JBCP 3 323
JBCP 3 323
JBCP 3 323
Tasleem Ahmad1, Tijjani Salihu Shinkafi2, Indusmitha Routray2, Amena Mahmood2 and Shakir Ali2*
Regional Research Institute of Unani Medicine, Guzari, Patna 800001, India
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Science, Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar, New Delhi 110062, India
INTRODUCTION and the extract was prepared as follows: 10 g crude powder was mixed
Dried ower buds of Syzygium aromaticum (Family Myrtaceae), an ever- well in 50 ml of warm distilled water, and the mixture was left overnight
green indigenous tree of India, Indonesia, Zanzibar, Mauritius and Sri in a conical ask. The mixture was extracted again the following day, l-
Lanka, are esteemed as avoring agent, and have been traditionally used tered through muslin cloth, and stored in pre-sterilized glass container
as carminative and antispasmodic [1]. Extract prepared from the bud has at 4C till further use. The amount of extract obtained from 100 g of
been found to inhibit platelet aggregation, alter arachidonic acid metabo- crushed plant material (extractive value or percent yield) was calculated
lism [2], used in Herpes simplex infection [3], and has anticarcinogenic and found to be 40%. Extract was used within two days of preparation.
potential [4]. Essential oil extracted from the bud is used topically to re-
lieve pain and promote healing [5]. Free eugenol, eugenol acetate, caryo- Experimental Protocol
phyllene, sesquetrepene ester, phenyl propanoid, and -caryophyllene Rats were divided randomly into the following groups: NC (normal con-
are the pharmacologically active compounds isolated from the bud [3,6]. trol, the group that did not receive any treatment), DC (disease control,
This study reports the anti-inammatory activity of dried ower bud of S. injected with carrageenan or implanted the cotton pellet; the groups were
aromaticum in acute and chronic inammation. Injection of carrageenan called CIO or CPG, respectively), AE (aqueous extract treated, treated
in the hind paw of rat and implantation of cotton pellet in its dorsal skin with the extract prior to the induction of inammation, and DF (di-
has been used earlier to study acute and chronic inammation, respec- clofenac treated, the group treated with diclofenac 1 h prior to the induc-
tively [7,8]. Reduction in carrageenan-induced paw oedema (CIO) and tion of inammation). Extract was administered orally at a dose level of 1
cotton pellet granuloma (CPG) has signicant predictive value for anti- g/kg body weight. Diclofenac was administered to rats at a dose of 5 mg/
inammatory agents, and is commonly used to test the anti-inammatory kg, orally. In CIO model, carrageenan was injected into rat hind paw to
activity of natural and synthetic compounds. induce acute inammation [10], and in CPG, cotton pellet was implanted
in the axilla of rat instead of carrageenan injection. Cotton pellet implan-
tation leads to the formation of granuloma and inammatory response.
Materials and Preparation of Extract
Evaluation of Anti-inflammatory Activity of Aqueous
Pathogen free adult female rats (Wistar strain) weighing 160-170 g were
used in the study. Animals were used in accordance to the CPCSEA
The anti-inammatory activity of the extract was determined in vivo
guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals, as described earlier
in acute and chronic inammation. In CIO, carrageenan (0.1 ml of 1%
[9]. Chemicals and consumables for this study were obtained from stand-
carrageenan suspended in normal saline) was injected into rat hind paw
ard commercial sources in India. Clove was purchased from local market
one hour after the drug administration, as described by Winter et al [7].
Oedema (swelling) was measured for three consecutive h by plathysmom-
*Corresponding Author E-mail: sali@jamiahamdard.ac.in eter (Ugo Basile, Italy). Mean increase in paw volume was measured, and
Tasleem Ahmad et al. Journal of Basic and Clinical Pharmacy
percent inhibition was calculated as follows: Vc-Vt/Vc 100; where Vc considered as a mechanism of innate immunity. Persistent inam-
represents the oedema volume in control group, and Vt, the volume of mation, however, may lead to a host of diseases including diabetes,
oedema in treated group. In CPG, accurately weighed (10 1 mg) pel- rheumatoid arthritis and even cancer. This study reports inhibition of
let of sterile cotton, soaked in 0.1 ml distilled water containing 0.1 mg inammation by the aqueous extract of clove. The extract could inhibit
penicillin and 0.1 mg streptomycin, was implanted subcutaneously in the both acute and chronic inammation in rat, and modulated a cascade
incision made in axilla [8]. Pellet was implanted under ether anesthesia of biochemical reactions that propagate and mature the inammato-
and incision was stitched after implantation. The test drug was adminis- ry response. We observed inhibition in the formation of oedema and
tered orally twice a day at 12 h interval for 10 days after implanting the granuloma, and found the extract to decrease elevated levels of several
cotton pellet. First dose of the drug was given an hour prior to cotton biochemical parameters involved in inammation and oxidative stress.
pellet implantation. Animals were sacriced 12 h after administering the The increase in average paw volume of rats injected with carrageenan
last dose, which was on day 10. Subsequently, the pellet was dissected out was signicantly less in the extract treated group. In the treated rats,
carefully, dried at 60C and weighed. Dierence in the weight of cotton paw volume, measured over a period of 3 h, was 84%, when compared
pellet before and after implantation was determined, and % inhibition of to the untreated group. In the untreated rats, paw volume increased to
granuloma formation in treated rats was calculated as follows: WP-WP-t/ 174% in comparison to normal control. Extract also caused a signicant
WP 100; where, WP is the weight of the implanted cotton pellet, and decrease in the weight of cotton pellet implanted in the animal skin.
WP-t, the weight of pellet in treated group. The weight of granuloma at the end of the experiment was 20.5 mg
in the treatment group vs 33 mg in untreated control rats (Table 1).
Evaluation of Biochemical Changes in Inflammation in In both animal models of acute and chronic inammation, pharmaco-
Extract Treated Rats logical response of the extract was comparable to diclofenac, which was
All biochemical procedures were carried out on the hepatic tissue obtained used as a standard drug.
from rats sacriced four hours after administering carrageenan or 10 days One of the objectives of the study was to investigate the eect of ex-
after implanting cotton pellet. Samples were processed as described ear- tract on the levels of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), which has been
lier [9] and kept at 0 to 4C till nal analysis, which was done on the used as a biochemical marker in inammation [17, 18]. This study re-
same day. Succinate dehydrogenase, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and ports a considerable increase in SDH activity in untreated rats in both
xanthine oxidase were measured by the spectrophotomeric procedure acute and chronic inammation (Table 2). SDH is a key enzyme linked
and enzyme activity was calculated as described earlier [11-13,9]. Lipid with the energy yielding citric acid cycle in mitochondria. An increase
peroxidation and glutathione were measured according to the method in SDH would mean increased supply of ATP to the liver and possibly
described by Wright et al [14] and Jollow et al [15], respectively. Protein other tissues including the inamed tissue.
was measured by Lowrys method [16]. Inammatory process comprises of the nonphagocytic/phagocytic
inammatory response, inammation mediators including neutrophil-
Statistical analysis derived reactive oxygen species or ROS, nitric oxide, prostaglandins, and
Statistical analysis was carried out using Graph Pad Prism 4.0, and re- cytokines. In inammation, the inammatory processes induce oxida-
sults were expressed as Mean S.E.M. (n = 6). Statistical signicance tive/nitrosative stress and lipid peroxidation (LPO), thereby producing
was calculated by Students t-test. The group of animals treated with the excess ROS, reactive nitrogen species (RNS), and DNA-reactive alde-
extract was compared with the respective disease control groups, either hydes, which aect the tissue and organ. Persistent oxidative and/or ni-
CIO or CPG; p<0.05 was considered as signicant. trosative stress and increased LPO induced by inammatory processes
deregulate cell homeostasis. Neutrophils migrate to the site of inamma-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tion and upon activation by a stimulus, generate ROS in abundance [19-
Inammation is a protective biological response of vascular tissue to 21]. Prevention of inammatory and nociceptive responses by preventing
harmful stimuli including pathogens, damaged cells, or irritants to re- the generation of ROS has been reported earlier in acute and chronic
move the injurious stimuli and initiate the healing process. It is also inammation. In animals, xanthine oxidase (XOD) is one of the en-
Table 1: Effect of clove extract on carrageenan-induced oedema and cotton pellet granuloma.
Oedema Granuloma
1 hr 2 hr 3hr Change (%) Pellet weight (mg) Pellet weight (mg)
AE 0.25 0.26 0.21 0.21/0.25 100 (84%) 20.5 20.5/33 100 (62%)
DF 0.16 0.16 0.11 0.11/0.16 100 (69%) 19.0 19.0/33 100 (58%)
Oedema was measured in terms of the volume of the fluid displaced, expressed as ml, and the granuloma was measured as the weight of cotton pellet (mg) implanted in rat skin and excised after the completion
of the treatment. Percent change is calculated with respect to the control value, which in the case of oedema, was compared with the volume of the fluid displaced initially. In the case of cotton pellet granuloma,
the weight of the cotton pellet implanted in the skin of untreated rats was taken as control, and used to calculate the percent change. DC, disease control; AE, the group treated with the aqueous extract; DF,
treated with diclofenac.
Table 2: Effect of clove extract on the marker of inflammation and oxidative stress in rats.
Values represent Mean S.E. (n=6). CIO, carrageenan-induced hind paw oedema; CPG, cotton pellet granuloma; NC, normal control; DC, disease control; AE, the group treated with the aqueous extract; DF,
treated with diclofenac; SDH, succinate dehydrogenase; XOD, xanthine oxidase; LPO, lipid peroxidation; GSH, glutathione. The enzyme activities were measured as the respective substrate/product consumed/
formed per minute per mg protein. LPO and GSH were measured as nmol malondialdehyde/g tissue and mol/g tissue, respectively. Animals treated with the aqueous extract showed no significant change in any
of the parameters when compared with the normal control rats. Significant at ap<0.001, bp<0.01, and cp<0.05; ns: non-significant when compared to the DC. LPO and GSH are expressed as percent of control.
Experiments on CIO and CPG were performed at different time points, which explain slight variations in the control values due to experimental conditions.
zymes involved in the generation of ROS and cause injury [9]. This study to play a more prominent role in CPG. GSH is particularly important
reports an increase in XOD activity in inammation, and found that the because it neutralizes the eect of peroxides generated in oxidative stress.
extract could attenuate the elevated levels of enzyme in acute and chronic The process involves glutathione peroxidase (GPx), which converts glu-
inammation (Table 2). The nding assumes signicance and opens up tathione to its oxidized form (GSSG). We observed an increase in GPx
avenues to further investigate the role of inhibitors of xanthine oxidase in in both CIO and CPG rats. Catalase, another enzyme involved in perox-
inammation. Clove extract could almost normalize the enzyme activity. ide metabolism, also increased in the two animal models, and clove ex-
Diclofenac, however, did not decrease the enzyme activity in CIO rat, tract attenuated the activity of these enzymes. Diclofenac, the drug used
but reduced it in CPG animals. This study further correlates the level of in inammation, is also reported to increase the activity of catalase and
XOD-derived ROS with lipid peroxidation (LPO), which has been re- GPx (Table 3). These results suggest the clove extract might exert its ef-
ported to increase in inammation. LPO indicates changes in membrane fect by ameliorating oxidative stress in inammation.
uidity and permeability. This study reports increased LPO in both CIO A large number of phytochemicals, for example, the phenylpro-
and CPG, and the level reduced signicantly in extract treated rats (Ta- panoids (carvacrol, thymol, eugenol and cinnamaldehyde) [5,23,24],
ble 2). The extract was also found to normalize total leukocyte count, alkaloids, amino acids, avonoids, proteins, sterols, reducing sug-
neutrophil, lymphocyte, and platelet count (data not shown), which are ars, tannins, phenols [25], ascorbic-acid, benzyl-acetate, -carotene,
aected in inammation. Recruitment and activation of leukocytes and -caryophyllene, -pinene, -sitosterol-glucoside, carvone, furfural,
neutrophils, which produce ROS upon activation, has been reported by kaempferol, mucilage, naphthalene, oleanolic acid, stigmasterol, alu-
others to contribute to tissue damage in inammation [19]. minum, zinc, boron, calcium, and manganese [18] have been isolated
Tissue damage related to oxidative stress and consequent LPO can be from clove and several have been reported for various pharmacological
reversed by the reduced form of glutathione (GSH). In states of oxidative actions [26]. Earlier, eugenol was reported to inhibit ROS generated
stress, glutathione is depleted leading to further peroxidation of lipids, by macrophages [27], inhibit prostaglandin biosynthesis, formation of
and a fall in glutathione is usually accompanied by a rise in lipid peroxida- thromboxane B2, and arachidonic acid-induced platelet aggregation in
tion [22]. GSH has pleiotropic roles including the maintenance of cells vitro [28]. -Sitosterol present in clove is also reported for antiulcer, an-
in a reduced state, serving as an electron donor for certain antioxidative ticancer, anti-diabetic, and T-cell proliferative activity in human [29].
enzymes, for example, glutathione peroxidase, and the formation of con- Thus, it is dicult to assign the reported eect of clove extract to any
jugates with some harmful endogenous and xenobiotic compounds by specic ingredient, and various bioactive principles present in the extract
glutathione s-transferase. Thus, the eect of the extract on GSH may are proposed to act synergistically. It is proposed that the extract should
further benet its anti-inammatory action. We observed a slight (non- be used in its crude form in order to achieve better results. The idea is not
signicant) decrease in GSH in CIO, while it increased slightly in CPG. to negate the use of single puried compound, but highlight the relevance of using
GSH, however, increased considerably in the extract treated rats (Ta- the extract in the form it has been used traditionally. The presence of more than
ble 2), which could be due to its rapid turnover by glutathione reductase one ingredient in the dose is well documented to potentiate the eect of puried
(GR). The activity of GR was found to increase signicantly in CPG rats, active principle. Further, the presence of antioxidants in the herb is proposed to
while it decreased in CIO rats (Table 3). The results correlate with the attenuate the oxidative stress and, thus, inammation. In addition to this, the use
level of GSH, which showed a slight change in CIO rats. Increase in LPO of puried active principle is often limited due to its toxicity and cost, which is not
in CIO group was also considerably less when compared to CPG group the case when the whole extract is used. Eugenol, which is present in the clove,
(Table 1). Higher level of GR in CPG could be due to increased GSH has been reported to induce cell death (apoptosis), and might not account for all
turnover that can be attributed to increased LPO. Oxidative stress seems benecial eects of clove.
Values represent Mean S.E. (n=6). CIO, carrageenan-induced hind paw oedema; CPG, cotton pellet granuloma; NC, normal control; DC, disease control; AE, the group treated with the aqueous extract;
DF, treated with diclofenac; CAT, catalase; GPx, glutathione peroxidase; GR, glutathione reductase. The enzyme activities were measured as the respective substrate/product consumed/formed per minute
per mg protein. Animals treated with the aqueous extract showed no significant change in any of the parameters when compared with the normal control rats. Significant at ap<0.001, bp<0.01, and cp<0.05;
ns: non-significant when compared to the group with induced inflammation. Experiments on CIO and CPG were performed at different time points, which explain slight variations in the control values due to
experimental conditions.
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