden+kij 1043 young 1043 nervoznyj 1044 nervous 1044 nadobnyj 1045 necessary 1045 splsnutyj 1046 flat 1046 rebqheskij 1047 childish 1047 bezmolvnyj 1048 silent 1048 enskij 1049 feminine 1049 nevynosimyj 1050 unbearable 1050 ena (F) 1051 wife 1051 weq (F) 1052 neck 1052 data (F) 1053 date 1053 kartowka (F) 1054 potato 1054 loka (F) 1055 spoon 1055 radost+ (F) 1056 joy 1056 zarplata (F) 1057 wage 1057 knika (F) 1058 book 1058 ovca (F) 1059 sheep 1059 molitva (F) 1060 prayer 1060 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H raz>edat+ 1061 to erode 1061 pobedat+ 1062 to triumph 1062 vyskablivat+ 1063 to scour 1063 privykat+ 1064 to accustom 1064 zasluit+ 1065 to deserve 1065 pobelit+ 1066 to whitewash 1066 ozdejstvovat+1067 to affect 1067 obogaat+ 1068 to enrich 1068 poraat+ 1069 to astound 1069 posetit+ 1070 to attend 1070 sobytie (N) 1071 event 1071 logoobloenie 1072 taxation 1072 izuhenie (N) 1073 study 1073 navodnenie (N) 1074 flood 1074 zabyt+e (N) 1075 drowsiness 1075 zadanie (N) 1076 task 1076 qblohko (N) 1077 apple 1077 kino (N) 1078 cinema 1078 pravosudie (N) 1079 justice 1079 zrelie (N) 1080 sight 1080 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H faktiheskij 1081 actual 1081 sladostnyj 1082 sweet 1082 neumelyj 1083 clumsy 1083 obij 1084 general 1084 ladnyj 1085 graceful 1085 blednyj 1086 pale 1086 nesmelyj 1087 timid 1087 poronij 1088 empty 1088 znamenityj 1089 famous 1089 vernyj 1090 faithful 1090 rodnik (M) 1091 spring 1091 dub (M) 1092 oak 1092 volosok (M) 1093 hair 1093 fermer (M) 1094 farmer 1094 avtomobil+ (M 1095 car 1095 tabak (M) 1096 tobacco 1096 sanuzel (M) 1097 bathroom 1097 smex (M) 1098 laugh 1098 synok (M) 1099 son 1099 finik (M) 1100 date 1100 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H spadat+ 1101 to subside lassificirovat1102 1101 to classify 1102 pogloat+ 1103 to consume 1103 predosteregat+ 1104 to warn 1104 pobudat+ 1105 to induce 1105 rewat+ 1106 to solve 1106 otplahivat+ 1107 to retaliate 1107 simat+ 1108 to tighten 1108 podobat+ 1109 to befit 1109 dokuhat+ 1110 to pester 1110 vydyxanie (N) 1111 exhaust 1111 borudovanie (N 1112 equipment 1112 bldo (N) 1113 dish 1113 razrewenie (N) 1114 permission 1114 uwko (N) 1115 ear 1115 vpehatlenie (N 1116 impression 1116 nastroenie (N) 1117 sentiment 1117 vedro (N) 1118 pail 1118 otnowenie (N) 1119 attitude 1119 pribytie (N) 1120 arrival 1120 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H zdorovyj 1121 healthy 1121 zaostrennyj 1122 sharp 1122 blagodarnyj 1123 grateful 1123 logiheskij 1124 logical 1124 nadmennyj 1125 haughty 1125 unikal+nyj 1126 unique 1126 maloduwnyj 1127 cowardly 1127 razlihnyj 1128 different 1128 potertyj 1129 shabby 1129 grubyj 1130 rude 1130 okkupaciq (F) 1131 occupation 1131 teplota (F) 1132 heat 1132 metla (F) 1133 broom 1133 zmeq (F) 1134 snake 1134 partnerwa (F) 1135 partner 1135 dohka (F) 1136 daughter 1136 kukla (F) 1137 doll 1137 reh+ (F) 1138 speech 1138 sol+ (F) 1139 salt 1139 vina (F) 1140 fault 1140 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H smuat+ 1141 to embarrass 1141 uniat+ 1142 to humiliate 1142 ozadahivat+ 1143 to bewilder 1143 obleghat+ 1144 to alleviate 1144 pripisyvat+ 1145 to ascribe 1145 brosit+ 1146 to quit 1146 vspominat+ 1147 to recollect 1147 razlivat+ 1148 to pour 1148 izvergat+ 1149 to eject 1149 vozbudat+ 1150 to arouse 1150 kladbie (N) 1151 churchyard 1151 vysmeivanie (N 1152 derision 1152 ummirovanie (N1153 summer 1153 razvlehenie (N 1154 fun 1154 obvinenie (N) 1155 accusation 1155 divo (N) 1156 marvel 1156 renebreenie ( 1157 disdain 1157 oharovanie (N) 1158 charm 1158 odovol+stvie 1159 food 1159 predpisanie (N 1160 order 1160 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H krepkij 1161 strong 1161 osmyslennyj 1162 intelligent 1162 heloveheskij 1163 human 1163 tol+ko 1164 only 1164 qsnyj 1165 clear 1165 samolbivyj 1166 proud 1166 voinskij 1167 military 1167 dosrohnyj 1168 early 1168 zrelyj 1169 ripe 1169 otlihnyj 1170 excellent 1170 drug (M) 1171 friend 1171 zontik (M) 1172 umbrella 1172 kartofel+ (M) 1173 potato 1173 gnev (M) 1174 anger 1174 doktor (M) 1175 doctor 1175 primer (M) 1176 example 1176 nagrev (M) 1177 heat 1177 rynok (M) 1178 market 1178 polismen (M) 1179 policeman 1179 pesok (M) 1180 sand 1180 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H pomogat+ 1181 to assist 1181 povredat+ 1182 to impair 1182 oplahivat+ 1183 to reimburse 1183 izbirat+ 1184 to elect 1184 ziqt+ 1185 to gape 1185 est+ 1186 to eat 1186 ponimat+ 1187 to understand 1187 izlagat+ 1188 to expound 1188 volnovat+ 1189 to agitate 1189 vkladyvat+ 1190 to inclose 1190 eredvienie (N1191 movement 1191 usilie (N) 1192 effort 1192 selo (N) 1193 village 1193 poprie (N) 1194 field 1194 otbytie (N) 1195 departure 1195 uverenie (N) 1196 assurance 1196 razdol+e (N) 1197 freedom 1197 pohtenie (N) 1198 respect 1198 bezumstvo (N) 1199 madness 1199 razdum+e (N) 1200 hesitation 1200 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H nemonyj 1201 feeble 1201 vostorennyj 1202 rare 1202 trudnyj 1203 difficult 1203 hetvertyj 1204 fourth 1204 etyrnadcatyj1205 fourteenth 1205 tohnyj 1206 exact 1206 krajnij 1207 extreme 1207 nekrepkij 1208 weak 1208 vmeste 1209 together 1209 tqkij 1210 heavy 1210 orava (F) 1211 crowd 1211 sestrica (F) 1212 sister 1212 derevnq (F) 1213 village 1213 gruppa (F) 1214 group 1214 psina (F) 1215 dog 1215 istoriq (F) 1216 history 1216 weluxa (F) 1217 husk 1217 strana (F) 1218 country 1218 spal+nq (F) 1219 bedroom 1219 zastava (F) 1220 gate 1220 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H vpletat+ 1221 to entwine 1221 pahkat+ 1222 to smear 1222 ministrirovat1223 to administer 1223 konfiskovat+ 1224 to confiscate 1224 obiat+ 1225 to offend 1225 osvqat+ 1226 to sanctify 1226 vzryvat+ 1227 to explode 1227 risovat+ 1228 to depict 1228 ukrawat+ 1229 to adorn 1229 prebyvat+ 1230 to abide 1230 predvidenie (N 1231 foresight 1231 puzo (N) 1232 belly 1232 duvatel+stvo 1233 trickery neustrojstvo (N 1234 1233 disorder 1234 ispytanie (N) 1235 trial 1235 poleno (N) 1236 log 1236 krylywko (N) 1237 wing 1237 menie (N) 1238 revenge 1238 logovie (N) 1239 lair 1239 slabosilie (N) 1240 weakness 1240 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H social+nyj 1241 social 1241 zakonhennyj 1242 complete 1242 nekolebimyj 1243 firm 1243 beskrajnij 1244 endless 1244 vokrug 1245 around 1245 pravdivo 1246 truthfully 1246 neistovyj 1247 furious 1247 nemudrenyj 1248 simple 1248 uhtivyj 1249 polite 1249 neblagorodnyj 1250 ignoble 1250 naparnik (M) 1251 partner 1251 oficiant (M) 1252 waiter 1252 bulohnik (M) 1253 baker 1253 bereg (M) 1254 coast 1254 lev (M) 1255 lion 1255 spih (M) 1256 speech 1256 universitet (M1257 university 1257 karman (M) 1258 pocket 1258 poar (M) 1259 fire 1259 sadovnik (M) 1260 gardener 1260 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H osparivat+ 1261 to contend 1261 predskazyvat+ 1262 to predict 1262 mmunizirovat 1263 to immunize 1263 povestvovat+ 1264 to narrate 1264 motyit+ 1265 to hoe 1265 nadsmatrivat+ 1266 to supervise 1266 rassledovat+ 1267 to investigate 1267 vymogat+ 1268 to extort 1268 obezglavit+ 1269 to behead 1269 pomedlit+ 1270 to linger 1270 aimenovanie (N1271 name 1271 uhatel+stvo (N1272 guarantee 1272 pehitel+stvo 1273 guardianship 1273 kolehko (N) 1274 ring 1274 ponimanie (N) 1275 understanding 1275 imenie (N) 1276 estate 1276 napravlenie (N 1277 direction 1277 osnovanie (N) 1278 ground 1278 soalenie (N) 1279 regret 1279 zrenie (N) 1280 sight 1280 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H samyj 1281 most 1281 svobodnyj 1282 free 1282 interesnyj 1283 interesting 1283 real+nyj 1284 real 1284 neuverennyj 1285 uncertain 1285 radostnyj 1286 joyful 1286 netrezvyj 1287 drunk 1287 prekrasnyj 1288 beautiful 1288 zloveij 1289 sinister 1289 blagorodnyj 1290 noble 1290 luna (F) 1291 moon 1291 niva (F) 1292 field 1292 manera (F) 1293 manner 1293 pixta (F) 1294 fir 1294 suwa (F) 1295 land 1295 mura (F) 1296 nonsense 1296 nuda (F) 1297 need 1297 mysl+ (F) 1298 thought 1298 sluanka (F) 1299 maid 1299 istina (F) 1300 truth 1300 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H pozolotit+ 1301 to gild 1301 sidet+ 1302 to sit 1302 kremirovat+ 1303 to cremate 1303 nopolizirovat1304 to monopolize 1304 kaznit+ 1305 to execute 1305 razvernut+ 1306 to unfold 1306 skakat+ 1307 to skip 1307 deformirovat+ 1308 to deform 1308 zatohat+ 1309 to imprison 1309 rtikulirovat+1310 to articulate 1310 kuwan+e (N) 1311 food 1311 prodvienie (N 1312 movement 1312 otpravlenie (N 1313 departure 1313 mewatel+stvo 1314 madness 1314 bedro (N) 1315 thigh 1315 proxodenie (N 1316 passage 1316 brxo (N) 1317 belly 1317 sblienie (N) 1318 approach 1318 elanie (N) 1319 wish 1319 padenie (N) 1320 drop 1320 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H alhnyj 1321 greedy 1321 besnovatyj 1322 mad 1322 razdraennyj 1323 angry 1323 porqdohnyj 1324 honest 1324 mestitel+nyj1325 spacious 1325 epriqznennyj 1326 hostile 1326 raspuennyj 1327 loose 1327 itejskij 1328 worldly 1328 zamedlitel+ny1329 immediate 1329 nenormal+nyj 1330 abnormal 1330 kosmos (M) 1331 space 1331 okean (M) 1332 ocean 1332 vdox (M) 1333 breath 1333 poselok (M) 1334 village 1334 znak (M) 1335 sign 1335 kurs (M) 1336 course 1336 smysl (M) 1337 sense 1337 lob (M) 1338 forehead 1338 skrqga (M) 1339 miser 1339 sad (M) 1340 garden 1340 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H zaraat+ 1341 to infect 1341 udovletvorit+ 1342 to satisfy 1342 kvalificirova1343 to disqualify 1343 pomazyvat+ 1344 to anoint 1344 protestovat+ 1345 to protest 1345 pristupat+ 1346 to proceed 1346 timulirovat+1347 to stimulate 1347 ryskat+ 1348 to prowl 1348 reklamirovat+ 1349 to publicize 1349 usypat+ 1350 to strew 1350 shast+e (N) 1351 luck 1351 zrelie (N) 1352 spectacle 1352 sudno (N) 1353 vessel 1353 pravilo (N) 1354 rule 1354 maslo (N) 1355 oil 1355 posramlenie (N 1356 disgrace 1356 svidanie (N) 1357 appointment 1357 svidanie (N) 1358 date 1358 dvienie (N) 1359 movement 1359 zanqtie (N) 1360 occupation 1360 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H karij 1361 brown 1361 akkuratnyj 1362 neat 1362 neugodnyj 1363 disagreeable 1363 puglivyj 1364 fearful 1364 materinskij 1365 maternal 1365 lenivyj 1366 lazy 1366 wtilevoj 1367 calm 1367 poxoij 1368 similar 1368 dragocennyj 1369 precious 1369 nehestnyj 1370 dishonest 1370 mast+ (F) 1371 color 1371 zarq (F) 1372 dawn 1372 wirina (F) 1373 width 1373 vywina (F) 1374 height 1374 kancelqriq (F)1375 office 1375 grud+ (F) 1376 chest 1376 distanciq (F) 1377 distance 1377 zavesa (F) 1378 curtain 1378 sekretarwa (F) 1379 secretary 1379 trava (F) 1380 grass 1380 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H snosit+ 1381 to raze 1381 ublaat+ 1382 to gratify 1382 cializirovat 1383 to socialize 1383 obxaivat+ 1384 to cajole 1384 akcentirovat+ 1385 to emphasize 1385 bihevat+ 1386 to scourge 1386 okalizirovat+1387 to vocalize 1387 vibrirovat+ 1388 to vibrate 1388 kalibrovat+ 1389 to calibrate 1389 pozirovat+ 1390 to pose 1390 powib (M) 1391 manner 1391 molotok (M) 1392 hammer 1392 vzdor (M) 1393 nonsense 1393 cvet (M) 1394 color 1394 topol+ (M) 1395 poplar 1395 boks (M) 1396 box 1396 mramor (M) 1397 marble 1397 sever (M) 1398 north 1398 lar+ (M) 1399 chest 1399 kraewek (M) 1400 edge 1400 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H utkij 1401 frightful 1401 segodnq 1402 today 1402 korolevskij 1403 royal 1403 absurdnyj 1404 absurd 1404 zanqtyj 1405 busy 1405 divnyj 1406 wonderful 1406 nedannyj 1407 unexpected 1407 pustotelyj 1408 hollow 1408 ustalyj 1409 tired 1409 intimnyj 1410 intimate 1410 policiq (F) 1411 police 1411 sveha (F) 1412 candle 1412 sekunda (F) 1413 second 1413 perhatka (F) 1414 glove 1414 videtel+nica 1415 witness 1415 guvernantka (F 1416 governess 1416 para (F) 1417 couple 1417 kolbasa (F) 1418 sausage 1418 novobrahnaq (F 1419 newlywed 1419 pepel+nica (F) 1420 ashtray 1420 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H perevozit+ 1421 to tote 1421 annotirovat+ 1422 to annotate 1422 izumlqt+ 1423 to dazzle 1423 proivat+ 1424 to reside 1424 vqzat+ 1425 to knit 1425 prestupat+ 1426 to transgress 1426 pyrnut+ 1427 to jab 1427 poricat+ 1428 to censure 1428 nervirovat+ 1429 to unnerve 1429 dosadovat+ 1430 to bemoan 1430 sekretar+ (M) 1431 secretary 1431 sneg (M) 1432 snow 1432 miting (M) 1433 meeting 1433 kotenok (M) 1434 kitten 1434 svet (M) 1435 light 1435 princ (M) 1436 prince 1436 zubok (M) 1437 tooth 1437 vyezd (M) 1438 departure 1438 otxod (M) 1439 departure 1439 dodik (M) 1440 rain 1440 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H korotkij 1441 short 1441 osnovnoj 1442 principal 1442 medlenno 1443 slowly 1443 priniennyj 1444 humble 1444 raznoobraznyj1445 diverse 1445 vehnyj 1446 eternal 1446 teplyj 1447 warm 1447 bezuhastnyj 1448 indifferent 1448 purpurnyj 1449 purple 1449 kur+eznyj 1450 strange 1450 vykrojka (F) 1451 pattern 1451 oplata (F) 1452 payment 1452 gospoa (F) 1453 lady 1453 marka (F) 1454 stamp 1454 pyl+ (F) 1455 dust 1455 dudka (F) 1456 pipe 1456 usluga (F) 1457 service 1457 vol+nost+ (F) 1458 freedom 1458 gruda (F) 1459 heap 1459 bretel+ka (F) 1460 strap 1460 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H prednahertat+ 1461 to destine 1461 erekarmlivat+1462 to overfeed 1462 svewivat+ 1463 to overhaul 1463 parit+ 1464 to hover 1464 sedatel+stvov1465 to preside 1465 opoznat+ 1466 to identify 1466 medlit+ 1467 to tarry 1467 portit+ 1468 to mar 1468 uzurpirovat+ 1469 to usurp 1469 estikulirovat 1470 to gesticulate 1470 sekundant (M) 1471 second 1471 vetr (M) 1472 wind 1472 cvetok (M) 1473 flower 1473 svidetel+ (M) 1474 witness 1474 perst (M) 1475 finger 1475 pered (M) 1476 front 1476 plan (M) 1477 plan 1477 stul (M) 1478 chair 1478 srpriz (M) 1479 surprise 1479 ugol (M) 1480 corner 1480 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H grqznyj 1481 sordid 1481 sohuvstvennyj 1482 sympathetic 1482 potajnoj 1483 secret 1483 samozvannyj 1484 FALSE 1484 texniheskij 1485 technical 1485 bezyzvestnyj 1486 obscure 1486 lysyj 1487 bald 1487 razdol+nyj 1488 vast 1488 opehalennyj 1489 sad 1489 ravnyj 1490 equal 1490 gorka (F) 1491 hill 1491 htitel+nost+ 1492 respect 1492 molodost+ (F) 1493 youth 1493 razvilina (F) 1494 fork 1494 lihnost+ (F) 1495 person 1495 pqta (F) 1496 heel 1496 qmka (F) 1497 hole 1497 supruga (F) 1498 spouse 1498 kadka (F) 1499 tub 1499 klqtva (F) 1500 oath 1500 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H voznikat+ 1501 to emerge 1501 uasat+ 1502 to terrify 1502 zatmevat+ 1503 to overshadow 1503 oralizirovat+1504 to moralize 1504 dosadat+ 1505 to vex 1505 ransponirovat 1506 to transpose 1506 uspokoit+ 1507 to soothe 1507 tqgotet+ 1508 to gravitate 1508 urhat+ 1509 to murmur 1509 droat+ 1510 to quake 1510 urok (M) 1511 lesson 1511 obrazec (M) 1512 pattern 1512 prizrak (M) 1513 ghost 1513 plate (M) 1514 payment 1514 ded (M) 1515 grandfather 1515 wtamp (M) 1516 stamp 1516 proezd (M) 1517 passage 1517 golod (M) 1518 hunger 1518 podborodok (M)1519 chin 1519 prax (M) 1520 dust 1520 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H beskonehnyj 1521 infinite 1521 bessmertnyj 1522 immortal 1522 neqsnyj 1523 vague 1523 amehatel+nyj 1524 remarkable 1524 nebrenyj 1525 careless 1525 absoltnyj 1526 absolute 1526 gromozdkij 1527 unwieldy 1527 estokij 1528 cruel 1528 xorowen+kij 1529 pretty 1529 nedostovernyj 1530 doubtful 1530 preispodnqq (F 1531 hell 1531 skverna (F) 1532 filth 1532 tetq (F) 1533 aunt 1533 snorovka (F) 1534 skill 1534 wlqpka (F) 1535 hat 1535 l+novidnost+ 1536 foresight 1536 siren+ (F) 1537 lilac 1537 prostynq (F) 1538 sheet 1538 kvartira (F) 1539 apartment 1539 lodka (F) 1540 boat 1540 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H wokirovat+ 1541 to scandalize 1541 zaterivat+ 1542 to misplace 1542 raznoobrazit+ 1543 to vary 1543 errorizirovat 1544 to terrorize 1544 sluit+ 1545 to serve 1545 rasputat+ 1546 to untangle 1546 izmerqt+ 1547 to gauge 1547 propityvat+ 1548 to saturate 1548 attestovat+ 1549 to attest 1549 werwavet+ 1550 to roughen 1550 pol (M) 1551 floor 1551 krest (M) 1552 cross 1552 olen+ (M) 1553 deer 1553 botinok (M) 1554 shoe 1554 remen+ (M) 1555 strap 1555 osel (M) 1556 donkey 1556 advokat (M) 1557 lawyer 1557 xolm (M) 1558 hill 1558 nec (M) 1559 youth 1559 helovek (M) 1560 person 1560 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H nie 1561 lower 1561 oestohennyj 1562 bitter 1562 rovnyj 1563 even 1563 dikorastuij 1564 wild 1564 vnezapno 1565 suddenly 1565 delikatnyj 1566 delicate 1566 nenyj 1567 tender 1567 oxladennyj 1568 cool 1568 bespoleznyj 1569 useless 1569 obyknovennyj 1570 ordinary 1570 otrasl+ (F) 1571 branch 1571 krovel+ (F) 1572 roof 1572 peera (F) 1573 cave 1573 poma (F) 1574 poem 1574 draka (F) 1575 fight 1575 wkura (F) 1576 skin 1576 ujma (F) 1577 mass 1577 skoba (F) 1578 staple 1578 tqgota (F) 1579 burden 1579 rasheska (F) 1580 comb 1580 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H orrektirovat+1581 to proofread 1581 nkorporirovat 1582 to incorporate 1582 uvehit+ 1583 to mutilate 1583 etalizirovat+1584 to itemize 1584 ubyvat+ 1585 to wane 1585 soxranqt+ 1586 to keep 1586 mercat+ 1587 to twinkle 1587 grimasnihat+ 1588 to grimace 1588 anatomirovat+1589 to dissect 1589 opehalit+ 1590 to sadden 1590 vdovec (M) 1591 widower 1591 sovet (M) 1592 advice 1592 kabluhok (M) 1593 heel 1593 poezd (M) 1594 train 1594 fonar+ (M) 1595 lantern 1595 akter (M) 1596 actor 1596 dqden+ka (M) 1597 uncle 1597 suprug (M) 1598 spouse 1598 kulak (M) 1599 fist 1599 qgnenok (M) 1600 lamb 1600 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H westoj 1601 sixth 1601 dal+nejwij 1602 further 1602 xrupkij 1603 fragile 1603 politiheskij 1604 political 1604 ozverelyj 1605 brutal 1605 nekotoroj 1606 some 1606 zamedlennyj 1607 slow 1607 priqtnyj 1608 nice 1608 povsednevnyj 1609 daily 1609 odnoobraznyj 1610 monotonous 1610 dina (F) 1611 dozen 1611 podavatel+nic 1612 teacher 1612 boroda (F) 1613 beard 1613 cep+ (F) 1614 chain 1614 phela (F) 1615 bee 1615 bezopasnost+ (F 1616 security 1616 plitka (F) 1617 bar 1617 basnq (F) 1618 fable 1618 etka (F) 1619 brush 1619 sleza (F) 1620 tear 1620 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H tohit+ 1621 to whet 1621 ob>qsnqt+ 1622 to explain 1622 operirovat+ 1623 to operate 1623 llcinirovat 1624 to hallucinate 1624 putat+ 1625 to muddle 1625 vygnat+ 1626 to oust 1626 eresmatrivat+1627 to reconsider 1627 utopat+ 1628 to drown 1628 proseivat+ 1629 to sift 1629 wtukaturit+ 1630 to stuck 1630 angel (M) 1631 angel 1631 gvozd+ (M) 1632 nail 1632 kupec (M) 1633 merchant 1633 kzamen (M) 1634 examination 1634 ad (M) 1635 hell 1635 vzlomik (M) 1636 burglar 1636 karaul+ik (M1637 watchman 1637 kalendar+ (M) 1638 calf 1638 klad (M) 1639 treasure 1639 kamyw (M) 1640 reed 1640 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H gradanskij 1641 civil 1641 growovyj 1642 cheap 1642 smywlenyj 1643 clever 1643 vsegdawnij 1644 regular 1644 bezvlastnyj 1645 powerless 1645 gromkij 1646 loud 1646 nekrasivyj 1647 ugly 1647 prozrahnyj 1648 transparent 1648 nepovinnyj 1649 innocent 1649 uslulivyj 1650 obliging 1650 mebel+ (F) 1651 furniture 1651 ohered+ (F) 1652 line 1652 inozemka (F) 1653 foreigner 1653 scena (F) 1654 scene 1654 daha (F) 1655 cottage 1655 kletka (F) 1656 cage 1656 rubaxa (F) 1657 shirt 1657 mywka (F) 1658 mouse 1658 kinolenta (F) 1659 film 1659 greza (F) 1660 dream 1660 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H kupit+ 1661 to buy 1661 vit+ 1662 to twine 1662 zaalet+ 1663 to redden 1663 abolepstvovat 1664 to fawn 1664 obezlesit+ 1665 to deforest 1665 granulirovat+ 1666 to granulate 1666 nodatel+stvov1667 to legislate 1667 pobudit+ 1668 to impel 1668 anonizirovat+1669 to canonize 1669 skriminirovat1670 to discriminate 1670 voin (M) 1671 soldier 1671 d+qvol (M) 1672 devil 1672 kel+ner (M) 1673 waiter 1673 navyk (M) 1674 skill 1674 limit (M) 1675 limit 1675 wafot (M) 1676 scaffold 1676 avtor (M) 1677 author 1677 polet (M) 1678 flight 1678 kowel+k (M) 1679 purse 1679 hemodan (M) 1680 suitcase 1680 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H tonkij 1681 thin 1681 nezrimyj 1682 invisible 1682 negibkij 1683 stiff 1683 kubiheskij 1684 cubic 1684 vhera 1685 yesterday 1685 werwavyj 1686 rough 1686 ridurkovatyj1687 silly 1687 obestvennyj 1688 public 1688 neveroqtnyj 1689 unbelievable 1689 ostoronyj 1690 careful 1690 vinogradina (F 1691 grape 1691 monaxinq (F) 1692 nun 1692 prelest+ (F) 1693 charm 1693 rezkost+ (F) 1694 harshness 1694 podgotovka (F) 1695 training 1695 sned+ (F) 1696 food 1696 zacepka (F) 1697 hook 1697 granica (F) 1698 border 1698 skuka (F) 1699 boredom 1699 trudnost+ (F) 1700 difficulty 1700 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H otxarkivat+ 1701 to expectorate 1701 sxvatit+ 1702 to seize 1702 piketirovat+ 1703 to picket 1703 uproat+ 1704 to simplify 1704 amputirovat+ 1705 to amputate 1705 insinuirovat+ 1706 to insinuate 1706 zasedat+ 1707 to confer 1707 uverqt+ 1708 to assure 1708 eabilitirovat 1709 to rehabilitate 1709 akon+erstvovat1710 to poach 1710 zvuk (M) 1711 sound 1711 bogomolec (M) 1712 pilgrim 1712 smrad (M) 1713 stench 1713 muhenik (M) 1714 martyr 1714 repodavatel+ ( 1715 teacher 1715 funt (M) 1716 pound 1716 potolok (M) 1717 ceiling 1717 hitatel+ (M) 1718 reader 1718 koncert (M) 1719 concert 1719 wturm (M) 1720 storm 1720 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H moguhij 1721 powerful 1721 vnezapnyj 1722 sudden 1722 malyj 1723 small 1723 zanqtnyj 1724 amusing 1724 ispugannyj 1725 afraid 1725 druelbnyj 1726 friendly 1726 dvoqkij 1727 double 1727 probivnoj 1728 aggressive 1728 straordinarny1729 extraordinary 1729 velikoduwnyj 1730 generous 1730 grobnica (F) 1731 tomb 1731 temnica (F) 1732 prison 1732 boginq (F) 1733 goddess 1733 ragocennost+ ( 1734 jewel 1734 raznarqdka (F) 1735 order 1735 kora (F) 1736 bark 1736 tuha (F) 1737 cloud 1737 natura (F) 1738 nature 1738 detal+ (F) 1739 detail 1739 ptica (F) 1740 bird 1740 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H plissirovat+ 1741 to pleat 1741 redznamenovat 1742 to portend 1742 otklonit+ 1743 to deflect 1743 oznahat+ 1744 to signify 1744 pokidat+ 1745 to abandon 1745 xnykat+ 1746 to whimper 1746 okutyvat+ 1747 to shroud 1747 civilizovat+ 1748 to civilize 1748 fontanirovat+ 1749 to gush 1749 belit+ 1750 to whitewash 1750 mel+nik (M) 1751 miller 1751 sup (M) 1752 soup 1752 stadion (M) 1753 stadium 1753 roditel+ (M) 1754 parent 1754 brusok (M) 1755 bar 1755 pozor (M) 1756 shame 1756 zver+ (M) 1757 animal 1757 inozemec (M) 1758 foreigner 1758 konsul (M) 1759 consul 1759 verbld (M) 1760 camel 1760 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H staryj 1761 old 1761 neterpelivyj 1762 impatient 1762 neizvestnyj 1763 unknown 1763 prytkij 1764 quick 1764 alkij 1765 pitiful 1765 muhitel+nyj 1766 painful 1766 dobryj 1767 kind 1767 durawlivyj 1768 foolish 1768 zaurqdnyj 1769 mediocre 1769 molodoj 1770 young 1770 tonal+nost+ (F 1771 key 1771 povadka (F) 1772 habit 1772 posudina (F) 1773 vessel 1773 armiq (F) 1774 army 1774 gostinica (F) 1775 hotel 1775 podmoga (F) 1776 help 1776 panika (F) 1777 panic 1777 problema (F) 1778 problem 1778 mozol+ (F) 1779 corn 1779 motritel+nost1780 rashness 1780 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H otmenqt+ 1781 to revoke 1781 kamenet+ 1782 to petrify 1782 naruwat+ 1783 to violate 1783 rovitel+stvov 1784 to patronize 1784 ratorstvovat+1785 to orate 1785 perforirovat+ 1786 to perforate 1786 oplakat+ 1787 to mourn 1787 predlagat+ 1788 to propose 1788 soverwat+ 1789 to commit 1789 plakat+ 1790 to cry 1790 priplod (M) 1791 litter 1791 parikmaxer (M 1792 barber 1792 million (M) 1793 million 1793 domik (M) 1794 cottage 1794 bilet (M) 1795 ticket 1795 plug (M) 1796 plough 1796 sporqditel+ ( 1797 manager 1797 posol (M) 1798 ambassador 1798 vykup (M) 1799 ransom 1799 prixod (M) 1800 arrival 1800 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H povsdu 1801 everywhere 1801 nerviheskij 1802 nervous 1802 polovinnyj 1803 half 1803 torostepennyj1804 secondary 1804 ploskij 1805 flat 1805 detskij 1806 childish 1806 wirokij 1807 wide 1807 obil+nyj 1808 plenty 1808 bezglasnyj 1809 silent 1809 verwennoletni 1810 adult 1810 korzina (F) 1811 basket 1811 kuropatka (F) 1812 partridge 1812 kapel+ka (F) 1813 drop 1813 vesna (F) 1814 spring 1814 gadlivost+ (F) 1815 disgust 1815 lest+ (F) 1816 flattery 1816 kolesnica (F) 1817 chariot 1817 plastinka (F) 1818 plate 1818 xvor+ (F) 1819 illness 1819 gora (F) 1820 mountain 1820 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H svqtit+ 1821 to consecrate 1821 rilihestvovat 1822 to befit 1822 ponosit+ 1823 to vilify 1823 petlqt+ 1824 to zigzag 1824 platit+ 1825 to pay 1825 obnaruivat+ 1826 to reveal 1826 soxranqt+ 1827 to conserve 1827 prevalirovat+ 1828 to prevail 1828 obespokoit+ 1829 to perturb 1829 poluhat+ 1830 to get 1830 nedostatok (M)1831 lack 1831 fil+m (M) 1832 film 1832 apel+sin (M) 1833 orange 1833 vinograd (M) 1834 grape 1834 student (M) 1835 student 1835 rostok (M) 1836 sprout 1836 rube (M) 1837 border 1837 l+stec (M) 1838 flatterer 1838 portret (M) 1839 portrait 1839 aist (M) 1840 stork 1840 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H ejstvitel+nyj1841 actual 1841 nulevoj 1842 zero 1842 ladkozvuhnyj1843 sweet 1843 powlyj 1844 vulgar 1844 epovorotlivyj1845 clumsy 1845 prigodnyj 1846 suitable 1846 hudovinyj 1847 monstrous 1847 sed+moj 1848 seventh 1848 statnyj 1849 graceful 1849 obozrimyj 1850 visible 1850 lira (F) 1851 lyre 1851 lisica (F) 1852 fox 1852 truppa (F) 1853 company 1853 koloda (F) 1854 log 1854 protivnica (F) 1855 opponent 1855 beseda (F) 1856 conversation 1856 kopiq (F) 1857 copy 1857 gavan+ (F) 1858 harbour 1858 tqest+ (F) 1859 weight 1859 pamqt+ (F) 1860 memory 1860 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H obitat+ 1861 to inhabit 1861 investirovat+ 1862 to invest 1862 polagat+ 1863 to presume 1863 razgadyvat+ 1864 to unravel 1864 einvestirovat 1865 to reinvest 1865 pul+sirovat+ 1866 to pulsate 1866 odificirovat+1867 to codify 1867 osuestvovat+ 1868 to coexist 1868 razreat+ 1869 to rarefy 1869 prqtat+ 1870 to conceal 1870 dymoxod (M) 1871 chimney 1871 vosk (M) 1872 wax 1872 wofer (M) 1873 driver 1873 braslet (M) 1874 bracelet 1874 binokl+ (M) 1875 binoculars 1875 ivot (M) 1876 stomach 1876 neporqdok (M) 1877 disorder 1877 klh (M) 1878 key 1878 otrezok (M) 1879 piece 1879 sosud (M) 1880 vessel 1880 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H nemalyj 1881 considerable 1881 robkij 1882 timid 1882 pustoporonij1883 empty 1883 dejstvitel+no 1884 really 1884 myslennyj 1885 mental 1885 smetlivyj 1886 sharp 1886 nravstvennyj 1887 moral 1887 smertnyj 1888 mortal 1888 spesivyj 1889 haughty 1889 nepovtorimyj 1890 unique 1890 fraza (F) 1891 phrase 1891 razitel+nost+ 1892 expression 1892 kor+ (F) 1893 measles 1893 pehal+ (F) 1894 sadness 1894 teoriq (F) 1895 theory 1895 otrada (F) 1896 joy 1896 vaza (F) 1897 vase 1897 plemqnnica (F) 1898 niece 1898 rotqennost+ 1899 extent 1899 dremota (F) 1900 nap 1900 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H uxudwat+ 1901 to impair 1901 nkriminirovat 1902 to incriminate 1902 itel+stvovat1903 to cohabit 1903 podrazdelit+ 1904 to subdivide 1904 ejtralizovat+1905 to neutralize 1905 radovat+ 1906 to gladden 1906 sotrudnihat+ 1907 to collaborate 1907 atificirovat+1908 to ratify 1908 ezorganizovat 1909 to disorganize 1909 cionalizirova 1910 to rationalize 1910 pansionat (M) 1911 hotel 1911 sustav (M) 1912 joint 1912 most (M) 1913 bridge 1913 buxgalter (M) 1914 bookkeeper 1914 titul (M) 1915 title 1915 raznarqdok (M 1916 order 1916 otwel+nik (M)1917 hermit 1917 redaktor (M) 1918 editor 1918 muskus (M) 1919 musk 1919 silok (M) 1920 snare 1920 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H otcovskij 1921 paternal 1921 bespokojnyj 1922 troublesome 1922 truslivyj 1923 cowardly 1923 ofessional+ny 1924 professional 1924 raznyj 1925 different 1925 kadyj 1926 every 1926 religioznyj 1927 religious 1927 zaxudalyj 1928 shabby 1928 ivuhij 1929 tenacious 1929 ldskoj 1930 human 1930 skala (F) 1931 crag 1931 koura (F) 1932 peel 1932 ara (F) 1933 heat 1933 pomexa (F) 1934 hindrance 1934 gadka (F) 1935 viper 1935 vataga (F) 1936 crowd 1936 nesurazica (F) 1937 nonsense 1937 deva (F) 1938 maid 1938 vys+ (F) 1939 height 1939 dal+ (F) 1940 distance 1940 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H ompensirovat+1941 to remunerate 1941 priznavat+ 1942 to admit 1942 mobilizovat+ 1943 to mobilize 1943 aturalizovat+1944 to naturalize 1944 paralizovat+ 1945 to paralyze 1945 modulirovat+ 1946 to modulate 1946 emobilizovat+1947 to demobilize 1947 tqnut+ 1948 to pull 1948 istillirovat+1949 to distill 1949 ssimilirovat+1950 to assimilate 1950 matros (M) 1951 sailor 1951 hervqk (M) 1952 worm 1952 razgovor (M) 1953 conversation 1953 xozqin (M) 1954 master 1954 kzemplqr (M) 1955 copy 1955 grad (M) 1956 hail 1956 baga (M) 1957 luggage 1957 istohnik (M) 1958 spring 1958 lokot+ (M) 1959 elbow 1959 wkaf (M) 1960 cupboard 1960 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H tolkovyj 1961 intelligent 1961 iskusstvennyj 1962 artificial 1962 gordyj 1963 proud 1963 bespreryvnyj 1964 continuous 1964 ratnyj 1965 military 1965 dramatiheskij 1966 dramatic 1966 rokovoj 1967 fatal 1967 spelyj 1968 ripe 1968 prevosxodnyj 1969 excellent 1969 legantnyj 1970 elegant 1970 zanaveska (F) 1971 curtain 1971 parohka (F) 1972 couple 1972 vyplata (F) 1973 payment 1973 ruka (F) 1974 arm 1974 truba (F) 1975 pipe 1975 svoboda (F) 1976 freedom 1976 kuha (F) 1977 heap 1977 vilka (F) 1978 fork 1978 molode+ (F) 1979 youth 1979 osoba (F) 1980 person 1980 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H obezldit+ 1981 to depopulate 1981 razrewat+ 1982 to let 1982 versificirova 1983 to diversify 1983 subsidirovat+ 1984 to subsidize 1984 obqzat+ 1985 to obligate 1985 peredelyvat+ 1986 to recast 1986 lbodejstvova1987 to fornicate 1987 travmirovat+ 1988 to traumatize 1988 videtel+stvov1989 to perjure 1989 iagnostirovat 1990 to diagnose 1990 kover (M) 1991 rug 1991 rebenok (M) 1992 baby 1992 zemledelec (M)1993 farmer 1993 kuznec (M) 1994 smith 1994 otkaz (M) 1995 refusal 1995 sled (M) 1996 footprint 1996 prihal (M) 1997 wharf 1997 hasovoj (M) 1998 sentinel 1998 uroaj (M) 1999 harvest 1999 ilet (M) 2000 waistcoat 2000 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H xilyj 2001 feeble 2001 redkij 2002 rare 2002 privyhnyj 2003 habitual 2003 buduij 2004 future 2004 voobraaemyj 2005 imaginary 2005 hrezvyhajnyj 2006 extreme 2006 bessil+nyj 2007 weak 2007 nynewnij 2008 present 2008 tqelovesnyj 2009 heavy 2009 bezrazdel+nyj 2010 complete 2010 pqtka (F) 2011 heel 2011 dyrka (F) 2012 hole 2012 prisqga (F) 2013 oath 2013 gadost+ (F) 2014 filth 2014 zemlq (F) 2015 land 2015 vetv+ (F) 2016 branch 2016 krovlq (F) 2017 roof 2017 sxvatka (F) 2018 fight 2018 massa (F) 2019 mass 2019 tqgost+ (F) 2020 burden 2020 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H reraspredelit2021 to redistribute 2021 enit+ 2022 to marry 2022 zolotit+ 2023 to gild 2023 mogenizirovat2024 to homogenize 2024 eval+virovat+2025 to revalue ifferencirovat 2026 to differentiate 2025 2026 ul+minirovat+2027 to culminate klimatizirova 2028 to acclimatize 2027 2028 lcionizirov 2029 to revolutionize 2029 akkreditovat+ 2030 to accredit 2030 zont (M) 2031 umbrella 2031 boec (M) 2032 warrior 2032 vxod (M) 2033 entrance 2033 zoopark (M) 2034 zoo 2034 lomtik (M) 2035 slice 2035 vrah (M) 2036 doctor 2036 pauk (M) 2037 spider 2037 ar (M) 2038 heat 2038 xlebopek (M) 2039 baker 2039 koster (M) 2040 fire 2040 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H xudwij 2041 worse 2041 neskonhaemyj 2042 endless 2042 terpelivyj 2043 patient 2043 prohnyj 2044 firm 2044 esperesadohny 2045 direct 2045 zolotistyj 2046 golden 2046 razgnevannyj 2047 furious 2047 boestvennyj 2048 divine 2048 prosteckij 2049 simple 2049 sklhitel+ny 2050 exceptional 2050 spitatel+nica2051 teacher 2051 advokatura (F) 2052 bar 2052 rabota (F) 2053 job 2053 kistohka (F) 2054 brush 2054 prihina (F) 2055 reason 2055 stroka (F) 2056 line 2056 myw+ (F) 2057 mouse 2057 rubawka (F) 2058 shirt 2058 koica (F) 2059 film 2059 monawenka (F) 2060 nun 2060 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H zatohit+ 2061 to imprison 2061 linhevat+ 2062 to lynch 2062 entralizovat+2063 to centralize 2063 razlihat+ 2064 to discern 2064 zarazit+ 2065 to infect 2065 dealizirovat+2066 to idealize 2066 anipulirovat 2067 to manipulate 2067 aktivirovat+ 2068 to activate 2068 zaiat+ 2069 to protect 2069 vraat+ 2070 to rotate 2070 prostor (M) 2071 space 2071 skupec (M) 2072 miser 2072 maner (M) 2073 manner 2073 molot (M) 2074 hammer 2074 kolorit (M) 2075 color 2075 korobok (M) 2076 box 2076 nord (M) 2077 north 2077 knqz+ (M) 2078 prince 2078 otezd (M) 2079 departure 2079 pal+hik (M) 2080 finger 2080 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H velivyj 2081 polite 2081 atomnyj 2082 atomic 2082 nepolnocennyj 2083 inferior 2083 darovoj 2084 free 2084 dovol+nyj 2085 glad 2085 tverdyj 2086 solid 2086 mawinal+nyj 2087 mechanical 2087 p+qnyj 2088 drunk 2088 dorodnyj 2089 stout 2089 adnyj 2090 greedy 2090 trenirovka (F) 2091 training 2091 zakorhka (F) 2092 hook 2092 lampa (F) 2093 lamp 2093 mogila (F) 2094 tomb 2094 podrobnost+ (F)2095 detail 2095 klaviwa (F) 2096 key 2096 zadaha (F) 2097 problem 2097 dama (F) 2098 queen 2098 romethivost+ 2099 rashness 2099 kaplq (F) 2100 drop 2100 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H centralizovat2101 to decentralize 2101 aroderstvovat 2102 to maraud 2102 ogorowit+ 2103 to disconcert 2103 siat+ 2104 to liquefy 2104 likvidirovat+2105 to liquidate 2105 pasterizovat+ 2106 to pasteurize 2106 ustrializirov 2107 to industrialize 2107 spropriirovat 2108 to expropriate 2108 epatriirovat+2109 to repatriate imvolizirovat 2110 2109 to symbolize 2110 fas (M) 2111 front 2111 uzor (M) 2112 pattern 2112 mir (M) 2113 peace 2113 predmet (M) 2114 object 2114 krestik (M) 2115 cross 2115 rist (M) 2116 lawyer 2116 nowa (M) 2117 youth 2117 kabluk (M) 2118 heel 2118 barawek (M) 2119 lamb 2119 kommersant (M 2120 merchant 2120 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H skromnyj 2121 modest 2121 bezumnyj 2122 mad 2122 serdityj 2123 angry 2123 nauhnyj 2124 scientific 2124 svojstvennyj 2125 typical 2125 prostornyj 2126 spacious 2126 primitivnyj 2127 primitive 2127 mirskoj 2128 worldly 2128 skoro 2129 soon 2129 anormal+nyj 2130 abnormal 2130 sluba (F) 2131 service 2131 pruina (F) 2132 spring 2132 vanna (F) 2133 tub 2133 plastina (F) 2134 plate 2134 lisa (F) 2135 fox 2135 kompaniq (F) 2136 company 2136 osen+ (F) 2137 autumn 2137 skorost+ (F) 2138 speed 2138 hast+ (F) 2139 part 2139 tolheq (F) 2140 crowd 2140 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H otricat+ 2141 to disavow 2141 sostavit+ 2142 to comprise 2142 vyzyvat+ 2143 to summon 2143 sobirat+ 2144 to collect 2144 sintezirovat+ 2145 to synthesize 2145 nterpolirovat 2146 to interpolate 2146 obnaruit+ 2147 to detect 2147 slepit+ 2148 to dazzle 2148 pitalizirovat2149 to capitalize 2149 soobat+ 2150 to inform 2150 gromila (M) 2151 burglar 2151 storo (M) 2152 watchman 2152 telenok (M) 2153 calf 2153 trostnik (M) 2154 reed 2154 predel (M) 2155 limit 2155 gorod (M) 2156 city 2156 wum (M) 2157 uproar 2157 les (M) 2158 wood 2158 rejs (M) 2159 flight 2159 priznak (M) 2160 sign 2160 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H oprqtnyj 2161 tidy 2161 vysokij 2162 high 2162 sledovatel+ny2163 consecutive 2163 inogda 2164 sometimes 2164 centrovoj 2165 central 2165 sxodnyj 2166 similar 2166 ostroumnyj 2167 witty 2167 konstantnyj 2168 constant 2168 xlopotlivyj 2169 busy 2169 vzdornyj 2170 absurd 2170 hepuxa (F) 2171 nonsense 2171 gornihnaq (F) 2172 maid 2172 studentka (F) 2173 student 2173 vysota (F) 2174 height 2174 karta (F) 2175 chart 2175 uplata (F) 2176 payment 2176 persona (F) 2177 person 2177 qma (F) 2178 hole 2178 ovca (F) 2179 ewe 2179 vetka (F) 2180 branch 2180 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H tiranit+ 2181 to tyrannize 2181 vyprqmit+ 2182 to rectify 2182 retuwirovat+ 2183 to retouch 2183 prestupit+ 2184 to transgress 2184 nastaivat+ 2185 to persist 2185 detonirovat+ 2186 to detonate 2186 ionizirovat+ 2187 to ionize 2187 myt+ 2188 to wash 2188 pomnit+ 2189 to remember 2189 prinosit+ 2190 to bring 2190 uhitel+ (M) 2191 teacher 2191 styd (M) 2192 shame 2192 sor (M) 2193 litter 2193 kotted (M) 2194 cottage 2194 kinofil+m (M) 2195 film 2195 pogonik (M) 2196 driver 2196 kusok (M) 2197 piece 2197 ugol (M) 2198 angle 2198 otel+ (M) 2199 hotel 2199 prikaz (M) 2200 order 2200 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H nemedlenno 2201 immediately 2201 legkij 2202 light 2202 uasnyj 2203 horrible 2203 pqt+ 2204 five 2204 vverx 2205 up 2205 qvno 2206 evidently 2206 neoidannyj 2207 unexpected 2207 dutyj 2208 hollow 2208 west+ 2209 six 2209 inahe 2210 otherwise 2210 gryznq (F) 2211 fight 2211 messa (F) 2212 mass 2212 obuza (F) 2213 burden 2213 herta (F) 2214 line 2214 plenka (F) 2215 film 2215 sluanka (F) 2216 maidservant 2216 obdumannost+ 2217 rashness 2217 usluga (F) 2218 service 2218 tarelka (F) 2219 plate 2219 tolpa (F) 2220 crowd 2220 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H uxodit+ 2221 to depart 2221 rivetstvovat+ 2222 to greet 2222 perekormit+ 2223 to overfeed 2223 tratit+ 2224 to spend 2224 utverdat+ 2225 to prove 2225 ubedit+ 2226 to persuade 2226 uglublqt+ 2227 to deepen 2227 vitat+ 2228 to hover 2228 zavladet+ 2229 to occupy 2229 terpet+ 2230 to endure 2230 list (M) 2231 sheet 2231 servis (M) 2232 service 2232 morqk (M) 2233 sailor 2233 obed (M) 2234 lunch 2234 pekar+ (M) 2235 baker 2235 qzyk (M) 2236 language 2236 skopidom (M) 2237 miser 2237 fasad (M) 2238 front 2238 palomnik (M) 2239 pilgrim 2239 znak (M) 2240 sign 2240 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H edva 2241 scarcely 2241 estestvenno 2242 naturally 2242 kucyj 2243 short 2243 veroqtno 2244 probably 2244 nesomnenno 2245 surely 2245 ravno 2246 equally 2246 vosem+ 2247 eight 2247 bezrazlihnyj 2248 indifferent 2248 pod 2249 under 2249 pqt+desqt 2250 fifty 2250 neskladica (F) 2251 nonsense 2251 omrabotnica ( 2252 maid 2252 gostinica (F) 2253 inn 2253 nora (F) 2254 hole 2254 strohka (F) 2255 line 2255 gur+ba (F) 2256 crowd 2256 okolesica (F) 2257 nonsense 2257 devica (F) 2258 maid 2258 proboina (F) 2259 hole 2259 pamqt+ (F) 2260 memory 2260 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H prosit+ 2261 to beg 2261 wit+ 2262 to sew 2262 gotovit+ 2263 to prepare 2263 vyravnivat+ 2264 to flatten 2264 krast+ 2265 to steal 2265 strelqt+ 2266 to shoot 2266 zatmit+ 2267 to overshadow 2267 zabavlqt+ 2268 to amuse 2268 nenavidet+ 2269 to hate 2269 obmanut+ 2270 to deceive 2270 sram (M) 2271 shame 2271 razlad (M) 2272 disorder 2272 zatvornik (M) 2273 hermit 2273 kel+ner (M) 2274 waiter 2274 otlet (M) 2275 departure 2275 wkaf (M) 2276 locker 2276 plan (M) 2277 plan 2277 stul (M) 2278 chair 2278 srpriz (M) 2279 surprise 2279 ugol (M) 2280 corner 2280 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H iz 2281 from 2281 sem+ 2282 seven 2282 vosem+desqt 2283 eighty 2283 lihno 2284 personally 2284 uhastlivyj 2285 sympathetic 2285 fal+wivyj 2286 FALSE 2286 devqnosto 2287 ninety 2287 tajnyj 2288 secret 2288 sorok 2289 forty 2289 west+desqt 2290 sixty 2290 vyit+ 2291 to survive 2291 ob>qvlqt+ 2292 to declare 2292 riskovat+ 2293 to risk 2293 odobrqt+ 2294 to approve 2294 morozit+ 2295 to freeze 2295 zatemnqt+ 2296 to darken 2296 plavit+ 2297 to melt 2297 andalizirovat2298 to scandalize 2298 voskliknut+ 2299 to exclaim 2299 grozit+ 2300 to threaten 2300 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H desqt+ 2301 ten 2301 strawnyj 2302 frightful 2302 pozadi 2303 behind 2303 plewivyj 2304 bald 2304 dva 2305 two 2305 vsegda 2306 always 2306 obwirnyj 2307 vast 2307 protiv 2308 against 2308 grustnyj 2309 sad 2309 redko 2310 rarely 2310 opredelqt+ 2311 to determine 2311 zaterqt+ 2312 to misplace 2312 obnarodovat+ 2313 to proclaim 2313 xoronit+ 2314 to bury 2314 znakomit+ 2315 to meet 2315 uhit+ 2316 to teach 2316 var+irovat+ 2317 to vary 2317 vqnut+ 2318 to fade 2318 snimat+ 2319 to skim 2319 stoqt+ 2320 to stand 2320 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H polnost+ 2321 totally 2321 eopredelennyj2322 vague 2322 voobe 2323 generally 2323 sem+desqt 2324 seventy 2324 bezuslovnyj 2325 absolute 2325 vsecelo 2326 entirely 2326 neskol+ko 2327 few 2327 izuverskij 2328 cruel 2328 somnitel+nyj 2329 doubtful 2329 vskore 2330 shortly 2330 terrorizovat+ 2331 to terrorize 2331 zapolnqt+ 2332 to fill 2332 perevodit+ 2333 to translate 2333 brodit+ 2334 to wander 2334 ispeh+ 2335 to bake 2335 dostigat+ 2336 to achieve 2336 predstavlqt+ 2337 to introduce 2337 propitat+ 2338 to saturate 2338 smotret+ 2339 to behold 2339 razdelqt+ 2340 to share 2340 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H legko 2341 easily 2341 pered 2342 before 2342 gor+kij 2343 bitter 2343 mnogo 2344 much 2344 skoree 2345 rather 2345 take 2346 likewise 2346 krome 2347 except 2347 sto 2348 hundred 2348 ladnokrovnyj2349 cool 2349 ploxo 2350 badly 2350 pozvolqt+ 2351 to allow 2351 budit+ 2352 to awake 2352 vosxodit+ 2353 to ascend 2353 prevosxodit+ 2354 to surpass 2354 proiznosit+ 2355 to pronounce 2355 bespokoit+ 2356 to disturb 2356 prisoedinqt+ 2357 to join 2357 otvodit+ 2358 to withdraw 2358 vverqt+ 2359 to entrust 2359 oslablqt+ 2360 to loosen 2360 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H nikhemnyj 2361 useless 2361 vokrug 2362 about 2362 konehno 2363 certainly 2363 obyhnyj 2364 ordinary 2364 lomkij 2365 fragile 2365 snarui 2366 outside 2366 skotskij 2367 brutal 2367 herez 2368 across 2368 oba 2369 both 2369 skvoz+ 2370 through 2370 udobrqt+ 2371 to nourish 2371 uspokaivat+ 2372 to soothe 2372 soizvolit+ 2373 to deign 2373 okruat+ 2374 to encircle 2374 obodrqt+ 2375 to encourage 2375 lehit+ 2376 to treat 2376 trevoit+ 2377 to harass 2377 umolqt+ 2378 to beseech 2378 vxodit+ 2379 to enter 2379 bezglavlivat+2380 to decapitate 2380 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H neuspevaij 2381 slow 2381 medu 2382 between 2382 sutohnyj 2383 daily 2383 milyj 2384 nice 2384 hetvert+ 2385 quarter 2385 poka 2386 while 2386 kogda 2387 when 2387 gorodskoj 2388 civil 2388 dewevyj 2389 cheap 2389 tysqha 2390 thousand 2390 vygonqt+ 2391 to oust 2391 raswirqt+ 2392 to enlarge 2392 predvidet+ 2393 to foresee 2393 peresmotret+ 2394 to reconsider 2394 varit+ 2395 to boil 2395 raspredelqt+ 2396 to distribute 2396 posobstvovat+2397 to contribute 2397 ezinficirovat 2398 to cleanse 2398 branit+ 2399 to chide 2399 arit+ 2400 to fry 2400 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H smekalistyj 2401 clever 2401 vnutri 2402 indoors 2402 grubo 2403 roughly 2403 obyhno 2404 ordinarily 2404 sredi 2405 among 2405 regulqrnyj 2406 regular 2406 nigde 2407 nowhere 2407 zyhnyj 2408 loud 2408 teper+ 2409 presently 2409 sledovatel+no 2410 consequently 2410 alet+ 2411 to redden 2411 ostavlqt+ 2412 to forsake 2412 proisxodit+ 2413 to arise 2413 vypolnqt+ 2414 to accomplish 2414 provalit+ 2415 to fail 2415 preodolet+ 2416 to overcome 2416 krestit+ 2417 to baptize 2417 izgonqt+ 2418 to banish 2418 unosit+ 2419 to remove 2419 zapreat+ 2420 to outlaw 2420 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H bezvinnyj 2421 innocent 2421 rqdom 2422 beside 2422 lbeznyj 2423 obliging 2423 stremqijsq 2424 eager 2424 prede 2425 formerly 2425 slegka 2426 slightly 2426 snova 2427 again 2427 nevidimyj 2428 invisible 2428 zakostenelyj 2429 stiff 2429 grubyj 2430 rough 2430 ubedat+ 2431 to convince 2431 otxarknut+ 2432 to expectorate 2432 podgonqt+ 2433 to urge 2433 ukreplqt+ 2434 to fortify 2434 uprostit+ 2435 to simplify 2435 duwit+ 2436 to strangle 2436 obnovlqt+ 2437 to renew 2437 poverqt+ 2438 to confide 2438 perexvatit+ 2439 to intercept 2439 gryzt+ 2440 to gnaw 2440 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H dvady 2441 twice 2441 glupyj 2442 silly 2442 osobenno 2443 especially 2443 vne 2444 beyond 2444 tatel+nyj 2445 careful 2445 monyj 2446 powerful 2446 poodinohke 2447 singly 2447 vniz 2448 downstairs 2448 publihno 2449 publicly 2449 bogatyj 2450 wealthy 2450 prisposoblqt+ 2451 to adapt 2451 zret+ 2452 to ripen 2452 podderivat+ 2453 to maintain 2453 vosstanovit+ 2454 to regain 2454 otklonqt+ 2455 to deflect 2455 draznit+ 2456 to tease 2456 znamenovat+ 2457 to signify 2457 verbovat+ 2458 to enrol 2458 usynovlqt+ 2459 to adopt 2459 xvastat+ 2460 to brag 2460 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H koropostinyj2461 sudden 2461 vpolne 2462 quite 2462 malen+kij 2463 small 2463 veselitel+nyj2464 amusing 2464 tretij 2465 three 2465 qsno 2466 clearly 2466 pohti 2467 nearly yweupomqnuty 2468 2467 afraid 2468 drunyj 2469 friendly 2469 dewevo 2470 cheaply 2470 ustanovit+ 2471 to ascertain 2471 vladet+ 2472 to possess 2472 upodoblqt+ 2473 to liken 2473 vyherkivat+ 2474 to obliterate 2474 okamenet+ 2475 to petrify 2475 minirovat+ 2476 to undermine 2476 povredit+ 2477 to injure 2477 predosteregat+ 2478 to admonish 2478 naruwit+ 2479 to violate 2479 krutit+ 2480 to spin 2480 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H hestno 2481 honestly 2481 agressivnyj 2482 aggressive 2482 ee 2483 more 2483 neobyhajnyj 2484 extraordinary 2484 edryj 2485 generous 2485 gluboko 2486 deeply 2486 vraaijsq 2487 revolving 2487 penqijsq 2488 foamy 2488 poiloj 2489 old 2489 nevedomyj 2490 unknown 2490 potet+ 2491 to perspire 2491 toropit+ 2492 to hasten 2492 oplakivat+ 2493 to mourn 2493 sokraat+ 2494 to abbreviate 2494 zamedlqt+ 2495 to slacken 2495 obvinqt+ 2496 to accuse 2496 soverwit+ 2497 to commit 2497 tivodejstvova 2498 to antagonize 2498 voskrewat+ 2499 to resuscitate 2499 protivorehit+ 2500 to contradict 2500 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H naw 2501 our 2501 vdaleke 2502 afar 2502 milostivyj 2503 kind 2503 losnqijsq 2504 sleek 2504 vnewne 2505 outwardly 2505 nadeijsq 2506 hopeful 2506 srednevekovyj 2507 mediocre 2507 dal+we 2508 farther 2508 nervnyj 2509 nervous 2509 povtorno 2510 repeatedly 2510 rukovodit+ 2511 to manage 2511 kivat+ 2512 to beckon 2512 pobedat+ 2513 to vanquish 2513 vyskablivat+ 2514 to erase 2514 proverqt+ 2515 to verify 2515 gasit+ 2516 to extinguish 2516 pozdravlqt+ 2517 to congratulate 2517 grabit+ 2518 to rob 2518 razgadat+ 2519 to unravel 2519 mesit+ 2520 to knead 2520 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H sladko 2521 sweetly 2521 vtorihnyj 2522 secondary 2522 koleblijsq 2523 wavy 2523 negnuijsq 2524 unbending 2524 askaivaijsq2525 repentant 2525 vnizu 2526 beneath 2526 bezotvetnyj 2527 silent 2527 vzroslyj 2528 adult 2528 krivo 2529 askew 2529 tohno 2530 exactly 2530 udarit+ 2531 to hit 2531 nadzirat+ 2532 to supervise 2532 proqsnit+ 2533 to clarify 2533 prezirat+ 2534 to scorn 2534 pokorqt+ 2535 to subjugate 2535 razredit+ 2536 to rarefy 2536 ponimat+ 2537 to perceive 2537 zamenqt+ 2538 to replace 2538 cenit+ 2539 to appreciate 2539 razdraat+ 2540 to irritate 2540 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H sladkij 2541 sweet 2541 nolevoj 2542 zero 2542 nedavno 2543 recently 2543 pozdnee 2544 later 2544 vul+garnyj 2545 vulgar 2545 tol+ko 2546 merely 2546 gracioznyj 2547 graceful 2547 vidimyj 2548 visible 2548 spuskaijsq 2549 downward 2549 znahitel+nyj 2550 considerable 2550 podrazdelqt+ 2551 to subdivide 2551 protivostoqt+ 2552 to withstand 2552 vosplamenqt+ 2553 to inflame 2553 rasputyvat+ 2554 to untangle 2554 ukrast+ 2555 to steal 2555 umirotvorqt+ 2556 to appease 2556 oivlqt+ 2557 to enliven 2557 vozdelyvat+ 2558 to cultivate 2558 dosadat+ 2559 to annoy 2559 mstit+ 2560 to avenge 2560 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H tqelo 2561 heavily 2561 boqzlivyj 2562 timid 2562 svernuvwijsq 2563 clotted 2563 original+no 2564 originally 2564 vydaijsq 2565 outstanding 2565 umstvennyj 2566 mental 2566 poblizosti 2567 thereabouts 2567 obrazitel+ny 2568 sharp 2568 vposledstvii 2569 afterwards 2569 moral+nyj 2570 moral 2570 posvqat+ 2571 to dedicate 2571 adat+ 2572 to covet 2572 otstupat+ 2573 to digress 2573 rassekat+ 2574 to sever 2574 olicetvorqt+ 2575 to embody 2575 ukrawat+ 2576 to decorate 2576 konomit+ 2577 to skimp 2577 proat+ 2578 to absolve 2578 nadpisyvat+ 2579 to inscribe 2579 osmatrivat+ 2580 to examine 2580 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H nekaijsq 2581 unrepentant 2581 tot 2582 this 2582 bol+woj 2583 big 2583 tlennyj 2584 mortal 2584 spravedlivo 2585 fairly 2585 operivwijsq 2586 fledged 2586 vysokomernyj 2587 haughty 2587 kopytnoe 2588 hoofed 2588 tuda 2589 there 2589 neodinakovyj 2590 different 2590 prikreplqt+ 2591 to attach 2591 opustowat+ 2592 to devastate 2592 annulirovat+ 2593 to override 2593 pogruat+ 2594 to immerse 2594 valificirovat2595 to qualify 2595 zadumyvat+ 2596 to conceive 2596 reraspredelqt2597 to redistribute 2597 propityvat+ 2598 to soak 2598 rugat+ 2599 to revile 2599 mpatizirovat 2600 to sympathize 2600 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H nazad 2601 back 2601 serdehno 2602 heartily 2602 mercaq 2603 agleam 2603 cepkij 2604 tenacious 2604 dlq 2605 for 2605 neglupyj 2606 intelligent 2606 ego 2607 his 2607 prqmoj 2608 straight 2608 ispravivwijsq2609 reformed nenatural+nyj 2610 2609 artificial 2610 rassypat+ 2611 to scatter 2611 naznahat+ 2612 to appoint 2612 vyhitat+ 2613 to deduct 2613 ospodstvovat+ 2614 to overrule 2614 sdavlivat+ 2615 to squeeze 2615 skladyvat+ 2616 to stow 2616 ustupat+ 2617 to defer 2617 razrezat+ 2618 to cut 2618 otkreplqt+ 2619 to unfasten 2619 ebetat+ 2620 to chirp 2620 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H tugo 2621 tightly 2621 v+ijsq 2622 curling 2622 bezvyezdnyj 2623 continuous 2623 rev 2624 roaring 2624 te 2625 those 2625 voennyj 2626 military 2626 pricelivanie 2627 aiming 2627 ix 2628 their 2628 zanovo 2629 anew 2629 fatal+nyj 2630 fatal 2630 pogloat+ 2631 to imbibe 2631 izolirovat+ 2632 to insulate 2632 podrezat+ 2633 to pare 2633 obuhat+ 2634 to tutor 2634 idetel+stvovat2635 to testify 2635 razmeat+ 2636 to locate 2636 razvlekat+ 2637 to entertain 2637 obmanyvat+ 2638 to cheat 2638 owelomlqt+ 2639 to perplex 2639 vorovat+ 2640 to pilfer 2640 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H blagodarnyj 2641 thankful 2641 vse 2642 everything 2642 xotq 2643 though 2643 sovmestno 2644 jointly 2644 izqnyj 2645 elegant 2645 mqgkotelyj 2646 feeble 2646 korenivwijsq2647 rooted 2647 forvardnyj 2648 forward 2648 rekraaij 2649 unceasing 2649 iskosa 2650 askance 2650 sostavlqt+ 2651 to comprise 2651 kovylqt+ 2652 to totter 2652 ocenivat+ 2653 to evaluate 2653 dokazyvat+ 2654 to argue 2654 zatkat+ 2655 to interweave 2655 prevoznosit+ 2656 to exalt 2656 vyprqmlqt+ 2657 to rectify 2657 zvenet+ 2658 to tingle 2658 prevywat+ 2659 to exceed 2659 bryzgat+ 2660 to sprinkle 2660 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H svetqijsq 2661 alight 2661 zapyxavwijsq 2662 breathless 2662 porozn+ 2663 asunder 2663 voobrazimyj 2664 imaginary 2664 kstremal+nyj2665 extreme 2665 slabosil+nyj 2666 weak 2666 mono 2667 mightily 2667 posredi 2668 amid 2668 nastoqij 2669 present 2669 eraskaqvwijsq2670 impenitent 2670 razbirat+ 2671 to analyze 2671 cirkulirovat+ 2672 to circulate 2672 provetrivat+ 2673 to aerate 2673 vytqgivat+ 2674 to extend 2674 yzdoravlivat 2675 to convalesce 2675 prilipat+ 2676 to adhere 2676 presledovat+ 2677 to persecute 2677 obnimat+ 2678 to hug 2678 preuspevat+ 2679 to prosper 2679 pobudat+ 2680 to impel 2680 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H gor+ko 2681 bitterly nepokolebimyj 2682 2681 firm 2682 slepo 2683 blindly 2683 aderavwijsq2684 belated 2684 napravlennyj 2685 direct 2685 kuda 2686 whither 2686 ekreivaij2687 crisscross 2687 qryj 2688 furious 2688 estoko 2689 cruelly 2689 prostoj 2690 simple 2690 obleghat+ 2691 to relieve 2691 vozbudat+ 2692 to excite 2692 izumlqt+ 2693 to astonish 2693 portit+ 2694 to spoil 2694 pokidat+ 2695 to quit 2695 obnaruivat+ 2696 to disclose 2696 prqtat+ 2697 to hide 2697 radovat+ 2698 to rejoice 2698 priznavat+ 2699 to confess 2699 soobat+ 2700 to communicate 2700 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H poskol+ku 2701 inasmuch 2701 k 2702 unto 2702 blizko 2703 closely 2703 no 2704 but 2704 ranee 2705 earlier 2705 privol+nyj 2706 free 2706 mexaniheskij 2707 mechanical 2707 vzaimno 2708 mutually 2708 pravil+no 2709 aright 2709 prekrasnyj 2710 fine 2710 vyprqmlqt+ 2711 to straighten 2711 prosit+ 2712 to supplicate 2712 znakomit+ 2713 to acquaint 2713 vqnut+ 2714 to wither 2714 predstavlqt+ 2715 to perform 2715 prevosxodit+ 2716 to excel 2716 obodrqt+ 2717 to cheer 2717 umolqt+ 2718 to entreat 2718 branit+ 2719 to scold 2719 ubedat+ 2720 to exhort 2720 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H polnyj 2721 stout 2721 u 2722 at 2722 oxotno 2723 readily 2723 ee 2724 her 2724 sumaswedwij 2725 mad 2725 pritqzatel+ny2726 modest 2726 gnevnyj 2727 angry 2727 ibliaijs 2728 coming 2728 portqijsq 2729 corruptible 2729 ootvetstvenno 2730 according 2730 ogorhat+ 2731 to afflict 2731 oivlqt+ 2732 to revive 2732 proat+ 2733 to remit 2733 ospodstvovat+ 2734 to dominate 2734 obmanyvat+ 2735 to delude 2735 izumlqt+ 2736 to amaze 2736 obnaruivat+ 2737 to detect 2737 grimasnihat+ 2738 to grimace 2738 anatomirovat+2739 to dissect 2739 opehalit+ 2740 to sadden 2740 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H tipiheskij 2741 typical 2741 kak 2742 as 2742 omestitel+nyj2743 spacious 2743 nevydaijsq 2744 undistinguished 2744 pervobytnyj 2745 primitive 2745 rodvigaijsq2746 onward 2746 hasto 2747 frequently 2747 zapinaijsq 2748 faltering 2748 central+nyj 2749 central 2749 hastihno 2750 partly 2750 hrezvyhajno 2751 exceedingly 2751 vpered 2752 ahead 2752 podobnyj 2753 similar 2753 arodaijsq2754 incipient 2754 nikto 2755 nobody 2755 eeminutnyj 2756 constant 2756 otdel+no 2757 separately 2757 braaijsq 2758 circulating 2758 nesuraznyj 2759 absurd 2759 opravdavwijs 2760 frustrated 2760 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H smenqijsq 2761 alternating 2761 remeaijs 2762 intermittent 2762 polyj 2763 hollow 2763 ideal+no 2764 ideally 2764 prosto 2765 simply 2765 razdel+no 2766 apart 2766 soglasno 2767 per 2767 rodolitel+n 2768 short 2768 nesuijsq 2769 galloping 2769 izvinqijsq 2770 apologetic 2770 vnutrenne 2771 inwardly 2771 zrodaijs 2772 resurgent 2772 ndifferentnyj2773 indifferent 2773 soverwenno 2774 absolutely 2774 faktiheski 2775 virtually 2775 zvraaijs 2776 recurrent 2776 oglasuijsq2777 consistent 2777 myslenno 2778 mentally 2778 impatiheskij2779 sympathetic 2779 sovokupnost+ 2780 aggregate 2780 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H onspirativnyj2781 secret 2781 uvy 2782 alas 2782 vklhaq 2783 including 2783 bliaijsq 2784 convergent 2784 praktiheski 2785 practically 2785 nie 2786 lower 2786 zabotqijsq 2787 solicitous 2787 postqijsq 2788 abstinent 2788 smutnyj 2789 vague 2789 pervonahal+no 2790 primarily 2790 proxodenie 2791 passing 2791 yrodaijsq2792 degenerative 2792 nihto 2793 nothing 2793 otnositel+no 2794 relatively 2794 kaplivaijs2795 accumulative 2795 naverxu 2796 aloft 2796 kruglo 2797 roundly 2797 edinstvenno 2798 solely 2798 novyvaijs 2799 based 2799 opasaijsq 2800 apprehensive 2800 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H epovinuijsq2801 insubordinate 2801 priqtnyj 2802 pleasant 2802 proxladnyj 2803 cool 2803 tklonqijsq2804 divergent 2804 nemedlenno 2805 immediately 2805 prqmo 2806 directly 2806 neizbeno 2807 necessarily 2807 asprostranqt+2808 diffuse 2808 bludaijs2809 aberrant 2809 zverskij 2810 brutal 2810 besplatno 2811 gratis 2811 medlitel+nyj 2812 slow 2812 kopeehnyj 2813 cheap 2813 ponqtlivyj 2814 clever 2814 nevinovnyj 2815 innocent 2815 okohenelyj 2816 stiff 2816 weroxovatyj 2817 rough 2817 sil+nyj 2818 powerful 2818 berenyj 2819 careful 2819 tovarieskij 2820 friendly 2820 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H osredstvennyj2821 mediocre 2821 obestvennyj 2822 social 2822 slabonervnyj 2823 nervous 2823 bezzvuhnyj 2824 silent 2824 ostryj 2825 sharp 2825 umnyj 2826 intelligent 2826 slitnyj 2827 continuous 2827 litaristihesk 2828 military 2828 mnimyj 2829 imaginary 2829 slabyj 2830 weak 2830 risutstvui 2831 present 2831 stojkij 2832 firm 2832 qrostnyj 2833 furious 2833 obrokahestvenn 2834 inferior 2834 xarakternyj 2835 typical 2835 postoqnnyj 2836 constant 2836 nelepyj 2837 absurd 2837 duplistyj 2838 hollow 2838 koroten+kij 2839 short 2839 ravnoduwnyj 2840 indifferent 2840 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H neglasnyj 2841 secret 2841 netoroplivyj 2842 slow 2842 nevinnyj 2843 innocent 2843 broelatel+ny2844 friendly 2844 razumnyj 2845 intelligent 2845 nepreryvnyj 2846 continuous 2846 teperewnij 2847 present 2847 tverdyj 2848 firm 2848 tipihnyj 2849 typical 2849 krathajwij 2850 short 2850 sekretnyj 2851 secret 2851 medlennyj 2852 slow 2852 privetlivyj 2853 friendly 2853 nedolgij 2854 short 2854 priqtel+skij 2855 friendly 2855 xudwij 2856 inferior 2856 vverx 2857 upwards 2857 edva 2858 hardly 2858 veroqtno 2859 likely 2859 vsegda 2860 ever 2860 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H redko 2861 seldom 2861 polnost+ 2862 fully 2862 neskol+ko 2863 several 2863 legko 2864 lightly 2864 mnogo 2865 many 2865 krome 2866 besides 2866 medu 2867 amongst 2867 sledovatel+no 2868 therefore 2868 rqdom 2869 alongside 2869 stremqijsq 2870 aspiring 2870 glupyj 2871 foolish 2871 osobenno 2872 particularly 2872 vniz 2873 underneath 2873 vraaijsq 2874 rolling 2874 penqijsq 2875 bubbly 2875 koleblijsq 2876 hesitant 2876 askaivaijsq2877 penitent 2877 tohno 2878 precisely 2878 vydaijsq 2879 eminent 2879 prqmoj 2880 direct 2880 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc. A B C D E F G H xotq 2881 albeit 2881 svetqijsq 2882 luminous 2882 ootvetstvenno 2883 respectively 2883 soverwenno 2884 perfectly 2884 nie 2885 hereinafter 2885 priqtnyj 2886 nice 2886 edva 2887 barely 2887 polnost+ 2888 wholly 2888 xlopotlivyj 2889 busy 2889 vzdornyj 2890 absurd 2890 privyhka (F) 2891 habit 2891 eka (F) 2892 cheek 2892 enina (F) 2893 woman 2893 pomo+ (F) 2894 help 2894 kukuruza (F) 2895 corn 2895 kowelka (F) 2896 basket 2896 med+ (F) 2897 copper 2897 devohka (F) 2898 girl 2898 kukuwka (F) 2899 cuckoo 2899 ressora (F) 2900 spring 2900 Liberation Philology Software for Russian, Bulgarian, Greek, Sanskrit, Latin, Irish, Old English, Old Norse, Old Occitan, Gothic, Catalan, Portuguese, etc.