Berg Hell A 2017
Berg Hell A 2017
Berg Hell A 2017
Vincenzo Berghella,1 Andrea Ciardulli,2 Orion A. Rust,3 Meekai To,4 Katsufumi Otsuki,5 Sietske
Accepted Article
Althuisius,6 Kypros Nicolaides,7 Amanda Roman,1 Gabriele Saccone8
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Sidney
Kings College Hospital, London, UK
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Showa University Koto Toyosu Hospital, Tokyo,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Horacio E. Oduber Hospital, Oranjestad, Aruba
Harris Birthright Research Centre for Fetal Medicine, Kings College Hospital, London, UK
Department of Neuroscience, Reproductive Sciences and Dentistry, School of Medicine,
This article has been accepted for publication and undergone full peer review but has not
been through the copyediting, typesetting, pagination and proofreading process, which
may lead to differences between this version and the Version of Record. Please cite this
article as doi: 10.1002/uog.17457
Running title: Cerclage in singletons with no prior preterm birth and short cervical length
Objective: The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to quantify the efficacy of
cervical cerclage in preventing preterm birth (PTB) in asymptomatic singleton pregnancies with
a mid-trimester short transvaginal ultrasound cervical length (TVU CL) and without prior
spontaneous PTB.
Methods: Electronic databases were searched from inception of each database until February
2017. No language restrictions were applied. We included all randomized controlled trials
(RCTs) of asymptomatic singleton pregnancies without prior spontaneous PTB screened with
TVU CL, found to have a midtrimester short CL <25mm, and then randomized to management
with either cerclage (i.e. intervention group) or no cerclage (i.e. control group). We contacted
corresponding authors of all the included trials to request access to the data and perform a meta-
analysis of individual patient data. Data provided by the investigators were merged into a master
database specifically constructed for the review. The primary outcome was PTB <35 weeks. The
summary measures were reported as relative risk (RR) with 95% confidence interval (CI). The
Results: Five RCTs, including 419 asymptomatic singleton gestations with TVU CL <25mm
and without prior SPTB, were analyzed. No statistically significant differences were found in
PTB <35 (21.9% vs 27.7%; RR 0.88, 95% CI 0.63 to 1.23; I2=0%; 5 studies, 419 participants),
membranes, and neonatal outcomes, comparing women who were randomized in the cerclage
group with those who were randomized in the control group, respectively. Planned subgroup
Accepted Article
analyses revealed a significant decrease in PTB <35 weeks in women with TVU CL <10mm
(39.5% vs 58.0%; RR 0.68, 95% CI 0.47 to 0.98; I2=0%; 5 studies, 126 participants), in women
who received tocolytics (17.5% vs 25.7%; RR 0.61, 95% CI 0.38 to 0.98; I2=0%; 5 studies, 154
participants), and in those who received antibiotics (18.3% vs 31.5%; RR 0.58, 95% CI 0.33 to
0.98; I2=0%; 3 studies, 163 participants). The quality of evidence was downgraded two levels
because of serious imprecision and serious indirectness, and therefore was judged as low.
Conclusions: In women with singleton gestation, without prior spontaneous PTB but with TVU
CL <25mm in the second trimester, cerclage does not prevent preterm delivery or improve
neonatal outcome. Cerclage, in singletons without prior spontaneous PTB, seems to be possible
efficacious at lower CLs, such as <10mm, and when tocolytics or antibiotics were used as
additional therapy, requiring further studies in these subgroups. Given the low quality of
evidence, further well-designed RCT is necessary to confirm the findings of this study.
Preterm birth (PTB) is a major cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality.1 Worldwide, about 15
million babies are born too soon every year, causing 1.1 million deaths, as well as short- and
Accepted Article
long-term disability in countless survivors.2,3
Few prognostic tests are available to predict PTB.4,5 A short transvaginal ultrasound cervical
length (TVU CL) has been shown to be a good predictor of spontaneous PTB, in both singletons
and twins.4-8
Different strategies have been adopted for prevention of PTB,9-24 including progesterone,
cerclage, cervical pessary, as well as lifestyle modification, such as smoking cessation, diet,
aerobic exercise, and nutritional supplements. The evidence supports the use of vaginal
progesterone in singleton pregnancies with short cervix,9 while cervical cerclage seems to be
beneficial only in the subgroup of singleton gestations with both prior spontaneous PTB and
TVU CL 25mm,10 and not in singletons without prior PTB,11 nor in multiple gestations.24
Cervical pessary is relatively non-invasive, easy to use, does not require anesthesia, can be used
in an outpatient clinic setting, and it is easily removed when necessary. However, data published
are contradictory, and meta-analyses have shown no efficacy in prevention of PTB in both
Interestingly, only 235 women have been included in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on
cerclage for TVU CL <25mm for singleton pregnancies without prior spontaneous PTB,11 while
504 for singleton pregnancies with prior spontaneous PTB.10 Indeed, Berghella et al. in an
individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis of four RCTs found a non-significant 16% reduction
in PTB <35 weeks in singletons without prior spontaneous PTB but with a TVU CL <25mm who
including also singleton gestations without prior spontaneous PTB.24 They showed that for
women with TVU CL <25 mm between 16 and 26 weeks of gestation, cerclage might be
Accepted Article
considered to reduce the occurrence of threatened preterm labor.25
Our objective was to update and expand the previous IPD meta-analysis,11 and to quantify the
efficacy of cervical cerclage in preventing PTB and perinatal morbidity and mortality in
Search strategy
The review protocol was established by two investigators (VB, GS) prior to commencement and
was registered with the PROSPERO International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews
Reviews, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials were searched for the following
randomized trial, from inception of each database until February 2017. All manuscripts were
We included all RCTs of asymptomatic singleton pregnancies without prior spontaneous PTB
screened with TVU CL, found to have a midtrimester CL <25mm, and then randomized to
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management with either cerclage (i.e. intervention group) or no cerclage (i.e. control group)..
Quasi-randomized trials (i.e. trials in which allocation was done on the basis of a pseudo-random
sequence, e.g. odd/even hospital number or date of birth, alternation), studies on multiple
pregnancies and studies on symptomatic women were excluded. Trials evaluating history-
indicated cerclage (placed for the sole indication of prior spontaneous PTB),27 or ultrasound-
indicated (placed for a short TVU CL) in women with also a prior spontaneous PTB,10,11 or
physical-exam indicated cerclage (placed for second trimester cervical dilatation detected on
physical exam),27 as well as studies on technical aspects of cerclage,27 were also excluded.
Therefore, eligible RCTs had to include women with singleton gestations, without prior
spontaneous PTB, found to have upon TVU screening a short CL in the second trimester, who
were randomized to cerclage versus no cerclage, and were followed for the primary outcome of
The risk of bias in each included study was assessed by using the criteria outlined in the
Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Interventions.29 Seven domains related to risk of
bias were assessed in each included trial since there is evidence that these issues are associated
We contacted corresponding authors of all the included RCTs to request access to the data and
Accepted Article
perform a meta-analysis of IPD. Authors were asked to supply anonymized data (without
co-interventions, and pre-specified outcome measures for every randomly assigned subject and
were invited to become part of the collaborative group with joint authorship of the final
publication. Data provided by the investigators were merged into a master database specifically
constructed for the review. Data were checked for missing information, errors, and
inconsistencies by cross-referencing the publications of the original trials. Quality and integrity
sequence and pattern of assignment, as well as the balance of baseline characteristics across
treatment groups. Inconsistencies or missing data were discussed with the authors and
Quality of evidence
For this review, the quality of the evidence was assessed using the GRADE approach in order to
assess the quality of the body of evidence relating to the primary and secondary outcomes.
GRADEpro Guideline Development Tool was used to import data from Review Manager 5.3
(Copenhagen: The Nordic Cochrane Centre, Cochrane Collaboration, 2014) in order to create
Summary of findings tables. A summary of the intervention effect and a measure of quality for
each of the above outcomes was produced using the GRADE approach. The evidence can be
downgraded from 'high quality' by one level for serious (or by two levels for very serious)
Primary and secondary outcomes were established a priori. The primary outcome was PTB <35
weeks. Secondary outcomes were: PTB <37, <34, <32, <28 and <24 weeks, mean gestational
age at delivery in weeks, mean of latency in days (i.e. time from randomization to delivery),
including birth weight, low birth weight (LBW) (i.e. birth weight <2500 grams), very LBW
(VLBW) (i.e. birth weight <1500 grams), respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), intraventricular
intensive care unit (NICU), mean of length of stay (LOS) in NICU in days, and neonatal death
(i.e. death of a live-born baby within the first 28 days of life). We planned to assess the primary
outcome (i.e. PTB <35 weeks) according to different TVU CL cutoffs (i.e. 20, 15, <10, <5
mm), according to race, according to type of cerclage, and according to additional therapy used.
Data analysis
The data analysis was completed independently by two authors (VB, GS) using Review Manager
5.3 (Copenhagen: The Nordic Cochrane Centre, Cochrane Collaboration, 2014). The completed
analyses were then compared, and any difference was resolved with review of the entire data and
independent analysis. IPD were analyzed using the so-called two-stage approach. In this
approach, the IPD are first analyzed separately in each study to produce study-specific estimates
of relative treatment effect. A combined estimate is then obtained in the second step by
explored using the I-squared, which represents the percentage of between-study variation that is
Accepted Article
due to heterogeneity rather than chance. Meta-analysis was performed using the random effects
model of DerSimonian and Laird, to produce summary treatment effects in terms of either a RR
Potential publication biases were assessed statistically by using Beggs and Eggers tests.30 Two-
Characteristics of the included women obtained in the merged database were analyzed using
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) v. 19.0 (IBM Inc., Armonk, NY, USA). Data are
of dichotomous data were performed with the use of the chi-square or Fisher exact test.
Comparisons between groups were performed with the use of the T-test to test group means with
All review stages were conducted independently by two reviewers (VB, GS). The two authors
independently assessed electronic search, eligibility of the studies, inclusion criteria, risk of bias,
data extraction and data analysis. Disagreements were resolved by discussion with a third
reviewer (AC).
The meta-analysis was reported following the Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Reviews
Figure 1 shows the flow diagram (PRISMA template) of information derived from reviewing of
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potentially relevant articles. Five RCTs,25,32-35 including 419 asymptomatic singleton gestations
with short mid-trimester TVU CL and without prior spontaneous PTB, were included in the
The overall risk of bias of the included trials was low (Figure 2). All studies had a low risk of
bias in random sequence generation, incomplete outcome data, and selective reporting.
Adequate methods for allocation of women were used. All randomized women were included in
an intention-to-treat analysis. Given the intervention, double-blinding was not feasible and all
Publication bias, assessed using Beggs and Eggers tests, showed no significant bias (P=0.39
and P=0.51, respectively). The statistical heterogeneity between the studies was low with no
Table 1 shows the characteristics of the included trials. All the included trials enrolled also
women with prior spontaneous PTB which were excluded from the IPD. Multiple gestations
were also excluded. Therefore, the IPD was used in order to include only singleton gestations
Out of the 419 women analyzed, 224 (53.5%) were included in the cerclage group (i.e. study
group), and 195 (46.5%) in the control group. Only singleton gestations without prior
spontaneous PTB and with short cervix <25mm were analyzed. Most of the included studies (4
out of the 5),25,32,33,35 defined short cervix as TVU CL <25 mm; while To et al.34 defined as TVU
CL 15 mm. Three trials used only McDonald cerclage,32,33,35 To et al.34 only Shirodkar, while
cerclage. All studies used the transvaginal approach for cerclage. None of the 419 women
followed by postoperative 50 mg orally every 6 hours for 48 hours) was left to the discretion of
the obstetrician; while antibiotics were not used. In Althuisius et al.33 all women in the cerclage
metronidazole 500 mg IV tid for 24 hours followed by 6 days of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 500
mg qid orally and metronidazole 500 mg tid orally) and indomethacin suppository (100 mg, two
hours before and 6 hours after the operation). In Rust et al.32 before randomization, all women
were placed at inpatient bed rest for 48 to 72 hours and were treated identically with an
(100 mg loading dose per rectum followed by 50 mg orally every 6 hours) and clindamycin (900
rest, were routinely recommended. In Otsuki et al.25 all women randomized in the cerclage group
received tocolytic agents (usually ritodrine 100mcg/min IV) until the next day after operation
and no longer than two days; women in the cerclage group also received ampicillin 2g/day for
two days. In this trial,25 bed rest was recommended in both groups at least for 7 days and all
patients were permitted to discharge from hospital after two weeks from admission or operation.
Rust et al.32 Althuisius et al.33 Otsuki et al.25 and Berghella et al.35 routinely recommended some
similar activity restriction for both women in the study and in the control group.
The women who received the cervical suture had it removed at 36 0/7 - 37 6/7 weeks of gestation
unless spontaneous onset of labor, rupture of the membranes, or need for early delivery arose.
No statistically significant differences were found in PTB <35 weeks (Figure 3) and in the
secondary outcomes (Table 3, Figure 4) comparing women who were randomized to the cerclage
Planned subgroup revealed a significant decrease in PTB <35 weeks in women with TVU CL
<10mm (39.5% vs 58.0%; RR 0.68, 95% CI 0.47 to 0.98), in white women, and in women who
received tocolytics or antibiotics as additional therapy to cerclage (Table 4, Figure 5, Figure 6).
The quality of evidence was downgraded (Table 3) because of serious imprecision. Outcomes
were imprecise because studies included relatively few patients and few events and thus had
wide CIs around the estimate of the effect and because the optimal information size was not
reached. The quality of the evidence was also downgraded another one level because of serious
Main findings
This IPD meta-analysis from five low risk of bias RCTs, including 419 women, showed that
transvaginal cervical cerclage did not reduce the rate of PTB or improve neonatal outcome in
asymptomatic singleton pregnancies with midtrimester TVU CL <25mm and without prior
spontaneous PTB. Planned subgroup analyses revealed a significant decrease in PTB <35 weeks
The quality level of summary estimates was judged low as assessed by GRADE, indicating that
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the true effect may, or is even likely to, be substantially different from the estimate of the effect.
Our data supports earlier findings of a prior meta-analysis.11 This prior review showed that
cerclage did not prevent preterm delivery in the overall population of singletons without prior
Our study has several strengths. This meta-analysis included all RCTs published so far on the
topic, studies of high quality and with a low risk of bias according to the Cochrane risk of bias
analysis was used. The statistical heterogeneity within the studies was very low. We also used
patient-level data to explore for heterogeneity and maternal factors, reported in Table 2, and to
Limitations of our study are inherent to the limitations of the included RCTs. The TVU CL
cutoff for intervention was different in the RCT by To et al.34 Different techniques for cerclage
were used, but there is no definitive data proving superiority of one versus another technique,
and the subgroup analysis on this issue failed to reveal any significant differences. Progesterone,
which is currently recommended for women with short TVU CL,36 was not used in any of the
RCTs. Furthermore, most of the included RCTs routinely recommended bed rest, in both
cerclage group and control group. So far there is no evidence supporting the use of bed rest at
Accepted Article
home or in hospital to prevent preterm delivery.37 Grobman et al., in a secondary analysis of a
RCT of 17- hydroxyprogesterone caproate among nulliparous women with singleton gestations
increased the risk of PTB <37 weeks.38 In one trial,25 women with genital tract infection were
excluded, and the design of the study allowed rescue cerclage for all arms, when bulging
membrane was noted. The high number of subgroup analyses and secondary outcomes may lead
to high risk of false positive results. We also acknowledge that only one trial25 was added in this
meta-analysis compared to our prior review.11 However, in this new review, IPD were used. An
IPD has several distinct advantages over aggregate data meta-analysis (ADMA). IPD involves
the synthesis of individual-level data from the individual trials, and therefore allows for the
verification of published results. As IPD are available, an IPD meta-analysis allows for more
flexibility regarding the inclusion and exclusion of individuals, and the choice of end points and
subgroups, compared with ADMA. These subgroups showed potential benefit when the CL is
<10mm and when tocolytics or antibiotics were used with cerclage. Given the low number of
included trials, while no differences were found in patient characteristics available in the
Our findings provide evidence that cerclage does not prevent PTB in all singleton gestations
without prior spontaneous PTB but with short TVU CL. In subgroup analysis of women who had
Accepted Article
TVU CL <10mm, or received additional therapy, such as tocolytics or antibiotics, cerclage may
reduce PTB, and well-powered trials should be carried out in this group of patients. Notably,
there is evidence in the literature that adjunctive perioperative tocolytics and/or antibiotics might
increase the efficacy of the cervical cerclage.39 Biologic plausibility would support these results,
as pathways to PTB are several, and involve mechanical weakness to the cervix from prior
surgical procedures40 or other factors which could be treated with cerclage, infection which could
In summary, based on this level-1 data, at least as used so far in these trials, there is not a
significant association between cervical cerclage and a lower incidence of PTB in asymptomatic
singleton gestations with short TVU CL and without prior spontaneous PTB. Cerclage seems to
be possibly efficacious at lower CLs, such as <10mm, and when tocolytics or antibiotics were
used as additional therapy, requiring further studies in these subgroups. Indeed, with a low
number of included women in these subgroup analyses, the ability to discern differences in
preterm delivery is impaired by type II error. We observed that with an a of 0.05 and 80% power,
a sample size of 103 patients in each group, for a total of 206 singleton gestations without prior
spontaneous PTB but short TVU CL <25mm, is required to detect a reduction in PTB <37 weeks
from a 34% baseline risk of women given vaginal progesterone,40 based on the RR of 0.54 with
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gestation in women with a singleton pregnancy and a short cervix: an updated meta-
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54) 103)
short TVU CL
Cerclage Permanent Braided Tape Braided Tape Braided Tape Braided Tape
suture Monofilament
PTB (weeks)
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*Data are presented as number in the cerclage group vs number in the control group. Data refer
GA, gestational age; TVU, transvaginal ultrasound; CL, cervical length; PTB, preterm birth
Prior cone33,35
Race32-35 0.75
Mullerian anomalies33,35
GA at randomization25,32-35
with the number of cases in which the outcomes were registered (n) with the references of the
included trials. Proportions are presented as percentage of n, rather than as percentages of the
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total population.
SD, standard deviation; GA, gestational age; CL, cervical Length; VD, vaginal delivery; CD,
cesarean delivery
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Outcome Cerclage No RR or MD I2 Q- GRADE
(53.5%) N = 195
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335.53) of
to 85.93) quality
47.95) of
Not all the variables have been registered in every database; results therefore are accompanied
with the number of cases in which the outcomes were registered (n) with the references of the
included trials. Proportions are presented as percentage of n, rather than as percentages of the
total population.
PTB, preterm birth; TVU, transvaginal ultrasound; CL, cervical length; RR, relative risk; MD,
mean difference; CI, confidence interval; GA, gestational age; PPROM, preterm premature
rupture of membranes; LBW, low birth weight; VLBW, very low birth weight; RDS, respiratory
PTB <35
N = 159 N = 146
PTB <35
N = 76 N = 50
N = 27 N = 21
N = 95 N = 88
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PTB <35 0.59 (0.37 to
N = 57 N = 68
N = 132 N = 125
N = 87 N = 98
N = 114 no tocolytics
weeks25,32-35 0.98)
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Tocolytics and cerclage versus tocolytics and no cerclage (n= 169)
N = 114 no cerclage
N = 55
N = 109 no antibiotics
N = 140
N = 109 no cerclage
N = 54
with the number of cases in which the outcomes were registered (n) with the references of the
included trials. Proportions are presented as percentage of n, rather than as percentages of the
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total population. Boldface data, statistically significant
PTB, preterm birth; TVU, transvaginal ultrasound; CL, cervical length; RR, relative risk; CI,
confidence interval;
Figure 1. Flow diagram of studies identified in the systematic review. (Prisma template
[Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses]). FFN, fetal fibronectin;
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PPROM, preterm premature rupture of membranes
graph abo
out each risk
k of bias item
m presented as percentagges across alll included sttudies.
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Figure 3. Forest plott for the risk of the primaary outcomee (i.e. incidennce of preterrm birth <355
weeks) in
n the overalll population. CI, confidence interval;
l; M-H, Manntel-Haenszeel; df, degreees of
5 Incidence of
Figure 5. o preterm birth
b <35weeeks by transvvaginal ultraasound cerviccal length
ps comparing
g cerclage grroup (solid bars)
b and no cerclage grooup (striped bars). RR,
relative risk;
r in paren
ntheses: 95%
% confidencee intervals; **, statisticallyy significantt.
6 Incidence of
Figure 6. o preterm birth
b <35weeeks by additiion of tocolyysis or not too cerclage (tw
group (so
olid bars) and no cerclag
ge group (striiped bars). R
RR, relative risk; in pareentheses: 95%