Time Allowed: 3
Coneral Lnstructions: 1
0) There are 33 questions in all. All questions arc con pulsory
2) This question paper has 5 sections: Section A, Section B, Section C. Setion D, and Section E
(3) All the sections are compulsory.
(4) Section A contains sixteen questions, tuele MCQ and four Assertion Roasoning hased of 1 murrk cach Section Bcontains
fie questions of to marks each, Section C contains seten questions of three marks each, Section Dcontains tu case study
hased questions of four marks each and Section E contains three long ansuer questioms of ffoe marks oach.
5) There is no oterall choice Howeoer, an internal choice has been provided in one question in Section B, one question in
Section C, one question in each CBQ in Section Dand all three questions in Section E You hae te attempt only one of the
hoices in such questions.
e calculators is not alloued.
You may use the following values of plrysical constants here eer necessary
(0 c-3 x 10 ms
(ii) m, = 9.1 x 10 kg
(i) e=1.6 x 10"C
(iv) 4r x 10Tm-!
(b) h 6.63 x 10HJs
(o) , 8.854 x 10-l2 cN m
......(oi)Aogudro's number6.023 x 10 per gram mole
Section -A
1. The capacitance of a capacitor is C lt is connected to abattery of voltage Vwhich charges the capacitor. With
the capacitor still connected to the battery, aslab of dielectric material is introduced between the plates of the
capscitor. Which of the followingexplans the effect of the dielectric slab in the above situation
(A) The electric ield between the plates of the capacitor
The potential difference between the plates falls.
The total charge on the capacitor increases
(D) The ability of the capacitor to store charge deereases.
position as Vr) =3+ 2.
6 lnagiven region, electre potential varies with
ldentify which of the following stalements in correct.
(A) Potential difference between the two points x = 2 and xm -2 is 2 V
(B) Acharge of 1Cplaced atx= 2 oxperiences ais force of 6N.
along +r-axis.
(9 The force experienced by the above charge
(D) The electric field in the given region is non-uniform along x-axis.
Photoelectrons emitted from a metal have
curtain maximum
A) different speeds starting from 0 to
(B) same kinetic energy.
(9 same frequency.
(D) Both (b) &e (c)
same kinetlc enersy under the elffect of ldentical
Adeuleron and an alpha particle move vith the naths (ollowed?
Aelds. What will be the ratio of the radil of their
( 2 (D) 2
current carrylng wire ls B. The
S. The strength of the magnetic feld at distance r from a long siraight
distance r2 will be
(A) (B) 2#
(C) R2 (D) N4
6. Two blocks of ditferent malerials are placed in a uniform magnetic field B. The magnetic fleld lines passine
through the two blocks are represenled as follows.
ldentify the sultable values of elative permeability H, and magnetle ausceptiblity x for the malerlala I and
9. When an altermating voltage E= E, sin ot is applled to acircuit, acurent l sln u + lows through
it The average power disaipated in the circuit is
(A) Em - (B) E
(D) Zero
10. Which of the following relation indicates the speed of electronagnetie wave in free space?
(A) EB, (B) B/E
(C (D) Bath (A) and (C)
11. There ls a pair of concentric and coplanar conducting loops of radit R, and
R, such that R, 0.01 R,To whldh
of the following is the mutual inductance M lor thls pair directly
(A) VRy! (B) R
(9 UR, (D) R
Tolal energy ol an electrun in an enrrgy level
n-15leV. The quantum numbrr is
(C) 3 (D) 4
For Questions 13 lo l6, two stalements are given -one labelled Aertion (A) and other
selet the correct answer to these questions from labelled Keasan (K)
the optians as given belaw.
(A) Mboth Assertion and Reasan are true and Reasn
is correct esplanatkun of Assertion.
Wboth Assertion and Reason are true but Rean is not the currnt
nplanation of Asvertion.
MAertion is true but Reason is fale
(D) Wboth Assertion and Reason are false.
13. AMetion (A: The pholoelectrons produced bya monchromatic lbght beam incident on a metal surface have 3
aspread in their kinelic energles.
Reason (R): The energy of eletrons emtted from inside the metal surface, is lost in collision with the other
atoms in the metal.
14. Assertion (A): The clectrical conductivity of a semiconductor increase on doping
Reason (R): Doping always increases the number of electrons in the semiconductor.
15. Aserton (A: The same amount of current flows through the filament and line wire. But more heat is produced
in flament.
Reason (lR): Filament is made of malerial having high resistance and high melting point.
l6. Asertion (Aj: Aconvex mirror cannot form real images
Reason (R: Convex miror converges the parallel rays that are incident on it.
Section -B
17. In the incuit containing an ideal p-n junction diode Dand a resistor Ris given an input square wave as shown.
Use Kirchhoffs ules lo oblain conditiuns for the balance cundition in a Wheatstone bridge.
21, Alionva lens made of atransparent malerial ol refractive index 125 is imnesed in water ol refractive index
Will the lens behuve as a converging ur a diverging lens? Justty your answer.
<k. Bnding energy per nuceon versus mass number curve is as shown.
is, AW, x and Y are four nudei indicated on he curve.
Burpug u
Find the
(U) Resultant electric force on a charge Q, and
() Potential energy of this system.
24. Use Boh's postulate to prove that the radius of orbit in ahydrogen atom is proportional tor
and resistivity of a conductor.
25. (0) Diferentiate between electrical resistance resistivity p, and P, are connected
(U) Twometallicrods, each of length L, area of cross-sectionA, and A, having
for the effective resistivity of this combination.
in parallel across a dc battery. Obtain the expression
at rest ina uniform magnetic eld?
26. (a) How much force will be experienced by a chargeRadius
a coil of 100 turns. of the coil is cm. Find the magnetic ield at the
(b) 104 curent fows through
centre of the coll.
(0 Arrange the following electromagnetic radiation in the ascending order of their frequendes:
27. waves
X-ray, microwaves, gamma rays, radio radiation,
(U) Write two uses of any two of change in
of certain adius has 100 turna and a self-inductance of 15 mH. What will be the
28. () A coil
inductance if number of turns in increased to 5007 papet
frame of wire is placed in a uniform magnetic ield directed outwards, normal to the
() A rectangular timet 0. Eplain qualitattvey
spring which ls stretched to AB and then released at
ABs connected the col
how Induced e.m£
ed lo a
would vary with time. (Neglect damping of
oscillations ol spring)
tT with the maKnene
Aalof win enclosing an area 100 cm is placed with its nlane makine an angle
then nne
ol strngth l0 TWVhat is the flux through the ql? lf maenetic beld is reduced to zero in 10°s, 3
the induced emt
Case Study Based Questions 5
8 Read the below case and answer the questions that foliaw:
The donor concentration is high at n-side and Neutral pregon
acceptor concentration is high at p-side. Ther Neutral n-region
Acceptor Accer
concentration eptor
region -regjon Pregjon M-region
P-region #regon Pregion n-rejon
onerntration [kinnt
Pectnn Hole
coentratin rnira Cnncenlra
Pdde de
( Carrier
uncentralion quncentra ectron
tjon in ion in
P-side se
Hole Eectrun
concentra concentra
aration J-side
don tion in -side
tration side
tration ***
(C imoble
filled with water, of reractie inda u, lo adepsA
A pint Mutee of light is placed at the bottom of a tank is
light fom the ource can emerge,
Ihe area of the surlace of water through which
lens of focal length f, (in air). is immersed in the water
31. (i) In ndenve to the picture iven here, a convex
container is at a depth d from the lens Cd
viw a mall hlark done that is placed at the bottom of the
Will it form a magnifivd virtual image of the stone if d >,7 on the let and
light enters the first prism
(ii) In the given cnbinaliun of thre Iriangular prisms, a ray of
the angles of the prisms to be small and the r
rxils Iron prism on tle right after refraction. Cunsider
JA- 2
P'ruve that lor a net deviatikn producd in he light ray to be zero,Ain the given combinau
a medium The emergent rays
(l) Aglass prismn of absulute reftactive inlex of 1.52 is surrounded by
either upwards or duwnwands.
Select the suitable surrounding
mediums from the given Labie of refractive indices here lor
above refractions through the prisms Pand Q. Give reason lor the each of e
choice of the mediums.
Medium Refracttve Index
Carbon disulphide 1.63
Ethyl alcohol 154
Aqueous sodium chloride 154
The interference pattern due to light shows bright and dark
and nodes of a standing-wave pattern on a string While regions that appear similar to the antinodes
both the patterns are based on the superposition
prindple, give one major point of difference between the standing waves pattern
and the interference
Given two sets of slits S, and S,
Sale with reason for what combination of the slits and wavelengths will the interference pattern be
(a) most
spread out
b} least spread out?
) Fnd ratio of
the emacimum and minimum intensities produced due to superpositon of two coherent light
waves of intensity l and 4l.
Drawa) anequipotential
surfaces for
dipole and
b) hwo identcall positive charges placed near each other.
bdwen the plates, wa plate has an area of 6 K 01 and
) n a urallel rlate canulr wth ss
eparation betwen the plats 3mm
(a) Cakulate the capaitanrof the a t
wHld be he charge on each plate?
(0 the caaito n conntod lo ly suy, wlal ica sheel ot k b is inserted bet
(C) How woukd charee on the rate e affeted f a 3 nm thick
plate while the voltage suprty remains cunnete
Acaaitor of capaitance C, is change to a potential V, while another caper or capactance C, schan
to a potential ditference V, he capaitors ae nuw disconnected from their respecthve charging
onnected in parallel to each other
Pind the total energy stoed in the two capacitors before they are connected.
() Find the total enetgy stored in the parallel combination of the two capacitors.
() Eplain the rrason for the difference of enerEy in parallel combination in comparison to the tolal
before they an connected. (X, in 2)
33. (6) Show that an ldeal inductor does not dissipate power in an ac.
The variation of inductive reactance (X) of an inductor with the
a.c. 0V and variable frequency is
showni n h e