Design of Machine Members Short Questions 1. Desgin of Bearings
Design of Machine Members Short Questions 1. Desgin of Bearings
Design of Machine Members Short Questions 1. Desgin of Bearings
Short questions
1. Desgin of Bearings
11. Sate any two advantages and disadvantages of deep grooving ball bearing.
14. What are the various non dimensional terms used in bearing design?
15. Write a short note on bush pin bearing and pedestal bearing.
17. why roller bearing can take more than ball bearing of same external and internal diameter.
2. What do you mean by piston skirt and write its main uses
4. Under what forces the big end bolt and caps are designed.
4. Design of Gears
8. What are the possible gear failures? State possible remedies to avoid such failures.
5. Power screws
4. Discuss briefly types of threads used in power screws and their application.
9. What is the advantage of differential screw jack and compound screw jack?
10. What is recirculation ball screws and state its advantages and applications.
11. Why is the efficiency of self locking square thread is less than 50%.