CML Microcircuits
4FSK Data Modem
D/7031/41_FI-2.0/5 June 2011 DATASHEET Provisional Issue
7031/7041 FI-2.x: Baseband Data Processor with Auxiliary System Clocks, ADCs
and DACs
• 4-level FSK Modem • 4.8 and 9.6 kbits/s Option
• Automatic Frame Sync Detection • Raw Mode, Data Pump
• Automatic Preamble & Frame Sync Insertion • Auxiliary System Clock Outputs
• 2 x Auxiliary ADCs and 4 x Auxiliary DACs • Tx Outputs for Two Point or I/Q Modulation
• Available in 48 or 64-pin, LQFP or VQFN
• 3 x Analogue Inputs (Mic or Discriminator)
• C-BUS Serial Interface to Host µController • Low-power (3.0V to 3.6V) Operation
CMX7031 / CMX7041 Optional Vocoder
RF for digital voice
The Two-Way Radio Processor
RF Synthesiser 1 applications
Built on FirmASIC® technology
RF Synthesiser 2
CMX7031 only
This document contains:
System Clock 1 Datasheet Manual
System Clock 2 Host µC
Reference Clock
1 Brief Description
The CMX7031/CMX7041 FI-2.0 is a half-duplex 4FSK modem suitable for use in PMR/LMR radio
designs. In conjunction with a suitable host controller and RF circuits, this provides the digital baseband
processing to implement a radio to satisfy the requirements of ETS 102 490 and EN 301 166 or EN 300
The CMX7041 is identical in functionality to the CMX7031 with the exception that the two on-chip RF
Synthesisers have been deleted, which enables it to be supplied in a smaller package.
The device utilises CML’s proprietary FirmASIC® component technology. On-chip sub-systems are
configured by a Function Image™: this is a data file that is uploaded during device initialisation and
defines the device's function and feature set. The Function Image™ can be loaded automatically from an
external EEPROM or host µController over the built-in C-BUS serial interface. The device's functions and
features may be enhanced by subsequent Function Image™ releases, facilitating in-the-field upgrades.
This document refers specifically to the features provided by Function Image™ 2.0.
The same device can be loaded with FI-1.x to provide Analogue functionality including simultaneous
processing of subaudio and inband signalling and audio band processing (with frequency inversion
scrambling, companding and pre- or de-emphasis).
Other features include two Auxiliary ADCs with four selectable inputs and four auxiliary DAC interfaces
(with an optional RAMDAC on the first DAC output, to facilitate transmitter power ramping).
The device has flexible powersaving modes and is available in both LQFP and VQFN packages.
Note that text shown in pale grey indicates features that will be supported in future versions of the device.
This Datasheet is the first part of a two-part document comprising Datasheet and User Manual: the User
Manual can be obtained by registering your interest in this product with your local CML representative.
Section Page
1 Brief Description.....................................................................................................................1
1.1 History..........................................................................................................................5
2 Block Diagram ........................................................................................................................6
2.1 Signal Definitions.........................................................................................................7
3 Signal List................................................................................................................................8
4 External Components ..........................................................................................................11
4.1 Recommended External Components ......................................................................13
5 PCB Layout Guidelines and Power Supply Decoupling...................................................14
6 General Description .............................................................................................................16
6.1 CMX7031/CMX7041 FI-2.0 Features........................................................................16
6.2 System Design ..........................................................................................................16
6.3 Introduction................................................................................................................18
6.3.1 Modulation ...........................................................................................................18
6.3.2 Demodulation ......................................................................................................20
6.3.3 Framing................................................................................................................20
6.3.4 FEC and Coding ..................................................................................................20
6.3.5 Voice Coding .......................................................................................................20
6.3.6 Radio Performance Requirements ......................................................................20
7 Detailed Descriptions...........................................................................................................21
7.1 Xtal Frequency ..........................................................................................................21
7.2 Host Interface ............................................................................................................21
7.2.1 C-BUS Operation.................................................................................................21
7.3 Function Image™ Loading ........................................................................................23
7.3.1 FI Loading from Host Controller ..........................................................................23
7.3.2 FI Loading from EEPROM...................................................................................25
7.4 Device Control ...........................................................................................................26
7.4.1 General Notes .....................................................................................................26
7.4.2 Interrupt Operation ..............................................................................................26
7.4.3 Signal Routing .....................................................................................................27
7.4.4 Mode Control .......................................................................................................27
7.4.5 Tx Mode...............................................................................................................28
7.4.6 Rx Mode ..............................................................................................................29
7.4.7 Other Modem Modes...........................................................................................30
7.4.8 Data Transfer.......................................................................................................31
7.5 Squelch Operation.....................................................................................................31
7.6 GPIO Pin Operation...................................................................................................31
7.7 Auxiliary ADC Operation ...........................................................................................32
7.8 Auxiliary DAC/RAMDAC Operation...........................................................................32
7.9 RF Synthesisers (CMX7031 only) .............................................................................33
7.10 Digital System Clock Generators ..............................................................................36
7.10.1 Main Clock Operation .........................................................................................37
Table Page
Table 1 Definition of Power Supply and Reference Voltages......................................................... 7
Table 2 Xtal/Clock Frequency Settings for Program Block 3........................................................ 21
Table 3 BOOTEN Pin States ........................................................................................................ 23
Table 4 Modem Mode Selection ................................................................................................... 27
Table 5 Modem Control Selection................................................................................................. 28
Table 6 C-BUS Data Registers ..................................................................................................... 31
Table 7 C-BUS Registers.............................................................................................................. 39
Figure Page
Figure 1 CMX7031/CMX7041 Block Diagram ................................................................................ 6
Figure 2 CMX7031 Recommended External Components .......................................................... 11
Figure 3 CMX7041 Recommended External Components .......................................................... 12
Figure 4 CMX7031 Power Supply and De-coupling ..................................................................... 14
Figure 5 CMX7041 Power Supply and De-coupling ..................................................................... 15
Figure 6 Digital Voice Rx and Tx Blocks....................................................................................... 17
Figure 7 4FSK PRBS Waveform................................................................................................... 18
Figure 8 Modulation Characteristics ............................................................................................. 19
Figure 9 C-BUS Transactions ....................................................................................................... 22
Figure 10 FI Loading from Host .................................................................................................... 24
Figure 11 FI Loading from EEPROM ............................................................................................ 25
Figure 12 Tx Data Flow................................................................................................................. 29
Figure 13 Rx Data Flow ................................................................................................................ 30
Figure 14 Example RF Synthesiser Components for a 512MHz Receiver .................................. 33
Figure 15 Single RF Channel Block Diagram ............................................................................... 34
Figure 16 Digital Clock Generation Schemes............................................................................... 36
Figure 17 Tx Modulation Spectra - 4800bps................................................................................. 38
Figure 18 Tx Modulation Spectra - 9600bps................................................................................. 38
Figure 19 C-BUS Timing............................................................................................................... 49
Figure 20 Mechanical outline for 64-pad VQFN (Q1) ................................................................... 50
Figure 21 Mechanical outline for 64-pin LQFP (L9)...................................................................... 50
Figure 22 Mechanical Outline of 48-pin VQFN (Q3)..................................................................... 51
Information in this data sheet should not be relied upon for final product design. It is always recommended
that you check for the latest product datasheet version from the CML website: [].
1.1 History
Version Changes Date
5 Clarification of reset mechanisms and FI loading. Phase Noise respecified. Jun 2011
4 • References to RxENA and TxENA changed to RXENA and TXENA to agree Nov 2009
with revised pin-naming convention. Text added to describe the changed
functions of GPIO1/2, applicable from FI- onwards. Text added to
describe the additional bit ($A7 b0) which allows backwards compatibility with
older FIs, by swapping the active states of RXENA and TXENA.
• History section added to User Manual.
• Table in section 11.1 replaced by a hyperlinked table into the relevant section
of the User Manual. Further information provided on the General Reset action.
• Pin Names redefined and made consistent in the Data Sheet and User
Manual. Table 1 added, to clarify signal and pin name power supply
• Numerous typos, editorial & formatting corrections.
• RF Synthesiser divide ratios corrected in sections 9.1.3 and 11.1.11.
• FI Loading flowcharts (Fig 10 and 11) revised.
• Operating voltage range clarification (3.0V to 3.6V).
• Terminology of Error and Event Flags clarified for Modem Status register.
• Additional guidance that the host µC should not make successive writes to the
same C-BUS register within the 250µs latency period.
3 C-BUS naming updated to latest standard – fig1, sec 3, sec 8.2, sec 7.3, fig 19 April 2009
References to C4FM removed – fig 12, fig 13
FS2,3,4 detection greyed out – 10.1.30
Note on metal pad connections added – sec 3
GPIO1 and 2 defined as TXENA and RXENA outputs only – sec 3, fig 1, table 3,
sec 7.6, fig 12, 13. GPIOA and B operation greyed out.
Note 8 on Vdec decoupling added – sec 4
Clock generation, figure 16, updated
Contact details updated
TxDATA and RxDATA bit ordering corrected – 10.1.15, 10.1.16, 10.1.18, 10.1.19,
AuxADC IRQ bits and mask corrected (was b12,13, now 8,9)
Numerous typos, editorial & formatting corrections
TxData and RxData register bit ordering corrected – 10.1-14-20, 10.1.26, 10.1.31-
AuxADC and AuxDAC renamed to ADC and DAC respectively – fig 1
C23, C24 values corrected
References to ETSI standards corrected – 5.3
References to un-used registers removed – table 6
Maximum Package ratings updated – 7.1.1
Note 21 qualified for 25°C operation
AUDIO Out routing qualified – 9.1.0
“Ramping in progress” greyed out – 9.1.30
Default preamble length corrected – 9.2.1
2 First Issued May 2007
2 Block Diagram
Transmit Functions
Output 1
Data Modulator MOD1
Tx Tx
4FSK Sinc RRC Modulator
data Raw data
modulator filter filter mode
Output 2
generator AUDIO
Receive Functions
Data Demodulator
VBias Rx Eye test mode
Raw data data
DISCN buffer
Auxiliary Functions
System clock 1 SYSCLK1
RXENA System clock 2 SYSCLK2
Auxiliary System Clocks
(CMX7041 only)
GPIO B FI Configured I/O RF2N
Synthesiser 1
DAC 1 DAC 1 Ramp profile RAM
Thresholds RFVDD
RF Synthesisers
Thresholds RFCLK
ADC 3 (CMX7031 only)
Interface Power
EPSCSN Boot Crystal SCLK
Bias Bias Control oscillator
3 Signal List
CMX7031 CMX7041
64-pin 48-pin Type Description
Q1/L9 Q3/L4 Name
1 To minimise crosstalk, this signal should be connected to the same clock source as XTAL/CLOCK input.
By default, this is connected internally at power-on, alternatively, this may be achieved by connecting the
pin to the XTALN output when a 19.2MHz source is in use.
CMX7031 CMX7041
64-pin 48-pin Type Description
Q1/L9 Q3/L4 Name
2The AUDIO pin is not currently used in this FI, however it has been included here for compatibility with
FI 1.x
CMX7031 CMX7041
64-pin 48-pin Type Description
Q1/L9 Q3/L4 Name
4 External Components
The 2.5V VDEC output can be used to supply the 2.5V RFVDD, to remove the need for an external 2.5V
regulated supply. VDEC can be directly connected to RFVDD, in which case C23 should be omitted.
6 General Description
6.1 CMX7031/CMX7041 FI-2.0 Features
The CMX7031/CMX7041 FI-2.0 is intended for use in half duplex digital two way mobile radio equipment
using 4FSK modulation at 4800 or 9600 bps. The ability to re-load the device with FI-1.x allows the same
platform to offer backwards compatibility with existing analogue radio systems. A flexible power control
facility allows the device to be placed in its optimum powersave mode when not actively processing
The device includes a crystal clock generator, with buffered output, to provide a common system clock if
A block diagram of the device is shown in Figure 1.
The signal processing blocks can be routed from any of the three audio/discriminator input pins.
Tx Functions:
o 72-bit Tx data buffer
o Automatic Preamble and Frame Sync insertion simplifies host control
o 4-level FSK baseband modulator
o Root Raised Cosine (RRC) and Sinc filter
o RAMDAC operation
o TXENA hardware signal
o Two-point or I/Q modulation outputs
Rx Functions:
o Discriminator input with input amplifier and programmable gain adjustment
o 72-bit Rx data buffer
o Automatic Frame Sync detection simplifies host control
o Selectable squelch source
o Root Raised Cosine (RRC) and Inverse Sinc filtering
o 4-level FSK baseband demodulator
o Hard or Soft data options
o RXENA hardware control signal
Auxiliary Functions:
o 2 programmable system clock outputs
o 2 auxiliary ADCs with selectable input paths
o 4 auxiliary DACs, one with built-in programmable RAMDAC
o 2 RF synthesiser/PLLs (CMX7031 only)
o Optimised C-BUS (5-wire high speed synchronous serial command/data bus) interface to host for
control and data transfer
o Open-drain IRQ to host
o Two GPIO pins (CMX7041 only)
o EEPROM boot mode
o C-BUS (host) boot mode
cbus clk
RF Section cbus datain
Disc cbus csn0 coding
modem cbus dataout
CMX7031 / CMX7041 protocol
cbus clk
RF Section cbus datain
Disc cbus csn0 coding
modem cbus dataout
CMX7031 / CMX7041 protocol
over the host C-BUS by a factor of 4. The soft decision data is transferred as 4-bit log-likelihood ratio
6.3 Introduction
This modem can run at either 4800bps or 9600bps, occupying a 6.25kHz or a 12.5kHz bandwidth RF
channel respectively. It has been designed such that, when combined with suitable RF, Host controller,
Vocoder hardware and appropriate software, it meets the requirements of the EN 301 166 or EN 300 113
as appropriate. See for details of these standards.
6.3.1 Modulation
The 4-level FSK (4FSK) scheme running at 2400 symbols/s (4800 bps) can be is used in order to fit
inside a 6.25kHz channel bandwidth. RRC filters are implemented at both Tx and Rx. This mode uses a
“deviation index” of 0.29 and a filter “alpha” of 0.2. The maximum frequency error is +/- 625Hz and can
adapt to a maximum time base clock drift of 2ppm over the duration of a 180s (maximum) burst. Figure 8
is an extract from the ETS 102 490 standard showing the basic parameters of the 4FSK modulation
system, symbol mapping and filtering requirements.
The 4800 symbols/s (9600 bps) mode is essentially the same, but with the timings modified by a factor of
Figure 7 shows the transmitted PRBS waveform as shown from the demodulator output of a spectrum
analyser, having been modulated using a suitable RF transmitter (2-point modulation mode).
6.3.2 Demodulation
The CMX7031/CMX7041 demodulation process includes an Inverse Rx Sinc filter. The Rx Inverse Sinc
characteristic matches the Sinc applied in the transmitter. The Rx Sinc filter can, in some cases, be
approximated by analogue attenuation in the receiver path (external to the CMX7031/CMX7041. The
receiver structure is shown in Figure 1.
6.3.3 Framing
The CMX7031/CMX7041 FI-2.x uses a 72-bit preamble and a 24-bit Frame Sync. Both the Preamble and
Frame Sync’s are user-programmable, see User Manual sections 9.1.28 bit 1 and 9.2.1.
7 Detailed Descriptions
7.1 Xtal Frequency
The CMX7031/CMX7041 is designed to work with a Xtal or external frequency source of 6.144MHz. If this
default configuration is not used, then Program Block 3 in the Programming register must be loaded with
the correct values to ensure that the device will work to specification with the user selected clock
frequency. A table of common values can be found in Table 2. Note the maximum Xtal frequency is
12.288MHz, although an external clock source of up to 24MHz can be used.
The register values in Table 1 are shown in hex, the default settings are shown in bold, and the settings
which do not give an exact setting (but are within acceptable limits) are in italics. The new P3.2-3 settings
take effect following the write to P3.3 (the settings in P3.4-7 are implemented on a change to Rx or Tx
Table 2 Xtal/Clock Frequency Settings for Program Block 3
Program Block entry External frequency source (MHz)
3.579 6.144 9.0592 12.0 12.8 16.368 16.8 19.2
GP Timer $017 $018 $018 $019 $019 $018 $019 $018
compatible with most common µC serial interfaces and may also be easily implemented with general
purpose µC I/O pins controlled by a simple software routine.
The number of data bytes following an Address byte is dependent on the value of the Address byte. The
most significant bit of the address or data are sent first. For detailed timings see section 8.2. Note that,
due to internal timing constraints, there may be a delay of up to 250µs between the end of a C-BUS write
operation and the device reading the data from its internal register.
C-BUS Write:
See Note 1 See Note 2
CDATA 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 … 0 7 … 0
High Z state
C-BUS Read:
See Note 2
CDATA 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
RDATA 7 6 … 0 7 … 0
High Z state MSB LSB MSB LSB
The BOOTEN pins are both fitted with internal 100kΩ (approx.) pull down resistors.
For C-BUS load operation, both pins should be pulled high by connecting them to DVDD either directly or
via a 220kΩ resistor (see Table 3).
For EEPROM load, only BOOTEN1 needs to be pulled high in a similar manner, however, if it is required
to program the EEPROM in-situ from the host, either a jumper to DVDD or a link to a host I/O pin should
be provided to pull BOOTEN2 high when required (see Table 3).
Once the FI has been loaded, the CMX7031/CMX7041 performs these actions:
(1) the product identification code ($7031 or $7041) is reported in C-BUS register $C5
(2) the FI version code is reported in C-BUS register $C9
(3) the two 32-bit FI checksums are reported in C-BUS register pairs $A9, $AA and $B8, $B9
(4) the device waits for the host to load the 32-bit Device Activation Code to C-BUS register $C8
(5) once activated, the device initialises fully, enters idle mode and becomes ready for use, and the
PRG Flag (bit 0 of the Status register) will be set.
The checksums should be verified against the published values to ensure that the FI has loaded correctly.
Once the FI has been activated, the checksum, product identification and version code registers are
cleared and these values are no longer available. If an invalid activation code is loaded, the device will
report the value $DEAD in register $A9 and become unresponsive to all further host commands (including
General Reset). A power-on reset is required to recover from this state.
Both the Device Activation Code and the checksum values are available from the CML Technical Portal.
Note: In the rare event that a General Reset needs to be issued without the requirement to re-load the
FI, the BOOTEN pins must both be cleared to '0' before issuing the Reset command. The
Checksum values will be reported and the Device Activation code will need to be sent in a
similar manner as that shown in Figure 11. There will not be any FI loading delay. This
assumes that a valid FI has been previously loaded and that VDD has been maintained
throughout the reset to preserve the data.
BOOTEN 2 = 1
BOOTEN 1 = 1
Power-up or
write General Reset to CMX7031/CMX7041
Send Activation Code lo to $C8
The download time is limited by the clock frequency of the C-BUS, with a 5MHz SCLK, it should take less
than 500ms to complete (host dependant).
BOOTEN 2 = 0
BOOTEN 1 = 1
The CMX7031/CMX7041 has been designed to function with Atmel AT25HP512 serial EEPROM and the
AT25F512 flash EEPROM devices 3, however other manufacturers parts may also be suitable. The time
taken to load the FI is dependant on the Xtal frequency; with a 6.144MHz Xtal, it should load in less than
1 second.
3Note that these two memory devices have slightly different addressing schemes. FI-2.0 is compatible
with both schemes.
Setting the Mode register to either Rx or Tx will automatically increase the internal clock speed to its
operational speed, whilst setting the Mode register to IDLE will automatically return the internal clock to a
lower (powersaving) speed. To access the Program Blocks (through the Programming register, $C8) the
device MUST be in IDLE mode.
Under normal circumstances the CMX7031/CMX7041 manages the Main Clock Control automatically,
using the default values loaded in Program Block 3.
The analogue gain/attenuation of each input and output can be set individually, with additional Fine
Attenuation control available via the Programming registers.
o Analogue Output Gain - $B0 write
o Input Gain and Output Signal Routing - $B1 write
In common with other FIs developed for the CMX7031/CMX7041, this device is equipped with two signal
processing paths. However, in this implementation of the FI, Input 2 is not currently used and so should
not be enabled. Input 1 should be routed to either of the three input sources (ALTN, DISCN or MICN). The
internal signals Output 1 and 2 are used to provide either 2-point or I/Q signals and should be routed to
the MOD1 and MOD2 pins as required.
The RXENA and TXENA pins reflect bits 0 and 1 of the Mode Control register, as shown in Table 4.
These can be used to drive external hardware without the host having to intervene. AuxADC Config
register b0 exchanges the active states of RXENA and TXENA as shown in Table 4. The CMX7041 also
has two additional GPIO pins that are programmable under host control.
Table 4 Modem Mode Selection
$A7 b0=0 $A7 b0=1
Mode Control ($C1) b1-0 Modem Mode
00 IDLE – low power mode 1 1 1 1
01 Rx mode 1 0 0 1
10 Tx mode 0 1 1 0
11 reserved 1 1 1 1
In Tx mode, the CMX7031/CMX7041 can be set to transmit data in a number of data modes as a data
pump. The Modem Control bits should be configured in the same C-BUS write as the change in the
Modem Mode bits. The Tx 4FSK raw command requires that a block of data has been loaded into the C-
BUS TxData registers before executing the change in the Modem Mode bits to Tx. A DataRDY IRQ will
then be asserted and the host should supply a further 72 bits of payload data in the TxData registers. The
CMX7031/CMX7041 will continue transmitting the payload data until the host resets the Mode bits to
either Rx or IDLE, as appropriate.
In Rx mode the Rx signal is routed through Input 1. Rx data recovered from the received signal is
supplied to the host through the RxData registers and should be read in response to a DataRDY IRQ. The
CMX7031/CMX7041 will continue decoding the input waveform until the host resets the Mode bits to
either Tx or IDLE, as appropriate. A test mode to examine the Rx “EYE” is also provided.
7.4.5 Tx Mode
In Raw mode Tx operation, the preamble and Frame Sync 1 (FS1) are transmitted automatically (default
values may be changed by use of the Program Blocks, accessed via the Programming register), and then
data from the TxData Block is transmitted directly until the Mode is changed to Rx or Idle. The first block
of data MUST be loaded into the TxData registers BEFORE executing the Modem Mode change to Tx.
Data is transmitted msb (most significant bit) first.
The host should write the initial data to the C-BUS TxData registers and then set the modem mode to
TxRaw and the Mode bits to Tx. As soon as the data has been read from the C-BUS TxData registers the
DataRDY IRQ will be asserted.
IRQ = DataRdy?
7.4.6 Rx Mode
In Raw mode Rx operation, once a valid Frame Sync (FS) has been detected, all following data received
is loaded directly into the C-BUS RxData registers. This will continue until the Mode is changed to Idle or
Tx, even if there is no valid signal at the input. On exiting Rx Mode, there may be a DataRdy IRQ pending
which should be cleared by the host. Note that Raw Mode operation still requires the use of a valid Frame
Sync pattern in order to derive timing information for the demodulator.
The device will update the C-BUS RxData registers with Rx payload data as it becomes available, the
host MUST respond to the DataRDY IRQ before the RxData registers are over-written by subsequent
data from the modem. If “Soft” data mode has been selected, then the Payload Data in Rx mode will be
coded as 4 bits of “Log Likelihood Ratio” encoded data per “over-air” bit. In this mode the host must
service the DataRDY IRQ and RxData registers at 4 times the normal rate to avoid overflow conditions.
note: RxENA will become active, the Modem will start to look for frame
sync. The host should ensure that any external hardware is also
If enabled , IRQ=FrameSync set into Rx mode.
will occur before note:
IRQ = DataRdy?
more data to
An IRQ=DataRdy receive?
may still be note:
pending at this
point yes
Goto Idle_Process
The Block ID is ignored in Raw Data mode, but should be set to 01 for consistency with future
Bits 7 and 6 hold a Transaction Counter. This is a two-bit counter that is incremented on every read/write
of the Data Block. This is particularly useful to detect data underflow and overflow conditions. The counter
increments modulo 4. The host must increment this counter on every write to the TxData block. If the
CMX7031/CMX7041 identifies that a block has been written out of sequence, the Event IRQ (b14) will be
set to 1 (if unmasked) and the error condition indicated in the Modem Status register ($C9). The device
detects that new data from the host is available by the change in the value of the Transaction Counter,
therefore the host should ensure that all the data is available in the TxData block before updating this
register (ie, it should be the last register the host writes to in any block transfer). In Rx mode, the
CMX7031/CMX7041 will automatically increment the counter every time it writes to the RxData block, if
the host identifies that a block has been written out of sequence, then it is likely that a data overrun
condition has occurred and some data has been lost.
has completed its load sequence) these pins have only a weak pull-up applied to them, so care should be
taken to ensure that any loading during this period does not adversely affect the operation of the unit.
On the CMX7041, GPIO A and B are host programmable for input or output using the AuxADC Config
register, $A7. The default state is output, pulled high. When set for input, the values can be read back
using the Modem Status register, $C9.
7.7 Auxiliary ADC Operation
The inputs to the two Auxiliary ADCs can be independently routed from any of the Signal Input pins under
control of the AuxADC Config register, $A7. Conversions will be performed as long as a valid input source
is selected, to stop the ADCs, the input source should be set to “none”. Register $C0, b6, BIAS, must be
enabled for Auxiliary ADC operation.
Averaging can be applied to the ADC readings by selecting the relevant bits in the AuxADC Config
register, $A7, the length of the averaging is determined by the value in Program Blocks P3.0 and P3.1,
and defaults to a value of 0. This is a rolling average system such that a proportion of the current data will
be added to the last value. The proportion is determined by the value of the average counter in P3.0 and
For an average value of:
0 then 50% of the current value will be added to 50% of the last value,
1 = 25% of the current value will be added to 75% of the last value,
2 = 12.5% etc.
The maximum useful value of this field is 8.
High and Low thresholds may be independently applied to both ADC channels (the comparison is applied
after averaging, if this is enabled) and an IRQ generated as required (except in the case where the high
threshold has been set below the low threshold). The thresholds are programmed via the AuxADC
Threshold register, $CD.
Auxiliary ADC data is read back in the AuxADC Data registers ($A9 and $AA) and includes the threshold
status as well as the actual conversion data (subject to averaging, if enabled).
o AuxADC Config - $A7 write
o AuxADC1 Data and Status - $A9 read
o AuxADC2 Data and Status - $AA read
o AuxADC Threshold Data - $CD write
External RF components are needed to complete the synthesiser circuit. A typical schematic for one
synthesiser, with external components, is shown in Figure 14.
The step size (comparison frequency) is programmable; to minimise the effects of phase noise this should
be kept as high as possible. This can be set as low as 2.5kHz (for a reference input of 20MHz or less), or
up to 200kHz – limited only by the performance of the phase comparator.
The frequency for each synthesiser is set by using two registers: an ‘R’ register that sets the division
value of the input reference frequency to the comparison frequency (step size), and an ‘N’ register that
sets the division of the required synthesised frequency from the external VCO to the comparison
frequency. This yields the required synthesised frequency (Fs), such that:
Fs = (N / R) x FREF where FREF is the selected reference frequency
Other parameters for the synthesisers are the charge pump setting (high or low)
o Since the set-up for the PLLs takes 4 x “RF Channel Data register” writes it follows that, while
updating the PLL settings, the registers may contain unwanted or intermediate values of bits.
These will persist until the last register is written. It is intended that users should change the
content of the “RF Channel Data register” on a PLL that is disabled, powersaved or selected to
work from the alternate register set (“Tx” and “Rx” are alternate register sets). There are no
interlocks to enforce this intention. The names “Tx” and “Rx” are arbitrary and may be assigned to
other functions as required. They are independent sets of registers, one of which is selected to
command each PLL by changing the settings in the RF Channel Control - $B3 write register.
For optimum performance, a common master clock should be used for the RF synthesisers (RFCLK) and
the baseband sections (Main and Auxiliary System Clocks). Using unsynchronised clocks can result in
spurious products being generated in the synthesiser output and in some cases difficulty may be
experienced with obtaining lock in the RF synthesisers.
Lock Status
The lock status can be observed by reading the RF Channel Status register, $B4, and the individual lock
status bits can (subject to masking) provide a C-BUS interrupt.
The lock detector can use a tolerance of one cycle or four cycles of the reference clock (not the divided
version that is used as a comparison frequency) in order to judge phase lock. An internal shift register
holds the last three lock status measurements and the lock status bits are flagged according to a majority
vote of these previous three states. Hence, one occasional lock error will not flag a lock fail. At least two
successive phase lock events are required for the lock status to be true. Note that the lock status bits
confirm phase lock to the measured tolerance and not frequency lock. The synthesiser may take more
time to confirm phase lock with the lock status bits than the time to switch from channel to channel. The
purpose of a 4-cycle tolerance is for the case where a high frequency reference oscillator would not
forgive a small phase error.
RF Inputs
The RF inputs are differential and self biased (when not powersaved). They are intended to be
capacitatively coupled to the RF signal. The signal should be in the range 0dBm to –20dBm (not
necessarily balanced). To ensure an accurate input signal the RF should be terminated with 50Ω as close
to the chip as possible and with the “P” and “N“ inputs capacitatively coupled to the input and ground,
keeping these connections as short as possible. The RF input impedance is almost purely capacitative
and is dominated by package and printed circuit board parasitics.
Guidelines for using the RF Synthesisers
1. RF input slew rate (dv/dt) should be 14 V/µs minimum.
2. The RF Synthesiser 2.5V digital supply can be powered from the VDEC output pin.
3. RF clock sources and other, different clock sources must not share common IC components, as
this may introduce coupling into the RF. Unused ac-coupled clock buffer circuits should be tied
off to a dc supply, to prevent them oscillating.
4. It is recommended that the RF Synthesisers are operated with maximum gain Iset (ie. Iset tied to
5. The Loop components should be optimised for each VCO.
LPF VCO 24.576-
(49.152MHz typ)
Ref CLK div PLL div
/1 to 512 PD /1 to 1024
$AC b0-8 SysCLK1 SysCLK1 $AB b0-9
Ref Div
48 - 192kHz
(96kHz typ) VCO op div
/1 to 64
SysCLK1 $AB b10-15 SysCLK1
Pre-CLK Output
$AC b11-15 384kHz - 20MHz
LPF VCO 24.576-
(49.152MHz typ)
Ref CLK div PLL div
/1 to 512 PD /1 to 1024
P3.4 MainCLK MainCLK P3.5
Ref Div
48 - 192kHz
(96kHz typ) VCO op div
/1 to 64
P3.3 & 3.6 MainCLK
Pre-CLK 384kHz - 50MHz
(24.576MHz typ)
To Internal
3.0 - 12.288 MHz Xtal or
3.0 - 24.576 MHZ Clock AuxADC
(83.3kHz typ)
P3.3 & P3.6
The CMX7031/CMX7041 includes a 2-pin crystal oscillator circuit. This can either be configured as an
oscillator, as shown in section 5, or the XTAL input can be driven by an externally generated clock. The
crystal (Xtal) source frequency can go up to 12.288MHz (clock source frequency up to 24.576MHz), but a
6.144MHz Xtal is assumed by default for the functionality provided in the CMX7031/CMX7041.
-60 -60
-70 -70
1 1
-80 -80
cu2 cu2
-90 -90
cu2 cu2
cu1 cu1
cu1 cu1
-100 C0 -100 C0
C0 C0
cl1 cl1
cl1 cl1
-110 cl2 -110 cl2
cl2 cl2
-118 -118
Center 446.1 MHz 3.5 kHz/ Span 35 kHz Center 446.1 MHz 3.5 kHz/ Span 35 kHz
-60 -60
-70 -70
-80 -80
cu2 C0
-90 -90
cu2 C0
cu1 cl2
cu1 cl2
-100 C0 -100 cl1
C0 cl1
cl1 cu1
cl1 cu1
-110 cl2 -110 cu2
cl2 cu2
-118 -118
Center 446.1 MHz 6 kHz/ Span 60 kHz Center 446.1 MHz 7 kHz/ Span 70 kHz
8 Performance Specification
8.1 Electrical Performance
8.1.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings
Exceeding these maximum ratings can result in damage to the device.
Current consumption figures quoted in this section apply to the device when loaded with FI-2.0
only. The use of other Function Images™, can modify the current consumption of the device.
Supply Current 21
All Powersaved
DIDD – 8 100 µA
AIDD – 4 20 µA
IDLE Mode 22
DIDD – 1.4 – mA
AIDD 23 – 1.6 – mA
Rx Mode 22
DIDD (4800bps – search for FS) – 4.7 – mA
DIDD (9600bps – search for FS) – 7.5 – mA
DIDD (4800bps – FS found) – 2.8 – mA
DIDD (9600bps – FS found) – 3.7 – mA
AIDD – 1.6 – mA
Tx Mode 22
DIDD (4800bps – 2-point) – 4.3 – mA
DIDD (9600bps – 2-point) – 5.2 – mA
DIDD (4800bps – I&Q) – 5.4 – mA
DIDD (9600bps – I&Q) – 7.3 – mA
AIDD (AVDD = 3.3V) – 1.5 – mA
Additional current for each Auxiliary
System Clock (output running at 4MHz)
DIDD (DVDD = 3.3V, VDEC = 2.5V) – 250 – µA
Additional current for each Auxiliary ADC
DIDD (DVDD = 3.3V, VDEC = 2.5V) – 50 – µA
Additional current for each Auxiliary DAC
AIDD (AVDD = 3.3V) – 200 – µA
Notes: 21 Tamb = 25°C, Not including any current drawn from the device pins by external
22 System Clocks, Auxiliary circuits disabled, but all other digital circuits (including
the Main Clock PLL) enabled.
23 May be further reduced by power-saving unused sections
Input Logic ‘1’ 70% – – DVDD
Input Logic ‘0’ – – 30% DVDD
Input current (Vin = DVDD) – – 40 µA
Input current (Vin = DVSS) −40 – – µA
Output voltage offset wrt AVDD/2 (IOL < 1μA) – ±2% – AVDD
Output impedance – 22 – kΩ
Notes: 25 Characteristics when driving the XTAL/CLK pin with an external clock source.
26 Applies when utilising VBIAS to provide a reference voltage to other parts of the
system. When using VBIAS as a reference, VBIAS must be buffered. VBIAS must
always be decoupled with a capacitor as shown in Figure 3.
'High' pulse width 31 15 – – ns
'Low' pulse width 31 15 – – ns
Input impedance (at 6.144MHz)
Powered-up Resistance – 150 – kΩ
Capacitance – 20 – pF
Powered-down Resistance – 300 – kΩ
Capacitance – 20 – pF
Xtal start up (from powersave) – 20 – ms
Start up time (from powersave) – 30 – ms
Notes: 41 Power-up refers to issuing a C-BUS command to turn on an output. These limits
apply only if VBIAS is on and stable. At power supply switch-on, the default state
is for all blocks, except the XTAL and C-BUS interface, to be in placed in
powersave mode.
42 Small signal impedance, at AVDD = 3.3V and Tamb = 25°C.
43 With respect to the signal at the feedback pin of the selected input port.
44 Centered about AVDD/2; with respect to the output driving a 20kΩ load to AVDD/2.
Notes: 51 Denotes output impedance of the driver of the auxiliary input signal, to ensure
< 1 bit additional error under nominal conditions.
52 With an auxiliary clock frequency of 6.144MHz.
53 Guaranteed monotonic with no missing codes.
54 Centred about AVDD/2.
62 Square wave input.
63 Separate dividers provided for each PLL.
64 For optimum performance of the synthesiser subsystems, a common master
clock should be used for the RF Synthesisers and the baseband sections. Using
unsynchronised clocks is likely to result in spurious products being generated in
the synthesiser outputs and in some cases difficulty may be experienced in
obtaining lock in the RF Synthesisers.
65 External ISET resistor (R31) = 0Ω (Internal ISET resistor = 9k6Ω nominally).
66 Lower input frequencies may be used subject to division ratio requirements being
67 Operation outside these frequency limits is possible, but not guaranteed. Below
150MHz, a square wave input may be required to provide a fast enough slew
68 1Hz Normalised Phase Noise Floor (PN1Hz) can be used to calculate the phase
noise within the PLL loop by: Phase Noise (in band) = PN1Hz + 20 log10(N) +
69 It is recommended that RF Synthesiser 1 be used for higher frequency use
(eg: RF 1st LO) and RF Synthesiser 2 be used for lower frequency use (eg: IF
70 Transmitting continuous default preamble.
71 See user manual section 7.12.
72 Measured at base-band – radio design will affect ultimate product performance.
73 For a 6.25kHz/4800bps channel.
Notes: 1. Depending on the command, 1 or 2 bytes of CDATA are transmitted to the peripheral MSB
(Bit 7) first, LSB (Bit 0) last. RDATA is read from the peripheral MSB (Bit 7) first, LSB (Bit
0) last.
2. Data is clocked into the peripheral on the rising SCLK edge.
3. Commands are acted upon at the end of each command (rising edge of CSN).
4. To allow for differing µC serial interface formats C-BUS compatible ICs are able to work
with SCLK pulses starting and ending at either polarity.
5. Maximum 30pF load on IRQN pin and each C-BUS interface line.
These timings are for the latest version of C-BUS and allow faster transfers than the original C-BUS
timing specification. The CMX7031/CMX7041 can be used in conjunction with devices that comply with
the slower timings, subject to system throughput constraints.
8.3 Packaging
About FirmASIC®
CML’s proprietary FirmASIC® component technology reduces cost, time to market and development risk,
with increased flexibility for the designer and end application. FirmASIC® combines Analogue, Digital,
Firmware and Memory technologies in a single silicon platform that can be focused to deliver the right
feature mix, performance and price for a target application family. Specific functions of a FirmASIC®
device are determined by uploading its Function Image™ during device initialization. New
Function Images™ may be later provided to supplement and enhance device functions, expanding or
modifying end-product features without the need for expensive and time-consuming design changes.
FirmASIC® devices provide significant time to market and commercial benefits over Custom ASIC,
Structured ASIC, FPGA and DSP solutions. They may also be exclusively customised where security or
intellectual property issues prevent the use of Application Specific Standard Products (ASSP’s).
Handling precautions: This product includes input protection, however, precautions should be taken to prevent device damage
from electro-static discharge. CML does not assume any responsibility for the use of any circuitry described. No IPR or circuit
patent licences are implied. CML reserves the right at any time without notice to change the said circuitry and this product
specification. CML has a policy of testing every product shipped using calibrated test equipment to ensure compliance with this
product specification. Specific testing of all circuit parameters is not necessarily performed.