HighPerformanceCommercial Buildings

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High Performance Commercial Buildings in India

Supported by:
Project Findings
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Government of India and
United States Department of State
Buildings are responsible for at least 40% of energy use
in most countries. The construction sector in India is
witnessing a fast growth due to several factors. Some of
the key growth drivers are, increased demand for housing,
strong demographic impetus, expansion of organized
retail, increased demand for commercial office spaces
by multinationals and IT (Information Technology) hubs;
setting up of special economic zones (SEZs). The gross
built-up area added to commercial and residential spaces
was about 40.8 million square metres in 200405, which
is about 1% of annual average constructed floor area
around the world and the trends show a sustained growth
of 10% over the coming years. With a near consistent 8%
rise in annual energy consumption in the residential and
commercial sectors, building energy consumption has
seen an increase from a low 14% in the 1970s to nearly
33% in 200405.
The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Government of India has launched the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)
in 2007 for commercial buildings with peak demand in excess of 500KW or connected load in excess of 600KVA.
Analysis done during the development of ECBC shows energy savings of 27%40% in an ECBC compliant building over a
typical commercial building, with annual energy consumption of 200 kWh/m2.

About ECBC energy efficiency measures as recommended by the Energy

Conservation Building Code 2007.
ECBC sets the minimum energy performance standards for
design and construction of large commercial buildings.
ECBC encourages energy efficient building systems such
The partners
as building envelope, lighting, heating ventilation and air The project supported, funded and guided by the US
conditioning (HVAC), service water heating and electric Department of State and Bureau of Energy Efficiency,
power distribution within the building facilities while Government of India, is being implemented by The Energy
enhancing the thermal and visual comfort and productivity and Resources Institute (TERI) India, and White Box
of the occupants. Technologies, USA.

About the project

The project on High Performance Commercial Buildings
in India is under Asia Pacific Partnership aims to establish
relevance and impact of low energy passive strategies
and ECBC recommended measures on improving energy
performance of commercial buildings in the five climatic
zones of India.
However, in Pre-ECBC era also, there are precedents
of existing energy efficient buildings that have managed
to achieve satisfactory energy savings through adoption of
low energy/solar passive design strategies, such as proper
orientation, shading, natural ventilation, day lighting, etc.,
to reduce energy consumption and meet required thermal/
visual comfort norms as per Indian codes and standards.
The project on High Performance Commercial Buildings
in India under Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development
and Climate aims to establish relevance and impact of low
energy passive strategies and ECBC recommended measures
on improving energy performance of commercial buildings in
the five climatic zones of India. High performance buildings
in India would be defined as buildings that have integrated
Figure 1 Various stages of the project
low energy/solar passive architectural design strategies and

Project objective
The various stages of the project are demonstrated
graphically in the adjacent figure. The project has various
steps and stages and shall be carried out over a total time
period of 3 years, with 6 months remaining.

Buildings classification Number of Climate zones

buildings selected
for study*
Conventional building 5 Composite
Warm and Humid
Hot and dry
Moderate Figure 2 Various stakeholders of the project
Low energy building 5 Composite
Warm and Humid
Hot and dry
ECBC Building 3 Composite
Hot and dry
*The selection was done in consultation with the Bureau of Energy
Efficiency, building owners, architects and other stakeholders.
Earlier TERI experience and studies /energy audit reports were
also utilized in the study.

Work so far
Thirteen sample buildings from five climate zones ((hot having demonstrated use of passive features/low energy
and dry, composite, warm and humid, moderate and strategies (summarized below) and remaining 3 from (one
cold) were selected for the study. Five of these buildings each from composite, moderate and hot and dry) were ECBC
(one building/climate zone) were conventional buildings complaint buildings. The study at the existing buildings helps
(features and energy performance summarized below), five in identifying the saving potential which can be realized by
(one from each climate zone) were low energy buildings using low energy strategies and ECBC features.

Impact assessment (on cooling load (TR), electrical load (kW)

and energy consumption (kWh)) of low energy design strategies
and energy conservation building code (ECBC) features in
commercial buildings.
1) Energy and comfort audit of existing commercial buildings

a) Conventional building: Already existing, energy audit On the basis of data collected during the energy audit and
data of these buildings will be collected. Thermal in order to analyse the saving potential the following cases
comfort and visual comfort audit was done have been defined.
b) Low Energy and ECBC compliant building: Detail energy 1. Existing buildings case: Existing buildings case has been
audit of these buildings was conducted in order to defined as the actual operating case of the existing
establish the energy performance and the corresponding building. During the audit conducted across the buildings
thermal and visual comfort. in various climate zones it was found out that the existing

buildings have ECBC and solar passive features and are P The longer facade of the building will be oriented
explained in the table given below. towards north-south directions
P Roof and external walls are shaded
Existing buildings P WWR (window wall ratio) remains same as in the
conventional case
Low energy features ECBC features
P The envelope properties such as thermal conductivity,
Long facades north-south Occupancy sensors and heat capacity, SHGC (solar heat gain coefficient),
dimming controls VLT (visual light transmittance) are similar to the
Shading of east-west faade Lighting power density is commonly constructed commercial buildings in the
less than 10.8 W/m2 country (values of all the parameters for particular
building is given later in the respective parts)
Mix of single and double glazed
P The HVAC system considered is a PTAC (packaged
terminal air-conditioner) unit
Daylight and artificial lighting Chillers used are screw and P The LPD (lighting power density) will be same as what
integration centrifugal chillers. exists in most of the commercial buildings
Circulation areas are naturally P Daylight integration has been provided
ventilated P The thermal and visual comfort conditions, operating
Visual comfort and thermal comfort was maintained as per National schedule will remain similar to the existing base case
Building Code2005 standard (values of all the parameters for particular building is
given later in the respective parts)
In order to study and quantify the potential savings in
4. ECBC compliant case: The ECBC compliant building
cooling demand (TR), electrical load (kW) and energy
case built on the conventional case has got following
consumption (kWh) which can be achieved by integrating
low energy strategies and ECBC features a conventional case
P The longer facade of the building is facing toward
was developed from the existing case.
east-west direction
P There are no shading devices for window, wall or the
P WWR (window wall ratio) remains same as in the
conventional case
P The envelope properties such as U-value for the wall
and the roof and SHGC, VLT for glazing comply with the
2. Conventional case: Conventional building has been
ECBC recommended values for the respective climate
defined as worst case scenario for a building which has
zones (values of all the parameters for particular
got the following properties.
building is given later in the respective parts)
P The longer facade of the building faces east-west
P The chillers selected in the HVAC system confirms
with the ECBC recommendations
P There are no shading devices for window, wall or the
P Air handling units are variable air volume units
P Motors in the HVAC systems are variable speed driven
P The envelope properties such as thermal conductivity,
as recommended in ECBC
heat capacity, solar heat gain coefficient, visual light
P Economizers have been provided in the referred
transmittance are similar to the commonly constructed
climate zones by ECBC
commercial buildings in the country (values of all the
P LPD confirms the ECBC recommended value
parameters for particular building is given later in the
P Daylight integration has been provided
respective parts)
P The thermal and visual comfort conditions, operating
P The HVAC is a PTAC (packaged terminal air-conditioner)
schedule will remain similar to the existing base case
(values of all the parameters for particular building is
P The LPD (lighting power density) will be same as what
given later in the respective parts)
exists in most of the commercial buildings
P No daylight integration
5. High Performance building case: The high performance
P The thermal and visual comfort conditions, operating
building case built on the conventional case has both
schedule will remain similar to the existing base case
ECBC features and low energy design features explained
(comfort conditions and the operating schedules for
particular building is given later in the respective part)
The features of the conventional case, low energy
design and ECBC case features have been shown below
3. Low energy design case: Low energy design case built
on the conventional case has got following attributes.

ECBC Recommendation

2) Computerized energy
model development and
To study the impact of energy saving measures on existing building a computer HVAC model was made with the help of
architecture drawings, rated lighting load, equipment, and building envelope parameters collected during the audit. The
HVAC model made was calibrated and validated in such a way that the simulated cooling demand, electrical load and
energy consumption was matched with the measured cooling demand, electrical and energy consumption respectively.
Calibration of simulation model implies that the computer model will behave in the same manner as the existing building
is operating. The conditions for both thermal and visual comfort in the simulation model are similar to that maintained in
the existing building. The envelope properties, operating schedules in the model are same as in the existing building.
Once the calibration was done the conventional case was generated from the calibrated HVAC model. The reason for
generating the conventional case was to study the impact of energy efficient measures in different climate zones.

Microsoft Building, Hyderabad

icrosoft India Development centre (MSIDC) is
Microsofts second largest software development
centre outside the United States. Located in a
new state of the art campus in Hyderabad, the centre is
a recognized technology leader and plays a critical role in
Microsofts product development initiatives.
Building has two towers, A and B, with a combined built-
up area of 55 741 m2. The facility comprises of office spaces,
services, multi-purpose rooms, cafeteria, meeting rooms,
conference halls and multi-purpose atrium space. The
whole building comprises of 45057 m2 of conditioned space
and 10683 m2 of unconditioned space. The overall facility is
10-hours use building with approximately 5 working days a

Saving Potential

1. Impact on cooling load (TR)

Cooling load of Microsoft
building is 5% less than the a
conventionally design building
Cooling load gets reduced by
30% by integrating all the ECBC
features in a conventional
Cooling load gets reduced by 19% by integrating all the
low energy design features in a conventional building.
Cooling load gets reduced by 34% by integrating both
ECBC and low energy design features in a conventional

2. Impact on electrical load (KW)

Electrical load of Microsoft building is 40% less than the
a conventionally design building
Electrical load gets
reduced by 35% by
integrating all the
ECBC features in
a conventional
Electrical load gets
reduced by 17% by integrating all the low energy design
features in a conventional building.
Electrical load gets reduced by 41% by integrating both
ECBC and low energy design features in a conventional

3. Impact on EPI (kWh/m2/yr)

EPI of Microsoft building is 28% less than the a
conventionally design building
EPI gets reduced by 30% by integrating all the ECBC
features in a conventional building.
EPI gets reduced by
17% by integrating
all the low energy
design features
in a conventional
EPI gets reduced
by 38% by integrating both ECBC and low energy design
features in a conventional building.

ITC Green Centre Building, Gurgaon

ndias most valuable corporations which is being Ranked Green centre is the corporate centre of ITC business. The
by Forbes as one of Worlds Best Big Companies. ITCs facility is built with 4 floors with one basement and one
core businesses, products and brands include FMCG mezzanine floor. The total built up area is 15 799 m2, out of
Cigarettes, Branded Packaged Foods, Lifestyle Retailing, which 9294 m2 is conditioned area .It was awarded the LEED
Greeting, Gifting and Stationery Hotels Paperboards, Platinum rating under LEED 2.1 NC in 2004.
Specialty Papers and Packaging, Agri Business. ITC The building is operational for 5 days a week and for
about 10 hours a day.

Saving Potential

1. Impact on Cooling load (TR)

Cooling load of ITC building
is 60% less than the a
conventionally design
Cooling load gets reduced by
55% by integrating all the ECBC features in a conventional
Cooling load gets reduced by 16% by integrating all the
low energy design features in a conventional building.
Cooling load gets reduced by 62% by integrating both
ECBC and low energy design features in a conventional

2. Impact on electrical load (KW)

Electrical load of ITC building is 59% less than the a
conventionally design building
Electrical load gets reduced
by 60% by integrating all
the ECBC features in a
conventional building.
Electrical load gets reduced
by 12% by integrating all the
low energy design features in a conventional building.
Electrical load gets reduced by 64% by integrating both
ECBC and low energy design features in a conventional

3. Impact on EPI (kWh/m2/yr)

EPI of ITC building is 52% less than the a conventionally
design building
EPI gets reduced by 54% by integrating all the ECBC
features in a conventional building.
EPI gets reduced by 22%
by integrating all the low
energy design features in a
conventional building.
EPI gets reduced by 63% by
integrating both ECBC and
low energy design features in a conventional building.

Building envelope British thermal unit (BTU)
Any of several units of energy (heat) in the HVAC industry,
UFactor (Thermal Transmittance) each slightly more than 1 kJ. One BTU is the energy required
to raise one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit, but
Heat transmission in unit time through unit area of a the many different types of BTU are based on different
material or construction and the boundary air films, interpretations of this definition. In the United States the
induced by unit temperature difference between the power of HVAC systems (the rate of cooling and dehumidifying
environments on each side or heating) is sometimes expressed in BTU/hour instead of
Solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC)
It is the ratio of the solar heat gain entering the space Coefficient of performance
through the fenestration area to the incident solar It is the ratio of the rate of heat removal to the rate of
radiation. It ranges from 0.9 to 0.1. Lower value indicates energy input for a refrigerating system.
lower solar gain
Heat removal or cooling produced = TR
Window wall ratio (WWR) Energy input = kW
It is the ratio of vertical fenestration area to gross ikW/TR = kW/TR
exterior wall area. COP = 3.517/ kW/TR

Lighting system
A device that removes heat from a liquid via a vapour-
compression or absorption refrigeration cycle. This
A device used in conjugation with an electric discharge cooled liquid flows through pipes in a building and
lamp to cause the lamp to start and operate under proper passes through coils in air handlers, fan-coil units, or
circuit connections of current, voltage, etc. other systems, cooling and usually dehumidifying the
air in the building. Chillers are of two types; air-cooled
Lighting power density (LPD) or water-cooled. Air-cooled chillers are usually outside
and consist of condenser coils cooled by fan-driven air.
The maximum lighting power (W) per unit area (m2) of a
Water-cooled chillers are usually inside a building, and
heat from these chillers is carried by re-circulating water
to outdoor cooling towers.
It is the total light output from a light source. Coil
Equipment that performs heat transfer when mounted
inside an air handling unit or ductwork. It is heated
A complete lighting unit consisting of a lamp or lamps or cooled by electrical means or by circulating liquid
together with the housing designed to distribute the or steam within it. Air flowing across it is heated or
light, position and protect the lamps and connect the cooled.
lamps to power supply.
HVAC A component in the basic refrigeration cycle that ejects
or removes heat from the system. The condenser is the
Air handler, or air handling unit (AHU) hot side of an air conditioner or heat pump. Condensers
are heat exchangers, and can transfer heat to air or to an
Central unit consisting of a blower, heating and cooling
intermediate fluid (such as water or an aqueous solution
elements, filter racks or chamber, dampers, humidifier,
of ethylene glycol) to carry heat to a distant sink, such
and other central equipment in direct contact with the
as ground (earth sink), a body of water, or air (as with
airflow. This does not include the ductwork through the
cooling towers).

Constant air volume (CAV) Packaged terminal air conditioner (PTAC)
A system designed to provide a constant air volume per An air conditioner and heater combined into a single,
unit time. This term is applied to HVAC systems that electrically-powered unit, typically installed through a
have variable supply-air temperature but constant air wall and often found in hotels.
flow rates. Most residential forced-air systems are small
CAV systems with on/off control. T
T (delta T) is a reference to a temperature difference.
It is used to describe the difference in temperature of
A component in the basic refrigeration cycle that absorbs a heating or cooling fluid as it enters and as it leaves a
or adds heat to the system. Evaporators can be used to heat transfer device. This term is used in the calculation
absorb heat from air (by reducing temperature and by of coil efficiency.
removing water) or from a liquid. The evaporator is the
cold side of an air conditioner or heat pump. Ton
One ton of cooling is the amount of heat absorbed by one
Fan coil unit (FCU)
ton of ice melting in one day. It is equivalent to 3.516
A small terminal unit that is often composed of only a kW. It is denoted by TR.
blower and a heating and/or cooling coil (heat exchanger),
as is often used in hotels, condominiums, or apartments. Thermal zone
One type of fan coil unit is a unit ventilator.
A single or group of neighbouring indoor spaces that the
HVAC designer expects will have similar thermal loads.
Fresh air intake (FAI)
Building codes may require zoning to save energy in
An opening through which outside air is drawn into the commercial buildings. Zones are defined in the building
building. This may be to replace air in the building that to reduce the number of HVAC subsystems, and thus
has been exhausted by the ventilation system, or to initial cost. For example, for perimeter offices, rather
provide fresh air for combustion of fuel. than one zone for each office, all offices facing west
can be combined into one zone. Small residences
Heat load, heat loss, or heat gain typically have only one conditioned thermal zone, plus
unconditioned spaces such as unconditioned garages,
Terms for the amount of heating (heat loss) or cooling
attics, and crawlspaces, and unconditioned basements.
(heat gain) needed to maintain desired temperatures
and humidity in controlled air. Regardless of how well-
Variable air volume (VAV) system
insulated and sealed a building is, buildings gain heat
from warm air or sunlight or lose heat to cold air and An HVAC system that has a stable supply-air temperature,
by radiation. Engineers use a heat load calculation to and varies the air flow rate to meet the temperature
determine the HVAC needs of the space being cooled or requirements. Compared to CAV systems, these systems
heated. waste less energy through unnecessarily-high fan speeds.
Most new commercial buildings have VAV systems.

For further details, contact:

Pradeep Kumar
Senior Fellow and Advisor Tel. +911124682100 or 41504900
Sustainable Building Science (Extn. 2137)
Energy Environment Technology Development Division Mobile 9811392253
The Energy and Resources Institute Fax +911124682144 or 24682145
Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex E-mail pradeepk@teri.res.in
Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110003 Web www.teriin.org


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