Schnieders2006 PDF
Schnieders2006 PDF
Schnieders2006 PDF
Passive houses offer extended living comfort with only 15–20% of the space heating demand of conventional new buildings while
the extra costs of this standard are only about 10% of the total building costs. In the first part of this paper, detailed measurements
for 11 ‘‘Passive House’’ projects with more than 100 dwelling units from the EU-funded demonstration project CEPHEUS (Cost
Efficient Passive Houses as EUropean Standards) are presented.
All projects exhibit extraordinarily low space heat consumptions. Compared with ordinary, newly erected buildings, 80% of the
space heat consumption could be saved. The total primary energy consumption (including household electricity) was less than 50%
of that of conventional new buildings. The measurements show that the buildings also offer comfortable indoor conditions in both
summer and winter.
Several social research studies revealed that the users are well pleased with their homes. The second part of the paper focuses on
low-income tenant’s satisfaction in the world’s first multi-story Passive Houses in Kassel, Germany. This building contrasts sharply
with the ‘‘standard’’ Passive House, occupied by its owners. A 2.5 year study was conducted from spring of 2000 to autumn of 2002.
The development of opinions, attitudes, behaviour, and satisfaction over time could be recorded. The building is a clear success, the
tenant’s satisfaction is high.
It is concluded that this building type fulfils the conditions of sustainability in social, ecological and economic respects and should
therefore be disseminated on a larger scale. To this end, the last part of the paper describes the development of the Passive House
standard in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, from the first demonstration project in 1991 to about 3500 dwelling units today. The
prerequisites for this development are analysed. Finally, the authors give their view about the political possibilities for pushing
Passive Houses into the market as well as for stimulating a market pull for this comfortable and energy efficient building type.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Passive Houses make ‘‘factor 10’’ come true warm flat’’, an annual useful energy input of 220 kWh
per square metre living area is needed for the building
An important brick for building up a sustainable stock whereas newly erected houses need about 70 kWh/
future is housing. In Germany about 22% of total end (m2a) and Passive Houses economise with 15 kWh/
use energy is for space heating in residential buildings. (m2a)—less than 10% of the building stock average.
As shown in Fig. 1, an immense savings potential exists This shows that ‘‘Factor 10’’ can be realised
here. To fulfil the demanded energy service ‘‘snug and compared to the building stock and ‘‘Factor 4’’
(Weizsäcker et al., 1997) even compared to the new
Corresponding legal standard that was introduced in Germany at the
author. Tel.: +49 6151 82 699 0; fax:
beginning of 2002.
+49 6151 82 699 11.
E-mail addresses: (J. Schnieders), The Passive House standard offers a cost-efficient way (A. Hermelink). of minimizing the energy demand of new buildings in
0301-4215/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
152 J. Schnieders, A. Hermelink / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 151–171
Fig. 2. Left: Wall insulation at the gable wall in the CEPHEUS sub-project 01-Hannover. Right: Thermal bridge reduction at the base point in 02-
The types of construction that can be used are highly on the supply air ducts, i.e. dust particles would
diverse: massive, lightweight and mixed constructions smoulder on hot surfaces and produce undesired smells.
were used in the CEPHEUS sub-projects. A simple calculation shows that this approach limits the
Transmission heat losses include not only the heat heating loads in Passive Houses to 10 W/m2.
flows through the regular building elements, they also To bring the space heat requirement down below
occur at corners, edges, junctions and penetrations. 15 kWh/(m2a), structural measures alone do not suffice
Excessive losses at such ‘thermal bridges’ must be in central Europe. It is only by means of high-efficiency
avoided. Fortunately, this is possible solely through Passive House heat recovery systems that the target can
geometrical analysis without costly multidimensional be achieved with acceptable structural measures given
heat flow computations. The method is explained in the current state of the art. Heat recovery effectiveness
(Feist, 1999; Feist and Schnieders, 1999). Examples for ratios of at least 75% are required; as field measure-
superinsulation and the reduction of thermal bridges are ments conducted within CEPHEUS have shown, these
shown in Fig. 2. ratios can indeed be achieved and even exceeded by
Growing importance attaches to the airtightness of means of counterflow heat exchangers (Fig. 3). Addi-
building envelopes. Leaking envelopes lead to a number tional fresh air preheating in a subsoil heat exchanger is
of problems that need to be prevented: Condensation possible, which further reduces the need for supplemen-
water damage, draughts, layers of cold air right above tary air heating.
the floor level, elevated energy consumption. For However, high overall efficiency is only achieved if the
example, typical n50-values (air changes per hour at a reduction of ventilation heat losses is not at the price of
pressure difference of 50 Pa between inside and outside) high electric power input. Electricity-saving fans and
of the UK building stock may be about 12–14 h1 , low pressure losses in the system are essential. The
buildings without ventilation system according to ventilation systems are generally driven by highly
current German regulations must have air leakage rates efficient direct current motors and consume an average
of 3 h1. A ‘‘Passive House’’ has a maximum n50 of 0.4 W/(m3/h) or less. They can achieve annual perfor-
0.6 h1. These values can be achieved with all types of mance factors (ratio between heat saved and electricity
construction; measured values for varying construction consumed) of 10–15. The ventilation system may be
types are given in Table 1 below. The principles for turned off in summer.
achieving this excellent airtightness were set out in a
special CEPHEUS building physics guideline (Peper, 2.2.3. Passive solar gain
1999) (cf. also Fig. 3). Efficiency potentials having been exploited, the
passive gain of incoming solar energy through glazing
2.2.2. Combining efficient heat recovery with dimensioned to provide sufficient daylight covers about
supplementary supply air heating one third of the minimized heat demand of the house. In
Passive houses have a continuous supply of fresh air, a Passive House, windows need to permit net solar
optimized to ensure occupant comfort. The flow is gains, above and beyond their normal lighting and (in
regulated to deliver precisely the quantity required for summer) ventilation functions. The preconditions for
excellent indoor air quality. Typical air change rates are this are: low heat losses through the window, suitable
about 0.25–0.4 h1. Higher air change rates would result glazing; and, if possible, southward orientation and low
in uncomfortably dry indoor air. It is permissible to heat degree of shading. Nevertheless, Passive Houses do not
the supply air to ca. 55 1C when required by means of a depend on building sites which permit large solar gains.
non-electrical heating element downstream from the Because the Passive House no longer needs a separate
heat recovery unit. Higher temperatures could lead to space heating system, a further requirement is that
dust carbonization in the supply air and possibly in or occupant comfort directly in front of the window must
154 J. Schnieders, A. Hermelink / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 151–171
01-Hannover 02-Kassel 03-Gothenburg 04-Egg 05-Hörbranz 06-Wolfurt 07-Dornbirn 08-Gnigl 09-Kuchl 10-Hallein 11-Horn 12-Steyr 13-Luzern 14-Rennes
For these projects, only values from preliminary airtightness measurements were available at the time of analysis. In the meantime, remedial work has been carried out; however, new
be ensured despite there being no radiator. From this,
the need for an overall window U-value of less than
0.8 W/(m2K) can be derived for Middle European
climate (cf. e.g. (Schnieders and Feist, 1999)). This
value can only be achieved with triple low-emissivity
glazing filled with heavy noble gases. Such glazing
achieves, depending upon the fill gas and the coating, U-
values down to 0.5 W/(m2K) and a total solar energy
transmittance (g-value) of 50–60%. Even in the short
heating season of the Passive House, from November to
March, the energy balance of such glazing is positive. In
winter period.
Window frames for Passive Houses need good
thermal insulation. The thermal bridge at the edge seal
Fig. 3. Airtight and thermal-bridge-free junction at the eaves in 11-Horn; high-efficiency heat recovery unit in 01-Hannover; insulated window frame
made from aluminium—polyurethane foam—wood.
otherwise be unaffordable, and for which available Part of CEPHEUS was a comprehensive measure-
supply would not suffice: over the annual balance, the ment project for the determination of energy perfor-
remaining energy consumption (for space heating, mance indices and thermal comfort. Unfortunately,
domestic hot water and household electricity) may be some projects have not yet been occupied during the
offset completely by renewable sources, making the measurement phase. Consequently, results from the
operation phase—which is most important for a continuous measurements are not available for a
building’s life cycle impact—in a Passive House fully sufficiently long period in all projects. Nonetheless,
neutral in terms of both primary energy and climate. measurements from more than 100 dwelling units in 11
Within CEPHEUS, this has been realized in the 01- sub-projects in Germany, Austria and Switzerland were
Hannover sub-project—at prices within the normal evaluated. In the following, the most important results
market range: the houses were built at construction from the common evaluation are presented.
costs (excluding real estate and VAT) of 932 h/m2 living
area, whereas low energy houses at the same location 3.1. Airtightness testing
were sold at about 1200 h/m2. The required share of a
wind turbine was available at a cost of 1250 h per In all CEPHEUS building projects, the remaining air
dwelling unit (average 117 m2). leakage rates were measured by means of building
airtightness tests in accordance with EN 13829.
The results documented in Table 1 show that the
remaining air leakage rates ranged between 0.30 and
3. Results of the CEPHEUS project 0.61 h1 in 9 CEPHEUS projects. In most of the other
projects, a better result would be possible by means of
Within the CEPHEUS project, 221 housing units were carrying out remedial work on the junctions where air
built to Passive House standards in five European infiltration was identified. Wherever no rigorous air-
countries. The scientific evaluation of the operation tightness design was presented (particularly in 14-
should demonstrate technical feasibility (in terms of Rennes) the results were far poorer.
achieving the targeted energy performance indices) at CEPHEUS has thus proven in practice that the high
low extra cost (target: compensation of extra investment levels of airtightness requisite for the Passive House
cost by cost savings in operation) for a variety of standard can be achieved in all construction types in a
different buildings, constructions and designs imple- reproducible manner, that the recommendations made
mented by architects and developers in several European in (Peper, 1999) provide an excellent basis for air-
countries. Investor-purchaser acceptance and user be- tightness, and that rigorous planning of airtightness
haviour under real-world conditions should be studied. details is the key to success.
The opportunity for both the lay and expert public to
experience the Passive House standard hands-on at 3.2. Energy performance indices
several sites in Europe was to be created. Finally,
CEPHEUS should create the preconditions for broad In order to render the energy indices of the projects
market introduction of cost-efficient Passive Houses. comparable, a uniform procedure for calculating treated
Fig. 4 gives an impression of the locations and the types floor area (TFA) was defined. The TFA essentially
of Passive Houses that have been constructed there. comprises the sum of the floor areas of all residential
156 J. Schnieders, A. Hermelink / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 151–171
rooms within the thermal envelope; it includes half of shows the measured space heat consumption levels
the floor areas of ancillary rooms within the thermal for the CEPHEUS projects. The graph shows the
envelope. The TFA is about half the size of the gross space heat consumption per square metre (TFA)
floor area that is frequently used as a reference. As a and year for each dwelling unit. For each
result, the already outstanding energy indices are about project, a horizontal bar indicates the TFA-weighted
twice as high as if they were based on the gross floor mean.
area. A precise definition of TFA calculation is given in The differences within individual projects are even
(Schnieders et al., 2001). That publication also presents larger than those between the projects. Such degrees of
and discusses the measurement results in more detail variance in space heat consumption are also known
than is possible here. from measurements in the building stock. In addition to
differences in the constructions of dwelling units, they
3.2.1. Energy consumption for space heating are due above all to different indoor temperatures, the Measured space heating consumption. Space impact of which is particularly strong in multifamily
heating consumption is the most important criterion apartment buildings (02-Kassel, 09-Kuchl and 06-
for assessing the CEPHEUS Passive Houses. Fig. 5 Wolfurt).
J. Schnieders, A. Hermelink / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 151–171 157
Fig. 5. Measured space heat consumption of CEPHEUS buildings per square metre TFA (partially extrapolated). For every project the TFA-
weighted mean is displayed as a horizontal bar. Normalized annual consumption levels. It is lowest in those projects which were not yet fully
known from simulation computations and from mea- completed or where the occupants moved in only during
surements that indoor temperatures have a considerable or shortly before the measurement period. In all houses
influence on space heat consumption in Passive Houses. that were already occupied for a longer period, savings
It is therefore not appropriate to compare directly the are more than 80%.
measurement results shown in Fig. 5 with previously
calculated values, particularly as measurement data 3.2.2. Energy consumption for domestic hot water
extending over a whole year are not available for all The measured useful heat consumption levels for
projects. In order to allow for comparisons, the domestic hot water heating exhibit considerable var-
measured values were extrapolated to a full year using iance, as does the space heat consumption. On average,
the monthly procedure pursuant to EN 832, and the consumption levels correspond roughly to the
normalized to an indoor temperature of 20 1C. In the reference values, i.e. the typical consumption (25 l per
present instance, this type of extrapolation can be person per day at 60 1C) of dwelling units with
considered conservative (for a reasoning of this cf. comparable occupancy ratios. As hot water consump-
(Schnieders et al., 2001)). In addition, it is generally tion is also a characteristic of the comfort demands of
known in the construction sector that energy consump- occupants, the study shows that the demands of the
tion levels, particularly those for space heat, in the first occupants of the CEPHEUS projects do not deviate
heating season can be higher than those that develop significantly from the general average.
later during continuous operation—obviously, the
evaluation could not compensate for this effect. 3.2.3. Household electricity consumption
Fig. 6 compares the normalized space heat consump- Given the extremely reduced space heat consumption
tion levels to reference consumption levels of conven- of Passive Houses, the share of electricity consumption
tional new buildings that have the same geometry and in the overall energy consumption is higher. This applies
are built in accordance with locally applicable construc- particularly in terms of primary energy. Consequently,
tion law, and with the space heat requirement values the CEPHEUS projects also made efforts to reduce
calculated in advance (using the Passive House Planning household electricity consumption.
Package (PHPP) (Feist et al., 2002)). The PHPP consists Some projects exhibit major savings while others do
of a number of Excel tables and performs a steady-state not. This can be explained by the circumstance that in
energy analysis of a Passive House based on the some projects electricity consumption was not given the
European standard EN 832. It has proved to be an same priority in implementation as space heating
excellent, relatively easy-to-use tool for properly design- consumption. In the 01-Hannover and 06-Wolfurt
ing Passive Houses. projects, however, implementation of the electricity
Compared to the reference consumption of conven- conservation approach was demonstrated convincingly
tional new buildings, analysis of the normalized space (38% savings in Hannover)—although, in Germany and
heat consumption shows that the buildings saved 84% Austria, it is generally up to the occupants to purchase
space heat over the area-weighted mean. Savings were equipment.
158 J. Schnieders, A. Hermelink / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 151–171
Fig. 6. Space heat consumption levels determined by measurements, extrapolated for a whole year and normalized to 20 1C indoor temperature
(‘normalized space heat consumption’) compared to the consumption of conventional new buildings and to the values calculated in advance using the
Passive House Planning Package (PHPP).
It should be noted in this context that the measured and primary energy savings of more than 50% were
value contains the electricity consumption of building achieved, space heat consumption was even reduced by
services systems, including the ventilation system. 80%.
Fig. 7. Comparison of useful, final and primary energy consumption for space heat, domestic hot water and all electricity applications in the houses.
For each project, the cumulative bar at the left represents useful energy consumption, that in the middle final energy and that on the right primary
energy consumption. The primary energy factors were determined from GEMIS 4.0 (GEMIS, 2000): Gas 1.15, electricity 2.5, district heat: 0.7, wood
pellets: 0.1.
Fig. 8. Comparison of the measured energy consumptions of all CEPHEUS projects (TFA-weighted mean) with the corresponding values of
ordinary, newly erected buildings. In the values for electricity and total consumption, household electricity is included. This must be taken into
account when comparing with data from other projects where only heating and DHW are given.
occupied in late December 2000; here the temperature 3.3.2. Indoor temperatures in summer
data are for January and February. Summer indoor temperatures are of particular inter-
The figure shows that in all CEPHEUS buildings the est: Would the excellent thermal insulation and opti-
mean indoor temperature over all occupied zones and mized passive solar energy use perhaps lead to
the whole measurement period was above 20 1C. overheating in summer? Due to the truncated measure-
Occupants typically set temperatures between 21 1C ment period, data for the summer were only available
and 22 1C; the range of the occupied houses is, however, for few projects. Fig. 10 presents the mean indoor
from 17 1C to 25 1C (the mean temperatures below 17 1C temperatures between 1 May and 31 August. The figure
measured in 01-Hannover belong to unoccupied further shows for each house the temperature that was
houses). not exceeded for 95% of the time in the stated months.
160 J. Schnieders, A. Hermelink / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 151–171
Fig. 10. Mean indoor temperatures from May to August and 95th percentile of hourly mean values of average house-specific indoor temperatures for
the 01-Hannover, 02-Kassel and 09-Kuchl projects. The black lines cutting across the projects represent the overall mean values of the three sites.
This latter value is a better measure of summer-time comfortable range. On closer examination of the
comfort than the maximum temperature reached, as temperature curves it was found that the users can
individual temperature peaks can occur in the absence of attain highly comfortable summer-time temperatures
occupants or in exceptional situations and are thus not through appropriate ventilation behaviour. Occupancy
representative. ratios and shading elements are important, but are
The results show that the summer-time indoor climate secondary to ventilation behaviour. These issues are
in 01-Hannover and 02-Kassel is acceptable. A tem- discussed in greater detail in (Peper et al., 2001).
perature of 27 1C is only exceeded in exceptional cases.
09-Kuchl has about 1 K higher temperatures, but room 3.4. Proof of cost-effectiveness
temperatures in Kuchl are relatively high in winter, too:
the mean temperatures in summer are only 1.8 K higher The improved construction quality of the building
than those in winter. envelope and the highly efficient ventilation systems in
The measurement results show clearly that summer Passive Houses require extra investment. If the ap-
temperatures in Passive Houses can be kept in a proach is pursued rigorously, this is counterbalanced by
J. Schnieders, A. Hermelink / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 151–171 161
the avoided investment cost for a conventional heating
system. However, in most sub-projects of CEPHEUS it
was not possible to reduce the overall costs of building
Austria, Austria, Austria, Austria, Austria, Austria, Austria, Austria, Austria, Switzerland,
services; in several projects, planners and builders were
reluctant to dispense with the heat distribution system.
In total, the extra construction and engineering system
investment was found to be between 0% and 17% of the
pure construction costs. On average over 12 projects, the
specific extra investment cost is 91 Euro/m2 or 8% of
Includes the additional costs for solar thermal systems, which, with reference to the kWh saved, were generally higher than those for energy efficiency measures.
total building cost.
Includes e.g. auxiliary electricity consumption for ventilation, filter replacement, reduced max. demand charge for district heat, no need for chimney sweep.
A good measure for economic appraisal is provided
by determining the costs of the energy conserved. For
this, the extra investment for the efficiency technology
and the solar thermal installations is levelized across 25
Location-specific energy prices. In some projects, the use of district heat was obligatory. In many Austrian projects, wood pellets were used.
years of service life at 4% real interest; to this is added
the additional operating cost of the Passive House
components. By dividing the annual costs thus deter-
kilowatt-hour saved. This ratio is well suited for
comparisons with the present or potential future costs
of energy supply.
The cost of the heat saved in Passive Houses
determined in this way averages across the 12 projects
at 6.2 Cent/kWh. This compares with present reference
costs of final energy averaging 5.1 Cent/kWh in the
CEPHEUS projects. Compared to the typical cost of
solar thermal heat, which is currently 10–15 Cent/kWh,
this is a very favourable value–and all the more so with
case h/DU/a
Fig. 13. Ventilation by opening the windows compared to evaluation of ventilation system.
back. ‘‘Removal of odours’’ is another point, where a in the bathroom). The switch is situated in the kitchen
change in the handling could be helpful. Each flat is and thus produces the misconception that it is dedicated
equipped with a ‘‘maximum ventilation’’ switch that only to kitchen odours. In building 1 the operation of
causes very high ventilation for about 30 min in the this switch has been recorded. Eighteen out of 23
whole flat, including the bathroom (the toilet is situated households are using the ‘‘maximum ventilation’’ switch
J. Schnieders, A. Hermelink / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 151–171 165
less than once per day. Higher use surely would increase great relief could be felt, resulting from an apparently
the opinion expressed of ‘‘removal of odours.’’ quite high anxiety before the winter that was increased
Quite often it is assumed that because of excessive by friends’ comments like: ‘‘Would you like an electric
dryness the satisfaction with humidity is low in houses heater as a Christmas present?’’ The absence of
with controlled ventilation. Fig. 15 shows the satisfac- radiators was misunderstood as absence of heating.
tion with humidity for the heating period 2001/02. In traditional research about user behaviour in the
According to Fig. 15 on average this assumption is not field of household energy, the aim has often been to find
true for the Passive Houses in Kassel. Also the direct explanations for a person’s energy demand
evaluation of this point might have scored higher, if resulting from psychological variables. Usually tem-
the tenants were more willing to follow the instructions. perature is the most important indicator with a direct
Before the second winter, the tenants were informed that effect on the energy demand. Unfortunately this relation
humidity would increase if they used the ‘‘low ventila- is no longer valid in multi-family Passive Houses, which
tion’’ position instead of the ‘‘normal ventilation’’ makes it impossible to draw inferences about prospec-
position. According to the measurements, general air tive heating demand from psychological models (e.g.
quality wouldnot have been affected significantly by this Fishbein–Ajzen’s model of planned behaviour). Fig. 17
measure. Indeed the information letter was quite shows the very weak relation between energy use for
effective, but still should have been more effective. space heating and the average indoor air temperature.
While in November the ‘‘low ventilation’’ position on The figure reveals that the correlation between space
average was only used 18% of the day, it increased to heat energy in the flats and the average temperature in
about 28% in December and about 60% for the rest of the flats is quite low ðr ¼ 0:38Þ; as is the correlation
the winter. between total energy input into the flat and the average
Fig. 16 shows satisfaction with indoor air tempera- temperature in the flat ðr ¼ 0:5Þ: On the first sight this
tures, which was generally high. The satisfaction seems to contradict the statement in 3.2.1 that ‘‘y
expressed with the temperatures in the living room and indoor temperatures have a considerable influence on
bathroom shows an interesting phenomenon. Before the space heat consumption in Passive Houses.’’ Indeed for
first winter there was high scepticism about the whole buildings the correlation between the average
unfamiliar ventilation system. The question ‘‘Are you indoor temperature and the space heat demand is high.
worried that the ventilation system would not heat If it is about flats in multi-family houses, the correlation
sufficiently in winter’’ was answered as follows: On a is much lower, especially because of cross-heat-flows
scale from 0 (not worried at all) to 6 (very much between neighbouring flats, which do not affect the
worried) 21 out of 29 interviewed persons answered energy balance of the whole building, because they take
between 3 and 6. After the first winter, the same people place inside the building. The absolute amount of those
answered the question ‘‘How satisfied are you with how heat flows between flats is the same as in ordinary
the ventilation system heated your flat? as follows: on a buildings. Due to the very low total consumption in
scale from 0 (very dissatisfied) to 6 (very satisfied) 26 out Passive Houses the relative share of these cross-heat-
of 29 answered between 3 and 6 (total average 4.7). A flows in a flat’s space heat demand is much higher
Fig. 17. Energy use and indoor air temperature (sorted by average temperature October 2001–April 2002).
than in other buildings, which reduces the temperature- earlier in this paper. Another factor that contributes to
space heat demand-correlation. Above, compared to the heating is the tenants’ body heat. This share shows
‘‘normal’’ houses, the relation between energy for space the same pattern as the other sources.
heating and hot water and electricity is highly distorted. Fig. 17 also reveals in detail that in this project the
Whereas in normal ‘‘houses’’ the energy input for space projected energy use for space heating was matched,
heating clearly dominates the share of hot water and which was proved by measurements within the CE-
electricity, there are quite similar shares of these three PHEUS project. (Pfluger and Feist, 2001a). Another
heating sources in Passive Houses, as has been explained insight is that neither extreme ‘‘savers’’ nor extreme
J. Schnieders, A. Hermelink / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 151–171 167
prodigals could be detected. There are no outliers in the The questions regarding comfort were of the type:
distribution. ‘‘(Ventilation/Living in a Passive House/living in a
Sustainable buildings should not only need little Passive House in winter/living in a Passive House in
energy but also enhance the human well-being and summer) is different from other buildings. Do you feel
human health. Low-energy houses are often prone to that this tends to reduce comfort or to increase it?’’ All
mold problems, and of course this would affect the results indicate a perceived increase of comfort. Follow-
dwellers’ health. In both Passive Houses no mold ing from the measurement results reported above it is
problems were reported by the tenants. They felt quite maybe not surprising that this is also felt in summer—
a positive effect of the Passive House on their well-being even slightly more than in winter. This is due to the very
as Fig. 18 shows. high satisfaction with indoor air temperatures in
About 50% of the tenants feel better than before. Due summer: on a scale from 0 (very dissatisfied) to 6 (very
to lack of evidence from ordinary new houses this effect satisfied) the average evaluation was 5.2!
partly might be explained by the evaluated passive The results show that most of the tenants became
houses simply being new. accustomed to the unusual surrounding very quickly.
There were similar results regarding the evalua- Fig. 20 summarizes the tenants’ opinions.
tion of comfort compared to conventional houses Very easy control of the ventilation, very high thermal
(cf. Fig. 19). comfort and air quality make the tenants feel very
comfortable. In addition, they are realizing that costs 5. The exchange rate of the indoor air should be
for heating are extremely low. In contrast to occupants measured after the installation of the ventilation
of conventional buildings, as to costs for space heating, system. Unwanted high ventilation rates should be
they will be nearly unaffected by further increasing avoided to provide for agreeable humidity.
energy prices. This high acceptance of Passive Houses by 6. There should be a prompt or a display indicating the
tenants is of crucial importance in marketing this ultra- failure of components like ventilators. Tenants do
efficient building type. not care as much about the devices’ proper
functioning as owners do.
4.4. Recommendations for ‘‘user-oriented design’’ 7. It should be absolutely clear which doors have to be
closed to avoid unnecessary heat losses. In building
Although the general satisfaction of the tenants is 2 the inner door of the porch was designed to
high, we have some recommendations, which are of provide for a tight building. Unfortunately the
course equally valid for owner-occupied houses. porch was used extensively for parking prams and
bicycles. Therefore the inner door quite often stood
1. ‘‘Basic needs’’ should always be considered in the open. As a result, all doors and cellar windows were
design of any house type. Especially in Passive equipped with small signs saying that in winter all
Houses for tenants these basic needs like ‘‘easy doors and windows should be kept closed.
accessible, sufficient space for prams and bicycles’’ 8. Written information about the handling of the
or ‘‘cool storerooms’’ have a considerable impact on heating and ventilation system only yielded moder-
satisfaction and acceptance. ate understanding. Therefore we strongly recom-
2. There should also be a minimal ventilation for the mend that a qualified person should explain and
staircase. Coming from their well ventilated flats, demonstrate the handling of the system, e.g. change
some tenants were disturbed by stale air in the of filters, as soon as a tenant moves in.
staircase. 9. A clue to the tenants’ appreciation of extremely
3. In rare cases there was disturbance from odours low heating costs is an easily understandable
from make-up air. Intense investigations showed consumption bill. Although in each flat meters
that under unfavourable wind conditions there was for energy used for space heating had been installed,
a short circuit between the openings for exhaust air most of the tenants could not discern which of the
and make-up air. This has to be avoided by various figures on the bill really indicated the
arranging these openings in a way that avoids short cost for space heating. An interviewer, qualified
circuits. In the project this enhancement could be in engineering, needed 20 min to understand
realised by easy technical changes. the bill that was presented to him by a disenchanted
4. It has been mentioned already that people had tenant.
problems to understand the ‘‘maximum ventilation’’ 10. At the beginning, the housing company provided for
switch. The easiest solution is another switch in the a change of filters every 6 months. Intermediate
bathroom/WC. cleaning of the filters turned out to be quite an effort
J. Schnieders, A. Hermelink / Energy Policy 34 (2006) 151–171 169
140 6. Conclusions
Total costs
120 Energy costs CEPHEUS has tested and proven the viability of the
cost reduction: heating system
Capitalized costs [€/m²]