4gwireless Networks: Opportunities and Challenges: Sudhir Kumar, Ajay Kumar Yadav

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-1, January 2015

4GWireless Networks: Opportunities and challenges

Sudhir kumar, Ajay Kumar Yadav
provide round-the-clock services, telecoms monitor the core
Abstract Mobile communication is developing very rapidly subsystem daily and regularly gather statistics for
with passage of time, new technologies are being introduced to performance evaluation and improvement purposes.
facilitate the mobile users more from the technology. The past The edge subsystem (also commonly known as the edge
technologies are replaced by new ones and needs are growing
node) consists of a node that specifically acts as the interface
for the new technologies to be developed.
One such development is fourth generation networks. Also
between the core subsystem and the access subsystem. The
called future generation or Next Generation Networks. The edge node has a wired connection to the core node and a wired
introduction of 4G has widened the scope of mobile connection to the access node.
communication. Now mobile is not only a device used for talking It is called the edge because it is the node furthest away from
but its more or less a portable computer that can serve different the core (wired network) and closest to the access (wireless
purposes. 4G offers higher data rates with seamless roaming. part) node.
The mobile user can communicate without any disturbance The access subsystem (also commonly known as the access
while switching his coverage network. node or base station or radio station) consists of a node that
4G is still passing through research and therefore there are
specifically acts as an interface between the wired networks
some problems that need to be fixed in order to benefit the users
from it fully. In this report we discuss various challenges 4G is (via the edge node) and the wireless networks. It has an
facing and solutions to those problems are discussed. We interface that provides wireless coverage and connectivity
propose our own way of improving QoS in 4G by using (depending on the radio technologies used) to mobile
combination of mobility protocol SMIP and SIP. We propose terminals within its coverage range. Access nodes support
that by using such scheme we can achieve better QoS during the both uplink and downlink communications and such
process of handover. communications may be asymmetric in nature. Multiplexing
techniques are frequently used to support multiple users
within a wireless cell. Advanced modulation and equalization
Index Terms 4G Wireless Networks, mobile techniques help to boost data rates, increase reliability, and
communication, QoS, SMIP, SIP.
improved on error control. Access nodes can also provide
security features to ensure that only legitimate users can
access the code network. Access nodes are scattered about an
area to provide sufficient air coverage, with overlapping cells.
Over the years, there have been consistent improvements in Overlapping cells are needed to ensure smooth handoffs of
the design of cellular networks. The advancement is necessary mobile calls as the users migrate from one location to another.
in order to cope with increasing number of users, increasing Hence, access subsystem fulfills the role of fixed and mobile
level of traffic (voice, data, etc.,), and increasing level of convergence.
sophisticated but useful applications on mobile devices. The LTE Evolution: 3GPP Release 10 is higher peak rates and
quest for higher bandwidth, faster connection times, and provision of relaying solutions. Higher data rates are further
seamless handoffs, a scalable solution prompted engineers to achieved through carrier aggregation, spectrum aggregation
seek better solutions. Various standardization organizations and additional antennas (up to 8 antennas downlink, 4
have taken efforts to work on specific agenda, providing an antennas uplink), achieving 3Gbps peak data rate uplink and
open forum for ideas, contributions, and convergence to 1.5Gbps downlink.
agreed technical specifications. The ITU, IEEE, 3GPP, LTE is an all-IP based Network: It supports both IPv4 and
WWRF, etc., held regular meetings to address these issues IPv6. LTE is different from 3G by these aspects:
and they are mostly well attended by key industry players. Use of OFDM technology
Conventionally, we see the cellular network as a 3-layer Use of MIMO technology
system, comprising the core, the edge, and the access A new System Architecture Evolution (SAE)
subsystems. The core is the heart of the network system. LTE Advance Radio Technology: Use of MIMO, OFDM,
Essentially, it is the high end switch or a collection of such SIMO, TDD, FDD, Channel Coding and GSA. Downlink is
switches where perform very fast high speed switching, OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access),
handoffs, and also perform the necessary signaling, traffic uplink is SC-FDMA (Single Carrier-Frequency Division
control and management, and interaction with essential Multiple Access) or also known as DFTS-OFDM. Advanced
databases (such as location, AAA, etc). Hence, the core antenna solutions provide more signal diversity,
subsystem is mostly controlled and policed by the telecoms. beam-forming capability and multi-layer transmissions
Core subsystems contain the intelligence concerning traffic (through MIMO). There is considerable flexibility in the use
utilization, users profile, systems up and down time, etc. To of spectrum for LTE. LTE can work on new and existing
bands and over FDD and TDD. In terms of link adaptation,
Manuscript received January 19, 2015. LTE can use QPSK, 16QAM or 64QAM modulation schemes
Sudhir Kumar, M.Tech, EC Department, Mewar University and it performs channel coding to provide robustness against
Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, INDIA
Ajay Kumar Yadav, PhD Scholar ECE Department, Mewar
poor channel conditions (ie., build redundancy into the bits).
University Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, INDIA The 15KHz tones provide a long symbol time, resulting in

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4GWireless Networks: Opportunities and challenges

robustness against multipath propagation and time dispersion stations are also called the eNodeB or eNB. eNB are
issues. MIMO provides transmit diversity, receive diversity, connected to the core network gateway via a S1 interface
and spatial multiplexing characteristics. These greatly boost while eNBs can be connected to other eNBs in a mesh manner
transmission performance. European via an X2 interface. This rich interconnection provides faster
operators will use 2.6GHz band. Reusing GSM bands for handoff of connections during roaming by mobile stations.
LTE is possible. LTE can be used in both TDD and FDD The radio resource control handled by the eNB includes: (a)
modes. LTE provides flexible channel bandwidth: the admissions control, (b) load balancing, and (c) mobility
smallest being 1.4MHz, followed by 3, 5, 10, 15, and 20 control (handoff decisions).
3G LTE Specification: Earlier LTE specifications are shown
LTE SAE (System Architecture Evolution): SAE in the table below. Different modulation schemes can be used
essentially moves some of the core network functions to the and mobility rate can be as high as vehicular speeds.
edge (periphery) to achieve a flatter network and lower
latency. SAE provides different advantages over 3G
architectures, such as: (a) improved data capacity, (b) all-IP
architectures, (c) reduced latency, and (d) reduced operation
and capital costs. SAE uses a common gateway node, all-IP
based systems (with IP-based protocols), an MME (mobility
management entity) and a radio access network and core
network functional split. The main element of LTE SAW is
the EPC (Evolved Packet Core). The EPC connects to several

Voice over LTE (VoLTE): Mobile operators receive over

80% of their revenues from SMS and voice traffic, which
implies that operators want LTE to support Voice differently
than just using VoIP. VoLTE utilizes IMS (IP Multimedia
Subsystem). VoLTE was developed by a collaboration of
over 40 operators, including Verizon, AT&T, Nokia, and
Within the EPC, there are 4 elements. MME handles Alcatel-Lucent. VoLTE is an IMS-based specification. 3 new
intra-LTE handoffs, bearer activation and de-activation, and signaling interfaces are defined in VoLTE: (a) UNI, (b)
interacts with HSS to authenticate user. Hence, MME Roaming R-NNI, and
provides control plane functionality. The SGW (Serving (c) Interconnection I-NNI.
Gateway) is a data plane element for the magaing of user
plane mobility and acts as the gateway between RAN (Radio LTE Security: SIM is one of the key elements of GSM
Access Network) and the Core Network. When mobile station security. The SIM allows one to keep the identity of the
move across areas served by different eNodeBs, the SGW subscriber in an encrypted manner. In LTE, UMTS
serves as the anchor point, ensure continuity of data path. The Subscriber Identity Module was introduced (USIM) which
third element is the PGW (PDN Gateway) which provides has similar functionality as the GSM SIM.
connectivity to the mobile station to external PDN (Packet
Data Networks). The PCRF (Policy & Charging Rules 4G LTE = IMT-A = LTE-A: Is the new 4G technology. As
Function) detects service flow, and enforces charging policy. shown in the table below, LTE-A can provide as much as 10x
the speed (both uplink and downlink) of LTE. In addition,
latency is also lower.

Compared to the 3G UMTS / WCDMA with UTRAN, in LTE

SAE, the RNC (Radio Network Controller) and radio
resource management is moved to the base stations. Such base

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-1, January 2015
WiMax is the other alternative to LTE-A, but WiMax is less Security and Privacy
appealing compared to LTE-A. LTE-A will use OFDMA and
MIMO technologies, with more antenna additions. LTE-A In the development of 4G Networks, security measures
utilizes carrier aggregation technique to boost transmission must be established that enable data transmission to be as safe
capacity. IMT-A sets the maximum channel bandwidth as as possible. Specifically, The 4G core addresses mobility,
100MHz. security, and QoS through reuse of existing mechanisms while
LTE-CoMP: LTE-A includes LTE-CoMP (co-ordinated still trying to work on some mobility and handover issues
multipoint) which turns inter-cell interference into useful [3]. Therefore, it is necessary for the organization to develop
signal. LTE-CoMP refers to the dynamic coordination of an effective series of tools that support maximum 4G security
transmission and reception among different base stations. measures as a means of protecting data that is transmitted
across the network from hackers and other security violations.
Because of the nature of the 4G network, there is an increased
likelihood of security attacks, and therefore, multiple levels of
security, including increased requirements for authentication,
will be necessary to protect data and information that is
transmitted across the network [3].

One of the main goals of G4 networks is to blanket very

wide geographic area with seamless service. Obviously,
smaller local area networks will run different operating
systems. The heterogeneity of these wireless networks
exchanging different types of data complicates the security
and privacy issues. Furthermore, the encryption and
Figure: LTE-CoMP allows multiple eNBs coordination decryption methods being used for 3G networks are not
appropriate for 4G networks as new devices and services are
LTE-CoMP allows the mobile at the edge of a cell to be introduced for the first time in 4G networks. To overcome
served by 2 or more eNBs to improve signal transmission and these security and privacy issues, two approaches can be
reception thereby increasing throughput especially under cell followed. The first is to modify the existing security and
edge situations. Intelligence is added to LTE-CoMP such that privacy methods so that they will be applicable to
multiple simultaneous transmission of user data from multiple heterogeneous 4G networks. Another approach is to develop
eNBs to a single mobile station and the dynamic cell selection new dynamic reconfigurable, adaptive, and lightweight
mechanisms whenever the currently utilized methods cannot
with data transmission from a single eBN.
be adapted to 4G networks [14].
LTE-A Relaying: Its purpose is to enhance wireless
coverage and capacity. One of the hard issues is dealing with
poor signal conditions at cell edges. LTE relays actually Quality of Service
demodulate and decode the received signal, apply any
necessary error correction and then retransmit an entirely new With respect to network quality, many
signal. This relay provides a clean signal to be propagated telecommunications providers are promising that there will be
out again. A mobile station actually talks to the relay node, enhanced connectivity, and the quality of data that is
which in turn communicates with an eNB, hence the term transmitted across the network will be of the highest possible
relay. Relay nodes are fixed elements, they do not move quality, as in the case of Ericssons 4G Network for
unlike the mobile station. TeliaSonera [7]. The company promises that The new 4G
network will do for broadband what mobile telephony did for
4G LTE Coverage & Services: We will now look at the 4G voice. With real-time performance, and about 10 times higher
LTE providers in the USA, i.e., VERIZON and AT&T. data rates compared to today's mobile broadband networks,
Verizon claims that its 4G LTE coverage include over 175 consumers can always be connected, even on the move [7].
cities and supports over 186 million users in the USA. As a result, it is important for providers to develop an
Verizon identifies several applications of 4G LTE, such as effective approach to the 4G Network that will enhance
transportation, emergencies, distribution, health care, utility quality, provide effective security measures, and will ensure
industries, construction sector, financial services, that all users are provided with extensive alternatives for
manufacturing, etc. For mobile broadband devices, Verizon downloading video, music, and picture files without delays.
charges $30/month for 2GB. Verizon LTE smart phones
operate at the LTE 700 MHz band, with CDMA 1xEVDO/3G The main challenge that 4G networks are facing is
integrating non-IP-based and IP-based devices. It is known
at 800 and 1900 MHz band.
that devices that are not IP address based are generally used
for services such as VoIP. On the other hand, devices that are
most 4G markets are targeted at the east coast of USA, in IP address based are used for data delivery. 4G networks will
particular, major cities where population concentration is serve both types of devices. Consequently, integrating the
important. Also, Verizon 3G coverage has been mechanisms of providing services to both non-IP-based as
predominantly covering the whole of USA, with the exception well as IP-based devices is one of key challenges 4G networks
of some rural areas. have to address [17, 19].

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4GWireless Networks: Opportunities and challenges


1.Multimode End-User Terminals The adoption, deployment, and usage of 4G LTE

To reduce operating costs, devices that operate on 4G technologies are now in full swing. Major telecoms operators
networks should have the capability to operate in different are offering such services. Consumers have readily jumped
networks. This will not only reduce the operating cost but will the queue to acquire 4G phones and services. The provision of
also simplify design problems and will reduce power high speed and low latency features will certainly empower
consumption. However, accessing different mobile and smart-phone and mobile-device users to run sophisticated
wireless networks simultaneously is one of the major issues applications (social networks, maps, banking, search, etc.,) in
4G networks have been addressing. One mechanism that has addition to our normal voice calls, SMS and MMS. The top 8
been proposed to handle this problem is termed multi-mode wireless carriers in USA are: Verizon, AT&T, Sprint Nextel,
devices. This mechanism can be achieved through a software T-Mobile, Clear wire, Metro PCS, US Cellular, and Leap
radio that allows the end-user device to adapt itself to various Wireless.
wireless interfaces of the networks. Figure 2 shows an 4G wireless networks not only enable more efficient, scalable,
example of such solution. and reliable wireless services but also provides wider variety
of services. These opportunities come with a need for
rethinking our security, privacy, architect and billing
technologies have been used for previous generations. We
believe, however, that future research will overcome these
challenges and integrate newly developed services to 4G


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