Datasheet RFM69HCW

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The RFM69HCW is a transceiver module capable of

operation over a wide frequency range, including the
315,433,868 and 915MHz license-free ISM (Industry
Scientific and Medical) frequency bands. All major RF
communication parameters are programmable and most of
them can be dynamically set. The RFM69HCW offers
the unique advantage of programmable narrow-band and
wide- band communication modes. The RFM69HCW is
optimized for low power consumption while offering high RF
output power and channelized operation. Compliance ETSI
and FCC regulations. RFM69HCW
In order to better use RFM69HCW modules, this
specification also involves a large number of the
parameters and functions of its core chip RF69H's,including
those IC pins which are not leaded out. All of these can help
customers gain a better understanding of the performance
of RFM69HCW modules, and enhance the application skills. APPLICATIONS
Automated Meter Reading

KEY PRODUCT FEATURES Wireless Sensor Networks

Home and Building Automation
+20 dBm - 100 mW Power Output Capability Wireless Alarm and Security Systems
High Sensitivity: down to -120 dBm at 1.2 kbps Industrial Monitoring and Control
High Selectivity: 16-tap FIR Channel Filter Wireless M-BUS
Bullet-proof front end: IIP3 = -18 dBm, IIP2 = +35 dBm,80
dB Blocking Immunity, no Image Frequency response
Low current: Rx = 16 mA, 100nA register retention
Programmable Pout: -18 to +20 dBm in 1dB steps
Constant RF performance over voltage range of module
FSK Bit rates up to 300 kb/s
Fully integrated synthesizer with a resolution of 61 Hz
FSK, GFSK, MSK, GMSK and OOK modulations
Built-in Bit Synchronizer performing Clock Recovery
Incoming Sync Word Recognition
115 dB+ Dynamic Range RSSI
Automatic RF Sense with ultra-fast AFC
Packet engine with CRC-16, AES-128, 66-byte FIFO
Built-in temperature sensor
Module Size:16X16mm

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Table of Contents Page

1. General Description ................................................................................................................................................ 8
1.1. Simplified Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 8
1.2. Pin and Marking Diagram................................................................................................................................. 9
1.3. Pin Description .................................................................................................................................... 10
2. Electrical Characteristics........................................................................................................................................11
2.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings .................................................................................................................. 11
2.2. Operating Range............................................................................................................................................ 11
2.3. Module Specification ........................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.1. Power Consumption ................................................................................................................................. 12
2.3.2. Frequency Synthesis ................................................................................................................................ 12
2.3.3. Receiver .....................................................................................................................................................13
2.3.4. Transmitter ............................................................................................................................................... 14
2.3.5. Digital Specification ................................................................................................................................. 15
3. Module Description.................................................................................................................................................16
3.1. Power Supply Strategy............................................................................................................................ .16
3.2. Frequency Synthesis..................................................................................................................................... 16
3.2.1. Reference Oscillator ................................................................................................................................. 16
3.2.2. CLKOUT Output ....................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.3. PLL Architecture ....................................................................................................................................... 17
3.2.4. Lock Time ....................................................................................................................................................18
3.2.5. Lock Detect Indicator................................................................................................................................ 18
3.3. Transmitter Description .................................................................................................................................. 19
3.3.1. Architecture Description ........................................................................................................................... 19
3.3.2. Bit Rate Setting ........................................................................................................................................ 19
3.3.3. FSK Modulation ......................................................................................................................................... 20
3.3.4. OOK Modulation ....................................................................................................................................... 20
3.3.5. Modulation Shaping.................................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.6. Power Amplifiers ...................................................................................................................................... 21
3.3.7. High Power Settings ................................................................................................................................. 22
3.3.8. Output Power Summary ............................................................................................................................ 22
3.3.9. Over Current Protection ............................................................................................................................ 22
3.4. Receiver Description ............................................................................................................................. .23
3.4.1. Block Diagram .......................................................................................................................................... 23
3.4.2. LNA - Single to Differential Buffer ............................................................................................................ 23
3.4.3. Automatic Gain Control ............................................................................................................................ 24
3.4.4. Continuous-Time DAGC........................................................................................................................... 25
3.4.5. Quadrature Mixer - ADCs - Decimators.................................................................................................... 26
3.4.6. Channel Filter ........................................................................................................................................... 26
3.4.7. DC Cancellation ....................................................................................................................................... 27

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3.4.8. Complex Filter - OOK ............................................................................................................................... 27

3.4.9. RSSI ......................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.4.10. Cordic ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
3.4.11. FSK Demodulator ....................................................................................................................................29
3.4.12. OOK Demodulator .................................................................................................................................. 29
3.4.13. Bit Synchronizer ..................................................................................................................................... 31
3.4.14. Frequency Error Indicator....................................................................................................................... 31
3.4.15. Automatic Frequency Correction ............................................................................................................ 32
3.4.16. Optimized Setup for Low Modulation Index Systems ............................................................................. 33
3.4.17. Temperature Sensor ............................................................................................................................... 34
3.4.18. Timeout Function.................................................................................................................................... 34
4. Operating Modes .................................................................................................................................................... 35
4.1. Basic Modes.................................................................................................................................................. 35
4.2. Automatic Sequencer and Wake-Up Times .................................................................................................. 35
4.2.1. Transmitter Startup Time ..........................................................................................................................36
4.2.2. Tx Start Procedure ................................................................................................................................... 36
4.2.3. Receiver Startup Time.............................................................................................................................. 36
4.2.4. Rx Start Procedure ................................................................................................................................... 38
4.2.5. Optimized Frequency Hopping Sequences .............................................................................................. 38
4.3. Listen Mode..................................................................................................................................................... 39
4.3.1. Timings ..................................................................................................................................................... 39
4.3.2. Criteria ...................................................................................................................................................... 40
4.3.3. End of Cycle Actions ................................................................................................................................ 40
4.3.4. Stopping Listen Mode............................................................................................................................... 41
4.3.5. RC Timer Accuracy .................................................................................................................................. 41
4.4. AutoModes ...................................................................................................................................................... 42
5. Data Processing...................................................................................................................................................... 43
5.1. Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 43
5.1.1. Block Diagram .......................................................................................................................................... 43
5.1.2. Data Operation Modes ............................................................................................................................. 43
5.2. Control Block Description .............................................................................................................................. 44
5.2.1. SPI Interface............................................................................................................................................... 44
5.2.2. FIFO ........................................................................................................................................................... 45
5.2.3. Sync Word Recognition ............................................................................................................................ 46
5.2.4. Packet Handler ......................................................................................................................................... 47
5.2.5. Control ........................................................................................................................................................ 47
5.3. Digital IO Pins Mapping................................................................................................................................. 47
5.3.1. DIO Pins Mapping in Continuous Mode ................................................................................................... 48
5.3.2. DIO Pins Mapping in Packet Mode .......................................................................................................... 48
5.4. Continuous Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 49
5.4.1. General Description................................................................................................................................... 49
5.4.2. Tx Processing............................................................................................................................................ 49

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5.4.3. Rx Processing .......................................................................................................................................... 50

5.5. Packet Mode .................................................................................................................................................. 50
5.5.1. General Description................................................................................................................................... 50
5.5.2. Packet Format .......................................................................................................................................... 51
5.5.3. Tx Processing (without AES).................................................................................................................... 53
5.5.4. Rx Processing (without AES) ................................................................................................................... 54
5.5.5. AES ........................................................................................................................................................... 54
5.5.6. Handling Large Packets ........................................................................................................................... 56
5.5.7. Packet Filtering.......................................................................................................................................... 56
5.5.8. DC-Free Data Mechanisms ...................................................................................................................... 58
6. Configuration and Status Registers ...................................................................................................................... 60
6.1. General Description ...................................................................................................................................... 60
6.2. Common Configuration Registers ................................................................................................................. 63
6.3. Transmitter Registers ..................................................................................................................................... 66
6.4. Receiver Registers......................................................................................................................................... 67
6.5. IRQ and Pin Mapping Registers.................................................................................................................... 69
6.6. Packet Engine Registers ............................................................................................................................... 71
6.7. Temperature Sensor Registers ..................................................................................................................... 74
6.8. Test Registers ............................................................................................................................................... 74
7. Application Information ......................................................................................................................................... 75
7.1. Crystal Resonator Specification .................................................................................................................... 75
7.2. Reset of the Module ...................................................................................................................................... 75
7.2.1. POR.......................................................................................................................................................... .. 75
7.2.2. Manual Reset .............................................................................................................................................. 76
7.3. Reference Design ......................................................................................................................................... 77
8. Packaging Information .......................................................................................................................................... 78
8.1. Package Outline Drawing.............................................................................................................................. 78
9. Ordering Information ............................................................................................................................................. 79

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Index of Figures Page

Figure 1. Block Diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 2. Pin Diagram .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3. Marking Diagram ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 4. TCXO Connection ........................................................................................................................................ 16
Figure 5. Transmitter Block Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 6. Output Power Curves ................................................................................................................................... 22
Figure 7. Receiver Block Diagram ............................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 8. AGC Thresholds Settings ............................................................................................................................. 24
Figure 9. RSSI Dynamic Curve .................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 10. Cordic Extraction ........................................................................................................................................ 28
Figure 11. OOK Peak Demodulator Description .......................................................................................................... 29
Figure 12. Floor Threshold Optimization ..................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 13. Bit Synchronizer Description ...................................................................................................................... 31
Figure 14. FEI Process ................................................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 15. Optimized AFC (AfcLowBetaOn=1) ............................................................................................................ 33
Figure 16. Temperature Sensor Response ................................................................................................................. 34
Figure 17. Tx Startup, FSK and OOK .......................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 18. Rx Startup - No AGC, no AFC .................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 19. Rx Startup - AGC, no AFC ......................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 20. Rx Startup - AGC and AFC ........................................................................................................................ 37
Figure 21. Listen Mode Sequence (no wanted signal is received) .............................................................................. 39
Figure 22. Listen Mode Sequence (wanted signal is received) ................................................................................... 41
Figure 23. Auto Modes of Packet Handler ................................................................................................................... 42
Figure 24. RFM69HCW Data Processing Conceptual View ........................................................................................... 43
Figure 25. SPI Timing Diagram (single access) .......................................................................................................... 44
Figure 26. FIFO and Shift Register (SR) ..................................................................................................................... 45
Figure 27. FifoLevel IRQ Source Behavior .................................................................................................................. 46
Figure 28. Sync Word Recognition .............................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 29. Continuous Mode Conceptual View ........................................................................................................... 49
Figure 30. Tx Processing in Continuous Mode ............................................................................................................ 49
Figure 31. Rx Processing in Continuous Mode ........................................................................................................... 50
Figure 32. Packet Mode Conceptual View ................................................................................................................... 51
Figure 33. Fixed Length Packet Format ...................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 34. Variable Length Packet Format .................................................................................................................. 52
Figure 35. Unlimited Length Packet Format ................................................................................................................ 53
Figure 36. CRC Implementation .................................................................................................................................. 58
Figure 37. Manchester Encoding/Decoding ................................................................................................................. 58
Figure 38. Data Whitening ........................................................................................................................................... 59
Figure 39. POR Timing Diagram ................................................................................................................................. 75
Figure 40. Manual Reset Timing Diagram ................................................................................................................... 76

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Figure 41. +20dBm Schematic .................................................................................................................................... 77

Figure 42. Package Outline Drawing ........................................................................................................................... 78

Index of Tables Page

Table 1. RFM69HCW Pinouts ...........................................................................................................................................10
Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings ............................................................................................................................ 11
Table 3. Operating Range ............................................................................................................................................ 11
Table 4. Power Consumption Specification .................................................................................................................. 12
Table 5. Frequency Synthesizer Specification .............................................................................................................. 12
Table 6. Receiver Specification .................................................................................................................................... 13
Table 7. Transmitter Specification ................................................................................................................................ 14
Table 8. Digital Specification ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Table 9. Bit Rate Examples .......................................................................................................................................... 20
Table 10. Power Amplifier Mode Selection Truth Table ............................................................................................... 21
Table 11. High Power Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 22
Table 12. LNA Gain Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 23
Table 13. Receiver Performance Summary .................................................................................................................. 25
Table 14. Available RxBw Settings ............................................................................................................................... 26
Table 15. Available DCC Cutoff Frequencies ............................................................................................................... 27
Table 16. Basic Transceiver Modes ............................................................................................................................. 35
Table 17. Range of Durations in Listen Mode .............................................................................................................. 39
Table 18. Signal Acceptance Criteria in Listen Mode ................................................................................................... 40
Table 19. End of Listen Cycle Actions .......................................................................................................................... 40
Table 20. Status of FIFO when Switching Between Different Modes of the Module ................................................... . 46
Table 21. DIO Mapping, Continuous Mode .................................................................................................................. 48
Table 22. DIO Mapping, Packet Mode ......................................................................................................................... 48
Table 23. Registers Summary ...................................................................................................................................... 60
Table 24. Common Configuration Registers ................................................................................................................. 63
Table 25. Transmitter Registers ................................................................................................................................... 66
Table 26. Receiver Registers ....................................................................................................................................... 67
Table 27. IRQ and Pin Mapping Registers ................................................................................................................... 69
Table 28. Packet Engine Registers .............................................................................................................................. 71
Table 29. Temperature Sensor Registers ..................................................................................................................... 74
Table 30. Test Registers .............................................................................................................................................. 74
Table 31. Crystal Specification ..................................................................................................................................... 75

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BOM Bill Of Materials LSB Least Significant Bit

BR Bit Rate MSB Most Significant Bit
BW Bandwidth NRZ Non Return to Zero
CCITT Comit Consultatif International OOK On Off Keying
Tlphonique et Tlgraphique - ITU
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check PA Power Amplifier
DAC Digital to Analog Converter PCB Printed Circuit Board
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards PLL Phase-Locked Loop
FCC Federal Communications Commission POR Power On Reset
Fdev Frequency Deviation RBW Resolution BandWidth
FIFO First In First Out RF Radio Frequency
FIR Finite Impulse Response RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator
FS Frequency Synthesizer Rx Receiver
FSK Frequency Shift Keying SAW Surface Acoustic Wave
GUI Graphical User Interface SPI Serial Peripheral Interface
IC Integrated Circuit SR Shift Register
ID IDentificator Stby Standby
IF Intermediate Frequency Tx Transmitter
IRQ Interrupt ReQuest uC Microcontroller
ITU International Telecommunication Union VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator
LFSR Linear Feedback Shift Register XO Crystal Oscillator
LNA Low Noise Amplifier XOR eXclusive OR
LO Local Oscillator

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This product datasheet contains a detailed description of the RFM69HCW performance and functionality.

1. General Description
The RFM69HCW is a transceiver module ideally suited for today's high performance ISM band RF applications. It is
intended for use as high-performance, low-cost FSK and OOK RF transceiver for robust frequency agile, half-duplex bi-
directional RF links, and where stable and constant RF performance is required over the full operating range of the
device down to 1.8V.

The RFM69HCW is intended for applications over a wide frequency range, including the 315MHz,433 MHz,868 MHz
and 915MHz ISM bands. Coupled with a link budget in excess of 140 dB, the advanced system features of the
RFM69HCW include a 66 byte TX/RX FIFO, configurable automatic packet handler, listen mode, temperature sensor and
configurable DIOs which greatly enhance system flexibility whilst at the same time significantly reducing MCU

The RFM69HCW complies with both ETSI and FCC regulatory requirements and is available

1.1. Simplified Block Diagram

Figure 1. Block Diagram

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1.2. Pin and Marking Diagram

The following diagram shows the pin arrangement of the top view.

Figure 3. Marking Diagram

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1.3. Pin Description

Table 1 RFM69HCW Pinouts

Number Name Type Description

1 GND - Ground
2 MISO I SPI Data output
3 MOSI O SPI Data input
4 SCK I SPI Clock input
5 NSS I SPI Chip select input
6 RESET I/O Reset trigger input
7 DIO5 I/O Digital I/O, software configured
8 GND - Ground
9 ANT - RF signal output/input.

10 GND - Ground
11 DIO3 I/O Digital I/O, software configured
12 DIO4 I/O Digital I/O, software configured
13 3.3V - Supply voltage
14 DIO0 I/O Digital I/O, software configured
15 DIO1 I/O Digital I/O, software configured
16 DIO2 I/O Digital I/O, software configured

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2. Electrical Characteristics

2.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings

Stresses above the values listed below may cause permanent device failure. Exposure to absolute
maximum ratings for extended periods may affect device reliability.

Table 2 Absolute Maximum Ratings

Symbol Description Min Max Unit

VDDmr Supply Voltage -0.5 3.9 V

Tmr Temperature -55 +115 C

Tj Junction temperature - +125 C

Pmr RF Input Level - +6 dBm

DC_20dBm Duty Cycle of transmission at +20dBm output - 1 %

VSWR_20dBm Maximum VSWR at antenna port - 3:1 -

2.2. Operating Range

Table 3 Operating Range

Symbol Description Min Max Unit

VDDop Supply voltage(1.8V-2.4V 17dBm, 2.4V- 3.6V 20dBm) 1.8 3.6 V

Top Operational temperature range -40 +85 C

Clop Load capacitance on digital ports - 25 pF

ML RF Input Level - 0 dBm

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2.3 Module Specification

The tables below give the electrical specifications of the transceiver under the following conditions: Supply voltage VBAT1=
VBAT2=VDD=3.3 V, temperature = 25 C, FRF = 915 MHz, Pout = +20dBm, 2-level FSK modulation without pre-filtering,
FDA = 5 kHz, Bit Rate = 4.8 kb/s and terminated in a matched 50 Ohm impedance, unless otherwise specified.
Note Unless otherwise specified, the performances in the other frequency bands are similar or better.

2.3.1. Power Consumption

Table 4 Power Consumption Specification

Symbol Description Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

IDDSL Supply current in Sleep mode - 0.1 1 uA

IDDIDLE Supply current in Idle mode RC oscillator enabled - 1.2 - uA

IDDST Supply current in Standby mode Crystal oscillator enabled - 1.25 1.5 mA

IDDFS Supply current in Synthesizer - 9 - mA


IDDR Supply current in Receive mode - 16 - mA

IDDT Supply current in Transmit mode RFOP = +20 dBm, on PA_BOOST - 130 - mA
with appropriate matching, sta- RFOP = +17 dBm, on PA_BOOST - 95 - mA
ble across VDD range RFOP = +13 dBm, on RFIO pin - 45 - mA
RFOP = +10 dBm, on RFIO pin - 33 - mA
RFOP = 0 dBm, on RFIO pin - 20 - mA
RFOP = -1 dBm, on RFIO pin - 16 - mA

2.3.2. Frequency Synthesis

Table 5 Frequency Synthesizer Specification

Symbol Description Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

FR Synthesizer Frequency Range 315MHz Module 290 340 MHz

433MHz Module 424 510 MHz
868MHz Module 862 890 MHz
915MHz Module 890 1020 MHz
FXOSC Crystal oscillator frequency For All Module - 32 - MHz

TS_OSC Crystal oscillator wake-up time - 250 500 us

TS_FS Frequency synthesizer wake-up From Standby mode - 80 150 us

time to PllLock signal

TS_HOP Frequency synthesizer hop time 200 kHz step - 20 - us

at most 10 kHz away from the 1 MHz step - 20 - us
target 5 MHz step - 50 - us
7 MHz step - 50 - us
12 MHz step - 80 - us
20 MHz step - 80 - us
25 MHz step - 80 - us

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FSTEP Frequency synthesizer step FSTEP = FXOSC/219 - 61.0 - Hz

FRC RC Oscillator frequency After calibration - 62.5 - kHz

BRF Bit rate, FSK Programmable 1.2 - 300 kbps

BRO Bit rate, OOK Programmable 1.2 - 32.768 kbps

FDA Frequency deviation, FSK Programmable 0.6 - 300 kHz

FDA + BRF/2 =< 500 kHz

2.3.3. Receiver
All receiver tests are performed with RxBw = 10 kHz (Single Side Bandwidth) as programmed in RegRxBw, receiving a
PN15 sequence with a BER of 0.1% (Bit Synchronizer is enabled), unless otherwise specified. The LNA impedance is set
to 200 Ohms, by setting bit LnaZin in RegLna to 1. Blocking tests are performed with an unmodulated interferer. The
wanted signal power for the Blocking Immunity, ACR, IIP2, IIP3 and AMR tests is set 3 dB above the nominal sensitivity
Table 6 Receiver Specification

Symbol Description Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

RFS_F FSK sensitivity, highest LNA gain FDA = 5 kHz, BR = 1.2 kb/s - -118 - dBm
FDA = 5 kHz, BR = 4.8 kb/s - -114 - dBm
FDA = 40 kHz, BR = 38.4 kb/s - -105 - dBm

FDA = 5 kHz, BR = 1.2 kb/s * - -120 - dBm

RFS_O OOK sensitivity, highest LNA gain BR = 4.8 kb/s - -112 -109 dBm

CCR Co-Channel Rejection -13 -10 - dB

ACR Adjacent Channel Rejection Offset = +/- 25 kHz - 42 - dB

Offset = +/- 50 kHz 37 42 - dB

BI Blocking Immunity Offset = +/- 1 MHz - 66 - dB

Offset = +/- 2 MHz - 71 - dB
Offset = +/- 10 MHz - 79 - dB

Blocking Immunity Offset = +/- 1 MHz - 62 - dB

Wanted signal at sensitivity Offset = +/- 2 MHz - 65 - dB
+16dB Offset = +/- 10 MHz - 73 - dB

AMR AM Rejection , AM modulated Offset = +/- 1 MHz - 66 - dB

interferer with 100% modulation Offset = +/- 2 MHz - 71 - dB
depth, fm = 1 kHz, square Offset = +/- 10 MHz - 79 - dB

IIP2 2nd order Input Intercept Point Lowest LNA gain - +75 - dBm
Unwanted tones are 20 MHz Highest LNA gain - +35 - dBm
above the LO

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IIP3 3rd order Input Intercept point Lowest LNA gain - +20 - dBm
Unwanted tones are 1MHz and Highest LNA gain -23 -18 - dBm
1.995 MHz above the LO

BW_SSB Single Side channel filter BW Programmable 2.6 - 500 kHz

IMR_OOK Image rejection in OOK mode Wanted signal level = -106 dBm 27 30 - dB

TS_RE Receiver wake-up time, from PLL RxBw = 10 kHz, BR = 4.8 kb/s - 1.7 - ms
locked state to RxReady RxBw = 200 kHz, BR = 100 kb/s - 96 - us

TS_RE_AGC Receiver wake-up time, from PLL RxBw = 10 kHz, BR = 4.8 kb/s - 3.0 ms
locked state, AGC enabled RxBw = 200 kHz, BR = 100 kb/s 163 us

TS_RE_AGC Receiver wake-up time, from PLL RxBw = 10 kHz, BR = 4.8 kb/s 4.8 ms
&AFC lock state, AGC and AFC enabled RxBw = 200 kHz, BR = 100 kb/s 265 us

TS_FEI FEI sampling time Receiver is ready - 4.Tbit - -

TS_AFC AFC Response Time Receiver is ready - 4.Tbit - -

TS_RSSI RSSI Response Time Receiver is ready - 2.Tbit - -

DR_RSSI RSSI Dynamic Range AGC enabled Min - -115 - dBm

Max - 0 - dBm

* Set SensitivityBoost in RegTestLna to 0x2D to reduce the noise floor in the receiver

2.3.4. Transmitter
Table 7 Transmitter Specification

Symbol Description Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

RF_OP RF output power in 50 ohms Programmable with 1dB steps Max - +20 - dBm
On RFIO pin Min - -18 - dBm
RF_OPH Max RF output power, on With external match to 50 ohms - +20 - dBm

RF_OP RF output power stability From VDD=2.4V to 3.6V - +/-0.3 - dB

PHN Transmitter Phase Noise 50 kHz Offset from carrier

868 / 915 MHz bands - -95 - dBc/
434 / 315 MHz bands - -99 - Hz

ACP Transmitter adjacent channel BT=0.5 . Measurement conditions as - - -37 dBm

power (measured at 25 kHz off- defined by EN 300 220-1 V2.1.1

TS_TR Transmitter wake up time, to the Frequency Synthesizer enabled, - 120 - us

first rising edge of DCLK PaRamp = 10 us, BR = 4.8 kb/s.

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2.3.5. Digital Specification

Conditions: Temp = 25C, VDD = 3.3V, unless otherwise specified.

Table 8 Digital Specification

Symbol Description Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

VIH Digital input level high 0.8 - - VDD

VIL Digital input level low - - 0.2 VDD

VOH Digital output level high Imax = 1 mA 0.9 - - VDD

VOL Digital output level low Imax = -1 mA - - 0.1 VDD

FSCK SCK frequency - - 10 MHz

tch SCK high time 50 - - ns

tcl SCK low time 50 - - ns

trise SCK rise time - 5 - ns

tfall SCK fall time - 5 - ns

tsetup MOSI setup time from MOSI change to SCK rising 30 - - ns


thold MOSI hold time from SCK rising edge to MOSI 60 - - ns


tnsetup NSS setup time from NSS falling edge to SCK rising 30 - - ns

tnhold NSS hold time from SCK falling edge to NSS rising 30 - - ns
edge, normal mode

tnhigh NSS high time between SPI 20 - - ns


T_DATA DATA hold and setup time 250 - - ns

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3. Module Description
This section describes in depth the architecture of the RFM69HCW low-power, highly integrated

3.1. Power Supply Strategy

The RFM69HCW employs an advanced power supply scheme, which provides stable operating characteristics over the
full temperature and voltage range of operation. This includes the full output power of +20dBm maintained from 2.4 to 3.6V.
The RFM69HCW can be powered from any low-noise voltage source via pins VBAT1 and VBAT2. Decoupling capacitors
should be connected, as suggested in the reference design, on VR_PA, VR_DIG and VR_ANA pins to ensure a correct
operation of the built-in voltage regulators.

3.2. Frequency Synthesis

The LO generation on the RFM69HCW is based on a state-of-the-art fractional-N PLL. The PLL is fully integrated with
automatic calibration.

3.2.1. Reference Oscillator

The crystal oscillator is the main timing reference of the RFM69HCW. It is used as a reference for the frequency
synthesizer and as a clock for the digital processing.
The XO startup time, TS_OSC, depends on the actual XTAL being connected on pins XTA and XTB. When using the built-
in sequencer, the RFM69HCW optimizes the startup time and automatically triggers the PLL when the XO signal is stable.
To manually control the startup time, the user should either wait for TS_OSC max, or monitor the signal CLKOUT which
will only be made available on the output buffer when a stable XO oscillation is achieved.

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3.2.2. CLKOUT Output

The reference frequency, or a fraction of it, can be provided on DIO5 by modifying bits ClkOut in RegDioMapping2. Two
typical applications of the CLKOUT output include:
To provide a clock output for a companion processor, thus saving the cost of an additional oscillator. CLKOUT can be
made available in any operation mode except Sleep mode and is automatically enabled at power on reset.
To provide an oscillator reference output. Measurement of the CLKOUT signal enables simple software trimming of the
initial crystal tolerance.

Note to minimize the current consumption of the RFM69HCW, please ensure that the CLKOUT signal is disabled when
not required.

3.2.3. PLL Architecture

The frequency synthesizer generating the LO frequency for both the receiver and the transmitter is a fractional-N sigma-
delta PLL. The PLL incorporates a third order loop capable of fast auto-calibration, and it has a fast switching-time. The
VCO and the loop filter are both fully integrated, removing the need for an external tight-tolerance, high-Q inductor in the
VCO tank circuit. VCO
The VCO runs at 2, 4 or 6 times the RF frequency (respectively in the 915, 434 and 315 MHz bands) to reduce any LO
leakage in receiver mode, to improve the quadrature precision of the receiver, and to reduce the pulling effects on the VCO
during transmission.
The VCO calibration is fully automated. A coarse adjustment is carried out at power on reset, and a fine tuning is
performed each time the RFM69HCW PLL is activated. Automatic calibration times are fully transparent to the end-user,
as their processing time is included in the TS_TE and TS_RE specifications. PLL Bandwidth

The bandwidth of the RFM69HCW Fractional-N PLL is wide enough to allow
High speed FSK modulation, up to 300 kb/s, inside the PLL bandwidth
Very fast PLL lock times, enabling both short startup and fast hop times required for frequency agile applications Carrier Frequency and Resolution

The RFM69HCW PLL embeds a 19-bit sigma-delta modulator and its frequency resolution, constant over the whole
frequency range, and is given by:
F STE P = ---------------

The carrier frequency is programmed through RegFrf, split across addresses 0x07 to 0x09:
F RF = FSTEP Frf(23,0)

Note The Frf setting is split across 3 bytes. A change in the center frequency will only be taken into account when the
least significant byte FrfLsb in RegFrfLsb is written. This allows for more complex modulation schemes such as m-
ary FSK, where frequency modulation is achieved by changing the programmed RF frequency.

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3.2.4. Lock Time

PLL lock time TS_FS is a function of a number of technical factors, such as synthesized frequency, frequency step, etc.
When using the built-in sequencer, the RFM69HCW optimizes the startup time and automatically starts the receiver or
the transmitter when the PLL has locked. To manually control the startup time, the user should either wait for TS_FS max
given in the specification, or monitor the signal PLL lock detect indicator, which is set when the PLL has is within its
locking range.

When performing an AFC, which usually corrects very small frequency errors, the PLL response time is approximately:
= -------------

In a frequency hopping scheme, the timings TS_HOP given in the table of specifications give an order of magnitude for the
expected lock times.

3.2.5. Lock Detect Indicator

A lock indication signal can be made available on some of the DIO pins, and is toggled high when the PLL reaches its
locking range. Please refer to Table 21 and Table 22 to map this interrupt to the desired pins.

Note The lock detect block may indicate an unlock condition (signal toggling low) when the transmitter is FSK modulated
with large frequency deviation settings.

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3.3. Transmitter Description

The transmitter of RFM69HCW comprises the frequency synthesizer, modulator and power amplifier blocks.

3.3.1. Architecture Description


RFIO Receiver Chain




Figure 4. Transmitter Block Diagram

3.3.2. Bit Rate Setting

When using the RFM69HCW in Continuous mode, the data stream to be transmitted can be input directly to the modulator
via pin DIO2/DATA in an asynchronous manner, unless Gaussian filtering is used, in which case the DCLK signal on pin
DIO1/DCLK is used to synchronize the data stream. See section 3.3.5 for details on the Gaussian filter.

In Packet mode or in Continuous mode with Gaussian filtering enabled (refer to section 5.5 for details), the Bit Rate (BR) is
controlled by bits BitRate in RegBitrate:
BR = -------------------

Amongst others, the following Bit Rates are accessible:

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Table 9 Bit Rate Examples

BitRate BitRate (G)FSK Actual BR

Type OOK
(15:8) (7:0) (G)MSK (b/s)

Classical modem baud rates 0x68 0x2B 1.2 kbps 1.2 kbps 1200.015
(multiples of 1.2 kbps)
0x34 0x15 2.4 kbps 2.4 kbps 2400.060

0x1A 0x0B 4.8 kbps 4.8 kbps 4799.760

0x0D 0x05 9.6 kbps 9.6 kbps 9600.960

0x06 0x83 19.2 kbps 19.2 kbps 19196.16

0x03 0x41 38.4 kbps 38415.36

0x01 0xA1 76.8 kbps 76738.60

0x00 0xD0 153.6 kbps 153846.1

Classical modem baud rates 0x02 0x2C 57.6 kbps 57553.95

(multiples of 0.9 kbps)
0x01 0x16 115.2 kbps 115107.9

Round bit rates 0x0A 0x00 12.5 kbps 12.5 kbps 12500.00
(multiples of 12.5, 25 and
50 kbps) 0x05 0x00 25 kbps 25 kbps 25000.00

0x02 0x80 50 kbps 50000.00

0x01 0x40 100 kbps 100000.0

0x00 0xD5 150 kbps 150234.7

0x00 0xA0 200 kbps 200000.0

0x00 0x80 250 kbps 250000.0

0x00 0x6B 300 kbps 299065.4

Watch Xtal frequency 0x03 0xD1 32.768 kbps 32.768 kbps 32753.32

3.3.3. FSK Modulation

FSK modulation is performed inside the PLL bandwidth, by changing the fractional divider ratio in the feedback loop of the
PLL. The large resolution of the sigma-delta modulator, allows for very narrow frequency deviation. The frequency
deviation FDEV is given by:

Note no constraint applies to the modulation index of the transmitter, but the frequency deviation must exceed 600 Hz.

3.3.4. OOK Modulation

OOK modulation is applied by switching on and off the Power Amplifier. Digital control and smoothing are available to
improve the transient power response of the OOK transmitter.

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3.3.5. Modulation Shaping

Modulation shaping can be applied in both OOK and FSK modulation modes, to improve the narrowband response of the
transmitter. Both shaping features are controlled with PaRamp bits in RegPaRamp.
In FSK mode, a Gaussian filter with BT = 0.3, 0.5 or 1 is used to filter the modulation stream, at the input of the
sigma-delta modulator. If the Gaussian filter is enabled when the RFM69HCW is in Continuous mode, DCLK signal
on pin DIO1/DCLK will trigger an interrupt on the uC each time a new bit has to be transmitted. Please refer to
section 5.4.2 for details.
When OOK modulation is used, the PA bias voltages are ramped up and down smoothly when the PA is turned on
and off, to reduce spectral splatter.

Note the transmitter must be restarted if the PaRamp setting is changed, in order to recalibrate the built-in filter.

3.3.6. Power Amplifiers

A higher power mode, when PA1 and PA2 are combined, providing up to +20 dBm to a matched load.

When PA1 and PA2 are combined to deliver +20 dBm to the antenna, a specific impedance matching / harmonic filtering
design is required to ensure impedance transformation and regulatory compliance.

All PA settings are controlled by RegPaLevel, and the truth table of settings is given in Table 10.

Table 10 Power Amplifier Mode Selection Truth Table

Pa0On Pa1On Pa2On Mode Power Range Pout Formula

1 0 0 PA0 output on pin RFIO -18 to +13 dBm -18 dBm + OutputPower

0 1 0 PA1 enabled on pin PA_BOOST -2 to +13 dBm -18 dBm + OutputPower

0 1 1 PA1 and PA2 combined on pin PA_BOOST +2 to +17 dBm -14 dBm + OutputPower

0 1 1 PA1+PA2 on PA_BOOST with high output +5 to +20 dBm -11 dBm + OutputPower
power +20dBm settings (see 3.3.7)

Other combinations Reserved

Notes - To ensure correct operation at the highest power levels, please make sure to adjust the Over Current Protection
Limit accordingly in RegOcp, except above +18dBm where it must be disabled
- If PA_BOOST pin is not used (+20dBm applications and less), the pin can be left floating.

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3.3.7. High Power Settings

The RFM69HCW has a high power +20 dBm capability on PA_BOOST pin, with the following settings:
Table 11 High Power Settings

Value for Value for Rx

Register Address Description
High Power or PA0 use

RegOcp 0x13 0x0F 0x1x OCP control

RegTestPa1 0x5A 0x5D 0x55 High power PA control

RegTestPa2 0x5C 0x7C 0x70 High power PA control

Note High Power settings MUST be turned off when using PA0, and in Receive mode

The Duty Cycle of transmission at +20dBm is limited to 1%, with a maximum VSWR of 3:1 at antenna port, over the
standard operating range [-40;+85C].

3.3.8. Output Power Summary

The curves below summarize the possible PA options on the RFM69HCW:

P o ut vs. P ro g ram med P o w er





Pout [dBm]

Pout on PA0 [dB m ]
Pout on PA1 [dB m ]
P out on P A 1+ P A 2 [dB m ]
P out on P A 1+ P A 2 with 20dB m s ettings [dB m ]

-18 -14 -10 -6 -2 2 6 10 14 18
Pr o g r am m e d Po w e r [d Bm ]

Figure 5. Output Power Curves

3.3.9. Over Current Protection

An over current protection block is built-in the module. It helps preventing surge currents required when the transmitter is
used at its highest power levels, thus protecting the battery that may power the application. The current clamping value is
controlled by OcpTrim bits in RegOcp, and is calculated with the following formula:
Imax = 45 + 5 OcpTrim mA

Note Imax sets a limit on the current drain of the Power Amplifier only, hence the maximum current drain of the
RFM69HCW is equal to Imax + IFS

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3.4. Receiver Description

The RFM69HCW features a digital receiver with the analog to digital conversion process being performed directly
following the LNA-Mixers block. The zero-IF receiver is able to handle (G)FSK and (G)MSK modulation. ASK and OOK
modulation is, however, demodulated by a low-IF architecture. All the filtering, demodulation, gain control, synchronization
and packet handling is performed digitally, which allows a very wide range of bit rates and frequency deviations to be
selected. The receiver is also capable of automatic gain calibration in order to improve precision on RSSI measurements.

3.4.1. Block Diagram

Rx Cal ibration
Single to Mi x ers Modulators Channel DC Complex
Differential Fil ter Cancel lation Fi lter Phase FSK
RFIO Output Demodulator

Dec imator

Module OOK
From Output RSSI
Demodul ator

By pass ed
in FSK
Os c illator AFC


Figure 6. Receiver Block Diagram

The following sections give a brief description of each of the receiver blocks.

3.4.2. LNA - Single to Differential Buffer

The LNA uses a common-gate topology, which allows for a flat characteristic over the whole frequency range. It is
designed to have an input impedance of 50 Ohms or 200 Ohms (as selected with bit LnaZin in RegLna), and the parasitic
capacitance at the LNA input port is cancelled with the external RF choke. A single to differential buffer is implemented to
improve the second order linearity of the receiver.
The LNA gain, including the single-to-differential buffer, is programmable over a 48 dB dynamic range, and control is either
manual or automatic with the embedded AGC function.

Note In the specific case where the LNA gain is manually set by the user, the receiver will not be able to properly handle
FSK signals with a modulation index smaller than 2 at an input power greater than the 1dB compression point,
tabulated in section 3.4.3.

Table 12 LNA Gain Settings

LnaGainSelect LNA Gain Gain Setting
000 Any of the below, set by the AGC loop -
001 Max gain G1
010 Max gain - 6 dB G2
011 Max gain - 12 dB G3
100 Max gain - 24 dB G4
101 Max gain - 36 dB G5
110 Max gain - 48 dB G6
111 Reserved -

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3.4.3. Automatic Gain Control

By default (LnaGainSelect = 000), the LNA gain is controlled by a digital AGC loop in order to obtain the optimal sensitivity/
linearity trade-off.
Regardless of the data transfer mode (Packet or Continuous), the following series of events takes place when the receiver
is enabled:

The receiver stays in WAIT mode, until RssiValue exceeds RssiThreshold for two consecutive samples. Its power
consumption is the receiver power consumption.
When this condition is satisfied, the receiver automatically selects the most suitable LNA gain, optimizing the
sensitivity/linearity trade-off.
The programmed LNA gain, read-accessible with LnaCurrentGain in RegLna, is carried on for the whole duration of the
packet, until one of the following conditions is fulfilled:
Packet mode: if AutoRxRestartOn = 0, the LNA gain will remain the same for the reception of the following packet. If
AutoRxRestartOn = 1, after the controller has emptied the FIFO the receiver will re-enter the WAIT mode described
above, after a delay of InterPacketRxDelay, allowing for the distant transmitter to ramp down, hence avoiding a false
RSSI detection. In both cases (AutoRxRestartOn=0 or AutoRxRestartOn=1), the receiver can also re-enter the WAIT
mode by setting RestartRx bit to 1. The user can decide to do so, to manually launch a new AGC procedure.
Continuous mode: upon reception of valid data, the user can decide to either leave the receiver enabled with the
same LNA gain, or to restart the procedure, by setting RestartRx bit to 1, resuming the WAIT mode of the receiver,
described above.

Notes - the AGC procedure must be performed while receiving preamble in FSK mode
- in OOK mode, the AGC will give better results if performed while receiving a constant 1 sequence

The following figure illustrates the AGC behavior:

-125 dBm
16dB 7dB 11dB 9dB 11dB Pin [dBm]

G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6

Higher Sensitivity Lower Sensitivity

Lower Linearity Higher Linearity
Lower Noise Figure Higher Noise Figure

Figure 7. AGC Thresholds Settings

The following table summarizes the performance (typical figures) of the complete receiver:

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Table 13 Receiver Performance Summary

Input Power Gain Receiver Performance (typ)
Pin Setting P-1dB NF IIP3 IIP2
[dBm] [dB] [dBm] [dBm]
Pin < AgcThresh1 G1 -37 7 -18 +35
AgcThresh1 < Pin < AgcThresh2 G2 -31 13 -15 +40
AgcThresh2 < Pin < AgcThresh3 G3 -26 18 -8 +48
AgcThresh3 < Pin < AgcThresh4 G4 -14 27 -1 +62
AgcThresh4 < Pin < AgcThresh5 G5 >-6 36 +13 +68
AgcThresh5 < Pin G6 >0 44 +20 +75 RssiThreshold Setting

For correct operation of the AGC, RssiThreshold in RegRssiThresh must be set to the sensitivity of the receiver. The
receiver will remain in WAIT mode until RssiThreshold is exceeded.

Note When AFC is enabled and performed automatically at the receiver startup, the channel filter used by the receiver
during the AFC and the AGC is RxBwAfc instead of the standard RxBw setting. This may impact the sensitivity of
the receiver, and the setting of RssiThreshold accordingly AGC Reference

The AGC reference level is automatically computed in the RFM69HCW, according
AGC Reference [dBm] = -174 + NF + DemodSnr +10.log(2*RxBw) + FadingMargin [dBm]

NF = 7dB : LNAs Noise Figure at maximum gain
DemodSnr = 8 dB : SNR needed by the demodulator
RxBw : Single sideband channel filter bandwidth
FadingMargin = 5 dB : Fading margin

3.4.4. Continuous-Time DAGC

In addition to the automatic gain control described in section 3.4.3, the RFM69HCW is capable of continuously adjusting
its gain in the digital domain, after the analog to digital conversion has occured. This feature, named DAGC, is fully
transparent to the end user. The digital gain adjustment is repeated every 2 bits, and has the following benefits:
Fully transparent to the end user
Improves the fading margin of the receiver during the reception of a packet, even if the gain of the LNA is frozen
Improves the receiver robustness in fast fading signal conditions, by quickly adjusting the receiver gain (every 2 bits)
Works in Continuous, Packet, and unlimited length Packet modes

The DAGC is enabled by setting RegTestDagc to 0x20 for low modulation index systems (i.e. when AfcLowBetaOn=1,
refer to section 3.4.16), and 0x30 for other systems. It is recommended to always enable the DAGC.

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3.4.5. Quadrature Mixer - ADCs - Decimators

The mixer is inserted between output of the RF buffer stage and the input of the analog to digital converter (ADC) of the
receiver section. This block is designed to translate the spectrum of the input RF signal to base-band, and offer both high
IIP2 and IIP3 responses.
In the lower bands of operation (290 to 510 MHz), the multi-phase mixing architecture with weighted phases improves the
rejection of the LO harmonics in receiver mode, hence increasing the receiver immunity to out-of-band interferers.
The I and Q digitalization is made by two 5th order continuous-time Sigma-Delta Analog to Digital Converters (ADC). Their
gain is not constant over temperature, but the whole receiver is calibrated before reception, so that this inaccuracy has no
impact on the RSSI precision. The ADC output is one bit per channel. It needs to be decimated and filtered afterwards. This
ADC can also be used for temperature measurement, please refer to section 3.4.17 for more details.
The decimators decrease the sample rate of the incoming signal in order to optimize the area and power consumption of
the following receiver blocks.

3.4.6. Channel Filter

The role of the channel filter is to filter out the noise and interferers outside of the channel. Channel filtering on the
RFM69HCW is implemented with a 16-tap Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter, providing an outstanding Adjacent
Channel Rejection performance, even for narrowband applications.
Note to respect oversampling rules in the decimation chain of the receiver, the Bit Rate cannot be set at a higher value
than 2 times the single-side receiver bandwidth (BitRate < 2 x RxBw)

The single-side channel filter bandwidth RxBw is controlled by the parameters RxBwMant and RxBwExp in RegRxBw:
When FSK modulation is enabled:
RxBw = -----------------------------------------------------------------
RxBwE x p + 2
RxBwMant 2
When OOK modulation is enabled:

RxBw = -----------------------------------------------------------------
RxBwE x p + 3
RxBwMant 2

The following channel filter bandwidths are accessible (oscillator is mandated at 32 MHz):
Table 14 Available RxBw Settings
RxBwMant RxBwExp RxBw (kHz)
(binary/value) (decimal) FSK OOK
ModulationType=00 ModulationType=01
10b / 24 7 2.6 1.3
01b / 20 7 3.1 1.6
00b / 16 7 3.9 2.0
10b / 24 6 5.2 2.6
01b / 20 6 6.3 3.1
00b / 16 6 7.8 3.9
10b / 24 5 10.4 5.2
01b / 20 5 12.5 6.3
00b / 16 5 15.6 7.8
10b / 24 4 20.8 10.4

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01b / 20 4 25.0 12.5

00b / 16 4 31.3 15.6
10b / 24 3 41.7 20.8
01b / 20 3 50.0 25.0
00b / 16 3 62.5 31.3
10b / 24 2 83.3 41.7
01b / 20 2 100.0 50.0
00b / 16 2 125.0 62.5
10b / 24 1 166.7 83.3
01b / 20 1 200.0 100.0
00b / 16 1 250.0 125.0
10b / 24 0 333.3 166.7
01b / 20 0 400.0 200.0
00b / 16 0 500.0 250.0

3.4.7. DC Cancellation
DC cancellation is required in zero-IF architecture transceivers to remove any DC offset generated through self-reception.
It is built-in the RFM69HCW and its adjustable cutoff frequency fc is controlled in RegRxBw:

Table 15 Available DCC Cutoff Frequencies

DccFreq fc in
in RegRxBw % of RxBw
000 16
001 8
010 (default) 4
011 2
100 1
101 0.5
110 0.25
111 0.125

The default value of DccFreq cutoff frequency is typically 4% of the RxBw (channel filter BW). The cutoff frequency of the
DCC can however be increased to slightly improve the sensitivity, under wider modulation conditions. It is advised to adjust
the DCC setting while monitoring the receiver sensitivity.

3.4.8. Complex Filter - OOK

In OOK mode the RFM69HCW is modified to a low-IF architecture. The IF frequency is automatically set to half the single
side bandwidth of the channel filter (FIF = 0.5 x RxBw). The Local Oscillator is automatically offset by the IF in the OOK
receiver. A complex filter is implemented on the module to attenuate the resulting image frequency by typically 30 dB.
Note this filter is automatically bypassed when receiving FSK signals (ModulationType = 00 in RegDataModul).

3.4.9. RSSI
The RSSI block evaluates the amount of energy available within the receiver channel bandwidth. Its resolution is 0.5 dB,
and it has a wide dynamic range to accommodate both small and large signal levels that may be present. Its acquisition
time is very short, taking only 2 bit periods. The RSSI sampling must occur during the reception of preamble in FSK, and
constant 1 reception in OOK.

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Note - RssiValue can only be read when it exceeds RssiThreshold

- The receiver is capable of automatic gain calibration, in order to improve the precision of its RSSI measurements.
This function injects a known RF signal at the LNA input, and calibrates the receiver gain accordingly. This
calibration is automatically performed during the PLL start-up, making it a transparent process to the end-user
- RSSI accuracy depends on all components located between the antenna port and pin RFIO, and is therefore
limited to a few dB. Board-level calibration is advised to further improve accuracy

RSSI Chart - With AGC



RssiValue [dBm]




-120 -110 -100 -90 -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
Pin [dBm]

Figure 8. RSSI Dynamic Curve

3.4.10. Cordic
The Cordic task is to extract the phase and the amplitude of the modulation vector (I+j.Q). This information, still in the
digital domain is used:
Phase output: used by the FSK demodulator and the AFC blocks.
Amplitude output: used by the RSSI block, for FSK demodulation, AGC and automatic gain calibration purposes.


Real-time Phase


Figure 9. Cordic Extraction

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3.4.11. FSK Demodulator

The FSK demodulator of the RFM69HCW is designed to demodulate FSK, GFSK, MSK and GMSK modulated signals. It
is most efficient when the modulation index of the signal is greater than 0.5 and below 10:


The output of the FSK demodulator can be fed to the Bit Synchronizer (described in section 3.4.13), to provide the
companion processor with a synchronous data stream in Continuous mode.

3.4.12. OOK Demodulator

The OOK demodulator performs a comparison of the RSSI output and a threshold value. Three different threshold modes
are available, configured through bits OokThreshType in RegOokPeak.
The recommended mode of operation is the "Peak" threshold mode, illustrated in Figure 11:

Peak -6dB Threshold

Floor threshold defined by


Noise floor of


Decay in dB as defined in
OokPeakThreshStep Fixed 6dB difference

Period as defined in

Figure 10. OOK Peak Demodulator Description

In peak threshold mode the comparison threshold level is the peak value of the RSSI, reduced by 6dB. In the absence of
an input signal, or during the reception of a logical "0", the acquired peak value is decremented by one
OokPeakThreshStep every OokPeakThreshDec period.

When the RSSI output is null for a long time (for instance after a long string of "0" received, or if no transmitter is present),
the peak threshold level will continue falling until it reaches the "Floor Threshold", programmed in OokFixedThresh.

The default settings of the OOK demodulator lead to the performance stated in the electrical specification. However, in
applications in which sudden signal drops are awaited during a reception, the three parameters should be optimized
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RFM69HCW Optimizing the Floor Threshold

OokFixedThresh determines the sensitivity of the OOK receiver, as it sets the comparison threshold for weak input signals
(i.e. those close to the noise floor). Significant sensitivity improvements can be generated if configured correctly.
Note that the noise floor of the receiver at the demodulator input depends on:
The noise figure of the receiver.
The gain of the receive chain from antenna to base band.
The matching - including SAW filter if any.
The bandwidth of the channel filters.

It is therefore important to note that the setting of OokFixedThresh will be application dependant. The following procedure
is recommended to optimize OokFixedThresh.

Set RFM69HCW in OOK Rx mode

Adjust Bit Rate, Channel filter BW
Default OokFixedThresh setting
No input signal
Continuous Mode

Monitor DIO2/DATA pin


Glitch activity
on DATA ?

Optimization complete

Figure 11. Floor Threshold Optimization

The new floor threshold value found during this test should be used for OOK reception with those receiver settings. Optimizing OOK Demodulator for Fast Fading Signals

A sudden drop in signal strength can cause the bit error rate to increase. For applications where the expected signal drop
can be estimated, the following OOK demodulator parameters OokPeakThreshStep and OokPeakThreshDec can be
optimized as described below for a given number of threshold decrements per bit. Refer to RegOokPeak to access those
settings. Alternative OOK Demodulator Threshold Modes

In addition to the Peak OOK threshold mode, the user can alternatively select two other types of threshold detectors:
Fixed Threshold: The value is selected through OokFixedThresh
Average Threshold: Data supplied by the RSSI block is averaged, and this operation mode should only be used
with DC-free encoded data.

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3.4.13. Bit Synchronizer

The Bit Synchronizer is a block that provides a clean and synchronized digital output, free of glitches. Its output is made
available on pin DIO1/DCLK in Continuous mode and can be disabled through register settings. However, for optimum
receiver performance its use when running Continuous mode is strongly advised.

The Bit Synchronizer is automatically activated in Packet mode. Its bit rate is controlled by BitRateMsb and BitRateLsb in

Raw demodulator
(FSK or OOK)

BitSync Output To
pin DATA and
DCLK in continuous


Figure 12. Bit Synchronizer Description

To ensure correct operation of the Bit Synchronizer, the following conditions have to be satisfied:
A preamble (0x55 or 0xAA) of 12 bits is required for synchronization (from the RxReady interrupt)
The subsequent payload bit stream must have at least one transition form '0' to '1' or '1' to '0 every 16 bits during data
The bit rate matching between the transmitter and the receiver must be better than 6.5 %.

Notes - If the Bit Rates of transmitter and receiver are known to be the same, the RFM69HCW will be able to receive
an infinite unbalanced sequence (all 0s or all 1s) with no restriction.
- If there is a difference in Bit Rate between Tx and Rx, the amount of adjacent bits at the same level that the
BitSync can withstand can be estimated as follows:

- This implies approximately 6 consecutive unbalanced bytes when the Bit Rate precision is 1%, which is easily
achievable (crystal tolerance is in the range of 50 to 100 ppm).

3.4.14. Frequency Error Indicator

This function provides information about the frequency error of the local oscillator (LO) compared with the carrier frequency
of a modulated signal at the input of the receiver. When the FEI block is launched, the frequency error is measured and the

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signed result is loaded in FeiValue in RegFei, in 2s complement format. The time required for an FEI evaluation is 4 times
the bit period.

To ensure a proper behavior of the FEI:

The operation must be done during the reception of preamble
The sum of the frequency offset and the 20 dB signal bandwidth must be lower than the base band filter bandwidth

The 20 dB bandwidth of the signal can be evaluated as follows (double-side bandwidth):


The frequency error, in Hz, can be calculated with the following formula:

RFM69HCW in Rx
Preamble-modulated input s ignal
Signal level > Sensitivity

Set FeiStart




Figure 13. FEI Process

3.4.15. Automatic Frequency Correction

The AFC is based on the FEI block, and therefore the same input signal and receiver setting conditions apply. When the
AFC procedure is done, AfcValue is directly subtracted to the register that defines the frequency of operation of the
module, FRF. The AFC can be launched:
Each time the receiver is enabled, if AfcAutoOn = 1
Upon user request, by setting bit AfcStart in RegAfcFei, if AfcAutoOn = 0

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When the AFC is automatically triggered (AfcAutoOn = 1), the user has the option to:
Clear the former AFC correction value, if AfcAutoClearOn = 1
Start the AFC evaluation from the previously corrected frequency. This may be useful in systems in which the LO keeps
on drifting in the same direction. Ageing compensation is a good example.

The RFM69HCW offers an alternate receiver bandwidth setting during the AFC phase, to accommodate large LO drifts. If
the user considers that the received signal may be out of the receiver bandwidth, a higher channel filter bandwidth can
be programmed in RegAfcBw, at the expense of the receiver noise floor, which will impact upon sensitivity.

3.4.16. Optimized Setup for Low Modulation Index Systems

For wide band systems, where AFC is usually not required (XTAL inaccuracies do not typically impact the sensitivity), it
is recommended to offset the LO frequency of the receiver to avoid desensitization. This can be simply done by
modifying Frf in RegFrfLsb. A good rule of thumb is to offset the receivers LO by 10% of the expected transmitter
frequency deviation.
For narrow band systems, it is recommended to perform AFC. The RFM69HCW has a dedicated AFC, enabled
AfcLowBetaOn in RegAfcCtrl is set to 1. A frequency offset, programmable through LowBetaAfcOffset in RegTestAfc, is
added and is calculated as follows:
Offset = LowBetaAfcOffset x 488 Hz

The user should ensure that the programmed offset exceeds the DC cancellers cutoff frequency, set through DccFreqAfc
in RegAfcBw.


FeiValue Standard AFC AfcValue

AfcLowBetaOn = 0

f f


FeiValue Optimized AFC AfcValue LowBetaAfcOffset

AfcLowBetaOn = 1

f f
Before AFC After AFC

Figure 14. Optimized AFC (AfcLowBetaOn=1)

As shown on Figure 15, a standard AFC sequence uses the result of the FEI to correct the LO frequency and align both
local oscillators. When the optimized AFC is enabled (AfcLowBetaOn=1), the receivers LO is corrected by FeiValue +

When the optimized AFC routine is enabled, the receiver startup time can be computed as follows (refer to section 4.2.3):

TS_RE_AGC&AFC (optimized AFC) = Tana + 4.Tcf + 4.Tdcc + 3.Trssi + 2.Tafc + 2.Tpllafc

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3.4.17. Temperature Sensor

When temperature is measured, the receiver ADC is used to digitize the sensor response. Most receiver blocks are
disabled, and temperature measurement can only be triggered in Standby or Frequency Synthesizer modes.

The response of the temperature sensor is -1C / Lsb. A CMOS temperature sensor is not accurate by nature, therefore it
should be calibrated at ambient temperature for precise temperature readings.




Returns 150d (typ.)

Needs calibration

-40C t t+1 Ambient +85C

Figure 15. Temperature Sensor Response

It takes less than 100 microseconds for the RFM69HCW to evaluate the temperature (from setting TempMeasStart to 1
TempMeasRunning reset).

3.4.18. Timeout Function

The RFM69HCW includes a Timeout function, which allows it to automatically shut-down the receiver after a
receive sequence and therefore save energy.
Timeout interrupt is generated TimeoutRxStart x 16x Tbit after switching to RX mode if RssiThreshold flag does not
raise within this time frame
Timeout interrupt is generated TimeoutRssiThresh x 16 x Tbit after RssiThreshold flag has been raised.

This timeout interrupt can be used to warn the companion processor to shut down the receiver and return to a lower power

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4. Operating Modes
4.1. Basic Modes
The circuit can be set in 5 different basic modes which are described in Table 16.
By default, when switching from a mode to another one, the sub-blocks are woken up according to a pre-defined and
optimized sequence. Alternatively, these operating modes can be selected directly by disabling the automatic sequencer
(SequencerOff in RegOpMode = 1).

Table 16 Basic Transceiver Modes

ListenOn Mode Selected mode Enabled blocks
in RegOpMode in RegOpMode
0 000 Sleep Mode None
0 001 Stand-by Mode Top regulator and crystal oscillator
0 010 FS Mode Frequency synthesizer
0 011 Transmit Mode Frequency synthesizer and transmitter
0 100 Receive Mode Frequency synthesizer and receiver
1 x Listen Mode See Listen Mode, section 4.3

4.2. Automatic Sequencer and Wake-Up Times

By default, when switching from one operating mode to another, the circuit takes care of the sequence of events in such a
way that the transition timing is optimized. For example, when switching from Sleep mode to Transmit mode, the
RFM69HCW goes first to Standby mode (XO started), then to frequency synthesizer mode, and finally, when the PLL
has locked, to transmit mode. Entering transmit mode is also made according to a predefined sequence starting with the
wake-up of the PA regulator before applying a ramp-up on the PA and generating the DCLK clock.
The crystal oscillator wake-up time, TS_OSC, is directly related to the time for the crystal oscillator to reach its steady
state. It depends notably on the crystal characteristics.
The frequency synthesizer wake-up time, TS_FS, is directly related to the time needed by the PLL to reach its steady
state. The signal PLL_LOCK, provided on an external pin, gives an indication of the lock status. It goes high when the
PLL reaches its locking range.

Four specific cases can be highlighted:

Transmitter Wake Up time from Sleep mode = TS_OSC + TS_FS + TS_TR
Receiver Wake Up time from Sleep mode = TS_OSC + TS_FS + TS_RE
Receiver Wake Up time from Sleep mode, AGC enabled = TS_OSC + TS_FS + TS_RE_AGC
Receiver Wake Up time from Sleep mode, AGC and AFC enabled = TS_OSC + TS_FS + TS_RE_AGC&AFC

These timings are detailed in sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.3.

In applications where the target average power consumption, or the target startup time, do not require setting the
RFM69HCW in the lowest power modes (Sleep or Standby), the respective timings TS_OSC and TS_FS in the former
equations can be omitted.

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4.2.1. Transmitter Startup Time

The transmitter wake-up time, TS_TR, is given by the sequence controlled by the digital part. It is a pure digital delay which
depends on the bit rate and the ramp-up time. In FSK mode, this time can be derived from the following equation.

where PaRamp is the ramp-up time programmed in RegPaRamp and Tbit is the bit time.

In OOK mode, this equation can be simplified to the following:

Tx startup request
(sequencer or user)

1.25 x PaRamp
XO Started and PLL is locked 0.5 x Tbit (only in FSK Transmission of Packet
group delay

5 us



Figure 16. Tx Startup, FSK and OOK

4.2.2. Tx Start Procedure

As described in the former section, ModeReady and TxReady interrupts warn the uC that the transmitter is ready to
transmit data
In Continuous mode, the preamble bits preceding the payload can be applied on the DIO2/DATA pin immediately after
any of these interrupts have fired. The DCLK signal, activated on pin DIO1/DCLK can also be used to start toggling the
DATA pin, as described on Figure 30.
In Packet mode, the RFM69HCW will automatically modulate the RF signal with preamble bytes as soon as TxReady
ModeReady happen. The actual packet transmission (starting with the number of preambles specified in PreambleSize)
will start when the TxStartCondition is fulfilled.

4.2.3. Receiver Startup Time

It is highly recommended to use the built-in sequencer of the RFM69HCW, to optimize the delays when setting the
module in receive mode. It guarantees the shortest startup times, hence the lowest possible energy usage, for battery
operated systems.
The startup times of the receiver can be calculated from the following:

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Rx startup request
(sequencer or user)

Analog FEs Channel Filters DC Cutoffs RSSI RSSI

XO Started and PLL is locked Reception of Packet
group delay group delay group delay sampling sampling

Tana Tcf Tdcc Trssi Trssi



Received Packet Preamble may start

Figure 17. Rx Startup - No AGC, no AFC

The LNA gain is adjusted by

Rx startup request the AGC, according to the
(sequencer or user)

Analog FEs Channel Filters DC Cutoffs RSSI RSSI Channel Filters DC Cutoffs RSSI
XO Started and PLL is locked Reception of Packet
group delay group delay group delay sampling sampling group delay group delay sampling

Tana Tcf Tdcc Trssi Trssi Tcf Tdcc Trssi



Received Packet Preamble may start

Figure 18. Rx Startup - AGC, no AFC

The LNA gain is adjusted by

Rx startup request Carrier Frequency is adjusted
the AGC, according to the
(sequencer or user) by the AFC

XO Started and Analog FEs Channel Filters DC Cutoffs RSSI RSSI Channel Filters DC Cutoffs RSSI PLL Channel Filters DC Cutoffs
AFC Reception of Packet
PLL is locked group delay group delay group delay sampling sampling group delay group delay sampling lock group delay group delay

Tana Tcf Tdcc Trssi Trssi Tcf Tdcc Trssi Tafc Tpllafc Tcf Tdcc



Received Packet Preamble may start

Figure 19. Rx Startup - AGC and AFC

The different timings shown above are as follows:

Group delay of the analog front end: Tana = 20 us
Channel filters group delay in FSK mode: Tcf = 21 / (4.RxBw)
Channel filters group delay in OOK mode: Tcf = 34 / (4.RxBw)
DC Cutoffs group delay: Tdcc = max(8 , 2^(round(log2(8.RxBw.Tbit)+1)) / (4.RxBw)
PLL lock time after AFC adjustment: Tpllafc = 5 / PLLBW (PLLBW = 300 kHz)
AFC sample time: Tafc = 4 x Tbit (also denoted TS_AFC in the general specification)
RSSI sample time: Trssi = 2 x int(4.RxBw.Tbit)/(4.RxBw) (aka TS_RSSI)

Note The above timings represent maximum settling times, and shorter settling times may be observed in real cases

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4.2.4. Rx Start Procedure

As described in the former sections, the RxReady interrupt warns the uC that the receiver is ready.
In Continuous mode with Bit Synchronizer, the receiver will start locking its Bit Synchronizer on a minimum or 12 bits of
received preamble (see section 3.4.13 for details), before the reception of correct Data, or Sync Word (if enabled) can
In Continuous mode without Bit Synchronizer, valid data will be available on DIO2/DATA right after the RxReady
In Packet mode, the receiver will start locking its Bit Synchronizer on a minimum or 12 bits of received preamble (see
section 3.4.13 for details), before the reception of correct Data, or Sync Word (if enabled) can occur.

4.2.5. Optimized Frequency Hopping Sequences

In a frequency hopping-like application, it is required to turn off the transmitter when hopping from one channel to another,
to avoid spectral splatter and obtain the best spectral purity.

Transmitter hop from Ch A to Ch B: it is advised to step through the Rx mode:

(0) RFM69HCW is in Tx mode in Ch A
(1) Program the RFM69HCW in Rx mode
(2) Change the carrier frequency in the RegFrf registers
(3) Turn the transceiver back to Tx mode
(4) Respect the Tx start procedure, described in section 4.2.2

Receiver hop from Ch A to Ch B:

(0) RFM69HCW is in Rx mode in
Ch A
(1) Change the carrier frequency in the RegFrf registers
(2) Program the RFM69HCW in FS mode
(3) Turn the transceiver back to Rx mode
(4) Respect the Rx start procedure, described in section 4.2.4

Note all sequences described above are assuming that the sequencer is turned on (SequencerOff=0 in RegOpMode).

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4.3. Listen Mode

The circuit can be set to Listen mode, by setting ListenOn in RegOpMode to 1 while in Standby mode. In this mode,
RFM69HCW spends most of the time in Idle mode, during which only the RC oscillator runs. Periodically the receiver is
woken up and listens for an RF signal. If a wanted signal is detected, the receiver is kept on and the data is demodulated.
Otherwise, if a wanted signal hasn't been detected after a pre-defined period of time, the receiver is disabled until the next
time period.
This periodical Rx wake-up requirement is very common in low power applications. On RFM69HCW it is handled locally by
Listen mode block without using uC resources or energy.
The simplified timing diagram of this procedure is illustrated in Figure 21.


Rx Idle Rx time

tListenRx tListenRx

Figure 20. Listen Mode Sequence (no wanted signal is received)

4.3.1. Timings
The duration of the Idle phase is given by tListenIdle. The time during which the receiver is on and waits for a signal is given
by tListenRx. tListenRx includes the wake-up time of the receiver, described in section 4.2.3. This duration can be
programmed in the configuration registers via the serial interface.
Both time periods tListenRx and tListenIdle (denoted tListenX in the following text) are fixed by two parameters from the
configuration register and are calculated as follows:

t ListenX = ListenCoefX Listen Re solX

where ListenResolX is the Rx or Idle resolution and is independently programmable on three values (64us, 4.1ms or
262ms), whereas ListenCoefX is an integer between 1 and 255. All parameters are located in RegListen registers.

The timing ranges are tabulated in Table 17 below.

Table 17 Range of Durations in Listen Mode

ListenResolX Min duration Max duration
( ListenCoef = 1 ) ( ListenCoef = 255 )
01 64 us 16 ms
10 4.1 ms 1.04 s
11 0.26 s 67 s
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Notes - the accuracy of the typical timings given in Table 17 will depend in the RC oscillator calibration
- RC oscillator calibration is required, and must be performed at power up. See section 4.3.5 for details

4.3.2. Criteria
The criteria taken for detecting a wanted signal and hence deciding to maintain the receiver on is defined by ListenCriteria
in RegListen1.

Table 18 Signal Acceptance Criteria in Listen Mode

ListenCriteria Input Signal Power SyncAddressMatch
>= RssiThreshold
0 Required Not Required
1 Required Required

4.3.3. End of Cycle Actions

The action taken after detection of a packet, is defined by ListenEnd in RegListen3, as described in the table below.

Table 19 End of Listen Cycle Actions

ListenEnd Description
00 Module stays in Rx mode. Listen mode stops and must be disabled.
01 Module stays in Rx mode until PayloadReady or Timeout interrupt occurs. It then goes to the
mode defined by Mode. Listen mode stops and must be disabled.
10 Module stays in Rx mode until PayloadReady or Timeout interrupt occurs. Listen mode then
resumes in Idle state. FIFO content is lost at next Rx wakeup.

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Upon detection of a valid packet, the sequencing is altered, as shown below:



Idle Rx
ListenEnd = 00

Listen Mode

Idle Rx Mode
ListenEnd = 01
Listen Mode

Idle Rx Idle Rx
ListenEnd = 10
Listen Mode

Figure 21. Listen Mode Sequence (wanted signal is received)

4.3.4. Stopping Listen Mode

To abort Listen mode operation, the following procedure must be respected:
Program RegOpMode with ListenOn=0, ListenAbort=1, and the desired setting for the Mode bits (Sleep, Stdby, FS, Rx
or Tx mode) in a single SPI access
Program RegOpMode with ListenOn=0, ListenAbort=0, and the desired setting for the Mode bits (Sleep, Stdby, FS, Rx
or Tx mode) in a second SPI access

4.3.5. RC Timer Accuracy

All timings of the Listen Mode rely on the accuracy of the internal low-power RC oscillator. This oscillator is automatically
calibrated at the device power-up, and it is a user-transparent process.

For applications enduring large temperature variations, and for which the power supply is never removed, RC calibration
can be performed upon user request. RcCalStart in RegOsc1 can be used to trigger this calibration, and the flag
RcCalDone will be set automatically when the calibration is over.

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4.4. AutoModes
Automatic modes of packet handler can be enabled by configuring the related parameters in RegAutoModes.
The intermediate mode of the module is called IntermediateMode and the enter and exit conditions to/from this
intermediate mode can be configured through the parameters EnterCondition & ExitCondition.
The enter and exit conditions cannot be used independently of each other i.e. both should be enabled at the same time.
The initial and the final state is the one configured in Mode in RegOpMode. The initial & final states can be different by
configuring the modes register while the module is in intermediate mode. The pictorial description of the auto modes is

Intermediate State
defined by IntermediateMode

EnterCondition ExitCondition

Initial state defined Final state defined

By Mode in RegOpMode By Mode in RegOpMode

Figure 22. Auto Modes of Packet Handler

Some typical examples of AutoModes usage are described below:

Automatic transmission (AutoTx) : Mode = Sleep, IntermediateMode = Tx, EnterCondition = FifoLevel, ExitCondition =
Automatic reception (AutoRx) : Mode = Rx, IntermediateMode = Sleep, EnterCondition = CrcOk, ExitCondition = falling
edge of FifoNotEmpty
Automatic reception of acknowledge (AutoRxAck): Mode = Tx, IntermediateMode = Rx, EnterCondition = PacketSent,
ExitCondition = CrcOk

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5. Data Processing
5.1. Overview

5.1.1. Block Diagram

Figure below illustrates the RFM69HCW data processing circuit. Its role is to interface the data to/from the
demodulator and the uC access points (SPI and DIO pins). It also controls all the configuration registers.

The circuit contains several control blocks which are described in the following paragraphs.

Tx/Rx DIO0

Data Rx SYNC

Potential datapaths (data operation mode dependant)

Figure 23. RFM69HCW Data Processing Conceptual


The RFM69HCW implements several data operation modes, each with their own data path through the data
processing section. Depending on the data operation mode selected, some control blocks are active whilst others remain

5.1.2. Data Operation Modes

The RFM69HCW has two different data operation modes selectable by the user:
Continuous mode: each bit transmitted or received is accessed in real time at the DIO2/DATA pin. This mode may be
used if adequate external signal processing is available.
Packet mode (recommended): user only provides/retrieves payload bytes to/from the FIFO. The packet is automatically
built with preamble, Sync word, and optional AES, CRC, and DC-free encoding schemes The reverse operation is
performed in reception. The uC processing overhead is hence significantly reduced compared to Continuous mode.
Depending on the optional features activated (CRC, AES, etc) the maximum payload length is limited to FIFO size, 255
bytes or unlimited.

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Each of these data operation modes is described fully in the following sections.

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5.2. Control Block Description

5.2.1. SPI Interface

The SPI interface gives access to the configuration register via a synchronous full-duplex protocol corresponding to CPOL
= 0 and CPHA = 0 in Motorola/Freescale nomenclature. Only the slave side is implemented.

Three access modes to the registers are provided:

SINGLE access: an address byte followed by a data byte is sent for a write access whereas an address byte is sent and
a read byte is received for the read access. The NSS pin goes low at the begin of the frame and goes high after the data
BURST access: the address byte is followed by several data bytes. The address is automatically incremented internally
between each data byte. This mode is available for both read and write accesses. The NSS pin goes low at the
beginning of the frame and stay low between each byte. It goes high only after the last byte transfer.
FIFO access: if the address byte corresponds to the address of the FIFO, then succeeding data byte will address the
FIFO. The address is not automatically incremented but is memorized and does not need to be sent between each data
byte. The NSS pin goes low at the beginning of the frame and stay low between each byte. It goes high only after the
last byte transfer.

Figure below shows a typical SPI single access to a register.

Figure 24. SPI Timing Diagram (single access)

MOSI is generated by the master on the falling edge of SCK and is sampled by the slave (i.e. this SPI interface) on the
rising edge of SCK. MISO is generated by the slave on the falling edge of SCK.

A transfer always starts by the NSS pin going low. MISO is high impedance when NSS is high.

The first byte is the address byte. It is made of:

wnr bit, which is 1 for write access and 0 for read access
7 bits of address, MSB first

The second byte is a data byte, either sent on MOSI by the master in case of a write access, or received by the master on
MISO in case of read access. The data byte is transmitted MSB first.

Proceeding bytes may be sent on MOSI (for write access) or received on MISO (for read access) without rising NSS and
re-sending the address. In FIFO mode, if the address was the FIFO address then the bytes will be written / read at the
FIFO address. In Burst mode, if the address was not the FIFO address, then it is automatically incremented at each new
byte received.

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The frame ends when NSS goes high. The next frame must start with an address byte. The SINGLE access mode is
actually a special case of FIFO / BURST mode with only 1 data byte transferred.

During the write access, the byte transferred from the slave to the master on the MISO line is the value of the written
register before the write operation.

5.2.2. FIFO Overview and Shift Register (SR)

In packet mode of operation, both data to be transmitted and that has been received are stored in a configurable FIFO
(First In First Out) device. It is accessed via the SPI interface and provides several interrupts for transfer management.

The FIFO is 1 byte wide hence it only performs byte (parallel) operations, whereas the demodulator functions serially. A
shift register is therefore employed to interface the two devices. In transmit mode it takes bytes from the FIFO and outputs
them serially (MSB first) at the programmed bit rate to the modulator. Similarly, in Rx the shift register gets bit by bit data
from the demodulator and writes them byte by byte to the FIFO. This is illustrated in figure below.

Data Tx/Rx
SR (8bits)

Figure 25. FIFO and Shift Register (SR)

Note When switching to Sleep mode, the FIFO can only be used once the ModeReady flag is set (quasi immediate from
all modes except from Tx) Size
The FIFO size is fixed to 66 bytes. Interrupt Sources and Flags

FifoNotEmpty: FifoNotEmpty interrupt source is low when byte 0, i.e. whole FIFO, is empty. Otherwise it is high.
Note that when retrieving data from the FIFO, FifoNotEmpty is updated on NSS falling edge, i.e. when FifoNotEmpty
is updated to low state the currently started read operation must be completed. In other words, FifoNotEmpty state
must be checked after each read operation for a decision on the next one (FifoNotEmpty = 1: more byte(s) to read;
FifoNotEmpty = 0: no more byte to read).
FifoFull: FifoFull interrupt source is high when the last FIFO byte, i.e. the whole FIFO, is full. Otherwise it is low.
FifoOverrunFlag: FifoOverrunFlag is set when a new byte is written by the user (in Tx or Standby modes) or the SR
(inRx mode) while the FIFO is already full. Data is lost and the flag should be cleared by writing a 1, note that the
FIFO will also be cleared.
PacketSent: PacketSent interrupt source goes high when the SR's last bit has been sent.
FifoLevel: Threshold can be programmed by FifoThreshold in RegFifoThresh. Its behavior is illustrated in figure

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0 B B+1 # of bytes in FIFO

Figure 26. FifoLevel IRQ Source Behavior

Note - FifoLevel interrupt is updated only after a read or write operation on the FIFO. Thus the interrupt cannot be
dynamically updated by only changing the FifoThreshold parameter
- FifoLevel interrupt is valid as long as FifoFull does not occur. An empty FIFO will restore its normal operation FIFO Clearing

Table below summarizes the status of the FIFO when switching between different modes

Table 20 Status of FIFO when Switching Between Different Modes of the Module
From To FIFO status Comments
Stdby Sleep Not cleared
Sleep Stdby Not cleared
Stdby/Sleep Tx Not cleared To allow the user to write the FIFO in Stdby/Sleep before Tx
Stdby/Sleep Rx Cleared
Rx Tx Cleared
Rx Stdby/Sleep Not cleared To allow the user to read FIFO in Stdby/Sleep mode after Rx
Tx Any Cleared

5.2.3. Sync Word Recognition Overview
Sync word recognition (also called Pattern recognition) is activated by setting SyncOn in RegSyncConfig. The bit
synchronizer must also be activated in continuous mode (automatically done in Packet mode) .

The block behaves like a shift register; it continuously compares the incoming data with its internally programmed Sync
word and sets SyncAddressMatch when a match is detected. This is illustrated in Figure 28 below.

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Bit N-x = Bit N-1 = Bit N =
(NRZ) Sync_value[x] Sync_value[1] Sync_value[0]



Figure 27. Sync Word Recognition

During the comparison of the demodulated data, the first bit received is compared with bit 7 (MSB) of RegSyncValue1 and
the last bit received is compared with bit 0 (LSB) of the last byte whose address is determined by the length of the Sync

When the programmed Sync word is detected the user can assume that this incoming packet is for the node and can be
processed accordingly.

SyncAddressMatch is cleared when leaving Rx or FIFO is emptied. Configuration
Size: Sync word size can be set from 1 to 8 bytes (i.e. 8 to 64 bits) via SyncSize in RegSyncConfig. In Packet mode
this field is also used for Sync word generation in Tx mode.
Error tolerance: The number of errors tolerated in the Sync word recognition can be set from 0 to 7 bits to via
Value: The Sync word value is configured in SyncValue(63:0). In Packet mode this field is also used for Sync word
generation in Tx mode.

Note SyncValue choices containing 0x00 bytes are not allowed

5.2.4. Packet Handler

The packet handler is the block used in Packet mode. Its functionality is fully described in section 5.5.

5.2.5. Control
The control block configures and controls the full module's behavior according to the settings programmed in the
configuration registers.

5.3. Digital IO Pins Mapping

Six general purpose IO pins are available on the RFM69HCW, and their configuration in Continuous or Packet mode
is controlled through RegDioMapping1 and RegDioMapping2.
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5.3.1. DIO Pins Mapping in Continuous Mode

Table 21 DIO Mapping, Continuous Mode
Sleep 00 - - - - - -
01 - - - - - -
10 - - AutoMode - - -
11 ModeReady - - - - ModeReady
Stdby 00 ClkOut - - - - -
01 - - - - - -
10 - - AutoMode - - -
11 ModeReady - - - - ModeReady
FS 00 ClkOut - - - - PllLock
01 - - - - - -
10 - - AutoMode - - -
11 ModeReady PllLock - - PllLock ModeReady
Rx 00 ClkOut Timeout Rssi Data Dclk SyncAddress
01 Rssi RxReady RxReady Data RxReady Timeout
10 - SyncAddress AutoMode Data - Rssi
11 ModeReady PllLock Timeout Data SyncAddress ModeReady
Tx 00 ClkOut TxReady TxReady Data Dclk PllLock
01 ClkOut TxReady TxReady Data TxReady TxReady
10 - - AutoMode Data - -
11 ModeReady PllLock TxReady Data PllLock ModeReady

5.3.2. DIO Pins Mapping in Packet Mode

Table 22 DIO Mapping, Packet Mode
Sleep 00 - - FifoFull FifoNotEmpty FifoLevel -
01 - - - - FifoFull -
10 - - - - FifoNotEmpty -
11 ModeReady - - AutoMode - -
Stdby 00 ClkOut - FifoFull FifoNotEmpty FifoLevel -
01 - - - - FifoFull -
10 - - - - FifoNotEmpty -
11 ModeReady - - AutoMode - -
FS 00 ClkOut - FifoFull FifoNotEmpty FifoLevel -
01 - - - - FifoFull -
10 - - - - FifoNotEmpty -
11 ModeReady PllLock PllLock AutoMode PllLock PllLock
Rx 00 ClkOut Timeout FifoFull FifoNotEmpty FifoLevel CrcOk
01 Data Rssi Rssi Data FifoFull PayloadReady
10 - RxReady SyncAddress - FifoNotEmpty SyncAddress
11 ModeReady PllLock PllLock AutoMode Timeout Rssi
Tx 00 ClkOut ModeReady FifoFull FifoNotEmpty FifoLevel PacketSent
01 Data TxReady TxReady Data FifoFull TxReady
10 - - - - FifoNotEmpty -
11 ModeReady PllLock PllLock AutoMode PllLock PllLock

Note Received Data is only shown on the Data signal between RxReady and PayloadReadys rising edges

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5.4. Continuous Mode

5.4.1. General Description

As illustrated in Figure 29, in Continuous mode the NRZ data to (from) the (de)modulator is directly accessed by the uC on
the bidirectional DIO2/DATA pin. The FIFO and packet handler are thus inactive.

Tx/Rx DIO0

Data Rx


Figure 28. Continuous Mode Conceptual View

5.4.2. Tx Processing
In Tx mode, a synchronous data clock for an external uC is provided on DIO1/DCLK pin. Clock timing with respect to the
data is illustrated in Figure 30. DATA is internally sampled on the rising edge of DCLK so the uC can change logic state
anytime outside the grayed out setup/hold zone.




Figure 29. Tx Processing in Continuous Mode

Note the use of DCLK is required when the modulation shaping is enabled (see section 3.3.5).

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5.4.3. Rx Processing
If the bit synchronizer is disabled, the raw demodulator output is made directly available on DATA pin and no DCLK signal
is provided.

Conversely, if the bit synchronizer is enabled, synchronous cleaned data and clock are made available respectively on
DIO2/DATA and DIO1/DCLK pins. DATA is sampled on the rising edge of DCLK and updated on the falling edge as
illustrated below.



Figure 30. Rx Processing in Continuous Mode

Note in Continuous mode it is always recommended to enable the bit synchronizer to clean the DATA signal even if the
DCLK signal is not used by the uC (bit synchronizer is automatically enabled in Packet mode).

5.5. Packet Mode

5.5.1. General Description

In Packet mode the NRZ data to (from) the (de)modulator is not directly accessed by the uC but stored in the FIFO and
accessed via the SPI interface.

In addition, the RFM69HCW packet handler performs several packet oriented tasks such as Preamble and Sync word
generation, CRC calculation/check, whitening/dewhitening of data, Manchester encoding/decoding, address filtering, AES
encryption/decryption, etc. This simplifies software and reduces uC overhead by performing these repetitive tasks within
the RF module itself.

Another important feature is ability to fill and empty the FIFO in Sleep/Stdby mode, ensuring optimum power consumption
and adding more flexibility for the software.

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Data Rx

Figure 31. Packet Mode Conceptual View

Note The Bit Synchronizer is automatically enabled in Packet mode.

5.5.2. Packet Format Fixed Length Packet Format

Fixed length packet format is selected when bit PacketFormat is set to 0 and PayloadLength is set to any value greater
than 0.

In applications where the packet length is fixed in advance, this mode of operation may be of interest to minimize RF
overhead (no length byte field is required). All nodes, whether Tx only, Rx only, or Tx/Rx should be programmed with the
same packet length value.

The length of the payload is limited to 255 bytes if AES is not enabled else the message is limited to 64 bytes (i.e. max 65
bytes payload if Address byte is enabled).

The length programmed in PayloadLength relates only to the payload which includes the message and the optional
address byte. In this mode, the payload must contain at least one byte, i.e. address or message byte.

An illustration of a fixed length packet is shown below. It contains the following fields:
Preamble (1010...)
Sync word (Network ID)
Optional Address byte (Node ID)
Message data
Optional 2-bytes CRC checksum
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DC free Data encoding

CRC checksum calculation
AES Enc/Dec

Sync Word Address Message CRC
0 to 65535
0 to 8 bytes byte Up to 255 bytes 2-bytes

(min 1 byte)

Fields added by the packet handler in Tx and processed and removed in Rx

Optional User provided fields which are part of the payload
Message part of the payload

Figure 32. Fixed Length Packet Format Variable Length Packet Format

Variable length packet format is selected when bit PacketFormat is set to 1.

This mode is useful in applications where the length of the packet is not known in advance and can vary over time. It is then
necessary for the transmitter to send the length information together with each packet in order for the receiver to operate

In this mode the length of the payload, indicated by the length byte, is given by the first byte of the FIFO and is limited to
255 bytes if AES is not enabled else the message is limited to 64 bytes (i.e. max 66 bytes payload if Address byte is
enabled). Note that the length byte itself is not included in its calculation. In this mode, the payload must contain at least 2
bytes, i.e. length + address or message byte.

An illustration of a variable length packet is shown below. It contains the following fields:
Preamble (1010...)
Sync word (Network ID)
Length byte
Optional Address byte (Node ID)
Message data
Optional 2-bytes CRC checksum
DC free Data encoding
CRC checksum calculation
AES Enc/Dec

Sync Word Length Address Message CRC
0 to 65535
0 to 8 bytes byte byte Up to 255 bytes 2-bytes

(min 2 bytes)

Fields added by the packet handler in Tx and processed and removed in Rx

Optional User provided fields which are part of the payload
Message part of the payload

Figure 33. Variable Length Packet Format

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Unlimited length packet format is selected when bit PacketFormat is set to 0 and PayloadLength is set to 0.

The user can then transmit and receive packet of arbitrary length and PayloadLength register is not used in Tx/Rx modes
for counting the length of the bytes transmitted/received. This mode is a replacement for the legacy buffered mode in
RF63/RF64 transceivers.

In Tx the data is transmitted depending on the TxStartCondition bit. On the Rx side the data processing features like
Address filtering, Manchester encoding and data whitening are not available if the sync pattern length is set to zero
(SyncOn = 0). The filling of the FIFO in this case can be controlled by the bit FifoFillCondition. The CRC detection in Rx is
also not supported in this mode of the packet handler, however CRC generation in Tx is operational. The interrupts like
CrcOk & PayloadReady are not available either.

An unlimited length packet shown in is made up of the following fields:

Preamble (1010...).
Sync word (Network ID).
Optional Address byte (Node ID).
Message data
Optional 2-bytes CRC checksum (Tx only)
DC free Data encoding

Sync Word Address Message
0 to 65535
0 to 8 bytes byte unlimited length


Fields added by the packet handler in Tx and processed and removed in Rx

Message part of the payload
Optional User provided fields which are part of the payload

Figure 34. Unlimited Length Packet Format

5.5.3. Tx Processing (without AES)

In Tx mode the packet handler dynamically builds the packet by performing the following operations on the payload
available in the FIFO:
Add a programmable number of preamble bytes
Add a programmable Sync word
Optionally calculating CRC over complete payload field (optional length byte + optional address byte + message)
andappending the 2 bytes checksum.
Optional DC-free encoding of the data (Manchester or whitening)

Only the payload (including optional address and length fields) is required to be provided by the user in the FIFO.

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The transmission of packet data is initiated by the Packet Handler only if the module is in Tx mode and the transmission
condition defined by TxStartCondition is fulfilled. If transmission condition is not fulfilled then the packet handler transmits a
preamble sequence until the condition is met. This happens only if the preamble length /= 0, otherwise it transmits a zero or
one until the condition is met to transmit the packet data.

The transmission condition itself is defined as:

if TxStartCondition = 1, the packet handler waits until the first byte is written into the FIFO, then it starts sending the
preamble followed by the sync word and user payload
If TxStartCondition = 0, the packet handler waits until the number of bytes written in the FIFO is equal to the number
defined in RegFifoThresh + 1
If the condition for transmission was already fulfilled i.e. the FIFO was filled in Sleep/Stdby then the transmission of
packet starts immediately on enabling Tx

5.5.4. Rx Processing (without AES)

In Rx mode the packet handler extracts the user payload to the FIFO by performing the following operations:
Receiving the preamble and stripping it off
Detecting the Sync word and stripping it off
Optional DC-free decoding of data
Optionally checking the address byte
Optionally checking CRC and reflecting the result on CrcOk.

Only the payload (including optional address and length fields) is made available in the FIFO.

When the Rx mode is enabled the demodulator receives the preamble followed by the detection of sync word. If fixed
length packet format is enabled then the number of bytes received as the payload is given by the PayloadLength
In variable length mode the first byte received after the sync word is interpreted as the length of the received packet. The
internal length counter is initialized to this received length. The PayloadLength register is set to a value which is greater
than the maximum expected length of the received packet. If the received length is greater than the maximum length stored
in PayloadLength register the packet is discarded otherwise the complete packet is received.
If the address check is enabled then the second byte received in case of variable length and first byte in case of fixed
length is the address byte. If the address matches to the one in the NodeAddress field, reception of the data continues
otherwise it's stopped. The CRC check is performed if CrcOn = 1 and the result is available in CrcOk indicating that the
CRC was successful. An interrupt (PayloadReady) is also generated on DIO0 as soon as the payload is available in the
FIFO. The payload available in the FIFO can also be read in Sleep/Standby mode.
If the CRC fails the PayloadReady interrupt is not generated and the FIFO is cleared. This function can be overridden by
setting CrcAutoClearOff = 1, forcing the availability of PayloadReady interrupt and the payload in the FIFO even if the CRC

5.5.5. AES
AES is the symmetric-key block cipher that provides the cryptographic capabilities to the transceiver. The system proposed
can work with 128-bit long fixed keys. The fixed key is stored in a 16-byte write only user configuration register, which
retains its value in Sleep mode.

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As shown in Figure 33 and Figure 34 above the message part of the Packet can be encrypted and decrypted with the
cipher 128- cipher key stored in the configuration registers. Tx Processing
1. User enters the data to be transmitted in FIFO in Stdby/Sleep mode and gives the transmit command.
2. On Tx command the Packet handler state machine takes over the control and If encryption is enabled then the
message inside the FIFO is read in blocks of 16 bytes (padded with 0s if needed), encrypted and stored back to FIFO.
All this processing is done in Tx mode before enabling the packet handling state machine. Only the Message part of the
packet is encrypted and preamble, sync word, length byte, address byte and CRC are not encrypted.
3. Once the encryption is done the Packet handling state machine is enabled to transmit the data. Rx Processing
1. The data received is stored in the FIFO, The address, CRC interrupts are generated as usual because these
parameters were not encrypted.
2. Once the complete packet has been received. The data is read from the FIFO, decrypted and written back to FIFO.
The PayloadReady interrupt is issued once the decrypted data is ready in the FIFO for reading via the SPI interface.

The AES encryption/decryption cannot be used on the fly i.e. while transmitting and receiving data. Thus when AES
encryption/decryption is enabled, the FIFO acts as a simple buffer. This buffer is filled before initiating any transmission.
The data in the buffer is then encrypted before the transmission can begin. On the receive side the decryption is initiated
only once the complete packet has been received in the buffer.

The encryption/decryption process takes approximately 7.0 us per 16-byte block. Thus for a maximum of 4 blocks (i.e. 64
bytes) it can take up to 28 us for completing the cryptographic operations.

The receive side sees the AES decryption time as a sequential delay before the PayloadReady interrupt is available.

The Tx side sees the AES encryption time as a sequential delay in the startup of the Tx chain, thus the startup time of the
Tx will increase according to the length of data.

In Fixed length mode the Message part of the payload that can be encrypted/decrypted can be 64 bytes long. If the
address filtering is enabled, the length of the payload should be at max 65 bytes in this case.

In Variable length mode the Max message size that can be encrypted/decrypted is also 64 bytes when address filtering is
disabled, else it is 48 bytes. Thus, including length byte, the length of the payload is max 65 or 50 bytes (the latter when
address filtering is enabled).

If the address filtering is expected then AddressFiltering must be enabled on the transmitter side as well to prevent address
byte to be encrypted.

Crc check being performed on encrypted data, CrcOk interrupt will occur "decryption time" before PayloadReady interrupt.

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5.5.6. Handling Large Packets

When Payload length exceeds FIFO size (66 bytes) whether in fixed, variable or unlimited length packet format, in addition
to PacketSent in Tx and PayloadReady or CrcOk in Rx, the FIFO interrupts/flags can be used as described below:

For Tx:
FIFO can be prefilled in Sleep/Standby but must be refilled "on-the-fly" during Tx with the rest of the payload.
1) Prefill FIFO (in Sleep/Standby first or directly in Tx mode) until FifoThreshold or FifoFull is set
2) In Tx, wait for FifoThreshold or FifoNotEmpty to be cleared (i.e. FIFO is nearly empty)
3) Write bytes into the FIFO until FifoThreshold or FifoFull is set.
4) Continue to step 2 until the entire message has been written to the FIFO (PacketSent will fire when the last bit of the
packet has been sent).

For Rx:
FIFO must be unfilled "on-the-fly" during Rx to prevent FIFO overrun.
1) Start reading bytes from the FIFO when FifoNotEmpty or FifoThreshold becomes set.
2) Suspend reading from the FIFO if FifoNotEmpty clears before all bytes of the message have been read
3) Continue to step 1 until PayloadReady or CrcOk fires
4) Read all remaining bytes from the FIFO either in Rx or Sleep/Standby mode

Note AES encryption is not feasible on large packets, since all Payload bytes need to be in the FIFO at the same time to
perform encryption

5.5.7. Packet Filtering

RFM69HCW's packet handler offers several mechanisms for packet filtering, ensuring that only useful packets are
made available to the uC, reducing significantly system power consumption and software complexity. Sync Word Based

Sync word filtering/recognition is used for identifying the start of the payload and also for network identification. As
previously described, the Sync word recognition block is configured (size, error tolerance, value) in RegSyncValue
registers. This information is used, both for appending Sync word in Tx, and filtering packets in Rx.

Every received packet which does not start with this locally configured Sync word is automatically discarded and no
interrupt is generated.

When the Sync word is detected, payload reception automatically starts and SyncAddressMatch is asserted.

Note Sync Word values containing 0x00 byte(s) are forbidden

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Address filtering can be enabled via the AddressFiltering bits. It adds another level of filtering, above Sync word (i.e. Sync
must match first), typically useful in a multi-node networks where a network ID is shared between all nodes (Sync word)
and each node has its own ID (address).

Two address based filtering options are available:

AddressFiltering = 01: Received address field is compared with internal register NodeAddress. If they match then
thepacket is accepted and processed, otherwise it is discarded.
AddressFiltering = 10: Received address field is compared with internal registers NodeAddress and
BroadcastAddress.If either is a match, the received packet is accepted and processed, otherwise it is discarded.
This additional check with a constant is useful for implementing broadcast in a multi-node networks

Please note that the received address byte, as part of the payload, is not stripped off the packet and is made available in
the FIFO. In addition, NodeAddress and AddressFiltering only apply to Rx. On Tx side, if address filtering is expected, the
address byte should simply be put into the FIFO like any other byte of the payload.

As address filtering requires a Sync word match, both features share the same interrupt flag SyncAddressMatch. Length Based

In variable length Packet mode, PayloadLength must be programmed with the maximum payload length permitted. If
received length byte is smaller than this maximum then the packet is accepted and processed, otherwise it is discarded.

Please note that the received length byte, as part of the payload, is not stripped off the packet and is made available in the

To disable this function the user should set the value of the PayloadLength to 255. CRC Based

The CRC check is enabled by setting bit CrcOn in RegPacketConfig1. It is used for checking the integrity of the message.
On Tx side a two byte CRC checksum is calculated on the payload part of the packet and appended to the end of
the message
On Rx side the checksum is calculated on the received payload and compared with the two checksum bytes
received.The result of the comparison is stored in bit CrcOk.

By default, if the CRC check fails then the FIFO is automatically cleared and no interrupt is generated. This filtering function
can be disabled via CrcAutoClearOff bit and in this case, even if CRC fails, the FIFO is not cleared and only PayloadReady
interrupt goes high. Please note that in both cases, the two CRC checksum bytes are stripped off by the packet handler
and only the payload is made available in the FIFO.

The CRC is based on the CCITT polynomial as shown below. This implementation also detects errors due to leading and
trailing zeros.

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data input CRC Polynomial =X16 + X12 + X5 + 1

X15 X14 X13 X12 X11 X5 X4 X0

*** ***

Figure 35. CRC Implementation

5.5.8. DC-Free Data Mechanisms

The payload to be transmitted may contain long sequences of 1's and 0's, which introduces a DC bias in the transmitted
signal. The radio signal thus produced has a non uniform power distribution over the occupied channel bandwidth. It also
introduces data dependencies in the normal operation of the demodulator. Thus it is useful if the transmitted data is random
and DC free.

For such purposes, two techniques are made available in the packet handler: Manchester encoding and data whitening.

Note Only one of the two methods should be enabled at a time. Manchester Encoding

Manchester encoding/decoding is enabled if DcFree = 01 and can only be used in Packet mode.

The NRZ data is converted to Manchester code by coding '1' as "10" and '0' as "01".

In this case, the maximum chip rate is the maximum bit rate given in the specifications section and the actual bit rate is half
the chip rate.
Manchester encoding and decoding is only applied to the payload and CRC checksum while preamble and Sync word are
kept NRZ. However, the chip rate from preamble to CRC is the same and defined by BitRate in RegBitRate (Chip Rate =
Bit Rate NRZ = 2 x Bit Rate Manchester).

Manchester encoding/decoding is thus made transparent for the user, who still provides/retrieves NRZ data to/from the

1/BR ...Sync 1/BR Payload...

RF chips @ BR ... 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 ...
User/NRZ bits t
... 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 ...
Manchester OFF
User/NRZ bits
... 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 ...
Manchester ON

Figure 36. Manchester Encoding/Decoding

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Another technique called whitening or scrambling is widely used for randomizing the user data before radio transmission.
The data is whitened using a random sequence on the Tx side and de-whitened on the Rx side using the same sequence.
Comparing to Manchester technique it has the advantage of keeping NRZ data rate i.e. actual bit rate is not halved.

The whitening/de-whitening process is enabled if DcFree = 10. A 9-bit LFSR is used to generate a random sequence. The
payload and 2-byte CRC checksum is then XORed with this random sequence as shown below. The data is de-whitened
on the receiver side by XORing with the same random sequence.

Payload whitening/de-whitening is thus made transparent for the user, who still provides/retrieves NRZ data to/from the

L F S R P o ly n o m ia l = X 9 + X 5 + 1

X8 X7 X6 X5 X4 X3 X2 X1 X0

T ra n s m it d a ta W h ite n e d d a ta

Figure 37. Data Whitening

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6. Configuration and Status Registers

6.1. General Description
Table 23 Registers Summary

Address Register Name (recom Description

0x00 RegFifo 0x00 FIFO read/write access

0x01 RegOpMode 0x04 Operating modes of the transceiver

0x02 RegDataModul 0x00 Data operation mode and Modulation settings

0x03 RegBitrateMsb 0x1A Bit Rate setting, Most Significant Bits

0x04 RegBitrateLsb 0x0B Bit Rate setting, Least Significant Bits

0x05 RegFdevMsb 0x00 Frequency Deviation setting, Most Significant Bits

0x06 RegFdevLsb 0x52 Frequency Deviation setting, Least Significant Bits

0x07 RegFrfMsb 0xE4 RF Carrier Frequency, Most Significant Bits

0x08 RegFrfMid 0xC0 RF Carrier Frequency, Intermediate Bits

0x09 RegFrfLsb 0x00 RF Carrier Frequency, Least Significant Bits

0x0A RegOsc1 0x41 RC Oscillators Settings

0x0B RegAfcCtrl 0x00 AFC control in low modulation index situations

0x0C Reserved0C 0x02 -

0x0D RegListen1 0x92 Listen Mode settings

0x0E RegListen2 0xF5 Listen Mode Idle duration

0x0F RegListen3 0x20 Listen Mode Rx duration

0x10 RegVersion 0x24

0x11 RegPaLevel 0x9F PA selection and Output Power control

0x12 RegPaRamp 0x09 Control of the PA ramp time in FSK mode

0x13 RegOcp 0x1A Over Current Protection control

0x14 Reserved14 0x40 -

0x15 Reserved15 0xB0 -

0x16 Reserved16 0x7B -

0x17 Reserved17 0x9B -

0x18 RegLna 0x08 0x88 LNA settings

0x19 RegRxBw 0x86 0x55 Channel Filter BW Control

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Address Register Name (recom Description

0x1A RegAfcBw 0x8A 0x8B Channel Filter BW control during the AFC routine

0x1B RegOokPeak 0x40 OOK demodulator selection and control in peak mode

0x1C RegOokAvg 0x80 Average threshold control of the OOK demodulator

0x1D RegOokFix 0x06 Fixed threshold control of the OOK demodulator

0x1E RegAfcFei 0x10 AFC and FEI control and status

0x1F RegAfcMsb 0x00 MSB of the frequency correction of the AFC

0x20 RegAfcLsb 0x00 LSB of the frequency correction of the AFC

0x21 RegFeiMsb 0x00 MSB of the calculated frequency error

0x22 RegFeiLsb 0x00 LSB of the calculated frequency error

0x23 RegRssiConfig 0x02 RSSI-related settings

0x24 RegRssiValue 0xFF RSSI value in dBm

0x25 RegDioMapping1 0x00 Mapping of pins DIO0 to DIO3

0x26 RegDioMapping2 0x05 0x07 Mapping of pins DIO4 and DIO5, ClkOut frequency

0x27 RegIrqFlags1 0x80 Status register: PLL Lock state, Timeout, RSSI > Threshold...

0x28 RegIrqFlags2 0x00 Status register: FIFO handling flags...

0x29 RegRssiThresh 0xFF 0xE4 RSSI Threshold control

0x2A RegRxTimeout1 0x00 Timeout duration between Rx request and RSSI detection

0x2B RegRxTimeout2 0x00 Timeout duration between RSSI detection and PayloadReady

0x2C RegPreambleMsb 0x00 Preamble length, MSB

0x2D RegPreambleLsb 0x03 Preamble length, LSB

0x2E RegSyncConfig 0x98 Sync Word Recognition control

0x2F-0x36 RegSyncValue1-8 0x00 0x01 Sync Word bytes, 1 through 8

0x37 RegPacketConfig1 0x10 Packet mode settings

0x38 RegPayloadLength 0x40 Payload length setting

0x39 RegNodeAdrs 0x00 Node address

0x3A RegBroadcastAdrs 0x00 Broadcast address

0x3B RegAutoModes 0x00 Auto modes settings

0x3C RegFifoThresh 0x0F 0x8F Fifo threshold, Tx start condition

0x3D RegPacketConfig2 0x02 Packet mode settings

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Address Register Name (recom Description

0x3E-0x4D RegAesKey1-16 0x00 16 bytes of the cypher key

0x4E RegTemp1 0x01 Temperature Sensor control

0x4F RegTemp2 0x00 Temperature readout

0x58 RegTestLna 0x1B Sensitivity boost

0x5A RegTestPa1 0x55 High Power PA settings

0x5C RegTestPa2 0x70 High Power PA settings

0x6F RegTestDagc 0x00 0x30 Fading Margin Improvement

0x71 RegTestAfc 0x00 AFC offset for low modulation index AFC

0x50 + RegTest - Internal test registers

Note - Reset values are automatically refreshed in the chip at Power On Reset
- Default values are recommended register values, optimizing the device operation
- Registers for which the Default value differs from the Reset value are denoted by a * in the tables of section 6

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6.2. Common Configuration Registers

Table 24 Common Configuration Registers

Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode Description
(Address) Value
RegFifo 7-0 Fifo rw 0x00 FIFO data input/output
RegOpMode 7 SequencerOff rw 0 Controls the automatic Sequencer (see section 4.2 ):
(0x01) 0 Operating mode as selected with Mode bits in
RegOpMode is automatically reached with the Sequencer
1 Mode is forced by the user
6 ListenOn rw 0 Enables Listen mode, should be enabled whilst in
Standby mode:
0 Off (see section 4.3)
1 On
5 ListenAbort w 0 Aborts Listen mode when set together with ListenOn=0
See section 4.3.4 for details
Always reads 0.
4-2 Mode rw 001 Transceivers operating modes:
000 Sleep mode (SLEEP)
001 Standby mode (STDBY)
010 Frequency Synthesizer mode (FS)
011 Transmitter mode (TX)
100 Receiver mode (RX)
others reserved; Reads the value corresponding to
the current module mode
1-0 - r 00 unused
RegDataModul 7 - r 0 unused
(0x02) 6-5 DataMode rw 00 Data processing mode:
00 Packet mode
01 reserved
10 Continuous mode with bit synchronizer
11 Continuous mode without bit synchronizer
4-3 ModulationType rw 00 Modulation scheme:
00 FSK
01 OOK
10 - 11 reserved
2 - r 0 unused
1-0 ModulationShaping rw 00 Data shaping:
in FSK:
00 no shaping
01 Gaussian filter, BT = 1.0
10 Gaussian filter, BT = 0.5
11 Gaussian filter, BT = 0.3

in OOK:
00 no shaping
01 filtering with fcutoff = BR
10 filtering with fcutoff = 2*BR
11 reserved
RegBitrateMsb 7-0 BitRate(15:8) rw 0x1a MSB of Bit Rate (Chip Rate when Manchester encoding is
(0x03) enabled)

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RegBitrateLsb 7-0 BitRate(7:0) rw 0x0b LSB of Bit Rate (Chip Rate if Manchester encoding is
(0x04) enabled)
BitRate = ----------------------------------
Default value: 4.8 kb/s
RegFdevMsb 7-6 - r 00 unused
(0x05) 5-0 Fdev(13:8) rw 000000 MSB of the frequency deviation
RegFdevLsb 7-0 Fdev(7:0) rw 0x52 LSB of the frequency deviation
(0x06) Fdev = Fstep Fdev(15,0)
Default value: 5 kHz
RegFrfMsb 7-0 Frf(23:16) rw 0xe4 MSB of the RF carrier frequency
RegFrfMid 7-0 Frf(15:8) rw 0xc0 Middle byte of the RF carrier frequency
RegFrfLsb 7-0 Frf(7:0) rw 0x00 LSB of the RF carrier frequency
(0x09) Frf = Fstep Frf 23;0
Default value: Frf = 915 MHz (32 MHz XO)
RegOsc1 7 RcCalStart w 0 Triggers the calibration of the RC oscillator when set.
(0x0A) Always reads 0. RC calibration must be triggered in
Standby mode.
6 RcCalDone r 1 0 RC calibration in progress
1 RC calibration is over
5-0 - r 000001 unused
RegAfcCtrl 7-6 - r 00 unused
(0x0B) 5 AfcLowBetaOn rw 0 Improved AFC routine for signals with modulation index
lower than 2. Refer to section 3.4.16 for details
0 Standard AFC routine
1 Improved AFC routine
4-0 - r 00000 unused
Reserved0C 7-0 - r 0x02 unused

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RegListen1 7-6 ListenResolIdle rw 10 Resolution of Listen mode Idle time (calibrated RC osc):
(0x0D) 00 reserved
01 64 us
10 4.1 ms
11 262 ms
5-4 ListenResolRx rw 01 Resolution of Listen mode Rx time (calibrated RC osc):
00 reserved
01 64 us
10 4.1 ms
11 262 ms
3 ListenCriteria rw 0 Criteria for packet acceptance in Listen mode:
0 signal strength is above RssiThreshold
1 signal strength is above RssiThreshold and
SyncAddress matched
2-1 ListenEnd rw 01 Action taken after acceptance of a packet in Listen mode:
00 chip stays in Rx mode. Listen mode stops and must
be disabled (see section 4.3).
01 chip stays in Rx mode until PayloadReady or
Timeout interrupt occurs. It then goes to the mode defined
by Mode. Listen mode stops and must be disabled (see
section 4.3).
10 chip stays in Rx mode until PayloadReady or
Timeout interrupt occurs. Listen mode then resumes in
Idle state. FIFO content is lost at next Rx wakeup.
11 Reserved
0 - r 0 unused
RegListen2 7-0 ListenCoefIdle rw 0xf5 Duration of the Idle phase in Listen mode.
(0x0E) t ListenIdle = ListenCoefIdle ListenResolIdle

RegListen3 7-0 ListenCoefRx rw 0x20 Duration of the Rx phase in Listen mode (startup time
(0x0F) included, see section 4.2.3)
t ListenRx = ListenCoefRx ListenResolRx

RegVersion Version code of the chip. Bits 7-4 give the full revision
(0x10) 7-0 Version r 0x24 number; bits 3-0 give the metal mask revision number.

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6.3. Transmitter Registers

Table 25 Transmitter Registers

Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode Description
(Address) Value
RegPaLevel 7 Pa0On * rw 1 Enables PA0, connected to RFIO and LNA
(0x11) 6 Pa1On * rw 0 Enables PA1, on PA_BOOST pin
5 Pa2On * rw 0 Enables PA2, on PA_BOOST pin
4-0 OutputPower rw 11111 Output power setting, with 1 dB steps
Pout = -18 + OutputPower [dBm] , with PA0
Pout = -18 + OutputPower [dBm] , with PA1**
Pout = -14+ OutputPower [dBm] , with PA1 and PA2**
Pout = -11 + OutputPower [dBm] , with PA1 and PA2, and
high Power PA settings (refer to section 3.3.7)**
RegPaRamp 7-4 - r 0000 unused
(0x12) 3-0 PaRamp rw 1001 Rise/Fall time of ramp up/down in FSK
0000 3.4 ms
0001 2 ms
0010 1 ms
0011 500 us
0100 250 us
0101 125 us
0110 100 us
0111 62 us
1000 50 us
1001 40 us
1010 31 us
1011 25 us
1100 20 us
1101 15 us
1110 12 us
1111 10 us
RegOcp 7-5 - r 000 unused
(0x13) 4 OcpOn rw 1 Enables overload current protection (OCP) for the PA:
0 OCP disabled
1 OCP enabled
3-0 OcpTrim rw 1010 Trimming of OCP current:
Imax = 45 + 5 OcpTrim mA
95 mA OCP by default

Note *Power Amplifier truth table is available in Table 10

** Only the16 upper values of OutputPower are accessible

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6.4. Receiver Registers

Table 26 Receiver Registers
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode Description
(Address) Value
Reserved14 7-0 - r 0x40 unused
Reserved15 7-0 - r 0xB0 unused
Reserved16 7-0 - r 0x7B unused
Reserved17 7-0 - r 0x9B unused
RegLna 7 LnaZin rw 1 LNAs input impedance
(0x18) * 0 50 ohms
1 200 ohms
6 - r 0 unused
5-3 LnaCurrentGain r 001 Current LNA gain, set either manually, or by the AGC
2-0 LnaGainSelect rw 000 LNA gain setting:
000 gain set by the internal AGC loop
001 G1 = highest gain
010 G2 = highest gain 6 dB
011 G3 = highest gain 12 dB
100 G4 = highest gain 24 dB
101 G5 = highest gain 36 dB
110 G6 = highest gain 48 dB
111 reserved
RegRxBw 7-5 DccFreq rw 010 Cut-off frequency of the DC offset canceller (DCC):
(0x19) *
----- -----------------

~4% of the RxBw by default

4-3 RxBwMant rw 10 Channel filter bandwidth control:
* 00 RxBwMant = 16 10 RxBwMant = 24
01 RxBwMant = 20 11 reserved
2-0 RxBwExp rw 101 Channel filter bandwidth control:
* FSK Mode:
RxBw = -----------------------------------------------------------------
RxBwExp + 2
RxBwMant 2

OOK Mode:
RxBw = -----------------------------------------------------------------
RxBwExp + 3
RxBwMant 2
See Table 14 for tabulated values
RegAfcBw 7-5 DccFreqAfc rw 100 DccFreq parameter used during the AFC
(0x1A) 4-3 RxBwMantAfc rw 01 RxBwMant parameter used during the AFC
2-0 RxBwExpAfc rw 011 * RxBwExp parameter used during the AFC

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RegOokPeak 7-6 OokThreshType rw 01 Selects type of threshold in the OOK data slicer:
(0x1B) 00 fixed 10 average
01 peak 11 reserved
5-3 OokPeakTheshStep rw 000 Size of each decrement of the RSSI threshold in the OOK
000 0.5 dB 001 1.0 dB
010 1.5 dB 011 2.0 dB
100 3.0 dB 101 4.0 dB
110 5.0 dB 111 6.0 dB
2-0 OokPeakThreshDec rw 000 Period of decrement of the RSSI threshold in the OOK
000 once per chip 001 once every 2 chips
010 once every 4 chips 011 once every 8 chips
100 twice in each chip 101 4 times in each chip
110 8 times in each chip 111 16 times in each chip
RegOokAvg 7-6 OokAverageThreshFilt rw 10 Filter coefficients in average mode of the OOK
(0x1C) demodulator:
00 fC chip rate / 32. 01 fC chip rate / 8.
10 fC chip rate / 4. 11 fC chip rate / 2.
5-0 - r 000000 unused
RegOokFix 7-0 OokFixedThresh rw 0110 Fixed threshold value (in dB) in the OOK demodulator.
(0x1D) (6dB) Used when OokThresType = 00
RegAfcFei 7 - r 0 unused
(0x1E) 6 FeiDone r 0 0 FEI is on-going
1 FEI finished
5 FeiStart w 0 Triggers a FEI measurement when set. Always reads 0.
4 AfcDone r 1 0 AFC is on-going
1 AFC has finished
3 AfcAutoclearOn rw 0 Only valid if AfcAutoOn is set
0 AFC register is not cleared before a new AFC phase
1 AFC register is cleared before a new AFC phase
2 AfcAutoOn rw 0 0 AFC is performed each time AfcStart is set
1 AFC is performed each time Rx mode is entered
1 AfcClear w 0 Clears the AfcValue if set in Rx mode. Always reads 0
0 AfcStart w 0 Triggers an AFC when set. Always reads 0.
RegAfcMsb 7-0 AfcValue(15:8) r 0x00 MSB of the AfcValue, 2s complement format
RegAfcLsb 7-0 AfcValue(7:0) r 0x00 LSB of the AfcValue, 2s complement format
(0x20) Frequency correction = AfcValue x Fstep
RegFeiMsb 7-0 FeiValue(15:8) r - MSB of the measured frequency offset, 2s complement
RegFeiLsb 7-0 FeiValue(7:0) r - LSB of the measured frequency offset, 2s complement
(0x22) Frequency error = FeiValue x Fstep
RegRssiConfig 7-2 - r 000000 unused
(0x23) 1 RssiDone r 1 0 RSSI is on-going
1 RSSI sampling is finished, result available
0 RssiStart w 0 Trigger a RSSI measurement when set. Always reads 0.
RegRssiValue 7-0 RssiValue r 0xFF Absolute value of the RSSI in dBm, 0.5dB steps.
(0x24) RSSI = -RssiValue/2 [dBm]

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6.5. IRQ and Pin Mapping Registers

Table 27 IRQ and Pin Mapping Registers
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode Description
(Address) Value
RegDioMapping1 7-6 Dio0Mapping rw 00
(0x25) 5-4 Dio1Mapping rw 00 Mapping of pins DIO0 to DIO5
3-2 Dio2Mapping rw 00
See Table 21 for mapping in Continuous mode
1-0 Dio3Mapping rw 00
See Table 22 for mapping in Packet mode
RegDioMapping2 7-6 Dio4Mapping rw 00
(0x26) 5-4 Dio5Mapping rw 00
3 - r 0 unused
2-0 ClkOut rw 111 Selects CLKOUT frequency:
* 000 FXOSC
001 FXOSC / 2
010 FXOSC / 4
011 FXOSC / 8
100 FXOSC / 16
101 FXOSC / 32
110 RC (automatically enabled)
111 OFF
RegIrqFlags1 7 ModeReady r 1 Set when the operation mode requested in Mode, is ready
(0x27) - Sleep: Entering Sleep mode
- Standby: XO is running
- FS: PLL is locked
- Rx: RSSI sampling starts
- Tx: PA ramp-up completed
Cleared when changing operating mode.
6 RxReady r 0 Set in Rx mode, after RSSI, AGC and AFC.
Cleared when leaving Rx.
5 TxReady r 0 Set in Tx mode, after PA ramp-up.
Cleared when leaving Tx.
4 PllLock r 0 Set (in FS, Rx or Tx) when the PLL is locked.
Cleared when it is not.
3 Rssi rwc 0 Set in Rx when the RssiValue exceeds RssiThreshold.
Cleared when leaving Rx.
2 Timeout r 0 Set when a timeout occurs (see TimeoutRxStart and
Cleared when leaving Rx or FIFO is emptied.
1 AutoMode r 0 Set when entering Intermediate mode.
Cleared when exiting Intermediate mode.
Please note that in Sleep mode a small delay can be
observed between AutoMode interrupt and the
corresponding enter/exit condition.
0 SyncAddressMatch r/rwc 0 Set when Sync and Address (if enabled) are detected.
Cleared when leaving Rx or FIFO is emptied.
This bit is read only in Packet mode, rwc in Continuous

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RegIrqFlags2 7 FifoFull r 0 Set when FIFO is full (i.e. contains 66 bytes), else
(0x28) cleared.
6 FifoNotEmpty r 0 Set when FIFO contains at least one byte, else cleared
5 FifoLevel r 0 Set when the number of bytes in the FIFO strictly exceeds
FifoThreshold, else cleared.
4 FifoOverrun rwc 0 Set when FIFO overrun occurs. (except in Sleep mode)
Flag(s) and FIFO are cleared when this bit is set. The
FIFO then becomes immediately available for the next
transmission / reception.
3 PacketSent r 0 Set in Tx when the complete packet has been sent.
Cleared when exiting Tx.
2 PayloadReady r 0 Set in Rx when the payload is ready (i.e. last byte
received and CRC, if enabled and CrcAutoClearOff is
cleared, is Ok). Cleared when FIFO is empty.
1 CrcOk r 0 Set in Rx when the CRC of the payload is Ok. Cleared
when FIFO is empty.
0 - r 0 unused
RegRssiThresh 7-0 RssiThreshold rw 0xE4 RSSI trigger level for Rssi interrupt :
(0x29) * - RssiThreshold / 2 [dBm]
RegRxTimeout1 7-0 TimeoutRxStart rw 0x00 Timeout interrupt is generated TimeoutRxStart*16*Tbit
(0x2A) after switching to Rx mode if Rssi interrupt doesnt occur
(i.e. RssiValue > RssiThreshold)
0x00: TimeoutRxStart is disabled
RegRxTimeout2 7-0 TimeoutRssiThresh rw 0x00 Timeout interrupt is generated TimeoutRssiThresh*16*Tbit
(0x2B) after Rssi interrupt if PayloadReady interrupt doesnt
0x00: TimeoutRssiThresh is disabled

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6.6. Packet Engine Registers

Table 28 Packet Engine Registers
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode Description
(Address) Value
RegPreambleMsb 7-0 PreambleSize(15:8) rw 0x00 Size of the preamble to be sent (from TxStartCondition
(0x2c) fulfilled). (MSB byte)
RegPreambleLsb 7-0 PreambleSize(7:0) rw 0x03 Size of the preamble to be sent (from TxStartCondition
(0x2d) fulfilled). (LSB byte)
RegSyncConfig 7 SyncOn rw 1 Enables the Sync word generation and detection:
(0x2e) 0 Off
1 On
6 FifoFillCondition rw 0 FIFO filling condition:
0 if SyncAddress interrupt occurs
1 as long as FifoFillCondition is set
5-3 SyncSize rw 011 Size of the Sync word:
(SyncSize + 1) bytes
2-0 SyncTol rw 000 Number of tolerated bit errors in Sync word
RegSyncValue1 7-0 SyncValue(63:56) rw 0x01 1st byte of Sync word. (MSB byte)
(0x2f) * Used if SyncOn is set.
RegSyncValue2 7-0 SyncValue(55:48) rw 0x01 2nd byte of Sync word
(0x30) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) >= 2.
RegSyncValue3 7-0 SyncValue(47:40) rw 0x01 3rd byte of Sync word.
(0x31) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) >= 3.
RegSyncValue4 7-0 SyncValue(39:32) rw 0x01 4th byte of Sync word.
(0x32) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) >= 4.
RegSyncValue5 7-0 SyncValue(31:24) rw 0x01 5th byte of Sync word.
(0x33) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) >= 5.
RegSyncValue6 7-0 SyncValue(23:16) rw 0x01 6th byte of Sync word.
(0x34) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) >= 6.
RegSyncValue7 7-0 SyncValue(15:8) rw 0x01 7th byte of Sync word.
(0x35) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) >= 7.
RegSyncValue8 7-0 SyncValue(7:0) rw 0x01 8th byte of Sync word.
(0x36) * Used if SyncOn is set and (SyncSize +1) = 8.

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RegPacketConfig1 7 PacketFormat rw 0 Defines the packet format used:

(0x37) 0 Fixed length
1 Variable length
6-5 DcFree rw 00 Defines DC-free encoding/decoding performed:
00 None (Off)
01 Manchester
10 Whitening
11 reserved
4 CrcOn rw 1 Enables CRC calculation/check (Tx/Rx):
0 Off
1 On
3 CrcAutoClearOff rw 0 Defines the behavior of the packet handler when CRC
check fails:
0 Clear FIFO and restart new packet reception. No
PayloadReady interrupt issued.
1 Do not clear FIFO. PayloadReady interrupt issued.
2-1 AddressFiltering rw 00 Defines address based filtering in Rx:
00 None (Off)
01 Address field must match NodeAddress
10 Address field must match NodeAddress or
11 reserved
0 - rw 0 unused
RegPayloadLength 7-0 PayloadLength rw 0x40 If PacketFormat = 0 (fixed), payload length.
(0x38) If PacketFormat = 1 (variable), max length in Rx, not used
in Tx.
RegNodeAdrs 7-0 NodeAddress rw 0x00 Node address used in address filtering.
RegBroadcastAdrs 7-0 BroadcastAddress rw 0x00 Broadcast address used in address filtering.
RegAutoModes 7-5 EnterCondition rw 000 Interrupt condition for entering the intermediate mode:
(0x3B) 000 None (AutoModes Off)
001 Rising edge of FifoNotEmpty
010 Rising edge of FifoLevel
011 Rising edge of CrcOk
100 Rising edge of PayloadReady
101 Rising edge of SyncAddress
110 Rising edge of PacketSent
111 Falling edge of FifoNotEmpty (i.e. FIFO empty)
4-2 ExitCondition rw 000 Interrupt condition for exiting the intermediate mode:
000 None (AutoModes Off)
001 Falling edge of FifoNotEmpty (i.e. FIFO empty)
010 Rising edge of FifoLevel or Timeout
011 Rising edge of CrcOk or Timeout
100 Rising edge of PayloadReady or Timeout
101 Rising edge of SyncAddress or Timeout
110 Rising edge of PacketSent
111 Rising edge of Timeout
1-0 IntermediateMode rw 00 Intermediate mode:
00 Sleep mode (SLEEP)
01 Standby mode (STDBY)
10 Receiver mode (RX)
11 Transmitter mode (TX)

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RegFifoThresh 7 TxStartCondition rw 1 Defines the condition to start packet transmission :

(0x3C) * 0 FifoLevel (i.e. the number of bytes in the FIFO
exceeds FifoThreshold)
1 FifoNotEmpty (i.e. at least one byte in the FIFO)
6-0 FifoThreshold rw 0001111 Used to trigger FifoLevel interrupt.
RegPacketConfig2 7-4 InterPacketRxDelay rw 0000 After PayloadReady occurred, defines the delay between
(0x3D) FIFO empty and the start of a new RSSI phase for next
packet. Must match the transmitters PA ramp-down time.
- Tdelay = 0 if InterpacketRxDelay >= 12
- Tdelay = (2InterpacketRxDelay) / BitRate otherwise
3 - rw 0 unused
2 RestartRx w 0 Forces the Receiver in WAIT mode, in Continuous Rx
Always reads 0.
1 AutoRxRestartOn rw 1 Enables automatic Rx restart (RSSI phase) after
PayloadReady occurred and packet has been completely
read from FIFO:
0 Off. RestartRx can be used.
1 On. Rx automatically restarted after
0 AesOn rw 0 Enable the AES encryption/decryption:
0 Off
1 On (payload limited to 66 bytes maximum)
RegAesKey1 7-0 AesKey(127:120) w 0x00 1st byte of cipher key (MSB byte)
RegAesKey2 7-0 AesKey(119:112) w 0x00 2nd byte of cipher key
RegAesKey3 7-0 AesKey(111:104) w 0x00 3rd byte of cipher key
RegAesKey4 7-0 AesKey(103:96) w 0x00 4th byte of cipher key
RegAesKey5 7-0 AesKey(95:88) w 0x00 5th byte of cipher key
RegAesKey6 7-0 AesKey(87:80) w 0x00 6th byte of cipher key
RegAesKey7 7-0 AesKey(79:72) w 0x00 7th byte of cipher key
RegAesKey8 7-0 AesKey(71:64) w 0x00 8th byte of cipher key
RegAesKey9 7-0 AesKey(63:56) w 0x00 9th byte of cipher key
RegAesKey10 7-0 AesKey(55:48) w 0x00 10th byte of cipher key
RegAesKey11 7-0 AesKey(47:40) w 0x00 11th byte of cipher key
RegAesKey12 7-0 AesKey(39:32) w 0x00 12th byte of cipher key
RegAesKey13 7-0 AesKey(31:24) w 0x00 13th byte of cipher key

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RegAesKey14 7-0 AesKey(23:16) w 0x00 14th byte of cipher key

RegAesKey15 7-0 AesKey(15:8) w 0x00 15th byte of cipher key
RegAesKey16 7-0 AesKey(7:0) w 0x00 16th byte of cipher key (LSB byte)

6.7. Temperature Sensor Registers

Table 29 Temperature Sensor Registers
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode Description
(Address) Value
RegTemp1 7-4 - r 0000 unused
(0x4E) 3 TempMeasStart w 0 Triggers the temperature measurement when set. Always
reads 0.
2 TempMeasRunning r 0 Set to 1 while the temperature measurement is running.
Toggles back to 0 when the measurement has completed.
The receiver can not be used while measuring
1-0 - r 01 unused
RegTemp2 7-0 TempValue r - Measured temperature
(0x4F) -1C per Lsb
Needs calibration for accuracy

6.8. Test Registers

Table 30 Test Registers
Name Default
Bits Variable Name Mode Description
(Address) Value
RegTestLna 7-0 SensitivityBoost rw 0x1B High sensitivity or normal sensitivity mode:
(0x58) 0x1B Normal mode
0x2D High sensitivity mode
RegTestPa1 7-0 Pa20dBm1 rw 0x55 Set to 0x5D for +20 dBm operation on PA_BOOST.
(0x5A) 0x55 Normal mode and Rx mode
0x5D +20 dBm mode
Revert to 0x55 when receiving or using PA0
RegTestPa2 7-0 Pa20dBm2 rw 0x70 Set to 0x7C for +20 dBm operation on PA_BOOST
(0x5C) 0x70 Normal mode and Rx mode
0x7C +20 dBm mode
Revert to 0x70 when receiving or using PA0
RegTestDagc 7-0 ContinuousDagc rw 0x30 Fading Margin Improvement, refer to 3.4.4
(0x6F) * 0x00 Normal mode
0x20 Improved margin, use if AfcLowBetaOn=1
0x30 Improved margin, use if AfcLowBetaOn=0
RegTestAfc 7-0 LowBetaAfcOffset rw 0x00 AFC offset set for low modulation index systems, used if
(0x71) AfcLowBetaOn=1.
Offset = LowBetaAfcOffset x 488 Hz

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7. Application Information
7.1. Crystal Resonator Specification
Table 31 shows the crystal resonator specification for the crystal reference oscillator circuit of the RFM69HCW.
This specification covers the full range of operation of the RFM69HCW and is employed in the reference design.

Table 31 Crystal Specification

Symbol Description Conditions Min Typ Max Unit

FXOSC XTAL Frequency 26 - 32 MHz

RS XTAL Serial Resistance - 30 140 ohms

C0 XTAL Shunt Capacitance - 2.8 7 pF

CLOAD External Foot Capacitance On each pin XTA and XTB 8 16 22 pF

Notes - the initial frequency tolerance, temperature stability and ageing performance should be chosen in accordance
with the target operating temperature range and the receiver bandwidth selected.
- the loading capacitance should be applied externally, and adapted to the actual Cload specification of the XTAL.
- A minimum XTAL frequency of 28 MHz is required to cover the 863-870 MHz band, 29 MHz for the 902-928 MHz

7.2. Reset of the Module

A power-on reset of the RFM69HCW is triggered at power up. Additionally, a manual reset can be issued by controlling pin

7.2.1. POR
If the application requires the disconnection of VDD from the RFM69HCW, despite of the extremely low Sleep Mode
current, the user should wait for 10 ms from of the end of the POR cycle before commencing communications over the SPI
bus. Pin
6 (Reset) should be left floating during the POR sequence.


Pin Reset
Wait for Module is ready
10 ms from this point on

Figure 38. POR Timing Diagram

Please note that any CLKOUT activity can also be used to detect that the module is ready.

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7.2.2. Manual Reset

A manual reset of the RFM69HCW is possible even for applications in which VDD cannot be physically disconnected.
Pin RESET should be pulled high for a hundred microseconds, and then released. The user should then wait for 5 ms
before using the module.

Figure 39. Manual Reset Timing Diagram

Note whilst pin RESET is driven high, an over current consumption of up to ten milliamps can be seen on VDD.

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7.3. Reference Design

Please contact your representative for evaluation tools, reference designs and design assistance. Note that all
schematics shown in this section are full schematics, listing ALL required components, including decoupling capacitors.

Figure 40:+20dBm Schematic


8. Packaging Information
Page 77
8.1. Package Outline Drawing
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Figure 41. S 2 Package Outline Drawing

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9. Ordering Information

DRFM69HCW 433 S2


Operation Band

Mode Type

P/N: RFM69HCW-315S2
RFM69HCW module at 315MHz band, SMD Package
P/N: RFM69HCW-433S2
RFM69HCW module at 433MHz band, SMD Package
P/N: RFM69HCW-868S2
RFM69HCW module at 868MHz band, SMD Package
P/N: RFM69HCW-915S2
RFM69HCW module at 915MHz band, SMD PackageV

This document may contain preliminary information and is subject to

change by Hope Microelectronics without notice. Hope Microelectronics
assumes no responsibility or liability for any use of the information
HOPE MICROELECTRONICS CO.,LTD contained herein. Nothing in this document shall operate as an express or
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