Power Systems MCQ

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Multiple Choice Questions in Power Systems - 1
Important multiple choice questions in Power systems

1. In pump storage hydropower plant, the electrical machine is made to work alternately as generator
and motor. The efficiency of the generator working at the same electrical power level is
A) Greater than that as motor
B) Equal to that as motor
C) Less than that as motor
D) Greater or less than that as motor depending on the type of machine

2. In a thermal nuclear reactor

I. The purpose of moderator is to slowdown fast neutrons produced due to fusion.
II. The moderator material must have low molecular weight.
III. Ordinary water can be used as moderator with natural uranium as fuel.
IV. The multiplication factor is kept slightly greater than unity during its normal functioning.
Which of these statements are correct?
A) 1 and 3
B) 3 and 4
C) 1,2 and 3
D) 1,2 and 4

3. Consider the following statements:

Surge impedance loading of a transmission line can be increased by
I. Increasing its voltage level
II. Addition of lumped inductance in parallel
III. Addition of lumped capacitance in series
IV. Reducing the length of line
Which of these statements are correct?
A) 1 and 3
B) 1 and 4
C) 2 and 4
D) 3 and 4

4. The load current in short circuit calculation are neglected because

I. Short circuit currents are much larger than load currents
II. Short circuit currents are greatly out of phase with load currents
Which of these statements is/are correct?
A) Neither 1 nor 2
B) 2 alone
C) 1 alone
D) 1 and 2
5. The surge impedance of a 3 phase, 400kV transmission line is 400. The surge impedance loading
(SIL) is
A) 400 MW
B) 100 MW
C) 1600 MW
D) 200 MW

6. If a travelling-wave travelling along a loss-free overhead line does not result in any reflection after it
has reached the far end, then the far end of the line
A) Open circuited
B) Short circuited
C) Terminated in to a resistance equal to surge impedance of the line
D) Terminated in to a capacitor

7. A travelling wave 400/1/50 means crest value of

A) 400 V with rise time 1/50 S
B) 400 kV with rise time 1 S and fall time 50S
C) 400 kV with rise time 1 S with fall time 50S
D) 400MV with rise time 1S and fall time 50S

8. Installation of capacitors at suitable locations and of optimum size in a distribution system results in
I. Improved voltage regulation.
II. Reduction in distribution power losses.
III. Reduction of KVA rating of distribution transformers.
Select the correct answer using codes given below:
A) 1 alone
B) 1 and 2
C) 1,2 and 3
D) 3 alone

9. In a three unit insulator string, voltage across the lowest unit is 17.5kV and string efficiency is
84.28%. the total voltage across the string will be equal to
A) 8.825 kV
B) 44.25 kV
C) 88.25 kV
D) 442.5 kV

10. Bundled conductors are used for EHV transmission lines primarily for reducing the
A) Corona loss
B) Surge impedance of the line
C) Voltage drop across the line
D) Copper loss

Multiple Choice Questions in Power Systems - 2

Important multiple choice questions in Power systems

1. The good effect of corona on overhead lines is to

A) Increase the line carrying capacity due to conducting ionized air envelop around the conductor
B) Increase the power factor due to corona loss
C) Reduce the radio interference from the conductor
D) Reduce the steepness of surge fronts

2. The principal information obtained from load flow studies in a power system are
I. Magnitude and phase angle of the voltage at each bus
II. Reactive and real power flows in each of the lines
III. Total power loss in the network
IV. Transient stability limit of the system
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
A) 1 and 2
B) 3 and 4
C) 1,2 and 3
D) 2 and 4

3. Three generators rated 100 MVA, 11 kV have an impedance of 0.15 pu each. If in the same plant,
these generators are being replaced by a single equivalent generator, the effective impedance of
equivalent generator will be
A) 0.05 pu
B) 0.15 pu
C) 0.25 pu
D) 0.45 pu

4. If all the sequence voltages at the fault point in a power system are equal, then the fault is a
A) Three-phase fault
B) Line to ground fault
C) Line to line fault
D) Double line to ground fault

5. Which one of the following relays has the capability of anticipating the possible major fault in the
A) Overcurrent relay
B) Differential relay
C) Buchholz relay
D) Overfluxing relay
6. In a 220kV system, the inductance and capacitance up to the circuit breaker location are 25mH and
0.025F respectively. The value of resistor required to be connected across the breaker contacts
which will give no transient oscillations, is
A) 25
B) 250
C) 500
D) 1000

7. The speed regulation parameter R of a control area is 0.025 HZ/MW and load frequency constant D
is 2 MW/Hz. The area frequency response characteristics (AFRC) is
A) 42 MW/Hz
B) 40 MW/Hz
C) 20 MW/Hz
D) 2 MW/Hz

8. In the HVDC system, the ac harmonics which gets effectively eliminated with 12 pulse bridge
converters, are
A) Triplen harmonics
B) Triplen and fifth harmonics
C) Triplen, fifth and seventh harmonics
D) Fifth and seventh harmonics

9. The per-unit impedance of a circuit element of 0.15. if the base kV and base MVA are halved, then
the new value of the per-unit impedance of the circuit element will be
A) 0.075
B) 0.15
C) 0.30
D) 0.60

10. The per-unit impedance of an alternator corresponding to base values 13.2 kV and 30 MVA is 0.2
pu. The p.u. value of the impedance for base values 13.8 kV and 50 MVA in p.u. will be
A) 0.131
B) 0.226
C) 0.305

D) 0.364

Multiple Choice Questions on Power System - 3

Important multiple choice questions on power system

1. A line trap in carrier current relaying tuned to carrier frequency presents

A) High impedance to carrier frequency but low impedance to power frequency

B) Low impedance to both carrier and power frequency

C) High impedance to both carrier and power frequencies

D) Low impedance to carrier frequency and high impedance to power frequency

2. The use of fast acting relays and circuit breakers for clearing a sudden short circuit on a
transmission link between generator and the receiving end bus improves the transient stability of the
machine because

A) Short circuit current becomes zero

B) Post-fault transfer impedance attains a value higher than that during the fault

C) Ordinate of the post-fault power-angle characteristic is higher than that of during fault characteristic

D) Voltage behind the transient reactance increases to a higher value

3. A thyrite type lightning arrestor

A) Blocks the surge voltage appearing in a line

B) Absorbs the surge voltage appearing in a line

C) Offers a low resistance path to the surge appearing in the line

D) Returns the surge back to the source

4. The relay which is most sensitive to power swings (mal operation) is

A) mho relay

B) reactance relay

C) impedance relay

D) all are equally affected

5. if the normal frequency is 50 Hz, the setting of the under-frequency relay for the most important load
could be

A) 49 Hz

B) 48.5 Hz

C) 47.5 Hz

D) There is no grading for under frequency relays

6. In case of a 3 phase short circuit in a systems the power fed in to the system is

A) Mostly reactive

B) Mostly active

C) Active and reactive both are equal

D) Reactive only

7. In the solution of load-flow equation, Newton-Raphson (NR) method is superior to the Gauss-seidel
(GS) method, because

A) Time taken to perform one iteration in the NR method is less than when compared to time taken in
GS method

B) Number of iterations required in the NR method is more when compared to that in the GS method

C) Number of iterations required is not independent of the size of the system in NR method

D) Convergence characteristics of the NR method are not affected by the selection of slack bus

8. A square matrix is called singular if its

A) Determinant is unity

B) Determinant is zero

C) Determinant is infinity

D) Rank is unity

9. The function of earth wire in extra high voltage line is to

A) Prevent earth fault

B) Provide a safety measure for any high-flying object

C) Provide a shield to the phase conductors from direct lightning stroke

D) Provide mechanical strength to the towers

10. Corona losses are minimised when

A) Conductors size is reduced

B) Smooth conductor is used

C) Sharp points are provided in the line hardware

D) Current density is conductors is reduced

Multiple choice questions on Power Systems- 4

Important Multiple Choice Questions On Power Systems

1. With 100 % inductive shunt compensation, the voltage profile is flat for

A. 100% loading line

B. 50% loading line
C. Zero loading of line
D. None of these
2. For a long uncompensated line the limit to the line loading is governed by

A. Thermal limit
B. Voltage drop
C. Stability limit
D. Corona loss
3. Series capacitive compensation in EHV transmission lines is used to

A. Reduce the line loading

B. Improve the stability of the system
C. Reduce the voltage profile
D. Improves the protection of the line
4. The main consideration for higher and higher operating voltage of transmission is to

A. Increase the efficiency of transmission

B. Reduce power losses
C. Increase power transmission capability
D. Both (A) and (B) above
5. The inertia constant H of a machine of 200MVA is 2 p.u. its value corresponding to 400MVA will

A. 4
B. 2
C. 1
D. 0.5
6. A 500MVA, 11kV synchronous generator has 0.2 p.u. synchronous reactance. The p.u.
synchronous reactance on the base values of 100 MVA and 22kV is

A. 0.16
B. 0.01
C. 4
D. 0.25
7. Bulk power transmission over long HVDC lines are preferred, on account of

A. Low cost of HVDC terminals

B. No harmonics problems
C. Minimum line power losses
D. Simple protection
8. The transient stability of power system can be effectively improved by

A. Excitation control
B. Phase shifting transformer
C. Single pole switching of circuit breakers
D. Increasing the turbine valve opening
9. The critical clearing time of a fault in power systems is related to

A. Reactive power limit

B. Short-circuit current limit
C. Steady-state stability limit
D. Transient stability limit
10. Steady-state stability of power systems is improved by

A. Reducing fault clearing time

B. Using double circuit line instead of single circuit line
C. Single pole switching
D. Decreasing generator inertial

Multiple Choice Questions on Power Systems - 5

Important multiple choice questions on power systems

1. Which one of the following statements is true?

A) Steady state stability limit is greater than transient state stability limit

B) Steady state stability limit is equal to transient state stability limit

C) Steady state stability limit is less than the transient stability limit

D) No generalisation can be made regarding the equality of otherwise of the steady state stability limit
and transient stability limit

2. If the integral control of a single area system, when the system frequency error is reduced to zero

A) The integrator output and the speed changer position attains a constant value

B) The integrator output increases but the speed changer position also comes down

C) The integrator output decreases and the speed changer position also comes down

D) The integrator output decreases but the speed changer position moves up

3. The steady-state stability limit of a synchronous generator can be increased by

A) An increase in its reactance

B) An increase in the excitation of the machine

C) A decrease in the moment of inertia of the machine

D) An increase in the moment of inertia of the machine

4. Steady-state stability of power system is the ability of the power system to

A) Maintain voltage at the rated voltage level

B) Maintain frequency at exactly 50 Hz

C) Maintain a spinning reserve margin at all times

D) Maintain synchronism between machines and external tie lines

5. The transient state stability of the power system can be effectively improved by

A) Excitation control

B) Phase shifting transformer

C) Single pole switching of circuit breakers

D) Increasing the turbine valve opening

6. Rated breaking capacity (MVA) of a circuit breaker is equal to

A) The product of rated breaking current (kA) and rated voltage (kV)

B) The product of rated symmetrical breaking current (kA) and rated voltage (kV)

C) The product of rated breaking current (kA) and fault voltage (kV)

D) Twice the value of rated current (kA) and rated voltage (kV0

7. To prevent maloperation of differentially connected relay while energising a transformer, the relay
restraining coil is biased with

A) Second harmonic current

B) Third harmonic current

C) Fifth harmonic current

D) Seventh harmonic current

8. Lighting arresters are used in power systems to protect electrical equipments against

A) Direct strokes of lightning

B) Power frequency of over voltages

C) Over voltages due to lightning stroke

D) Over currents due to lightning stroke

9. While using air-blast circuit breaker current chopping phenomenon is often observed when

A) A long over head line is switched off

B) A bank of capacitors is switched off

C) A transformer on no-load is switched off

D) A heavy load is switched off

10. A lightning arrestor connected the line and earth in a power system

A) Protects the terminal equipment against travelling surges

B) Protects the transmission lines against direct lightning stroke

C) Suppresses high frequency oscillations in the line

D) Reflects back the travelling wave approaching it

Multiple Choice Questions on Power Systems - 6

Important Multiple Choice Questions On Power Systems

1. Plug-setting of a relay can be altered by varying

A) Number of ampere-turns

B) Air gap of magnetic path

C) Adjustable back up stop

D) None of these

2. If the time of operation of a relay for unity TMS is 10 sec, the time of operation of 0.5 TMS will be

A) 20 Sec

B) 5 Sec

C) 10 Sec

D) None of these

3. Where the voltages are high and current to be interrupted is low, the breaker proffered is

A) Air blast CB

B) Oil CB

C) Vacuum CB

D) Any of these

4. Resistance switching is normally employed in

A) All breakers

B) Bulk oil breakers

C) Minimum oil breakers

D) Air blast circuit breakers

5. For protection of rotating machines against lightning surges a combination of

A) Lighting conductor and capacitors are used

B) Lighting conductor and lighting arrestors are used

C) Lighting arrestors and capacitors are used

D) Lighting arrestors alone is used

6. The rate of rise of restriking voltage depends upon the

A) Type of circuit breaker

B) Inductance of the system only

C) Capacitance of the system only

D) Inductance and capacitance of the system

7. The insulation of modern EHV lines is designed based on

A) The lighting voltage

B) The switching voltage

C) Corona


8. A large-size alternator is protected against over loads by providing

A) Over current relays

B) Temperature sensitive relays

C) Thermal relays

D) A combination of (A) and (B)

9. The most suitable circuit breaker for short line fault without switching resistor is

A) Air blast circuit breaker

B) Minimum oil circuit breaker

C) Sulphur hexafluoride circuit breaker

D) None of these

10. The capacitor switching is easily done with

A) Air blast circuit breaker

B) Oil circuit breaker

C) Vacuum circuit breaker

D) Any one of these

Multiple Choice Questions on Power Systems - 7

Important Multiple Choice questions on Power Systems

1. For transmission line which one of the following relations is true?

A) AD-BC=1

B) AD-BC=1

C) AD-BC=-1

D) AD-BC=0

2. For a given base voltage and base volt-amp, the per unit impedance value of an element is X. what
will be the per-unit impedance value of this element when the voltage and volt-amp bases are both

A) 4X

B) 2X

C) X

D) 0.5X

3. A 3-phase transmission line has its conductors at the corners of an equilateral triangle with side 3m.
the diameter of each conductor is 1.63 cm. the inductance of the line per phase per km is

A) 1.232 mH

B) 1.182 mH

C) 1.093 mH

D) 1.043 mH

4. A cable has inductance of 0.22mH per km and capacitance of 0.202 micro farads per km. the surge
impedance of the cable is

A) 28 ohms

B) 33 ohms

C) 42 ohms

D) 50 ohms

5. The capacitance of an overhead transmission line increases with

I. Increase in mutual geometrical mean distance

II. Increase in height of conductors above ground

Select the correct answer from the following?

A) Both I and II are true

B) Both I and II are false

C) Only 1 is true

D) Only 2 is true

6. Consider the following statements

Addition of lumped capacitances in parallel to a loss-free transmission line increases

I. Characteristic impedance

II. Propagation constant

III. System stability

IV. Charging current

Which of these statements are correct?

A) I and III

B) II and IV

C) II,III and IV

D) I, II and IV

7. In multimachine interconnected system, subsequent to a 3-phase fault, the transient stability is

examined by

A) Equal-area criterion

B) Solution of swing equation

C) Either by equal-area criterion or by solution of swing equation

D) Combination of equal-area criterion and solution of swing equation

8. The electrical stiffness of a synchronous generator connected to a very large grid can be increased

A) Increasing the excitation or the power angle of the machine

B) Reducing the excitation or the synchronous reactance of the machine

C) Increasing the synchronous reactance of the machine

D) Operating the generator at a much lower MW level compared to the steady-state limit

9. A surge of 100kV travels along an overhead line towards its junction with a cable. The surge
impedance for the overhead line and cable are 400 ohms and 50 ohms respectively. The magnitude
of the surge transmitted through the cable

A) 11.11 kV

B) 22.22 kV

C) 12.50 kV

D) 88.89 kV

10. A generated station has a maximum demand of 30MW, a load factor of 60% and plant capacity
factor of 50%. The reserve capacity of the plant is

A) 5MW

B) 4MW

C) 6MW

D) 10MW

Important MCQ on Power systems -8

Important multiple choice questions in Power systems

1. To limit current chopping in vacuum circuit breakers, the contact material used has

a) High vapour pressure and low conductivity properties

b) High vapour pressure and high conductivity properties

c) Low vapour pressure and high conductivity properties

d) Low vapour pressure and low conductivity properties

2. For the same rupturing capacity, the actual current to be interrupted by an HRC fuse is

a) Much less than any circuit breaker

b) Much more than any circuit breaker

c) Equal to the circuit breaker

d) None of these
3. For protection of parallel feeders fed from one end, the relays required are

a) Non-directional relays at the source end and directional relays at the load end

b) Non-directional relays at both the ends

c) Directional relays at the source end and non-directional at the load end

d) Directional relays at both the ends

4. A reactance relay is

a) Voltage restrained directional relay

b) Directional restrained over-current relay

c) Voltage restrained over-current relay

d) None of these

5. The ratio of reset to pickup current for an induction cup relay is approximately

a) 0.99

b) 1.0

c) 0.75

d) None of these

6. Mho relay is normally used for the protection of

a) Long transmission lines

b) Medium transmission lines

c) Small transmission lines

d) No length criterion

7. The operation of the relay which is most affected due to arc resistance is

a) Mho relay

b) Reactance relay

c) Impedance relay

d) All are equally affected

8. Precautions are essential for ensuring that the secondary of a CT is not open circuited when the
primary circuit carries a current because
a) Dangerously high voltage might develop across the secondary

b) The ferromagnetic core may develop residential magnetism

c) The reflected impedance may prevent the flow of current in the primary circuit

d) None of the above

9. In the protection of transformers, harmonic restraint is used to guard against

a) Magnetizing inrush current

b) Unbalanced operation

c) Lightning

d) Switching over voltages

10. The use of high-speed circuit-breakers

a) Reduces the short circuit current

b) Improves system stability

c) Decreases system stability

d) Increases the short circuit current

Important MCQ on Power systems - 9

1. When a pumped storage power plant is operated in conjunction with a steam power plant

a. The operating cost of the steam plant becomes optimum

b. Load factor of the steam plant is increased

c. Chances of the tripping of the system decreases because of the use of two heterogeneous types of

d. Operation of the storage plant in the pumping mode during the low-load period improves the steam-
plant stability

2. Usage of materials in components of a nuclear reactor:

Graphite is used in moderators; Boron is used in control rods ; Sodium is used as a coolant ; Concrete
is used as a shield

3. A 100km long transmission line is loaded at 110kV. If the loss of line is 15MW and the load is
150MVA, the resistance of the line is
a. 8.06 ohms per phase

b. 0.806 ohms per phase

c. 0.0806 ohm per phase

d. 80.6 ohms per phase

4. Two insulator discs of identical capacitance value C make up string for a 22kV, 50Hz, single-phase
overhead line insulation system. If the pin to earth capacitance is also C, then the string efficiency is

a. 50%

b. 75%

c. 90%

d. 86%

5. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct for the use of bundled conductors in
transmission lines?

a. Control of voltage gradient

b. Reduction in corona loss

c. Reduction in radio interference

d. Increase in interference with communication lines

6. A power system consists of two areas connected via a tie line. While entering the data for load flow
the tie line parameters and its connectivity data were inadvertently left out. If the load flow program is
run with this incomplete data, then the load flow calculations will converge only if

a. One slack bus is specified in the first area

b. One slack bus is specified in the second area

c. One slack bus is specified in either of the two areas

d. Two slack buses, one in each area are specified

7. The zero sequence current of a generator for line to ground fault is j2.4 p.u. then the current through
the neutral during the fault is

a. j2.4 p.u

b. j 0.8 p.u

c. j 7.2 p.u
d. j 0.24 p.u

8. in HVDC transmission there are predominant

a. Voltage harmonics on DC side and current harmonics on AC side of converters

b. Current harmonics on DC side and voltage harmonics on AC side of converters

c. Current harmonics only on the DC side of Converters

d. Voltage harmonics only on the AC side of converters

9. Which one of the following statements is correct? Corona loss increase with

a. Decrease in conductor size and increase in supply frequency

b. Increase in both conductor size and supply frequency

c. Decrease in both conductor size and supply frequency

d. Increase in conductor size & decrease in supply frequency

10. For affixed receiving end and sending end voltage in a transmission system, what is the locus of the
constant power?

a. A straight line

b. An ellipse

c. A parabola

d. A circle

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