Ira Lesson Plan
Ira Lesson Plan
Ira Lesson Plan
Before Reading
IRA Lesson Plan 2
During Reading:
p. 5 Making Connections:
Right now as a good reading, I am remembering when I was younger and my
parents used to call my name. Before I started school, I never knew anyone else
with the name Carly. I loved the way my name was written and I loved all of the
different nicknames that my family members had for me. I thought my name was
absolutely perfect, just like Chrysanthemum.
p. 8 Visualizing
As a good reader, right now I am using the authors words to make a picture of
what is happening in the story. I am seeing Chrysanthemum in the classroom
with her classmates making fun of her. She feels very sad. Chrysanthemum
loved her name, and now everyone is making fun of her. I am hearing the children
laughing, joking, and making fun of her. I am seeing Chrysanthemum with her
head down, looking very sad and upset. Painting a picture of the story in my head
helps me better understand the story.
p.13 Making inferences
Right now, as a reader, even though the author has not told us with words, we
can infer-we can figure out, what these characters are thinking and feeling. I
think about what has happened in the story as far, the words the author is using, as
well as the illustrations to think about how these characters are feeling, what they
might be thinking and wanting to do. What do you think will happen when
Chrysanthemum wake up the in the morning and goes to school? Will the children
make fun of her? I think Chrysanthemum will find the courage to stand up for
herself if people make fun of her name because her parents made her feel better
and told her that she is perfect just the way she is. This helps us better understand
the characters in the story.
p.17 Stopping and Restarting
As a good reader, it is important for me to stop every so often and remind myself
about everything that has happened so far in the story. It helps me remember
important information. Looking back at the story, we remember how in the
beginning on her first day of school Chrysanthemum went home to her parents
and cried about how she hated her name. Now that the second day of school is
over and Chrysanthemum and kids are still making fun of her, we can predict that
she will come home crying to her parents and they will try and comfort her again
by telling her her name is perfect just like she is.
p. 26 Predicting
As a good reader, I find myself thinking about what is going to happen next. I
think about everything that has happened so far in the story and I use this
information to help me predict what will happen next (Go back and using the
IRA Lesson Plan 4
picture of the book, do a quick retell of the story.) From what we know so far,
what do you think is going to happen? How do you think the students are going to
react? I think that the students will learn to respect everyone for the names that
they had and in the end, Chrysanthemum will love her name and love going to
school. I predict that the story will end happily and Chrysanthemum will think
her name is absolutely perfect again.
Vocabulary Enhancers:
p. 3: Appreciate- When you appreciate something, that means you are thankful and glad for it.
I appreciate my name because it is special to me and my parents chose it to represent who I am.
p. 8: Scarcely- Her name scarcely fit on her name tag. Knowing that her name is very long, we
can infer that this word means that it barely fit on her name tag.
p. 8: Dreadful- Chrysanthemum was very upset, she felt dreadful. Dreadful is a feeling that
you have when you are very upset and hurt by others. When your day is ruined, you often feel
p. 11: Priceless- Chrysanthemums father describes her name as priceless. This means that her
name is so precious and special, that there is nothing that compares to it. Her name is rare,
special, and beautiful.
p. 17: Miserably- Chrysanthemum was miserable because she was being made fun of.
Miserable describes how someone feels when they are feeling awful and very sad.
p.18: Jealous- Chrysanthemums parents explained that the children at school are just jealous of
her name. Jealous means that someone wishes they had what someone else has, so they try and
make other people feel sad.
After Reading
Engage children in a closing conversation and ask comprehension as well as at least 3 higher
level thinking questions for analytic talk.
What happened in the story? Why was Chrysanthemum sad?
Why did Chrysanthemums classmates make fun of her?
If you were Chrysanthemum, how would you have felt? Why?
Have you ever had someone make fun of you? Have you ever made fun of
someone else? How did that make you feel?
Do you like this story? What did you like about the book?
What have you learned from this book?
IRA Lesson Plan 5
What did Chrysanthemums parents tell her when she was upset?
How did Chrysanthemums teacher help her situation? Have you ever had a
teacher help you when other classmates were being mean?