dream of
From bangles, to hard cuffs, fashion
designers have perfected the art...
Lets take a closer look at the combina-
tion of technology and fashion...
Eco-friendly India
Connected to fashion and industry therefore, no any other thing than
wood could have been better to relate it with fashion. So, I have got this Know how they do it
opportunity to share the ideas of green fashion and sustainability of How animators make use of the
the products. The current issue is about the benefits of using wood and wooden jointed dolls in their work
timber in the field of art, architecture and fashion industry. What role the
wooden products like dolls play for the animators, regenerative parts of
trees which can be used to in making jewellery and other fashion acces- Dont just gift it, present it!
sories and as a result promoting such products which are eco-friendly. Wooden cases for packaging...
Toy manufacturing companies making green products which are there
for kids and are health-hazard free.
10 Architecture
While exploring sustainable design...
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Here are few ideas that you can also use as gifts.
Simple wood box centrepiece out of wood are
lovely and would be cherished by most anyone.
For the Holidays, fill with gourmet meats,
cheeses, crackers or fruits, or Christmas floral.
Tanisha Mandal suggests you Wooden picture holders can do wonders and
cool ways to rock the party are absolute necessity in our life these days,
and stand out of when gifting then why dont gift one? How about gifting
and presents gifts. wooden signs?
Its a boy or Youre special to me can stay
in your walls for as long as ever, at least better
than the plastic ones.
Just imagine a ring kept in a tiny treasure box and you keep it in
front of your girlfriend before you proceed and ask her to marry
you. It not only adds on to your surprise but gives you reasons to
get rid of those boring jewellery boxes. Thanking the technology
again, one can now have their own picture or their loved ones
engraved in a piece of wood let it be a pen drive, pen stand, phone
stand, and wine glasses
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Fashion is
always evolving, be it product,
Only, the bark is stripped from the
tree allowing new bark to grow in
its place.
Making the responsible choice
when it comes to fashion is easier,
trendier and more affordable. Ac-
its design or the materials it is The innovators are using these cessories made of wood can stand
made from. There was a time sustainably sourced wood in a up against injuries of daily life, and
when wood was used for making variety of exciting ways. They are can also last for years and years as
things like tables and chairs. creating unique accessories that the wheel of fashion trends contin-
Wood happened to be a necessary are not only stylish but also gentle ues to turn.
commodity but only when it came Indeed, in the hands of specialized
for furniture. Some restrictions craftsmen, both traditional and
were also there for designers. But modern style followers are finding
today, they are finding multiple their way into a widening range of
uses of wood in fashion, especially jewellery and fashion accessories.
in the areas of jewelleries and By purchasing such goods, they
accessories. are not only promoting crafts but
also preserving such trees from
Jewellery is something that we being diminished. This is a major
all take fancy of. It constitutes an step towards sustainability and
integral part of the wardrobe and eco-friendly living taken by the
one can simply not go only with designers and nature lovers.
the apparels. Like women, men
are also into accessories equally.
This is the time, fashion designers
are lifting the boundaries of
accessories with the wood which
was once dominated by the NAVEEN SINGH
glittery golds and silvers.
The available styles and designs
in contemporary wood jewellery GIFT FROM NATURE THAT BELONGS
inspires even the most judicious
shoppers to consider for buying ENTIRELY TO NATURE
without fail. As tastes and
preferences vary from person to the nature. Some incredible
to person, the prevalence of products examples which can
traditional wood jewellery in the be created using cork barks are
market makes sense especially for wallets, bags, jewellery and even
the respective types of customers. shoes, all of which are completely
There is a need to explore design sustainable and eco-friendly. The
of the jewelleries. But that would work is chic, modern and innova-
require wood. tive. To add extra decor to the
jewellery, designers and craftsmen
It is true that using wood will are playing with the looks. They
result in loss of trees. But what if can make it look similar to snake-
using that does not harm the trees skin for an instance. These kind
or environment in any ways. Some of explorations can revolutionise
trees are there like oak whose the fashion industry. Awareness of
cork (outer barks) can be used such products among people will
in designing products. Benefit is give them a reason to buy and pro-
that, it has a natural capacity to mote it more. The more demand
regenerate itself. The cork trees increases for such products, the
are never cut down or damaged. more trees will be planted the
world can always benefit from a
few more trees.
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Architects practice material constraints and enforces
CREATING ARCHITECTURE: a time limit to execute an idea in reality. Timber, being
while exploring sustainable design economically available and exceptionally strong. Wood is
easily manageable, amenable to fabrication into an infinite
-NAVEEN SINGH variety of sizes and shapes using simple on-site building
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Has this question ever crossed your mind; how would it feel to see your crazy design ideas in reality.
To create something tangible, which you thought was a non-win but won millions of hearts.
Woodworking goes back to the very earliest times and occupies an important place in traditional
arts. Makers who work with wood love their chosen material with a real passion. They delight in the
unexpected way it behaves and the fact that, just like snowflakes, no two pieces of wood are ever
the same. Wood working is an ancient craft. It has been, and continues to be, used in construction,
in design, and in the arts.
Indian wooden handicrafts are widely liked in national and international market. India has many
industries of wooden handicrafts in different states. The different properties of each wood, and
there are different tree species, mean that every crafted wood item is unique. Craft making with
wood requires different methods of working and produces an incredible variety of results. The wood
are used for carving statue, buildings, boats, furniture, decorations, utensils, musical instruments:
the list of products is long, and as diverse as the woods used.
In India, numbers of craftsmen are engaged with wooden handicrafts suppliers, according their
experience and knowledge and they have shown their art work with wood.
Jaipur city is famous for different kinds of handicrafts items, especially for wooden elephants.
Others are Ambabari undercut elephants, fine carved elephants. These products have excellent
quality and impeccable finish. True to its name, these elephants are crafted from wood. These
elephants are available in a variety of numbers and specifications. Crafters are also offering
customizable wooden elephants according to the likeliness of the clients. Wooden handicrafts are
produced in different styles, patterns and carvings.
Handicrafts have been around since mans earliest days in accordance with the prevailing
environmental conditions. The first examples were necessities such as protection or coverings.
Later, handicrafts were later improved and adapted according to environmental conditions,
eventually becoming traditional and now is accepted as an art that reflects the artistic sense,
feelings and cultural characteristics of a society.
The craft-makers of Jaipur are maintaining pace with the users demands and are delivering
innovative products only in one product which is quite a difficult task. Today, unlike earlier days, not
only statues of gods and goddesses are made but other decorative items also. These products are
serving decorative purpose and are residing in thousands of homes.
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Toy is one thing and has major influ- with a strong commitment that its The company manufactures
ences on the kids. products contribute positively to the educational toys for newly born
world. It makes its toys from rubber- babies to the kids up to six years of
Parents do not want their babies wood, a sustainable by-product of the age. The toys made are for physical
to play with hazardous toys. They latex industrys harvesting of trees development, emotional and social
want to keep their children away used for natural rubber production development, and intellectual and
from diseases as much as possible. once their productivity declines. Using language development. They also
While giving them organic foods and the trees as a resource in this way create adaptive toys which explore
vitamins and supplements are two for wooden toys made by PlanToys braille and sign language, good for
proven ways to boost their health, is environmentally responsible. Plan special kids.
giving them green toys is another Toys uses preservative-free rubber-
way to make sure that they are not at wood and non-formaldehyde glues, From the very beginning of the
risk from the toxic chemicals. While as well as recyclable packaging and production procedure up to the
plastic-made toys are cheap and water-based inks. Their products very last method used to create
One cannot expect little kids with no very accessible, they are not the best are marketed as green, and are toys, PlanToys makes sure that each
toys in their hands. We always see choice because they contain chemical recognized as such by various buying piece is made with ingenuity without
them engaged in their own world. They compounds that are found to trigger guides endorsing green products for sacrificing the planet so that parents
are curious, busy and into learning. health problems. children. can be confident that their child is
Even if they have as such no toys, they The company has grown from Green dealing with environment-friendly
play with the milk bottles and things Parents are very cautious about the to Sustainability creating roots and non-hazardous toys every day.
they are surrounded with. This is things when it comes to their babies through its foundation. Sustainable
because newly born babies learn how life or safety. And hence, PlanToys is a Play, the foundation, is to cultivate
to control their muscles, understand good name to know. creative minds and bring children
sensory stimuli, and express their closer to nature. The aim is to make
physical and emotional needs. They PlanToys is a Thailand based, toy children grow up with knowledge.
need physical and visual contact with manufacturing company. It is known Knowing that they can make the
the people. for developing products for more world a better place for the future
But, parents have power to control than thirty years. It has gained generation to have knowledge
their kids world. They take care of recognition globally and branched out of appreciation to respect and to
everything their babies interact with. its philosophy with natural aesthetic preserve natural resources.
Be it things, people, places, etc. quality through wooden toys. It comes
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