Master Thesis: Tomas Melin. Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) - Department of Aeronautics. December 2000
Master Thesis: Tomas Melin. Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) - Department of Aeronautics. December 2000
Master Thesis: Tomas Melin. Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) - Department of Aeronautics. December 2000
Tomas Melin.
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).
Department of Aeronautics.
December 2000.
Tomas Melin. KTH, Department of Aeronautics. Page 2 (45)
A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
This document is the Master thesis "A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear
Aerodynamics Wing Applications" by Tomas Melin. A user's manual for the developed
vortex lattice code "Tornado" is also included.
The physical problem addressed was to find the aerodynamic forces acting on an aircraft
flying at low subsonic speeds, below the stall limit. The primary research issue was to detect
if it would be possible to code a vortex lattice method fast enough for real time application.
One of the requirements was that it must be possible to perform computations for most types
of wing layouts. The current version of Tornado handles tapered, swept, dihedraled and
twisted multi cranked wing configurations with trailing edge control surfaces.
The governing equations used to solve the physical problem came from standard vortex lattice
theory. The law of Biot-Savart was used to get the flowfield around a finite straight vortex
line, one of the basic vortex segments needed for the lattice. These vortices induce a flow
field in the air, and their strength was determined by the boundary conditions that no air
should flow through the wings.
The forces acting on each vortex segment can be determined by employing the Kutta-
Jukovski theorem. These forces may then be integrated to yield a composite force in 3
dimensions, which in turn may be used to compute aerodynamic coefficients and stability
The computational problem is to creating a good system for dealing with the mathematical
results. The Tornado code allows many different kinds of computations, which yields good
coherence with experimental data.
The Tornado code has shown very good coherence with theoretical data, such as Jones' small
aspect ratio theory and Prandtl's lifting line. Furthermore, Tornado gives good results when
comparing with commercial software and also yield accurate results when comparing to
experimental data. However, the computing time for more complex geometry consume
solution times in the order of minutes, which is too slow for a real time application, such as a
flight simulator.
The conclusion is that Tornado may be used for a wide variety of applications, but that the
real time vortex lattice method still requires more computing capacity than available in
desktop computers.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
CONTENTS. ..........................................................................................................................................................3
SYMBOLS. .......................................................................................................................................................5
1 INTRODUCTION. .............................................................................................................................................7
1.1 BACKGROUND. ..........................................................................................................................................7
2 PHYSICAL PROBLEM. ...................................................................................................................................7
2.1 DIFFERENT FORCES.........................................................................................................................................8
2.1.1 Pressure forces. ......................................................................................................................................8
2.2.2 Friction forces. .......................................................................................................................................8
1.3 SEPARATING THE PROBLEM. ...........................................................................................................................9
1.4 LINEAR AERODYNAMICS. ............................................................................................................................... 9
2.4.1 Potential Flow. .....................................................................................................................................10
2.4.2 Vortices.................................................................................................................................................10
3. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM....................................................................................................................11
3.1 SOLUTION DOMAIN.......................................................................................................................................11
3.1.1 Potential flow........................................................................................................................................11
3.1.2 Biot-Savart............................................................................................................................................12
3.1.2 The Vortex Lattice Method. ..................................................................................................................13
4 COMPUTATIONAL METHOD.....................................................................................................................16
4.1 VORTEX LATTICE..........................................................................................................................................16
4.1.1 Preprocessor.........................................................................................................................................16
4.1.2 Solver....................................................................................................................................................17
4.1.3 Postprocessor. ......................................................................................................................................20
4.2 COMPUTATION ACCURACY VS COMPUTATION SPEED. .................................................................................20
4.3 THE GEOMETRY PROBLEM IN 3D, FROM SIMPLE TO COMPLEX. .....................................................................21
4.3.1 Taper, Sweep and Dihedral on a quadrilateral wing. ..........................................................................21
4.3.2 Twist and the skewed vortex loop. ........................................................................................................22
4.3.3 Camber and thin airfoil boundary application. ....................................................................................22
4.3.4 The polyhedral wing. ............................................................................................................................23
4.3.5 The multi wing configuration................................................................................................................24
4.4 KINKS AND QUIRKS. .....................................................................................................................................24
4.4.1 The panel normal..................................................................................................................................24
4.4.2 The panel area. .....................................................................................................................................25
4.4.3 Reference units .....................................................................................................................................26
4.4.4 Trailing vortices Wake..........................................................................................................................26
4.4.5 The far wake problem. ..........................................................................................................................26
4.4.6 The piercing vortex remedy. .................................................................................................................28
4.4.7 Analogy with the inwash problem.........................................................................................................29
4.4.8 Free wake. ............................................................................................................................................29
4.4.9 Rotations...............................................................................................................................................30
4.4.10 Deflected surfaces: .............................................................................................................................30
5 VALIDATION. .................................................................................................................................................31
5.1 METHOD .......................................................................................................................................................31
5.1.1 Prandtl's Lifting line and Jones small aspect ratio...............................................................................31
5.1.2 Bertin & Smith example........................................................................................................................32
5.1.3 Comparison with commercial software. ............................................................................................... 34
5.1.4 Experimental Results. ...........................................................................................................................38
6 RESULTS..........................................................................................................................................................40
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
9 REFERENCES. ................................................................................................................................................44
10 BIBLIOGRAPHY...........................................................................................................................................45
11 APPENDIX. ....................................................................................................................................................45
Tomas Melin. KTH, Department of Aeronautics. Page 5 (45)
A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
ff N Friction force.
2 ⋅U
q̂ rad q ⋅ c mac Dimensionless pitch rate
2 ⋅U
r̂ rad r ⋅ bref Dimensionless yaw rate.
2 ⋅U
δ rad Control surface deflection. Control surface deflection.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
When the project resulting in this thesis was defined, its aim was to researching whether or
not a vortex lattice method (VLM) could be used in a real time application such as an aircraft
simulator. The VLM would supply the aerodynamic force model for the simulation and
hopefully do this with a better resolution than a table lookup/interpolation routine would do.
Fairly soon it became clear that it was possible to do the computations in real time for coarse
aircraft models, but then the output would be no better than a table lookup routine. The focus
was then shifted towards producing a vortex lattice method implemented in Matlab with an
easily extendable interface.
This thesis will deal mostly with the standard vortex lattice methodology even though the real
time issue will be addressed in the discussion.
It should be said however, that computer power is still increasing and that a real-time
application might very well be possible in only a few years.
As air flows around the airframe of an aircraft forces build up. These forces can be derived
from pressure and friction acting on every free surface of the interface between the fluid (air)
and the airframe (wings, body control surfaces etc.). The resulting force acting on the aircraft
is given by integrating the distributed forces across the interface as shown in figure 1.
Figure 1: Showing aircraft with resulting force. Partial blowup showing pressure and tangential forces.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
Figure 2. The boundary layer, tangential speed and viscous movement. The arrows are velocity vectors of
the air. A shows the profile and B the local enlargement with visible boundary layer.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
Fig 3: Linear domain, the lift coefficient as a function of angle of attack. Shown here for three different kinds
of wings. The linear domain resides between the arrows.
These limitations make the linear theory impossible to use in some parts of the
flight envelope. However, the linear theory is very useful indeed, as every
aircraft spend time (and some of them, quite a lot) in the linear domain. For
example, take-off and landing both occur at low speeds, and preferably below
the stall limit.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
2.4.2 Vortices.
In the mathematical discussion below, the vortex will emerge as one of the basic
singularities in potential flow theory. However, the vortex is also a flow that
occurs naturally in weather patterns such as tornadoes and hurricanes. More
artificial occurrences are the vortices forming in an emptying bathtub or the
magnetic field vortex, the electrical current. Another artificial vortex, one that
has close relationship with the vortex lattice methods, is the wing tip vortex
coming of the tip of any aircraft wing generating lift. Figure number four shows
this tip vortex pattern.
Fig 4: A F-18 Hornet in a carrier cat-shot aboard the USS Enterprise. Steam from the catapult form
vortices at the wing tips. The main wing is producing positive lift, hence the counter clockwise
vortex, the tail is producing negative lift thus it's tip vortex rotates in the opposite direction. Judging
from the size of the vortices, not much positive net lift is available, but a lot of nose up moment is.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
This mathematical theory can be, and is, applied to many physical problems.
Among these are the theory of electric potential and the theory of velocity
potentials in flow fields.
In the case of a fluid flow the field is defined as follows for an irrotational,
incompressible flow. [J.D. Anderson, 1991]:
formation of line sources, vortex sheets and so on. As one may use an arbitrary
number of singularities the concept of using numerical methods is close at hand.
Today, a wide variety of methods exist and one of them is the vortex lattice
method (VLM).
3.1.2 Biot-Savart.
One special kind of singularity is the vortex line. The infinite vortex line induces
a flow field around a line with the induced flow perpendicular to the radius and
the strength inversely proportional to the radius. The field is defined by equation
U= eΘ ..............................................................................( 6 )
2π ⋅ r
Where Γ is the field strength, r the radius to line and U the induced velocity.
The matter changes slightly when we consider a vortex line with finite length, a
vortex segment. In this case the induced field is defined by the law of Biot and
Savart, which is represented in equation 7.
* Γn dl × r*
dV =
( )
.......................................................................( 7 )
4πr 2
Equation 7 can be integrated to give the induced velocity for a vortex segment
of arbitrary length. This is done in [Bertin & Smith, p. 294]. It takes the form of
equation ( 8 )
& Γ r& × r& & &
* r1 r2
V = n &1 & 2 2 r ⋅
0 − ..................................................( 8 )
4π r1 × r2 r1 r2
The nomenclature is explained in figure 5.
These vortex segments can be utilized to build very intricate vortex systems,
such as the meshwork of vortex segments used in the vortex lattice.
The traditional vortex lattice method uses three vortex segments for the "vortex
horse-shoe" used on every panel. Tornado on the other hand, uses 7 vortex
segments for each panel.
Figure 6: The standard vortex lattice method. The enlarged panel shows how the vortex horseshoe
is positioned in respect to the collocation point where the boundary condition will be met.
Each horseshoe starts in infinity behind the wing move forward to one of the
subdivisions of the wing (called panel) crosses this panel in the quarter chord
line and then goes back to infinity behind the wing.
The Tornado code is an evolved version of the standard vortex lattice in that the
wake coming off the trailing edge realigns with the free stream, see more about
this in chapter 4.4.8 - Free Wake.
The flow field from all the vortices creates a downwash on the panel. This
induced flow should be balanced out by the boundary condition set by the free
stream and the angle of attack. It is then possible to solve for vortex strength.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
When this is done the free stream velocity vector is added to the (self)-induced
flow field at the vortex midpoint, (here called inwash). This induced flow may
then be used to get the force acting on the panel employing the Kutta-Jukovski
theorem (equation 9).
F = ρ(Vind × Γ )⋅ l ........................................................................( 9 )
Using international units, F would be the force vector in Newton, ρ the air
density in kilograms per cubic meter. V is the induced air velocity vector. Γ is
the vortex strength and l the length, or span, of the vortex segment crossing the
The good thing with the vortex lattice method is that it allows for an arbitrary
number of panels to be used to create a system of equations, as equation 10
w11 w12 . . Γ1 b1
w .. . . . .
21 ⋅ = ................................................(10)
. . .. . . .
. . . wnn Γn bn
In this system, w is the flow from each vortex through each panel, gamma is the
vortex strength (unknown), and b is the flow through each panel as determined
by the flight condition (angle of attack, sideslip and so on.). The scheme for
obtaining the forces on each panel then works just as in the single vortex case.
The vortex lattice method employed in the Matlab program Tornado 1.0 is a
straightforward implementation of the standard vortex lattice method. The
original source of the VLM used in Tornado is [J.Moran, 1984] but influences
have come from a number of sources, please see the bibliography section.
Tornado has some non-standard implementations, which are addressed in the
computational method section.
4.1.1 Preprocessor.
The preprocessor sets up the vortex lattice and the boundary conditions from the
user inputs. Tornado accepts file input as well as interactive input. The
preprocessor has a number of internal steps, described here.
The user should be able to define the aircraft shape, as he wants it. In the current
version of Tornado the input is either done through file or through interactive
input. The preprocessor takes care of this and forwards all relevant information
to the layout function.
From the user input, the preprocessor must setup the wing layout, or the
planform. The wings should be located at specific coordinates with
predetermined geometric angle of attack, span, sweep, dihedral and so on. The
deflecting control surfaces should be located in the correct position and have the
proper size. The trick is to get the corner points of the wings to be positioned in
the appropriate coordinates.
When the planform is laid out, the meshing function divides the wings into
panels. In the very simplest case one panel per wing is sufficient but increasing
accuracy comes with greater numbers of panels. The corner points of each panel
are important as they are used in the computation of the area of each panel.
Furthermore they are the source of the position of the collocation point, the
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
point at ¾ panel chord where the boundary condition should be satisfied. From
the panel corner points the vortex coordinates are computed. The first point of
each vortex-sling should be in the infinity behind the aircraft, however it's more
appropriate for visualization to put this point somewhere 2-3 wing spans behind
the aircraft, it will be shown later that the influence from the truncated part can
be neglected. The second vortex point is located at the trailing edge, parallel to
the port side chord of the panel in question (see figure 8). The next vortex point
is located at the hinge line (if there is a deflecting control surface downstream of
the panel), the following vortex point is at the ¼ chord position on port side of
the panel in question. Here the vortex crosses the panel to the starboard side and
this vortex segment will later be producing lift. The vortex line then continues
rearwards on the starboard side in the same manner.
Furthermore, the normal of each panel at the collocation point must also be
calculated. The normal is a vital instrument when calculating the flow
perpendicular to the panel. A chart of the described flow is shown in figure (7).
4.1.2 Solver.
The task of the solver is to convert the intermediary results of the preprocessor
(i.e. the lattice) into forces and moments. The input data from the preprocessor
contains all of the information necessary for the numerical approach described
earlier. The internal steps of the solver is described below:
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
Firstly the downwash, or aerodynamic influence, from the vortex-slings is
calculated for every vortex at every collocation point. This is a very time
consuming event, which represents more than half of the actual computation
Boundary condition:
Secondly the boundary conditions are set up, no flow parallel to the panel
normal at the collocation point. This means that the far field velocity vector,
together with any rigid body rotations of the aircraft, should equal the
downwash generated by the vortices. The vortex strength is then solved for with
usual Gaussian elimination.
When the vortex strengths have been determined, the inwash has to be
calculated. This is readily done by the same function that calculates the
downwash, but instead of computing the induced flow at the collocation point,
the vortex flow at the spanwise vortex segment's midpoint is computed. To
obtain the complete flow field the vortex flow field is added to the infinity air
stream and any rigid body rotation speeds.
Force computation:
Using equation 9 the force acting on each panel can be calculated. From this the
pressure on each panel is computed. The forces are integrated to yield resultant
forces in the body system. In the same way the Body fixed moments are
computed. With these two vectors, conversion to wind system vectors is
When the resultant force and moments vectors in the wind system has been
determined, the creation of the aerodynamic coefficients is done in the standard
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
Stability derivatives.
The first order derivatives of the aerodynamic coefficients are called stability
derivatives, and they can be calculated in different manners. One way, which
yield visual results is to perform a parameter sweep, such as a sweep of angle of
attack, and plotting CL and CD versus alpha. To get more accurate numbers one
can perform a central difference approximation at a certain flight condition.
A flowchart of the solver is presented in figure 8.
Setup of Aerodynamic
Aerodynamic Influence,
Influence, BOUNDARY
Stability Aerodynamic
4.1.3 Postprocessor.
The postprocessor's duty is to display the computed results in a comprehensive
manner. Although there may be some issues of sorting data and choosing the
best view for a plot there is not much effort that has to be put on this side,
neither in computation time or programming time. This of course depends on the
language used. As Tornado uses Matlab, many of the plotting and sorting
routines are indigenous. A flow chart of the postprocessor is available in figure
Opening Sorting
Results Plot Data
Fig 14: Tornado layout of large transport (The Boeing 747-100 was used as template).
The vectors AC and BC are both located in the plane of the panel, therefore the
normal of this plane is parallel to the cross product of these two vectors.
The reference area is computed by summing up all panel areas on the first
defined wing, which is considered to be the main wing. This may yield a slightly
larger reference area than other approaches, but there is a default setting where
the user may set an arbitrary reference area to be used throughout the
The mean aerodynamic chord is computed in the following way. The mean
aerodynamic chord for each quadrilateral wing partition of the first defined wing
is completed by equation 11 [A.Karlsson, 1998]. These intermediary mean
aerodynamic chords are weighed by their surface and then summed, and the
mean value is calculated.
2 1 + λ + λ2
CMAC = cr .................................................................(11)
3 1+ λ
where Cr is the root chord and λ the taper ratio.
The reference span equals the span of the first wing.
All three of these reference units may be set to a default value in a configuration
function of Tornado.
may be done as most of the aerodynamic influence comes from the part of the
trailing vortex leg that is close to the wing. Figure 17 shows the decreased
influence of a vortex line with vortex length. At a vortex length corresponding
to 15 times the distance between the collocation point and the vortex line, the
aerodynamic influence of the truncated part (from 15 on to infinity) is virtually
Figure 17: The far wake problem. The doubble arrow symbolises the vorticity vector and the
x the collocation point. The distance between the vortex and the collocation point is one.
The function plotted is:
1− .................................................................................................. (12)
Where vtrunc is the influence from a truncated vortex line, and vinf is the
downwash from a semi-infinite vortex line
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
Fig 18: Piercing vortex. A vortex segment or segmetn enlongation pierces a collocation
point, creating a singularity error.
The downwash is however a vector, in this degenerate case with direction
undefined. Hence the downwash in the center of the vortex line could be said to
be zero, just as the magnetic field inside a current carrying conductor is zero (see
figure 19).
Fig 19: Direction undefined. Section A shows the direction of the field while section B shows the
field strength.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
Fig 20: A flat arrow shaped wing flying with an angle of attack of 25 degrees. The wake
follows the free stream as it leaves the trailing edge.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
4.4.9 Rotations
In the same way as with varying angles, the wake also changes shape if there is
rotations involved. This is most notable in the roll case where the wake assumes
the shape of a corkscrew. Also pitch and yaw rotations yield a deflected wake,
see figure 21 for reference.
Fig 21: Rotations and wake. The same arrow wing in a 3 degree per meter roll.
Fig 22: Flat rectangular wing with center flap deflected downward 20 degrees.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
5.1 Method
This chapter deals with the code validation of Tornado. The validation was executed by
comparing Tornado computational results with:
Theoretical data
Other Vortex lattice methods and panel codes.
Experimental data.
The first comparison was between Tornado and the two theoretical values of the lift-curve
slope obtained through Jones' small aspect ratio theory and Prandtl's lifting line theory.
Fig 23: Tornado, Prandtl's lifting line and Jones' small aspect ratio theory comparison.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
The lift-curve slope computed by Bertin and Smith equals 3.443 per rad, while
the lift-curve slope calculated by Tornado equals 3.450, which represents a
difference of 0.2%. This is considered a good correlation, since the two methods
differ slightly. When plotted, as in figure 25, these data become interchangeable.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
Fig 25: Tornado computation results compared with Bertin and Smith data.
The solid line represents VLM results both form Tornado and Bertin and Smith, since the data match.
The circular marks are, according to Bertin and Smith, experimental data from [Weber & Brebner].
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
Table 1 shows data from AVL, VIRGIT, CMARC and Tornado respectively.
AVL, VIRGIT and Tornado are all vortex lattice methods while CMARC is a panel method.
The derivatives are evaluated at a flight condition of zero degrees of angle of attack. The
computationa model used in Tornado is the file "C172B.mat" and "steady.mat","cruice.mat".
CL,α 4,98 5,25 5,214 5,2763 1
CD,α 0 -0,005 0,086 -0,022 2
CYα 0 0 0 0 -
Cl,α 0 0 0 0 -
Cm,α -0,33 -0,85 -1,432 -1,498 3
Cn,α 0 0 0 0 -
CL,β 0 0 0 0 -
CD,β 0 0 0 0 -
CY,β -0,26 -0,24 -0,104 -0,3 5
Cl,β 0,33 0,007 0,063 0,025 6
Cm,β 0 0 0 0 -
Cn,β 0,092 0,1 0,042 0,12 7
CL, p̂ 0 0 0 0 -
CD, p̂ 0 0 0 0 -
CY, p̂ -0,066 -0,1 -0,015 -0,039 8
Cl, p̂ -0,325 -0,52 -0,995 -0,526 9
Cm, p̂ 0 0 0 0 -
Cn, p̂ -0,007 -0,01 -0,133 -0,006 9
CD, q̂ 0 0 0 0,128 11
Cm, q̂ 0 0 0 0 -
Cl, q̂ 0 0 0 0 -
Cn, q̂ 0 0 0 0 -
CL, r̂ 0 0 0 0 -
CD, r̂ 0 0 0 0 -
CY, r̂ 0,209 0,23 0,45 0,271 9, 7
Cl, r̂ 0,021 0,008 0,195 0,009 9, 7
Cm, r̂ 0 0 0 0 -
Cn, r̂ -0,075 -0,095 -0,212 -0,11 9, 7
Table 1: Comparison between AVL, CMARC and Tornado. AVL and CMARC data from [P.Manzi] .
VIRGIT data are from [S.Hedman, 1997] and TORNADO results are from a 169-panel model.
Sign conventions and normalizing factors have been changed where appropriate.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
1. CL, alpha: The value from Tornado is higher than both AVL and CMARC
data. The difference stems both from the difference in methods and from the
difference in the input geometry.
2. The drag-curve slope should be zero if we consider the slope at CL=0.
Tornado has negative lift at alpha =0 (geometric alpha), and VIRGIT probably
does to. CMARC probably also has an offset from the zero lift alpha.
3. Values differ due to different placements of the reference point. The Tornado
computation has the reference point at 31.9% CMAC, VIRGIT at 29.5%Cref and
AVL reference point placement unknown.
5. The vertical tail gets an angle of attack and produces lift. The offset in the
CMARC result could depend on the fuselage model.
6. Differences depend mostly on Z position of reference point.
7. Position of reference point has an affect here and the offset in the CMARC
result could depend on the fuselage model.
8. Differences could depend on Z position of reference point.
9 Results influenced by method and geometry differences. The offset in the
CMARC result could depend on the fuselage model.
10. Modeling and method differences.
11. Connected to #10, a change in lift should give a change in drag.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
CL,δe -0,66 -0,67 1
CD,δe 0,08 -0,01 2
CY,δe 0 0 -
Cl,δe 0 0 -
Cm,δe 1,85 1,867 3
Cn,δe 0 0 -
CL,δa 0 0 -
CD,δa 0 0 -
CY,δa 0,04 0,037 4
Cl,δa 0,317 0,448 5
Cm,δa 0 0 -
Cn,δa -0,034 -0,0051 6
CL,δr 0 0 -
CD,δr 0 0 -
CY,δr -0,18 -0,185 7
Cl,δr -0,006 -0,001 6
Cm,δr 0 0
Cn,δr 0,079 0,079 8
Table 3: Comparison between Cessna aircraft company's 172 data and Tornado output
data. Sign conventions and normalizing factors have been changed where appropriate
1. The Tornado computation was set to yield this result in order to ensure that
the comparison was made same flight condition.
2. The Tornado value is lower, which is expected since no friction drag is
modeled. The angle of attack is low, which means low induced drag.
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A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
3. The lift-curve slope for the real aircraft is lower than the computed value
because of fuselage and thickness effects.
4. The Cessna report value is for the trimmed condition, which the Tornado
value is not hence, contributions from the elevator influence the solution.
Influence also comes from the different reference points.
5. Elevator power derivative. The potential flow solution from Tornado is
higher, possibly to reference point differences and boundary layer effects.
6. Side force due to sideslip. The fuselage has a large impact here.
7. Rolling moment due to sideslip, differences come from offset in reference
point z-coordinate.
8. Yawing moment due to sideslip, or directional stability derivative. The
potential flow solution is much stiffer than the Cessna value. Probable causes
are fuselage and thickness effects.
9. Side force due to roll rate. The position of the rotation axis plays a big role
here. Diskretising effect effects form the panel layout have a major impact.
Using 3 panels spanwise instead of 5 yields a Cn,p derivative of (-0,11) which is
a more accurate value.
10. Connected with #9.
11. Side force due to yaw rate. The LEX of the fin and the fuselage is not
modeled in Tornado, which explains the higher Cessna value.
12. Rolling moment due to yaw rate. The LEX of the fin and the fuselage is not
modeled in Tornado, which explains the higher Cessna value. The reference
point position is also a factor.
13. Yaw damping moment (due to yaw rate). The LEX of the fin and the
fuselage is not modeled in Tornado, which explains the higher Cessna value.
The reference point position is also a factor.
14. Aileron power derivative, the potential flow solution of Tornado shows a
higher value.
15. Yaw moment due to aileron deflection, the Cessna value is much lower due
to the stabilizing moments of the fuselage.
16. Rudder power derivative, geometric differences fuselage effects the
Tomas Melin. KTH, Department of Aeronautics. Page 40 (45)
A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
6.4 Accuracy.
The best accuracy of Tornado data is found for coefficients handling primary
and large forces such as lift, or pitching moment (when the reference point is
placed properly). Not surprisingly less accurate results are found for coefficients
which involve viscous forces, as drag.
The error in placement of the reference point transfers to the moment rotation
derivatives as n2 because this error depends on distance to reference point and
distance to rotational axis.
A third error source is the fact that, although Tornado supports it, no camber
was modeled in this study. This has some impact on the moment coefficients, as
the load distribution would look different with camber.
I want to thank my professor Arthur Rizzi for his concern and guidance during my work.
My gratitude to the beta testers of the Tornado code: Askin Isikveren, Shahram Naimi and
Anna Ekblom, all who have helped to develop the code for the better.
Warm thanks to Sven Hedman and Jesper Oppelstrup for their comments and views on the
report and users manual.
Special thanks to my language consultant, Åsa Lindh.
Tomas Melin
[J.D Andersson] John. D. Anderson Jr, Introduction to flight, 3rd Ed, McGraw-Hill,
[Bertin & Smith] John J. Bertin & Michael L. Smith, Aerodynamics for Engineers
3rd Ed, Prentice Hall, 1998.
[Jane's] Jane's All the worlds aircraft, Cessna 172 Skyhawk, 2000
[Weber & Brebner] Weber, J. and G.G. Brebner, "Low-Speed tests on 45-deg Swept-
back Wings, part I: Pressure measurements on wings of aspect
ratio 5," Reports and memoranda 2882, Aeronautical research
council, 1958.
Tomas Melin. KTH, Department of Aeronautics. Page 45 (45)
A Vortex Lattice MATLAB Implementation for Linear Aerodynamic Wing Applications.
E.L. Houghton & P.W. Carpenter, Aerodynamics for engineering students, 4th ed, Arnold,
B.L Steven & F. L. Lewis, Aircraft control and simulation, Weily and sons INC, 1992
Users guide and reference manual for Tornado.