AIPMT Mains 2004 Solved

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1. (a) If velocity varies with time as v = 41, find (c) Find the direction of angle hetwern angular
the distance travelled by the body in the- momentum and linear momentum.
interv<!l of 2 s to 4 s.

4. (a) The diswnrc s along Z-axis varies with time

(b) Prove that rwo particles moving in parallel 3
ass= 21 -31 1 -61 .;- 8. Find the timet
direction with equal and opposite after which acceleration becomes zero.
momentum have total angular momentum
(b) Three masses connected by massless string
about any point remains constant.
as shown in figure, are placed on a

2. (n) !low resistance varies in semiconducto rs horizontal frictionless surface. Find tensions
with temperature? T1 and T 2
(b) Sketch the circuit diagram of a diode
showing forward and reverse biased.

(c) Find the relation benveen the three

wavelengths A1 , A2 and /.. 1 from the energy
level diagram shown in the figure.

5. (a) In the circuit shown :

(i) Find the phase difference between the
currents through Land R1 .

(ii) Find the phase difference between

potential difference across C <Jnd R 2 .

3. (a) Find the relation between torque and

(i) angular acceleration, R,
(ii) angular momentum,
(b) Two rods of length I and mass mare in L
shape. Find the
moment of inertia L._---f~}---
about an axis passing
through the point of '.m (b) Two infinite conductors are perpendicula r to
joining and each other carrying current I as shown in
perpendicul<:tr to the figure. Find the induced magnetic field at
plane of the that point Pat a distance r along one of the
'm rrm,-1,,,..,,.,~~
S. (a) An ideCJl gas has molar specific he<lt 51U2 at
conmmt pressure. lfJOO J of heat is giYcn tt>
two moles of gas at cnnstont pressure, find
the change in temperature.
(b) Define (i) ste:~dy state and (ii) temperature

(a) In the given cirmit for whnt vnlues of R the
power dissipateJ in R ts same as the rest of
the circuit?

(c) Inductive resistance 2Sn and capacitive

resistance 75Q are connected across 250 V
mains in series. Find the mts potential
difference across inductor and capacitor.
!low can you reconcile this in terms of mains v

6. la) When a force F1 acts on a panicle, frequency
is 6 I iz and when a force f 2 acts, frequency is
8 Hz. VVhat is the frequency when both the (b) Two concentric hollow spheres nrc orrangcd
forces act simultaneously in same direction? as shown in figure. If a charge.,. Q is given to
(b) As shown in the figure a ray is incident on tho.: outer sphere, find chnrge induced in the
medium A, find ~t inmr sphere.



ra (c) Can potential at a poi:lt be zero with <l

non-zero electric field ;l\ th:tl point? Give an
for the blockC, such that the ray through this
medium will be parallel to the incident ray example.
on A. 10. (a) If the fundarnemal quantities ;~re velocity
(v), mass (M), time (T), wh<ll will be the
7. (a) Light of wavelength A = 4000 A and
dimensions of q in the cqua!ion
intensity 100W/m 2 is incident on a plate of

V = rrPr /8J]l.
threshold frequency 5.5 x 10 14 Hz. Find the
(b) A body of mCJss m falls from a height h nnd
maximum kinetic energy of photoelectron
collides with another body of sanw mass.
and number of photons incident perm 2 per
After collision the two bodie.~ combine and
move through di>tance till they come to rest.
(b) When electron is accelerated between

500 keV, what is the percentage increase in Find the work done against the resistive
(c) From the concept of binding energy, explain
how energy is liberated during fission and

fusion reactions.
1. (a) For aqueous solution ofNH,Cl prove that I .

[H10+J = ~K 1,c (ii) CH 3 -C -CI-1 2 - Br -''~''0~"'-->
(b)pH=7 .40,k1 ofH 2 COl =4.Sx10 - What I '
will be the ratio of [HCO~ J to [H~COl] ? CH 3
(iii) 2, 3-dimethylbutane-2-ol """" H,so., 1
2. (a) Why BBr 3 is a stronger Lewis acid as
compared to BF3 though F is more (b) Why acetonitri le is used as organic solvrnt?
electronegative than Br ? 5. (a) Why :miline does not show Friedel-Crafts

(b) WhySF4 undergoes hydrolysis but not SF6 ? reaction?
(c) Why (CH~lJCOH is less acidic than (b) Why it is necessary to add excess of mineral
although C is more acids to diazotisation of amines ?
6. {a) Crp;;- + 14H+ + oe- .....Jo Cr++ + 71-! 20;

electronegative than Si?
(d) Why HF forms H-bonding with ethyne even "=1.33
though iris non-polar in nature? 3x[21"~1
2 +2e.J
3. {a) Give increasing order towards electrophilic 0=-0.5 4
substitutio n of the following compounds : Find out the value of equilibrium constJnt

and Gibb's free energy change in the reaction
given above.
(b)A+B.. ...J-C+D
1 1
m Mi=-10, 000] mol" 1 ; 6.5=-33. 3! mol- K-
(i) At what temperatu re the reaction will
occur spontaneo usly from left to right ?
(ii) At what temperatu re the reaction will
7. (a) Ea "'80 kJ. What will be the ratio of rate
constants when temperaLUre varies from
273 K to323 K?
(b) A mixture of ethane and ethene occupies
40 !it. at 1 atm. and 400 K. The mixture

(b) Which of the following is the strongest base reacts completely with 4.06 mole 0 2 to
and why? produce C0 2 and 1-! 20. Calculate the mole

0 .0 .CJ rrNH,
fractions of ethane and ethene in the

and mixture.

N N NH ~ 8. (a) Write all the important conforma tions of

4- (a) Identify the organic products obtained in the (b) Write the enantiome ric and diastereom cric

following reactions : forms of 2-bromo-3-chloro bumne.

9. (a) Write all the geometrical isomer~ of
[Pt(N!l~)(Cl}(Py)(Br)] and how many of

these will exhibit optical isomerism ?

(b) Oil the basis of vnlence bond theory explain
geometry, nature ofhybridi sation, magnetic
property and optical isomerism of
[Co(oxhl~- and [CoF6 ]~-.
10. (a) How bond energy varies from N - to N ' and (f)~,02
2 2
why? (ii) CO, N,, NO+
(b) On the basis of molecular orbital theory (c) Uke CO v:;hy its analog "SiO" is not stnblc?
what is similarity between :


1. (i) Define cloning and write their significance.

(ii) Write down the significance of embryo

2. Each word in Column-1 has minimum one and
maximum three matching in Column-H. Arrange
Column-I Column-I f
(i) Agar
(ii) Biofc1tilizer '"'
Algae 5. (i) Draw a sketch diagram of conductin g system

{iii) Abiotic {c) Bacwria
of the heart
(ii) Draw a sketch dingram of nephrone showing
{iv} Prokaryotic
C.arbcndam l
Cyanobaclf '! ia
Glomerulus and Bowman's capsule.
6. Match the Column-I with Column-11 (at least

<0 Edaphic
(g) Culture !ll<'diurn
Anabaena, k:olla
Bacillus thurin
Centromer e ,,, Column-1 1
Small DNA fragmPillS
formPd on 1~,~.:).6ng

(i) Label the parts of interphase nucleus (1, 2, 5,
ra (ii}

Kinetochor e

strand duriug
(h) Breaking of DNA at

,,, specifiC site


6). Major protein of

(ii) Write the function of 3 and 4.

(iv) I'J<:on
(d) Sub-unit of r:hrom,Jtin
(o) llighly conrltJISf'd, 11011
transc1ibin,~.: (l<lll of

(vi) r leterm:\irum utin <0 Nom'-rodin g S<'qn<un
of enk<llyotk
chi"OIII()SQfll ('_
(vii1 NndeosomP . (g) Sislt'r-r:hro uwtids
att~dwd to a pollll at

{viii) 1-!isiOIIC' {h) Protein helps ill hi11din.c~
with microtuhltlt'
4. (i) Label the diagram in the question (1, 2, 3, 4, (ix) Topoisome rase Whirh seals 1"11<1~

,,, "'

5, 6) rhromosoll lf''
Oi) State whether the above diagram is of OkJzak.i fr<~gnwnt 01 coding Sf!ljll\,11< <'
Prokaryot es or Eukaryotcs. e11karyotic chromosoll l!' "'
{xi) Opero11 readiug [k) functional gene

7. (i) Name three unusual bases present in t-RNA 11. (i) c4 plants have .......... anatomy.
and name the bases from which these are (ii) The light photons are absorbed by ligJ-
developed. harvesting complex (LllC) converted t
(ii) Name three nucleotides which are not chemical energy by ............ centre.
constituent of DNNRNA but takes part in (iii) .... is an ex- siru conservation wher
metabolic activities ? Also name their bases. embryo are cultured in .............. mediUJ
(iii) Name the achiral amino acids, symmetric and at ........... temperature.

with no side chain. 12. The gene sequence in the DNA of a cell to l
(iv) Name five amino acids with non-palm side transcribed is as given below. Write tll
chains. sequences of m-RNA after transcription an
8. The nucleus of the egg is fertilized by the amino acids coded in m-RNA.
nucleus of the pollen grain, which is supposed to DNA sequence ---t TACTICMA CCAAT!
possess the DNA denaturating genes. TI1e egg m-RNA sequences ---t ...... .
develops a denatured chlorophyll. The Amino acids sequence ---t .................... .

inheritance of chloroplast is cytoplasmic but the 13. There is five underlined sentences in the give
above result is due to which reason. paragraph. All underlined statements a1
wrong. Read the paragraph carefully and recti I
9. (i) Name the first cloned animal.
the underlined statements.

(ii) Name the first biopesticide. The acceptance of evolution as an explanation 1
(iii) Name an ceo-friendly bioherbicide which present day biological divenity is comparative
interferes with amino :owid synthesis and recent. Many respected biologists of tl
resistance to which has been obtained nineteenth and early twentieth centuries bcfo1
throu~h transgenic culture. Darwin believed in the dynamics of species.

(iv) What is commonly used to produce virus (1)
resistant plants ? Even Charles. Darwin only reluctantly c<Jme
10. Refer the adjoining diagram and answer the accept evolution as an explanation for tl
following questions : diversity of life. An understanding of .tl

obtained ?
(i) From which organism Ti plasmid is

(ii) Name the emyme which is involved in

mechanism of evolutionary change is only
little more than a century old. In 1801 Char),
Darwin proposed the first comprehcnsi'
explanation for the mechanism of evolution.
(iii) What happens in step-III? (2)
(iv) The plant produced is called hybrid or Lamarck believed that an adult organis
transgenic acquired new characteristics in direct respon
{v) Will the plant produced have other genes to survival needs and then passed these ne
alongwith desired gene. Yes or No explain. characteristics on to its offsprings. We kno1
now that inheritance is determined by genes.

acquired characters can be passed on

0== offspring.
Today the mcch<mism of evolution is believed

be inheritance of acquired characters. a conee

out lined by Charles Darwin

in his book 'Philosophigue Zoologigue'

published in 1859. In the book Darw
presented a cogent series of arguments f

evolution being the prevading theme of life.

14. There is five wrong statements given bclc
rectify them and write the correct statements
{i) Pyramid of energy is always inverted.
(ii) The 11ow of energy in nature is cyclic.
(iii) Plants obtained carbon from aunosphere in 16. There is a flow chart showing the generalized
the form of CH4 which takes parr in the events in DNA replication, write the name of
C(\ fixation during dark reaction of enzymes involved in the reaction.
photosynth esis. DNA double helix ~ Nicking of strand
(iv) Term 'Ecosystem' was coined by R. Mishra. ~ Unwinding -~ Destabilization and
(v) R. Mishra was a famous Indian Pathologist. relief of pressure ~ Initiation -~
>. At the beginning of the present century plant
Elongation ~A lig~ closing of nicks
anatomists noted that a seed plant native to hot
17. The main steps of glycogenesis and
dry climates, rather than exhibiting a palisade
glycogenolysis reactions are given below but one
mesophyll, has a ring of mesophyll cells
step for each question is missed. Mention the
surrounding the bundle sheath cells. The
missed steps.
arrangement has the appearance of a crown. 18. There is a mechanism of electron transpon chain
This ring of Kranz cells exhibits a high level of


? ?

l l

Glucose-1 Phosphate Glucose-6 Phosphate

Glucose Uridine

Glycogen J
( 4 activity what m1ght the function of the Kranz in the diagram given below.
structure be? Give the answer of following questions based on
this diagram.


I so



c cyt a
cyt C:J

,.----, ' ad
~ 10 ADP ATP ,...-...,.

~ 0
red = reduced
(i) Name the terminal acceptor of electrons in hybridization
respiratory chain. (b) Biofertilizers (2) Polymerase ,hain
(ii) How many ATP are produced by the reaction
oxidation ofNADH +H. (c) Conservation (3) Taq polymerase
(iii) How many ATP are produced by the (d) Tissue culture ( 4) Triticale
oxidation of FADH 2. (e) PCR (5) Amplification of DNA
(iv) Name tw"O reactions to which chemiosrnotic (6) Rhizobium

theory is involved leguminosarum
19. Create a flow chan showing the movement of (7) Seed banks
blood from the aorta, through the various blood (8) Bromato
vessels associated with the kidney, to the (9) Distant cross
posterior vena cava. (1 0) Anabaena
20. There are 5 articles in Column-! and 16 in (11) Azotobacter
Column-H. One article of Column-! concerned ( 12) Bacillus polymyxa

with more than one articles ofColumn-11. Match (13) Cryopreservation
the articles of Column-! with concerned articles (14) Somadonal variatior
{15) Rabbage
of Column-II.
{16) Kary Mullis

Column-I Column-II
(a) lntergeneric (1) Micropropagation


1. {a) As given
Since, the two panicles have equal and opposi
momentum, so they move oppositely to eac
v"' 4t
dx=4t other.
dt The angular momentum of point mass is
{<tt=4tdt - __..
L= r xp
For the given system

= L = 'iPl sin (180- e,) + 12_p2 sin 82
= X= 2[(4/- (2iJ
=liP sin 81 - r2 p sin 82
X=2(16-4) "'p(1j sine, - r2 sin 02 )

So, x =24m = p[l- (I+ d)]"-"- p x- d

(b) Let 0 be the point (reference point) about "'- p d (constant)
which total angular momentum is to be Hence, the total angular momentum is constan:

found and the distance between the two

particles be d. 2. (a) In semiconductor, valence band an
conduction band are separated by a sma
energy gap called the forbidden gap. 1

room temperature, elecuons in valence ban

e due to their thermal agitation, have sorr
reasonable probability of being able to jurr
to conduction band leaving an equal numbt
of holes in the valence band. Whe
temperature of semiconductor increasE
more electrons in valence band acqui1
~.,~h a.,.,.,.,.,,'",..,,~~ th<> fnrh;,,,.., n~n ~n
much energy to cross the forbidden gap and In general for a system consisting of many
reach the conduction band. Hence, as particles
temperatu re increases more electrons move
to conductio n band thereby decreasing the
resistance of semiconductor. ... (!)
(b) The diode under forward biasing is sketched where I = moment of inertia about axis of
in Fig. (i) and the diode under reverse rotation = :Emr2
biasing in Fig. (ii)_ (ii) From Eq. (1)

(rate of change of angular velocity)
t=dt ... {2)

Now angular momentu m of a body about axis of
L =fro
dL Idro
dt =dt (: I= constant)
Therefore, Eq. (2) becomes

t =Jt
(b) Moment of inertia of a rod passing through
the edge and perpendic ular to the length

(c) From the diagram. 2 2 2
_Mf (') _M/ Mf
-u+M 2 - u + 4 _M/
---,-- ------ .----- 0
So, net moment of inertia of system of both rods
ra 3
(c) If r is the position vector of a particle and pis
linear momentu m, then angular momentu m
about origin
EC!l = EC!l + EBA -+ ->
This implies that L ..L r and L ..l --Jl Hence, the
l1c he he
angle between angular momentu m and linear

)._3 At !..2 momentu m is 90
1 1 1 4. (a) As givens= 2t 3 - 3t 2 - 6t + 8
}..3 A.\ 1..2 . dv d
Velocity, v = dt = dt (2t :3 - 3t 2 - 6t + 8)
AI+ }..2 v=6t 2 -6t -6

(a) (i) Let us consider a body having a torque (t) and acceleration
acting on it, is rotating abom an axis passing :::- a""dv=~(6t 2 -6t-6)
dt dt
through a point 0. If a force F acts on a
particle of mass m of that body then, a=12t-6

But a=O(give n), :.121: -6=0

r = force x distance = F x r 6
=maxr :::- r= =0.Ss
(:F=ma ) 12
=mra xr=mr 2 a (b) Let N 1, N 2 , N 3 be normal reactions on

where a is angular acceleration masses m1 , m2 and m3 respectively. The free

2 body diagrams of m1 , m2 and m3 are as
t = mr a
shown below
(ii) TI1e potential difference Vn~ across
resistance R 2 and current I are m same
phase, but the potential difference Vr: across
T, T, T, the condenser C lags behind the cutTent I in
phase by 90. Hence the phase difference
between Vn., and 1.1{: will be 90.
(b) The induced magnetic field at the point Pat
a distance r along a conductor

"'magnetic field (B,.) at the point lies along the
current direction + magnetic field (B") at end
point of infinite conductor
"'O+!lnl =Pnl
4nr 4n:r
ror masses m 1 , m 2 and m~ to be in vcrtlcil.l (c) We can draw the diagram according to the
equilibrium information given in problem, as

N 1 "'m1g, N 2 =:m 2 g andN'1 =m 3 g
Now, Tt =m1 a .. (1)
T 2 -T1 =mza

T3 -T2 =m 3 a .(3)
where a be the common acceleration of the
system. L__.--{~.}--___j
Now adding Eq. (1), (2) and (3), we get

-c-=- ... (4)
1 2 +m3 Net resistance of the circuit
Given: T3 = 60 N, m1 = 10 kg:, m2 = 20 kg: and Z=Xc-X 1. =o?S-25=:50 !1
mJ=30kg. So, current through the circuit

60 _60_
a=Io: 20+30-60 -lms
Putting the given values in Eq. (4), we get
i =~= 250 =:SA
z 50
VL =iX 1. =5x25=125 V
:.From Eq. (1),
Vc=iXc=5x 75=375V
T1 =m1a=l0:.:1=1 0N 1 1
Now, \-i. = 12SV = 2 (125 X 2) = 2 vrnotn.,
Again from Eq. (2),
T2 =1i + m 2a and 3[2
Vr:=375="2 3x375 "'"2Vm""' )3
=10+ 20 xl = IO+ 20 = 30 N

5. (a) (i) Let at any instant, current 11 flows in the 6. Force, F = mro}
branch of inductance and ! 2 flows in the = mr x (2n:n) 2 = 4n: 2 mrn 2
branch of resistance. Since, potential F cr: n 2
difference will be same across the two
where n is the frequency.

parallel branches, the current 11 lags behind

When forces F1 and F 2 act on the particle
the applied potential difference by} simultaneous ly in same direction, then net force
(i.e., 90) and 12 is in phase with applied F=F1 +F2

potential. Hence, phase difference between 2 2 2

the currents through Land R 1 is 90. n =n1 +!12

n=Jnf +ni

n==J6 2
=JiOO=lOI -lz
(b) For the fmal emergent ray to be parallel to the
v incident ray, the mediums of both the rays
should be same. Therefore, the refractive
index ofblockC should be same as that of air.
7. (a) From Einstein's photoelectric equation Nuclear fusion is tbe process in which two light
weight nuclei come dose to each other with in
KEn=" '""'- hv the range of attractive force (::: 1 fm). These may
34 8 combine to form a he-avy nucleus. This process is
e[6.6x l0- x3x10 possible from an energy point of view because
4000x1 0 lU the binding energy per nucleon is small for light
- 6.6 X 10''34 X 5.5 X }Q14 ] nuclei and increases with atomic mass A until A
is about SO. Also, in this reaction a large amount
"'4.95 X lQ- 19 ~ 3.6 X lQ-
of energy is released. This energy appears in the
"'1.35 X 10- 19 J form of kinetic energy or in some other form.
B. (a) The heat required at constant pressure
Now, let no. of photons emitted per sec be n.
Q = nCpAT
Then, intensity = 100 W/m~
.Change in temperature
::::- nhc = 100
lOOxA '
100x40 00x1Q- 10

= 1\=---e-
6.6 X }Q-34 X 3 X 10 8 5
hC Here: Q = 3001, n = 2moles, Cp = 2 R
=' 2.02 X }Q;lO
R, being the gas constant
= 8.31 J mole- ~c-
(b) Kinetic energy of photoele ctron
KE = 500 keV = 500 x 10 eV
2 2 AT=-~= JOO =7.22C
Bm KE = mc - m 0c 2x~x8.31 5x8.31

=(mc m c~11c 2
(b) {i) When a bar is heated continuously,
initially the tempera ture of various
m- m 0 c ll.m section;; of the bar increases, a state

= known as the variable state but after
6m= KE some time, the tempera ture of any part of
m m 0 c2 rod does not change. In this state heat is
not absorbed by the cross-section but is
Hence, % increase in mass is partly conducted to next cooler section
e - xlOO = - -
mo rn 0c2

ra and is partly radiated . Therefore, this
state of the rod is known as the steady
= 500x10 eV xlOO (ii) Between two isolated surfaces, the fall of
0.511 x 10(' eV temperature per unit distance along the
(': mnc 2 =0.511 xlObeV ) direction of flow of heat is called the
temperature gradient. If the
= S.ll X lQQ =' 97.85% temperatures of two isolated spheres are

e and 0- AEl and the perpend icular

(c) The binding energy of nucleus is the energy distance between them is !:JX, then
released in formation of nucleus by tempera ture gradient
combining its nucleons or it is the external change in tempera ture
energy which is required to isolate the
nucleons of the nucleus from one another.
~ perpendicular distance

Nuclear fission is a process in which a heavy ce-A8) -e t-..8

nucleus is split into middle weight nuclei by 6x t.x
bombard ing it with neutrons. In each fission 9. (a) The net resistance of second circuit
reaction, a tremend ous amount of energy is

1 1 1
released. This is due to the mass defect occurs, R'"'8+ (3+5)
when a nucleus splits into two nuclei. In other
words we can say that the binding energy per R',. 8x8 =64= 4 (1

8+8 16
nucleon of the nuclei obtained as a result of
fission is more as compared to the binding I
energy per nucleon of the parent nucleus. .;!
If the value of R in the first circuit becomes equal Here, V stands for rate of flow per unit time.
to net resistance of second circuit, then power So, dimensions of
dissipated in both the circuits will be same. dimensions of P x dimensions of r
11 = dimensions ofV x dimension of I
Hence, R =R ' =4.0..
(b) If a charge+ Q is given to outer sphere, then [ML- 1T -2](L4 ]
[ML- 1 T-1 ]
a charge - Q will be induced on the inner [L~T - 1 ][L]
surface of outer sphere. A;; a result + Q But distance =velocity x time

charge will be induced on the outer surface
of inner sphere and consequently - Q charge
on the inner surface of inner sphere which Hence, dimensions of TJ (in the notations of
M, v, T)= [Mv- 1r r 1]=[Mv- r=]
1 1
will be grounded as shown in the figure.
(b) Final velocity of first body of mass m in
falling a height h
V =0+2gh

+ + +
=:> v"" J2iii
Using the law of conservation of momentum
- + initial momentum =final momentum

+ + mv+ O=(m+ m)v'
+ + m.J2ifi = 2mv'
,.=~~h =~[g;]
Hence, only the charge + Q appears on inner

sphere. Thus, work done against resistive force
(c) It is possible that at such a point the potential
is zero, electric field is not zero at that point.
=2 X (2m)v' ' + (:?Jn)gd
For example; in the case of electric dipole
m d = distance with which the combined mass
consisting of nvo equal and opposite charges moves on the ground
placed at two ends, at the mid point of the dipole
v' =velocity of combined mass
potential is zero but electric field is not zero.
10. (a) Given, . . Work done = m ( g~ ) + 2mgd
v = rr.Pr4 rr.Pr4
11 = 8VI
= mg (~ + 2d) = ~ mg (h + <td)

1. (a) For the dissociation of NH 4 Cl in aqueous [H'] =antilog -7.40 =antilog (-8 + 0.60)

solution, there will be excess of Ff ions as it is a =3.9811 xl0- 8

salt of weak base and strong acid. The dissociation of H~C0 3 can be represented as
NHr +2Hp ~ NHpH + Hp+ follows:

K _ [NH 4 0H][H,O+] H 2CO., ~ HCO~ + H+

h- [NH;J K _ [HCO,][H+]
1 - [H 2C0 3 ]
or Kh [NH;] = [NH 4 0H][Hp+]

or Kh [NH;]==[H 3o+f lHCOJ] = _!S_ = 4.5 X 10
= 11.303
('.' [NH,OH] = [H,O']) [H2C03} [H') 3.9811xl0
[H 3 0+J:~KhC 2. (a) In boron halides (BF3 , BC\ 3 , 13Br3 etc.) sp
(b) Given that, pH ==7.40 hybridisation takes place due to which these have
We know that, -log(W] =pH trigonal planar geometry but in all of these, the
\og[H+]=-7.4 0 filled f"Orbital of halogen atom remains over
lapped with vacant p-orbital of boron. Thus, these (present on N-atom), N-atom has less
have following srmcmre : tendency to donate electron. Aniline is also
weakly basic due to similar reason.
F) B ''~'' F F> B-F Piperidine is a secondary amine and it has
much tendency to lose electron, hence, is
F F strongly basic.
or F)--F 4. (a) (i) It is simple dehydrohalogenation of
halide in presence of alcoholic alkali.

This is called prt - prt back bonding which is most

effective in BF3 as in it, this overlapping occurs
between 2p( ofF) and 2p (ofB) orbitals. This is the
reason why BF3 has least tendency to accept lone u
) : / B e c,H,ON
C2H 50H
pair of electron. Hence, BBr3 is stronger Lewis (ii) This reaction is an example of
acid than BF3 . involving

nucleophilic substitution
(b) Sulphur belongs to 3rd period, hence, it has methyl-shift (Wagner- Meerwein
maximum covalency equal to 6. Therefore, rearrangment).
SF4 can be hydrolysed as it can form hexa CH 3
covalent intermediate complex with rvvo
H 20 molecules. But SF6 cannot be '
CH 3 -CI -CH 2 - Br -~
hydrolysed as it cannot form such I
intermediate complex. CH,

(c) In (CH 3 hSiOH, Si-atom form pn- dn CH 3 CII 3
bonding with 0-atom as it has vacant
d-orbitals (unlike C) hence 0 - H bond is I WMR I
CH 3-C-CH 2 -----'-'--------. CH
weaker in (CH 3 )jSiOH than that in <

(CH 3 ) 3COH. Therefore, (CH 3 ) 3SiOH is more
I 3" carbocation
{more stable)
acidic than (CH 3 hCOH. 1" carbocmion

(d) Ethyne is acidic in nature, hence, its
hydrogen forms hydrogen bonding with
hydrogen fluoride.
(a) The groups which increase electron density
ra (less stable)
1 oEt-

in ring (i.e.,+ I group) activate benzene ring I .
towards electrophilic substitution.
-N+(CH 3 ) 3 and -CH 2N+(CH 3 h both CB:1-C- Cll 2-CH3
groups decrease electron density in benzene
ring, therefore, deactivate ring towards
(iii) According to Saytzeff rule, the
electrophilic substitution. -N(CH 3)2 group
deprotonation occurs from more
(even though N is electron withdrawing)
substituted carbon.

stabilises a complex as N-atom has a lone pair

of electron, therefore, if activates the ring. CH1 CH 3
C H -cone. H~
CH~ -CH-C -
H,:, <
. I

Thus, the correct order of reactivity wwards


elecrrophilic substitution is :

(b) PiperidineQ is the strongest base among


these. Pyridine and pyrrole are aromatic

compounds in which due to the
delocalisation of lone pair of electron
= 273 K,
~ = ~) Given that, F:" = 80 X 10 J, rl
(b) Acetonitrile ( CH 3 - act as a polar
T2 =323 K
3 .
k1 _ 80 x10 (273 - 323\
solven t for a variety of organic compounds. .!ogk 2 -2.30 3x8.3 1 273x 323j =-
It is also less reactive in mild acidic or basic
k~' = nntilog (-2.37) ~antilog (-3 +
conditions. 0.63)
5. (a) Aniline does not show Friedei-Craft reacti
oc-4.2 x10 '

becau se amino group of aniline act as a base

and fonn salt with Lewis acid (AlCI. ,li.e., (b) Total moles in the mixture,
PV lx40
N H 2 AlC1~ mol 218
C~Hs n = RT = 0.082 1 x 460 = 1.
(b) Benzene diazo nium chloride is prepa red by
diazotisation of aniline in presence of The combustion reactions of ethan e and cthen e
H:--10, (Nal'O , /1-ICI) at 0" C. are as follows :
~" 0(]'C~'~ C2lln + 3.5 0t, ___,. 2CO:J + 31120
~=--- Nli 2 ~ HNO.-, + HCI

~ C 2 H" + 3~ ___,. 2C(\ + 21-1 2 0
Q - N = NCI + 2Hp Let, C 2 H 6 he 'x' mol and C 2 H 4 beY mol, then:
Benzene diazonium chlori de show coupling with Total 0 2 used
activated benze ne rings (like aniline) if excess of = 3.5x + 3y = 4.06 mol (given ) ... (i)

miner al acid i:;not used. So, excess ofHCl is used ... (ii)
to preve nt the coupling. Also x + y = 1.218
'" 07 + 141-1-
6 Cr2 + 6e- -t CrJ-+ + 7H:P Solving Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get :
x = 0.812 mol
.. mole fractio n of C 2 H6 = 1
81 2
"' 0.67

21 -t 1, + 2c E0 "'-- 0.54 .21 8
For the cell, E cell~f c~thode -E"nn ode mole fraction of C 2 H~ = 1-0.6 7 = 0.33
0 0

= (1.33 )- (0.54)
8. {a) nbuta ne h" following four types of
(:Eo =-f:.o )
conformers :
= ~- ~y
lzil- m 7

")~~H "')t(I "

CH 0
We know that,
0 059 log K,
E 0 cdl ==
"59 log K
0.79'" 2:..~ H H H H
log K = 80.34 80 CH, H
K""' antilog: 80.34 "' 10 Staggared Gauche
Free energy chang e (~Go)

~H ~CH,
=- nf0cc ll =- 6 X 96500 X 0.79
= -457. 41 kJ morj
(b) A+ B -4- C + D
Given that, N l == - 10000 J mol

H,.....-- ~H

1 1 H
t.S =- 33.3 J mol- K H H H
From Gibbs-Helmholtz equat ion: Fully eclipsed Partially eclipsed
t:.G = llli - T !::.S (b) 2-bromo-3-chloro butan e has 2 chiral carbon

At equilibrium (!:.G = 0), llli = T. t:.S atoms . Its four optical isome rs arc as
llli -1000 0
T"' !::.S = -=-
3. - = 300.3K
3 3
Hence, CH, CH,

(i) For spont anity from left to tight, T < 300.3

K I -Br I
H-C Br-C -H
(tl.G must be negative)
of reverse reaction, I
(ii) For spont anity !i-6- C\ Cl-C -H
T>30 0.3K I I
7. (a) From Arrhenius equati on, we have Cll 3 C!l3
1 k fa 1
log k . = 2303 R -T 1T2 -
(T -LJ (i) (ii)

CH, CH 3
Cl-C-H 11-b-et
CH 3

Structures (i) and (iii) are ena!ltiomers.

Similarly structures (iii) and (iv) .are also
enantiomers. Mirror !-form
Structures (i) and (iii) [or (iv)] and structures
10. (a) Molecular orbital configurations of these
(ii) and (iii) [or (iv)J are diastereomers.
species are as follows :
9. (a) There are three geometrical isomers possible N 2' (13 e-)= KK' (rr2si(cr' 2si(1t2Py )2
for [Pt(NH 3 )(Cl)(Py)(Br)] as it has square
(n:2p0 ) 2 (cr2p,.i
planar structure.

order=~ (9- 4)= 25

N2 (15~_,-) = KK' (cr2s) 2 (cr' 2sf(c:r2p_y )2 (112p, )~
(1!2pj(rr'2p ) 1
:.Bond order=~ (10- 5) = 2.5
Cl NH 3 Cl Py Py Cl
AI; the bond order of these species are same,

None of these isomers show optical isomerism. hance, their bond energy will also be equal.
(b) [Co(oxl 3 f: In this complex ion, cobalt is in (b) (i) F2 and o;- are isoelecrronic (18 e- in
+ 3 oxidation state. each) species, hence, their bond length
Co:: [Ar]3d7 4s 2 4p 0 and bond order will be same.

Cn'' = l1ll11111111 0 I I I I (ii) CO, N 2 and NO~ are also isoelectronic (14e- in
each) species, henL-e, their bond order and bond
Oxalate is weaker ligand, hence, sp3 d2 lengths will also be same.
hybridisation takes place so that resulting ion is (c) Carbon and oxygen are in the same period
paramagnetic (due to presence of four unpaired having close proximity in their size,
This ion shows optical isomerism and it has two
optical isomers.
[CoF 6e- : This ion is also octahedral and
ra therefore, these can form multiple bond to
give arise to CO molecule (C "'0). Whereas
Si is quite larger in size, therefore, its
multiple bond with oxygen is not so stable.
paramagnetic due to sp 3 d2 hybridisation. Bm
Thus, SiO molecule is not stable.
this ion cannot shows optical isomerism due to
presence of plane and centre of symmetry.


1. (i) Cloning : The process of producing Significance of Cloning :

genetically similar molecules, cells or Microbial cloning is involved in the

organisms, from a common ancestor by production of various important products like,

asexual reproduction in vitro or in vivo is enzymes, hormones, acids, antibiotics,
called cloning. vaccines etc.
Gene cloning is involved in the production of (ii) The functions of 3 and 4 are as follows :
transgenic plants and animals like Br-cotton, 3. Chromatin network:
Bt-robacco etc.
Chromatin is the interphase chromoso mal
'Dolly' was the first mammal to be successfully material i.e., a cOmplex of DNA and histone
cloned from an adult cell by Ian Wilmut of proteins.
Roslin institute. Edinburg, U.K. Cloning of In nucleus hereditary material is contained
Dolly rise a hope in the production of anificial in chromatin.

organs which can be used to replace damage The major proteins of chromatin are the
organs of the body. histones that facilitates binding with
Cloning is a quick method of multiplication of negatively charged DNA molecule.
animals belonging to endangered species. 4. Nucleolus :Nucleolus is a non- membrane
Cloning is useful technique for maintaining bound, conspicuous spherical srructure
superior breeds. associated with inner nuclear envelope. A
Hybrid vigour can be continued indefinitely.

nucleolus contain large amount of RNA
Even sterile interspecific hybrids can be though it contain DNA too. The chief
multiplied through cloning. function of nucleolus is the synthesis of
(ii) Significance of Embryo culture
ribosomal RNA by which ribosomes are

Embryo rescue i.e., taking out the fragile synthesised.
embryos from fertilized ovules of 4. (i) (1) Non coding region at 5'
interspecific crosses before their abortion
(2) Initiation codon.
and culturing them to form viable hybrid
(3) Exons (i.e., intermediate coding regions)
seedlings e. g., Bean, Rice, Jute, Tomato etc.
(4) Stopping signal (UAG). Termination codon
Embryo culture helps in developing seedlings in

(5) Introns (i.e., intermediate non-coding
orchid seeds because orchid seeds lack stored
food. Embryo culture is useful in the
(6) Noncoding region at 3'
multiplication of some rare plants e. g.
(ii) The above diagram is of eukaryotic DNA
Makapuno nut. Embryo culture is useful for m because in eukaryotic DNA splitting genes (
growing seedlings in dormant seeds.
i.e.. exons and introns) are present which
Algae remain absent in prokaryotic DNA.
2. (i) Agar~ 5. (i)
Culture medium
(ii) Biofenilizer Anabaena
Azola ---- ~ef1 atnum
Bacteria @


(iii) Abiotic_____,.. Edaphlc TtiCUspod a!.e ol His
(iv) Prokaryotes
E Cyanobacteria
Bacillus thuringenesis
Sem:lunat valve S<>JspdaMI

(v) Carbendazol ~Insecticide

4 Fungicide
3. (i) The correct labelling of 1, 2, 5 and 6 is as

follows :
1. Nuclear pore Fig.. Sketch diagram of conducting system of heart
2. Nuclear membrane
5. Nucleoplasm

6. Cytoplasm
VDVC (IVICI.Ifi!:>J IV/t:UIC..:CI.I VU/Vt:U t::VU<f

C&PSule Malpogl'!tarl I o
corpuscle- (iii) Glycine H3 N+ -C-C< is a
IGlomerullS }
8r:;sn border I o
' " '
simplest, achiral, symmetric amino acic:
with no side chain.
(iv) Alanine, valine, leucine, isoleucine.
8. Chloroplast is a semiautonomous organelle where
exrrachromosomal or cytoplasmic hereditary w1i!.'
are present which function either independently 01
in collaboration v.rith nuclear genetic system. lr
above case some of its characters are regulatec
through nuclear genes. DNA destroying agents o

male plants can also destroy the DNA of nucleus o
female plant.llence, the chloroplast of progeny is il
9. (i) 'Dolly' was the first successfully clonet
(ii) First bioherbicide was developed in 1961
and it was a mycoherbicide derived from a

fungus phyrophthora palmivora. Divine was
first bioinsectidde. Divine and college are
fungal spores which can be sprayed over
weeds for their elimination.

Fig. Naphron showing glomerulus (iii) Bacillus thuringenesis. (iv) Shoot tip
and Bowman's capsule culture.
10. (i) Ti plasmid is obtained from crown gall
6. (I) (g)
disease causing bacterium Agrobacterium
ra tumifaciens
(ii) DNA ligase (iii) Transfection (iv) Transgenic
(v) Yes, plant contains antibiotic resistance gene
along with transgene.
11. (i) C4 plants have Knmz an.;~.tomy
(VI) (')
(VII) (d) (ii) The light photons are .absorbed by light
(VIII) (o) harvesting complex (LHC) converted to
[IX) (b) chemical energy by reaction centre.
(iii) Cryopreservation is an ex-situ conserva- tion,

(X) (o)
(XI) (k) where embryo are cultured in Hquid
nitrogen medium and at -196"C
7. (i) Unusual base temperature.
(a) Pseudouridine develops from Uracil 12. DNA TAC TI'C AAA CCA ATI
(b) Inosine develops from Adenine sequences:

(c) Dihydrouridine develops from Uracil m-RNA AUG AAG uuu GGU UAA
Dihydrouridine develops from Uracil
(ii) Nuclcotides Bases
sequences :

Amino acid Met

t t t tLy> Ph' Gly

present sequences
ATP Adenine 13. (i) Before Darwin believed in the fixity of species.
NAD Adenine
(ii) In 1801 Jean Baptiste de Lamarck proposed

FAD Adenine the first comprehensive explanation for the

mechanism of evolution.
(iii) Inheritance is determined by genes, so, _ 5581'_~~ Destabilization and re!ief of
acquired characters can not be passed on to
off spring. pressure
Prm\~se . . . !JC'>JA pulymerase
(iv) Today the mechanism of evolution is -------7 lnltJanon - - - - - -
. k
believed to be Natural selection concept out .
ElongatiOn ---~ DNA ligase
cIosmg .
o1. nrc s.
lined by Charles Darwin. 17. Glycogenesis ---J. Glucose-6-phosphate
(v) !n his book 'On the origin of species by Glycogenolysis ---J.Glucose-1-phosphatc
means of Natural selection.

IS. (i) Oxygen (ii) Three (iii) Two
14. (i) The pyramid of energy is always upright (iv) Chemiosmotic theory is involved with
(ii) The flow of energy in nature is unidirectional photophosphorylation and oxidative
(iii) Plants obtained carbon from atmosphere in phosphorylation. Chemiosmotic theory
the form of C0 2 which takes part in the C0 2 consists of following postulates :
fixation during dark reaction of (1) The mitochondJial respiratory chain in the
photosynthesis. inner membrane is proton translocating, it

(iv) Tem1 'Ecosystem' was coined by Tenslay. pumps H- out of the matrix space when
(v) R. Mishra was a famous Indian ecologist. electrons are transported along the chain.
15. The C plants possess Kranz anatomy in which (2) The mitochondrial ATP synthase also
vascul:r bundles are surrounded by nvo rings of translocates protons across the inner

cells. The inner ring (bundle sheath cells) membrane. Being reversible, it can use the
contain starch rich, agranal chloroplasts which energy of ATP hydrolysis to pump H- across
differ from mesophyll cells making the outer the membrane.
ring. Kranz anatomy maximizes contact 19. Aorta~ renal artery~ arteriole --1- capillaries of
between the mesophyll and bundle sheath cells glomerulus ---J. arteriole !Tom Bowman's capsule

and therefore, maximizes the pumping of CO:~ ---J. peritubular capillaries ---J. venule~ renal vein
into the bundle sheath cells so that ---J. posterior vena cava.
photosynthesis may continue under the adverse 20. (a) : (4), (8), (9), (15) (h) : (6), (10), (ll),
conditions of a hot, dry, environment. . (12),
16. DNA double helix- Topois~~

Nicking of strand
m . d.
Unwm mg
(c): (7), (13) (d): (1), (14) (e) (2), (3), (5), (16)


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