Querubin Et. Al. v. Smartmatic JV
Querubin Et. Al. v. Smartmatic JV
Querubin Et. Al. v. Smartmatic JV
Total Information Management Corp., Smartmatic International Holding BV
Corp., and Jarlatech International Corporation
Thus its motion for reconsideration but was denied for failure to comply
with the technical requirements.
Thus the protest praying that it prove such technical requirements before
the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) of COMELEC. Such Committee found
that Smartmatic JV finally met the requirements.
The COMELEC En Banc adopted said TEC findings and granted the protest
of Smartmatic JV. It also declared it as the bidder with the lowest calculated
responsive bid.
1. Is Smartmatic JV eligible?
3. Is SMTC is 100% foreign owned and has limited corporate purpose thus
it misrepresented itself to the BAC?
1. It still has subsisting rights and duties after the 2010 National and
Local Elections because COMELEC failed to return the SMTCs performance
security under the Automated Elections System (AES) Contract
The rule is that one provision in the contract is enough to prove that the
contract subsists, and;