WWW: Jingli/teach Email: Jingli@ece - Lehigh.edu: ECE 342 Communication Theory Fall 2005, Midterm 1
WWW: Jingli/teach Email: Jingli@ece - Lehigh.edu: ECE 342 Communication Theory Fall 2005, Midterm 1
WWW: Jingli/teach Email: Jingli@ece - Lehigh.edu: ECE 342 Communication Theory Fall 2005, Midterm 1
Disclaimer: By signing below, I testify that the work in the turned pages are my inde-
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Problem 1 10 points
Problem 2 20 points
Problem 3 20 points
Problem 4 10 points
Problem 5 20 bonus
Problem 6 20 points
Total 100 points
1. (10 points) Determine whether the following statements are true or false. If false, pro-
vide a correct statement or a justification.
(e) ( ) In a DSB-SC signal, the envelope of the resulting bandpass signal is propor-
tional to the amplitude of the message signal.
2. (20 points) Find the trigonometric Fourier
P series and sketch the corresponding spectra
for the periodic impulse train g(t) = n= (t nT0 ).
3. (20 points) Consider a signal
h(t) = sinc(6t).
(a) Determine whether a signal x(t) is energy-type or power-type. In each case, find
the energy or power-spectral density and also the energy or power content of x(t).
(b) Find the energy spectral density and the energy content, or power-spectral density
and the power content of the output of the LTI system h(t) when driven by x(t).
4. (10 points) In a DSB SC system, the message signal is m(t) = sinc(t) + sinc 2 (t) and
the carrier is c(t) = A cos(2fc t). Find the frequency domain representation and the
bandwidth of the modulated signal.
5. (20 points) In a DSB SC system, the message signal is m(t) = 2 cos(400t)+4 sin(500t+
/3) and the carrier is c(t) = A cos(8000t).
(a) Find the time domain and frequency domain representation of the modulated signal
and plot the spectrum (Fourier transform) of the modulated signal.
(b) Find the power content of the modulated signal.
6. (20 points)
A SSB AM signal is generated by modulating an 800-kHz carrier by the signal m(t) =
cos(2000t) + 2 sin(2000t). The amplitude of the carrier is Ac = 100.