Tarot Effects
Tarot Effects
Tarot Effects
Action: Your hero gets an additional and Imprisonment: Play at the beginning of the
immediate turn (including new game session. A villain of the GMs choice
movement). becomes your characters sworn enemy
Bad Luck: Play when your hero has been hit and you may not soak wounds caused
by an attack and there is an adjacent directly by him. Starting now, you draw
character. The other character suffers the an extra Adventure Card each game
attack instead. This may be played on session until the enemy is retired.
friend or foe. Initiation: Your hero is able to improve the
Creativity: Pay a benny to search through attitude of a group in an encounter,
the remaining Adventure Deck and take perhaps by recognizing someone in the
any one card of your choice. crowd, showing respect, or offering a
Death: Play after a PC dies and say a few bribe. It doesnt work on true enemies
words about his life to your comrades. only neutrals who happen to cross
Every PC present gets a new Adventure paths with your party.
Card. If at the end of an adventure, the Knowledge: Your hero finds all the
extra draw occurs in the next game information available when doing
session. research, or realizes critical information
Devil: Your hero somehow convinces or when confronting some obstacle such as
bribes a minor foe to perform a small a monsters weakness, the answer to a
favorsuch as helping the hero escape, riddle or cipher, etc.
revealing the location of the boss, etc. Perseverance: Play to avoid death, capture,
Disappointment: Play after any other or some other bad situation for your hero
characters attack roll to cause it to or any ally. The situation leads to some
automatically fail. This is a critical failure. new trouble, however, as determined by
Disruption: A device malfunctions in some the GM.
way: guns jam, bow strings break, etc. Rashness: Play this card at the beginning of
The device can be fixed by a Repair roll at a combat. One foe you are facing (GMs
-4 and 10 minutes work. choice) has its Size and Strength
Equality: Play at the beginning of a combat increased two steps. Every player gets to
round with no Jokers. No character can draw a card from the Adventure Deck.
soak wounds until a Joker is drawn. Self: Your hero dresses up, is on for the
Fertility: Immediately recover all spent night, or otherwise far more attractive or
Power Points. charismatic than usual. Add +4 to your
Flow: Due to a quick chug of liquid courage, Charisma for the duration of the current
or perhaps just the heady drunken thrill of scene.
battle, you shake off any fear. Play at any Standstill: Your hero must do or say
time to gain a +4 bonus to a Guts roll (or something that gives his foes pause. All
a Spirit roll to resist Intimidation), or to foes within 12 lose their next action.
automatically recover from being Shaken. Strength: Play after damage is rolled to
Fortune: Your hero scrounges up a generic double the total of a successful melee
type of item of your choosing, such as attack.
food and water, shelter, a box of ammo, Trust: Play after you save a group of people
enough money for a room, etc. from dire circumstances. The community
Gateway: Play when you are in pursuit of a adopts you and your party as local
character or monster. Your hero knows a heroes, and you can always find aid
shortcut that will put your characters there.
ahead of whatever you were pursuing. Unknown: Play when your hero searches an
Illusion: Play on a character or group area. He finds everything that can be
attempting a Notice or Tracking check to found in that location.
search for something (or someone), Useless Sacrifice: Play to make an
causing them to suffer a -4 penalty to the opposing Wild Card lose his next action by
roll as they are befuddled by a decoy or gloating or talking about his master plan.
other distraction. Wholeness: Play instead of rolling to make
a trait test with a single automatic raise.