4G Wireless Technology: S.Niveditha Iii Year Be Cse
4G Wireless Technology: S.Niveditha Iii Year Be Cse
4G Wireless Technology: S.Niveditha Iii Year Be Cse
Mobile communication is continuously one of the hottest areas that are developing at a booming speed, with advanced techniques
emerging in all the fields of mobile and wireless communications. With this rapid development it is expected that fourth generation
mobile systems will be launched within decades.
4G mobile systems focus on seamlessly integrating the existing wireless technologies. This contrasts with 3G, which merely
focuses on developing new standards and hardware. 4G systems will support comprehensive and personalized services, providing
stable system performance and quality service.
"4G" doesn't just define a standard; it describes an environment where radio access methods will be able to interoperate to
provide communications sessions that can seamlessly "hand-off" between them. More than any other technology, 4G will have a
profound impact on the entire wireless landscape and the total value chain. This paper focuses on the vision of 4G and briefly
explains the technologies and features of 4G.
Introduction: brought the Internet into mobile personal
communications. This was a revolutionary concept
Mobile communications and wireless networks leading to hybrid communications.
are developing at an astounding speed. The approaching 3G is deploying a new system offer multimedia
4G (fourth generation) mobile communication systems transmission, global roaming across a cellular or other
are projected to solve still-remaining problems of 3G single type of wireless network, and bit rates ranging
(third generation) systems and to provide a wide variety from 384 Kbps to several Mbps. Based on intelligent
of new services, from high-quality voice to high- DSP techniques, various multimedia data
definition video to high-data-rate wireless channel. communications services are transmitted by convergent
4G can be defined as MAGIC—Mobile 3G networks. 3G still leaves some unsolved problems
multimedia, anytime anywhere, Global mobility support, that it does not concern or concerns only partly.
integrated wireless solution, and customized personal The limitations and difficulties of 3G include:
service. 4G is used broadly to include several types of Limitation of spectrum and its
broadband wireless access communication systems along allocation.
with cellular telephone systems. The 4G systems not only Difficult to roam across distinct
will support the next generation of mobile service, but service environment in different frequency bands.
also will support the fixed wireless networks. Lack of end-to-end seamless
transport mechanism spanning a mobile sub-network and
The 4G systems will interoperate with 2G and a fixed one.
3G systems, as well as with digital (broadband) However, the demand for higher access speed multimedia
broadcasting systems and IP-based one. The 4G communication in today's society and the limitations of
infrastructure consists of a set of various networks using 3G communication service wave the path for 4G mobile
IP (Internet protocol) as a common protocol so that users communication.
are in control because they will be able to choose every
application and environment. 4G mobile data Architecture of 4G:
transmission rates are planned to be up to 20 megabits per
second. One of the most challenging problems
facing deployment of 4G technology is how to
Evaluation: access several different mobile and wireless
networks. There are three possible architectures for
Traditionally, wireless systems were considered as an 4G.
auxiliary approach that was used in regions where it was • Multimode devices
difficult to build a connection by wire line. • Overlay network
1G was based on analogy technique and deployed in the • Common access protocol.
1980s. It built the basic structure of mobile
communications and solved many fundamental problems, Multimode devices:
e.g. cellular architecture adopting, multiplexing frequency
band, roaming across domain, non-interrupted This architecture uses a single physical
communication in mobile circumstances, etc. Speech chat terminal with multiple interfaces to access services
was the only service of 1G. on different wireless networks. It may improve call
2G was based on digital signal processing techniques and completion and expand effective coverage area. It
regarded as a revolution from analogy to digital should also provide reliable wireless coverage in
technology, which has gained tremendous success during case of network, link, or switch failure. The user,
1990s with GSM as the representative. The utilization of device, or network can initiate handoff between
SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) cards and support networks. The device itself incorporates most of the
capabilities for a large number of users were 2G’s main additional complexity without requiring wireless
contributions network modification or employing interworking
2.5G extended the 2G with data service and packet devices. Each network can deploy a database that
switchinods, and it was regarded as 3G services for 2G
networks. Under the same networks with 2G, 2.5G
keeps track of user location, device capabilities,
network conditions, and user preferences.
A successful broadband
wireless system must have an efficient co-
designed medium access control (MAC)
layer for reliable link performance over
the lossy wireless channel. The
corresponding MAC is designed so that
the TCP/IP layer sees a high quality link
that it expects. This is achieved by an
automatic retransmission and
fragmentation mechanism (ARQ), wherein
The target frequency band for Frequency selectivity caused by multipath
this system is 2 to 5 GHz due to favorable improves the rank distribution of the
propagation characteristics and low radio- channel matrices across frequency tones,
frequency (RF) equipment cost. The thereby increasing capacity.
broadband channel is typically non-LOS
channel and includes impairments such as Open Backbone Network Access
time-selective fading and frequency- Platform:
selective fading.
Advantages: In recent years, access aggregation
technologies have been developed that
Spatial diversity and coding gains for allow a common access and transport
large link budget gains (>10 dB). network to bear the traffic of subscribers
It Increases data rates due to multiple from multiple service providers.
transmit and receive antennas. Separating access and transport from
It Increases base station-to-user capacity. service accomplishes two points:
Cost is scalable with performance.
It eliminates the burden of building out an
Disadvantage: access network, reducing the barrier to
entry for new service providers and
Multiple antennas at the transmitter improving the growth potential for
and receiver provide diversity in a fading existing service providers.
environment. By employing multiple
antennas, multiple spatial channels are It promotes technical and business
created and it is unlikely all the channels efficiencies for access and transport
will fade simultaneously. enterprises due to economies of scale and
the ability to resell that access
OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division infrastructure to multiple service
Multiplexing): providers.