Section 1 Inspection and NDT

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• Section 1: Inspection and NDT

• Section 2: Onstream and Shutdown Inspection

• Section 3: Corrosion in Refineries

• Section 4: Selection of Materials used in Refineries

• Section 5: Quality assurance and Inspection of Welds

• Section 6: Advanced NDT Techniques


 Why Inspection ?
 What is its relevance with respect to refineries / petrochemical
 What happens if proper & timely attention is not given to
 Who can carry out inspection?
 Is there any schedule followed for inspection?
 Is there any guidelines to be followed for inspection ?
 Is there any requirement of hardwares like instruments etc. To
carry out the inspection activities?
 After inspection what happens?
 Skill requirement for inspection?
What is Inspection?

 “Inspection” refers to health assessment of various already existing

equipment and piping in the plant.

 It also refers to monitoring of critical operating parameters of the

plant / equipment which are directly or indirectly related to
deterioration of equipment & piping health.

 It also refers to quality checks of new equipment and piping at

construction stage as per approved QAP.

 Great importance is being given to “Inspection” in refineries &

petrochemical industries as these plants are vulnerable to corrosion
& metallurgical deterioration due to handling of corrosive liquids /
gas at high temperatures and subsequent risk of very high hazards.
Objective of Inspection

“ To achieve economic & un-interrupted

operation of plant by ensuring availability of safe
and reliable equipment

Why inspection is necessary?

 To avoid failures of equipment and piping to facilitate uninterrupted

running of plants.

 To increase profitability.

 To ensure safety in the plants.

 To plan for scheduled maintenance of plants based on inspection

Why inspection is necessary?
 To increase run length of plant.

 To take care of statutory obligations.

 To recommend /forecast short term and long term repair /


 To determine causes of deterioration and advise remedial measures

(failure analysis).
Role of Inspection
In order to achieve the objectives of Inspection, inspection jobs need
to be planned well in advance.

Few parameters which require regular monitoring to determine the

performance of Plant:

 Run length
 It is the duration between two M&I shutdowns.
 CDU run length is targeted - 4 to 5 years
 Hydro cracker Unit – 3years
 FCC run length - 3 years
 Coker & SDU run length - 3 years
Role of Inspection

 Plant Availability factor (PAF)

 Plant Availability Factor = No. of days the unit is available for
operations / 365 days.
 If we consider a unit is in operation for X days & shutdown for
planned & emergency maintenance is for Y days & idle for Z
 PAF = (365-Y)/365

 On stream Factor (OSF)

 OSF = (365-Y-Z) / 365
Plant Availability Factor
100 99
95 93.77


% 85



2002-03 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Plant Availability Factor: HGU


100 98.19
99.73 99.04 99.23



% 85



2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
Plant Availability Factor: OHCU
96.69 96.77


90 89

% 85



2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
Plant Availability Factor: DHDS
99.86 100 99.7
100 98.78

95 93.29


% 85



2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07
Inspection Category

 On-stream Inspection
Inspection carried out during operation of unit, without shutting
down the plant or taking the equipment out of operation
 Shut down Inspection
Inspection carried out during unit shutdown period of the plant or
taking the equipment out of operation
Inspection Category

 Construction Inspection
Stage wise inspection at fabrication & erection stage of equipment &
piping when new plant / equipment & piping is being constructed.

 Inspection of repair / replacements

Stage wise Inspection carried out during repair or replacement of
deteriorated equipment and piping.
Types of Inspection

 External Inspection
Inspection is carried out only from external side without opening the
equipment. This inspection mainly carried out during on-stream.

 Internal / Comprehensive Inspection

Thorough internal & external inspection of equipment. This is done
during shutdown of plant / down time of equipment.
Major equipment in Refinery & Petrochemical
Following are the major equipment

 Static Equipment
Heaters; Reactors; Columns / Towers; Vessels; Horton Spheres; Heat
Exchangers; Boilers; Storage Tanks ; Piping

 Rotary Equipment
Pumps & Compressors
What Inspection will look at ?

 Routine inspection in running plant

Routine (daily) Inspection plays an important role in increasing run
length of plant.
It looks for any abnormalities which may reduce service life of
equipment / may lead to in-service failure of equipment.
Generally, routine inspection is being done as per standard format.
At Indian Oil Refineries, standard formats are followed for various
What Inspection will look at ?

Few examples of important parameters to monitor

 Heater skin temperatures / box temperature
 Flame impingement on heater tubes, if any.
 Refractory condition –any fallen refractory.
 Overhead circuit condensate – pH, Chloride, Fe content
 Salt content ex De-salters
 Dosing of corrosion inhibitors – neutralizing amine & filming amine in
overhead circuit
What Inspection will look at ?

 pH, dissolved oxygen, silica, residual hydrazine in Boiler Feed Water /

pH, phosphate in Steam Drum
 Pressure / Flow / temperatures in critical equipment and piping circuits.
 Skin temperatures on internally refractory lined equipment like risers,
regenerators, orifice chambers at RFCCU ; cold collectors in Hydrogen
unit, MCCs & Incinerators in SRUs.
 Thermal imaging of critical high temp. equipment to detect hot spots.
 Look for damage in insulations which may cause under insulation
What Inspection will look at ?

Major Inspection areas for Piping

 Injection points and surrounding areas
 Dead legs
 Corrosion under insulation(CUI)
 Soil to air interface area
 Beneath supports & around supports
 Erosion and /corrosion at bends
 Locations up to two bend points at pump suction and discharge piping
What Inspection will look at ?

Major Inspection areas for Piping (contd.)

 Low point drains (LPDs) and Vents particularly in insulated lines
 Weld joint areas around vibration areas
 Cracking around weld joints in case of austenitic stainless steel piping
/ alloy steel piping
 External damage
What Inspection will look at ?

Stagnant area- CBD line CDU fractionator Column Overhead Line

What Inspection will look at ?

What Inspection will look at ?

Vulnerable area

Shearing of support weld

with main pipe

External pitting due to

failure of wrapping &
What Inspection will look at ?

Major Inspection areas for Columns / vessels

 Injection points and surrounding areas
 Nozzles & areas around nozzles
 Corrosion under insulation(CUI)
 Trays / TSRs & shell areas around TSRs
 Condition of supports & area of shell around supports
 Internal lining for cracks / damage
 Special attention to top dome of column
What Inspection will look at ?

Columns (Towers)
Tray support ring corroded inside Fractionator
column of CDU

Corroded TSR of Tray

No.52 of CDU-
Fractionator Column
What Inspection will look at ?

Initiation Of
Corrosion At
On Leg
What Inspection will look at ?

The accident happened during the

filling of a 2000 m3 LPG sphere. Its
legs collapsed.
One person was killed and one
seriously injured.

At the time of the accident, the

sphere was approximately 80% full
of fresh water. The vessels last
hydro-test was 10 years ago and
the last inspection of its legs was
5 years ago.
What Inspection will look at ?

Major Inspection areas for Fired Heaters

 Support locations
 Bends (1800 & 900/ 450)
 Inlets / outlets
 Thermowell / Skin thermo couple points and areas around it.
 Special attention on finned tubes
 Areas around flame height level
 Refractory / Ceramic fiber linings
What Inspection will look at ?

Major Inspection areas for Fired Heaters (contd.)

 Flue gas duct & bellows
 Air Pre-Heaters
 Stack top, if metallic
 Steam coil 1800bends at convection zone
 Casing plate for any sign of corrosion
What Inspection will look at ?

Fired Heaters
What Inspection will look at ?

Coil supporting arrangement inside Heaters

What Inspection will look at ?

Major Inspection areas for Heat exchangers

 Inlet / out nozzles and surrounding areas on shell
 Areas on tube bundles around impingement plates
 Corrosion under insulation(CUI)
 Thinning of tubes – inlet / outlet / localized corrosion mark
 Condition of supports & area of shell around supports
 Partition plate
 Gasket grooving
What Inspection will look at ?

Heat Exchanger Severe tube end thinning of inlet row

heat exchanger tubes

Location of Failure: Directly

opposite to the 2” NB CBD nozzle .
What Inspection will look at ?

Major Inspection areas for Storage Tanks

 Inlet / out nozzles and surrounding areas on shell
 Through inspection of bottom plate
 Corrosion under insulation(CUI)
 Inspection of roof underneath
 Earthing connections
 Tank pad – for erosion
 Internal painting conditions
 Vent connections
 Roof drains
What Inspection will look at ?

Insulated Tank

Bare tank

Floating roof of Tank

What Inspection will look at ?

Pitting / micro biological

corrosion on internal
surface of Crude oil Tank
Inspection Schedules
• Based on code / standard guidelines and past experience, all
inspection activities shall be planned

• Statutory Inspection – to be planned as per local government rules

• Equipment covered by statutory rules – Boilers, LPG storage vessels /
Horton spheres, Ammonia & N2 storage vessels, storage tanks.

• For example : In India --- Boilers –once a year / Waste Heat Boilers –
once in 02 years / Horton Spheres --- once in 05 years etc.

• Inspection frequency of Tanks (both external & internal) is fixed based

on service. It varies from 01 year to 15 years,
Typical routine inspection format
CDU/VDU routine On-stream Inspection

• Skin Temperature (Max. limit: 4780C)
• Flame Condition -
• Box Temperature
• Stack Inlet / outlet Temp.
• Coil Inlet Temp./ Outlet Temp.
• Pressure Drop Across Coil
• Flow through each coil
CDU/VDU routine on-stream inspection…
• Fractionator Column Top Temp.(min.1050C)
• Overhead Reflux Drum- Condensate
• pH (5.0-6.0)- Chloride—(max.20ppm)----
• Salt level Ex. De-salter : (max.0.5ptb)-----
• Chemical Injection- Neutralizing amine / Filming amine / Caustic /
• Equipment under maintenance:
Checklist (Inspection format) of Individual Equipment

To ensure proper inspection of each equipment, checklists have been

firmed up.
• The use of checklist avoid chances of missing any critical
• Inspection Engineer should carry a print out of checklist alongwith
observations of last Inspection.
• Checklists are prepared based on guidelines provided in inspection
codes and standards
Data card & History card-a tool for effective
inspection of equipment

 Each equipment shall have a data card & history card

 Data card contain all design data & material of construction
 History card maintains the history of equipment since its
 Knowledge of past observations / retiring thickness/ operating &
design parameters is essential, prior to proceeding for Inspection
of any equipment /piping circuit.
 Previous corrosion rate / the minimum required thickness &
remaining life also shall be recorded in data / history card.
Remaining Life calculation

• Remaining Life = tactual – t minimum /corrosion rate

• tactual ----the actual minimum thicknes
• t minimum ---- the minimum required thickness
• Corrosion rate ---- t initial – t minimum / time (years) between last
and initial inspection
• The minimum required thickness can be calculated from the formula /
guidelines given in codes.
Inspection codes & standards

Important API inspection codes

 API-RP571 : Damage mechanism affecting fixed equipment in refining

 API-RP572 : Inspection of Pressure Vessel
 API-RP573: Inspection of fired Boilers and Heaters
 API-RP575: Inspection of atmospheric & low pressure storage tanks
 API-RP576: Inspection of pressure relieving Devices inspection code-
maintenance inspection, re-rating, repair, alterations
Inspection codes & standards

Important API inspection codes

 API-510: Pressure Vessel Inspection Code-Maintenance
inspection,repair & alteration
 API-570 : Piping inspection code- repair & alteration
 NACE standards– like RP170 (protection of austenitic stainless steel
against poly repair & alteration thionic acid stress corrosion cracking)
 Standards of local Government body –generally for Boilers / storage
tanks / Horton spheres etc
How inspection will be carried out ?

Destructive method
 By taking sample from the equipment / piping.
 By damaging the equipment.
 Major constraint --- Can not be carried out on-stream.
 Non Destructive Method (NDT)
 Without damaging the equipment / without taking any sample.
 In majority of the cases, can be carried out on-stream without
affecting operation.
How inspection will be carried out ?

Non Destructive Method (NDT)…..

 Where access is a problem during on-stream, inspection by NDT may be
planned & scheduled during shutdown.
 NDT inspection plays an important role for quality control at
fabrication / construction stage of new equipment and piping.
 Inspection without NDT is handicapped. Inspection & NDT walks side by
side. Various NDT methods are the important tools for proper
inspection of plant equipment.
 Development advanced NDT techniques, made the inspection job
easier compared to earlier days.
Types of NDT used in refineries
 NDT techniques / NDT tools used in refineries to facilitate inspection
 Visual Inspection
 Considered one of the most effective NDT inspection technique.
 70-80% defect assessment is being done by visual inspection.
 With the aid of modern tools, visual inspection has become more
effective now.
 Tools --- mirrors, magnifying lens, high power illumination,
boroscopes, binoculars etc.
Types of NDT used in refineries
 Boroscope
 With this instrument we can see remote corner of equipment / internal
condition of lower diameter tubes.
 Major use – to inspect heat exchanger tubes / boiler tubes.
Types of NDT used in refineries

Dye Penetrant Testing(DPT)

 An important inspection tool to detect surface defects on materials
and weld joints.
 Surface defects – cracks, porosities, laminations open to surface.
 Steps to be followed for DPT
 Surface preparation by cleaner
 Application of penetrant
 Penetrant shall be adequate and sprayed evenly over the entire
surface marked for inspection
Types of NDT used in refineries

Dye Penetrant Testing(DPT)

 An important inspection tool to detect surface defects on materials
and weld joints.
 Surface defects – cracks, porosities, laminations open to surface.
 Steps to be followed for DPT
 Surface preparation by cleaner
 Application of penetrant
 Penetrant shall be adequate and sprayed evenly over the entire
surface marked for inspection
Types of NDT used in refineries
 Allow adequate time for Penetrant to enter the defective areas
( Normally around 5-10min is sufficient, however tight & fine
discontinuities may require more time ).
 Dye penetrant may be of high color contrast under white back ground
or may be of fluorescent nature (visible under ultra violet light)
 Remove extra penetrant from the surface
 Application of developer
 Inspection & interpretation of defects
 Final cleaning
Types of NDT used in refineries

Major advantage:
 Very simple and does not require high skill for interpretation , suitable
for any materials ( metals / non-metals),
 Major disadvantage:
 It can not detect defects which are not open to surface.
 Surface should not be hot.
 Un-even and irregular surface may give wrong indication
 Porous materials can not be inspected
Types of NDT used in refineries

Dye Penetrant kit

Cleaner , Penetrant
& Developer
Defect in Sample after DP

Crack visible

Before DPT After DPT

Types of NDT used in refineries


Multiple weld cracks revealed by DPT

Types of NDT used in refineries

Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT)

 An important inspection tool to detect surface and sub-surface defects
on materials and weld joints.
 Steps to be followed for MPT
 Surface preparation - cleaning
 Fine magnetic particles suspended in kerosene are sprayed over the
 Magnetic flux is allowed to pass the area of inspection
 Magnetic flux is generated through a magnetic yoke
Types of NDT used in refineries

Steps to be followed for MPT

 Magnetic particles gets accumulated around defect locations as
magnetic flux flow in that area gets disturbed.
 Final inspection and interpretation
 Advantage
 Very simple
 Can detect sub surface defects
 Can detect defects in irregular / uneven surface
Types of NDT used in refineries

Major Disadvantages
 Only ferromagnetic materials can be inspected.
 Sensitivity on thickly coated surface may be less
 Sometimes demagnetization of the material is required after testing.
Types of NDT used in refineries

Cracks revealed by Fluorescent magnetic particle testing

Types of NDT used in refineries

Arrangement of magnetic particle testing

Types of NDT used in refineries

Ultrasonic Inspection
 Most important inspection tool and extensively used. Presently, there
are many forms of ultrasonic inspections and advanced modified
techniques developed for specific purpose.
 Widely used technique is “ Ultrasonic thickness Survey”
 This is used to know the remaining thickness of equipment & piping. It
is a tool to measure corrosion rate and also the retiring life.
 Ultrasonic thickness survey can be taken during on-stream, if access is
there and if temperature is not too high.
Types of NDT used in refineries

 It involves sending of ultrasonic waves through the material and
receiving of reflected echo from the back wall of metal.
 The time gap between sending & receiving is measured in the
electronic circuit of the instrument.
 The instrument automatically converts the measured time gap to
thickness of material by using velocity of ultra sound through the
 The method is called pulse echo system.
Types of NDT used in refineries


Display unit
Thickness is being measured by Ultrasonic thickness machines
Types of NDT used in refineries

Crack in metal
Types of NDT used in refineries

Ultrasonic Flaw detection

 This is used to know the defects like cracks , porosities, voids and weld
 Reflection of ultrasound from defect locations is captured in the
instrument and displayed in the monitor.
 It is interpreted by a qualified inspector ( ASNT-level-II or level-III)
 Skilled & qualified inspector is a must for interpretation of echo
 It gives immediate information about defect.
Types of NDT used in refineries

Ultrasonic flaw detection machine

Types of NDT used in refineries

Industrial radiography / x-ray

 It is widely practiced for quality control of welds, castings, forgings
and also to know remaining thickness of material.
 Industrial radiography camera / industrial X-ray unit is used to pass
gamma rays / x-rays through the material.
 After passing through the material, the unabsorbed radiation falls on a
film kept on other side of camera.
 Based on the nature of defects, the quantity of radiation falling on the
film would vary.
 Based on quantity variation, the density at various places of processed
film will vary.
Types of NDT used in refineries

Industrial radiography / x-ray (contd.)

 Qualified inspector ASNT-Level II / III interprets the film to know the
defects in welds / materials.
 Disadvantages
 Highly hazardous, needs skilled operator and adequate safety
precautions to carry out radiography or X-ray jobs.
 Immediately results are not obtained. Exposed films need to be
processed & interpreted.
 While carrying out radiography / X-ray jobs, the nearby area needs to
be evacuated and barricaded.
Types of NDT used in refineries
Types of NDT used in refineries
Types of NDT used in refineries

Cluster of porosities

Slag inclusions
Types of NDT used in refineries
Types of NDT used in refineries

 It is a thermal imaging technique used to assess internal refractory
condition of heater, ducts, stacks & other refractory lined equipment
in refineries.
 Thermal image is generated based on infra red radiation emitted by
the equipment surface.
 Skin temp. gives valuable information about internal condition of
equipment. If inside refractory is damaged, surface temperature will
be more.
 By this technique, a temperature profile of the inspected area will be
obtained and equipment health can be assessed in a better way.
Types of NDT used in refineries

Thermography images of
heater stack and duct

Corrosion prediction based on

thermography picture –
condensation location (lower
temp. captured)
Types of NDT used in refineries

Infrared thermometer
 Non-contact type remote temperature measuring instruments based on
infra red technology. Used to measure heater skin temperatures in
Reformer Heater in Hydrogen Unit where clean fuel is used.

 It is also used to monitor skin temp. of refractory lined equipment like

riser / regenerators in RFCCU / MCC in SRU/ cold collectors in
Reformer Heater etc.
Types of NDT used in refineries

Hardness test
 Hardness value of material / weld gives information about quality.
Every material has specific hardness value.
 In case of deterioration due to service exposure hardness value may
 By knowing hardness value, we can judge the proper heat treatment
of weld joint is carried out or not .
 If hardness value is more, there is chance of in-service cracking.
 Hardness is generally measured using portable hardness tester
Types of NDT used in refineries

PMI (Positive material identification)

 It is done by Alloy analyzer machine.
 An important NDT tool to carry out
material identification.
 Chemical composition of Alloy steel /
Steel / Non-ferrous metals and alloys
detected very easily with this machine.
 To avoid metallurgy mix. Up at
construction stage, PMI has been made
mandatory in many
Types of NDT used in refineries

Other inspection tools

 Eddy current testing
 Corrosion coupons to measure corrosion rates
 Corrosion measuring instruments like corrosometers & corrators.
 Hydro testing
 In new fabrication, to certify final integrity of equipment and piping,
hydro testing is mandatory.
 In case of any repair / modifications all pressure vessels / Fired
heaters / Boilers & piping need to be hydro tested.
• Inspection and NDT move together.

• Proper Inspection depends on most suitable NDT required for particular

equipment in particular environment.

• Without Proper Inspection Plant reliability can not be ensured.

• Inspection is a planned activity and shall never be by-passed.

• Safety of plant greatly depends on “ How effectively inspection has

been carried out”

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