Indian Constitution Part 1
Indian Constitution Part 1
Indian Constitution Part 1
A Constitution is "a Funda- The Constituent Assembly
mental legal document accord-
Constituent was in session between De-
ing to which the government Assembly cember 9, 1946 and November
of a country functions". The Constitution of India was 26, 1949.
Its basic objective is to estab- framed and adopted by the Total duration of the making of
lish a democratic, socialist, Constituent Assembly of In- the Constitution was 2 years,
secular republic with a view to dia. 11 months and 17 days.
securing justice, liberty, equal- The Constitutent Assembly
The Constituent Assembly
ity and fraternity to all its citi- was set up in November 1946
zens. had 389 members originally. Of
as per the Cabinet Mission Plan
A constitution, thus is supe- which, 292 were to be elected
of 1946.
rior to all other laws of the coun- from provinces, 93 were to be
The idea of a Constitution for
try & no law can be enacted India was first expressed by nominated from princely states
which is not in conformity with M.N. Roy (communist leader) and four members were to be
the constitution. and it was supported by nominated from Chief
Constitutions are of two types Gandhiji & Nehru. Commissioners Areas. Each
- "unwritten and written". The The demand for the Constitu- province was allocated seats
constitution of the U.K and in proportion to its population.
ent Assembly to draft the Con-
New Zealand are unwritten Later reduced to 299 as League
stitution of India was, for the
where as the constitution of all withdrew after partition of the
first time, raised by the Con-
other countries of the World
gress in 1935. country.
are written.
On the inaugural day of the
assembly on December 9, 1946,
Basic structure of the Constitution
Dr. Sachidananda Sinha was
Independence of judiciary elected as the first temporary
Free and fair elections
Rule of law President to chair the meeting
Limited power of Parliament to amend the Constitution
Parliamentary system
Harmony and balance between Fundamental Rights and Directive
Principles There are 444
Judicial review articles , 12 Schedules,
Freedom and dignity of the individual 24 Parts and 92 Amend
Welfare state ments as of today in Indian
Unity and integrity of the nation Constitution. It was 395
Federal character of the Constitution
Articles and 8 schedules
Separation of powers between the legislature, the executive and the
judiciary when it came into force
Secular character of the Constitution on January 26,
Sovereign, democratic and republican nature of the Indian polity 1950.
Supremacy of the Constitution
and on December 11, 1946, Dr. by the Constituent
ns tit ut io n of India was drafted
Rajendra Prasad was elected Th e Co y 26, 1950.
ca m e in to effe ct on Januar the
as the permanent President of Asse m bl y. It ive of the Union is
the Constituent Assembly. e co ns tit ut io na l head of the Execut n , In di an
Th nstitut io
Article 79 of the Co n
The Vice President of the con- President. As per e Pr es id en t an d two House s know
ist s of th of the
stituent Assembly was Profes- Parliament cons (R aj ya Sa bha) and the House
St at es
sor Harendra Coomar as the Counci l of the Constitut ion
ok Sa bh a). Article 74(1) of with the
Mukherjee. Pe op le (L
er e sh al l be a Co uncil of Ministers t,
provides that th advi se the Presiden
Constituent Assembly worked
im e M in ister as its head to ai d and ce to th e ad vi ce.
by constituting more than 13 Pr
se hi s fu nc tio ns in accordan
committees and the most who shall ex erci
prominent committee was the
The Constituent Assembly
adopted our National Flag on
Seven member Drafting Com- for framing the Constitution.
July 22, 1947.
mittee of the constitution. The historic 'Objective Reso-
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the
lution' (purpose and aim) was
The Constituent Assembly
Chairman of the Drafting moved in the Constituent As-
adopted our National Anthem
Committee of the Constitu- sembly by Pt. Jawahar Lal
on January 24, 1950.
tion. Nehru on 13th December 1946.
He was the Chief Architect of Objective resolution consti- Such committees include
the Constitution and later be- tuted on the basis of the Committee on Fundamental
came the first Law Minister of Preamble of the Constitution. Rights, the Union Powers
India. In 1990 Government Shri. B.N. Rao was appointed Committee and Union
awarded him Bharat Ratna as Legal Advisor to the Con- Constitution Committee.
posthumously. stituent Assembly.
On August 29, 1947, the
Total sessions of the Constitu- The Constituent Assembly
Drafting Committee was
ent Assembly - 11 took 2 years, 11 months and
The Constitution of India was appointed, with Dr. Ambedkar
18 days to frame the Consti-
adopted on November 26, tution. as the Chairman along with six
1949. The assembly met again Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar is other members.
on Jan 24, 1950 when the mem- recognised as Father of In- Six members of the drafting
bers appended their signatures dian Constitution. committee were N.
to the constitution of India. It Gopalaswami Iyengar, Alladi
came into force on January 26, Drafting Committee Krishna Swamy Iyer, K.M.
1950. In the August 14, 1947 Munshi (founder of Bharatiya
The date January 26, was cho- meeting of the Constituent Vidya Bhavan), Syyed
sen to inaugurate the Consti- Assembly, a proposal for Mohammad Saadullah, B.L.
tution in memory and honour forming various committees
Mittar (replaced by N.
of the Lahore session of the were presented.
Madhav Rao) and D.P.
Indian National Congress on Khaitan (who died in 1948 and
31st December 1929. O n A ug u st was replaced by T.T.
The Constituent Assembly 15, 1947, India
t nation, and Krishnamachari).
formed 13 important committees an independen
Assembly A Draft Constitution was
th e Constit uent
Parlia- prepared by the committee and
became India's
The only state having ment. submitted to the Assembly on
Constitution of its own is November 4, 1947.
Jammu & Kashmir
as the Committees under the Constituent Assembly
n u ar y 2 6 was selected
Ja of the
te o f co m mencement Committee on the Rules of procedure - Rajendra Prasad
d a se on
of India becau le Steering Committee Rajendra Prasad
Constitution peop
930, Indian Finance and Staff Committee - Anugrah Narayan Sinha
this date in 1 da y',
de pen den ce Credential Committee - Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer
observed 'In 'Purna
resolution of House Committee - B. Pattabhi Sitaramayya
following the ssion
e Congress se Order of Business Committee - K.M. Munshi
Swaraj' of th ecem-
idnight of D Ad hoc Committee on the National Flag - Rajendra Prasad
held in the m
Lahore. Committee on the Functions of the Constituent Assembly
ber 31,1929 at
G.V. Mavalankar
States Committee - Jawaharlal Nehru
The Drafting Committee Advisory Committee on Fundamental Rights, Minorities
finalised the Draft Tribal and Excluded Areas - Vallabhai Patel
Constitution of India in Minorities Sub-Committee - H.C. Mookherjee
February 1948 and the second Fundamental Rights Sub-Committee - J.B. Kripalani
reading of the same by the North-East Frontier Tribal Areas and Assam. Excluded & Partially
Assembly was completed on Excluded Areas Sub-Committee - Gopinath Bardoloi
October 17, 1948. For the third Excluded and Partially Excluded Areas (Other than those in Assam)
reading of the constitution, Sub-Committee - A.V. Thakkar
Assembly met on Nov. 14, Union Powers Committee- Jawaharlal Nehru
1949 and finished it on Nov. Union Constitution Committee - Jawaharlal Nehru
26, 1949. Drafting Committee - B.R. Ambedkar
Certiorari Under the new Article 51-A, a 11. Every citizen who is a parent
(to be certified) list of ten duties are enumer- or guardian, to provide oppor-
ated .
Is issued directing the subor- tunities for education to his
dinate court to send up certain 1. To abide by the Constitution child or, as the case may be,
records for review. and respect its Ideals and In- ward between the age of six
stitutions, the National Flag &
Quo Warranto and fourteen years. The 11th
the National Anthem.
(on what authority) Fundamental Duty was added
2. To cherish and follow the noble by the 86th Constitutional
Is a proceeding whereby the ideas which inspired our na-
court enquires into the legal- Amendment Act of 2002.
tional struggle for freedom.
ity of the claim which a party Swaran Singh Committee rec-
asserts to public office, and to 3. To uphold and protect the
sovereignity, unity and integ- ommended the idea of includ-
oust him from its enjoyment if
rity of India. ing charter on Duties.
the claim is not well founded.
The value of the vote of an Any dispute regarding the ther house signed by not less
MP can be decided as follows election of the president or than one-fourth of the total
Value of the vote of an MP= vice-president is decided by number of the house which
the Supreme Court under ar- has made the charges.
Total population of votes ticle 71 of the Constitution. After 14 days, a resolution has
of all MLA' s of all States to be passed in the same house
The procedure for with a 2 3 majority of the total
Total number of elected impeachment (Art. 61)
members of Parliament strength of the house.
The President can be removed Then the other House shall in-
A candidate, in order to be de- from office by adopting an ad- vestigate the charges.
clared elected to the office of dress by not less than 2 / 3 rd Meanwhile the President has
President, must secure a fixed majority of the members of the the right to be represented in
quota of votes. House and to be approved by such investigation.
The quota of votes is deter- a similar majority of the mem- If after the investigation, a
mined by dividing the total bers of the other house. resolution is passed by 2 3
number of valid votes polled The President can also be re- majority of the total strength
by the number of candidates moved from office on the of the House (investigating)
to be elected, plus one and ground of violation of Consti- the president stands im-
adding one to the quotient tution by the process of im- peached.
electoral quota = peachment (Article 61) by giv- If a sudden vacancy occurs
ing 14 days notice signed by due to resignation, death or
Total number of valid atleast 1/4 th of the member of impeachment, the elections are
votes polled the House (either Rajya Sabha held within six months and the
1+1 = (2) or Lok Sabha). Vice-President acts as Presi-
14 days notice to be given to dent till new President as-
It is also provided in the Con-
the President in writing by ei- sumes office.
stitution that the candidate to
be declared elected as Presi-
dent must receive more than executive power
Art 74 - The esiden t in accor-
50% of the polled valid votes.
e to be ex er cised by the Pr ter an d Council
To be a candidate for the of- ar
vi ce of th e Pr ime Minis
fice of the President, nomina- dance with the
. ydown the
tion must be proposed by of M in iste rs
of th e In di an Constitution la
and 55
atleast 50 elected members and Articles 54 esident.
fo r electing the Pr titutional
to be seconded by another 50 proced ur e
po w er in respect of cons
s no ve to obliga-
electors. This procedure was President ha th A m en dm en t 1971 made it
ll 24 s assent to the
introduced during the Presi- Amendment bi ident to give hi
fo r th e Pr es .
dential election in 1997, when tory mendment Bill
constitutional A
Mr. K. R. Narayanan was
Powers According to article 123, Presi- of the President to withhold his
He is the Chief Executive head dent can promulgate ordinaces assent to a bill and the bill does
of the Indian Union and Supreme when both the Houses of the not become an act.
Commander of the armed forces. Parliament are not in session. It is used in two cases, with
His powers can be classified as un- These ordinances must be ap- respect to private members bill
der. proved by the Parliament and the government bill when
within the six weeks of its re- the cabinet resigns and a new
Executive Powers
assembly. The ordinance can cabinet advises the president
He appoints the senior officials
be effective for a maximum pe- not to give assent to that bill.
of the state like the Prime Minister,
riod of six months and six Examples are, in 1954, Dr.
Ministers, Attorney General, Comp-
weeks. Rajendra Prasad withheld his
troller and Auditor General, Chief
Financial Powers assent to the PEPSU Appro-
Justice, Judges, Governors, Finan- priation Bill.
cial Commissioner, UPSC members. Sanctions introduction of
In 1991, R. Venkataraman with-
Chief Election Commissioner and money bill in the Parliament.
held his assent to the Salary,
other Election Commissioners. All The President lays the Union
Allowances and Pension of
executive action is taken in his budget before the Parliament. members of Parliament Bill.
name. All Union territories are un- To meet the unfore seen expen- Suspensive veto: It is exercised
der the President of India. diture, the President can make when the president returns the
Legislative Powers advance out of the contin- bill for reconsideration.
Nominates 12 members of the gency fund of India. If the Parliament sends back
Rajya Sabha from amongst the Judicial Powers the bill with or without amend-
persons having special knowl- He can grant pardon, reprieve, ments, it is obligatory for the
edge or practical experience in remit the sentences or sus- president to give assent.
respect of literature, science, pend remit or commute punish- This veto is not exercised in
art and social service. ment. the case of money bill because
He nominates two members to He appoints the Chief Justice money bill is introduced in the
the Lok Sabha from the Anglo- and Judges of Supreme Court parliament on the recommen-
Indian community. and High Courts. dation of the president.
Summons and Prorogues the Pocket veto: It is the power of
Veto power of the President the president not to take any
Parliament and dissolve the
Lok Sabha. (Art. 111) action on the bill, pending it
He addresses the Parliament at for an indefinite period. Ex-
When a bill is presented to Presi- amples are in 1986, Zail Singh
the commencement of the first dent for his assent, he may give his
session after each general elec- exercised the pocket veto with
assent, may withhold his assent, or respect to Indian Post Office
tion and the first session of
may return the bill. (Amendment) Bill.
each year. The objective of veto power is The 24th amendment act of
He summons a joint sitting of to prevent hasty and ill-consid- 1971 made it obligatory for the
both the houses of Parliament ered legislation and to prevent president to give his assent to
which is President over by the a legislation which may be un- a constitutional amendment
Speaker of the Loksabha. constitutional. There are four bill.
Assents or with holds his as- types of veto Absolute veto,
sents to any Bill passed by the Qualified veto, Suspensive Emergency
Parliament or return the bill (if veto, Pocket veto. The Constitution of India provides
its is not a money bill or a Con- President of India enjoys the for three types of Emergencies:
stitutional Amendment Biill) for exercise of absolute veto, sus- arising out of civil war, external
reconsideration of the Parlia- pensive veto and pocket veto. aggression or armed rebellion
ment. Absolute veto: It is the power (Article 352);
arising out of failure of Consti-
Financial Emergency
tutional machinery in the States
(Article 360)
(Article 356);
arising due to financial crisis The Constitution provides
(Article 360). that if there is a financial crisis
in the country or in any part of
National Emergency Under
the country, the President can
Article 352
declare a Financial Emergency.
The Emergency is declared by This type of Emergency so far
the President. has never been declared.
During the emergency the State
can suspend the fundamental
rights conferred in Part III of the Constitution, he can proclaim this
Indian Constitution. emergency. The President may do
Any proclamation by the Presi- the same when any State has failed
dent is valid only for one month to comply with, or to give effect to,
unless it is approved by both any directions given by the Union The Rashtrapati Bhavan
houses of the Parliament. (Article 365). official residence of the President of India
An emergency provision, un- Justice M. Hidaytullah is the
less revoked, ceases to operate only person to perform the The Rashtrapati Bhavan is the
on the expiration of a period of functions of the President official residence of the President
six months. two times in two different of India, located in New Delhi.
Emergency due to failure of capacities, the first time in
Until 1950 it was known as
constitutional machinery in states 1969 being the Chief Justice
Article 356 (1) states that if the of the Supreme Court and the "Viceroy's House" and served as
President on receipt of a report from second time being the Vice- the residence of the Viceroy of
Governor of a State, or otherwise, President of India in October India. It is at the heart of an area
is satisfied that a situation has 1982. known as Lutyens' Delhi. It is the
arisen in which the government of In the History of Presidential largest residence of any Head of
the State cannot be carried in ac- elections, V.V. Giri is the only
the State in the world.
cordance with the provisions of the person who won the election
It is a constitutional body, dealt in detail by the It was inserted in Article 352 of the Constitution
Articles 74 and 75 of the Constitution. Its size in 1978 by the 44th Constitutional Amendment
and classification are, however, not mentioned Act. Thus, it did not find a place in the original
in the Constitution. Its size is determined by text of the Constitution.
the prime minister.
It is collectively responsible to the Lower House of It enforces the collective responsibility of the
the Parliament. council of ministers to the Lower House of Par-
Lok Sabha (Art. 81) The Parliament is the highest law making body of India and is
bicameral with two houses namely (i) Lok Sabha (House of
It is the third integral part of
people) (ii) Rajya Sabha (Council of States)
Indian Parliament. It is also
known as the lower house, first The Lok Sabha is also known as the House of the People or
chamber or popular House. It the Lower house.The Rajya Sabha is also known as Council of
represents the people of India States or the Upper house. Unlike Lok Sabha, it is not subject to
as a whole. dissolution. Three sessions of Lok Sabha take place in a year:
The Lok Sabha held its first Budget session: February to May, Monsoon session: July to
sitting on May 13, 1952 September, Winter session: November to December.
A non member of the house
(Lok Sabha) can also be nomi- The term Parliament originated from the French word 'parler'
nated as the Prime Minister on which means 'to discuss', 'to talk' etc.
condition that he should
qualify to become a member of 2 from Anglo Indian commu- supplementories.
either house of parliament nity = 552) Moving of adjournment
within a period of 6 months. Population is the basis of Lok motion and criticize the
The Lok Sabha can be dis- Sabha constituencies. A con- Government
solved by The President. stituency is for 10 lakh voters. Impeachment of the
A person can be debarred from But it is difficult to keep this President.
taking his seat in the house if limit. Introduction of the
he has been absent without the The Lok Sabha is popularly Money bill with the prior
permission of the House for elected whereas the Rajya permission of the
more than 60 days. President.
Sabha is indirectly elected and
The Lok Sabha is the lower Lok Sabha General Election
house or the first chamber and 1st Lok Sabha ..................... 1951
The 61st Amendment (1989) re-
Rajya Sabha is the upper house 2nd Lok Sabha .................... 1957
duced the voting age from 21
or the second chamber. 3rd Lok Sabha .................... 1962
years to 18 years.
The first no confidence motion 4th Lok Sabha .................... 1967
A member of Lok Sabha must
moved in the Lok Sabha after 5th Lok Sabha .................... 1971
Independence was in 1963. have the following basic quali-
fications. 6th Lok Sabha .................... 1977
The Present Lok Sabha is the 7th Lok Sabha .................... 1980
14th, the total members is 545. He must be a citizen of In-
8th Lok Sabha .................... 1984
(530 from states, 13- from union dia. Must be 25 years of age.
9th Lok Sabha .................... 1989
territories, 2 from Anglo Indian Must possess qualifications
10th Lok Sabha ................... 1991
community). prescribed by the Parliament.
11th Lok Sabha ................... 1996
A recent legislation by Parlia- The major functions that the
12th Lok Sabha ................... 1998
ment has fixed that upto 2026 Lok Sabha does are
13th Lok Sabha ................... 1999
the existing number of the Enactment of Laws.
14th Lok Sabha .................. 2004
members of the Lok Sabha Passing of Vote of
15th Lok Sabha ................... 2009
should not be raised and that Confidence.
this figure shall continue. Controlling the finance of
the Union Government The Lok Sabha has its own TV
Constitutionally the maximum channel, Lok Sabha TV, head-
number in Lok Sabha is 552 Eliciting information by
asking questions and quartered within the Parliament
(530 from states, 20 from UTs, premises.
Functions of the Parliament Presiding Officers
The most important function of the Parliament is to legislate i.e, Both Houses of Parliament
make legislations for the development which benefits the society. have their respective
The second most important function is to exercise control over the presiding officers.
Executive. Lok Sabha has the Speaker,
The Parliament provides the Council of Ministers as the Ministers the deputy speaker and
panel of chairpersons.
are the Members of the Parliament.
Rajya Sabha on the other
It has financial control over the Executive. The Parliament is the sole
hand has a Chairman, a Vice-
authority to raise taxes.
Chairperson and a panel of
It provides an opportunity to deliberate on various policies and
Vice- Chairpersons.
measures before their implementation. Thus, the Parliament is also
an authoritative source of information, collected and disseminated
through the debates and through the specific medium of Questions
to the Ministers. Rajyasabha K. Rahman Khan
Rajya Sabha (Article 80) after every two years and the The Vice-President of India is
same number of members are the ex-officio chairman of the
The Rajya Sabha was first consti- Rajya Sabha. He presides
elected after every two years.
tuted on April 3, 1952. over the proceedings of the
The members of Rajya Sabha
Rajya Sabha is also known as Rajya Sabha as long as he
are elected for a term of six
upper house, second chamber, does not act as the President
or the House of Elders. of India during a vacancy in
Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
The time - gap between two the office of the President.
can be removed from his office
sessions of Parliament must
only if he is removed from the Deputy Chairman
not exceed 6 months
office of the Vice President. The Deputy Chairman is
The name Rajya Sabha was
Each state get a representation elected by the Rajya Sabha
adopted by the Council of
in Rajya Sabha on the basis of from amongst its members. In
States in 1954.
its population of the previous the absence of the Chairman,
The Fourth Schedule of the
census. Deputy Chairman presides
constitution deals with the al-
Puducherry and the NCT of over the functions and
location of seats in the Rajya
Sabha to the States and Union Delhi are the UTs having proceedings of the House.
territories. representation in the Rajya Panel of Vice Chairpersons
The Council of States (the up- Sabha. Puducherry has one The Chairman of the Rajya
per house) is composed of not member and Delhi has three. Sabha nominates a panel of
more than 12 members nomi- UP has the largest membership, Vice- Chairpersons under the
nated by the President and not i.e, 31 Rules of Rajya Sabha.
more than 238 representatives Rajya Sabha can exercise a spe- Any one of them can preside
of the States and the Union cial power in relation to a sub- over the house, when both
Territories elected by the ject included in the state list. chairman and vice- chairman
method of indirect election. Deputy Chairman of are absent.
Total number of members is
The original Constitution, under Art. 83, envisaged the normal
Rajya Sabha cannot be dis- tenure of the Lok Sabha to be 5 years. However, Parliament by 42nd
solved. It is a permanent body. Amendment extended it to six years, but the 44th Amendment Act
Its one-third members retire again fixed the original normal tenure of five years.
Speaker Lok Sabha Constituencies in states
The Presiding officer of the Delhi (State) ........................................................................ 7
Lower House is the Speaker. Andhra Pradesh ................................................................. 42
The Speaker is the ex-officio Arunachal Pradesh .............................................................. 2
chairman of the Business Ad- Assam ............................................................................... 14
visory Committee and the Bihar .................................................................................. 40
Rules Committee. Chandigarh (Union Territory) ............................................... 1
The Speaker is elected by the Chhattisgarh (State) ........................................................... 11
members of the Lok Sabha from Dadra and Nagar Haveli (Union Territory) ............................ 1
among themselves. Daman and Diu (Union Territory) ......................................... 1
Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Union Territory) .................. 1
If the office of the speaker falls
Goa ..................................................................................... 2
vacant the Lok Sabha elects
Gujarat ............................................................................... 26
another member. The date of
Haryana ............................................................................. 10
election of Speaker is fixed by
Himachal Pradesh ................................................................ 4
the President.
Jammu and Kashmir ............................................................. 6
He resigns by writing to the Jharkhand .......................................................................... 14
Deputy Speaker. Karnataka ........................................................................... 28
If there is a dead lock between Kerala ................................................................................ 20
the two houses in passing a Lakshadweep (Union Territory) ............................................ 1
bill other than a money bill, the Madhya Pradesh ................................................................ 29
President shall call for a joint Maharashtra ....................................................................... 48
sitting of the two houses for Manipur .............................................................................. 2
resolving the difference and in Meghalaya .......................................................................... 2
such a joint sitting the Speaker Mizoram .............................................................................. 1
shall preside the meeting. Nagaland ............................................................................ 1
Normally the Speaker has no Orissa ................................................................................ 21
right to vote in the house, but Puducherry (Union Territory) ............................................... 1
he can exercise a casting vote Punjab ............................................................................... 13
if there is a tie in passing a bill, Rajasthan ........................................................................... 25
resolution etc. Sikkim ................................................................................. 1
Whenever LokSabha is dis- Tamil Nadu ......................................................................... 39
solved, the speaker does not Tripura ................................................................................ 2
vacate his office and contin- Uttarakhand ........................................................................ 5
ues till the newly elected Lok Uttar Pradesh ..................................................................... 80
Sabha meets. West Bengal ....................................................................... 42
Speaker decides whether a bill
is a money bill and his deci-
sion in this question is final.
He decides the questions of Official Docu................................................ Brigitaum
... .. Japan & Bel
disqualification of a member of Blue Book ...... ........................
... ... ... ... Persian
the Lok Sabha on the ground Grey Boo k ...
... ... ... ... ... ... .......... Italian &
Green Book ......
... ... herlands
of defection under the provi-
... ... ... ... ... ... ................. Net
Orange Book ...
... ... & China
sions of the Tenth Schedule.
... ... ... ... ... ... ......... Portugal
... ... France
In the absence of the Speaker, White Book ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... .......................
Yellow Book ...
...... ... ..... India
the Deputy Speaker shall exer-
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ........................
cise his duties and that he is White Paper ...
a S a b ha a nd Lok Sab
mp a r is on between Ra
C o Lok Sabha Lower House
of Par-
Council of the
aj ya Sa bh a of Pa r- 1. It is the
R Hou se liament. ch 530
is th e C ou nc il of the U pper st reng th is 552, out of whi nion
1. It 2. Maximum and 20 repres
ent U
liament. is 25 0. 12 members who re pr es ent the states e no m in ated from the
strength d cul- m embers ar
2. Maximum hed themselv es in ar t an Te rrito ries . 2
have distinguis community.
at ed by th e President. Anglo-Indian ber one must no
t be below
ture are nom in co m e a m em
3. To be
a ca nd id ate must be over 25 years. the Speaker.
e a mem be r, ing Officer is
3. To becom 4. Th e Pr esid
30 years old. es ides over the
has a tenure of
T he V ic e Pr es id en t pr
Th e Lo k Sabha usually
4. 5.
aj ya Sa bh a ha ve a tenure of years.
of the R every ved by the Pres
5. Members th ird of its m em be rs retire
bh a can be dissol
six ye ars. O ne 6. Th e Lo k Sa
two years. power over a dent. Lok Sabha.
t bo dy . It ha s no ar e in troduced only in s
6. It is a pe rm an en Mon ey bi lls bha who decide
bi ll. bi ll for It is th e Sp ea ker of Lok Sa no t.
money e money is a money bill
can withhold th whether a bill
At the most it
over 14 da ys.
The Supreme Court of India has more powers than any other Supreme court in any
part of the world says Alladi Krishnaswamy Ayyar, a member of the Drafting Com-
mittee of the Constitution. Because, Supreme Court of India is not only a Federal
Court like American Supreme Court but also a final court of appeal like the British
House of Lords.
Impeachment of a the CJI and four senior most HIGH
Judges of the Supreme Court.
Judge The Judge who is to succeed COURTS
1. A motion addressed to the the CJI should also be Article 214 provide that there
President signed by at least included, if he is not one of the shall be a High Court for every
100 members of the Lok Sabha four senior most judges in the state.
or 50 members of the Rajya Collegium. The institution of High Court
Sabha is delivered to the Jurisdiction of the (HC) originated in India in 1862
Speaker or the Chairman. Supreme Court when the high courts were set
2. The motion is to be up at Calcutta, Bombay and
investigated by a committee of The Jurisdiction of the Madras.
three (two judges of the Supreme Court are five-fold
In the independent India, the
Supreme Court and a viz. Original, Writ, Appellate,
constitution provides for a
distinguished jurist) Advisory and Revisory
high court for each State, but
3. If the committee finds the Jurisdictions.
the seventh amendment act of
judges guilty of misbehaviour Original Jurisdiction 1956 authorized Parliament to
or that he suffers from in The Original Jurisdiction of the establish a common high court
capacity the motion together Supreme Court is purely for two or more states or for
with the report of the committee federal in character. two or more states and a Union
is taken up for consideration Writ Jurisdiction Territory.
in the House where the motion Article 32 imposes duty on the At present there are twenty
is pending. Supreme Court to enforce the one high courts in India.
4. If the motion is passed in each Fundamental Rights. Out of them, three are common
House with required majority Under this Article, every high courts.
(special), the address is individual has a right to move Delhi is the only Union Terri-
presented to the President. the Supreme Court directly if tory with a high court of its
5. The Judge will be removed there has been any own from 1966.
after the President gives his infringement on his
order for removal on the said Three new High Courts were
Fundamental Rights.
address. set up in November 2000, fol-
Appellate Jurisdiction
The procedure was for the first lowing the creation of states
The Appellate Jurisdiction of of Chattisgarh, Uttaranchal
time started against Shri. R. the Supreme Court is three fold:
Ramaswamy in the Supreme and Jharkhand. These High
Constitutional, Civil and Courts are located at Bilaspur,
Court in 1991 - 93. The Criminal.
committee found him guilty but Nainital and Ranchi respec-
Advisory Jurisdiction tively. At present there are 21
the address failed because the
congress abstained from One of the salient features of High Courts.
voting. the Supreme Court of India is Which High Court has the
its consultative role Art, 143. highest number of benches in
Since in appointments of
Supreme Court Judges, the Revisory Jurisdiction India?
opinion of the C.J.I. (Chief The Supreme Court under Ans: Guwahati - Five. The
Justice of India) has Article 137 is empowered to benches are at Kohima,
supremacy, a nine-Judge review any judgement or order Aizwal, Imphal, Shillong and
Bench ruled that the opinion made by it with a view to Agarthala
of the CJI must be formed on remove any mistake or error Originally known as Assam
the basis of consultation with that might have crept in the High Court, renamed as
the collegium, comprising of judgement or order. Guwahati High Courts in 1971.
s are the prin-
The High Court The Calcutta located at Bhopal with its reg-
of original ju- the oldest
cipal civil courts High Court is istered office in New Delhi.
state. The work the country,
risdiction in the High Court in Subordinate Courts
ourts consists
of most High C established on
2 July
lowers courts Three types of Subordinate Courts.
of Appeals from 1862.
ons in terms of 1. Criminal Courts
and writ petiti
e Constitution There are courts which handle
Article 226 of th only criminal cases. These are
of India. different kinds of criminal courts in
risdiction (7 states) - Assam,
Article 231 also provides Par- succession.
Manipur Meghalaya,
liament with the power to es- a) Sessions Court : It is at the
Nagaland, Tripura, Mizoram, district level.
tablish a common High Court
Arunachal Pradesh. It estab-
for two or more states. b) First Class Magistrate : Just
lished in 1948.
The judges of a High court are below the sessions court there
The District Judges are ap- is the Ist Class Magistrate. It
appointed by the President.
pointed by the Governor of the hears appeals against lower
The Chief Justice is appointed
state courts decisions.
by the President after consul-
tation with the Chief Justice of The subordinate courts are c) Second Class Magistrate :
India and the Governor of a more popularly known as Dis- Does not entertain appeals It
State concerned. trict Court. can punish upto 6 months
Guwahati High Court has the The National Judicial Acad- imprisonment and fine upto
most member of territorial ju- emy was set up in 1993. It is 200/-