The life-cycle energy of a component or assembly is Austempered Ductile Iron (ADI) is a ferrous cast material
based on the total energy used to create the materials, to (ductile iron) heat treated by the Austempering process
assemble them into a useful design, and to operate resulting in a new material that is strong and tough with a
them. The life-cycle energy is reduced if the materials high strength-to-weight ratio. Ductile iron can be
produced from many casting methods including; green Neither does this paper offer the opportunity to address
sand, bonded sand, lost foam, lost wax, continuous other vital engineering properties like fatigue strength,
casting, centrifugal casting and even permanent mold. wear resistance, corrosion resistance, etc. The case for
The development of Ductile Iron (or Spheroidal Graphite sustainability in this discussion is built around strength,
Iron) was announced jointly in 1948 by the International stiffness, mass and the energy used to create and
Nickel Company (US) and the British Cast Iron Research operate the component.
Association. ADI has only been commercially available
since 1972. Thus, in the entire spectrum of engineering Although ductile iron has been around for over 60 years,
materials, both ductile iron and ADI are relatively young. its development in India has been slow, accelerating in
only the last two decades. Few reliable sources for
Consider the capping of the Washington Monument in Austempering have been available in India, so ADI
the US with a 2.8kg aluminum casting on 06 December production is still very low. Worldwide developments in
1884. It was the largest aluminum casting of its day. It the Ductile Iron casting process and the ADI process in
has taken over 100 years for aluminum to reach its recent decades have made ADI a sustainable alternative
current maturity as an engineering material, today material. This is demonstrated by the successful
comprising approximately 9% of the mass of a light material/process conversion case studies detailed in this
vehicle.1,2 paper, each representing opportunities for the Indian
foundry industry and, in particular, for Indian ductile iron
Magnesiums commercial beginnings as an engineering producers.
metal alloy go back to German use of the alloy they
called Elecktron in aircraft in World War I. Today, ADI AND SUSTAINABILITY
magnesium makes up a tiny (but growing) fraction of an
average light vehicles mass. Consideration of sustainability requires us to consider
the energy content and the ambient affect of
Steel remains the most widely used metallic engineering material/process combinations in components and
material and has been in commercial use for hundreds of assemblies. ADI is a material/process combination with
years. In recent decades, specially alloyed and much to offer in sustainable engineering designs. Metal
formulated steels have increased the strength of the casting is the lowest energy path from earthen raw
material. With its superior stiffness, steel remains materials to finished product. The metal casting process
competitive in specific-strength with materials commonly produces less waste, has fewer process steps and
referred to as light metals (principally aluminum and consumes less energy than hot or cold forming,
magnesium alloys) and other, not so common, materials extruding or welding. Metal casting is a near-net shape
such as titanium and even many polymers. process.
Together, aluminum, iron, magnesium and titanium ADI starts as a ductile iron casting. ADI is created by
make up 16% of the earths crust. Scarcity is not a long- applying the Austempering process to ductile iron
term issue, particularly because all of these metallic (spheroidal graphite or SG iron) castings. Unlike
materials can be, to a greater or lesser extent, recycled. magnesium and aluminum alloys, ductile iron of any
grade can be cast with nearly 100% recycled materials;
The scope of this paper does not allow the author to steel scrap (ie. punchings, trimmings and bundled
compare all materials with respect to sustainability. turnings) and ductile iron returns (gates and risers
Some advances, like the emergence of Compacted discarded from the casting process). The ductile iron
Graphite Iron (CGI) to replace gray iron, merit discussion process is very sustainable which is represented in its
in another venue. Discussion of titanium alloys and low embodied energy value.
carbon fiber composites also merit investigation, but their
price precludes them from practical consideration in By comparison, high-performance aluminum
most engineering designs. (For example, per unit of components are produced largely with virgin materials as
mass, titanium alloys cost roughly twenty times that of the additive affects of oxygen and hydrogen exposure
carbon steel). Plastics, although low in density and reduce the properties of recycled aluminum. Those
inexepensive per unit volume, exhibit stiffness (Youngs marvelous thin-walled, seamless aluminum beer and
Modulus 2-4 GPa) that is up to two orders of magnitude soda cans are only produced with virgin materials. The
less than that of steel (210 GPa) making them unsuitable recycled cans cannot be used to make new cans and are
for most dynamically loaded components. Polymers also used to make other, less demanding products.
use as much as 2-5 times more energy per kilogram to
produce than ferrous materials. Any comparison of material/process combinations must
begin with the engineering properties of the materials
under consideration. Figure 1 compares the strength
and ductility of ADI to that of other, selected engineering
Table 1: Specific gravity of several engineering
Specific Gravity
Material (gm/cm )
Carbon Steel 7.8
Ductile Iron / ADI 7.2
Titanium Alloys 4.5
Aluminum Alloys 3.0
Carbon Fiber Composite 2.3
Magnesium Alloys 1.7
Polymers .95-2.0
Table 1 Compares the density (specific gravity) of Table 2 shows the relative (average) energy required to
produce various materials from their raw materials. The
several engineering materials. One can see why
numbers utilize the typical processes from ore
aluminum and magnesium are commonly termed light
extraction to heat treatment. Where not specified, the
numbers assume average levels of commercial recycling
within a process. The architectural community employs the energy content vs. cost for various engineering
a useful term embodied energy to describe this material material/process combinations (Figure 3) .
Magnesium (average) 80
Rubber (average) 70
Aluminum wheel hubs have proven to be desireable over Figure 13: The ADI control arm (right) exceeded
traditional ductile iron hubs for their lower weight. testing requirements and replaced the stamped
However, for over a decade, light-weight ADI hubs have steel component (left) at a 6% weight savings.
been commercially available. Figure 12 shows an ADI
Dura-Light hub (left) and the traditional light-weight In a gasoline powered vehicle, the fuel energy
aluminum hub (right). Because of the high strength-to- consumption in mega-joules per kilometer (MJ/km) is
weight ratio of ADI, the ADI hub is actually 2% lighter decreased with decreased vehicle mass. A one kilogram
than the aluminum hub that it replaces. When you vehicle mass reduction results in a typical energy
consider the embodied energy in the aluminum hub decrease of 0.003 MJ/km (an increase in the fuel
(58MJ/kg) vs. the ADI (30 MJ/kg), the ADI hub has efficiency of 0.03 miles/gallon) . Converting two control
embodied energy that is 50% less than the permanent arms reduces vehicle mass by 2kg. For a vehicle life of
mold cast aluminum hub. 300,000km, the life-cycle fuel savings is estimated at
1800MJ (approximately 47 liters of fuel). If you include
the energy savings in manufacturing and the lifetime fuel
savings, the ADI conversion saves 2,760 MJ compared
to using stamped steel control arms.