Department Hand Book
Department Hand Book
Department Hand Book
Sreyas Institute Of
Engineering & Technology
Beside Indu Aranya, GSI, Bandlaguda, Nagole,
Hyderabad, Telangana 500068
Introduction to Mechanical
Engineering Department
Striving for global recognition for development of innovative systems for building
value based society.
Providing quality education to the students and enhancing their skills to
make them globally competent Computer Science Engineers.
Providing state of the art laboratory and research facilities with opportunities
to innovate, design, develop and implement new systems and processes.
Program Outcomes (Mechanical
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, re-
sources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
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8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and re-
sponsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context
of technological change. 13. Good skills on CNC, CAD & CAE for precision
systems design and development. 14. Knowledge and skills on different
welding techniques such as ARC, TIG, and Friction stir welding under fusion
and non-fusion processes.
Programs offered
Internal Quality assurance
The IQAC is formed in Sreyas Institute of Engineering and Technology for improving
the quality standards in education.
The Primary aim of the IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and
catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the
IQAC shall evolve mechanisms and procedures for:
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7. Research sharing and networking with other institutions in India and abroad.
Some of the functions expected of the IQAC are:
IQAC will facilitate / contribute:
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The composition of the IQAC will depend on the size and complexity of the
institution. It helps the colleges in planning and monitoring. IQAC also gives
stakeholders or beneficiaries a cross-sectional participation in the institutions
quality enhancement activities. The guidelines given here are only indicative and
will help the institutions for quality sustenance activities. It is necessary for the
members of the IQAC to shoulder the responsibilities of generating and promoting
awareness in the institution and to devote time for working out the procedural
details. While selecting these members several precautions need to be taken. A
few of them are listed below:
It is advisable to choose from various backgrounds who have earned respect
for integrity and excellence in their teaching and research. Moreover, they should
be aware of the ground realities of the institutional environment. They should be
known for their commitment to improving the quality of teaching and learning.
It would be appropriate to choose as (senior administrators) in charge of
institutional services such as library, computer center, estate, student welfare,
administration, academic tasks, examination, planning and development.
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The management representatives should be persons who are aware of the insti-
tutions objectives, limitations and strengths and are committed to improvement.
The local society representatives should be of high standing and should have made
significant contributions to society, and, in particular, to education.
Program Specific
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ESt.CO4 Able to appraise the usage of Student understands the adverse effects of
pollution free fuels for reduction various types of pollution on environment
in the pollutants concentration. student.
ESt.CO5 Student chooses Innovative ideas Student recognizes the importance of sustain-
for the sustainable development by able development and gets the ability to de-
balancing the population growth sign or plan methods for sustainable develop-
and the existing resource in long ment.
term perspective. (TL6)
PS.CO1 Ability to comprehend the dis- Define random variables and probabil-
tribution models using prob- ity distributions like Binomial, Pois-
ability density functions and son, normal distributions and learn their
moment generating functions. properties. Calculate mathematical ex-
(TL2) pectation.
PS.CO2 Ability to calculate covari- Define joint probability distribution,
ance, correlation and regres- joint probability density function.
sion between two random vari- Learn calculation of correlation and re-
ables.(TL4) gression coefficients.
PS.CO3 Ability to test the validity of Define sampling distribution and esti-
hypothesis by different distribu- mate parameters. Apply large sample
tion techniques and construct tests using difference between means,
confidential interval.(TL5) SDs, proportions. Small sample tests
like t-test, F-test, chi-square test to in-
vestigate the validity of hypothesis.
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EEE.CO1 Able to explain the basic elec- Able to understand the basic electrical
trical concepts, including elec- concepts as well as demonstrate.
tric charge, current, electrical
potential, electrical power and
energy. (TL2)
EEE.CO2 Able to differentiate working Can conduct experiments on DC and
principle and operation of DC AC machines..
and AC machines. (TL4)
EEE.CO3 Able to apply the mesh and Able to prepare network reduction tech-
nodal analysis. (TL3) niques to the corresponding electric cir-
EEE.CO4 Able to evaluate the efficiency The efficiency and regulation properties
and voltage regulation of DC of machines can be calculated by con-
and AC machines. (TL6) ducting experiments.
EEE.CO5 Able to design and analyze sim- Can design simple electrical circuits and
ple electrical circuits. (TL5) test for practical applications.
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MOS.CO1 Able to define the concepts of Understands basic concepts and learn
stress and strain in mechanics various mechanical, structural and ma-
of solids. (TL2) terial properties.
MOS.CO2 Able to describe the concepts of Evaluates different types of stress devel-
principle of superposition, equi- oped by using the stress strain relations.
librium, compatibility, force-
deformation, and stress-strain
relationships. (TL2)
MOS.CO3 Able to analyze determinate Analyze simple stresses developed in
and indeterminate bars/ beams. beams, bars and trusses sheer forces,
(TL4) and bending moments.
MOS.CO4 Able to demonstrate the super- Evaluates various methods for stiffness
position, flexibility, and stiff- calculation.
ness methods. (TL3)
MOS.CO5 Able to design structural mem- Applies basic principles and obtain
bers for given dimensions us- safe stresses in a particular structure,
ing material properties such boundary conditions, loading, allowable
as force-displacement relation- stresses, and factor of safety.
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Table 22: courses outcomes for Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing La
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Table 27: courses outcomes for Mechanics of Fluids and Hydraulic Machines
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0.26 Subject:Mathematics-II
Subject Code :A40310
Nature of the Subject: Core
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Table 31: courses outcomes for mechanics of fluids and hydraulic machines lab
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HT.CO3 Able to identify and Understand the laws of black body radiation,
evaluate radiation heat various laws like Plank, Wien, Kirchoff and
transfer between black concept of shape factor.
body/grey body sur-
faces. (TL6)
HT.CO4 Able to design and an- Knowing classification of heat exchangers and
alyze the performance finding out overall heat transfer coefficient
of heat exchangers. and fouling factor for the same.
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AE.CO3 Able to identify different pollu- Ability to understand the types of pol-
tant emissions from automobile lutants emitted from engines
engines and their effects on envi-
AE.CO4 Able to evaluates gear boxes, Transmission system, Suspension sys-
clutches and brakes (TL6) tem & different types braking system.
AE.CO5 Able to demonstrate steering ge- Understands about the steering systems
ometry and different steering sys- used for automobiles
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PPC.CO1 Able to apply production plan- Ability to apply techniques to get good
ning and control techniques for results in manufacturing and services.
efficient management of manufac-
turing and services (TL3)
PPC.CO2 Able to apply forecasting tech- Apply qualitative and quantitative fore-
niques for short, medium and long casting techniques like Delphi method
range forecasting. (TL3) for short, medium, and long range fore-
PPC.CO3 Able to design quantitative mod- Develop quantitative models to manage
els to manage inventory sys- independent demand inventory systems
tems and analyze material require- and analyze MR Plans and manufactur-
ments.(TL5) ing resource plans.
PPC.CO4 Able examine various techniques Ability to analyze Gantt chart, schedul-
and policies used in standard ing performance.
scheduling methods.(TL4)
PPC.CO5 Ability to evaluate aggregate plan- Show how various heuristics can be used
ning for line balancing problems. to solve industry size line balancing
(TL6) problem.
2 A C S Reddy HOD 9963005134
4 Prof. Sainath Asso.Professor 9848093630
5 Prof.Rama Asst.Professor 9440495051
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6 Prof. Asst.Professor 9502058910 durgam
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List of Incharges
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List of Files Maintained in the
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Faculty Responsibilities
Responsibilities of H O D
1. Leading the Department for smooth running of development.
6. Striving for providing first class teaching facilities for all classes/courses run
by the department.
9. Allocate the subjects to the faculty members well in advance before com-
mencement of the semester/year.
10. Collect lesson plans from teaching staff before the commencement of class
work and ensure that the information provided is in accordance with the
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11. Make sure that the time tables are prepared as per the guidelines given by
the principal and inform the faculty members and students at least one day
before the commencement of the class work.
12. Interact with students (Section wise) of their branch once in a fortnight,
identify the problems and find solutions in consultation with the principal.
13. Verify the student attendance registers maintained by the staff members once
a week and submit to the principal for verification once in a fortnight.
14. Instruct the faculty members to set the question papers as per instructions
from the principal and to maintain the confidentiality and also to evaluate the
scripts promptly to meet the dead line given by the principal. The evaluated
answer sheets along with award sheet filled by the concerned faculty member
has to be submitted to the exam section as per the schedule given. Softcopy
of the Mid Exams & Assignment test also to be submitted to the exam branch
as per schedule.
15. Observe the dress code among students and instruct the respective class
teachers to implement the dress code among the students.
16. Convene departmental staff meeting once in a week on the day allotted and
record the minutes of the meeting.
17. Collect the student feedback about the faculty members subject wise (for
all the subjects taught to the students of their branch) and communicate
the feed back to the concerned faculty members in the standard format as
decided by principal. Communicate a copy to the principal. If any subject is
handled by the other department faculty members, communicate one copy to
the respective HOD.
18. Guide the faculty members to improve their performance based on the
feedback and also monitor whether the faculty members are improving from
year/semester to year/semester.
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19. Advise the class teachers to prepare Master registers meant for posting
attendance and internal marks within one week after the commencement of
class work for the semester/year.
21. Counsel the students who are absent for the mid test or irregular to the class
22. Form the student batches and allot the project guides as per guidelines given
by the principal.
23. Route all the correspondence through the office of the principal.
24. Designate faculty member who will be the Head I/c during his/her absence
and make sure that all files and records are available for Head in- charge.
Give contact telephone number to enable the authorities to consult them in
emergency when he/she is away from head quarters.
25. Allocate the students to the teacher-counselors in the beginning of the aca-
demic year.
27. Arrange special classes if necessary for the benefit of below average students.
29. Follow the guidelines / instructions given by the principal from time to time.
31. Make arrangements to lock and seal all the laboratories before leaving the
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32. Plan and conduct the BOS meeting regularly and prepare minutes of the
meeting. Also, communicate the minutes of the meeting to the members
concerned and also to the Principal.
33. Provide necessary inputs to the principal for conducting Academic Council /
GB Meeting
34. Allocation of academic and other duties effectively and equally among the
staff for smooth operation of the department
36. High standard of staff induction, reviewing staff progress and to ensure that
staff are given support and training as required.
37. Evaluating faculty on a regular and continuing basis in the areas of teaching,
research and service with appropriate recommendations for improvement.
39. To enhance the reputation of the College through engagement in public life
and the dissemination of knowledge to a wider society.
43. Other such duties as may be identified by the Principal from time to time
45. Providing a communication link between and among the faculty and the
other levels of administration.
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46. Communicating accurately about the institution policies with the department
Responsibilities of Dy HOD
1. Acting as HOD in times of absent/O D of HOD
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9. Maintaining proper records for all the documents prepared and maintaining
them under the supervision of HOD.
10. Coordinating with other Dept. faculty dealing for Mechanical engineering
11. Monitoring for regularity and in time taking of classes by the faculty coming
from other departments such as H&S, EEE, CSE and ECE and also intimating
the concerned HOD for any issues of faculty such as absents/leaves etc.
12. Acting as a link between class I/C and faculty from other departments in
providing/getting all information about class work, examinations, attendance
registers, marks statements etc.
13. Maintaining proper records for all the documents prepared and maintaining
them under the supervision of HOD.
14. Any other instructions received from HOD/Principal from time to time.
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6. Getting approval for every modified time table form HOD and Principal as
well as circulating to faculty, displaying in notice board and in class rooms.
10. Maintaining proper records for all the documents prepared and maintaining
them under the supervision of HOD.
11. Time table preparation for Lab internal and external lab examinations.
12. Preparing faculty list for invigilation of mid exams and end examination.
13. Any other instructions received from HOD/Principal from time to time.
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6. Placement training fee intimations and making them to clear the same.
8. Preparation of placements date of the past three years at least with the
details of student name, address, company name and address, salary package,
terms and conditions etc.,
9. Maintaining proper records for all the documents prepared and maintaining
them under the supervision of HOD.
10. Maintaining the records of alumni students and organizing alumni meetings
taking a leading role.
11. Any other instructions received from HOD /Principal from time to time.
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Floor In-charge
1. Frequent monitoring of movements of students in the floor.
2. Recording of any damages in classes, labs, seminar halls for any damages
such as benches, tables, glasses or any property of the institution concerned
with the department.
5. Maintaining proper records for all the documents preparing under the control
of HOD.
9. Files to be maintained
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2. Finding resource persons and follow up for guest lecturers/ seminars/ confer-
10. Motivation and guiding with proper information for the students and faculty
to participate in ongoing conferences etc. from time to time.
11. Maintaining proper records for all the documents prepared and maintaining
them under the supervision of HOD.
12. Permission/ leave approval is compulsory from workshops I/C for attending
outside programs. Attendance for students and leave approval for faculty for
workshops attending can only cleared form workshops I/C upon submission
of report along with Xerox copies of participation certificate.
14. Any other instructions received from HOD/Principal from time to time.
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I/C - Academics
Monitoring of student attendance in classes.
Checking for fortnight attendance, monthly and other with attendance in-
Follow up for attendance registers signatures by HOD for every week end
and principal for every fortnight.
Display of attendance fort night and monthly on notice board with the
assistance of attendance in-charge.
Time table display on class and lab notice boards with the support of class
Planning for assignment and lab internal 16. Schedule preparation for external
lab examinations.
Insisting the faculty for maintaining effective course files as per NBA norms.
Maintaining proper records for all the documents prepared and maintaining
them under the supervision of HOD.
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Any other instructions received from HOD/Principal from time to time. 20.
List of files to be maintained i. Internal marks file ii. Attendance file iii.
Feedback file
Maintenance of Labs
Cleaning of labs
Maintaining proper records for all the documents prepared and maintaining
them under the supervision of HOD.
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Projects I/C
1. Batch formations for both major and miniprojects.
6. Organizing seminars and preparation of award lists for the seminars given by
the students.
15. Collection of main and mini project copies and sending one copy to library
17. Maintaining proper records for all the documents prepared and maintaining
them under the supervision of HOD.
18. Any other instructions received from HOD/Principal from time to time.
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5. Coordinating with college librarian for all issues such as student library cards
10. Maintaining proper records for all the documents prepared and maintaining
them under the supervision of HOD.
11. Any other instructions received from HOD/Principal from time to time.
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Examination Coordinator
1. Collecting the question papers from faculty for mid examinations.
5. Sorting answer scripts subject wise after the scripts received from the invigi-
6. Sending answer scripts, attendance sheet, nominal rolls back to the examina-
tion section
8. Maintaining a record for answer scripts issues/ receipts from the faculty with
13. Looking for smooth conduct of lab internal and external examinations.
14. Collection of award lists from the department and sending them to the
examination section.
15. Collecting soft/hard copies of the old question papers and forwarding to the
faculty for making course file which also consists of previous question papers
of the subject concerned.
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16. Maintaining the confidentiality in all information while dealing with exami-
nation section.
17. Maintaining proper records for all the documents prepared and maintaining
them under the supervision of HOD.
18. Informing his leave/absent to the examination in-charge when and then and
maintain proper communication and relations with examination section.
19. Any other instructions received from HOD/Principal from time to time.
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2. Looking for the students to come to the labs with shoes and aprons.
8. Maintaining proper records for all the documents prepared and maintaining
them under the supervision of HOD.
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1. Maintaining student data.
5. Maintenance of records of mid marks subject wise for subject and labs.
8. Display of internal mid marks and lab marks in the notice board.
13. Intimation to students regarding exam schedules, fee payment dates, project
viva dates etc.
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19. Arranging the facilities for conducting project viva by fixing the dates, inti-
mation to students, inviting the external examiner as per the orders received
from university.
20. Preparing the award report and sending it to the examination section.
1. Promotion of all activities in concern to publish papers from international
journals and conferences.
2. Assisting HOD in organizing lectures from experts and for writing papers.
3. Collecting and maintaining list of best journals for easy, quick, less cost/no
cost with high index
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Student Counselor
1. Maintaining the student list consists of student name, roll no, father name,
address, phone nos.
5. Student absent intimation to parents for every absent day and making record
of all intimations.
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Lab Faculty
1. Rising indents for the materials for performing all experiments as per the
5. Both main lab faculty and supporting faculty should always be available in
the lab.
11. Faculty should be familiar with all experiments in demonstration and experi-
13. Insisting the students to write record as and when the experiment is completed.
14. Codification of all equipment and instruments and maintaining the record of
all of these available in the Lab.
15. The opening and locking of the lab at the end of the day is the sole responsibil-
ity of the concerned lab incharge and has to get it done by passing necessary
instructions to lab technician in accomplishing the task.
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16. Any equipment set out from the lab with the permission of HOD for any
repair or for use in other departments etc. should be recorded in the material
movement register and should be insisted for getting back as early as possible
for the use in department.
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Class In-charge
Collecting the latest personal details of all students including communication
address, phone nos, email address, parent phone nos, etc., within two days
from the commencement of semester classes.
Checking for the availability of faculty for all 7 periods of a day in the morning
itself and reminding the faculty for taking the class.
Looking for filling the attendance and topic covered particulars soon after
the period is over.
Motivating the faculty for preparing and for the use of efficient course files as
per NBA norms.
Time table display on class and lab notice boards with the support of class
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Student issues if any, receiving the complaints, asserting for solution and if
not, forwarding with necessary remarks to the HOD for appropriate action.
Bringing to the notice of HOD for any requirements of the class and follow
up in getting the same.
Suitable planning for seminars and tutorial classes with the assistance of class
faculty and to see that every class, seminar, tutorial is properly engaged.
Monitoring for submission for submission for mid question papers in time.
All the documents prepared for the class should be properly maintained with
the knowledge of HOD.
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Student should inform his planned absent to the class in-charge and get
permission from the HOD. Though attendance may not be granted for absent,
it is essential to inform class teacher/in-charge.
For internship training, student approaches the class teacher for assistance.
Class I/C has to guide the student in getting approvals from the department.
For mini projects, generally permissions are not granted but in special cases,
based on the topic specialty, department head may grant permission based
on the recommendations of the class teacher.
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For participating in sports and other competitive events students must bring
acceptance letter from the physical director for granting permissions and for
attendance upon submission of the certificate copy.
Files to be maintained
Guidelines for Faculty
The faculty of Mechanical Engineering are advised to strictly adhere to the following
guidelines for effective teaching, administration and progress of the department.
1. Course file of previous semester/year (if you are applicable) should be handed
over to the department before commencement of the present semester/year
5. Once the subject is allotted the Faculty Member should prepare the lecture
hour wise lesson plan as per the time table.
6. The Faculty Member should get the lesson plan and course file - approved by
HOD and Principal before the commencement of the classwork.
7. The course file consists of preface, previous year university question papers,
notes, hand outs, OHP sheets, test/exam question papers, two model answer
scripts for each test/exam, Assignments (if any), minute paper, feed back
analysis report etc.
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8. Work load should never be less than the prescribed and brought to the notice
of HOD for adequate workload.
10. The Faculty Member must strive to prepare himself/ herself academically to
meet all the challenges and requirements in the methodology of teaching so
that the input may be useful for the student community at large.
13. The Faculty Member should make himself/ herself available for doubt clear-
14. The Faculty Member should motivate the students and bring out the creativity
/ originality in the students.
15. The Faculty Member going for laboratory class must explain the experiments
personally and be satisfied with the results before asking the students to
conduct the experiments.
17. The lab observations/records must be corrected then and there or at least by
next class.
18. Should maintain contact numbers of all faculty and contact the concerned
next faculty for delay if any and then only hand over the class to class I/C.
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Professional Progress
1. The Faculty member should regularly visit library and read the latest jour-
nals / magazines in his / her specialty and keep oneself abreast of latest
3. Should always work for improving API score by writing papers and attending
conferences, workshops, etc.
4. Every Faculty Member must present seminar on his allotted subject as well
as in interested fields frequently to the department faculty.
1. Faculty He has to submit attendance register of the previous semester com-
pleted in all aspects for student attendance, I Mid marks, II mid marks,
consolidated mid marks , Lab internal marks for lab subjects before getting
the subject alloted for the current semester.
4. Every Faculty Member should maintain students attendance records and the
absentees roll number should be noted everyday in the daily report register
maintained in the Department as soon as the classes/laboratory hours are
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7. Name list in the attendance register should only be as per the roll list received
from the examination section.
Followup of Instructions
1. Following the instructions of class i/c and maintaining cordial relations for
smooth engagement of classes.
1. Faculty appointed for observer/ examiner on JNTU/Principal orders must
be brought to the notice of HOD and prior permission should be obtained
by handover of the academic responsibilities to other concerned faculty and
approval for the same from HOD.
2. Attending for all invigilation duties and necessary support for smooth conduct
of all examinations.
3. The invigilation/examination duty is the priority one than that of class work
if it clashes.
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4. Collection and correction of mid papers within three days from the day of
5. Showing answer scripts to the students and correction if any for the students
for their better performance.
8. Proper evaluation and posting marks in the attendance register and in the
standard format prescribed for it.
1. The Faculty Member should always aim for 100% pass results in his / her
subjects and work accordingly.
3. Question paper standard should be made in such a way that 60% of class
should be in a position to score 60% marks.
4. The evaluation of answer scripts for mid and lab examinations should such
that the average mark of the class should not be less than 60%. If not the
department may sought for explanation from the concerned faculty.
5. Submission of award list for theory and labs to the examination section in
association with Attendance and Marks I/C.
6. The award list prepared within three days of exam should show to the
HOD/Director/Dean for approval and submit the same to the examination
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8. Result analysis report should be prepared for the subject(s) taught, once the
results are declared.
9. The class I/C must update the students personal file regularly and put up
for inspection by HOD/Principal as the case may be.
Class Maintenance
1. Timely presence in the class with attendance register, course file, chalk, duster
and other teaching aids.
2. Maintain eye contact and move toward your students as you interact with
them. Nod your head to show that you are listening to them.
4. Be available before class starts, during break, and after class to visit with
5. The Faculty Member should make use of OHP, Models etc., as teaching aids.
7. The Faculty Member should get the feed back from students and act / adjust
the teaching methodology appropriately.
8. The Faculty Member should take care of academically poor students and pay
special attention to their needs in special classes.
10. If anybody enters late, the student may be permitted to attend the class but
marked absent. In case of repeaters or habitual late-comers the teacher should
try to correct the student through personal counseling and if it does not being
any change the student must be directed to meet the class coordinator, HOD.
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11. The Faculty Member should interact with the class coordinator or counselor
and inform him / her about the habitual absentees, academically backward
student, objectionable behavior etc.
12. The Faculty Member should act with tact and deal with insubordination by
students maturely.
13. The Faculty Member should be strict but not harsh. Never use harsh words,
which would hurt the feeling of students.
14. The faculty member should be very fair and impartial in awarding of internal
marks to students or in selecting the outstanding students of the department
/ college and on similar occasions, it should be done strictly as per the
prescribed norms. It should not have any bearing with region, language,
religion, caste, status of parents, personal relations, etc.
15. Be consistent in your treatment of students. Make sure that your exams are
current, valid, and reliable. Tie your assessment to your course objectives.
17. Review the learning objectives with your students. Be sure students know
what they are expected to learn, do, know, etc.
19. Make your classes relevant. Be sure students see how the content relates to
them and the world around them.
21. Put some excitement into your speech; vary your pitch, volume and rate.
23. Encourage students to share their ideas and comments, even if they are
incorrect. Youll never know what students dont understand unless you ask
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24. Know your students names and use their names as often as possible.
26. Pay attention to the strengths and limitations of each of your students.
Reward their strengths and strengthen their weaknesses.
28. Talking on cell phone in the class will be considered as very serious issue and
initiated for necessary disciplinary action.
30. Not to teach directly from text book and should always carry his well prepared
notes/course file to use in the class.
32. The Faculty Member initially recapture for first 5 minutes the lessons of the
last lecture, tell what is going to learn in another 2 minutes, then explain
the lecture well up to 40 minutes and in the last 3 minutes conclude and say
what we will see in the next class.
33. The Faculty of Member should cultivate to include humour in the lecture, to
break the monotony.
34. Shouldnt leave the class without handing over the responsibility to either
next faculty or class I/C.
35. Should practice/rehearse the lecture well before going to the class.
1. Groupism of any kind should be absolutely avoided. Faculty Members found
indulging in such activities will be subject to discipline proceedings.
SREYAS Dept of Mech
2. Maintaining cordial relations with faculty of the department and other de-
3. Faculty should be either in the class, Lab or in his allotted chair for student
accessibility. He should not leave to other places in college hours except lunch
period without the knowledge of HOD.
5. Strictly restricted of coming to the college wearing T shirts and jeans paint.
Wearing formal dress with shoes and tucked in shirt is recommended.
7. Faculty should never enquire about the performance of other faculty with
the students.
8. The teaching load will be allotted by the HOD after taking into account the
faculty Member interests and faculty shouldnt question HOD or other in
teaching load allotment.
9. Faculty among themselves or with students in group should not make long
talk in the corridors while blocking it.
10. Faculty are expected to follow the rules and regulations of the Institution as
prevalent from time to time.
11. Faculty should not use staff room/cabin for playing songs, videos and for
slumbering. If it found, recommend for necessary disciplinary action.
12. Maintaining cordial relations with faculty of the department and other de-
13. Faculty should be either in the class, Lab or in his allotted chair for student
accessibility. He should not leave to other places in college hours except lunch
period without the knowledge of HOD.
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14. Going to the canteen is only when you are free or for relaxation due to overload
but not at the cost of class/lab or assigned work by the HOD/Principal.
15. Internet should only be used for limited period for urgent mails or for referring
useful technical information.
16. Computer system/internet should not be used for entertainment like movies,
face books for example. If it is noticed can be recommended for appropriate
17. Faculty should never incline towards cast, community, creed and sex of student
in assessment and awarding of mark.
18. Faculty should not enter into disrespectable nature like quarrels or fights
with students or co-faculty.
20. Signing in the attendance register maintained in the department soon after
coming in the morning as well as before leaving the college at closure without
21. The Faculty Member should always first interact with HOD and get the
days assignment and get the HOD in confidence about his professional and
academic activities in the Department.
Office Maintenance
1. No faculty should shift chairs, tables or other furniture from one lab to another
lab without the knowledge and necessary permission from the HOD/Principal.
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2. Effective power usage by switching off immediately fans and lights noticed
running unnecessarily in the premises, class rooms, labs, staff rooms for
4. Proper rearrangement of furniture in staff room, HOD cabin leaving from it.
5. Effective and minimum usage of all types of stationary for preserving the
natural resources.
1. Whenever a Faculty Member intends to take leave, the Faculty Member should
get the leave sanctioned in advance and with proper alternate arrangements
made for class / lab / invigilation. In case of emergency, the HOD or the next
senior faculty must be informed with appropriate alternate arrangements
2. Proper intimation and approval for any absents from invigilation duties from
examination I/C
3. All leaves should be applied well in advance and get it approved from both
HOD and Principal.
4. The faculty on leave has to see that his classes are engaged by the alternative
faculty signed and for any mis-communication and for not engaged the class
is sole responsibility of the faculty on leave.
6. JNTU orders received from examination section for paper valuation if any,
should brought to the notice of HOD and permission only granted from the
department after class work is properly adjusted by necessary alternative
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Department activities
1. In addition to the teaching, the Faculty Member should take additional respon-
sibilities as assigned by HOD / Principal in academic, administrative/research/co-
curricular or extra curricular activities.
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2. Every page of the answer script should be corrected and marks should be
awarded to each answer
3. Total marks should be reflected in the main page of the answer booklet
5. Answer scripts must be shown to the students and necessary corrections for
errors/omissions should be made before preparation of consolidated marks
12. Average/final awarded marks (all mids put together) should be reflected in
the attendance register.
13. Answer scripts should be packed as per the roll no indicating the subject
name, year, section, and department clearly.
14. packed answer scripts should be handed over to the class I/C or HOD or
Examination section upon requesting.
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2. As soon as they report at the exam section, they shall synchronize to the time
indicated by clock of the exam section, or note the time difference between
the two, and shall follow their watches for implementing the time schedule in
the exam hall regarding the issuing of question papers, collection of answer
scripts, allowing the candidates to enter or leave the exam hall, announcing
the remaining duration of the exam, etc. This is particularly important to
maintain uniform and consistent time pattern in all the exam halls whenever
there is power failure and the siren is not working, or even when power is
there but the office assistant has erred in giving time bells.
3. Before proceeding to the exam hall, invigilators shall verify the material
handed over to them such as main answer books, question papers in case
of midterm examinations, seating arrangement sheet etc., and bring to the
notice of the exams in-charge the discrepancies, if any, immediately.
4. Single answer book containing 24 pages for midterm exams & 36 pages for
end exams shall be supplied to the candidates. No additional answer books
shall be supplied.
5. After receiving the stationery the invigilators are asked to go to the allotted
exam halls only, and are instructed not to go anywhere else.
7. Invigilators shall verify the identity of the candidates by checking the hall
ticket containing photo and also the identity card in the case of End Exami-
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nations and the identity card in the case of midterm seats meant for them as
per the seating arrangement, before issuing the question paper.
8. Candidates shall not be allowed to carry note books, text books, cell phones or
any other unsolicited material that is likely to be used by them for malpractice.
9. Candidates shall also not be allowed to use any data books / code books /
charts/ etc, of their own. The required material will be supplied by the exam
10. If there is any shortage of material, then the exam section will issue necessary
instruction to the invigilators in this regard.
11. Invigilators shall not allow the candidates with cell phones to the exam halls
and also shall not keep the cell phones of the candidates with them for safe
12. Invigilators are prohibited from carrying mobile phones to the exam halls.
13. Invigilators shall ensure that candidates have entered their Registered (Regd.)
numbers and the code number of the question paper correctly in the answer
books and they are not altered subsequently.
14. Any correction in the Regd. number in the case of midterm exams is attested
by the invigilator.
15. Any correction in the Regd. in the case of end exams is to be attested by the
chief superintendent (CS).
16. The student should not write their Regd. No./Hall Ticket No., anywhere else
except in the space provided for on the main answer book.
17. The students may be instructed not to write anything other than their Regd.
No in their question papers
18. No candidate shall be allowed to enter the exam hall under any circumstances
after the commencement of the midterm / end semester exam.
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19. Invigilator has to obtain signatures of the candidate in the attendance sheet
and ensure that in the attendance sheet, the candidate has correctly written
the answer book serial number issued to him.
20. The attendance statement shall be prepared immediately after the expiry of
15 min. after the commencement of midterm / end exam and while filling
the attendance statement invigilators shall furnish all the details.
21. Use separate absentee statements for each Year, Branch and Scheme and the
details may be obtained from seating arrangement plan.
22. Invigilators shall handover the attendance statement, the unused main answer
books and unused question papers to the person who come to the exam hall
to collect them.
23. During the midterm exams, if a candidate raises any doubt regarding the
question paper, the invigilator, shall report the matter to the exams in
charge through the assistant/ water boy and shall advise the candidate to
attempt other questions in the mean while.
24. Exam section shall obtain the necessary clarifications from the manuscript of
the paper setter available with exam section / paper setter / HOD concerned
and request the paper setter / exams in-charge to announce the clarifications
in all the halls.
25. During the End exams no candidate shall be entertained by the invigilators
regarding clarifications on question paper.
26. When they seek any clarification, they shall be instructed to bring the matter
to the notice of the faculty/ HOD concerned after the examination is over.
27. When an invigilator suspects malpractice by any candidate, the material in the
possession of the candidate and the answer script shall be confiscated and the
matter reported to the Controller Of Examinations (COE)/ examsin-charge/
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28. The invigilator shall obtain a statement from candidate and submit the same
along with his /her own report on the incident to the COE/ Principal.
29. If the candidate refuses to give a statement, the same is allowed to leave the
exam hall only after the permission by the COE/ Principal/ exams-in-charge.
30. Candidates are not normally allowed to the rest rooms during the exam.
However, in cases of urgency, a water boy may be asked to accompany the
31. Invigilators themselves shall not leave the exam hall during exam
32. To avoid temptation on the part of the candidates for mutual consultations,
Invigilators shall not remain at one place and shall make as many rounds in
the exam hall as possible.
33. Invigilators shall not bring newspapers, magazines or text books and cell
phone to the exam hall and shall not enter into consultations/conversations
with co invigilators during the exam.
35. After entering the exam hall and receiving the question paper, no candidate
shall be allowed to leave the exam hall till the expiry of the allotted time/
last half-an-hour of the exam.
36. Candidates shall be allowed to carry the question paper with them only when
they are leaving the exam hall in the last half-an-hour.
37. If they are leaving earlier (but not before the expiry of half the allotted time
) they shall be asked to leave the question paper with the invigilator, after
writing their regd. No on it, and to collect the same at the exam section after
the exam is over.
38. Candidates shall be asked to keep their main answer book and graph/drawing
sheets in proper order and to tie them up 5 minutes before the end of the
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39. Invigilators shall affix their signatures in the space provided only on the first
page of the main answer book / books (in case two main answer books are
used separately for Part-A and Part-B) in both midterm and End exams,
certifying the correct entry of i. Registered number ii. Question paper code
number (in case of end exam only) iii. Part of the Paper (i.e. Part-A or
40. Invigilator shall collect the answer scripts from all the candidates present
in the hall immediately after the final bell is rung and shall arrange them
in proper order that tallies with the attendance statement prepared by the
41. Invigilators shall bring the bundle of answer scripts, unused graph sheets,
etc., and the question papers left behind by the candidates leaving the hall
early and hand them over in the exam section within 10 minutes of the end
of the exam.
42. Invigilators shall leave the exam branch only when they are cleared by the
exam section and they have to collect heir remuneration immediately after
the examination is over.
43. Faculty members not related with exam work in any capacity shall not enter
the exam halls.
44. If data books / graph sheets / drawing sheets are not brought to the exam
hall in time the same may be informed to the Chief Superintendent/Exam
section in-charge immediately.
45. Invigilators are not to utilize the services of the water boys for works, other
than the work related to the examination, during the exam hours
46. If there is any specific complaint against the water boys, invigilators are
requested to bring it to the notice of Chief Superintendent / Principal
47. Faculty members shall realize that the examination work is a part and parcel
of their academic work and they shall attend to it with utmost sincerity.
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3. Ensure the progress of the course delivery according to the lesson plan &
course handouts
6. Ensure the quality of the Masters Thesis work and manuscripts extracted
from the thesis are published in journals and conferences.
7. Conduct the bi-weekly meeting of the Post Graduate students and discuss
the academic progress.
10. Delegate the project advisory ship and guarantee the timely completion
of the project/thesis work. Attend the PG cluster meeting and provide
appropriate direction to the PG course coordinators and thesis guides based
on the decisions taken in the meeting.
11. Attend the college level PG coordinators meeting by representing the depart-
ment and make suggestions for improvement in PG academic curriculum.
12. Provide adequate and appropriate direction to the faculty members handling
classes for PG in line with institute policy.
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13. Ensure the required technical quality of the PG academic program by adopting
the necessary measures and taking judicious decisions.
14. Any other PG program related responsibility entrusted by the HOD from
time to time
Class Advisory System
Each class is assigned with a Chief Staff Advisor (CSA) or Teacher in Charge. To
give individual attention and help the students in matter of personal and academic
importance, a class of 60 is again divided into three equal groups of 20 each under
a Staff Advisor. The students can seek for both personal and academic advices
of Staff Advisors. Besides, two students are elected as the class representatives.
Major responsibilities of Chief Staff Advisor (CSA) are:
3. Reporting the activities and progress of the class to the respective Head of
the Department.
5. Class monitoring, in order to get the feedback from the students regarding
the various subjects taught during the semester.
6. Should monitor and consolidate the duty leaves for internal programme and
forward the same to the Vice Principal / Principal.
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4. Ensuring the attendance of the student in class and general and total behavior
including adherence to the dress code.
6. Maintenance of the student profile, which include the progress of the student
since his/her inception in the first year.
7. Reporting to the Head of the Department in the fortnightly appraisal form for
the first and second half of the month, through the CSA & Chief Coordinator
(Staff Advisory System).
9. Identifying the strength and weakness of students and timely action for special
attention can be suggested to the Head of the Department.
11. Any other student mentoring related duties assigned by the CSA with regard
to the mentees under the SA.
2. Engineering Drawing
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3. Engineering Workshop
4. Thermodynamics
5. Mechanics of Solids
6. Machine Drawing
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43. Nanotechnology
SREYAS Dept of Mech
47. Robotics
50. Entrepreneurship
55. Seminar
Mechanical Engineering Career
It is necessary for one to decide their career. Now that you have entered into
B.Tech. So, now you have to start looking into your future either to go for job or
0.43.1 Automobiles
There are various kinds of automobiles, and all of them have engines, gear boxes,
wheels and axles, and other moving parts. They should be designed, manufactured
and maintained according to the requirement by the mechanical engineers. Due to
the overwhelming requirement of the automobiles, the mechanical graduates have
incredible job offerings in the respective companies.
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0.44.1 GRE
The Graduate Record Examination or GRE is a standardized test that is an
admissions requirement for many graduate schools in English speaking countries.
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0.44.2 TOEFL
The Test of English as a Foreign Language (or TOEFL, pronounced toe-full or
sometimes toffle) evaluates the potential success of an individual to use and
understand Standard American English at a college level. It is required for non-
native applicants at many English-speaking colleges and universities. A TOEFL
score is valid for two years and then is deleted from the official database.
0.44.3 iBT
Since its introduction in late 2005, the Internet-based test (iBT) has progressively
replaced both the computer-based (CBT) and paper-based (PBT) tests. The iBT
has been introduced in phases, with the United States, Canada, France, Germany,
and Italy in 2005 and the rest of the world in 2006, with test centers added regularly.
The demand for test seats remains very high even after almost a year after the
introduction of the test: Candidates have to wait for months since short-term test
dates are fully booked. The four-hour test consists of four sections, each measuring
mainly one of the basic language skills (although some tasks may require multiple
skills) and focusing on language used in an academic, higher-education environment.
Note-taking is allowed in the iBT.
0.44.4 GATE
: Conducted by one of seven Indian Institutes of Technology in rotation, Graduate
Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an annual exam for admission to M.Tech
and M.S. programms in most engineering institutes in India. It is regarded as a
benchmark test for engineering graduates in India. This examination is coordinated
by a committee, comprising of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and seven
Indian Institutes of Technology on behalf of the National Coordinating Board -
GATE, Department of Education, and Government of India. The pattern and
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Student Code of Conduct and
Disiplinary Rules
2. Students will act in a manner that reflects maturity, social responsibility and
respect toward the person and property of others.
3. Students will act in a manner that reflects respect for their own health and
4. Students will act in a manner that reflects respect toward the policies, pro-
cedures and laws that are in place to maintain and support community
standards at the college and beyond.
5. To maintain dignity, decency, order, calmness both in the campus and outside
the campus.
SREYAS Dept of Mech
9. To maintain perfect order and strict silence inside the lecture hall / drawing
hall / laboratories.
10. To be attentive in the class and to bring calculators, charts and data hand
books every day.
11. To note that carrying of the cell Phones are strictly prohibited in the campus
13. To inculcate the habit of looking into Notice boards of the college / department
every day.
14. To attend all counseling sessions convened by their mentors and should feel
free to explain their academic / personal / career difficulties and seek their
15. To note that in all discipline matters the decision taken by the Principal is
final and will be binding on all the students involved.
16. To note that the scholarship amount will be released only when all the
scholarship holders put in 75% attendance every month.
17. To furnish, in their own interest, the change in the address of Father/Guardian,
if any, to the Office / Department as soon as they return from summer
19. To submit to the disciplinary jurisdiction of the authorities and obey the
rules and regulations made by the institution from time to time.
20. Not to form any formal and informal groups on the basis of caste, community
and religion.
21. Not to be in the Canteen or at any public place during working hours of the
SREYAS Dept of Mech
22. To note that teasing women and committing nuisance on the campus, on
college grounds and at programmes are strictly prohibited.
23. To note that any violence on the campus, destruction of college property,
manhandling of teachers or administrative staff or any other person in the
college campus or the authorities of the college and misbehavior with girl
students will be viewed seriously. Erring persons will be liable for disciplinary
action such as expulsion or rustication for specific period etc.
24. To note that ragging in any form, within or outside any educational institution
is strictly prohibited. Any student convicted of the offence of ragging will be
punished with imprisonment as laid down in the said Act.
25. To note that defacing of the campus buildings and walls by sticking bills
posters etc. or by writing is prohibited.
26. To note that all types of malpractices and unfair means in the examination
hall including assault on invigilators, misbehaving in the examination hall
and impersonation are punishable offences.
27. Class Representatives must attend the meetings convened by the Principal and
inform the decisions taken in the CRs meetings to their respective classmates.
28. The students and parents must regularly browse the college website
to know the academic information like students attendance, midterm / end
exam marks, examination schedules, examination results etc
30. Lack of familiarity will not constitute an excuse for failing to meet the
expectations of the institution in bringing standards.
32. Students are accountable for the class room facilities such as benches, writing
boards, computer system, projector fans,lights,window glasses curtains etc.
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33. Failure to act in a manner that reflects maturity, social responsibility and
respect toward the co-student, faculty and other staff will come under violation
of conduct and eligible for penalty.
2. Engineering Drawing Laboratories: Boys: Neat dress with shirt Tucked in,
Blue Apron and Full shoes
Girls: Chudidhars, Blue Apron
3. Mechanical Engineering Laboratories: Boys: Neat dress with shirt Tucked in,
Blue Apron and Full shoes
Girls: Chudidhars, Blue Apron
2. Students should maintain observation book (with graph papers), record (as
suggested by the staff member) for each lab.
3. Students should bring their own calculators, pencil, eraser, etc for practical
4. Students should note the observations, complete all calculations and get it
verified by the staff member. Any incomplete work should be completed and
get verified by the staff member well before the next practical class.
SREYAS Dept of Mech
5. Students should complete the record work of the experiment and submit it in
the next class without fail only after the staff member verifies the calculations.
Students will not be permitted to the laboratory without record.
10. The use of personal audio or video equipment is prohibited in the laboratory.
15. Always perform the experiments or work precisely as directed by your in-
19. Be careful when handling hot glassware and apparatus in the laboratory. Hot
glassware looks just like cold glassware.
20. Make sure no flammable solvents are in the surrounding area when lighting a
21. Turn off all heating apparatus, gas valves, and water faucets when not in use.
SREYAS Dept of Mech
23. Store coats, bags, and other personal items in designated areas.
24. Keep the floor clear of all objects (e.g., metal chips, nails, small objects,
spilled liquids).
25. Keep work area neat and free of any unnecessary objects.
26. Thoroughly clean your laboratory work space at the end of the laboratory
29. Inspect all equipment for damage (cracks, defects, etc.) prior to usedo not
use damaged equipment.
31. Always wear appropriate eye protection ( face shield ) while welding.
32. Wear shoes that adequately cover the whole foot. Low-heeled shoes with non-
slip soles are preferable. Do not wear sandals, open-toed shoes, open-backed
shoes, or high-heeled shoes.
33. Avoid wearing shirts exposing the torso, shorts, or short skirts; long pants
that completely cover the legs are preferable. Secure long hair and loose
clothing (especially loose long sleeves, neck ties, or scarves).
35. Synthetic fingernails, which are made of extremely flammable polymers, are
not recommended in the laboratory. Hygiene Practices
36. Keep your hands away from your face, eyes, mouth, and body while using
37. Wash hands after experiment and before leaving the laboratory.
38. Know the location of all the exits in the laboratory and building.
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39. Know the location of and know how to operate the Fire extinguishers, Alarm
systems with pull stations, Fire blankets, Eye washes, First aid kits,
3. Students should maintain observation book and record for each lab.
5. It is the responsibility of the student for any loss of equipment likes mouse,
keyboard etc., or physical damage to that system.
6. The damages like deleting software, deleting icons on the desktop, changing
the wall paper, will be considered seriously and the student is liable for severe
7. If there is a physical damage, the department looks after the issue and the
student will be penalized accordingly.
9. Every student is responsible for cleanliness in the lab, they should keep the
chairs and systems in a specified order, and they should also switch off the
monitors, while leaving the lab.
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10. No student is allowed to bring any material (floppies, text books etc.,) other
than observation book into the lab.
2. All cell phones, smartphones, and other electronic devices (e.g., pagers, iPods)
must be turned off (or on vibrate) and hidden from view during class time.
[Consult your instructor as some prefer that cell phones are off and others
allow that phones are set on vibrate.]
3. As per the Deans mandate and CBA policy, there is NO use of any electronic
devices (e.g., cell phones, iPads, smartphones, laptops, etc.) allowed during
exams and other graded in-class assignments.
4. Laptop and tablet computers are allowed for (quiet) note taking only: i.e.,
other activities such as checking personal e-mail or browsing the Internet
are prohibited. Food and beverages are NOT permitted in CBA classrooms.
Those must be consumed in designated areas only.
5. Students are responsible for what transpired if they miss a class. It is the
students responsibility to contact a classmate to determine what was missed.
6. Talking and other disruptive behaviors are not permitted while classes are in
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2. Underline important points. This will make your teacher notice important
points in your answer without reading all the answer.
3. Make points where ever possible. If you write your answer in lines, it will
be difficult. Use points. If your answer itself contains 8 to 10 points for
sure, it is always better to use a star(*) or right arrow indentation for better
presentation .
6. Use correct numbering. This is very important. Mind what question you are
attempting. Give correct number of that question when you answering.
8. While drawing diagram, do not use the same pen in which you write remaining
answer. Use pencil, or black pen (if you write in blue) and vice versa.
9. Show parts with in the diagram itself. Do not draw numbers showing parts
then write parts of the diagram. This would help teacher to understand your
answer better.
10. Make your diagram understandable. Do not make it clumsy by writing too
much on the diagram. Show each part clearly, then mark them.
11. If you have no choice but to attempt an unknown question, do not make up
a story. Try to write related explanation to that answer. This would make
teacher know that you have idea about the concept and could gain you some
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12. Never draw will-kill- this- man- if- you- dont- give- me- marks or if-
I- do- not -pass- in- this- exam, i- will- suicide or will-send-you-money-if-
you-make-me-pass diagrams in the paper. This will make a true teacher
frustrated and cut off the already given marks.
14. Students should carry identity card for midterm exam and Hall ticket &
Identity Card for end examinations.
15. There is no grace period for entering into the exam hall after the commence-
ment of exam both for end examinations and the midterm examinations.
16. Students should fill in all the particulars on the main answer books. Students
are required to write their permanent registered number in the space provided
on the main answer sheet only and nowhere else
17. Students are strictly prohibited from writing their registered number on the
drawing sheet, failing which their answer sheet shall not be valued.
19. Any malpractice noticed in the exam halls will be viewed seriously. The
performance of the students will be canceled and they will be awarded zero
marks in all the subjects. Students are strongly advised not to resort to
malpractice in their own interest.
20. Students should not move in the corridors of the examination halls before
the commencement and after completion of exam.
21. Students are required to go through the instructions on the Main Answer
22. However, the student will be allowed to enter into the exam hall 15 minutes
before the commencement of exam.
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0.51 Permissions
1. Student should inform his planned absents and should get permission from
the class in-charge. Though attendance may not be granted for any type
absent still it is must to inform class teacher/in-charge.
2. For internship training, student must get permission and submit a report
on the training he undergone. For internship period no attendance will be
3. For mini projects, generally permissions are not granted but in special cases,
based on the topic specialty, department head may grant permission for very
few batches in a year.
6. For participating in sports and other competitive events students must bring
acceptance letter from the physical director for granting permissions and for
attendance upon submission of the certificate copy.
SREYAS Dept of Mech
All major acts of indiscipline, which may have serious implications on the gen-
eral body of students, and which may warrant a uniform and more formalized
nature of investigation, shall be handled by the Students Disciplinary Com-
mittee. Based on the recommendations of this committee with the Principal
as the Chairman, the Management approves the punishment recommended.
Winning Strategies for
Engineering Students
2. Set reasonable short-term and long-term goals and expectations for yourself
3. Start early to develop a rapport with your professors well before the first test
5. Verify your class adds and drops the next day and before the third week of
7. Explore the campus to see what resources are available to help you in your
9. Make sure you have completed the prerequisites for courses you intend to
take later
10. Note down the class time table and be familiar with changes if any during
the course our
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11. See your adviser and refer to your curriculum sheet to make sure you take
the right courses in the right sequence
12. Prepare and maintain an advising notebook to discuss with your adviser
13. Prepare and maintain an advising notebook to discuss with your adviser Be
prepared and on time when you meet with your adviser or others
14. Prepare and maintain an advising notebook to discuss with your adviser
Begin math courses immediately and continue to take math every quarter
until all math requirements are met
0.54 Miniproject
A mini-project is a practical, hands-on learning experience for the student to to
expand his/her theological understandings. Mini-projects can be an opportunity to
explore theory, to research and present a pilot project with a possibility of further
development (for example, a thesis), to test a theological insight, to apply intellectual
learning to a lived experience, or to challenge skills as well as understandings within
a particular theological field.
A successful mini-project is one in which the participant has gained life experi-
ence through the integration of knowledge and praxis.
2. Choose a task which will contribute to your particular learning goals. For
example, if your goal is to develop teaching skills, you may design and present
a workshop in which you would explore several methods of teaching while
meeting a specific need of an organization, congregation, or group.
3. Plan then execute the project, collecting evaluations of the work from those
with whom you work wherever possible. Begin your written report outlin-
SREYAS Dept of Mech
ing your goals, the structure of the project, and your process. Include as
appendices to the written work any publicity, related documents, pictures,
information, feedback, or other material that will help to make it clear to
your reader the development and procedure used for the project.
4. Describe how this was a theological activity, what it revealed about God,
the sense of the Holy that gave this project energy, and what you discovered
about the theology of others (where appropriate). Did your own theology
shift in the process?
5. Identify what you learned. Was it what you intended to learn? Were there
surprises? Would you do a similar project, and why or why not? How are
you different as a result of this mini-project?
6. Below are the guidelines for structuring and formatting of the project report.
SREYAS Dept of Mech
2. Front Pages Small Roman Numbers (Excluding title page, Certificate page,
Acknowledgement page)
2. Page 2 Certificate
3. Page 3 Acknowledgement
4. Page 4 Contents
5. Page 5 Abstract
0.55.3 Contents
1. Abstract
2. List of Figures
3. List of Tables
4. List of Screens
SREYAS Dept of Mech
6. Introduction
(a) Motivation
(b) Problem definition
(c) Objective of Project
(d) Limitations of Project
(e) Organization of Documentation
7. Literature Survey
(a) Introduction
(b) Existing System
(c) Disadvantages of Existing system
(d) Proposed System
(e) Conclusion
8. Analysis
(a) Introduction
(b) Software Requirement Specification
(c) User requirement
(d) Software requirement
(e) Hardware requirement
(f) Content diagram of Project
(g) Algorithms ad Flowcharts
(h) Conclusion
(a) Introduction
SREYAS Dept of Mech
(a) Introduction
(b) Explanation of Key functions
(c) Method of Implementation
(d) Forms
(e) Output Screens
(f) Result Analysis
(g) Conclusion
(a) Introduction
(b) Design of test cases and scenarios
(c) Validation
(d) Conclusion
(a) Author Name, Title of Paper/ Book, Publishers Name, Year of publica-
(b) Full URL Address
Publications from the staff
2. Welding Process Model for temperature and Residual stress analysis, Else-
vier journal, Procedia Materials Science 6 (2014) 1539 1546. Published a
research paper entitled with Comparative Studies on Heat Flux and Ther-
mal Stress Analysis during Conduction Mode and Keyhole Mode in the
Laser Beam Welding in 1st International conference on Structural Integrity
(ICONS-2014), organized by Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research,
Kalpakkam, The Indian Institute of Metals, Kalpakkam Chapter, Society for
Failure Analysis, Chennai Center, Indian Institute of Welding, Kalpakkam,
India, during, February 4-7, 2014.
0.57 A C S Reddy
1. A C Sekhara Reddy, S. Rajesham, P. Ravinder Reddy. Experimental
and Simulation Study on warm Deep Drawing of AZ31 alloy, Advances in
Production Engineering & Management,, Vol. 10, No. 3, Sept. 2015.
SREYAS Dept of Mech
SREYAS Dept of Mech
0.58 Sainath K
1. Vibrational Analysis a key for pump maintenance- case study MAUG Inter-
national Journal of Modern Engineering Research 4 (03), 07.
SREYAS Dept of Mech
10. Experimental and computational analysis of roll bond evaporator and geyser
Universe of Emerging Technologies and Science 1 (04),
11. Aluminium roll bond- a single innovative circuit for air conditioner, car
radiator, refrigerator and water heater, International Journal & Magazine
of Engineering, Technology, Management.
12. Comparative Study of Down comer pipes elbow joint using CFD Analysis,
2 nd International Conference On Advanced Trends in Engineering.
13. Heat Transfer and Thermal Stress Analysis in Internally Grooved tube with
different materials Finite Element Method, International Conference on
Advances in Mechanical Sciences,
14. Heat transfer and Thermal Stress Analysis in Internal Grooved tube in
comparison with bare tube by Finite element method.
SREYAS Dept of Mech
1. A review on Cryogenic grinding of species, International Journal of Latest
Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology, Volume 1, Issue 10.
5. Exhaust gas analysis on twin cylinder diesel engine with Different and
blended fuels, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and
Technology, Volume 5, Issue 1.