Signals and Systems: Endsem Monsoon 2020
Signals and Systems: Endsem Monsoon 2020
Signals and Systems: Endsem Monsoon 2020
Monsoon 2020
1. Choose any 7 subjective questions out of 9.
2. All MCQs are compulsory.
3. Total Marks : 45
4. Pls mention your Name, roll number and set on top of your answer sheet.
The complex periodic exponential signal have
(A) Finite Energy and Finite power.
(B) Infinite Energy and Finite power.
(C) Infinite Energy and Infinite power.
Causality is not often an essential constraint in applications in which the independent variable is not time.
(A) True
(B) False
We can change the relative amplitudes of the frequency components in a signal or eliminate some frequency
components entirely. This process is called
(A) Convolution
Which property of Fourier transform states that convolution in time domain is multiplication in frequency
2 marks
As the spacing between impulses in the frequency domain gets shorter, the spacing between impulses in the
time domain gets
(A) shorter
(B) longer
(C) no effect
2 mark
Question 1
Consider a signal m(t) whose Fourier Transform has the following magnitude response
Assume the phase response is 0. The signal is multiplied by (also known as modulation) cos(ωc t). Plot the
Fourier Transform of the resultant signal y(t).
y(t) = cos(ωc t)m(t)
(b) The signal y(t) is again multiplied by cos(ωc t) and then passed through a filter h(t) such that message
m(t) is received back. Plot the Fourier Transform of h(t) and find h(t). 5 marks
Question 2
Find the Fourier transform of each of the following signals and sketch the magnitude and phase as a function
of frequency, including both positive and negative frequencies.
• δ(t − 5)
• e(−1+j2)t u(t)
5 marks
The sampling period T is 1.25 ms, and x(t) is a sinusoidal signal of the form x(t) cos(2πfo t + θ). For
each of the following choices of fo and θ, determine x(t).
Question 3
Find the laplace transform and ROC for
(A) e−at u(t)
(B) e−at u(−t)
5 marks
Question 4
Let x(t) and y(t) be two low pass signals with bandwidth of 150Hz and 350Hz respectively, and let z(t) =
x(t)y(t). The signal z(t) is sampled using an ideal sampler at intervals of Ts seconds. What is the maximum
value that Ts can take without introducing aliasing? 5 marks
Question 5
Consider the triangle wave x(t) shown in the figure. Find the Fourier Series of x(t).Hint: try to use differ-
entiation technique.
5 marks
Question 6
State and proof Duality property. If the function f(t) has Fourier transform g(w). Using duality property
R +∞
find Fourier transform for F {g(t)} = −∞ g(t)e−jwt dt. Also using the same property find the inverse Fourier
transform for: (
1 |w| < B
X(jw) = (1)
0 |w| > B
5 marks
Question 7
For the system shown in Fig., x(t) is sampled with a periodic impulse train, and a reconstructed signal x,(t)
is obtained from the samples by lowpass filtering.
Question 8
(A) What is the condition for existence of Fourier Series? How Fourier series is different from Fourier
Transform. State when should we apply Fourier Transform and Laplace Transform. 2.5 marks
(B) For the signal x(t) the fourier transform is X(f ). Then the inverse fourier transform of X(3f + 2) is-
2.5 marks
Question 9
Consider a continuous time ideal low pass filter whose frequency response is
H(jω) = 1, |ω| ≤ 100
0, otherwise
When the input to this filter is a signal x(t) with fundamental period T = π/6 and Fourier series coefficients
ak , it is found that the output y(t) is same as x(t). Find values of k for which it is guaranteed that ak = 0.
5 marks