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Now-a-days one important problem which is been faced by our society is the
people with some kind of disabilities finding hard to cope with the fast-growing
technology. For example dumb people use their own language to communicate to
others; as we can also understand their language by using a translator. A translator
helps us to understand what they speak and do to communicate to us. So in these
conditions we have decided the system which could provide basic communication
need for a deaf-dumb people and also solve them in many ways. The system we
have proposed is used as a speech recognition unit along with embedded
controllers and audio prerecorded which will provide help to dumb and deaf people
to express their need to the normal people.


In recent years, for human computer interactions hand gesture recognition is used
mainly. They play an important role in gaming and control application i.e. 3-D
mouse, tele-robotics & virtual reality controlling. Rather than this, it is also used in
those applications which aid the physically challenged community as dumb people.
So, primary requirement for conversion of sign people to speech is Hand
gesturerecognition. Hand-gesture recognition project is very useful for dumb-deaf
people; it can also be used by the patients with half of their bodies paralyzed as
they couldn t speak & even for those patients who can only move their fingers. The
aims and objectives of this research work include

Basic object of this project is to design a portable embedded system

To develop an economical and simple solution for the detection of finger gestures
Cost effective, reliable data acquiring method and signal conditioning

The major building block of this project are:

1. Regulated power supply
2. LCD
3. Led Array
4. Voice recording module
5. AT89S52 Microcontroller
6. Hand gesture sensor
7. Speaker


POWER SUPPLY Voice board

Ir sensor







Fig 5.1.2Circuit Diagram of Power Supply


The AC voltage, typically 220 rms, is connected to a transformer, which

steps that ac voltage down to the level of the desired DC output. A diode
rectifier then provides a full-wave rectified voltage that is initially filtered by a
simple capacitor filter to produce a dc voltage. This resulting dc voltage usually
has some ripple or ac voltage variation. A regulator circuit removes the ripples
and also remains the same dc value even if the input dc voltage varies, or the
load connected to the output dc voltage changes.



Fig 5.1.3 Block Diagram of power supply


The potential transformer will step down the power supply voltage (0-230V)
to (0-6V) level. Then the secondary of the potential transformer will be connected
to the precision rectifier, which is constructed with the help of op-amp. The
advantages of using precision rectifier are it will give peak voltage output as DC;
rest of the circuits will give only RMS output.


A rectifier is an electrical device that converts alternating current to direct

current or at least to current with only positive value, a process known as
rectification. Rectifiers are used as components of power supplies and as detectors
of radio signals.


When four diodes are connected as shown in the power supply circuit
diagram, is called Bridge rectifier. The input to the circuit is applied to the
diagonally opposite corners of the network, and the output is taken from the
remaining two corners.


Voltage regulators comprise a class of widely used ICs. Regulator IC units
contain the circuitry for reference source, comparator amplifier, and overload
protection all in a single IC. IC units provide regulation of either a fixed positive
voltage, a fixed negative voltage, or an adjustably set voltage. The regulators can
be selected for operation with load currents from hundreds of milli amperes to tens
of amperes, corresponding to power ratings form milli watts to ten watt. A fixed
three-terminal voltage regulator has an unregulated dc input voltage, Vi, applied to
one input terminal, a regulated dc output voltage, Vo , from a second terminal,
with the third terminal connected to ground.


Sound recording and reproduction is an electrical, mechanical, electronic, or digital

inscription and re-creation of sound waves, such as spoken
voice,singing, instrumental music, or sound effects. The two main classes of sound
recording technology are analog recording and digital recording. Prior to the
development of analog recording, there were mechanical systems for reproducing
instrumental music, such as wind-up music boxes and later, in the late 19th
century, player pianos.

Acoustic analog recording is achieved by a microphone diaphragm that can detect

and sense the changes in atmospheric pressure caused by acoustic sound waves and
record them as a mechanical representation of the sound waves on a medium such
as a phonograph record (in which a stylus cuts grooves on a record). In magnetic
tape recording, the sound waves vibrate the microphone diaphragm and are
converted into a varying electric current, which is then converted to a
varying magnetic field by an electromagnet, which makes a representation of the
sound as magnetized areas on a plastic tape with a magnetic coating on it. Analog
sound reproduction is the reverse process, with a bigger loudspeaker
diaphragm causing changes to atmospheric pressure to form acoustic sound
waves. Oscillations may also be recorded directly from devices such as an electric
guitar pickup or a synthesizer, without the use of acoustics in the recording
process, other than the need for musicians to hear how well they are playing
during recording sessions via headphones.

Digital recording and reproduction converts the analog sound signal picked up by
the microphone to a digital form by the process of digitization. This lets the audio
data be stored and transmitted by a wider variety of media. Digital recording stores
audio as a series of binary numbers (zeros and ones) representing samples of
the amplitude of the audio signal at equal time intervals, at a sample rate high
enough to convey all sounds capable of being heard. Digital recordings are
considered higher quality than analog recordings not necessarily because they
have higher fidelity (wider frequency response or dynamic range), but because the
digital format can prevent much loss of quality found in analog recording due to
noise and electromagnetic interference in playback and mechanical deterioration or
damage to the storage medium. Whereas successive copies of an analog recording
tend to degrade in quality, as more noise is added, a digital audio recording can be
reproduced endlessly with no degradation in sound quality. A digital audio signal
must be reconverted to analog form during playback before it is amplified and
connected to a loudspeaker to produce sound

3.3 RELAY:

A relay is an electrically operated switch. Many relays use an electromagnet to

mechanically operate a switch, but other operating principles are also used, such
as solid-state relays. Relays are used where it is necessary to control a circuit by a
separate low-power signal, or where several circuits must be controlled by one
signal. The first relays were used in long distance telegraph circuits as amplifiers:
they repeated the signal coming in from one circuit and re-transmitted it on another
circuit. Relays were used extensively in telephone exchanges and early computers
to perform logical operations.

A type of relay that can handle the high power required to directly control an
electric motor or other loads is called a con tactor. Solid-state relays control power
circuits with no moving parts, instead using a semiconductor device to perform
switching. Relays with calibrated operating characteristics and sometimes multiple
operating coils are used to protect electrical circuits from overload or faults; in
modern electric power systems these functions are performed by digital
instruments still called "protective relays".

Magnetic latching relays require one pulse of coil power to move their contacts in
one direction, and another, redirected pulse to move them back. Repeated pulses
from the same input have no effect. Magnetic latching relays are useful in
applications where interrupted power should not be able to transition the contacts.

Magnetic latching relays can have either single or dual coils. On a single coil
device, the relay will operate in one direction when power is applied with one
polarity, and will reset when the polarity is reversed. On a dual coil device, when

polarized voltage is applied to the reset coil the contacts will transition. AC
controlled magnetic latch relays have single coils that employ steering diodes to
differentiate between operate and reset commands.


Infrared radiation is the portion of electromagnetic spectrum having wavelengths

longer than visible light wavelengths, but smaller than microwaves, i.e., the region
roughly from 0.75m to 1000 m is the infrared region. Infrared waves are invisible to
human eyes. The wavelength region of 0.75m to 3 m is called near infrared, the region
from 3 m to 6 m is called mid infrared and the region higher than 6 m is called far
infrared. (The demarcations are not rigid; regions are defined differently by many).

There are different types of IR sensors working in various regions of the IR spectrum
but the physics behind "IR sensors" is governed by three laws:

1. Planck s radiation law:

Every object at a temperature T not equal to 0 K emits radiation. Infrared radiant energy
is determined by the temperature and surface condition of an object. Human eyes cannot
detect differences in infrared energy because they are primarily sensitive to visible light
energy from 400 to 700 nm. Our eyes are not sensitive to the infrared energy.

2. Stephan Boltzmann Law

The total energy emitted at all wavelengths by a black body is related to the
absolute temperature as

3. Wein s Displacement Law
Wein s Law tells that objects of different temperature emit spectra that peak at different
wavelengths. It provides the wavelength for maximum spectral radiant emittance for a
given temperature.
The relationship between the true temperature of the black body and its peak spectral
exitance or dominant wavelength is described by this law
The world is not full of black bodies; rather it
comprises of selectively radiating bodies like rocks, water, etc. and the relationship
between the two is given by emissivity (E).

Emissivity depends on
object color, surface roughness, moisture content, degree of compaction, field of view,
viewing angle & wavelength.



Active infrared sensors employ both infrared source and infrared detectors. They
operate by transmitting energy from either a light emitting diode (LED) or a laser diode.
A LED is used for a non-imaging active IR detector, and a laser diode is used for an
imaging active IR detector. In this types of IR sensors, the LED or laser diode
illuminates the target, and the reflected energy is focused onto a detector. Photoelectric
cells, Photodiode or phototransistors are generally used as detectors. The measured data
is then processed using various signal-processing algorithms to extract the desired

Active IR detectors provide count, presence, speed, and occupancy data in both night and
day operation. The laser diode type can also be used for target classification because it
provides target profile and shape data.

These sensors are used as reflective opto-sensors. Reflective opto-sensors are either
intensity based or use modulated IR. Intensity based sensors are affected by ambient
light. Modulated Infrared sensors wherein emitter is turned ON and OFF rapidly, are less
susceptible to ambient light. Reflective opto-sensors are used in two configurations.
Break Beam Sensors
This type of sensors consists of a pair of light emitting and light detecting elements.
Infrared source transmits a beam of light towards a remote IR receiver creating an
electronic fence . Once a beam is broken/interrupted due to some opaque object, output
of detector changes and associated electronic circuitry takes appropriate actions.
Typical applications of such sensors are intrusion detection, shaft encoder (for
measurement of rotation angle/rate of rotation)

Reflectance Sensors
This type of sensors house both an IR source and an IR detector in a single housing in
such a way that light from emitter LED bounces off an external object and is reflected
into a detector. Amount of light reflected into the detector depends upon the reflectivity
of the surface.

This principle is used in intrusion detection, object detection (measure the presence of an
object in the sensor s FOV),barcode decoding, and surface feature detection (detecting
features painted, taped, or otherwise marked onto the floor), wall tracking (detecting
distance from the wall), etc.

It can also be used to scan a defined area; the transmitter emits a beam of light into the
scan zone, the reflected light is used to detect a change in the reflected light thereby
scanning the desired zone.

In electronics before the development of switch-mode power supplies and the
introduction of semiconductor devices operating off low voltage, there was a
requirement to generate voltages of about 50 to 250V DC from
vehicle batteries. Electromechanical components known as vibrators were used in a
circuit similar to modern solid state inverter circuits to provide a pulsating DC
which could be converted to a higher voltage with a transformer, rectified, and
filtered to create higher-voltage DC. This "vibrator" is essentially
a relay using normally closed contacts to supply power to the relay coil, thus
immediately breaking the connection, only to be reconnected very quickly through
the normally closed contacts. It happens so rapidly it vibrates, and sounds like a
buzzer. This same rapidly pulsing contact applies the rising and falling DC voltage
to the transformer which can step it up to a higher voltage.

The primary use for this type of circuit was to operate vacuum tube radios in
vehicles, but it also saw use with other mobile electronic devices with a 6 or
12V accumulator, especially in places with no mains electricity supply such as
farms. These vibrator power supplies became popular in the 1940s, replacing more
bulky motor-generator systems for the generation of AC voltages for such
applications.[2][3] Vacuum tubes require plate voltages ranging from about
45 volts to 250 volts in electronic devices such as radios. For portable
radios, hearing aids and similar equipment, B batteries were manufactured with
various voltage ratings. In order to provide the necessary voltage for a radio from
the typical 6 or 12 volt DC supply available in a car or from a farm lighting

battery, it was necessary to convert the steady DC supply to a pulsating DC and
use a transformer to increase the voltage.

Vibrators often experienced mechanical malfunctions, being constantly in motion,

such as the springs losing tension, and the contact points wearing down. [3] As tubes
began to be replaced by transistor based electrical systems, the need to generate
such high voltages began to diminish. Mechanical vibrators fell out of production
near the end of the 20th century, but solid-state electronic vibrators are still
manufactured to be backwards compatible with older units



An alarm gives an audible or visual warning about a problem or condition.

Alarms include:

burglar alarms, designed to warn of burglaries; this is often a silent alarm:
the police or guards are warned without indication to the burglar, which
increases the chances of catching him or her.
alarm clocks can produce an alarm at a given time
distributed control manufacturing systems or DCSs, found in nuclear power
plants, refineries and chemical facilities also generate alarms to direct the
operator's attention to an important event that he or she needs to address.
alarms in an operation and maintenance (O&M) monitoring system, which
informs the bad working state of (a particular part of) the system under
safety alarms, which go off if a dangerous condition occurs. Common public
safety alarms include:
o tornado sirens
o fire alarms
"Multiple-alarm fire", a locally-specific measure of the severity
of a fire and the fire-department reaction required.
o car alarms
o community Alarm or auto dialer alarm (medical alarms)
o air raid sirens
o personal alarm
o tocsins a historical method of raising an alarm

Alarms have the capability of causing a fight-or-flight response in humans; a

person under this mindset will panic and either flee the perceived danger or attempt
to eliminate it, often ignoring rational thought in either case. We can characterise a
person in such a state as "alarmed".
With any kind of alarm, the need exists to balance between on the one hand the
danger of false alarms (called "false positives") the signal going off in the
absence of a problem and on the other hand failing to signal an actual problem
(called a "false negative"). False alarms can waste resources expensively and can
even be dangerous. For example, false alarms of a fire can waste firefighter
manpower, making them unavailable for a real fire, and risk injury to firefighters
and others as the fire engines race to the alleged fire's location.



8051 Microcontroller Architecture

Following diagram is 8051 Microcontroller architecture . Let us have a look at
each part or block of this Architecture of microcontroller.

8051 Microcontroller Architecture

Central Processor Unit (CPU)

As we know that the CPU is the brain of any processing device of the
microcontroller. It monitors and controls all operations that are performed on the

Microcontroller units. The User has no control over the work of the CPU directly .
It reads program written in ROM memory and executes them and do the expected
task of that application.


As its name suggests, Interrupt is a subroutine call that interrupts of the

microcontrollers main operations or work and causes it to execute any
other program, which is more important at the time of operation. The feature of
Interrupt is very useful as it helps in case of emergency operations. An Interrupts
gives us a mechanism to put on hold the ongoing operations, execute a subroutine
and then again resumes to another type of operations.

The Microcontroller 8051 can be configured in such a way that it temporarily

terminates or pause the main program at the occurrence of interrupts. When a
subroutine is completed, Then the execution of main program starts. Generally five
interrupt sources are there in 8051 Microcontroller. There are 5 vectored interrupts
are shown in below


Out of these, (INT0) and (INT1) are external interrupts that could be negative
edge triggered or low level triggered. When All these interrupts are activated, set
the corresponding flogs except for serial interrupt,.The interrupt flags are cleared
when the processor branches to the interrupt service routine (ISR). The external
interrupt flags are cleared when the processor branches to the interrupt service

routine, provides the interrupt is a negative edge triggered whereas the timers and
serial port interrupts two of them are external interrupts, two of them are timer
interrupts and one serial port interrupt terminal in general.


Microcontroller requires a program which is a collection of instructions. This

program tells microcontroller to do specific tasks. These programs require a
memory on which these can be saved and read by Microcontroller to perform
specific operations of a particular task. The memory which is used to store
the program of the microcontroller is known as code memory or Program memory
of applications. It is known as ROM memory of microcontroller also requires a
memory to store data or operands temporarily of the micro controller. The data
memory of the 8051 is used to store data temporarily for operation is known RAM
memory. 8051 microcontroller has 4K of code memory or program
memory,that has 4KB ROM and also 128 bytes of data memory of RAM.


Basically Bus is a collection of wires which work as a communication channel or

medium for transfer of Data. These buses consists of 8, 16 or more wires of the
microcontroller. Thus, these can carry 8 bits,16 bits simultaneously. Hire two types
of buses that are shown in below

Address Bus
Data Bus

Address Bus: Microcontroller 8051 has a 16 bit address bus for transferring the
data. It is used to address memory locations and to transfer the address from CPU
to Memory of the microcontroller. It has four addressing modes that are

Immediate addressing modes.

Bank address (or) Register addressing mode.
Direct Addressing mode.
Register indirect addressing mode.

Data Bus: Microcontroller 8051 has 8 bits of the data bus, which is used to carry
data of particular applications.


Generally, we know that the microcontroller is a device, therefore it requires clock

pulses for its operation of microcontroller applications. For this purpose,
microcontroller 8051 has an on-chip oscillator which works as a clock source for
Central Processing Unit of the microcontroller. The output pulses of oscillator are
stable. Therefore, it enables synchronized work of all parts of the 8051

Input/Output Port

Normally microcontroller is used in embedded systems to control the operation of

machines in the microcontroller. Therefore, to connect it to other machines,
devices or peripherals we require I/O interfacing ports in the microcontroller
interface. For this purpose microcontroller 8051 has 4 input, output ports to
connect it to the other peripherals

8051 microcontroller has two 16 bit timers and counters. These counters are again
divided into a 8 bit register. The timers are used for measurement of intervals to
determine the pulse width of pulses.

Applications of 8051 Microcontroller

Some of the applications of 8051 is mainly used in daily life & industrial
applications also some of that applications are shown below

Light sensing and controlling devices

Temperature sensing and controlling devices
Fire detections and safety devices
Automobile applications
Defense applications


chapter describes the process of physically connecting and testing 8051-based

systems. In the first section we describe the function of the pins of 8051 chip. The
second section shows the hardware connection for an 8051 Trainer using the
DS89C4xO (DS89C420/30/40/50) chip. It also shows how to download programs
into a DS89C4xO-based system using PC Hyper Terminal. In Section 8.3 we
explain the characteristics of the Intel hex file.

Although 8051 family members (e.g., 8751, 89C51, 89C52, DS89C4xO) come in
different packages, such as DIP (dual in-line package), QFP (quad flat package),
and LLC (leadless chip carrier), they all have 40 pins that are dedicated to various
functions such as I/O, RD, WR, address, data, and interrupts. It must be noted that
some companies provide a 20-pin version of the 8051 with a reduced number of
I/O ports for less demanding applications. However, since the vast majority of
developers use the 40-pin chip, we will concentrate on that. Figure 8-1 shows the
pins for the 8051 52. For the 8052 chip some of the pins have extra functions and
they will be discussed as we study them.

Examining Figure 8-1, note that of the 40 pins, a total of 32 pins are set aside for
the four ports PO, PI, P2, and P3, where each port takes 8 pins. The rest of the pins
are designated as Vcc, GND, XTAL1, XTAL2, RST, EA, PSEN, and ALE. Of
these pins, six (Vcc, GND, XTAL1, XTAL2, RST, and EA) are used by all
members of the 8051 and 8031 families. In other words, they must be connected in
order for the system to work, regardless of whether the microcontroller is of the
8051 or 8031 family. The other two pins, PSEN and ALE, are used mainly in
8031-based systems. We first describe the function of each pin. Ports are discussed


Pin 40 provides supply voltage

to the chip. The voltage source is +5V. Figure






Pin 20 is the ground. XTAL1 and XTAL2

The 8051 has an on-chip oscillator but requires an external clock to run it. Most
often a quartz crystal oscillator is connected to inputs XTAL1 (pin 19) and XTAL2
(pin 18). The quartz crystal oscillator connected to XTAL1 and XTAL2 also needs
two capacitors of 30 pF value. One side of each capacitor is connected to the
ground as shown in Figure 8-2 (a).

It must be noted that there are various speeds of the 8051 family. Speed refers to
the maximum oscillator frequency connected to XTAL. For

example, a 12-MHz chip must be connected to a crystal with 12 MHz frequency or

less. Likewise, a 20-MHz microcontroller requires a crystal frequency of no more
than 20 MHz. When the 8051 is connected to a crystal oscillator and is powered
up, we can observe the frequency on the XTAL2 pin using the oscilloscope.

If you decide to use a frequency source other than a crystal oscillator, such as a
TTL oscillator, it will be connected to XTAL1; XTAL2 is left unconnected, as
shown in Figure 8-2 (b).


Pin 9 is the RESET pin. It is an input and is active high (normally low). Upon
applying a high pulse to this pin, the microcontroller will reset and terminate

all activities. This is often referred to as a power-on reset. Activating a power-on

reset will cause all values in the registers to be lost. It will set program counter to
all Os.

Figures 8-3 (a) and (b) show two ways of connecting the RST pin to the power-on
reset circuitry. Figure 8-3 (b) uses a momentary switch for reset circuitry.

In order for the RESET input to be effective, it must have a minimum duration of
two machine cycles. In other words, the high pulse must be high for a minimum of
two machine cycles before it is allowed to go low. Here is what the Intel manual
says about the Reset circuitry: When power is turned on, the circuit holds the RST
pin high for an amount of time that depends on the capacitor value and the rate at
which it charges. To ensure a valid reset the RST pin must be held high long
enough to allow the oscillator to start up plus two machine cycles. Although, an
8.2K-ohm resistor and a 10-uF capacitor will take care of the vast majority of the
cases, you still need to check the data sheet for the 8051 you are using.


The 8051 family members, such as the 8751/52, 89C51/52, or DS89C4xO, all
come with on-chip ROM to store programs. In such cases, the EA pin is connected
to Vcc. For family members such as the 8031 and 8032 in which there is no on-chip
ROM. code is stored on an external ROM and is fetched by the 8031/32.
Therefore, for the 8031 the EA pin must be connected to GND to indicate that the

code is stored externally. EA. which stands for external access, is pin number 31
in the DIP packages. It is an input pin and must be connected to either Vcc or GND.
In other words, it cannot be left unconnected.

In Chapter 14, we will show how the 8031 uses this pin along with PSEN to access
programs stored in ROM memory located outside the 8031. In 8051 chips with on-
chip ROM, such as the 8751/52, 89C51/52, or DS89C4xO, EA is connected to Vcc,
as we will see in the next section.

The pins discussed so far must be connected no matter which family member is
used. The next two pins are used mainly in 8031-based systems and are discussed
in more detail in Chapter 14. The following is a brief description of each.


This is an output pin. PSEN stands for program store enable. In an 8031-based
system in which an external ROM holds the program code, this pin is connected to
the OE pin of the ROM. See Chapter 14 to see how this is used.


ALE (address latch enable) is an output pin and is active high. When connecting an
8031 to external memory, port 0 provides both address and data. In other words,
the 8031 multiplexes address and data through port 0 to save pins. The ALE pin is
used for demultiplexing the address and data by connecting to the G pin of the
74LS373 chip. This is discussed in detail in Chapter 14.
Ports 0, 1, 2 and 3

As shown in Figure 8-1 (and discussed in Chapter 4), the four ports PO, PI, P2, and
P3 each use 8 pins, making them 8-bit ports. All the ports upon RESET are
configured as input, since PO P3 have value FFH on them. The following is a
summary of features of PO P3 based on the materials in Chapter 4.

Figure 8-4. Port 0 with Pull-Up Resistors

As shown in Figure 8-1. port 0 is also designated as ADO AD7, allowing it to be

used for both address and data. When connecting an 8051/31 to an external
n .e:r.ory. port 0 provides both address and data. The 8051 multiplexes address
and data through port 0 to save pins. ALE indicates if PO has address or data.
When ALE = 0. it provides data DO D7. but when ALE = 1 it has address AO -
A . Therefore. ALE is used for demuliplexing address and data with the help of a
4LS373 latch, as we will see in Chapter 14. In the 8051-based systems where
there is no external memory connection, the pins of PO must be connected
externally to a 1 OK-ohm pull-up resistor. This is due to the fact that PO is an open

drain, unlike PI. P2. and P3. Open drain is a term used for MOS chips in the same
way that open collector is used for TTL chips. In many systems using the 8751.
89C51. or DS89C4xO chips, we normally connect PO to pull-up resistors. See
Figure 8-4. With external pull-up resistors connected to PO, it can be used as a
simple I/O port, just like PI and P2. In contrast to port 0, ports PI, P2, and P3 do
not need any pull-

up resistors since they already have pull-up resistors internally. Upon reset, ports
PI, P2, and P3 are configured as input ports.

P1 and P2

In 8051-based systems with no external memory connection, both PI and P2 are

used as simple I/O. However, in 8031/51-based systems with external memory
connections, port 2 must be used along with PO to provide the 16-bit address for
the external memory. As shown in Figure 8-1, port 2 is also designated as A8
A15, indicating its dual function. Since an 8031/51 is capable of accessing 64K
bytes of external memory, it needs a path for the 16 bits of the address. While PO
provides the lower 8 bits via AO A7, it is the job of P2 to provide bits A8 A15
of the address. In other words, when the 8031/51 is connected to external memory,
P2 is used for the upper 8 bits of the 16-bit address, and it cannot be used for I/O.
This is discussed in detail in Chapter 14.

From the discussion so far, we conclude that in systems based on 8051

microcontrollers, we have three ports, PO, PI, and P2, for I/O operations. This
should be enough for most microcontroller applications. That leaves port 3 for
interrupts as well as other signals, as we will see next.


Port 3 occupies a total of 8 pins, pins 10 through 17. It can be used as input or
output. P3 does not need any pull-up resistors, the same as PI and P2 did not.
Although port 3 is configured as an input port upon reset, this is not the way it is
most commonly used. Port 3 has the additional function of providing some
extremely important signals such as interrupts. Table 8-1 provides these alternate
functions of P3. This information applies to both 8051 and 8031 chips.

P3.0 and P3.1 are used for the RxD and TxD serial communications signals. See
Chapter 10 to see how they are connected. Bits P3.2 and P3.3 are set aside for
external interrupts, and are discussed in Chapter 11. Bits P3.4 and P3.5 are used for
Timers 0 and 1, and are discussed in Chapter 9. Finally, P3.6 and P3.7 are used to
provide the WR and RD signals of external memory connections. Chapter 14
discusses how they are used in 8031-based systems. In systems based on the 8051,
pins 3.6 and 3.7 are used for I/O while the rest of the pins in port 3 are normally
used in the alternate function role.

Table 8-1: Port 3 Alternate Functions

P3 Bit Function Pin

Program counter value upon reset

Activating a power-on reset will cause all values in the registers to be lost. Table 8-
2 provides a partial list of 8051 registers and their values after power-on reset.
From Table 8-2 we note that the value of the PC (program counter) is 0 upon reset,
forcing the CPU to fetch the first opcode from ROM memory location 0000. This
means that we must place the first byte of opcode in ROM location 0 because that
is where the CPU expects to find the first instruction.

Table 8-2: RESET Value of Some 8051 Registers

Machine cycle and crystal frequency

reason we say almost is that the number of machine cycles it takes to execute an
instruction is not the same for the AT89C51 andDS89C4xO chips as we discussed
in Chapter 3.

As we discussed in Chapter 3, the 8051 uses one or more machine cycles to

execute an instruction. The period of machine cycle varies among the different

versions of 8051 from 12 clocks in the AT89C51 to 1 clock in the DS89C4xO
chip. See Table 8-3. The frequency of the crystal oscillator connected to the X
X2 pins dictates the speed of the clock used in the machine cycle. From Table 8-3,
we can conclude that using the same crystal frequency of 12 MHz for both the
AT89C51 and DS89C4xO chips gives performance almost 12 times better from the
DS89C4xO chip



1. Keil Vision IDE


Step1: Click for KEIL VISION4 Icon . Which appearing after Installing Keil

Step2: Click on Project Menu, Then New Vison Project.

Step3: Create New Project Folder named as Keil Test .

Step 4: Select Target Device Vendor (i.e.).

Step 5: Then select specific chip LPC2148.

Step 6: Then select specific chip i.e. LPC2148.

Step 7: Then you will see following window.

Step 8: Now you see Startup.s is already added which is necessary for running code for Keil.

Note: Code wills Not Run without Startup.s

Startup.s is available in C:\Keil\ARM\Startup\Philips.

The startup-code executes immediately upon reset of the target system and performs the
following operations:

1. Defines interrupt and exception vectors.

2. Configures the CPU clock source (on some devices).

3. Initializes the external bus controller.

4. Copies the exception vectors from ROM to RAM for systems with memory remapping.

5. Initializes other low level peripherals, if necessary.

6. Reserves and initializes the stack for all modes.

7. Reserves the heap.

8. Transfers control to the main C function.

Step 9: Now Click on File Menu and Click on New.

Step 10: Write Code for Blink LED in C and FileName.c Save.

Note: Don t forget to save .c Extension.

Step 11: Now you Window in C Syntax.

Step 12: Now you add LED.c file by adding Sourse Group 1 Add files to Group
Source Group 1 .

Step 13: Add LED.C file.

Step 14: Now Click on Options for Target Target 1 .

Step 15: Go to Options for Target Target 1 . Click on Check Box Create HEX File.

Step 16: Then go to Linker. Click on Use Memory Layout for Target Dialog.

Step 16: Then Click on Rebuild All Target Files

Step 17: Now you see 0 Error(s), 0 Warning (s). Then Hex File will create in Specific

Folder. Now to download it for you target hardware.


Flash magic is used to dump the hex files to LPC2148.

Here is to setup Flash Magic and load HEX file into LPC2148 Microcontroller. Here are some
steps: see step by step configuration

Step1: Basic Setting FlashMagic LPC2148

Step2: Setup Options For Flash Magic LPC2148

Step3: Setup Hardware Configuration FlashMagic

Step 4: FlashMagic Loading Finished LPC2148


Physical form of the circuit is shown in figure2. It consists of microcontroller

interfaced flex sensors, voice module, etc. Change in the values of flex sensors
gives some hex code to the microcontroller which after compilation displays the
output in LCD and also produces the voice through the speaker . The
words or signs are obtained by taking English as reference. For every word, values
of flex sensors are compared with the values already saved in the microcontroller
and then the result is displayed inLCD display and also voice output is obtained
through voice recorder IC Flex sensor and microcontroller are used in this system
to capture the words. The work of flex sensors to obtain changed position of
fingers and to capture words By changing the position of hands the values of flex
sensor will not get changed because flex sensor is placed in fingers. Sign language
used by defend dumb people will be using fingers or hands in marked position and
rotating hands or fingers. To analyze these positions of fingers or hand
microcontroller is used This microcontroller is placed on the device so that by
changing the finger for conversation, flex sensor and microcontroller values will
get changed, by comparing these two values, output is displayed in display and
voice module gives the voice output.

The main aim of the project is to reduce the communication gap between deaf or
mute community and normal people. This system is proposed to improve lifestyle
of dumb/ deaf person s. This project is also favorable for degrading the
communication difference between the blind person and the dumb person. All over
the project is effective and efficient because it is using the AVR microcontroller
and voice module. This paper is helpful for the industry of people working in the
area of designing systems based on microcontroller and android applications.

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